How to disassemble a mop with a centrifuge. Comfortable mop with a microfiber nozzle. What you need to replace

In order for the household not to be a burden, so that cleaning the house and keeping it clean takes a minimum of time, it is important to use high-quality equipment and tools. About what mops are, I already wrote in the article. I recently bought a new Polish-made York Salsa mop with a replaceable microfiber mop. Mops are available in several colors - blue, green, orange and pink.

Comfortable mop with a microfiber head consists of a handle, a platform and a replaceable head.

A pen

The handle is made of metal, I hope it will last a long time. I read a lot of reviews on the Internet that plastic handles quickly broke at the housewives. Due to the fact that the handle is telescopic, its length can be changed from 80 cm to 140 cm. This can be done by turning the plastic ring.

At the end of the handle there is a plastic rotating loop. The York Salsa mop can be hung on a hook for storage.

If, nevertheless, the handle breaks, then in the store you can buy a replacement.

Platform (mop holder)

The platform for nozzles is made of high-quality plastic. Due to the special design of the platform, it is very mobile and maneuverable. It can penetrate into the most inaccessible corners of the apartment, easily maneuver among things and clean under low-lying furniture.

To make the nozzles easy to remove and put on, there is a button on the platform. By clicking on it, the platform will fold almost in half.

For ease of storage, the platform can be fixed pressed against the handle. In this form, it takes up little space.

Microfiber nozzle (mop)

The main advantage of this nozzle is that it is made of microfiber. You can read about all the advantages of this material in the article.

The villi ("worms") of the mop are very soft to the touch. Thanks to these "worms" the floor will always be clean, and parquet, and tiles, and laminate or linoleum or a simple wooden floor.

It is necessary to care for a microfiber nozzle in the same way as for any microfiber cloth (read the article).

If one mop is not enough for cleaning, then you can buy a spare or make a nozzle with your own hands.

Using the York Salsa mop with a microfiber head

Such a mop can successfully replace several cleaning devices. With the help of a mop for cleaning, you can perform both dry and wet cleaning. The dry cleaning method does not use water or detergents. Due to the electrostatic effect, all dust, dirt is easily collected. During wet cleaning, the excellent absorbent and cleaning qualities of microfiber do not leave streaks on the floor.

I'm not a cleaner. If I put on street shoes and remembered that my mobile phone is in the room, I will not take off my shoes. So I go for my cell phone.
As a result, I have to mop the floor frequently. And I don't like cleaning.
But this is necessary for cleanliness, and sterility is absolutely necessary in the kitchen.
I not only eat there, I hunt mice, but I also make soap, cream, and other things. Because of the mouse, I don't do it now. Temporarily. But one way or another, I have to clean often and the floor must be very clean.
So that the mouse had nothing to eat, and I was clean.
Once I wrote about what mop I chose for myself:
Now I'll just repeat the picture. Some kind of mop like this.

In the store "everything for 38" (fix price) I bought a pack of rags for this mop. The fact is that in ordinary supermarkets such a rag costs from 155 rubles. per piece
By the way. I do not advise buying such a mop in the fix price store. Fragile! I managed to break the dear one, and break this one just to spit. And one more word. I broke something, but we fixed it. That is, repairable! You can buy endlessly! Plastic breaks. Collected on metal. Now it's an eternal mop. I had to tinker a bit with reaming holes and selecting a bolt with nuts. But if there is a drill, a screwdriver and a box of bolts in the house, you won’t even have to go to the store. Everything is picked up and assembled in place. We needed 4 hands. Some hands hold, others collect. Everything about everything took an hour, no more. But I had to tinker. Not the simplest design.

But I was not talking about the mop. It's just a word.
I bought a lot of mop rags.
I put a rag on the mop and wipe the floor. I just throw the rag into the bucket and put on a clean one. If general cleaning, then first rags with detergent, then with water, then dry. They all fall and fall into a separate bucket/basin after use.
And cleaning the entire apartment takes no more than 20 minutes. Because I don't rinse rags. I just wear clean clothes as needed. The washing solution does not get dirty during general cleaning, since only a clean rag always gets wet in it. By the end of cleaning, the cleaning solution is still clean!
When the supply of clean rags comes to an end after the next general cleaning, I don’t pour out the solution, but rinse the rags in it in turn. I just rinse off the sand a bit. Since the operation is of the same type, it is done quickly. Dipped, rinsed a bit and to the side. Next rag. Then water with sand settled at the bottom in a pot, a bunch of rags in a washer. In my life I can’t wash them like a washing machine does. She's cleaning up!
Then the rags dry and are stacked again. To take the top.
There is always a clean cloth on the mop. Always ready to wipe up where something has dripped or spilled.
This way of cleaning is for the lazy. For those who want to quickly clean up, do not overwork and do not torture their hands.
People in the washing machine wash their sneakers. Why it is impossible to wash the floorcloths there personally is not very clear. Is it possible to rinse and wring out the rags with your hands? This is both time and work!
Since we are talking about cleaning. Let me share with you another discovery. It was made by an older woman with high blood pressure, and I licked it off.
The easiest way to clean a bath is with a toilet brush. Of course, you can have a separate brush))) No need to bend down low and low and rub with difficulty. Yorshikom conveniently! I doused it with bath detergent and a brush once, once! A really convenient way! More convenient than a bath brush. You don't have to bend down.
Just shared my experience.
If you have any tips for quick and easy cleaning, please share with me.

If the mop is good and of high quality, has a reinforced frame and a thick-walled pipe handle, it can be used to replace sponges about ten times.

How to choose the right spare sponge?

The first step is to visit a hardware store or a shop with household chemicals. If the mop is inexpensive, most common types of replacement sponges will do. If this piece of household utensils has an above average price, be prepared for a longer search.

In any case, it will not be superfluous to take an old sponge with you to the store, having previously disconnected it from. How to do this, you will learn a little later. The main criterion when choosing a new spare part is the size of the sponge spine. It is a metal clip with four holes. It is worth starting from the dimensions of this clip and the location of the mounting holes on it: they must completely match.

What will be needed for replacement?

All you need to change the sponge on your wringer mop is a large Phillips screwdriver, pliers, and a bucket of hot water. It is also worth preparing the workplace: the wringer mop can be repaired directly on the floor or on a table of sufficient size. It is very important that the workplace is cleared of unnecessary things and nothing interferes with your work. If there is a potential assistant nearby, he will not be superfluous either.

We change the sponge on the squeeze mop in three steps

Step one: remove the old sponge. To get rid of the worn sponge or what is left of it, it is necessary to unscrew the four screws that secure the part to the movable hinge. Here the first difficulty arises: it is rather problematic to get to those screws that are closer to the center of the spine. Although the spine itself moves in the longitudinal direction, it will not be possible to keep it in place and unscrew the screw at the same time. A couple of extra hands won't hurt here.

Action two: maintenance. Since the mop is disassembled, why not check its technical condition? Using pliers, you need to tighten the nuts on the mounting bolts and studs, check the reliability of fastening the plastic sleeve to the mop handle. If this knot is loosened, it is better to immediately make an additional fixation with several self-tapping screws.

Step three: put a new sponge. After removing the magazine film from the part, install it in place. Do not forget that the sponge can be moved along the wringing mechanism so that the hinge parts do not interfere with tightening all four screws. By the way, it is better to tighten the screws immediately until they stop, and not pre-bait: so the likelihood that the sponge will quickly loosen will be minimal.

Preparing the mop for work

What needs to be done immediately after replacing the sponge on the wringer mop is to soften the foam rubber. To do this, the mop should be immersed in a bucket and pour boiling water into it so that the sponge is completely under water. After five minutes of soaking, the repaired mop is ready to use.

Once I broke a handle on a mop, I didn’t find the necessary parts at home, but I found several old cd-rom drives at hand. Decided to repair what was. Anyone who is interested in how to independently repair a mop with a wringer with improvised means, I ask under cat. photo clickable As you all know, most of these wringer mops have one disease. The plastic handle (see photo below), which is responsible for the spin function, quickly breaks, which makes it impossible to continue using the mop.
It all started with the fact that I broke a mop for mopping and I had to repair it or go buy a new one. Since I didn’t want to go anywhere, I decided to make something. There was nothing more suitable than a few covers from cdrom drives at home. The idea behind the renovation was pretty simple. You need to remove the front plastic part of the cd-rom drive housing (I don’t know what it is called correctly there, and it doesn’t matter now) and then make two holes in it and screw it to the mop instead of the native handle.

For repairs we need:

  • one broken mop;
  • two unnecessary CD / DVD drives;
  • screwdriver;
  • nail (or drill). And now some creativity. To begin with, I unscrewed the old broken handle and measured the distances between the bolt holes in it. Then I measured similar distances on the covers of CD drives and made the corresponding holes with the help of the most common hot nail on fire:
photo clickable Then I screwed everything to the mop. And here's what happened: clickable photo Then there was a test drive in the apartment. The mop coped with the task. I washed the floors in the bathroom and on the loggia with it. A new mop handle from an old CD-rom drive works amazingly well! Thanks to the fact that the new handle is longer than the original, wringing out the mop sponge has become much easier! Continuation: Of course, such a device is temporary and not very durable. About a month later, the plastic handles cracked and the mop again fell into disrepair. That's how it is :)

In the process of a rather short operation (about 3 months), a popular tool (especially for women) for mopping - a PVA mop with a folding handle began to “fail” and then completely broke down ...

The handle folded with each not even strong pressure, and then completely docked - like a spaceship from an orbital station 🙂

I think this problem has befallen not only me, so I will suggest a way how to fix it quickly and cheaply.

To repair the mop, we will need a clamp (the price is about 5 rubles) and a screwdriver. The plastic clip can then be put back on the docking station, thus covering the gap.

1. At the plastic clip, it will be necessary to cut off a 0.5 cm edge of a smaller diameter.

2. At the top handle, it is necessary to expand the gap for a length of about 2-3 cm, so that later you can start one edge after the other.

3. We put on a plastic clip on the top of the mop, then a collar.

4. We connect both parts of the mop.

5. We connect the crevice and fill one edge after the other.

6. We put the clamp on the tucked ends at the very edge and tighten it.

7. We push the clip onto the crevice, at the same time covering its sharp edges.

All is ready! The mop is ready for use, of course, it will not fold now, but it’s better than throwing it away completely.

P.S. It’s better to buy a mop with a non-folding handle, so as not to know the extra hassle 🙂


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