How does dhl work. How it works. DHL express delivery service

I myself will never contact DHL again and will do my best to warn people that the main goal of this company is to get an order at any cost, no matter what. Sent to my sister Wedding Dress to Germany, starting from the timing of the receipt of the parcel and the cost of this shipment, all the information was unreliable. Delivery times were increased by 2 times, although the employee himself said about the timing, we didn’t even ask, we, in turn, warned the recipient about this, he specifically took time off from work, sat at home, and waited. The fact that the terms can be increased, they are obliged to warn, not to say exact date, as in our case. We paid 9,000 rubles for sending, and as a result, we took another 95 euros from the recipient (the same amount in terms of rubles). And if, it is not your responsibility to advise the Shipper on there. to the legislation of another country, then you are simply obliged to warn about this and give false information to our question about whether this amount is final, the answer of a DHL employee sounded like this - These are our problems - just a lie. I called this company several times with the same order, everything is the same, there is no information about any fees from another country, and only when you directly ask 20 times, and this is definitely the final amount, then they casually talk about taxes. Further, the employee was obliged to tell us in more detail about the declared value of the goods, why we declare it, how the declared value can affect these taxes and duties paid by the recipient, by the way, the employee deliberately falsely reduced the declared value of our cargo, we voiced the amount of the cost of the dress - 30,000 rubles (there is a receipt for the purchase), he writes on his own - 200 USD. The DHL employee knew about this, that if you indicate a higher value, then taxes will be much higher, but without warning us about it, he wrote his amount, it turns out that if he went into details, then we would immediately found out and, of course, we would not send a parcel via DHL, knowing in the end the total amount of this order. Further, if he is allowed to make such decisions for us, why can’t we make them, because, as explained in Germany, if the declared value was below 50 USD, then these taxes would not exist, we would take such responsibility and wrote the amount much lower, this should not have touched your company, these are already our problems.
I made a claim and sent it to the legal department, the fact that the employee did not even read it, but simply threw off the prepared answer form (I ask one thing, and the employee answers me completely different), once again confirmed my version that there are many such cases .
Therefore, I recommend that everyone who values ​​their time and money do not contact DHL.

Deutsche Post DHL, German Post (do not confuse with the courier delivery service DHL Express) is a German international postal and logistics holding, whose divisions are engaged in the delivery of written correspondence and parcels, both within Germany and in more than 210 countries around the world. The Deutsche Post AG division deals with the forwarding of correspondence and parcels within Germany, while the division DHL provide delivery of parcels and small packages from Germany to almost any corner of the world - 120,000 cities in 220 countries. In addition, DHL has offices in many countries, so businesses have the opportunity to organize the delivery of parcels and correspondence around the world using the services of DHL with their DHL Global Mail product. Another division of Deutsche Post DHL is DHL Express, which is engaged in international courier express delivery of goods. Deutsche Post DHL is headquartered in Bonn and employs around 300,000 people.

Understanding the intricacies of the organization of work and the services offered by Deutsche Post and DHL is very difficult, since many services on their websites are completely duplicated. Most German online stores use DHL to send orders outside Germany, and Deutsche Post is used to send written correspondence - letters and parcels weighing up to 2 kg, while no tracking number is provided. For online buyers on German trading floors, you need to know that the goods sent via Deutsche Post or DHL across the territory of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries are delivered to the final addressees through national postal services - Russian Post, Kazpost, Belposhta, etc., except for Ukraine , where Mist delivers. If the mass of the MPO is more than 20 kg, then the EMS division will deal with the delivery.

List of categories of goods and objects prohibited for shipment via DHL(under no circumstances will be accepted for shipment):
– antiques (fragile and brittle),
– asbestos and products containing asbestos,
- ingots (precious metals),
- currency,
- fur,
firearms, parts of it and ammunition,
– human remains (including ashes),
- jewelry, precious metals and stones,
- drugs (illegal),
- combustible and dangerous substances, prohibited for air transit (established by the international rules of air transportation IATA).
When shipping goods or items to Germany, you need to be aware of additional restrictions(these items will be confiscated at German customs):
- counterfeit products,
- objects with the image of a swastika,
- figs and nuts: peanuts, brazil nuts, pistachios,
- animal skins,
- Ivory,
- precious metals and stones,
– pornography,
- asbestos.
Categories of goods accepted for delivery, but requiring clarification of the conditions for shipment in the exporting country, additional requirements and accompanying documents (to be specified in local offices DHL):
- antiques,
- computer software
- diskettes
- medical equipment,
– medicinal products with and without prescription,
- tobacco,
- perishable products,
- fur,
- plants,
- samples of fabrics and materials,
– medical samples,
– coffee samples.
Almost all print samples can be sent via DHL without additional documentation.

Main methods of international delivery from Germany

Deutsche Post

Buch International- a parcel for sending printed publications (books, magazines, catalogs). The maximum dimensions of the shipment by the sum of three dimensions (LxHxW) 90 cm, max. weight - 2000. Two types of this delivery are available - economy (ground) and faster - priority (air). The cost is from 3 to 16.9 Euro. Tracking is not available.

Maxibrief International / Postkarte International– letters and parcels for sending written correspondence and documents. The maximum dimensions of the shipment by the sum of three dimensions (LxHxW) 90 cm, max. weight - 2000. Delivery - priority (air). The cost is from 0.75 to 16.9 Euro. Tracking is not available.

  • Einschreiben International is a registered letter with traceability.
  • Eilbrief is an urgent letter with express delivery and tracking.
  • Wertbrief International - a letter with a declared value and insurance (1.5 euros for every 100 euros of declared value).

DHL International

DHL Päckchen international- a small package for sending small goods weighing up to 2000. The maximum size of the shipment by the sum of three dimensions (LxHxW) is 90 cm, and the length should not exceed 60 cm, max. weight - 2000. Delivery - priority (air). Shipping costs from 15.9 Euro. Tracking and insurance against loss for the amount of 35 euros are available only for a fee + 3 euros on shipping.

A track number is assigned Rx123456785DE.

DHL Pack International– international postal item (parcel) with delivery to more than 210 countries of the world. Maximum shipment dimensions (LxHxW): 120 x 60 x 60 cm, max. weight - 31.5 kg. Delivery - priority (air). The cost of delivery depends on the zone of the country (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus belong to the second zone of Zone 2, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries to the 3rd zone of Zone 3) and the weight of the cargo - up to 5, 10, 10 and 31.5 kg. Tracking and insurance up to 215 euros (depending on the weight of the parcel) is included in the shipping cost.

The weight limit for Russia and Kazakhstan is 20 kg!

Standard shipping cost DHL Paket International (Zone 2):

  • up to 5 kg - 30 euros + insurance 74 euros,
  • up to 10 kg - 35 euros + insurance 100 euros,
  • up to 20 kg - 45 euros + insurance 154 euros.

Additional insurance depends on the declared value of the investment and amounts to +6 euros to the delivery cost for the first 500 euros of the value of the investment and +1.5 euros for each additional 100 euros of the value of the investment. That is, for a parcel with investments in the amount of 800 euros, the cost of insurance will be 6 + (3 x 1.5) = 10.5 euros.

DHL Pack International Premium- the same as DHL Pack International, but with additional features - expedited shipping and insurance for 500 euros included in the shipping cost. This service will cost an additional 8 -26 euros (for countries from Zone 2). It is this delivery method that is used by the popular German hardware and electronics store Computeruniverse.


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DHL Global Mail

DHL Global Mail is not a forwarding method from Germany directly, it is a forwarding service offered by the international company DHL to its business partners in many countries around the world. With this method of delivery, parcels will transit through Germany.

The most common 2 types of delivery DHL Global Mail:

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  • Global Mail Packet– the cheapest shipping method for sending light and inexpensive goods such as wheels, small parts, t-shirts, vitamins and dietary supplements. The maximum dimensions of the shipment by the sum of three dimensions (LxHxW) 90 cm, max. weight - up to 2000 g (usually 4 pounds or 1814 g). Investments up to $400. Tracking is not available in all cases, usually only within the exporting country. This delivery method is used by such popular American stores as iHerb, Vitacost.
  • Global Mail Packet Plus- the same as Global Mail Packet, but with the provision of an international tracking number and a customs clearance fee.
  • Globalmail Parcel Standard and Priority– parcels, quite profitable and fast way for the delivery of various cargoes weighing up to 20 kg (44 lbs). The maximum dimensions of the shipment by the sum of three dimensions (LxHxW) 200 cm. Tracking number is assigned, insurance $100 is included in the price Globalmail Parcel Priority.

The track number of the type is assigned: GM12345678901234567.

Deutsche Post, DHL and DHL Global Mail Tracking

Small packets sent via Deutsche Post, a unique 12-digit number is assigned, by which you can track the movement of the cargo before it is exported from Germany. Registered and urgent letters (small packages up to 2 kg) are assigned a standard tracking number after export Lx123456789DE or Rx123456785DE.

Parcels and small packages sent via DHL Pack International and DHL Päckchen international before export from Germany, also have a unique 12-digit number, which after export is replaced by a standard international IGO tracking number and looks like:

  • Rx123456789DE– small packages weighing up to 2 kg,
  • Cx123456789DE– parcels weighing from 2 to 20 kg,
  • Ex123456789DE- parcels weighing over 20 kg (up to 31.5).

You can track the movement of IGOs ​​from Germany on the official website of Deutsche Post / DHL, where you must enter the 12-digit internal number of the German Post in the field of the Sendungsnummer line and click the button " Suchen».

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On the next page you will see that in the line UPU Code (Universal Postal Union number) after export from Germany, a track number appeared in the international format. Also on this page is available information about the method of delivery, detailing the movement of the parcel and the ability to find out the name of the addressee.

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For small packages Global Mail Packet Standard and priority assigned a tracking number GM12345678901234567 tracked on the DHL Global mail website page. Unfortunately, tracking such small packages is possible only until the moment of export from the country of the sender of the IGO, but as you know, these IGOs ​​transit through Germany, where they are often transferred to delivery partners to the final point of the route. These partners can be Russian Post / EMS, Ukrainian Rosan, etc. In this case, at the stage of transit through Germany, you can see a notification about the assignment of an internal 12-digit tracking number under the inscription Delivery Partner. This number must be used for tracking according to the instructions above for Deutsche Post / DHL, i.e. it will be changed to the standard track number of the form R(C, E)x123456789DE for tracking in the Track & Trace system.

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A PAID registered letter was sent from Germany to Moscow on November 30, 2018, they made a mistake with the number of the phone number. On December 3, 2018, I fixed everything through the operator, I called, they answered that I was not at home, although I even go to the toilet with my phone. In general, today is 12/5/2018, I'm still waiting. I will never use their service again.

I sent the documents, taking into account that the documents would be delivered to the addressee on 02.04 (this date was assured to me by two specialists of the company), but, alas, today, on 03.04, the documents did not reach the addressee. So the company told me that at best they will arrive tomorrow 04.04, and the site says the expected delivery date is 05.04. For the money that I paid for a weight of less than 0.5 in the amount of 5250, I was just furious, because other companies offered me delivery for 2,000 before 05.04. Don't use this company, it's a scam and rip off money. One negative.

I ordered the delivery of goods by parcel via DHL to Moscow on 11/25/2017. I fell for the fact that I used to send mail and everything worked like clockwork. 11/30/2017 should have brought the parcel. But they didn't bring it. Nobody from DHL called back that there would be no parcel today. Having called DHL, I found out that there would be no delivery today, because the parcel was not given to the courier. Postponed delivery to 12/02/2017. I called on 12/02/2017 to find out when the delivery would be - again they were delighted, there would be no delivery, because they did not give the parcel to the courier. When it will be...

I will never contact DHL again myself and will do my best to warn people that the main goal of this company is to get an order at any cost, no matter what. I sent my sister a wedding dress to Germany, starting from the timing of the receipt of the parcel and the cost of this shipment, all the information was unreliable. Delivery times were increased by 2 times, although the employee said about the timing himself, we didn’t even ask, we, in turn, warned the recipient about this, he specifically ...

Placed an order for the delivery of cargo to St. Petersburg. They agreed that the parcel will be taken until 12 noon. It turned out that you need to wait from 8 in the morning until the courier deigns to arrive. The couriers have their own route and when they arrive, only God knows. For the money that the service takes for delivery, couriers should arrive within a REASONABLE TIME, and not keep themselves waiting for 4-6 hours.

Attention to all legal entities - inform all your foreign partners never to send you Christmas gifts by DHL, because the employees of this company take advantage of the legal illiteracy of citizens and extort money under the guise of customs duties, duties, fees, brokerage services, declarations of conformity for already paid to legal entities present. All of the above fees are charged only for the commercial import of goods into the territory of the Russian Federation. DHL employees charge for shipping from overseas...

They appointed a delivery date (11/21/2014), in the time period from 9 to 18. During this time, I called three times, clarified whether to expect delivery today, to which I received the answer that “Yes, yes, everything will be brought to you today, it is possible that only late, and will bring after 18:00". Having spent the whole day waiting, not receiving a single call from the courier, I saw such a column on the tracking page - "The recipient refused delivery", although he did not make any refusals, given that he did not even call the courier. Disgusting...

We were sent documents by DHL courier service, they said they would come within 5 days from neighboring countries, but the documents arrived in a day. Well done, friendly service. Let it be expensive, but it is reliable and fast!

08/24/2014 I ordered a musical toy for a child in the mytoys online store. According to the promotion, delivery from DHL global mail was free, although another DHL company Express delivery included in the price of the goods. But now is not about that. On August 25, they call me from the DHL courier service and say that my order will be delivered on August 26 from 10.00 to 18.00. At the indicated time, the goods were not delivered, accusing me of allegedly turning on my phone and the courier could not get through to me, and that I allegedly refused this order altogether ...

463*****13 received in 2 days

This is just a record fast delivery from the UK! Two days and I have the package. DHL express rules! Expensive but sooo fast!

869*****80 received in 10 days

I didn’t expect, having sent another dchl for urgency, it fell on the New Year holidays, both came almost at the same time. Class!! Thank you.

434*****51 received in 9 days

Just great. DHL once again met expectations by 100%. The parcel was delivered from the USA to distant Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky unrealistically quickly. Even the New Year's Eve bustle, maximum overstocking and workload of carriers and customs, did not have any negative impact on delivery times.

657*****13 received in 3 days

Thank you very much!!! The parcel arrived in 3 days, I'm very pleased that I don't have to queue at the post office. The courier delivered the parcel home. It's worth the money for delivery))

104*****23 received in 5 days

821*****95 received in 5 days

Unexpectedly quickly delivered from the Czech Republic to Ukraine! They promised to deliver on the 30th, but they delivered 1 day earlier :)

405*****85 received in 30 days

dhl is fast but only serves where their office is. redirected the parcel to a relative in Moscow and he has already sent it to me.

836*****86 received in 4 days

I used the services of DHL for the delivery of goods to me from the online store, the delivery was paid in full. When she was already in Moscow, I received a message that I had been applied payable service customs representative for 1062 rubles. There is no such tariff on their website, it is reported that an agreement should have been concluded with me for this operation, but since I once used this company and they kept my passport data, they applied this service to me without my opinion. Upon delivery of my parcel, the courier handed me a sheet with the name of this service as "Customs declaration for the register of goods for personal use worth from 200 to 1000 euros". This tariff and service is not available on the official website of the company and is applied to users automatically without their knowledge or warning. In fact, the courier offered me only to send my parcel back to the warehouse and further fate she would not be known.

757*****75 received in 5 days

Excellent! I ordered several parcels with different deliveries, I ordered this last one, but the first one came !!! Excellent!

126*****30 received in 2 days

Thanks!!! A big thank you to all the staff. Delivered very quickly, even faster than stated. Excellent!!!

359*****81 received in 8 days

The package was delivered intact and quickly. But, DHL in Bulgaria, at least, in my opinion and according to the customs officers, turn it into a well-established system of extorting any additional payments. With a possible alternative, I will never do business with this company.

557*****53 received in 4 days

I did not expect from Los Angeles to Almaty in 4 days, it was unrealistic. But I really received my documents this morning. Thanks a lot.

581*****42 received in 5 days

Good afternoon. Today I received a parcel from the city of Kramatorsk, Ukraine, it was delivered in 5 days to the city of Samara, Russia. The entire path was tracked, notifications were constantly received where it was located. Before receiving, they called and warned that they would bring the parcel. I recommend DHL Express to everyone!!! Thanks!!!

920*****50 received in 3 days

The company works quickly, efficiently, professionally. I was pleased with the action for applicants for the delivery of documents to the selection committee.

952*****75 received in 6 days

Great company DHL Express! Departure from France on the afternoon of May 22 and arrival in Moscow at 7 am - amazing efficiency, real Express delivery! And then the Russian customs came into play ... Transferred for delivery only at the end of the day on May 25 (just before the weekend) ) - three days of hard work of customs on one parcel!. You have to spoil the work of a wonderful delivery service! Well done guys!

449*****10 received in 3 days

They sent documents. The parcel was delivered quickly, without damage, tracking was easy. The delivery of the parcel was notified by e: mail

126*****85 received in 6 days

First package received via DHL Express. Never used this service. I am pleased with the detailed tracking information, the speed of delivery from Poland to Russia and the service itself. There were positive impressions!

464*****90 received in 7 days

Fast delivery, from the UK to the Moscow region in a week. The parcel was delivered by a courier. Of the minuses: the delivery date was changed at the last moment, I had to change the date manually.

211*****23 received in 4 days

Shenzhen - Minsk. Received in 4 days. Packaging and attachment - ideally. Tracking - promptly, including SMS.

916*****54 received in 6 days

Everything is great! DHL Express has the best tracking from start to finish with all intermediate points and operations with postage and delivery by courier in hand. Very satisfied, thank you very much! Also thanks to the gdeposylka website for the convenience in tracking shipments! Hong Kong - LEIPZIG - KIEV - DNEPROPETROVSK - BERDIANSK - 6 days! :)

686*****45 received in 9 days

DHL Service SUCKS!!! I ordered the first parcel, it was returned back to the seller because I could not confirm the customs value, although I had an invoice from the seller, a copy of the payment. I ordered from another seller 3 parcels for 3 different people(for 45 USD) to Poland from China, the parcels arrived in 4 days and left for the warehouse due to the fact that no one was at home. I wrote letters 3 times through the site that the parcel would be received personally on such and such a day. These letters did not reach anywhere and I did not wait for an answer to them. Instead, a notification was sent to the seller via DHL stating that the parcel was not delivered and would be returned to him in China. The location of the warehouse in Bialystok was not indicated, I had to look for it for about an hour. It turned out that there are 2 different DHL warehouses - for local parcels and for international ones, which are located in completely different places. At the first office, a creature roared at me on reception - how does it know where my parcel is and that it is definitely not theirs. After 10 minutes it turned out that it was theirs, but in another international office. After a long swearing, the creature wrote a piece of paper with the address and threw it to me. Rudeness flourishes! At the second office, they gave me parcels and issued invoices for an additional payment of 200 zlotys for no reason. The limit was not exceeded, no one explained anything. I had to pay and pick up the parcels. The result is that for each parcel for delivery, I paid $ 20 (20 * 3 = 60) + $ 50, it is not clear why upon receipt. TOTAL SUCKS!!! If you don’t want to get money, then don’t order through this company for anything! Only regular Chinese mail and no problem!

Mar 27 2018, wrote eblosabakki

323*****20 received in 9 days

​The parcel was finally delivered, but the crucible was broken, the rest is intact - I am attaching photos March 15, 2018, 7:38 am by Igor Kurenkov< >wrote:

Mar 19 2018, wrote Tomich

Many foreign online stores, eBay sellers (especially European affiliates) can send a package to your address using the service courier delivery DHL Express (do not confuse with DHL - German Post). However, if the value of such a parcel is more than 200 euros (including shipping), Russian Federation before it is delivered, it will have to go through customs clearance. We will stop on the algorithm of this procedure.

If you, as an individual, receive a parcel in the Russian Federation from abroad through the DHL courier service, then you need to know the following:

  1. FROM individuals in the Russian Federation, the delivery service DHL to this moment does not work, but an exception is made for some foreign online stores, such as , , , .
  2. The duty-free limit for citizens of the Russian Federation does not change depending on the delivery service and is 1000 euros.
  3. If the customs value of a parcel received via DHL is less than 200 euros, then it is usually immediately handed over to the recipient without any additional documents. However, especially in the regions, they require the processing of parcels with a value of up to 200 euros.
  4. If the customs value postal item, minus delivery, exceeds 200 euros, it will require customs clearance. It can be produced, both independently and for a fee, with the help of a customs broker (in Moscow, this service will cost approximately 600 rubles. If you decide to use the services of a broker, then upon receipt it is enough to transfer the required amount to the courier, no additional documents are required.).

Below, we have compiled a brief algorithm of actions that you will have to take if the cost of a parcel received via DHL is more than 200 euros and you want to carry out customs clearance yourself.

  1. As soon as the package arrives at your regional office DHL and its cost is more than 200 euros, an agent of the company contacts you (usually by phone), informs about this fact and that it is necessary to carry out customs clearance either independently or through a broker (as a rule, the latter is advised).
  2. If you have indicated that you will resolve the issue yourself, he will offer to send it by fax or e-mail application form to be completed.
  3. In addition to a detailed application (2 copies, sample, for Moscow), you may need the following documents:
    1. Original and copy of civil passport (all pages with photos and registration address).
    2. An official statement of transactions on a payment card from a bank with a seal, where you can identify the payment confirming the cost of the parcel. Sometimes it is enough to independently print out online banking pages or transactions in Paypal (where this operation is available). Please note that in the card statement, the funds for the operation you are looking for should not be blocked, but withdrawn.
    3. A copy of the front side of the payment card (it is desirable to have its original with you).
    4. Copy of order confirmation. This may be a letter (printout), which usually comes by e-mail when the order is made (or sent). If these letters are not present - print a screenshot of the page of the online store, where there is information about the order. At this point, it is better to collect everything that is available.
  4. After calling the DHL agent in advance and specifying his work schedule (usually weekdays from 9 am to 4 pm plus a lunch break), you yourself bring the completed application and copies of documents to the DHL office (in Moscow, this is usually 8 March street, house 14, addresses and telephone numbers other branches are available on the DHL website).
  5. The registration procedure takes in different ways, depending on the agent: from 20 minutes to an hour.
  6. After everything required documents issued (fee, if necessary paid), you negotiate with the agent the date of delivery of the parcel (usually the next day the courier brings it to the specified address). In some regions, they offer to pick up the parcel immediately, on their own.

Now some more useful information:

  • As soon as DHL representatives contacted you, find out the cost of brokerage services and if you are going to carry out customs clearance yourself, clearly and unequivocally inform about it. Brokerage services are often imposed, and very persistently.
  • Remember that DHL stores the parcel for free only for the first three days, then for another week (531 rubles for the whole time). Weekend and holidays are also taken into account. After this time, the parcel can be sent back.
  • In different regions of the Russian Federation, the amounts charged for processing and storing a parcel vary, as does the entire procedure. In some places they just ask you to come to the office to sign documents, in some places they will make you sweat.

List of companies and stores that DHL works with when sending orders to the Russian Federation:

  • Jimmy Choo UK
  • DSNR (Fulfillment Center) IL
  • Global Fine Arts/Fulfillment center US
  • ESCADA (only for Vladivostok)
  • US
  • Fred Perry UK
  • FiftyOne US
  • Mountoberon BE
  • Matchesfashion UK
  • Loropiana IT
  • Schoolwear International UK
  • Herring Shoes UK
  • CreateSpace US
  • G&BNEGOZIOnline IT
  • Luisaviaroma IT
  • Fashionis IT
  • Antonioli IT
  • IN
  • IT
  • Three Floor Fashion UK
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