How to get a trauma license. How to get a license for a traumatic weapon? Renewal of a valid document

We help in obtaining a license to carry, store weapons of self-defense.

In order not only to store at home, but also to carry with you if necessary, or always have it in stock traumatic weapon, it is necessary to obtain a permit for a traumatic weapon, which, in accordance with the current legislation, is a license for a traumatic weapon, the receipt of which involves some difficulties in obtaining a license.

Conditions for obtaining a license

In Russia, a citizen who meets the following requirements can obtain a license for a traumatic weapon:

  1. Reached the age of majority (18 years);
  2. Has no criminal record;
  3. Mentally healthy, in confirmation of which it is necessary to undergo a medical examination and obtain a certificate from a doctor.

We offer services to quickly obtain a license for self-defense weapons to all Russian citizens who have a permanent residence permit in Moscow, the Moscow Region. To obtain a permit for gas and traumatic weapons, we will need the following documents from you:

  1. Copy of the passport;
  2. 4 matte, black and white photography 3x4 cm;
  3. Certificates from psycho-neurological and narcological dispensaries (at the place of residence).

Our services for issuing a license for traumatic weapons include preparing all the necessary documents, submitting them to the licensing authority, providing advice on all issues regarding the acquisition of a license, its wearing, application and storage.

Service cost

1. Traumatic weapon:
- support for the passage of special training - 18,000;
- support in the process of obtaining a license - from 17,000;
- comprehensive support - 36,500.
2. Hunting smoothbore weapon– from 19 000

The cost of our service includes:
- Consultations (orally) on obtaining a license;
- Acceptance and examination of documents received from the client regarding their compliance with the requirements for issuing a license, as well as confirming them in the required quantity and checking for authenticity;
- Preparation of documents and their submission to the licensing authority;
- Interaction with the licensing authority, support of this process;
- Obtaining a license and transferring it to the client.

The license is issued for 5 years.

Service provision period: 30 days from the date of submission of documents to the licensing authority (organization exercising special training).
Payment: preliminary, 100%.

Draw your attention to: obtaining a license is possible only at the place of residence.

It is also important to take into account that a citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to have no more than two units of traumatic weapons and five units of hunting smooth-bore weapons.

Other legal requirements for obtaining a license:

1. Requirements for age or special training:

  • Reaching the age of 21; or
  • Reaching the age of 18, subject to passing military service; or
  • Serving in state paramilitary organizations and having military rank either a special rank or class rank.

2. No criminal record.
3. The presence of a permanent place of residence in the Russian Federation.
4. Expiration of a year from the date of execution of punishment for an administrative offense (in the field of public order and public safety, turnover of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their analogues).

Where is the permit issued?

To obtain a license for injuries, you must first contact the local authority, the licensing and permitting authority of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and provide all Required documents, including an application for a permit to purchase gas and traumatic weapons. In case of their positive consideration, you will receive a permit, which is submitted to the licensing authority. On the basis of this permission, a license for traumatic weapons is obtained, with which you can buy self-defense weapons.

Not everyone can get a gun license, even if we are talking about trauma. We will tell you in our article how to get a license for a traumatic weapon and register who can get it and who can be denied.

Traumatic weapon (traumatic) is one of the types of self-defense weapons. The Federal Law "On Weapons" divides weapons intended for civilians, depending on the purpose, including for self-defense:

  1. long-barreled firearms, including those using traumatic cartridges;
  2. barrelless firearms - used with cartridges of light and sound, gas, traumatic action;
  3. gas weapon- revolvers, pistols, as well as mechanical tear gas dispensers;
  4. spark gaps and stun guns.
Important! Before making a purchase, check in advance if a specific weapon is on the list of allowed for civilians. Information can be obtained on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

General conditions for carrying weapons

Every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to bear arms if he:

  • has reached the age of 21;
  • does not suffer from mental illness;
  • is psychologically stable in extreme situations;
  • completed a training course on the safe handling of firearms;
  • provided the necessary documents and received a license;
  • timely fulfills all requirements for the storage of weapons, excluding the possibility of gaining access to it by unauthorized persons;
  • complies with the rules for carrying and using weapons in self-defense.
Important! When using weapons for self-defense, a certain procedure must be followed - first you need to raise your hand with a weapon up and fire a warning shot. Such actions will allow the enemy to understand the seriousness of the intentions of the second party and leave the scene of the act, and will also be proof that it was self-defense.

The procedure for obtaining a license for traumatic weapons

Previously, it was believed that trauma could not cause serious injury to a person, however, individual cases in the practice of using this type of weapon completely refuted this opinion. In this connection, since 2014, the rules for obtaining a license for traumatic weapons have become somewhat tougher. The process of obtaining a license to carry weapons has several stages:
1st stage- obtaining a medical certificate in the form 046-1, for which it is necessary to undergo an examination by a psychiatrist, ophthalmologist, narcologist and therapist.
2nd stage- education. If the decision of the medical examination is positive, the applicant must take a course on the rules for the safe carrying, storage and use of weapons. Training includes practicing weapons handling skills, knowledge of legal regulations and practical shooting. After graduation, the applicant must pass the standards, after which he is issued a certificate of completion of the course.

Important! There are a lot of companies that provide weapons training services in every city, but not all of them are licensed to carry out such activities. With the question of where to get training, you can contact the police department in advance, as a rule, they recommend a specific company, whose certificate will definitely be accepted in the future.

3rd stage- submission of applications and documents. An application for a license is submitted to the police department at the place of residence of the applicant. The following documents are attached to the application:

  • a copy of an identity document;
  • 2 photos 3x4;
  • medical certificate 046-1;
  • medical conclusion on the absence of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances in the body;
  • certificate of training on the rules for the safe carrying and use of weapons, and their storage;
  • proof of payment state duty;
  • report of the district police officer on the inspection of the conditions for storing weapons (is there a safe, what kind of protection and reliability does it have, etc.).

After all the documents have been handed over, the police officer is obliged to give the applicant a notice of their acceptance. The decision is made by the authorities within 10 days, one month after the submission of documents, all permits must be issued.

Important! When a license is obtained, the applicant has six months at his disposal in order to acquire a traumatic weapon.

Legal regulations that you need to know in order to obtain a license:

  1. Article 14 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Methods of self-defence must be proportionate to the violation and not go beyond the limits of the actions necessary to stop it.
  2. Federal Law "On Weapons", Article 24. Here the possibilities of application are prescribed individuals weapons, and in what cases it is prohibited by law.
  3. Federal Law "On Weapons", article 22. The article describes the rules for storing both weapons and cartridges for them.

Registration of traumatic weapons

After acquiring a weapon, the purchase should be registered with the LRRR, where it will be experimentally shot. One month after the weapon is registered, the owner is issued a permit to carry and store it.

Important! When registering a weapon in the LRRR, it must be provided in a holster, otherwise the owner will face a fine for failure to comply with the wearing rules.

When registering a weapon, the following documents must be submitted:

  1. two photos 3x4;
  2. original application for a permit to carry and store weapons;
  3. a sales receipt from the store where the weapon was purchased;
  4. fired cartridge cases, properly packaged;
  5. official weapons insurance contract;
  6. a document confirming the fact of payment of the state fee.
Important! Violation of the rules for carrying and storing weapons entails not only administrative, but in some cases criminal liability!

Who can be denied a license

Article 13 federal law"On weapons" license for traumatic weapons can not be granted to the following persons:

  • under the age of full majority (21 years);
  • not passed the medical commission;
  • having an outstanding conviction for crimes of an intentional nature;
  • having an extinguished conviction for serious crimes committed with the use of weapons;
  • participating in trafficking drugs;
  • committed violations of the rules of hunting;
  • committed 2 times in a year administrative offenses against the security of citizens and law and order and other groups of offenses;
  • not having certain place residence;
  • registered in psycho-neurological or narcological dispensaries;
  • when the acquisition of weapons is prohibited by a court decision;
  • who have not undergone special training;
  • serving a sentence for a crime.

Also, the following medical indicators may be the reason for refusing to issue a weapons license:

  • alcohol dependence, substance abuse or drug addiction;
  • diagnosis of epilepsy of any stage;
  • the use of antidepressants;
  • mental illness;
  • physiological deficiencies in the form of the absence of fingers (thumb and forefinger on one of the hands;
  • corrected visual acuity below 0.5 in one eye and below 0.2 in the other, or 0.7 in one eye with no vision in the other.

New license renewal rules

The renewal of the license in accordance with the norms of the Federal Law "On Weapons" is carried out every 5 years, however, on December 06, 2012, the Supreme Court Russian Federation introduced a new provision in this process: persons who already own weapons, when renewing their license, do not need to re-train in the safety of handling them.

Do you need permission to traumatic pistol? This question is asked by almost every person who would like to purchase it. Yes, permission is needed, and it is issued only after collecting a certain package of documents and passing a medical examination. This issue is dealt with by a specialized department, which is part of the ATS system. At the same time, the licensing and permitting system monitors and records all traumatic pistols purchased by citizens.


The whole process of obtaining permission for citizens to carry traumatic pistols consists of several stages:

  • obtaining a certificate, which is issued after passing the medical commission;
  • passing training on the rules of carrying and using this type of weapon, which must be confirmed by a certificate;
  • handling an application and documents to the police department, where the employee will make a note about their acceptance for work, and within a month the person will receive a license.

Within six months after that, the person has the right to purchase this pistol.

Rules of law

Unfortunately, many citizens cannot obtain permission for a traumatic pistol due to the fact that they do not know all the legal subtleties that must be used in resolving this issue.

The Federal Law "On weapons" says about all cases of its use and the possibility of obtaining a license. In addition, this legal act includes all the conditions under which the issuance of permits to citizens to purchase traumatic weapons is prohibited.

It is also necessary to refer to the norms of Article 14 of the Civil Code, which states that the methods of self-defense should in no case go beyond the rules of self-defense.

Therefore, persons who are interested in the question of whether a permit for a traumatic gun is needed should always refer to regulations.


In Russia, the right to bear arms arises only for persons who have reached the age of 21. In this case, the following conditions must be met:

  • no mental disorder;
  • a person must be resistant to extreme situations and be aware of his actions;
  • do everything necessary requirements on the storage of weapons so that they cannot be taken by strangers or small children;
  • submit a certain package of documents to the Department of Internal Affairs for obtaining a license.

Therefore, before buying a particular gun, you need to clarify information about whether you can use it or not.

To use weapons in self-defense, you must follow a clear procedure:

  • raise your hand up and fire a warning shot;
  • after that, the person from whom the danger comes will understand the seriousness of the intentions of his opponent;
  • you should never threaten another person without good reason, otherwise it can end quite badly.

It is also generally accepted that it is impossible to deprive a person of life or cause him serious injuries with a traumatic weapon. But such cases do happen. Therefore, when answering the question of whether a permit for a traumatic pistol is needed, it can always be said with accuracy that it is simply necessary. Otherwise, the use of such weapons will be illegal, and its owner will be held accountable.

Citizens who are on public service in the police or are in the military, there is no need to take training courses before obtaining a license for a traumatic pistol. You just need to specify the data of the service weapon.

Required documents

After the medical commission has been passed and the conclusion is in hand, and a certificate has been received, which indicates that the person has all the skills to use weapons, you can apply for a license. In this case, you should not ask yourself whether you need a permit for a traumatic gun, because according to the law, its acquisition without this document will be considered illegal with all the ensuing consequences.

An application for a permit to carry weapons is submitted to a special police department at the place of residence. The following documents are attached to it:

  • photocopies of the passport, the original must also be taken with you;
  • photographs (3 by 4 cm) in the amount of 2 pieces;
  • certificate from medical institution confirming the state of health;
  • a certificate issued after completing courses on the storage and use of weapons;
  • check for payment of the state fee for permit services and receipt of a certificate;
  • a report from the district police officer, which will be confirmation that all conditions for storing the pistol are met.

When all the papers are handed over to the police officer, he will issue a notice. Within two weeks from the date of submission of the documents, a decision will be made to grant the person a permit to purchase a traumatic weapon.

In the event that a person receives an unreasonable refusal, it can be appealed through the courts. Therefore, every citizen who wonders whether permission is needed to carry a traumatic pistol should refer to the norms of the law.


After the pistol has been purchased, it must be properly registered in a special department, which is located in the local police department. The weapon must have a holster, otherwise the rules for carrying it will not be observed, and its owner will have to pay a fine.

After one month from the date of registration of a traumatic weapon in the licensing and permitting department, a document is issued that allows it to be stored at home. In addition, you will need to submit the following papers:

  • application for carrying a pistol;
  • check from the store;
  • sleeves that should be in the package;
  • insurance contract;
  • a receipt confirming the payment of the registration fee;
  • personal photos (3 by 4 cm) - 2 pieces.

These documents must be submitted immediately after the purchase of weapons. Thus, the question of whether a permit for a traumatic pistol in Russia is needed is decided after contacting government agencies.

New rules

According to the Federal Law "On weapons", it is necessary to renew the permit every five years. Besides, Supreme Court in December 2012, a new provision was introduced that allows citizens not to retake courses on the use and use of traumatic pistols. It is enough that such a certificate will be submitted to the Ministry of Internal Affairs once upon receipt of a license.

Therefore, these norms once again confirm the fact that a permit is needed for a traumatic pistol, and it must be extended after five years.


This pistol is a barrelless traumatic weapon. To purchase it, you need a special permit, which must be properly issued through the internal affairs authorities. A pistol is considered a weapon for citizens and is intended for self-defense. In addition, it is considered acceptable for purchase. Nevertheless, many citizens are interested in the question of whether permission is needed for the OCA traumatic pistol. Yes, it is simply necessary, otherwise the person who acquires it without this document is considered an offender and will be held accountable.


According to the norms of the law, the following citizens will not be able to obtain a license for weapons:

  • not passed the medical commission;
  • who have not reached a certain age;
  • having an unexpired conviction for intentional atrocity;
  • who committed two violations in the field of public order;
  • not observing the rules of hunting;
  • registered with a narcologist and psychiatrist;
  • those who do not have a fixed place of residence.

If at least one of these factors is present, a person will not be able to obtain a document for the purchase of a traumatic pistol. Because it would be illegal. In addition, many people are interested in the question of whether a permit is needed for a traumatic pistol with rubber bullets? Yes, it must be obtained in the manner prescribed by law, because its absence will entail the most unpleasant consequences.

Proper storage

Citizens who want to purchase weapons as a means of self-defense are always interested in whether a permit is needed to carry a traumatic pistol in Russia. By law, it is simply necessary, otherwise it will be considered an offense.

In addition, before receiving this document, it is necessary to purchase a safe for storing a pistol, otherwise not a single district inspector will give his consent to issue a license.


After all the necessary documents are collected, it is necessary to pay the state duty. Its amount for obtaining a license for one weapon is one hundred and ten rubles. Courses to prepare for the correct use of a traumatic pistol are paid. Therefore, obtaining a license is not limited to the payment of state duty. You can find out what permission you need to get a traumatic pistol from the local police department, as well as take a list of all the necessary documents from the employee.

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