Churchill the black prince. Infantry tank A43 Black Prince (Great Britain). Equipment for Black Prince

British heavy tank of the seventh level. It is distinguished by good all-round armor with an irrational slope and a high margin of safety. The gun is quite accurate and fast-firing, but has relatively low penetration. It is the successor to the traditions of its predecessors and does an excellent job of supporting allies.


Compatible hardware

Compatible Gear

combat effectiveness

It is a heavier version of its predecessor, we have more armor and fewer holes, but the dimensions have become somewhat more and the speed remained at the same level. Frontal armor, although it has an impressive thickness, but at the same time it has a number of vulnerabilities, for example, a course machine gun. In general, the car has decent armor for a level 7, but there are such ridiculous moments when in one battle you are pierced by the KV-2 from the ZiS-6, and in another you are suddenly not pierced by the ISU-152 from the BL-10, in other words, the armor is extremely random. The effectiveness of the armor can be increased by placing the car in a rhombus, as a rule, your classmates and everything below are not able to damage you, especially at long distances (the most dangerous is the AMX M4 (1945), armed with a 90mm gun). It is worth noting good all-round armor, we are almost not afraid of small artillery, however, the stern greatly undermines this plus, the MTO has very weak armor even in comparison with Churchill I, so there is a risk of taking full damage even from the SU-26. Our weapon has relatively weak performance for level 7, but this is not so critical. The 17-pounder is distinguished by good accuracy, fairly fast mixing and a very acceptable rate of fire, and given the fact that our classmates are not very durable (the only exception is the KV-3, with which perhaps the most problems) we can quite confidently pierce our neighbors and cars below level. However, the situation is quite different if we get to 8 or 9 levels. Generally high accuracy allows you to resist level 8 vehicles, aiming weak spots it’s quite possible to pretty much harm the enemy, but keep in mind that you are very vulnerable alone, it’s better to stick to more powerful vehicles, sometimes you even have to get hit for them (for example, covering T34), your armor is very random, where you may not be pierced, some AMX 50 100 will take damage when he should be doing it himself. At 9 levels, we play the role of an exclusively defensive vehicle and in extreme cases cover less armored comrades, our gun is almost useless here, and in terms of mobility we lose to absolutely all TTs. In such a disappointing situation, it is quite reasonable to stay on the defense of an unprotected area (you should choose that position on which is the hardest to get to.) The armor can easily withstand several hits even from the top guns and thus allow you to buy some time for your teammates, and an accurate and fast-firing gun will allow you to keep the enemy without the harp, which also gives you some time. Playing in a platoon will make your life much easier, it is advisable to combine BP with vehicles with penetrating and long-range weapons (for example, with Panther or AMX M4 45), you will be able to hold back the enemy in close combat (thus having the ability to target weaknesses in opponents), and your comrades will be able to support you from afar with their more powerful weapons.

  • The top gun partially solves problems with penetration, but heavy tanks Levels 7-9 are still problematic to punch in the forehead. Knowing the armor of opponents helps a lot.
  • Rapid aiming allows you to fire on the move - use it. Often the enemy begins to crawl away, knocking down his sight and mixing.
  • Despite the monstrous price of gold shells, it makes sense to carry 4-5 pieces with you to use in a situation where the outcome of the battle depends on the outcome of the battle and, as a result, your profit and experience. For example, when you are hit by an IS-3 and both of you have 100 HP left, the one that hits first wins. A gold projectile can be the difference between winning and losing at certain points in a fight.
  • beware enemy artillery, you are very low speed and impressive size

Equipment, equipment and ammunition


Assault variant

Sniper variant

Alternative variant

Equipment - some explanations.

In the assault version, we have a standard set for the most active actions. We shoot more often and have the opportunity to do it on the go with greater efficiency. In the sniper variation, we sacrifice the rate of fire and accuracy right off the bat, but in return we get some plus to invisibility and a more impressive view in order to detect the enemy as early as possible. In the alternative, we keep the rate of fire, but have a slightly lower accuracy on the move, but get a stable increase in vision.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Good circular armor, sometimes saving even from level 9 guns
  • Accurate and fast-firing weapon
  • Good accuracy when shooting on the move
  • The largest margin of safety among level 7 TTs (only the Tiger has the same amount, despite the fact that its armor is much weaker)
  • No need to upgrade the top tower (saving time and experience)
  • The stock chassis pulls all the modules (again, we save time and experience)
  • Good review for its level, only T29 is better
  • Impressive ammunition load
  • Quickly enough brought to the top state


  • low mobility
  • Very large dimensions
  • Relatively weak weapon for its level
  • Lack of rational tilt angles for armor
  • Extremely vulnerable feed
  • Presence of vulnerable points in VLD
  • Lack of any alternative to the 17-pounder

Black Prince rating

  • - quite strong armor and a quick-firing gun allow you to effectively deal with STs and vehicles on a lower level
  • - good armor, high strength, accurate and rapid-fire guns allow long time destroy base capture
  • - for good armor and high strength
  • - high accuracy of the 17-pound gun
  • - for a combination of excellent rate of fire and low one-time damage.
  • - excellent all-round armor and high durability allow you to defeat most of your classmates and cars below the level
  • - vulnerability to artillery and relatively frequent crits, with a large margin of safety, contribute to this award

Main characteristics


in detail

5.7 / 6.0 / 6.0 BR

5 people Crew


50.0 tons Weight

4 forward
1 ago checkpoint


89 shells ammo

10° / 20° UVN

8,100 shells ammo

225 rounds clip size

600 shots/min rate of fire



The Black Prince or the Lord, as many players who saw him on the battlefield called him, is worthy of his name and is able to single-handedly withstand crowds of enemy tanks attacking his position or break through the enemy’s defenses in some problematic place without any problems. This tank It has high security, as well as an excellent 17-pound cannon with shells capable of penetrating even some of the representatives of the 5th era into the frontal projection, which is why only a few can cope with it at their level. But due to the use of an outdated and weak engine on the tank, mobility and speed leave much to be desired. The maximum is only 17 km / h (even from the hill) and this is one of the lowest rates in the game.

Main characteristics

Armor protection and survivability

Right angle armor on the turret

The tank has an impressive defense, which is quite problematic to overcome by many shells of the III and early IV era. For this reason, the Black Lord is able to take the blow of many barrels at the same time. This tank is almost impossible to destroy with a stray hit from afar on the silhouette, even with 122-mm and 152-mm high-explosive fragmentation (and at the right angle and armor-piercing) shells, they can only knock down the caterpillar and occasionally break the gun barrel. If trouble with a broken barrel happens in close combat, then often the tank is repaired faster than the enemy has time to reload, and the victory eventually goes to the Prince.

Although the armor is good in itself, but still 152-mm armor is pierced by most opponents at a right angle without much effort, so it’s worth turning with a rhombus to the opponents standing in front; the tower should also be slightly turned away during reloading. So the reduced armor will increase significantly and the enemy with a high chance will not break through the Prince. You should not turn the turret away from the enemy too much - a straight side part of the turret can open in which there are only 95 mm, which can be easily penetrated by almost anyone tank III era.

Prince withstands hit by Is-2

Sufficiently smart enemies, riding on the Prince, are not in a hurry to shoot, but wait until he pays attention to them and turns the turret towards them, which minimizes the angle of entry of the projectile into the turret. At the same time, the Prince needs some more fractions of seconds to aim and fire a shot, and the enemy is already ready to shoot. Such an insidious situation can be avoided if you, in turn, also do not rush, and when you find a new enemy, you begin to wait - if the enemy left and did not shoot almost immediately, but began to wait until you turn the tower in his direction, then start teasing him, then momentarily pointing the tower in his direction, then substituting the rhombus back for him. Usually nervous system the enemy cannot stand it and he shoots at the moment when they think that now the angle will be minimal.


A.43 Black Prince

Due to the extremely low power density of the engine for such heavy weight tank, the Prince is not able to develop at least some high speed - only 17 km / h. It will always be the last one to get to the points and with great difficulty due to the equally low passability. Many hills and potholes are insurmountable for him, so you have to spend time on getting around them. The backward speed is even more limited - only 2 km / h, although often this is not a problem due to the fact that the Sovereign simply does not need to retreat, but in cases where he is nevertheless pierced and damaged by some modules and it is necessary to retreat and repair - this feature becomes a very unpleasant property for the tank.


main gun

Prince Shot

The best was installed on the Lord anti-tank gun allies during World War II - Ordnance QF 17-pounder (76 mm). This gun has excellent penetration and ballistic performance. Its main “disadvantage” is the lack of chamber shells in the ammunition load. We have to be content with “only”: armor-piercing-sabot shells with a detachable pallet, which have a breakdown of 207 mm per close range or 200 mm at a distance of 500 meters; three types of solid armor-piercing shells (which are available all at once), the top of which - Shot Mk.8 - has a breakdown of 171 mm at close range; high-explosive shells unable to cause significant damage. Since the best piercing shells are armor-piercing sub-caliber shells, in which the armor-piercing effect is rather meager, you will almost always have to target modules and crew members and gradually destroy enemy equipment: engine / transmission / driver, gunner / breech of the gun, finishing off the remaining members crew. You can also carry a certain amount of armor-piercing shells with you for great damage in situations when the enemy is sideways to the Prince or you are sure that you will pierce the enemy with them in the frontal projection.

In short and point by point, then sub-caliber shells:

  • They pierce any Panther and Yagpanther in the VLD or on the side at a slight angle;
  • They pierce the Tiger almost anywhere (except for very large angles). Problems with the Tiger can only arise in the mask of the gun, so it is more desirable to shoot at the hull;
  • T-34s of any stripe and modifications make their way anywhere, even armor-piercing projectile, and sub-caliber for sure, but with worse armor action;
  • IS-2 and IS-2 of the 44th year, it is advisable to shoot in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe driver, then the chance of breakdown is higher and the projectile will cause more tangible damage;
  • Problems can arise with the rarely seen King Tiger and Ferdinand. Their VLD this gun is not capable of penetrating, and half of the frontal part of the Tiger’s tower is occupied by a mask, which is also not so easy to overcome by shells. Here it is worth studying the location of the crew members in these tanks in the hangar and point-shooting at their location or shooting at the NLD.

Machine gun armament

BESA machine gun caliber 7.92 mm with 8100 rounds of ammunition. This machine gun can be effective against lightly armored enemy vehicles, as well as for marking enemies on the battlefield.

Use in combat

Black Prince in the game

Due to the problem described above in the form of extremely poor mobility, the Prince is not always able to reach desired point in time, but when he does, there is a greater chance that the battle at that particular location will be won by the Prince's team. The tank is capable of acting alone, but there are times when opponents simply surround it and shoot at its weaker sides and stern, so it is better to have several other tanks with you for cover and not rush forward. Always try to choose positions for advance or defense where your side will be protected from enemy projectiles by some kind of cover.

All battles in the arcade mode can be reduced to one thing - to get to a section of the map, from which it will be possible to control as much as possible large quantity directions and places in which the enemy may appear, and then shoot the appeared opponents on the lead cross. Due to the high armor penetration of shells, almost all hits will cause damage to enemy tanks. On the Black Prince, you can not be very afraid of being in an open area, he can withstand hits from almost all shells of all cannons (located on a given combat rating) in the forehead, and in response he can give his accurate shot. Climbing thoughtlessly ahead of half the enemy team, of course, is not worth it, but if necessary, you can substitute your armor instead of the weaker armor of an ally and save his life. Closed spaces like narrow streets are best avoided: even though the turret spins fast enough in an arcade battle, there can always be a nimble enemy tank that will jump out from around the corner and break through the insufficiently well-protected side of the turret or hull.

Here the Black Prince is just as good as in the arcade battle due to the fact that it is more difficult to detect the enemy, sometimes it is not possible to determine in which direction the help of the Prince is more needed and therefore the tank will be more difficult to implement. But this does not prevent him from showing his magnificent armor and cannon in those few skirmishes that will take place with the participation of the Black Lord. Unlike arcade battles, in realistic mode, you should choose the directions of defense of control points and directions and, after finishing the defense, gradually move forward, trying not to leave opponents behind you, pushing them to the respawn point. It also makes sense to take a position from which only your tower near the point will be visible and defend it.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Excellent weapon with huge penetration
  • Very thick frontal armor
  • Quick turn in zero gear
  • Good accuracy of fire on the move


  • Extremely low speed
  • The cross-country performance is one of the lowest in the game
  • The tank is a priority target for attack aircraft and bombers

History reference

Tank in the stowed position

The tank was developed in 1943-1945 on the basis of the Churchill tank. new, big gun demanded the installation of a new tower due to the fact that it did not fit in the old one. And the tower, in turn, demanded to expand the hull of the tank for its installation due to the fact that the old hull could not withstand such a large weight of the new turret. The new tank with a 17-pounder weighed 10 tons more than the original Churchill. An engine with a capacity of 350 hp, which had already become obsolete, was left on the tank, which was clearly not enough for the fast movement of such a heavy vehicle, and because of this, the speed of the tank was extremely limited: 17 km / h on the highway and 12.1 km / h over rough terrain. In 1944 - 1945, 6 units of this modification were built and several of them were sent to the front, but did not participate in hostilities. Due to such low driving performance the tank was declared unfit for military operations, and at that time prototypes of a new tank, the Centurion, had already been provided, so the order for the construction of 300 copies of the Princes was canceled.


Main characteristics


in detail

5.7 / 6.0 / 6.0 BR

5 people Crew


50.0 tons Weight

4 forward
1 ago checkpoint


89 shells ammo

10° / 20° UVN

8,100 shells ammo

225 rounds clip size

600 shots/min rate of fire



The Black Prince or the Lord, as many players who saw him on the battlefield called him, is worthy of his name and is able to single-handedly withstand crowds of enemy tanks attacking his position or break through the enemy’s defenses in some problematic place without any problems. This tank has high protection, as well as an excellent 17-pound cannon with shells capable of penetrating even some of the representatives of the 5th era into the frontal projection, which is why only a few can cope with it at their level. But due to the use of an outdated and weak engine on the tank, mobility and speed leave much to be desired. The maximum is only 17 km / h (even from the hill) and this is one of the lowest rates in the game.

Main characteristics

Armor protection and survivability

Right angle armor on the turret

The tank has an impressive defense, which is quite problematic to overcome by many shells of the III and early IV era. For this reason, the Black Lord is able to take the blow of many barrels at the same time. This tank is almost impossible to destroy with a stray hit from afar on the silhouette, even with 122-mm and 152-mm high-explosive fragmentation (and at the right angle and armor-piercing) shells, they can only knock down the caterpillar and occasionally break the gun barrel. If trouble with a broken barrel happens in close combat, then often the tank is repaired faster than the enemy has time to reload, and the victory eventually goes to the Prince.

Although the armor is good in itself, but still 152-mm armor is pierced by most opponents at a right angle without much effort, so it’s worth turning with a rhombus to the opponents standing in front; the tower should also be slightly turned away during reloading. So the reduced armor will increase significantly and the enemy with a high chance will not break through the Prince. Don't turn the turret too far away from the enemy - a straight side part of the turret can open in which there is only 95 mm, which can easily penetrate almost any tank of the III era.

Prince withstands hit by Is-2

Sufficiently smart enemies, riding on the Prince, are not in a hurry to shoot, but wait until he pays attention to them and turns the turret towards them, which minimizes the angle of entry of the projectile into the turret. At the same time, the Prince needs some more fractions of seconds to aim and fire a shot, and the enemy is already ready to shoot. Such an insidious situation can be avoided if you, in turn, also do not rush, and when you find a new enemy, you begin to wait - if the enemy left and did not shoot almost immediately, but began to wait until you turn the tower in his direction, then start teasing him, then momentarily pointing the tower in his direction, then substituting the rhombus back for him. Usually the enemy's nervous system can't stand it and he shoots at the moment when they think that now the angle will be minimal.


A.43 Black Prince

Due to the extremely low power density of the engine for such a large tank weight, the Prince is not able to develop at least some high speed - only 17 km / h. It will always be the last one to get to the points and with great difficulty due to the equally low passability. Many hills and potholes are insurmountable for him, so you have to spend time on getting around them. The backward speed is even more limited - only 2 km / h, although often this is not a problem due to the fact that the Sovereign simply does not need to retreat, but in cases where he is nevertheless pierced and damaged by some modules and it is necessary to retreat and repair - this feature becomes a very unpleasant property for the tank.


main gun

Prince Shot

The best Allied anti-tank gun of World War II, the Ordnance QF 17-pounder (76 mm), was mounted on the Lord. This gun has excellent penetrating and ballistic characteristics. Its main “disadvantage” is the lack of chamber shells in the ammunition load. You have to be content with “only”: armor-piercing sub-caliber shells with a detachable pallet, which have a breakdown of 207 mm at close range or 200 mm at a distance of 500 meters; three types of solid armor-piercing shells (which are available all at once), the top of which - Shot Mk.8 - has a breakdown of 171 mm at close range; high-explosive shells that are not capable of causing significant damage. Since the best piercing shells are armor-piercing sub-caliber shells, in which the armor-piercing effect is rather meager, you will almost always have to target modules and crew members and gradually destroy enemy equipment: engine / transmission / driver, gunner / breech of the gun, finishing off the remaining members crew. You can also carry a certain amount of armor-piercing shells with you for great damage in situations when the enemy is sideways to the Prince or you are sure that you will pierce the enemy with them in the frontal projection.

In short and point by point, then sub-caliber shells:

  • They pierce any Panther and Yagpanther in the VLD or on the side at a slight angle;
  • They pierce the Tiger almost anywhere (except for very large angles). Problems with the Tiger can only arise in the mask of the gun, so it is more desirable to shoot at the hull;
  • T-34s of any suit and modifications make their way anywhere even with an armor-piercing projectile, and for sure with sub-caliber ones, but with worse armor action;
  • IS-2 and IS-2 of the 44th year, it is advisable to shoot in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe driver, then the chance of breakdown is higher and the projectile will cause more tangible damage;
  • Problems can arise with the rarely seen King Tiger and Ferdinand. This gun is not capable of penetrating their VLD, and half of the frontal part of the Tiger’s tower is occupied by a mask, which is also not so easy to overcome by shells. Here it is worth studying the location of the crew members in these tanks in the hangar and point-shooting at their location or shooting at the NLD.

Machine gun armament

BESA machine gun caliber 7.92 mm with 8100 rounds of ammunition. This machine gun can be effective against lightly armored enemy vehicles, as well as for marking enemies on the battlefield.

Use in combat

Black Prince in the game

Due to the extremely poor mobility problem described above, the Prince is not always able to get to the desired point in time, but when he does, then with a high chance the battle in this particular place will be won by the Prince's team. The tank is capable of acting alone, but there are times when opponents simply surround it and shoot at its weaker sides and stern, so it is better to have several other tanks with you for cover and not rush forward. Always try to choose positions for advance or defense where your side will be protected from enemy projectiles by some kind of cover.

All battles in the arcade mode can be reduced to one thing - to get to a section of the map, from which it will be possible to control as many directions and places as possible in which the enemy can appear, and then shoot the appeared opponents on the lead cross. Due to the high armor penetration of shells, almost all hits will cause damage to enemy tanks. On the Black Prince, you can not be very afraid of being in an open area, he can withstand hits from almost all shells of all cannons (located on a given combat rating) in the forehead, and in response he can give his accurate shot. Climbing thoughtlessly ahead of half the enemy team, of course, is not worth it, but if necessary, you can substitute your armor instead of the weaker armor of an ally and save his life. Closed spaces like narrow streets are best avoided: even though the turret spins fast enough in an arcade battle, there can always be a nimble enemy tank that will jump out from around the corner and break through the insufficiently well-protected side of the turret or hull.

Here the Black Prince is just as good as in the arcade battle due to the fact that it is more difficult to detect the enemy, sometimes it is not possible to determine in which direction the help of the Prince is more needed and therefore the tank will be more difficult to implement. But this does not prevent him from showing his magnificent armor and cannon in those few skirmishes that will take place with the participation of the Black Lord. Unlike arcade battles, in realistic mode, you should choose the directions of defense of control points and directions and, after finishing the defense, gradually move forward, trying not to leave opponents behind you, pushing them to the respawn point. It also makes sense to take a position from which only your tower near the point will be visible and defend it.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Excellent weapon with huge penetration
  • Very thick frontal armor
  • Quick turn in zero gear
  • Good accuracy of fire on the move


  • Extremely low speed
  • The cross-country performance is one of the lowest in the game
  • The tank is a priority target for attack aircraft and bombers

History reference

Tank in the stowed position

The tank was developed in 1943-1945 on the basis of the Churchill tank. A new, large gun required the installation of a new tower due to the fact that it did not fit in the old one. And the tower, in turn, demanded to expand the hull of the tank for its installation due to the fact that the old hull could not withstand such a large weight of the new turret. The new tank with a 17-pounder weighed 10 tons more than the original Churchill. An engine with a capacity of 350 hp, which had already become obsolete, was left on the tank, which was clearly not enough for the fast movement of such a heavy vehicle, and because of this, the speed of the tank was extremely limited: 17 km / h on the highway and 12.1 km / h over rough terrain. In 1944 - 1945, 6 units of this modification were built and several of them were sent to the front, but did not participate in hostilities. Due to such low driving performance, the tank was declared unfit for military operations, and even at that time prototypes of a new tank, the Centurion, had already been provided, so the order for the construction of 300 copies of the Princes was canceled.


Review video guide Black Prince World of Tanks

Tank Black Prince or A43 was born only in May 1945. And for the first time, a more powerful anti-personnel gun was planned to be installed on a Churchill tank back in September 1941, but then this led to the appearance of self-propelled guns based on Churchill with a 76-mm gun. In 1943, in connection with the preparations for the invasion of Europe, the need for an infantry support tank appeared again. Firm Vauxhall offered to return to the consideration of the tank based on "Churchill". Even at the design stage, it became clear that the base of the "Churchill" tank was too narrow for a turret with a 17-pounder gun. Then Vauxhall decides to increase the width of the Churchill base. So the first prototype appeared with the name A43 or "Super Churchill", and later "Black Prince". Although new tank and used many components and assemblies of the Churchill 7 tank, in the end it turned out to be completely new car. Outwardly very similar to his "parent", tank black prince world of Tanks had extended 24 inch tracks, air intake grilles were on the roof of the hull, and the engine was in the stern. The first samples of the A43 were presented in May 1945, after the end of the war in Europe and the need for it disappeared. A total of 6 prototypes were produced.

TTX Black Prince

stock condition

Maximum weight: 51 tons

Engine power: 350 HP

Speed: 20 mph

Turning speed: 18/sec

Hull armor:

Forehead: 152.4mm

Board: 95.25 mm

Feed: 25.4 mm

Hull armor:

Forehead: 152.4mm

Board: 95.25 mm

Feed: 95.25 mm

Crew: 5 people

Armament: OQF 77mm Gun Mk. II

Penetration: 148/226/38

Damage: 140/140/190

Rate of fire: 14.29 rds / min

Spread: 0.34m/100m

Mixing: 2.3 s

Walkie-talkie: 450 m

Top condition

Maximum weight: 53 tons

Engine power: 600 HP

Speed: 20 mph

Turning speed: 20;/sec

Hull armor:

Forehead: 152.4mm

Board: 95.25 mm

Feed: 25.4 mm

Hull armor:

Forehead: 152.4mm

Board: 95.25 mm

Feed: 95.25 mm

Crew: 5 people

Armament: OQF 17-pdr Gun Mk. VII

Penetration: 171/239/38

Damage: 150/150/190

Rate of fire: 12 rds / min

Spread: 0.34m/100m

Mixing: 2.3 s

Walkie-talkie: 700 m


  • circular armor of the tower, excellent for its level, allows less distraction from the "fireflies"
  • very accurate and fast-firing cannon allows you to fire from long distances
  • great shooting on the go
  • Highest HP at your level
  • stock tower is top
  • great review for your level
  • easy to get to the top


  • very slow and clumsy (hello Mouse)
  • huge sizes always attract art
  • low gun penetration will force you to learn everything vulnerabilities enemy
  • low alpha damage
  • straight sides and stern rarely ricochet and will not allow you to play "swing" from around the corner
  • VLD has vulnerabilities

Crew and additional skills

  1. Commander
  2. Driver mechanic
  3. radio operator
  4. gunner
  5. Charging

Like any heavy, the first thing we need is repairs. Gusli perfectly eat damage, so we will shoot them down regularly. Then everyone pumps from their desires, but I would advise you to pump a “light bulb” from the commander, it often saves you from artillery, pump the mechanics off-road king or virtuoso, the gunner must pump the sniper skill, because. we hit weakly, we will knock out modules. Because we often hit from long distances, and we have a good view, then the radio operator needs to pump radio interception.

Penetration of the Black Prince of the penetration zone

Additional modules.

We have excellent rate of fire and accuracy, which is why we need to improve our strengths. I advise you to install a rammer (with it the rate of fire increases to 13.2), it also makes sense to install ventilation (the rate of fire increases to 13.86), I usually put a repair box as the third module, but after pumping the repair skill by 100%, it can be replaced with stabilizer.


Tactics primarily depends on where you are on the list. Playing in the TOP, you can safely tank and storm, at our level we are "gods" and we are only afraid of the Frenchman. Do not forget to place the tank in a rhombus and substitute the harp, this will complicate the task of the enemy. But be also attentive to your rear, we count the feed from the "cardboard" therefore we go only with the cover of medium and light tanks, so that we would not be spun. Playing at the bottom of the list on Black Prince World of Tank tactics radically different. Our circular armor will no longer save us. It is best to play on the "second" line, having an accurate and fast-firing cannon, you can bite and annoy the heavies while they butt heads with our allies on the front line. Knowing the penetration points, we can even damage the IS-3. Separately, let's talk about art, it is our main headache. Once you're lit up, you're the number one target for arta. No one can resist throwing a “suitcase” at a huge and slow tank, which is almost impossible to miss. The roof of the hull in the stern has almost no armor, and even such art as can cause significant damage.


For our level, we got a pretty good tank that knows how to pick its opponents well. But a weak gun brings its own adjustments to the game, we are forced to learn the enemy’s weak points and aim them more carefully, since accuracy allows us to do this. Having low mobility, it is necessary 30 seconds before the battle to be able to analyze and determine the direction of the attack of enemy forces. You should also learn all the places where art does not hit.

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