House of Nikita Mikhalkov on Nikolina Gora. The family nest of Nikita Mikhalkov on Nikolina Gora. Mikhail Shats and Tatyana Lazareva

Zhukovka, Barvikha, Usovo... In this series, Nikolina Gora is a special article. The main oasis of the celestials near Moscow, in ancient times called RANIS, which translates very simply - "workers of science and art."

They are there today - Academicians Sergei Kapitsa and Sergei Vorobyov, artists Vasily Livanov and Nikolai Slichenko, musicians Yuri Bashmet and Alexander Lipnitsky ... True, in last years appeared on Nikolina Gora and new masters of life. “Well, I just can’t save them from them, they buy up the forest and build their palaces with turrets,” complains one of the natives of the Mountain, pianist Nikolai Petrov. “I just don’t go outside my site, I spend all the time here - this is both my house and my dacha.” But once upon a time ...

Nikologorsk people gathered for musical evenings that took place at the dacha of Svyatoslav Richter (here the great musician died in the summer of 1997), to watch the once outlandish video that the same Nikolai Petrov brought from foreign voyages. One of the main cultural places of Nikolina Gora was the house-teremok of Natalia Konchalovsky, the granddaughter of Surikov and the wife of Sergei Mikhalkov (Andrey Konchalovsky now lives in this house). Today on central location claims a mansion with columns - the house of Nikita Mikhalkov, built only a few years ago. But Vladimir Putin, and Jack Nicholson, and - Peta Wilson have already managed to visit here. Here, after the Easter service, there is also a noisy conversation.

By the way, the church in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was restored not so long ago - in 1990, through the efforts of the local community (mainly the same Nikita Sergeyevich) and the rector - Archpriest Alexy Gostev. In the once traveling church of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, in which he stopped for prayers, going on a pilgrimage to the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, not only Nikologorsk people come, but also believers from Moscow come. Last year, on Easter, they prayed in the temple by the light of the Great Saturday Fire, brought by Mikhalkov from Jerusalem.

Gastronomic center of Nikolina Gora - a restaurant without a name (but with a surprisingly low prices) on the football and volleyball court. Once upon a time, noisy matches of local teams were held here, and poems were read from the stage. Now this rarely happens - the lifestyle has changed, and they gather mainly at a party, at each other's. So, the invariable Christmas celebration takes place at Stepan Mikhalkov's dacha in neighboring Maslova (or in Maslovka, as the natives lovingly call the village in the neighborhood). They also like to receive guests at one of the most old-fashioned dachas of Nikolina Gora - near Kachalov, where today the granddaughter of the great Moscow Art Theater master, actress Maria Lyubimova, lives with her family. This is one of the few houses of the old resort near Moscow, where you can fully experience the spirit of the former Nikolina Gora. Portraits, gizmos - lovely witnesses of antiquity. But another descendant of the great Moscow Art Theater - Vasily Livanov - attached to old dacha new house- it got tight...

There are also abandoned houses on Nikolina. So, Sergei Prokofiev's dacha has been empty for a long time - the composer's son went into exile. And the huge mansion, which rumor ascribes to Tatyana Dyachenko, has never settled down and looks somehow menacing. Empty and lonely standing brick palace, built supposedly for the tragic end of his life Minister Pugo. Do you remember this one?.. Rumor has it that they will soon demolish (and build a new one) the same bridge from which Boris Yeltsin allegedly flopped under the morning into the Moscow River. An old one, to know, became a bridge, for nothing, as a memorial one.

The Nikologorsk people created their village, guided by the old motto "My home is my fortress", carefully guarded protected area, preferring to return from Moscow not to Moscow apartments, but to dachas near Moscow. And therefore now, when new vandals encroach on the "small homeland", they are less and less disposed to talk about their land, and on their faces one can more often notice the imprint of sadness.

"No capesos touched us, they lived in their" envious "and" slides ", but these !!!" - the pianist Petrov is again indignant, who built the house, like almost all Nikologorsk residents, with his own hands (including the house for guests, which are not uncommon for Nikolai Arnoldovich and his neighbors to this day). Only this is more and more - not "new Russians", but those who are visiting Nikolina Gora and feel at home. For now…

The President met with the writer's family in honor of his 100th birthday. And Nikita Mikhalkov reproached the president for being late

Late in the evening of March 12, on the eve of the centennial anniversary of the Soviet writer, poet, author of the lyrics of two hymns Sergei Mikhalkov, President Vladimir Putin met with famous family in " family nest» on Nikolina Gora. While numerous children were anxiously waiting for the distinguished guest, the owner of the house, director Nikita Mikhalkov, talked to journalists, told stories from the life of his father, recalled his poems and at the same time regaled his guests from Tuscan vineyards.

Nikita Mikhalkov

The Mikhalkov family was waiting for the arrival of a distinguished guest in the hall on the first floor of one of the two houses of the estate, where Sergei Mikhalkov himself lived and three generations of his descendants had already grown up. A small living room, icons on the walls, wooden internal balconies and a view of the terrace. Everything is very simple and homely.

Almost all members of the family gathered in the family house famous family. 16 people, including Nikita Sergeevich himself with his wife Tatyana, his daughters Anna and Nadezhda with their husbands, sons Stepan and Artem, as well as Yegor Konchalovsky, Sergei Mikhalkov's second wife Yulia Subbotina and numerous grandchildren with great-grandchildren.

But Andrei Konchalovsky and his wife Yulia Vysotskaya were not there. According to Nikita Mikhalkov, they were supposed to fly from abroad to Moscow on March 13, just on the day of the anniversary itself ...

Light snacks, sweets, fruits, bagels and dryers were waiting on the table. The branded tincture "Konchalovka" shone in maroon color in decanters. When we entered, the older children sat modestly in the corner on the sofa and quietly talked with the head of the family, who was located a few steps away from them on the steps of the wooden stairs leading to the second floor. Everyone was on shift. Everyone has found the most convenient option for themselves - some are slippers, some are moccasins, and some are elegant shoes with heels. However, this did not concern the youngest. They were quite at home in socks.

We celebrate dad's birthday every year, even though he's been gone for four years now. This year he would have turned 100 years old. Mom would mark 110, - Nikita Mikhalkov began to tell us. - Dad wrote very easily. I really love his children's poems and lyrics. After all, he did not write for children from top to bottom, that is, from the position of an adult. He always wrote in the first person, like a child. It was an inside look, an amazing knowledge of child psychology. And another hundred years will pass, in memory he will remain rather not as a hymn writer, but as children's poet.

Here Anna joined us and told us: most of all she loved when grandfather himself read his works. “At first we had his Melodiya records, and now the discs have already come out,” she suddenly remembered.

And the time was approaching ten. Vladimir Putin was already two hours late. The children are tired and hungry. They constantly ran to the kitchen and, chewing, went out into the common living room. At first, no one dared to take from the table, but closer to the night, the ban, apparently, softened, and the plates gradually emptied. “There is a strong smell of meat in your office. The girls were hungry. Here, they’re going right there, ”Anna Mikhalkova turned to her father, laughing, pointing with her eyes at the hungry nephew, who gracefully walked past her.

And Nikita Sergeevich, meanwhile, recalled his childhood, dislike for school, about his classmates, teachers, and even about how he lay in the infectious diseases hospital in the next ward with Korney Chukovsky. So, for example, Korney Ivanovich told young Nikita “about how Bunin created an encyclopedia of Russian obscenities.

And suddenly our communication stopped. A day or two passed. I am terribly upset and cannot understand what has happened. Maybe I offended him somehow. And so I caught the moment and asked what happened after all. Then Chukovsky asked me too - do I write poetry? I said I don't write. “Is this not your notebook?” he asked me again. "No," I replied. “What happiness!” he exclaimed with relief, Mikhalkov told us.

It turned out that a notebook with the texts of popular songs, among which were "Lilies of the valley" and "Bear, Bear, where is your smile" was left by a nanny cleaning the wards. After looking through the self-made collection, Chukovsky thought that his young interlocutor wanted to get a poet's review of his poems. And since he did not like the quality of the lines and their content, out of a sense of tact and not wanting to offend the talent, he decided to limit their communication.

The time was approaching midnight. Now not only children, but also adults have left the hall. The elders could not be heard, but the younger ones, tired of waiting, relaxed completely. From the second floor there was a clatter, loud laughter and characteristic cries a la Kindergarten. Children periodically rushed past us at speed, slowing down on turns. Anna Mikhalkova was approached by her 12-year-old son with a claim, and English language, about the long wait.

By this time, in order to somehow distract the guests, Nikita Mikhalkov offered his own wine made from Tuscan vineyards. As Mikhalkov explained to us, this year the red and white variety of the drink called "12" (similar to the director's film of the same name) will be sold in Russia.

The views will be different. Cabernet, Sauvignon and others. The price is not yet known, everything will depend on the agreements with the implementers, - said Mikhalkov. - But I must say that this is a completely new feeling - pride, not associated with creativity ...

Suddenly everything came to life. It became clear that the head of state would soon be. The family gathered for fifteen minutes. The elders called the younger ones, shouting from the first floor to the second and urging them to hurry up. Egor Konchalovsky's daughter Maria was delayed. Artem Mikhalkov, who was sitting next to him, jokingly said: “Masha, Masha to me!”, “Masha, fu!”. However, the girl had already appeared at the door.

When meeting with the family, Putin shook hands with everyone in turn. The children made enthusiastic faces, however, not for long, because after a few minutes some of them almost fell asleep over their plates.

Sergei Vladimirovich did not just write two hymns - Soviet and Russian - he was a playwright, writer, poet, fought at Stalingrad, - began the welcoming speech of the GDP. - Mikhalkov is a whole era and the life of the country. You can evaluate his views in different ways, but what is it outstanding person- an obvious fact.

Mikhalkov, in turn, spoke about the idea of ​​erecting a monument to his father next to the house on Povarskaya Street, where he lived in recent years, hinting that help from the Moscow authorities would be required. Putin reacted immediately, noting that the conversation with the mayor of the city, Sergei Sobyanin, had already taken place and there should be no problems.

The head of state also supported the idea of ​​naming a ship or an airliner in honor of Sergei Mikhalkov, but Putin missed a slight reproach from the owner of the house in his direction. Softening the reproach with words about the significance of the head's arrival at the family's house, Mikhalkov nevertheless asked himself the question of "why this man traveled for so long."

Will the president come to Nikita Sergeevich's 100th birthday? VIDEO

In 2017, Nikita Mikhalkov was recognized as the largest owner of real estate among representatives of culture. He declared an apartment in the capital of 207.8 m², 6 residential buildings, a small one has total area 68.5 m², large - 697.3 m². In addition, in his possessions there is a cottage of 554.2 m². We have listed only premises suitable for habitation, and did not say about other real estate, which is estimated at an impressive amount. Fans are interested not only in their estimated value, but also - it can say a lot about its owner. Today in the review of the site we will reveal all the secrets of the country mansion of Nikita Mikhalkov.

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Family estate of Nikita Mikhalkov

The country house of Nikita Mikhalkov on Nikolina Gora was built on the site of an old building that had fallen into disrepair. Here he spends almost everything free time and always strives to escape from the metropolis to his own.

There is a story at the estate of Nikita Mikhalkov

In the past, Nikolina Gora was not considered an elite place, first there was a graveyard, then a monastery of the same name, which over time acquired houses and became a real Russian village. In the 20s of the last century, they began to build in this place for representatives of the cultural nobility. Richter, Prokofiev, Veresaev were the first to move here, and only in 1949 did the Mikhalkov clan settle.

Second floor of Nikita Mikhalkov's country house

The second floor of the estate is reserved exclusively for the families of the artist and him. The rooms are quite small, but there are several of them, and everyone can take a break from the bustle of the city in solitude. The office is decorated in a restrained classic range; rare family photos and interesting shots from the filming of the director.

It is interesting! 6 toilets were built throughout the singer's house.


As you can see, Nikita Mikhalkov put his whole soul into the construction and design of a country estate, which has become a real family estate. The entire interior is made in a classic design with natural Liberty elements. Smooth combinations of directions are close to nature, this was the main task of the artist - to create a cozy family hearth. The director is proud of his creation and considers it the best for relaxation.

Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov - Russian actor, director and screenwriter. One of the suburban areas of the popular producer is located on Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway.

Housing Mikhalkov is located in the village of Nikolina Gora. Here is a large mansion, made in the classical style. The house has 2 floors and a brick and marble facade.

There are several ways to enter the house. The main entrance is distinguished by large columns and doors with glass inserts.

The interior is created using natural materials. Most of the rooms are dominated by wood finishes. There are also green plants indoors. The furniture is ideally combined with finishing materials.

The house has a lot of elements made of natural wood.

The mansion is built on an area equal to several hectares. In addition to the main building, there are guest houses and decorative buildings. The adjacent territory is ennobled and has lighting.

In the courtyard there are trees, ornamental plants, stone paths and even a pond.

Stepan and Elizaveta Mikhalkov in the garden of their house near Moscow.

Stepan Mikhalkov acquired the site quite a long time ago and during this time he managed to consider many projects in the very different style. Deliberately modernist architectural ideas were not liked by the customer (“I don’t really like it when a house looks more like kindergarten seventies”), experiments on the theme of a European castle or, on the contrary, a stale hut, I also wanted to avoid. The owners leaned more towards Western European rural architecture and finally settled on its Flemish version.

On the one hand, this is not surprising: Stepan admits that, in addition to his own construction plans, he loves Belgium very much. In addition, he is one of the founders of the Moscow concept store, which represents the Belgian furniture brand Flamant in Russia. So the Belgian architect Stefan Boens did the project of the house, and numerous books and albums dedicated to both traditional Flemish houses and modern Belgian country minimal became a help in order to make certain interior decisions. Between which, by the way, there is no stylistic abyss: modern designers still love natural, “warm” materials and simple eternal forms, and their minimalism still looks rather patriarchal.

As a result, it turned out that the house, as it were, tells the story of several generations. Perpendicular to the main volume with elegant brick facades, another one was added - with a wooden cladding: that is, the building is actually, of course, one, standing on the same foundation, but it looks exactly like a large barn attached to a wealthy village house. Which, over time, was slightly rebuilt and adapted for housing - and in fact it happens all the time. From the street, this quasi-attachment is not noticeable, only a strict and elegant front facade with a broken lawn in front of it is visible. But behind the house is a less formal garden with apple trees and greenhouses, cozy not so much in the Flemish way, but in a completely suburban manner. Only, unlike ordinary dachas, where the owners often have to choose - either a bright house or a shady garden, in this house there is always plenty of daylight.

First living room. Floors in French fumé oak, ceiling in domestic oak. The fireplace is made to order.

Second living room (aka library). In the background is a staircase leading to the second floor where the bedrooms are located.

Moreover, the walls are painted in White color, the ceilings are lined with light oak, and the rooms are spacious. “Initially, in my character, probably, everything should be made with furniture,” Stepan laughs. - So it was with the previous house, and here at first there was also a desire to arrange more things. We probably bought furniture for two such houses.” But Elizabeth insisted on self-restraint - as a result, Flamant furniture is arranged not sparingly, but very well: each item stands in the only possible place that generations of previous owners have found for it.

The feeling of an ideally lived-in old house, which seems to remember decades and centuries of peaceful, measured life, is probably the most pleasant thing in this interior. It is clear that such a sensation is not created at the snap of the fingers, but here everything neatly works for him. And the layout with carefully found proportions, and the color scheme with natural light tones (the darkest shades in this range are French “smoked” oak on the floor and the leather of the chairs), and “quiet” decor.

It seems that everything is simple and not embellished, like an authentic folklore motif, but this is costly simplicity with sophistication of workmanship even in details that are not the most flashy in appearance. The shelving in the second living room-library is made of seasoned, antique wood, the door and window handles are made by French artisans who make similar things according to great-grandfather patterns, and the fireplace, in the spirit of laid-back rustic baroque, is so skillfully hewn and so delicately aged that a modern product in it difficult to identify.

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