The father of the deceased three-year-old girl, whom the caregivers forgot in a snowdrift, said that shortly before the tragedy, her daughter came home with bruises. “They were looking for a corpse, they were not looking for a living one”: the mother of a missing girl from Mikhailovsk stopped drinking to return her

In New Moscow, the teacher forgot a three-year-old girl in a snowdrift. According to Mash, the missing child was noticed two hours after the group returned from a walk. The baby was found lying in the snow - the child was not breathing. The baby was taken to the kindergarten and an ambulance was called, but it was not possible to save her. Arriving doctors ascertained the death of the girl. The police are now at the scene. According to the preliminary version, the baby became ill, she lost consciousness and fell into the snow, where she died of hypothermia. Official representative RF IC Svetlana Petrenko commented on the incident.

According to preliminary data, on the morning of February 16, 2018, the teacher and nanny kindergarten, located on the territory of New Moscow, returning from junior group children from a walk, noticed the absence of a child. The educators, returning to the place of the walk, found an unconscious girl, born in 2014, lying on the snow. Kindergarten staff called ambulance which declared the death of the child.

The incident occurred on February 16 in the city of Moscow. As Moskovsky Komsomolets managed to find out, the girl did not return after the walk. Her absence was noticed during roll call. Everyone was there, except little Zuli (name changed). The children told the teacher that the girl went to the house for toys, where they all played together. The baby was not found on the open veranda. Her body was found behind the same house. The girl lay on the snow and showed no signs of life. The kindergarten staff called an ambulance, but the doctors could not help the baby. No signs of violence were found on her body. The girl died of frostbite.

Now the police work on the territory of the kindergarten. AT Investigative Committee reported that the case was taken under special control. A criminal case has been initiated under the article “Causing death by negligence due to improper performance by a person of his professional duties” (imprisonment up to 3 years). The issue of initiating a criminal case under another article is being decided - “Negligence” (up to 5 years).

According to the administration of the kindergarten, three-year-old Zulya was born in Moscow to an Azerbaijani family with two more children. A 6-year-old boy goes to the same kindergarten, and the eldest daughter is 9 years old. Officially, the parents do not work, the main source of family income is the seasonal vegetable trade.

As the head of the family told the police, before her daughter had no health problems, she was not registered with any doctor. Shortly before the tragedy, the parents found bruises on the girl's body, but they do not connect this with what happened. The little girl said she fell while playing. Every day, Zulya was taken out of the kindergarten ahead of schedule. The girl was naughty and asked to go home, so her father came for her at about 13:00.

The administration of the garden denies the guilt of their employees. They said that the teacher and the nanny immediately saw that the girl had fallen unconscious, and rushed to her aid. Investigators are questioning witnesses and checking CCTV footage to find out what really happened.

The military, police and volunteers have loosened Kalach-on-Don this week, probed every centimeter with their fingertips. In search of Sony, volunteers traveled from all over the region, saying: he must return to the scene of the crime. Who is he? Sick, crazy? Dozens of versions. Victor Chetvertnov did not sleep for three days in a row. There were fourth, fifth days of searching for his daughter. At night, volunteers climbed into the garages, peered through the gates.

Natalya Dergacheva, leader of a group of volunteers: “A maniac is a person who, at the moment of exacerbation, has only tunnel vision, he sees nothing but his victim.”

At the end of the week, there was hope that the psycho would give up the child. Again and again, hundreds of people scrolled through the facts, testimonies, looking for at least some clue. According to a 10-year-old local resident, it was rumored that a man approached Sonya, they talked, the girl laughed, after which the unknown person simply took her hand and led her.

The detectives tried to visualize one of the versions. The girl rode this bungee, then went along the path, turned and proceeded along the garages. As the investigators found out, Sonya was only a few meters away from her house. It is terrible to imagine what the relatives of a 5-year-old girl are experiencing.

Tatyana Nikolaeva, Sonya's grandmother: “I cry day and night. God forbid this to anyone. Grandson Sasha ran in, she ran in after him, and then asked for another walk. Sasha followed her, but she was gone.

Bad rumors spread through the small town that this was not the first time. Local residents remembered a 13-year-old boy who grazed cows at the end of August and disappeared without a trace. The village shepherd Sasha ate a bowl of soup, got on his horse and, as usual, went to the field. By the evening he had to drive the animals. The cows returned without him.

Olga Slav, Sasha’s mother: “I already went to seven fortune-tellers, they told me that he was alive, working, but did not want to go home.”

Sasha's grandmother cries every day. Good boy, hard worker. She does not believe that Sasha just ran away. He would have given her the message.

Galina Baranova, Sasha's grandmother: "I was in flip flops, in tattered pants, without money and documents."

Olga Slav, Sasha's mother: "When the girl disappeared, they began to say around the farm and the cities that some kind of maniac was walking in the dachas."

Women who are expecting their children from the same music school, near which, remember either legends or true stories from the past. There are more and more photographs of missing children on the stand, and they all disappeared in August and September of this year. Suddenly, a former police officer from the city of Kalach-on-Don shot himself. Coincidence? Mystic?

On the 7th day of searching. who brought his dirty work to an end. As found out Correspondent Vyacheslav Nemyshev, it turned out to be a drunken neighbor of the Chetvertnov family. As stated in the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, all the necessary examinations have already been appointed, but if necessary, a DNA test will be carried out to identify the dead woman.

What secret is hidden by crooked streets, rickety walls of houses and black holes in the entrances of this most ordinary-looking city? The worst thing is that none. Just in small town where everyone knows each other, everything is in plain sight. Here, terrible statistics turn into shocking and amazing stories like the stories of Sonya and Sasha. AT big cities numbers are still numbers.

Today, October 12, marks exactly seven years since the disappearance of the Tyumen schoolgirl Ani Anisimova. The girl has not yet been found. Together with Anya, according to the police, there are six more children missing in the federal wanted list. different time in Tyumen.

The story of Anya Anisimova

Recall that Anya disappeared in 2010. The girl studied in the sixth grade of school No. 57 on the second shift. AT last time she was seen in the area of ​​​​Leo Tolstoy and Proletarskaya streets when she went to class. But Anya never made it to school. Parents only found out in the evening that their daughter did not appear in class.

Despite the efforts of volunteers, volunteers and the work of the best operas, as well as the help of psychics, the girl has not yet been found. But the volunteers and the police still do not lose hope that one day Anya will be found. Natalya Anisimova, the mother of the missing sixth grader, also believes in miracles. True, over the past seven years there has not been a single clue that would help get on the trail of the missing child. Anya will turn 19 in November of this year.

We are periodically shown pictures different girls, which are found throughout Russia ..

The last orientation, which was shown to mother Anya Anisimova

A photo: orientation provided by Natalia Anisimova

Disappearances of children in Tyumen: briefly about all the missing

Children in our city go missing every year. But not all are. To date, six more children are on the wanted list. One of them went missing almost twenty years ago, in 1997. This is Kolya Ivanov, who was only one and a half years old at the time of his disappearance. Where the child went is still unclear.

A year later, in 1998, 13-year-old Irina Kasyanova disappeared in Tyumen.

In 2000, there was another high-profile disappearance of a child. in the middle white day Missing 13-year-old Alena Imamova.

For a while, passion subsided. Children did not disappear without a trace until 2008. And in the fall of that year, eight-year-old Edik Alimbaev disappeared. On November 26, the boy went missing on his way to school.

A photo:

In 2009, 12-year-old Nastya Lozhkina did not return home in the village of Lugovoe in the Tyumen region. She left the house at 11 o'clock in the morning, but never came back.

A photo: "Search squad "White Owl-Tyumen"" /

Of the last missing - 15-year-old Makhlie Toshmanova. They have been searching for the girl since September of this year.

How to protect your child? Psychologist tells

When it comes to the life of a child (his physical and psychological safety), perhaps any reasonable means is good here. Ask any of the parents, whose child disappeared without a trace, if they would like to prevent this - yes, if they can now - alas, no. This opinion is shared by the Tyumen psychologist Anna Levchenko.

If you have the opportunity to accompany your child to school and meet after school, especially if you live far from school, the area is not prosperous, and your student is under 8 years old, it is better to do this.

In our age of high technology, we have the opportunity to provide children with special gadgets, smartphone programs that can see the location of the child. In case of danger or loss of connection, you can determine the location of the last signal.

Firstly, it is better not to let children under five years of age go out alone at all. Secondly, from childhood, adults need to learn to respect the boundaries of the child, so that he feels that he is worthy of respect and security. If his aunt, uncle or grandmother wants to kiss or hug a child, but he does not want to, you need to understand that this is his right.

Thus, says the psychologist, the child gains experience of bodily and psychological safety at home.

If a child is bullied and his boundaries are violated, he will respond and perhaps even fight. This is not considered abnormal. If a child is obedient, meek and harmless, then he is an easy victim for kidnappers and rapists. You should tell your child more often what baits the attackers use to catch children - kittens, sweets and requests for help: bring them home, lead them to the entrance, show the way, and so on. Now they can go into action as a tool to lure children, gadgets and spinners.

You can consider, says Anna Levchenko, a sound siren for security. If we recall the latest cases of attacks on children, then it was the screaming and noise that the children made that prevented the attacker.

By the way, we have started a channel in Telegram, where we publish the latest news from the life of Tyumen. If you want to be one of the first to read interesting and important materials, then subscribe:

I am a completely different person now. Before the trouble - it was a creature, not a woman. But I repented before the Lord God, repented of everything that was possible, - Alfiya Zolotina, mother of the little girl Sasha, hastily says. This is the only child in the Sverdlovsk region for many years who was never found - neither alive nor dead.

Sasha, at that time she was one and a half years old, - volunteers combed the forests, divers explored the river, policemen and investigators searched the house, dug up the garden.

They were looking for a corpse, but practically no one was looking for and is not looking for a living child, - now Sasha's mother says. She and the girl's father immediately became suspects in the murder, but now Alfiya is the victim, and Dmitry is the witness. Both passed the polygraph, there is no evidence against them, but the child is also missing.

We are sitting with Alfiya in the kitchen of a small one-room apartment in a five-story building in Mikhailovsk. She agreed to meet, hoping that it would help find her daughter.

How much dirt was poured on me, drowned in it, but I don’t blame anyone, ”the woman says. - And again I agree to tell everything, if only it would help. I changed my life completely, please help me find Sashenka. Anyway, someone heard something and knows about it.

The woman moved here about a year ago with her eldest daughter, 15-year-old Sveta, from the very house where she lost Sasha. She says she couldn’t live there - everything reminds of the past, which she now calls nothing but a pit. In the present, there are no boozes, no husband, but there is a church and even a new name: Alfiya, a Tatar by nationality and a Muslim by religion, converted to Orthodoxy last year and received the name Alexander at baptism, becoming the namesake of her missing daughter.

The name is translated as the savior of souls, people. Small child saved me, saved us all. I didn’t think of this name, it happened by accident, she says.

Alya, as she asked to be called, literally every minute thanks God for the changes in her life, quotes the Gospel, and crosses herself. And it is clear that this is not for show, although it seems that it is somehow fanatical, too much, but by the end of our meeting I will think that, probably, this is the only way to come to terms with the past that this woman has. She constantly returns to that day, September 29, 2015.

My husband invited a friend, we washed the prefix while they were in the workshop in the yard, I took the baby and went home to rest, I wanted to sleep. I wake up with a knock eldest daughter came from the circle, asks: “Mom, where is Sasha?” I say: “I don’t know, let’s look at daddy”, we went to Dima, it’s not there, we started looking in the yard, near the bathhouse, near the river, let’s knock on the neighbors, ask for help. It was for an hour and a half, then only the neighbors called the police.

The police only came after 2 hours, I'm drunk, what's the deal with a woman like me? Negative. Immediately “Where is the child, where are you going?” And so for two weeks - “confess, where is the child, where are you going, where is the child, where are you going?” They didn’t listen to us, I said: well, check me on the detector, she suggested it herself. I don't know where the child is. They did not listen to us, the first thing is clear that the parents are always suspects, all the more we were drunk, you never know - they sold, stole, killed by accident or something, we confuse the investigation.

Of course, I drank, smoked, used foul language, carelessly, maybe I watched the child. But I was in a hole, I didn’t understand anything in life. And so I understood my path, I understood that the Lord God touched me with this misfortune, Sasha called me to himself. I realized that no one is to blame for anything, who took or did not take the child, maybe she herself came out.

How did your husband react to these changes?

He and I were invited to the program "Male and Female", called to help get us out of trouble, but it turned out the other way around - a lot of dirt was poured out. After the program, the woman Natalya called and suggested: come to the temple, she spoke so kindly. I began to slowly go to the temple, prayed. Then they were baptized - and that's it, I'm there now, and my husband could not stand this church life, it's very hard to change. They lived for 15 years, two children, but I arrived at this house alone, he left me, went to his new wife. There were a lot of things, I pulled my daughter out of the orphanage.

- How did she get there?

When this misfortune happened, we were registered as disadvantaged, because we didn’t work anywhere, didn’t do anything, although in fact we worked and were engaged in housekeeping, our daughter was an excellent student. But since this is the case, it is necessary, probably, “to cover their backs for them”, they took measures, put them on record, gave us the status of a dysfunctional family, socially dangerous. On September 30, she was already taken away. How many checks I had, PDN constantly came, looked at how we live, whether it is clean, whether there are products. It was hell. With God's help, I managed to prove that everything is fine with me, I am correcting myself, we were deregistered.

On December 31, I took Sveta. Everyone thought that I was drunk, completely lowered, that I could not get up from the pit, that I could not take her out of there. They shouted at her, she told me with tears: “Mom, they don’t let me sleep here,” they didn’t give her a phone, they didn’t let her communicate.

- Is someone else looking for Sasha now?

They continued to search until winter, and now I don’t know anything, law enforcement officers don’t cooperate with me, I don’t communicate with them either. Why? I arrived one day and overheard not a very good conversation about myself. They didn’t notice me, they thought that I had left, but I sat roaring and heard everything, I don’t want to go there anymore. They said “what the hell is she needed”, “she went”. Nobody is interested in looking for our girl, they are looking only on paper.

- How do you feel - the daughter is alive?

Alive, 100 percent. My husband and I are sure. Only this latch confuses us very much, I remember exactly, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon Svetochka went to the circle, I looked out - the latch slammed shut, we have a door, when it slams shut, the latch closes itself, the rope was in place. And when my daughter returned, the rope on the heck was already torn off, she pulled and felt it. It was about 6 o'clock.

How the investigation was conducted was hidden from me from the first day. They said: “Oh, she doesn’t give a damn, she’s an alcoholic, she doesn’t even cry.” And now some people say that - "she doesn't even cry." How do you know how I behave? I may have been roaring all night, on my knees. That's right, I won't walk around Mikhailovsk and roar, raise a tantrum. The fact that I get out of such mud is already a miracle. What I was and what I am now are two different people.

But the gates were closed that day, I saw with my own eyes that they were closed, I was sure that my child would not go anywhere. Dad is at home, I am at home. Yes, we, the parents, are to blame for her disappearance, but now you can help, you can find, I'm sure, until she has changed a lot.

- Which Sasha do you remember?

She is very lively, her character is like mine, active, even too hyperactive. Svetochka, like dad, calm, quiet, but Sasha had a fighting character, she was all alive. She was smart and understanding.

From Alfiya's house we went to the Church of Michael the Archangel - she wanted to introduce us to the rector Father Alexy.

- Would you like to have more children? - I ask on the way.

Well, yes, of course, yes. If the husband Orthodox Christian Was - then yes, but now the husband is not corrected. But so far there is no one, until I have an older daughter and a little one was not found.

The Church of Michael the Archangel is quite small, next to it is a parish in which everyone knows Alya.

Alexandra came almost immediately after the tragedy that happened with the loss of her daughter, says Father Alexy. - And this tragedy, let's say, opened the way for her to faith in God, and since then she has been actively involved in parish life. Her life, of course, has changed a lot in better side after that, we all live in the expectation that some kind of clarity will appear, the daughter will somehow be found.

If the child, God willing, is found, he will return to the wrong life, he will return to a completely different mother, who is already in a different spiritual form.

And after the temple, we already asked Alfiya to go to the old house, where everything happened a year and a half ago. The house belongs to her husband, but whether he lives there now, she does not know.

I feel that she is alive, who did it - by accident or on purpose - it does not matter, we are to blame, I am to blame, - she switches back to Sasha. - I didn’t have the opportunity to look for it from the very beginning, because another routine began - not until the search for the child. I had no opportunity, no connections, no money, no acquaintances - they all left, took up arms. And now I don't have a chance.

How would you look for...

I dont have an opportunity!

- And how would you search, if there was an opportunity?

First, in the village, probably in orphanages, relatives of my already beloved enemies - who are childless, who dreamed of children, who were interested in my child, who once liked her. But the first circle is Self-Judgments ( this is how the locals call the microdistrict where the Zolotins lived. - Approx. ed.), I would check completely: their social circle, relatives and connections. And there is already an orphanage and everything else.

There is a lock on the door of the house, Alfiya says she has no keys. The hole in the fence, through which, as the parents used to say back then, Sasha could leave the yard, also no longer exists - they boarded it up. Suddenly, a man appears from the other side of the house - this is Dmitry, the husband.

- You came? Alfie asks in surprise.

I'm poking around in the garden.

- Did you come with your wife?

Do you care.

- Well, tell me, how was it that day, please, Dima?

They stole it, he replies confidently. - The rope on the gate opens, you pull it on yourself, then you open it, and here you can see, they immediately rushed, it opens so hard, and the rope was torn off, they entered through these gates and there they went out through the side gates through the garden.

One friend came to me that day at work, knocked, I went out, and when I came back, I think - what is it, the rope is torn off, the gates were slightly open - apparently, they ran quickly and that's it. Somehow I didn’t pay attention, especially since I was under this case, I closed the gate and went back to the utility room.

- And who could steal, why? - I ask.

It was as if they told me that some rich people needed it, they even roughly told me where to look for it, in what direction. Krasnoufimsk supposedly. They said: "If you twitch, then they will bury you simply and that's it."

- Did you report it to the police?

And it's useless, I think it's through the police and everything is done. To be honest, my opinion is that the police are also tied here. So they would have found it anyway, and so they wrote it off, as if drowned in the river - the simplest and easiest.

Will you try to find it yourself?

Trying to find is to go into the forest, live in the forest and then go out only to cut people, or what? It's just like this, nothing else. Why should I? If they said: "If you twitch, they will bury you too."

You live your life, and I live mine, - Alfiya intervenes in the conversation. - I don't know who told you what, your information. I don't know, Dima, you speak loud words too, think about what you say.

And I have nothing to fear. All the will of God. I only believe that everything hidden becomes clear. A miracle will happen soon. You just have to believe that's all.

Both of them can only believe in a miracle - they will not look for Sasha themselves: "no opportunity, no money, no connections."

After the publication of the material, the press service of the Investigative Committee of the ICR for the Sverdlovsk Region asked to add information about the progress of the investigation of the criminal case, which was initiated immediately after the disappearance of Sasha Zolotina:

The criminal case on the girl's disappearance was initiated in September 2015 and is being processed by the territorial investigation department of the Russian Investigative Committee. During the investigation, a set of measures was taken to establish the whereabouts of the girl and the circumstances of her disappearance. But, unfortunately, investigative measures and operational search activities did not lead to the discovery of the child. Nevertheless, operational search activities to locate the girl are currently continuing, despite the fact that the investigation has been suspended.

As one of the versions, the version of the accident was considered - that the girl drowned in the Ufa River, the investigators recalled. Versions of kidnapping and murder were also considered, but they were not confirmed.

Molecular genetic examinations were carried out, a polygraph was used, modern forensic technology was used, billing - it turned out which subscribers were in the nearby sector at the time of the child's disappearance, but they did not bring the desired result, the investigative committee summarized.

The father of the missing one and a half year old Sasha Zolotina was sentenced

The father of one and a half year old Sasha Zolotina, who disappeared last year in Mikhailovskoye (Nizhneserginsky district), was sentenced. According to the site, the head of the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Sverdlovsk Region, Valery Gorelykh, the man was found guilty under article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Illicit trafficking weapons” and sentenced to one year of restraint of liberty. “This means that during the year he cannot leave locality. He is also obliged to check in regularly,” Gorelykh explained.

Recall that last year, police officers investigating mysterious disappearance little girls, found weapons in the attic of her family's house. “During the inspection of a private house on Titova Street, where the girl lived, detectives of the criminal investigation department discovered and seized a sawn-off shotgun of the IZH model, 16 gauge, a cache of gunpowder weighing about 200 grams, as well as a metal box with spent cartridges. The sawn-off shotgun and gunpowder were carefully hidden in the attic, and the cartridge cases were at the bottom of the barrel. The head of the family, during interrogation, explained to the police that he had purchased this sawn-off shotgun for 1,000 rubles from his friend, allegedly to shoot breeding foxes, which often attack his geese, ”said Gorelykh.

Sasha Zolotina disappeared on the evening of September 29, 2015. “That day she was naughty, I let her go for a walk around the house. My husband brought the Tricolor prefix from the center that day. And they washed it with a friend. It was during the day. I also drank, and then fell asleep, - Sasha's mother Alfiya Zolotina told the E1 portal. - I discovered that she was missing by 6 pm. It was already getting dark, we began to look for the whole family. Then I knocked on the neighbors, called the police. There is a hole in the fence, she could go through it. And the gates, they say, were open. So Sasha either fell into the river, or some car took her away. I have more versions No".

According to the case file, the child was missed when the eldest 13-year-old daughter of the Zolotins came home from a school event in the evening.

According to Alfiya Zolotina, she and her husband, Dmitry, have been living together for 15 years. The woman sits at home with the children and does housework. The head of the family works at the sawmill, free time works as a carpenter. They really drink in the family, Alfiya admitted, but clarified - for serious reasons. On the day Sasha disappeared, as already mentioned, they celebrated the purchase of a TV set-top box.

On the fact of the disappearance of a child, a criminal case was initiated under article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Murder”. It was transferred from the Nizhneserginsky Interdistrict Investigation Department of the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Sverdlovsk Region to the department for special important matters regional SU of the RF IC. The corresponding order was given by the head of the law enforcement agency Valery Zadorin.

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