Bibliographic description of the journal children's encyclopedia. Examples of bibliographic description of books. Examples of bibliographic description

Examples of bibliographic description of documents in accordance with the new GOSTs(

    Articles from magazines and newspapers

    Article from the ongoing edition

    Articles from non-periodical collections

    Deposited scientific works

    Patent Documents

    Standard (only underlined items are required)

    Research report

    Consolidated bibliographic description

    Description of network documents

    Explanations for examples of bibliographic description

    Features of compiling a bibliographic description of documents based on an abstract journal

1. Korenman, I. M. Photometric analysis: Methods for determining organs. compounds / I. M. Korenman. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Chemistry, 1975. - 359 p.

2. Entelis, S. G. Kinetics of reactions in a liquid phase: Quantities, accounting for the influence of the medium / S. G. Entelis, R. P. Tiger. - M.: Chemistry, 1973. - 416 p.

3. Fialkov N. Ya. Physical chemistry of non-aqueous solutions / N. Ya. Fialkov, A. N. Zhitomirsky, Yu. N. Tarasenko. - L.: Chemistry. Leningrad. department, 1973.-376 p.

4. Flanaut, J. Les elements des terres rares / J. Flanaut. - Paris: Masson, 1969. - 165 p.

5. Complex compounds in analytical chemistry: Theory and practice of application / F. Umland, A. Jansen, D. Tirig, G. Wunsch. - M.: Mir, 1975. - 531 p.

6. Quality assurance of chemical analysis results / P. Buytash, N. M. Kuzmin, L. Leistner et al. - M.: Nauka, 1993. - 165 p.

7. Analytical chemistry and extraction processes: Sat. Art. / Rev. ed. A. T. Pilipenko, B. I. Nabivanets. - Kyiv: Nauk, Dumka, 1970. - 119 p.

8. Pyrazolones in analytical chemistry: Tez. report Conf., Perm, June 24-27, 1980. Perm: PGU, 1980.-118 p.

9. Experiments in materials science / E. C. Subbarac, D. Chakravorty, M. F. Merriam, V. Raghavan. - New York a.c: Mc Graw-Hill, 1972. - 274 p.

Articles from magazines and newspapers

10. Chalkov, N. Ya. Chemical-spectral analysis of high purity metals / N. I. Chalkov // Plant, lab. - 1980. - T. 46, No. 9. - S. 813-814.

11. Kozlov, N. S. Synthesis and properties of fluorine-containing aromatic azomethines / N. S. Kozlov, L. F. Gladchenko // Izv. AN BSSR. Ser. chem. Sciences. - 1981. - No. 1. - S. 86-89.

12. Marchak, T. V. Sorption-photometric determination of trace amounts of nickel /T. V. Marchak, G. D. Brykina, T. A. Belyavskaya // Zhurn. analyte chemistry. - 1981. - T. 36, No. 3. - S. 513-517.

13. E. D. Malikova, V. P. Velyukhanov, L. S. Makhinova, and L. L. Kunin, Determination of hydrogen in magnesium, zirconium, sodium, and lithium using the S2532 setup, Zh. physical chemistry. - 1980. - T. 54, issue. 11. - S. 2846-2848.

14. Influence of amines and anionic composition of the solution on the electroreduction of thallium on mercury /L. I. Gromik, T. F. Dyachenko, I. P. Bondarenko et al. // Vopr. chemistry and chem. technologies (Kharkov). - 1980. - No. 59. -S. 42-45.

15. Ivanov, N. Steel clamp: the EU is trying to limit the supply of metal from Russia / Nikolai Ivanov // Kommersant. - 2001. - 4 Dec. - p. 8.

16. Mukai, K. Determination of phosphorus in hypereutectic aluminum-silicon alloys / K. Mukai // Talanta. - L972.-Vo1. 19, No. 4 - P. 489-495.

Article from the ongoing edition

17. Pivotsev, V. P. Complex compounds of thorium with diantipyrylmethane / V. P. Pivostsev, L. P. Pyatosin, Uchen. app. / Perm. un-t. - 1970. - No. 207. - S. 184-191.

Articles from non-periodical collections

18. Lyubomilova, G. V. Determination of aluminum in tantalum-niobium minerals / G. V. Lyubomilova, A. D. Miller // New method, issled. by rare earth analysis. minerals, ores and horns, rocks. - M., 1970. - S. 90-93.

19. Markovich, J. Association of salts of long-chain tertiary amines in hydrocarbons / J. Markovich, A. Kertes // Extraction Chemistry: Dokl. Int. Conf., Gothenburg, Sweden, 27 Aug. - 1 Sept. 1966. - M., 1971. - S. 223-231.


20. Ganyukhina, T. G. Modification of PVC properties during synthesis: Cand. chem. Sciences: 02.00.06 / T. G. Ganyukhina. - N. Novgorod, 1999. - 109 p.

21. Balashova, T.V. Synthesis, structure and properties of bipyridyl complexes of rare earth elements: Abstract of the thesis. dis.cand. chem. Sciences: 02.00.08 /T. V. Balashov. - N. Novgorod, 2001. - 21 p.

Deposited scientific works

22. Krylov, A. V. Heterophase crystallization of silver bromide / A. V. Krylov, V. V. Babkin; Redcall. "Journal. applied chemistry. - L., 1982. - 11 p. - Dep. at VINITI 24.03.82; No. 1286-82.

23. Kuznetsov, Yu. S. Change in the speed of sound in refrigeration melts / Yu. S. Kuznetsov; Moscow chemical-technological in-t. - M., 1982. - 10 p. - Dep. at VINITI 27.05.82; No. 2641.

Patent Documents

(only underlined elements are required)

24. A. s. 1007970 USSR, MKI4 V 03 C 7/12, A 22 C 17/04. Device for separating multicomponent raw materials / B. S. Babakin, E. I. Kaukhcheshvili, A. I. Angelov (USSR). - No. 3599260/28-13; Claimed 2.06.85; Published 30.10.85, Bull. No. 28. - 2 p.

25. Pat. US 4194039, MKI3 V 32 V 7/2, V 32 V 27/08.Multi-layer poivolefin shrink film/ W. V. Muelier; W."R. Grace & Co. - No. 896963; Claimed 04/17/78; Published 03/18/80. - 3 p.

26. Application 54-161681 Japan, MKI2 B 29 D 23/18. Method for the manufacture of flexible tubes/ Yoshiaki Inaba; K. K. Toe Kasei. - No. 53-69874; Claimed 06/12/78; Published on 21.12.79. - 4 s.

Standard (only underlined items are required)

27. GOST 10749.1-80. Ethyl alcohol technical. Analysis methods.- Instead of GOST 10749-72; Introduction 01/01/82 to 01/01/87. - M.: Publishing house of standards, 1981. - 4 p.

Research report

28. Testing the thermal properties of the chamber KHS-2 - 12-VZ: Research report (interim) / Vsesoyuz. in absentia in-t food. prom-sti (VZIPP); Head V. M. Shavra. - OSC 102TZ; Kg GR 80057138; Inv. No. B119699.-M., 1981. - 90 p.


29. Richardson, S. M. Simulation of injection molding / S. M. Richardson, H. J. Pearson, J. R. A. Pearson // Plast and Rubber: Process. - 1980. - Vol. 5, No. 2. - P. 55 - 60. - Ref. in: Chemistry: RJ. - 1981. - No. 1, issue. 19C - S. 38 (1 C138).

Description of network documents

Title of the document, date of viewing (access) and network address: History of MLM. [Document accessed: March 30, 2007]. Access via

Explanations for examples of bibliographic description

If a document (book, article, etc.) has one, two or three authors, only the first of them is written before the title, a comma after the surname, then initials. In the statement of responsibility (after the title behind the slash), all authors are recorded: one, two or three - in the form as in the document, as a rule, initials before the surname.

If necessary, their number is reduced. At the same time, no more than four names of authors are given in the information about responsibility. If there are more than four authors, give the names of three with the addition of the words "et al."

Features of compiling a bibliographic description of documents based on an abstract journal

In the abstract journal (RJ), documents are described not according to GOST, but in such a way that it is convenient to quickly find the necessary material. This is the way it is in news publications.

The RJ has all the elements to make a correct description. It is only necessary to select them, arrange them in the right order and place the necessary separating signs. In doing so, the following should be borne in mind.

The volume number of the journal in the Russian Journal of Journalism is given without the word "volume", but only in bold type, pages are also given at the end of the bibliographic description without the word "pages". And according to the rules of bibliographic description, such designations are necessary. We give a table of these designations for four languages.

In the RZh before the end of the 80s there is no designation of the ICI (International Classification of Inventions) with a specific index indicating the number of its edition. These data can be obtained from the information that is available in the RJ. The alphanumeric designation of classes is taken from brackets, they are preceded by the designation "MKI". The index is determined by the year of publication of the patent document, i.e., the year indicated in the Russian Journal of Journalism after the word “Public”. Until 1975 - MKI1, 1975-1979 - MKI2, 1980-1984 - MKI3, etc.

After the words: "Pat.", "A. c", "Application" is the first number that occurs in the description of the patent document. The sign "No" is not put. The second number that appears in the description of a patent document is the number under which it was claimed.

Examples of bibliographic descriptions in accordance with GOST 7.1-84 “Bibliographic description of a document. General requirements and compilation rules” (including Amendment No. 1 dated 01.07.00.), GOST 7.80-2000 “Bibliographic record. Title. General requirements and rules for compilation” and GOST 7.12-93 “Bibliographic record. Abbreviation of words in Russian” was made by the deputy. Director of the UNN Fundamental Library L. S. Kazantsev. November 2002

Description of a book, article from a newspaper, magazine, collection, multi-volume edition, electronic document

Bibliographic description of the book

Author's last name Initials. Title proper: information related to the title (information clarifying the main title of the book) / information about responsibility (authors, editors, compilers). - Information about the repetition of the publication. – Place of publication: Name of publisher, year of publication. - Number of pages. - (Series).

Examples of bibliographic description

Bachinin: encyclopedic dictionary / . - St. Petersburg: Publishing House, 2005. - 288 p.

Gerchikov: textbook for universities / . – 4th ed., revised. and additional – M.: UNITI-DANA, 2005. – 511 p. - (Golden Fund of Russian textbooks).

If the publication has a parallel title (in another language or script), it is separated from the main title by the sign =

English on Economics = English for economists: textbook. allowance for universities in economics. specialties / . - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2001. - 515 p.

If the book has been translated from another language, this is indicated in the continuation of the title and separated by a colon. The name of the translator is indicated in the statement of responsibility.

Steele in business: a practical guide: per. from English. / , T. Bizor; per. T. Ptashnaya. – M.: HIPPO, 2004. – 270 p.

At the beginning of the description, the surname of the first author is indicated, in the statement of responsibility (after the slash) the surnames of all authors are listed (initials are placed before the surname).

Belousova / , . - 2nd ed., add. and reworked. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2003. - 256 p. – (Secondary vocational education)

Maslova / , . - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003. - 400 p. – (Textbooks for universities)

If the book is written four or more authors then the statement of responsibility indicates either all authors or the first author with adding in square brackets the abbreviation "and others" [and others] or its Latin equivalent [ et al .].

Merchandising in retail: per. from English. / S. Esterling [and others]; per. S. Lukin. - 3rd ed. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004. - 304 p.

Description of the book titled

Described under the heading collective textbooks, monographs, collections of articles, etc.

Business conversation. Business etiquette: a textbook for university students / author - compiler. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2004. - 431 p.

Ecology: textbook / ed. . - 2nd ed., Rev. and additional - M., Rostov-on-Don: March, 2004. - 672 p. - (Training course)

Separate volume of the multi-volume edition

Great Soviet Encyclopedia: in 30 volumes. T. 3: Bari-Bracelet / ch. ed. . - 3rd ed. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1970. - 640 p.

Economic law: a reader in 3 volumes. T. 1 / under the general. ed. . - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004. - 416 p.

Articles from magazines, collections and newspapers

Bibliographic description

Surname of the author Initials. title proper : information relating to the title (information clarifying the main title of the article)/ information about responsibility // Name of the publication (magazine, newspaper, collection of articles in which the article is placed). - The year of publishing. - Number. – Pages on which the article is placed .

Magazine article

Kondratov of a comprehensive economic analysis in the management of a commercial organization / // Economic analysis: theory and practice. - 2005. - No. 23. - S. 47-51.

Muratova in the declaration is not a reason for a fine: tax reporting // Chief Accountant. - 2005. - No. 13. - S. 46-50.

Daskovsky and the conditions for the transition to innovative development of industry / , // Food industry. - 2005. - No. 6. - S. 34-35.

others" [and others] or its Latin equivalent [ et al .].

Pancakes for forecasting the development of regional markets for cellular communication of the GSM standard / [and others] // Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 2005. - No. 5. - S. 3-16.

Article from the collection

Ivanova Corporate Economic Education / , // Resource and economic potential of the region. Actual problems. - Vologda, 2003. - S. 78-82.

Newspaper article

Factoring agreement: legal basis and accounting / G. Savitskaya // Financial newspaper. - 2006. - No. 2.

Bibliographic description of the electronic document

Computer from scratch! [Electronic resource]: video course. - Electron. Dan. and program - M .: Best books, 20electron. opt. disk. - Zagl. from the screen.

Internet step by step [Electronic resource]. - Electron. Dan. and progr. - St. Petersburg: PiterKom, 20Zagl. from the screen.

Bychkova / [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http//www. *****/edu/ref/enc/k. htm1.

  • Artemyeva, T. V. The history of metaphysics in Russia in the 18th century [Text] / T. V. Artemyeva. - St. Petersburg. : Aletheya, 1996. - 317 p.
  • Atamanchuk, G. V. The essence of public service: history, theory, law, practice [Text] / G. V. Atamanchuk. - M. : RAGS, 2003. - 268 p.
  • Vasilyeva, A. V. Yu. M. Lotman [Text] / A. V. Vasilyeva. - M. : Rostov n / D: March, 2005. - 141, p. - (Philosophers of the XX century. Domestic philosophy / ed. E.V. Zolotukhina-Abolin). - Bibliography. : with. 135-142.
  • Belov, A. V. Finance and credit [Text]: textbook.-method. allowance for students on special. 060800 "Economics and Management at Tourism and Hospitality Enterprises" / A. V. Belov, V. N. Nikolashin; Moscow state un-t service; Institute of Tourism and Hospitality. - M. : Prometheus, 2004. - 215 p. : ill. - Bibliography. : with. 213-215.
  • Starostina, E. V. Protection against computer crimes and cyberterrorism: questions and answers [Text] / E. V. Starostina, D. B. Frolov. - M.: Eksmo, 2005. - 183, p. - (Protect your rights).
  • Shraiberg, Ya. L. Automated library and information systems in Russia: state, choice, implementation and development [Text] / Ya. L. Shraiberg, F. S. Voroisky. - M.: Liberea, 1996. - 271 p.
  • Akimov, V. V. Analysis of non-current assets [Text]: pract. manual on discipline "Financial management" / V. V. Akimov, T. N. Makarova, N. P. Khvatkov; Feder. agency for building and housing.-commun. household Ros. Federation, Institute of Advanced Training for Managers and Specialists, Dept. economy. - N. Novgorod: Gladkova O. V., 2005. - 58 p. : ill. - (Professional retraining). - Bibliography. : with. 57-58.
  • Venigrov, Yu. M. Elements of mathematics in physics [Text]: textbook. allowance / Yu. M. Venigorov, S. I. Egorova, N. T. Mishnyakov; Ministry of Education Ros. Federation, Don. state tech. un-t. - Rostov n / a: DSTU, 2000. - 34 p.
  • Forests of the Solovetsky Islands: (according to the materials of the forest inventory of 2003) [Text] / L. F. Ipatov, V. P. Kosarev, L. I. Prourzin, S. V. Torkhov; [ed. L. F. Ipatova]; Archang. region societies. fund "Forest Museum". - Arkhangelsk, 2005. - 59 p. : ill. - Bibliography. : with. 57-58.
  • Management activity: structure, functions, staff skills [Text] / K. D. Skripnik [and others] - M.: Prior, 1999. - 189 p.

Books titled

  • Innovations in science, education and production [Text]. - St. Petersburg. : Polytechnic Publishing House. un-ta, 2005. - 153 p. : ill. - (Proceedings of St. Petersburg State Technical University / Federal Agency for Education, St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University; No. 493). - Bibliography. at the end of Art.
  • Personnel management: from factors to the possibilities of the future [Text]: textbook. allowance / A. A. Brass [and others] - Minsk: UE "Technoprint", 2002. - 387 p.
  • Economic theory [Text]: textbook.-method. allowance for students of economics. fak. / Number of villages. farm Ros. Federation, Department of Personnel Policy and Education, Moscow. s-x. acad. them. K. A. Timiryazeva, Ekon. fac., Caf. polit. savings. - M. : Publishing House of the Moscow Agricultural Academy, 2005. - 102 p. - Bibliography. at the end of sect.

Books without a common title

  • Institute of State and Law (Moscow). Collection of articles by graduate students and trainees of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences [Text]. - M. : IGPAN, 2004. - 310 p.
  • Gilyarovsky, V. A. Moscow and Muscovites [Text]; Friends and meetings; Theater people / V. A. Gilyarovsky; intro. Art. and note. A. Petrova; artistic I. Lykov. - M. : EKSMO-Press, 2001. - 638 p. : ill. - (Russian classics).

Books with subtitle information

  • Antonova, E. S. The mystery of the text [Text]: method. recommendations for the workbook. for 5-6 cells. / E. S. Antonova. - M. : Verbum, 2000. - 159 p.
  • Korndorf, S. F. Radio measurements [Text]: textbook. for technical schools / S. F. Korndorf, M. I. Yaroslavsky. - M.; L.: Energoatomizdat, 1953. - 464 p. : ill.
  • Yadov, V. A. Sociological research [Text]: methodology, program, methods / V. A. Yadov; Samar. state un-t. - Samara, 1995. - 332 p.

Books showing liability information

  • Beekeeping [Text] / [ed. V. M. Zhabtsev]. - M.: Kyzyl; Minsk: Harvest, 2005. - 552 p. : ill.
  • Specialized rolling stock for the agro-industrial complex [Text]: cat. / Number of villages. farm Ros. Federation, Feder. education agency; [comp. E. P. Shilov]. - M. : Rosinformagrotekh, 2005. - 129 p. : ill.

Books indicating reissue

  • Kirsanova, M. V. Paperwork course: documentation support for management [Text]: textbook. allowance / M. V. Kirsanov, Yu. M. Aksenov. - 3rd ed., corrected. and additional - M.; Novosibirsk: INFRA-M - Siberian agreement, 2000. - 287 p.
  • Economics of an enterprise (firm) [Text]: textbook. allowance / ed. O. I. Volkova, O. V. Devyatkina. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M. : INFRA-M, 2002. - 601 p.

translated edition

  • Microsoft Access [Text]: [trans.]. - M. : Mir knigi, 2004. - 288 p. : ill.
  • Nikolay (Velimirovich). Indian letters [Text]: per. from Serbian / St. Nicholas of Serbia. - Saratov: Sarat Publishing House. diocese, 2004. - 238 p.
  • Fractionated and unfractionated heparins in interactive therapy [Text]: [trans. from Ukrainian] / G. V. Dzyak, E. N. Klihunenko, V. I. Snisar, V. V. Ekhalov. - M. : MEDpress-inform, 2005. - 196 p.
  • Harjung, M. Roller skates. Warm-up and rest on eight rollers [Text]: per. with him. A. Prokopieva / M. Harjung, A. Atanasiadis. - Vilnius: Polina, 1996. - 160 p.

Changes that are constantly taking place in public life - the growth of information, the rapid development of new technologies - stimulate the transformation of educational processes. In this regard, the organization of library and bibliographic education of teachers, students, and pupils is of particular importance. These guidelines will help in mastering new knowledge of the information and library space.

Making a bibliographic list of used literature is an obligatory element of scientific work.

Bibliographic description of the document

A bibliographic description is the process and result of adding, according to certain rules, a list of information about a document that identifies this document and makes it possible to find it among many others.

Description of documents is carried out in accordance with GOST. The bibliography must match GOST 7.1: 2006. “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for drafting.

Abbreviations in document description

Words and phrases are also abbreviated in accordance with GOST. When a bibliographic list is compiled in the title of the description, the first three words cannot be abbreviated. If the name is very long, then part of it can be skipped by marking the gap with an ellipsis.

How to make a bibliographic list: rules

Spelling when compiling a bibliography

The bibliographic list is compiled according to modern orthography. The first word of each defined area should begin with a capital letter. Also, all titles in all areas and the first word of the general designation of the material should be capitalized. The remaining elements of the description are written in small letters, for example: Physics [Electronic resource]: textbook / ed. K. Yakovleva.

Punctuation when compiling a bibliography

Punctuation in the bibliographic description is used as a separating habitual grammatical marks and prescribed punctuation marks. Recommended punctuation (conventional punctuation marks) helps to recognize individual elements in bibliographic descriptions.

Numerals in the bibliographic description

Numerals in the bibliography are written in the form (Roman, Arabic, verbal form) in which they are written in the publication. However, numerals that indicate volume, issue, part, number, page should be written in Arabic numerals: Issue. one; in 5 tons; T. 2; part 5; with. 12-16; 241 p. Also, Arabic numbers should be replaced when indicating the number of classes, courses of educational institutions; serial numbers of publications; year or dates of publication, distribution of the document. Ordinal numbers are written with the ending: 3rd ed.; 2nd course.

How to make a bibliographic list?

There are such ways of grouping material in bibliography:

  • alphabetical;
  • systematic;
  • chronological;
  • numbering;
  • by section of work.

The most common ways:

  • Numerical - the material is arranged in the order of reference to literature in the text and citation.
  • Alphabetical - in the alphabet of the names of authors and titles of works. The works of one author are arranged alphabetically by title or in the chronology of their writing.


When writing a dissertation, term paper or thesis in the text in the reference to the publication included in the bibliographic list, it is necessary to indicate the number under which this publication appears in the list, in square brackets. For example:

Location of the link in the text

Most often, in scientific papers, alphabetical grouping is used, that is, when bibliographic records are arranged according to the alphabetical order of the names of authors and titles of works (if the author is not specified or there are more than three authors):

  • placement of bibliographic records when the first word of the title matches - in alphabetical order of the letters of the second word, etc.;
  • placement of works of one author - in alphabetical order of the letters of the first word of the title of individual works;
  • placement of works of authors with the same surnames - alphabetically by the initials of the authors;
  • if the surnames and initials of the authors coincide - in alphabetical order of the works.

When placing bibliographic records in different languages:

  • first according to the Russian alphabet or language with the Cyrillic alphabet;
  • then, in the order of the Latin alphabet, literature in foreign languages.

The correct bibliographic list contains descriptions of the sources used and is placed at the end of the work. The pages of the list, like other pages of the text, are numbered. Numbering through, continues the numbering of pages of the text.

The name "Bibliographic List" is used .

Examples of the design of the bibliographic description of books

Characteristic sources

Design example

Alefirenko, N. F. Theory of language. Introductory course [Text]: textbook. allowance / N. F. Alefirenko. - M.: Academy, 2004. - 367 p. : tab., fig. - (Higher professional education).

Fitzgerald F.S. The Last Tycoon: A Novel / Francis Scott Fitzgerald. - M.: Hood. lit., 1990. - 333, .

Golovakha, E. I. Psychology of human mutual understanding [Text] / E. I. Golovakha, N. V. Panina. - K .: Publishing house watered. lit. Ukraine, 1989. - 187, p. : rice.

Repin, D. Mathematical logic and philosophy of mathematics [Text]: early. information about the foundations of mathematics / D. Repin, D. V. Nyusom; per. Z. L. Voropakhovsky. - M.: Knowledge, 1972. - 45, p. - (New in life, science, technology. Mathematics. Cybernetics).

Ackoff, R. L. Idealized Design: How To Prevent Tomorrow's Crisis Today. Creating the future of the organization / R. L. Akoff, D. Magidson, G. D. Edison; per. from English. F. P. Tarasenko. - D .: Balance Business Books, 2007. - 265 p.

Kolasov, P. K. Psychology of management / P. K. Kolasov, A. D. Livnetsky, I. M. Kirova [and others]; ed. D. S. Protasova. - 5th ed. - X .: Humanitarian. center, 2007. - 510 p.

History of the Middle Ages [Text]: textbook / ed. Kh. I. Irodova. - ed. 4th, add. - M.: Higher. school, 2015. - 520 p. : ill., tab.

Number and thought [Text]: [collection]. Issue. 9 / [ed.: L. I. Borodkin and I. N. Kiselev]. - M.: Knowledge, 1986. - 174, p. - (Knowledge).

Multi-volume document

Kon, D. E. Programming and its art [Text] = The art of computer programming: in 3 volumes / D. E. Kon; ed. O. V. Kozachko. - M.: Higher. school, 2003.

Vol. 2: Search for information / D. E. Kohn; [per. from English. Zh. N. Korbko] - 3rd ed. - M.: Higher. school, 2003. - 622 p. : tables, schemes

Pukhnachev, Yu. V. Learn to apply mathematics [Text]: (Mathematics without formulas). Issue. 1 / Yu. V. Pukhnachev, Yu. V. Popov. - M.: Knowledge, 1977. - 142, p. - (People's University. Faculty of Natural Sciences).


Dictionary English-Russian Russian-English [Text] = English-Russian Dictionary: / [compiled by O. V. Dmitriev, G. V. Stepenko] ; [under common ed. V. T. Busela]. - TO. ; M. : Perun, 1996. - 481 p.

Geography: dictionary / [ed.-comp. Tsepin R. L.]. - St. Petersburg. : Khalimon, 2002. - 175, p.


Glazyrin, V. The synergy effect of the architect Topuz / V. Glazyrin, I. Novokhatsky, M. Rudkova // Passage. - 2003. - No. 3. - S. 86 - 88.

Arsenyeva, T. Tourists want to see in Odessa ... museums! / T. Arsenyeva // Vech. Odessa. - 2013. - 6 April.


Ivanov, U.P. Young stars of solar mass: dis. ... Dr. Phys.-Math. Sciences: 12.05.01 / Ivanov Petr Grigorievich. - M., 2001. - 255 p.

Materials of conferences, congresses

Computational mechanics and structural strength and their problems: Sat. scientific works / scientific ed. V. I. Mossakovsky. - M.: Proc. book, 1999. - 215 p.


Cuerda X. Atlas of Botany / José Cuerda; per. from Spanish V. I. Shavkun. - M.: Knowledge, 2002. - 98 p.

Anatomy of memory: an atlas of diagrams and drawings: a guide for students and doctors / K. B. Antonov, Z. G. Uvar, D. O. Stepnoy. - 2nd ed., add. - M .: Thresholds, 1998. - 125 p.

Electronic resources

Churko O.P. History lessons in 7th grade. [Electron. resource] / O. P. Churko, B. G. Urazov, G. S. Borovin. - 1999. - 43 p.

The table shows examples of bibliographic descriptions of books and documents that are used in compiling bibliographic lists.

Presentation "Formatting requirements. Bibliographic description."

The list of sources used is indicated at the end of the work, after the Conclusion, in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003 "Bibliographic description of documents".

Special scientific domestic and foreign literature (monographs, brochures, scientific articles, etc.) is recorded in alphabetical order; periodicals indicating the year and month of magazines and newspapers (if articles from them are not given in the previous section of the list of references), legislative acts (laws, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation and the State Duma), regulatory and methodological documents and materials (regulatory acts, instructive materials, official directories), statistical, instructional and reporting materials of enterprises, organizations and institutions, as well as Internet sites.

The description of each source is given from the paragraph. The title in the description should exactly repeat the title of the book. Shortening the spelling of words in the title is not allowed. After the title of the book, imprint data is required: place of publication, publisher, year of publication. Only the following cities can be abbreviated: Moscow (M), St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg), Rostov-on-Don (Rostov n / D). The name of the publishing house is given in the nominative case in an abbreviated form. For example: INFRA-M, Deca, Thought.

Abbreviation of Russian words and phrases in the bibliographic description of the document is carried out in accordance with GOST 7.12-93. The name of the publisher is preceded by a conventional separating sign - a colon (:), and after the name of the publisher - a comma (,) and the year of publication is indicated. The word "year" or the letter "g." are not written. For example: Nauka, 2002.

Books of two or three authors must be described under their last names in the order in which they appear on the title page, in the nominative case, separating the last names with commas. The initials are given after the last name. If a book has more than three authors, it is described under the title. Information about the authors (editors, compilers) is given after the data related to the title area. The surnames of authors and editors are preceded by a slash (/). Information about books (monographs, textbooks, reference books, etc.) should include: surname and initials of the author (authors), title of the book, city, publisher, year of publication, number of pages.

When specifying an article from a journal in the list of used sources, after the author's surname and his initials, the title of the article is affixed with a double slash (//), followed by the name of the journal (newspaper), year of publication, journal number and page.

Sources in a foreign language are given at the end of the list in alphabetical order.

Books and brochures

Official publications

The Russian Federation. Constitution (1993). Constitution of the Russian Federation: official. text. - M.: Marketing, 2001. - 39 p.

Tax code of the Russian Federation: parts one and two. – M.: Omega-L, 2005. – 573 p. – (B-ka Russian legislation)

The description of the book begins with the title, if the book has no more than three authors.

Chernyak V.Z. The history of entrepreneurship: a textbook for universities / V.Z. Chernyak. - M.: Unity-Dana, 2009. - 400 p.

Sergeev I.V. Enterprise economics: study guide / I.V. Sergeev. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Finance and statistics, 2002. - 304 p.: ill.

Rys Yu.I. Sociology: textbook. allowance for universities / Yu.I. Lynx, V.E. Stepanov. - M.: Academic project, 1999. - 244 p.

Litvinov N.D. Caucasus, a distant country / N.D. Litvinov, A.N. Litvinov. - Voronezh: [b.i.], 2006. - 443 p.

Kibanov A.Ya. Personnel management: labor regulation: textbook. allowance for universities / A.Ya. Kibanov, G.A. Mammad-Zade, T.A. Rodkin. - M.: Exam, 2000. - 575 p.

Bagiev G.L. International marketing: a textbook for universities / G.L. Bagiev, N.K. Moiseeva, V.I. Cherenkov. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008. - 688 p.

Books titled

The description of the book begins with the title if it is written by four or more authors. The title describes collective monographs, collections of articles, etc.

Information not taken from the title page is enclosed in square brackets.

Regional economy: textbook / T.G. Morozova, M.P. Pobedina, G.B. Polyak [and others].; ed. T.G. Morozova. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M .: UNITI, 2000. - 468 p., L. map: portrait

Accounting for the financial and economic activities of the organization: methodology, tasks, situations, tests / Z.D. Babaeva [i dr.]. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2005. - 544 p.


Actual problems of management, marketing and information technology: Sat. scientific tr. - Issue. 7. - Voronezh: AONO "IMMiF", 2006. - 220 p.

Socio-economic mechanism of labor stimulation: Sat. Art. / resp. ed. V. A. Gaga. - Tomsk: Publishing House Vol. un-ta, 1988. - 195 p.

Multi-volume editions

New Russian encyclopedia: in 12 volumes / ch. ed. A. D. Nekipelov. - M.: Encyclopedia, 2003. - T. 1: Russia. - 959 p.

Merezhkovsky, D.S. Collected works: in 5 volumes / D. S. Merezhkovsky; comp. and general ed. O. N. Mikhailova. - M.: Pravda, 1990. - T. 1-5.

Articles from periodicals and continuing publications

In the process of research activities, works placed in collected works, collections of works (both author's and collective), anthologies are often used; articles from magazines; materials from collections of articles and abstracts; conference materials; articles from encyclopedias. When placing information about them in the list of references, it is necessary to indicate not the collection of works itself, not the collection itself, not the journal and not the encyclopedia, etc., but the work (article, theses, text of the speech) that was analyzed in the course of the study. First, the surname and initials of the author of the material are indicated (it must be remembered that even in the encyclopedia each article has an author), the title of the material (in relation to the encyclopedia, the concept itself acts as the title, the content of which is explained), then the sign “//” is put, after which information about the edition in which this material is placed is placed. Information about the collection itself (collected works, reader, etc.) is indicated in accordance with the requirements for the design of the author's edition, a separate work.

If the material is placed in a journal, then after the sign "//" the name of the journal and all its "output data" placed on the reverse side of the title page (series, year, number, etc.) are indicated. It is important to remember that at the end of the information about the material, the numbering of pages is indicated, on which the publication begins and ends.

... from magazines

Lushin S.I. On monetary reforms in Russia / S.I. Lushin // Finance. - 2000. - No. 5. - S. 25-29.

Korshunova N.E. Management in the social sphere / N.E. Korshunova, O.V. Shataeva // Management in Russia and abroad. - 2007. - No. 6. - S. 66-74.

... from newspapers

If the newspaper has more than 8 pages, the description contains the page number on which the article is placed.

Dorofeev A. Documentary, speed, flexibility / A. Dorofeev // Economy and life. - 2008. - Feb. – S. 33.

… from ongoing editions

Lezhenin V.N. Development of the provisions of Roman private law in Russian civil law / V.N. Lezhenin // Yurid. app. / Voronezh, state. un-t. - 2000. - Issue. 11. - S. 19-33.

Belova G.D. Some issues of criminal liability for violation of tax legislation / G.D. Belova // Actual. problems of prosecutor.supervision. - 2001. - Issue. 5. - S. 46-49.

Electronic resources

Ksenofontov B.S. Environmental protection: biotechnological foundations [Electronic resource]: textbook / B.S. Xenophontov. - M.: ID FORUM, NITs INFRA-M, 2016. - 200 p. - (Higher education). - Access mode:
Kastornykh M.S. Commodity science and examination of edible fats, milk and dairy products [Electronic resource]: textbook / M.S. Kastornykh, V.A. Kuzmina, Yu.S. Puchkov. - 5th ed. - M.: Dashkov i K, 2012. - 328 p. – Access mode:
Mayurnikova L.A. Examination of specialized food products. Quality and safety: textbook. allowance. [Electronic resource]: study guide / L.A. Mayurnikova, V.M. Poznyakovsky, B.P. Sukhanov, G.A. Gorelikov. - St. Petersburg: GIORD, 2016. - 448 p. URL:
Link to on-line-magazine
Kerimov V.E. Financial leverage as an effective tool for managing the financial activity of an enterprise [Electronic resource] / V.E. Kerimov, V.M. Baturin // Management in Russia and abroad. - URL:, free. (Accessed: 02/18/2018).
Link to the site as a whole
Department for socio-economic development of the village of the Tomsk region [Electronic resource]. URL: (Accessed: 02/18/2018).

Quality control [Electronic resource] // Mezheninovskaya poultry farm. URL: http://mezheninovskaya-poultry farm.rf/about/control/ (Date of access: 04/29/2018).
On currency regulation and currency control [Electronic resource]: Law of the Russian Federation dated 09.10.1992 No. 3615-1 (as amended on 27.02.2003) // SPS "ConsultantPlus". URL: (Date of access: 04/29/2018).

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