Therapeutic exercise for back pain: on the road to health. Daily exercise for back pain

Back pain has become a common thing for most adults. Often this symptom occurs as a result of overwork or muscle strain. Unfortunately, not all people pay enough attention to the resulting discomfort. Such ignoring often leads to the most real ailments of the spine. And they are much harder to deal with. But if you pay attention to this problem in a timely manner, especially considering that there is even special gymnastics with back pain, serious diseases are easy to avoid.

The most common cause of back pain is physical inactivity. Basically, this is sitting at the workplace. It is not possible to refuse such a provision during the working day. For such people, doctors offer several simple tips that will protect your back from discomfort. Doctors advice:

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  1. Take breaks periodically. In order not to forget about them, you can set an alarm. Every half an hour it is enough to interrupt at least for a minute. Stretch, bend over, walk around the office.
  2. Do some standing work. It can be talking on the phone, chatting with colleagues, reading mail.
  3. Sit on a cushion chair or fitball. This recommendation is suitable for those persons who work at home. From time to time bounce on the ball, ride. Exercise will keep you in good posture.
  4. Consider back support. It can be a special pillow or just a rolled towel. You can use a footstool to raise your legs. Remember, the monitor should be at eye level. You can put ordinary magazines under it or use special mounts.
  5. Develop flexibility. At least three times a day, stretch for 5 minutes, tilt your head, stretch the muscles of your arms and legs. This will protect against muscle spasms.

Exercises for back pain

If a person spends his day in a constant sitting or standing position, they lie on the spine heavy loads. Any movement increases them many times over. This is especially dangerous if the muscles necessary to support the spine are poorly developed. In this case, the entire load falls on intervertebral discs. This situation causes back pain. Effective gymnastics with sciatica will help get rid of it.

Complex 1

These exercises are aimed at strengthening the muscles and the spine, restoring its functional activity. The complex is performed on the back.

  1. Lie on a hard surface, on your back. The legs should be slightly bent when performing. Tighten your abdominal muscles. They become extremely hard. You can check the tension with your hands by placing them on your stomach. The lumbar region with this exercise slightly arches up. It is important to monitor continuous breathing. It is advisable to perform the lesson 10-15 times. Once you've mastered it, you can move on to the next one.
  2. Raise a little upper part body. Make sure your feet don't leave the floor. Hold the raised part still for 10-15 seconds. Then slowly lower yourself to the floor. After a break (5-10 seconds), repeat the session. It is recommended to do 10-15 repetitions.
  3. Bend your knees slightly. Rest your right hand on your left knee. Try to bend your left leg while exerting maximum resistance with your right arm. Such an effort should not last more than 10 seconds. Then relax all muscles for 10-15 seconds. Then repeat the exercise again about 5-10 times.

Complex 2

These exercises will be useful for people with chronic diseases of the sacral and lumbar regions. Such a complex will alleviate suffering in case of acute form diseases.

  1. Do it on your back. Bend your knees a little. The exercise involves twisting. The legs are retracted to the right side and stretch to the floor. At this time, the upper body, along with the head, should turn in the opposite direction - to the left. You can't stay in this position for more than 5 seconds. Then carefully and smoothly return to the original state. It is advisable to repeat this twisting in the other direction. Repeat it at least 10 times.
  2. Take a pose - on your knees. Arch your back as much as possible. Pull your back up for 5 seconds. After that, gently bend down. The lesson should be performed 5-10 times. If pain discomfort occurs, this exercise should be stopped.
  3. The exercise is also performed on all fours. Place your hands and head on a chair. Gently stretch your back to the left, then also slowly to the right. Repeat the procedure 5-10 times. Stop immediately if you experience pain.

Complex 3

Such exercises are ideal gymnastics for chronic spinal ailments. They can be used both in the acute stage of the course of the disease, and after the disappearance of pain. The physical culture complex increases the elasticity of the muscle tissues of the back and strengthens them.

  1. Sit on the floor. Stretch one of your legs forward. Another - bend at the knee, and set aside a little. Try to lean forward, aiming for an outstretched leg. Your goal is to touch your toes with your hands. Repeat classes 10 times. Then do the same for the other leg.
  2. Get up. Place a table on the left. Rest your hand on it. Left leg put it forward, and the right one, respectively, back. Bend your knees a little. During the exercise, slowly bend the knee of the left leg, as if sinking onto it. At this time, the upper body should be moving backward. Gently stretch in this position. Repeat the task 10 times, then change the position of the legs, and repeat it as many times.
  3. Lying on your back, spread your legs a little. Raise one of the legs as much as possible and hold it in this position for 5-10 seconds. Then slowly and carefully lower. Repeat for the other leg. It is recommended to make 5-10 lifts for each of the legs.

Are you suffering from back pain? In this article, we will offer you some basic exercises that will help strengthen your back muscles, restore their elasticity and increase mobility, reduce back pain and associated discomfort.

Stretching and strengthening the back muscles will be useful not only for people suffering from pain in the spine. Stretching the soft tissues (muscles, ligaments and tendons) of the back, legs, buttocks and around the spine is an excellent prevention of problems in the future.

The main cause of many diseases of the spine is associated with spasms of deep short lateral and medial intertransverse muscles of the lower back and interspinous muscles. Moreover, in a state of spasm, these muscles can stay for years, causing muscle blockades of the intervertebral discs.

The primary pathological process is the excessive tension of these muscles (awkward rotation of the body, excessive flexion of the spine, hypothermia of the back, transferred infection, long static muscle tension, arising - when a person is improperly seated at a computer or on a sofa, when carrying a bag on one shoulder, etc.), exceeding their working voltage, which leads to a prolonged, reflexively fixed tension, reflex spasm of these muscles.

During muscle spasm, lactic acid accumulates in them, which is a product of glucose oxidation in conditions of lack of oxygen. A high concentration of lactic acid in the muscles causes pain. When the muscle relaxes, the lumen of the vessels is restored, lactic acid is washed out of the muscles by the blood and the pain disappears. ()

Patients with persistent back pain will need several weeks or even months of regular exercise to mobilize the spine and soft tissues. But try to be patient, after a while you will feel a significant and lasting relief of back pain.

When stretching the spine:
  • relieves muscle tension
  • intervertebral spaces increase
  • nerve compression is reduced
  • blood circulation improves and metabolic processes in the vertebrae and adjacent tissues, in the articular bags and in the entire ligamentous apparatus of the joints.

Thus, spinal defects are corrected, joint stiffness is eliminated, pain sensations are relieved, which contributes to the fastest restoration of full-fledged movements after injuries, joint diseases, nervous strains and stresses.

How to stretch

  • Clothing should be comfortable and not restrict movement.
  • Before stretching, be sure to warm up for 5-10 minutes. Stretching can be done at home or in the gym, as long as there is enough space and the surface is even and not too hard. All movements should be performed slowly and smoothly. Avoid jerking, as such movements overstrain connective tissue and may result in injury.
  • Hold the stretched position for 20-30 seconds.
  • Repeat each exercise 5-10 times (over time, the number of approaches can be increased). During the first approach, the muscles being worked out should be tense, but in moderation, without pain. Try to relax well before the next sets to stretch even better.
  • Never bring the matter to pain. If you feel pain, ease the load. Stretching should not be painful.
  • Do not hold your breath while stretching. Exhale as you stretch and inhale as you return to the starting position. Breathe slowly and deeply.
  • Stretching before training and between sets will help increase the range of motion and avoid injury; stretching after workout speeds up recovery processes and takes off pain in the muscles.
  • If you have never stretched before, then at first it will be difficult for you to do it with maximum amplitude. Everything will get better with time.
  • Beginners may experience some muscle soreness the day after stretching, which usually resolves in a day or two.

If you have severe back pain, you should consult your doctor before starting exercise. Back pain can be the result of other serious conditions that can be aggravated by exercise.

A set of exercises for back pain to stretch and strengthen muscles

Exercise 1

Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor (A). Using both hands, pull one knee up and try to bring it close to your chest (B). Hold for 15 - 30 seconds. Return to starting position (A) and repeat with the other leg (C).

Return to starting position and repeat with both legs at the same time (D).

In this position, perform a static-dynamic version: move the body forward and backward, swinging it like a swing, rolling on the spine. (This exercise should only be performed on a hard surface.)

This exercise increases the flexibility of the spine and is very useful for the back, as it allows you to perform preventive and therapeutic self-massage.

Exercise 2

The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise (A). The shoulder blades are firmly pressed to the floor. Bring your knees together, slowly tilt to the right, trying to touch the surface on which you lie (B). Hold this position for 5 to 10 seconds. Try not to tear your upper back off the surface.

Return to starting position (C). Now the same thing, only we bend our knees in left side(D).

Repeat each step 2-3 times. It is advisable to perform this exercise twice a day - once in the morning and once in the evening.

This is an excellent exercise for developing the flexibility of the spine, in addition, it allows you to quickly relieve pain in the lumbar region.

Exercise 3

The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise (A). Arch your lower back so that your tailbone is reaching towards your feet (B). Hold for 5 seconds and then relax.

Then try to arch your lower back so that your tailbone and lower back are pressed into the floor (C). Hold for 5 seconds and then relax. Repeat. Start with five repetitions 1 time per day, and gradually increase the number of repetitions to 30 times.

Exercise 4

The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise (A). The arms are extended along the body. Tighten your abdominal and gluteal muscles. Then lift your hips to form a straight line from your knees to your shoulders (B). Keep your shoulders and head on the floor. Try to hold the position for three deep breaths (or about 10 to 15 seconds). Return to starting position (C). Repeat. Start with five repetitions 1 time per day, and gradually increase the number of repetitions to 30 times.

Exercise 5

The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. Stretch your arms to the sides, palms facing down. Place your right knee on top of your left, as if you were sitting in a chair, with your right foot off the floor. Move your hips to the right 5 cm, and bend your knees to the left. Your knees don't have to touch the floor, tilt them as far as you can. Your right shoulder will lift off the floor a little, which is normal, as long as your eyes are still looking at the ceiling. Now expand right hand palm up and slowly move the straight arm slightly up and back (towards the head). This exercise reveals chest and completes the rotation of the spine. Hold this position for 30 seconds - 1 minute. Repeat with the other side.

Exercise 6

Sit on the floor, spread your legs apart as wide as possible. Try to lean forward (using your hips, not your thoracic spine) and hold this position for 15 to 30 seconds. Breathe normally. Return to starting position. When performing this exercise, you will feel how the spine is stretched in the lumbar region. This exercise should be performed very smoothly and without jerking.

Also in this position, you can alternately stretch first to the right leg, and then to the left, holding in each position for 15 - 30 seconds. Thus, you alternately stretch the lateral muscles of the spine.

This exercise stretches the muscles near your spine and you can feel it in your hamstrings and calf muscles. It is recommended to do it twice a day.

Exercise 7

This exercise is also called Cat - Camel. Get on all fours (A). Slowly arch your back as if you are trying to touch the floor with your belly (B). Then slowly arch your back up as if you were pulling your belly up towards the ceiling (C), arching your back (like a camel's hump). Return to starting position (A). Repeat 3-5 times. This exercise should be done twice a day.

Exercise 8

Sit on a stool or chair without armrests. Place your right foot over your left. Take away left hand, not bent at the elbow, behind the right leg. The left elbow should be on the outside of the right knee. This way your body will be turned to the right (A). Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat for opposite side (B). Repeat 3-5 times for each side. This exercise should be done twice a day.

As a variation, this exercise can also be performed on the floor.

Exercise 9

Sit on a stool or chair without arms (A). Keeping correct posture, try to bring the shoulder blades together (B). Do not stretch your neck and head forward. Hold for 5 seconds and then relax. Repeat this exercise 3-5 times twice a day.

Pain in the lumbar spine is caused by diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Manifestations disturb quite often. Degenerative-dystrophic processes of intervertebral discs lead to this pathological condition. And this, in turn, can cause osteochondrosis. The cartilaginous layer is displaced and thinner, the spinal nerves are infringed and reactively inflamed. All this provokes intense pain, which increases with movement and physical exertion. In this article, we will consider how effective gymnastics for the lower back is.

What can help?

Such pain is eliminated by the arsenal available funds- medicines, physiotherapy, massage, manual therapy. But not only the listed therapeutic methods can help. It is necessary to engage in special therapeutic exercises for the lower back. This is a mandatory element of therapy, otherwise you should not count on the effectiveness of treatment. If you follow the recommended physical exercises, there will definitely be the following positive results:

  • The pain will be eliminated.
  • The muscular frame of the lower back will be strengthened.
  • The intervertebral spaces will expand, the pinched nerves will be released.
  • The blood supply and metabolism in the vertebrae, nerves, cartilage, muscles of the lumbar region will increase.

All this is provided by gymnastics for the lower back.

Physical exercise is considered quite powerful weapon in the treatment of certain diseases of the spine. If you do not perform them too skillfully, then the pain will not only not go away, it can still intensify. It is necessary to comply with a certain list of requirements so that the condition does not worsen:

  • Movements should be smooth, without jerks and sharp attacks.
  • Before classes, a large, bright room must be thoroughly ventilated. Clothing is selected as natural as possible.
  • It is necessary to control breathing: inhale - exercise, exhale - relaxation.
  • One element requires at least ten repetitions to start, then you can increase the number of times and the number of approaches as you adapt to the load.
  • If pain and other negative symptoms appear (nausea, general weakness, headache), this requires the cessation of exercise.

Gymnastics for the lower back is performed regularly, at about the same time of day, convenient for the patient.

Where to begin?

Pain-relieving gymnastics can be performed from a sitting, lying, standing position. Exercise helps stretch and strengthen muscles. But the load on the intervertebral discs is not allowed. How easy and simple to stretch the spine? It is enough to hang on the crossbar, while the power elements can not be used. The spinal column as a result passively stretches under the influence of the gravity of the body. The spaces between the vertebrae are stretched, the pinched nerves are released. Gymnastics for the lower back is especially useful for osteochondrosis.

It is quite difficult for women to hang on the crossbar, and not everyone successfully succeeds in this for men either. May interfere with health or age. Then you can take a position on all fours and perform exercises from it. This position is also called knee-elbow. It spares the spine as much as possible and prevents disc displacement.

It is enough just to walk on all fours, while slightly arching your back. And it is important to monitor your breathing - a deep breath should be alternated with a deep exhalation. Classes last no more than 20 minutes.

What is gymnastics for the lower back? More on this later.

What types of exercises are there?

Standing exercises are also very effective. This creates an optimal balanced load on the muscles of the back, abs, buttocks and thighs. But it is imperative to lean on a hard surface with your back and sacrum. The wall for these purposes is ideal.

You need to take a breath, then raise the leg, bent at the knee and hip joint. The angle must be straight. Maintain this position for 10 seconds, then exhale and lower your leg. To increase the load in the future, a small load (1-2 kg) is used. If the leg is not bent, then you can hurt your back, so you should not do this.

But the most commonly used physiotherapy for pain in the lower back from a prone position. This will require a flat, hard surface. The legs are spread shoulder-width apart, the arms are extended along the body. First you need to raise your head, with the help of the abdominal muscles, try to reach your knees with your hands. No more than ten seconds are allotted for each effort. Then the pelvis rises from the starting position, is held and lowered. After that, you can try to turn your legs, bent at the knees, in different directions, then your knees rise to your chest. All this alternates, each exercise is repeated at least ten times.

You can also sit on a chair, which should have a high back. The back arches in the lower back and presses against the back of the chair. Then you can rest for a short time, after which you need to return to the exercise. You can sit on the floor, spread your knees wide, place your buttocks between your feet. With a straight back, bend forward, lifting the buttocks off the floor. Repeat ten times.

Let's figure out if gymnastics is available to everyone for

What are the restrictions and contraindications?

Lumbar pain can occur not only because of sciatica and osteochondrosis. There is not always a benefit from therapeutic exercises, in some cases it can be harmful. Under the following conditions, it is not recommended to engage in the described exercises:

  • During pregnancy.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • Exacerbations of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Diseases of the kidneys.
  • With back pain radiating to the leg.

for the lower back

  1. You need to lie on your stomach. In turn, the left, then the right straight leg rises. It lingers in an elevated position for 1-2 seconds.
  2. Lie down on your stomach too. Now, instead of legs, you need to raise your torso. Hold for a few seconds and return to the starting position.
  3. Sit on your knees. Take a breath, raise the body, spread the arms to the sides. Exhale - return to the starting position.
  4. Do swings with straight legs up and down in turn left and right.
  5. Lie on your back, bend your knees. Simulate cycling.
  6. Standing, raise a straight leg and put it on any support - a table, a chair. Gently tilt the torso to the foot, as far as possible. Then the legs should be changed.
  7. Lie on your side. Raise the straight leg up, hold for a while and lower it back into place. Then you need to change sides.

Is such gymnastics allowed for everyone with back pain?


There are also contraindications for these exercises:

  • In the early postoperative period, therapeutic exercises are not recommended. Seams may come apart or other complications may occur.
  • With malignant tumors in the spine. With these activities, cancer patients will only exacerbate the situation.
  • With violations of the blood supply to the heart muscle. Exercise can cause sudden myocardial infarction.
  • With violations of the blood supply to the brain. In a pre-stroke state, any physical activity is contraindicated.

Heart attack and stroke very often end lethal outcome Therefore, these recommendations should not be abused.

General depletion of the body, increased arterial pressure, heart failure and diabetes, as well as a tendency to bleeding are contraindications to this kind of exercise therapy.

What exercises to do for the lower back, if you often suffer from pain? It makes no sense to strengthen the vertebrae for the spine, because we are not able to influence them.

If the lower back hurts, then the exercises only allow you to develop muscles, but do not remove the underlying disease.

If you have any disease of the spine (and, for example, osteochondrosis is diagnosed in most cases), then it is important to treat it in time.

It is of great importance as an adjunctive therapy that speeds up therapy and helps to get rid of pain.

How is it possible to get rid of lower back pain at home with the help of even the simplest exercise? Everything is quite simple, because exercise therapy allows you to:

  • relax overstressed muscle fibers;
  • remove spasm;
  • ensure blood flow in the diseased area, and hence accelerate regeneration;
  • strengthen the muscular corset around the spinal column;
  • stretch the muscles.

It is enough to allocate at least 10 minutes for exercise therapy per day to achieve such a result. And if you practice 2-3 times daily as an addition to physiotherapy and medication, then progress will be visible much earlier.

During the period of exacerbation, it is possible to perform exercises for the lumbosacral spine, but only with great care.

It is very important to know exactly what kind of disease caused an acute attack, since with some pathologies or, for example, with injuries, it is better not to disturb the diseased area once again.

Conversely, gymnastics lumbar is a great way to relieve pain from pinched nerves or osteochondrosis, as it can improve local blood circulation, and this will relieve spasm.

Many movements are also aimed at removing the pinching of the nerve root between the sections of the bone.

Even before an acute attack has developed, you need to try to eliminate pain so that they do not have time to progress, since exercises with pain of a strong nature cannot be performed.

At this stage, try very carefully to perform any of the tasks described below, and preferably all and 3-5 times:

  1. Lie down on a bed, couch, sofa that has a hard surface. At the same time, the legs should be in free space, that is, hanging down. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Take five full breaths, as if filling the stomach first with breath, and then the chest. After that, gently stretch your whole body.
  2. Pose - knee-elbow. Take a breath, while exhaling strongly squeeze the buttocks and after 3-10 seconds relax and inhale. If the condition allows, then you can arch your back or bend in your back, while maintaining even breathing.
  3. If you are sure that you have negative symptoms due to a pinched back, you need to hang on the bar for a few tens of seconds. Can be done additional movements- leg raises or torso twists.

At acute pain it is better to reduce the performance of any exercises to a minimum. Many doctors advise for this period to be completely less active and unload the spine as much as possible in order to avoid aggravating clinical symptoms.

Therefore, at this stage, pay attention to other methods of treatment - drug therapy, light massage or compresses based on therapeutic and analgesic ointments.

In the acute phase of exacerbation, the pain is unbearable. Try not to overload your lower back and maintain bed rest. If the work schedule does not allow this, try to limit movements as much as possible and wear a supporting corset. Exercise is contraindicated.

A reasonable approach is one of the most important rules during lessons. The set of exercises should include different types gymnastics.

For example, it makes no sense to put too much stress on the lower back if it hurts, since relaxing tasks are more suitable in this situation.

And if you are doing gymnastics already for a long time, then you should definitely supplement it with more complex load variations.

It doesn't matter if you are treating help exercise therapy pain in the sacral spine, lower back or thoracic region it is very important to always do it right. Excessive muscle tension will lead to increased pain.

That is why it is important not only to dose the load - each workout should begin with a warm-up, even the simplest one.

After performing simple warm-up movements for 5-10 minutes, you can almost completely protect yourself from additional muscle injury.

Each of the following exercises should be repeated for approximately one minute:

  1. Spread your legs wide and perform a circular rotation of the pelvis. For convenience, you can put your hands on the belt.
  2. Great help to prepare the lower back for further load tilts to the left and right sides. In this case, one hand should be held at the waist, and the other should be stretched in the direction of the slope in order to stretch and prepare the muscles more.
  3. Tilts back and forth are also desirable to do with a maximum deviation.
  4. Raising the legs to the stomach in turn.
  5. Circular abduction of the legs to the side.
  6. Running or walking in place.

It is advisable to stretch not only the lower back, but also other parts of the body. For example, by performing circular movements with your hands. Even a half-hour walk before doing the main exercises will be a good warm-up.

Stretching exercises for muscle fibers are very useful for lower back pain.

At the same time, exercises with such tasks can be either an independent training or a variant of a hitch after performing other exercises.

The latter option is even more preferable, since by the end of the time allotted for gymnastics, all the muscles are already quite well warmed up.

Many people are familiar with stretching the legs, but do not know exactly what to do if you need to stretch the lower back. Examples of exercises are:

  1. Side tilt. This task is suitable for both warm-up and stretching, the only difference is how long it takes and how far the person tries to reach with his palm.
  2. Tilt forward. You also need to do it slowly. It is advisable to clasp your hands in the lock and with your palms touch first the toes of one foot, then the other and the floor in the middle of them - this is the most low point tilt.
  3. Sit down, stretch your legs in front of you. At the beginning of the exercise, bend over and try to reach as far as possible with your fingertips. Care must be taken not to overload Bottom part legs, and the load fell on the lower surface of the back.
  4. Sit on your knees, place your palms in front of you. Without lifting them from the floor, slide them forward, slowly stretching. As soon as you touch the floor with your chest, linger in this position and begin to slowly return to the starting position.

It is very important to observe the smoothness of movements and try to take the most uncomfortable position for the current state of the muscles. The main thing is to stay in this position for 15-30 seconds, and then return to the starting position.

Many people imagine that doing exercises on a fitball is of value only for those who are losing weight. However, gymnastics for back pain through this ball can diversify tasks a lot, which means that you can work out muscle groups it will be much more.

For example, you can use the following complex:

  1. Place your feet on the fitball and perform a few push-ups.
  2. Lie down on the ball with your stomach, rest your hands on the floor, legs bent at the knees. On the count of "one" raise your legs, on the count of "two" - return to the IP. To complicate the task, you can not help yourself with your hands.
  3. Place your feet on the fitball, put your hands on the floor. Perform several times lifting the pelvis up.
  4. Again, lie down on the ball with your lower abdomen and hips, it is better to fix your legs somehow for better stability. We remove our hands behind the head and do several lifts of the torso up.
  5. This exercise is similar to what is described above, only you should rest against the fitball with your chest, and raise your legs up already.

Yoga helps to strengthen the back muscles. Measured movements and calm postures seem easy to perform only at first glance.

In fact, asanas heavily load the muscles, and the tasks before yoga gradually become more difficult.

If you want to do core strengthening through yoga, be sure to look for an experienced instructor.

The initial exercises are not particularly difficult, but then the master should follow the beginner's exercises, otherwise there is a high risk of harming himself.

It is advisable to do muscle relaxation exercises at the end of the complex, when the bulk of the forces have already been spent on more challenging tasks and there is a desire to relax.

With the help of such gymnastics, you can achieve this effect and contribute to a greater rush of blood to the lumbar region:

  1. Sit on your knees and stretch up, then take the IP.
  2. Lie on the floor and stretch well, as if you woke up in the morning.
  3. Get on all fours and do the "Cat" exercise: bend at the waist, leaning forward, as if you were diving under an obstacle.
  4. Perform the exercise "Birch".

Lower back pain can be relieved with relaxation exercises, but in the future, you should always try to complicate your task as much as possible. The basics are great for this. strength exercises- you can even do them at home.

Strengthening the lower back, for example, will help exercises such as:

  • hyperextension;
  • squats;
  • push-ups with weights on the lower back;
  • pull-ups.

Exercises for the lumbar region, which would help relieve pain, what should they be? First of all, low-amplitude, that is, they need to be done without sudden movements, without overloading yourself.

Exercises to relieve back pain that have arisen can be as follows:

  1. Lie on your back, relax, and then lift your pelvis and hold this position for a while.
  2. IP - lying on the stomach. From this provision it is necessary to raise the chest and legs as high as possible at once, linger for 3 seconds and relax again.
  3. Rise on your tiptoes and try to stretch your whole body up.
  4. Place your hands on the bar and, stretching, bend forward, trying to arch your back as much as possible.
  5. Sit on a chair and, clasping yourself with your arms, begin to smoothly deviate first forward, and after returning to the IP to the sides.

Exercises against back pain will not be able to fully get rid of this symptom if the attack is acute. In such a situation, it is better to engage in drug treatment.

Gymnastic exercises that are aimed at strengthening the muscular corset will be quite difficult to perform for an unprepared person.

If you are one of them, then exercises for the lumbosacral region are for you. fit better, and once you're ready, you can move on to more complex tasks:

  1. You need to lie down, but so that your back is on a hard surface. We pull our knees to the stomach and intercept them with our hands. From this position, you need to try to stretch your shoulders and chest forward to bent knees.
  2. We remain lying, but raise our legs up, for example, on a sofa, chair. We perform several pelvic lifts to the maximum possible height.
  3. includes regular push-ups. It is desirable to perform them as much as the body can withstand.
  4. Hanging on the crossbar. It is advisable to supplement it by lifting the legs up. When the exercise is easy to get, we complicate it, trying to keep the lower limbs in a raised position for 15-40 seconds.
  5. Not only hanging, but also pull-ups allow you to work out your back muscles.
  6. Plank. One of the simple but effective exercises. The principle is to hold yourself in a position similar to push-ups, but only with support on the forearms, and not on the palms.

How is exercise different from exercise therapy for the lumbosacral region? The fact is that the first version of the classes takes a little less time and includes more lighter exercises for the lumbosacral part of the spine.

Here are some simple but effective tasks:

  1. Lie on the floor, relax. If you need more stability, place your arms along the body or spread them wide. Squeeze your legs together and, lifting them, press them to your stomach. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Get on all fours. Alternately raise one arm and the opposite leg. One of the variations of the exercise is to unbend the limbs, alternately 15 times.
  3. Just walk on all fours.
  4. Perform "Scissors" with your feet.
  5. Do the exercise "Bicycle" for about 5 minutes.
  6. Lie on your back, place your hands palms down along the body. Raise the pelvis to the maximum possible point 25 times, linger in it for 7-10 seconds and return to the PI.

When the pain is concentrated in the sacrum, it is worth consulting a doctor and choosing individual sessions. In some such cases, the load will be completely contraindicated.

If there is not much time, you can simply do warm-up exercises. They are also ideal, for example, in the morning, and in the evening it will be possible to perform a more complex complex.

You can easily recharge at home. Will tell you how to properly perform exercises for the lower back video instructions.

The time of physical training should always be chosen wisely, since exercises for back pain are not always appropriate. It is forbidden to do intensive gymnastics in the acute period.

Also, if it hurts often, and you decide to strengthen your back to get rid of these pains, then first make sure that you have no contraindications to exercise.

Forbidden physiotherapy at:

  • exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • suffered in recent past traumas;
  • the presence of hernias or tumors;
  • if there are problems with the kidneys;
  • with SARS.

However, you should always consult a doctor about the advisability of doing gymnastics for pain, since there are a lot of reasons for this symptom.

Gymnastics from lower back pain helps only if performed regularly. If you constantly take breaks, then even the most intensive classes won't make sense. Better for 10-20 minutes, but load your back daily.

Undoubtedly, gymnastics plays a significant role in strengthening the lumbar muscles, especially if a person has changed his lifestyle.

However, one should not forget that when pinching the intervertebral discs or in other equally serious cases, drug therapy and its timeliness play a significant role.

Therefore, therapeutic exercises for the lumbar spine of your spine should not replace the main treatment and medical care.

Video about exercises for the lower back

The most common type of pain is back pain. These unpleasant sensations limit the daily activities of about eight percent of the adult population of our planet.

Sergey Mikhailovich Bubnovsky - the creator of the methodology of alternative orthopedics and neurology, who developed special exercises to relieve back pain. They help to get rid of chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system due to the internal reserves of the human body.

Alternative Method

S. M. Bubnovsky can be called a kind of pioneer in medicine. The methods proposed by him allow to save the patient from pain and discomfort in the joints and muscles. This, in turn, returns a person to a full life without surgery and the use of drugs.

The basis of many years of work of Professor Bubnovsky is the principle of using movement as an alternative to third-party intervention, activating the internal potential of the body. This path allows you to achieve recovery in the main on your own patient.

The impetus for the development of such a technique was Bubnovsky's own experience. After the most severe injuries received in the accident, doctors predicted a lifelong disability for him. However, the young man did not give up and years later he recovered on his own.

The essence of the alternative methodology

When a patient complains of back pain, doctors usually recommend avoidance of exertion and rest. However, it is unlikely to lead a person to recovery.

Dr. Bubnovsky suggests a different path. The basis of his therapy is movement and exercises for back pain, performed on special strength training equipment. With the help of devices developed by Professor Bubnovsky himself, the patient gets rid of muscle edema, which is the main cause of pain. Also, during classes on special simulators, blood supply in the problem area returns to normal.

Not only for back pain, Bubnovsky's exercises are recommended for people. They also help as a preventive measure for those who do not have a diagnosis. Using this technique is a reasonable choice for any person. After all, for his patients, Bubnovsky selects an individual complex that is most suitable for them, which allows you to cure diseases of the joints and spine.

The popularity of the methodology of the famous doctor led to the creation by him a large number health programs. They do not require a special level to complete. physical training. On the contrary, most of its treatment systems take into account the problems of the elderly.

You can also perform exercises so that your back does not hurt according to the books of the professor. The author paints all the movements in an easy and understandable language, pointing out the need for self-discipline and regularity of execution.

Application area

The treatment technique of Bubnovsky helps with:

- arthrosis;
- intervertebral hernia;
- radiculitis;
- coxarthrosis;
- asthma;
- chronic bronchitis;
- colds;
- migraine.

Also, the technique of the famous doctor helps to quickly restore health during the post-traumatic rehabilitation period.

Spine treatment

Pain in the back contributes to everyday life a lot of discomfort. To eliminate this phenomenon, Dr. Bubnovsky recommends a set of exercises developed by him. With back pain, they are aimed at recovery and further improvement. musculoskeletal functions spine.

How does the exercise of the alternative method help to eliminate discomfort? To understand this, you need to know what causes back pain.
In case of damage cartilage tissue or ligaments, the affected area begin to protect the muscles. They tighten up and cause pain. Time passes, and the person recovers. But if the muscles in the region of the focus of pathology are not involved, then they weaken and cease to withstand the previous, even if insignificant, loads. At the same time, there are sensations that bring discomfort.

The theory of Dr. Bubnovsky is based on the principle of strengthening and relaxing muscles, as well as the development of joints. Strong tissues will not only protect the cartilage and spine from damage, but also significantly strengthen them.

For back pain, exercises are performed in a complex manner. At the same time, they are quite simple and contain elements of yoga, aerobics and Pilates. Bubnovsky's simulators are necessary for those who suffer from impaired functioning of the ODA. These special projectiles allow patients to get the necessary physical exercise.
If you have back pain, what exercises to do at home? Let's consider them in more detail.

Arching and relaxing the back

This exercise starts from the starting position, standing on all fours. At the same time, you should feel and relax them. Next is a breath. At the same time, the back arches. Then the exhalation follows. The back is arched. This exercise is performed at a moderate pace at least twenty times.

Muscle stretching

If your back hurts, what exercises still need to be done? To relieve discomfort, it is necessary to stretch the muscles. The patient begins the exercises, standing on all fours, crouching on the left leg and pushing back the right. In this position, the muscles are stretched. The left leg should be pulled forward, and the body should be lowered as low as possible. Exercise must be performed twenty times. Next, the supporting leg changes. It also performs at least 20 exercises.


To perform these exercises, the patient should get on all fours, stretching the body forward and not using the muscles of the belt.

These movements are performed at a slow pace. It is important to maintain balance and monitor breathing.

Stretching the back muscles

These exercises also need to be performed on all fours. The first movement is done on the exhale. For its execution, the patient tilts the body to the floor, while bending the arms. On exhalation, the body returns to its original position. At the same time, the arms are straightened, emphasis is placed on the heels. This exercise, which perfectly stretches the muscles of the back, is repeated at least six times.


Begin this exercise by lying on your back with your hands behind your head. Next, the body lifts are made. The elbows should touch the bent knees. The number of such exercises will vary depending on the physical fitness of the patient. If they are performed for the first time, then the painful sensations in the abdominal muscles will serve as a guide. In the future, it is recommended to increase the load and increase the duration of its impact.

half bridge

These exercises for pain in the back and lower back begin to be performed from a prone position. The patient should raise the pelvis as much as possible, and then slowly lower it. The arms should be extended along the body. It should be borne in mind that the rises must be performed on inspiration in an amount of at least thirty times.

Adaptive gymnastics

Bubnovsky has exercises for back pain, designed for those who are just starting to practice kinesitherapy. The movements of adaptive gymnastics allow patients to stretch and strengthen their muscles. In the future, this will allow you to perform more complex complexes.

Before starting classes, every beginner should read Bubnovsky's advice. The famous doctor recommends that you exercise only on an empty stomach at any time. However, the most preferred is the morning or the period after work.

Exercises must be performed for at least twenty minutes. A sign of their effectiveness is the release of sweat. After completing the course, you must water procedures in the form of a contrast shower. You can also just wipe yourself with a wet cold towel.

Exercises for pain in the back and lower back of the adaptive complex are closely interconnected. Each of them is a complement to the other. Do not despair if the exercises do not work right away from back pain. Skill will improve as practical action. And only after mastering adaptive gymnastics, the patient will be able to easily move on to the profile complex.

1. The patient sits on his heels. When inhaling, he should rise and spread his arms to the sides. Next, he should lower himself on the exhale and take his original position.
2. To perform a cleansing breath, place your hands on your stomach. Next, exhale through tightly clenched teeth. In this case, the sound "pf" should be obtained.
3. Abdominal exercises begin from a supine position with knees bent. Lifting the body should be done while exhaling. Next, one leg must be thrown over the knee of the other and swing the press diagonally. At the same time, the elbows begin to work. The left must reach the knee right foot and vice versa.
4. The next exercise for back pain must be performed on the side with emphasis on the arm. In this starting position, you need to exhale and raise the pelvis. After that, the side is changed.
5. Further, the complex of adaptive gymnastics provides for the rotation of the pelvis. They should be done on your knees.
6. Without changing the previous position, the patient must tilt the body forward and backward.
7. Next, lie on your stomach and lift your legs off the floor. These movements alternate with
8. For the next exercise, the patient should lie on his side. This is followed by a leg raise with a pause in the middle of the swing. Similar movements are performed on the other side.
9. Further, the complex of adaptive gymnastics recommends push-ups from the floor.
10. When performing the following exercise, you must sit down and try to move only on the gluteal muscles.
11. The next exercise for back pain is swinging the leg forward and backward. They are performed on all fours.

Kinesitherapy for acute lumbalgia

Patients suffering from severe back pain, practicing according to the Bubnovsky method, get rid, first of all, of the walking stereotype formed by the disease. This happens as a result of strengthening the muscular corset. The famous doctor developed exercises for acute back pain, which are performed on the crossover simulator.

1. Move around the room on your knees, while focusing on your hands.
2. Lie on your back, holding the support with your arms extended upwards. Then, as you exhale, bring your legs to your stomach. If there is mild pain, the exercise does not need to be stopped, but if there is severe discomfort, classes are canceled.
3. Lie on your back with your hands clasped behind your head in a lock. The legs should be bent at the knees. Without lifting your socks off the floor, you should raise your upper body.

Each of the above exercises should be repeated at least twenty times. After the disappearance of the pain effect, the result is fixed by stretching on the horizontal bar.

If severe pain occurs during exercise, Dr. Bubnovsky advises putting a cold towel under your back. This will allow for some time to eliminate discomfort.

Clinical practice of the kinesitherapy technique has shown its good analgesic effect. It manifests itself through the contraction and relaxation of muscles.

Do not be afraid of uncomfortable sensations at the beginning of the Bubnovsky medical complex. After all, the therapeutic effect of the procedure will be obtained only when the brain gets used to the contraction of muscle tissue. Overcoming pain will improve the mobility of the spine and form a strong natural back corset.

But at the same time, it should be borne in mind that too strong discomfort sensations make the application of the kinesitherapy method impossible. In this case, the person must eliminate severe pain with the help of medications, and only then proceed to the implementation of therapeutic exercises.

Dr. Bubnovsky claims that each person should approach the improvement of his body in a comprehensive manner.

In his life should be present not only training and physical activity. The effectiveness of exercise will be much higher if:
- conduct outdoor activities;
- ensure sleep in a ventilated room;
- do morning exercises every day;
- walk barefoot;
- drink up to three liters of fluid per day;
- visit the sauna and take a contrast shower;
- give up smoking and alcohol;
- eat healthy food.

You need to help your back in bed too. After all, a person spends almost a third of his life in a dream. In order for the bed not to be a prerequisite for the occurrence of pain, it is necessary to choose the right mattress. It should also be a comfortable position during sleep. It is not recommended to sleep on your stomach. Then you have to bend your neck, which will put excessive stress on the joints. It is best to sleep on your side or on your back, supporting your body with a pillow.

After a night's sleep, you should not quickly get out of bed. You need to stretch and let the body wake up. Such a rise will be a good prevention of injury. Increased back pain provokes an incorrect position behind the wheel of a car. To avoid discomfort, you should optimally position the chair, without pushing it far back.

You also need to protect your back at work. This is especially true for those who spend the whole day at the table. A tense posture in the same position becomes the first cause of pain in the back. You need to sit straight. After all, bending forward increases pressure on the spine. In addition, it is important to get up from the table after every 45-50 minutes of work. This will be a great workout for the spine.

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