Auto power on computer. Program to automatically shut down the computer. How to turn off the computer automatically

Sometimes situations arise when it is necessary for the computer to be able to turn itself off according to a schedule. For example, you need to distribute your work time, restrict access for children, or turn off the device after performing any lengthy operation. There are several ways to set a timer shutdown Windows.

Setting the timer using Windows

A reliable way using the built-in Shutdown program.

Allows you to set a shutdown timer for Windows 7, 8 (8.1) and 10, as well as restart the computer after the set time without using additional applications:

  1. The first thing you need to do is to press the key combination Win + R (Win is the key with the Windows icon), after which a small window will open in the lower left corner of Run.
  2. In the field that appears, enter shutdown -s -t N, where N is the time before shutdown in seconds. For example, 1 hour = 3600 seconds. The -s option is responsible for the shutdown, and -t specifies the time. To restart the computer, the -s parameter is replaced with -r. For forced closure applications (without the ability to save the process) add -f (after -a).
  3. Click on "OK". A notification will appear that the job will be completed after the specified time.
  4. To cancel the timer, type shutdown -a. As the shutdown time approaches, the system will notify you.

If you need to use the computer shutdown timer for Windows regularly, it will be more convenient to create a shortcut. This will require:

  1. Right-click on an empty space on the desktop.
  2. Select New > Shortcut.
  3. In the window that appears, specify the path to the desired program "C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe" and add options for shutting down, for example, -s -f -t 1800. Click "Next".
  4. Enter a name for the shortcut and click Finish.

Task Manager

operating room Windows system has a special "Task Scheduler" application for creating and managing common tasks. Action algorithm:

  1. First of all, click on the Start menu.
  2. To set the Windows 10 shutdown timer, find the "Administrative Tools" section, where to select desired program. Search by alphabetical order.
  3. For Windows 7, go to the Control Panel. Select the "Category" view mode. Click on "System and Security" > "Administration" > "Task Scheduler".
  4. Or press Win + R and in the "Run" window enter taskschd.msc and click "OK".
  5. In Task Scheduler, hover your mouse over the Action tab, and then select Create a simple task».
  6. Enter an arbitrary name and description if desired. Click "Next".
  7. Select a trigger, i.e. the frequency of the operation performed, for example, daily or once. Click "Next".
  8. Install exact time when your computer will shut down. Click "Next" again.
  9. Select an action for the "Run a program" task. Proceed.
  10. Type shutdown on the script line and -s on the arguments line.
  11. Check all options and click Finish.

The task will be created and the computer will turn off at the specified time. After that, you can always go back and edit the settings in the task scheduler library as needed or disable the task altogether.

Third Party Programs

Additional applications are needed for convenience and more flexible settings. But not all programs downloaded from the Internet can be safe for a computer.

Automatic shutdown of the computer is an extremely useful option that will help you out more than once. Useful in cases where a PC or laptop is busy with a long process, and you have to leave. In this case, you can configure the computer to turn off - when the desired operation is completed, it will turn off on its own. And you can safely go to sleep, go to work or do other things.

The most common setting automatic shutdown a computer is required if you:

  • check your PC for viruses;
  • convert video files;
  • install a computer game;
  • upload large files;
  • copy important data, etc.

There are many options here, but the essence should be clear.

There are 2 ways to set the computer shutdown time. The first is with built-in Windows Tools. The second is using additional software. Read about the last method here:. And this article describes all the possible ways to configure the computer to turn off at a specified time using the built-in Windows tools.

All the methods below are universal and work on Windows 7, 8 and 10. Therefore, no matter what operating system you have, you can schedule a computer shutdown in any convenient way.

The first method on how you can turn on the automatic shutdown of a computer or laptop is to use the "Run" section. For this:

The following window will appear confirming that everything is done correctly.

The number 3600 is the number of seconds. It can be anything. Specifically, this command will activate the automatic shutdown of the PC after 1 hour. The procedure is one time. If you need to switch off again, you must perform it again.

Instead of the number 3600, you can write any other:

  • 600 - shutdown after 10 minutes;
  • 1800 - after 30 minutes;
  • 5400 - in an hour and a half.

I think the principle is clear and desired value you can calculate yourself.

If you have already activated the computer's self-shutdown and for some reason changed your mind, then call this window again and write the line shutdown -a . As a result, the scheduled automatic shutdown will be cancelled. If everything is done correctly, then the following message will appear.

Shutdown computer via command line

Another very similar method is to turn off the computer via command line. To enable this option:

If you suddenly change your mind about performing this operation, then open this window again and enter - shutdown -a.

This command works only when you have already set the time to turn off the computer, but it has not yet arrived.

By the way, if this procedure must be performed regularly, then there is an easier way. To avoid opening the Run window or the command line, create a shortcut (for example, on the desktop). And in the Object Location field, write the following line C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe -s -t 5400(the number can be any). Click Next, then enter a name for the shortcut and click Finish.

Now, when you need to set the computer to turn off, just click on this shortcut. And this option is immediately activated (you will see a confirmation message).

For convenience, you can create another shortcut to remove the shutdown of the computer (suddenly needed). But here it is already necessary to write the following: C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe -a(no dot at the end).

Scheduled computer shutdown

And the last method is to turn off the computer by time through the "Scheduler". Suitable in cases where this procedure you need to do it regularly: daily, weekly, etc. In order not to constantly run the command line, it is enough to set the time to turn off the computer or laptop once and that's it.

To do this:

  1. Go to Start - Control Panel - Administrative Tools.
  2. Select Task Scheduler.
  3. In the right column, click on "Create a simple task".
  4. Enter a name that you understand - for example, "Automatic shutdown of the PC."
  5. Specify how often you need to perform this procedure (if once, then it is better to choose one of the methods for automatically shutting down the computer described above).
  6. Set up the shutdown of the computer or laptop (specify the start time and date).
  7. Select the first item - "Run the program".
  8. In the "Program" field, write shutdown , and in the "Arguments" field - -s -f (the -f switch closes programs in compulsory order- in case they suddenly freeze).
  9. Click the Done button.

This is how you can set the time to turn off the computer. In approximately the same way, daily or monthly adjustment is carried out. Some fields will be different, but there is nothing complicated there - you will figure it out.

What if you want to edit or delete this task? In this case, go back to the "Scheduler" and open the "Library" tab. Find your task here in the list (by name) and double-click with the left button.

In the window that opens, go to the "Triggers" section and click on the "Edit" button.

If you no longer need to turn off the computer on a schedule, then go to the "Library", select your task, right-click, and then - "Delete".

A few words in conclusion

In many modern programs there is a checkbox "Turn off the PC after the end of the procedure." Most often, it is available in those utilities that do their job for a long time - for example, disk defragmentation, checking a laptop or computer for viruses, etc.

Be sure to check the presence of this checkbox in each program. If it is, then you will not need to configure the computer to turn off by time. So much easier and more convenient. If not, then you will have to configure manually.

That's all. Now you know how to turn off your computer or laptop in Windows 10, 8 and 7, and you can easily do it. Choose whichever method suits you best and use as needed.

By the way, how to correctly calculate the time when you need to turn off the PC? Typically, programs show an approximate value when a particular procedure (virus scan or defragmentation) will be completed. Look at it and throw another 20-30% (or more) on top. In any case, your PC will be turned off before you wake up in the morning or come home from work in the evening.

Very simple program TimePC to turn off the computer on schedule. And it will also turn it on according to the schedule that you set up yourself.

There are situations when the computer performs some task, and you urgently need to run somewhere. Well, you just can't be late. Interrupting the process is not good, not having time is also bad. And many people do not like to fall asleep in complete silence and for this they turn on music or just some kind of movie. If only it was noisy. The person is resting, but the computer continues to work and overheat.

Well, so that this does not happen, we install a special program - TimePC. With this program, you can command the computer to turn off in certain time.

Although the operating system has something similar (power settings), but the standard function does not completely turn off the computer, but only puts the computer into sleep mode. Not bad, but still not that compared to the TimePC program.

The program has additional useful features. In addition to the fact that she can automatically turn off the computer at a user-defined time, she can also turn it on. Even run, at the request of the user, some program or several programs.

Let's see how simple it is. The program is displayed on three languages, but after installing it, the interface will be in Russian. You won't have to change anything.

In the settings, you can uncheck the box " Close open programs when turned off«

The fact is that when you turn off the computer with this program, we can choose one of two modes. The first is a normal shutdown, as we are all used to, the second is hibernation.
hibernation(hibernation) from English translates as " hibernation" or simply " sleep" In this mode, the computer rests, but before turning it off, it remembers everything that was opened and launched and saves it in right place to a non-volatile storage device.

This is very convenient if you did not have time to complete work in some programs or open folders. When you turn on the computer, everything will remain in place.

The next paragraph " Check for updates» Here I also unchecked. Who knows, maybe the programmers missed something somewhere and the program will not work correctly. Well, for now, this working version suits me, I work with it, without updating.

We pass to the main thing. In the left column, select "Off / On PC"

On the right side of the program, check the box next to " Turn off computer»We set the shutdown time, but we can leave the date alone, it is already substituted for the date set on the computer. Unless you want to turn off your PC tomorrow or in a few days.

Now you need to select the shutdown mode. As I wrote above, there are two modes. Choose which one is more convenient for you. You can also schedule the activation after a certain time. Set up, click the " Apply"And check if everything is correct. If you make a mistake in the time or date, you can click the " Cancel"And reconfigure everything.

We figured out the one-time setting, now let's move on to "" Everything is the same here. Set the time to turn off and turn on the computer for a whole week. There is no sleep mode in the scheduler.

Set up, press the button " Run"And check if everything is correct.

By the way, before the computer turns off, the program will notify you about it in 30 seconds. If you are at the moment you are at the computer, you can turn it off by pressing the button labeled "STOP"
Let's go to " Launching programs"

Here we can specify the program that we want to run along with the operating system. For example, a player with music. Get such an unusual alarm clock. We can add a browser to the player so that we can check our mail right away in the morning. TimePC allows you to run multiple programs at once.

We press the button " Add» An explorer window will open. In the left column, select " Desktop". In most cases, when installing a program, it leaves its shortcut on the desktop. From the desktop, select the shortcut of the program that you need. Programs that come with windows should be looked for on the C drive in the Program Files or C:\Windows folder. Let's say standard program Notepad (notepad) which is located at C:\Windows\system32

To remove a program from auto-start, you need to select it and click the " Remove«

And that's all. Download the program and use it.

Download from Yandex disk

Some laughter!!

This is useful to know:

Program to automatically turn off and turn on the computer

There are situations when it is necessary to turn off the computer at a specific time, but you cannot do this due to your absence. Or when you fell asleep watching a movie late at night while lying on the couch. In addition, I want the computer to turn on itself on a certain day at the appointed time and launch the necessary important task application - for example, an audio player with loud music early in the morning :) - free program turns the computer off and on on a given day and at a specific time.

Save time at work. After all, every time you come to the office you turn on the computer, launch the editor and check email. Let everything be ready for your arrival, in case you are late! And when you go home from work, let the computer turn itself off - cope. There is so little time for life.

Program installation

Install the TimePC program and the computer will stop making fan noise at night by turning off at the appointed time. Set date and time automatic start computer, add to the list of applications to start when you turn on the computer programs that you run every morning - save yourself from unnecessary movements. The TimePC utility will turn on and off the computer for you, it will prepare the working environment on the desktop when you start the PC.

To install the TimePC program, download the distribution kit of the utility, run it and follow the instructions of the installer. The installation process is very simple, just a few clicks and TimePC will start working on your computer.


If you decide to update the program, first close TimePC, uninstall and then install the new version.

The interface of the TimePC program is very simple, all settings and functions fit in one small window. The utility takes up very little space on the hard drive, does not interfere with work operating system and other programs. TimePC sits quietly in the system tray and is always ready to perform your task of turning off and on the computer at the specified date and time. TimePC supports Russian and English languages, runs under Windows XP/Vista/7.

Principle of operation

TimePC uses such function ACPI(advanced configuration interface and power management) as hibernation- in other words, putting the computer into an energy-saving mode of operation. If expressed in "computer" language, then TimePC is not turns off, but puts the computer into hibernation mode and does not includes, and brings it out of this mode. Most modern computers competently know how to transfer the PC to this mode. If the PC does not support the hibernation mode, then the program will not wake the computer from "deep sleep". If in BIOS settings The motherboard has ACPI settings, but when the computer shuts down with the TimePC program (more correctly, it goes into hibernation), the fan continues to make noise, then you need to select the S3 / STR value in the ACPI Sleep Time option (there is also S1 / POS).


In order to turn off and turn on the computer according to the schedule, the program implements the Scheduler. For each day of the week, you can set the time for the computer to automatically enter and exit hibernation mode. TimePC will automatically start the PC, provided that the program itself turns it off.

If you have any questions about the TimePC program, write to the author.

If the computer displays a user selection window with a password when resuming from hibernation mode, and you want to disable this prompt, you must do the following: click Start => Control Panel => Power Options. In the window that opens, click "Require password on wakeup" and select "Change unavailable in this moment settings". After that, the option "Do not ask for a password" will become available for selection.

If the program "does not turn on the computer on time" try the following: Control Panel => Power Options => Set up a power plan => Change advanced power settings => Sleep => Allow wake timers => On.

TimePC 1.7 from 02/09/2015

Added the option to restart the computer after resuming from hibernation. With this option enabled, the PC will restart 1 minute after waking up.

TimePC 1.6 from 10/18/2014

Now, 30 seconds before turning off the computer, a window pops up with a countdown. The error of launching the program on Windows with an English interface has been fixed. TimePC version 1.6 also runs on 64-bit Windows.

TimePC 1.5 from 02/19/2012

  • The program has been translated into German.

TimePC 1.4 from 01/13/2012

  • A scheduler has been added to TimePC, now you can turn the computer on and off according to a schedule.

TimePC 1.3 from 08/24/2011

  • Added a function to select the mode of turning off the computer by a specified time and date - switching to hibernation or completely turning off the PC.

TimePC 1.2 from 07/07/2011

  • The interface of the program has been changed, the work of the program has been optimized.
  • Fixed a bug that occurred when switching from 31 to 1 number next month- the program did not activate the computer.

TimePC 1.1 from 07/04/2011

  • Feature added automatic update, fixed a bug with incorrect display of the program interface when screen scaling is enabled.
  • Fixed error that occurs on Windows XP when the computer is turned off. If the user turned off the PC through the Start menu, the program did not allow the session to end.

TimePC 1.0 from 06/28/2011

  • The first version of the program

Official site:
Operating Systems: Windows XP, Vista, 7
Necessary: ACPI
Supported languages: Russian English German
Version: 1.7
License:freeware (for free)

File size 1.9 MB

An overview of the simplest and most popular free programs
to turn off the computer on schedule.
Here you can also download the software you like and try it out in practice.

The author unobtrusively reminds that Microsoft has an extremely negative attitude towards software ( software) third-party developers, since it (this software itself) can lead to destabilization of the entire operating system.

As before, the most proven and reliable way is to use the built-in (regular) tools Windows- and .

Scheduled computer shutdown programs
(download free programs)

Scheduled computer shutdown
built-in (standard) tools of Windows OS

The simplest bat files to turn off the computer

Developer: site:):):):)
bat files are Windows OS executable files with the .bat extension, clicking on which leads to the execution of some action script that is recorded inside this bat file. In this case, the code of the attached bat-files contains commands to turn off the computer, as well as commands to cancel already received commands to turn off the computer.
Using these bat-files is extremely simple. You just need to download them and click on them. The computer will be turned off, either at the specified time or after a specified period of time.
To change the value of the specified time, you need to right-click on the bat-file and select the "Change" option in the drop-down context menu. After that, the text part of the bat-file will open in notepad, where you can set your time and save the changes.
The advantages of this method of shutting down the computer are the complete absence of viruses and unconditional work in any Windows OS. The disadvantages include extra fuss with the text of the bat-file. Nevertheless, if you set up such a file once and put it in the autoload folder, you get an effect, very much even nothing.

Attention! The bat files offered for download do not have a user interface. A simple click on the bat-file leads to the immediate installation or cancellation of the ONE-TIME command to turn off the computer.

Download shutdown-timer.bat - (downloads: 3791)
To change the timer time, you need to change the downloaded file “shutdown-timer.bat”, in the line shutdown /s /f /t 1000, the number 1000 to your own value, where 1000 is the number of seconds until the computer turns off from the moment you click on the file “shutdown -timer.bat"

Download shutdown-exact time.bat - (downloads: 1266)
To change the exact time, you need to change the downloaded file "shutdown-exact time.bat", in the line at 21:51 shutdown / r / f, the number 21:51 to your value, where 21:51 is the exact time the computer was turned off after clicking according to the file "shutdown-timer.bat"

Download shutdown-cancel command.bat - (downloads: 817)
You don't need to change anything in the shutdown-cancel command.bat file. Clicking on this downloaded file will cancel all previously assigned commands to turn off the computer.

OFF Timer - the simplest computer switch

Developer: Egor Ivakhnenko, 2010
A miniature simple Russian-language program for one-time shutdown of the computer at a given time. In principle, OFF Timer is an analogue and continuation of the theme "The simplest bat-files to turn off the computer" with the only difference that the program has a user interface.
Does not require installation, Portable, works from any folder. The last property is very important for programs of this type - they didn't like it, threw it away and that's it. The program has a minimum of settings, which are very easy to figure out even from a screenshot. Works great on any Windows, because it uses the same means to turn it off. It can successfully replace the standard "Turn off" button of the Windows OS.

PowerOff - the most powerful timer to shut down Windows

Official website of the PowerOff program
In conclusion, the most powerful and multifunctional tool for shutting down a Windows computer is the timer. PowerOf. The program is simply stuffed with all sorts of "gadgets", which suggests the adequacy of its authors and its users. Functional PowerOf is incredibly extensive and allows you to perform feats such as scheduling a computer shutdown for each day at different time or turning off the computer after listening to the specified number of music tracks. The only thing missing is the function of scheduled shutdown of the computer after the specified number of cans of beer drunk :) :) :).

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