Positive emotions: list, description, comments of psychologists. Positive Emotions - where to get them and what they are

Endless identical gray everyday life, creeping one after another, can bring anyone to a depressed state. But you can fill your life with colors with the help of positive emotions. There are many types of positive emotions, each of them will bring a positive charge into your world.

List of positive emotions:

  1. interest, interest, curiosity- the most frequently occurring emotion, motivates the development of thinking, knowledge, skills. Interest is the only motivation that supports the implementation of routine work. An interested person has a desire to expand their experience, to explore something new. With a strong interest, a person feels revival and inspiration.
  2. Astonishment- this is a passing emotion: it appears quickly and disappears just as quickly. Its function is to prepare a person for sudden or new events, successful actions.
  3. Joy- refers to the positive emotions of a person, characterized by a sense of confidence, significance, the ability to overcome difficulties and enjoy life. It is accompanied by satisfaction with oneself, the world and people around, a feeling of energy upsurge and own strength. Joy awakens when a person realizes his potential. Obstacles to self-realization prevent joy from arising.
  4. Happiness- the most powerful positive emotion. It occurs when a person reaches the goal or when this moment approaches. The road to happiness is in ideals, dreams, goals. They anticipate the result, contributing to the emergence of pleasant feelings. The more accessible and closer the goal, the less the feeling of happiness. A person who wants to experience happiness to the fullest must determine his abilities and achieve difficult, distant goals.
  5. Gratitude- arises when a person feels gratitude, understands that he has received some benefit.
  6. Hope- this is optimism, the belief that everything will be fine in the end result. Problems do not seem unresolved, a person sees the future bright and believes that his desires will come true, no matter what.
  7. tranquility- appears when everything is going as it should, you feel relaxed and calm. Your mind is not burdened with worries. Peace comes in a moment of calm and tranquility when you can just enjoy the present.
  8. Trembling we feel a flare of awe and curiosity about something incredibly delightful. It can be amazing natural phenomena, works of art, achievements of technology. At such moments, the understanding comes that we are just a grain in a vast world.

How to get positive emotions?

The world of emotions pervades all human life: communication, interaction with people, activity and cognition. The impact of positive emotions is enormous: they allow you to expand habitual actions and thoughts, create personal resources, make us cheerful, and improve health and well-being over time.

Monotonous life with a repeating cycle already habitual actions, and even without such a miracle as positive emotions, can easily create a depressed mood for any of us ... And with such a mood, you can reach a depressive state, which no person needs - but there is a way out and this is a great way out of the dullness of everyday life!

positive emotions

We can easily improve our everyday life due to positive emotions, and there are many of them, and each, entering our life, will give its own positive flavor and feeling.

Let's talk a little about positive emotions. After all, some of the sensations below are perceived by most of us as commonplace, although they confidently make a positive contribution to our life. Most often, in the life of any of us, such an emotion arises as inquisitiveness, curiosity, passion. It is these emotions that easily prompt us to form knowledge, new skills and thinking. Any routine work can only be supported by interest in it - and becoming interested, any of us will expand our horizons, exploring and finding something more modern and more interesting. An interested person is always animated and inspired and does not think about boredom at all! Let's talk about surprise - also an emotion, only quickly passing. It can arise spontaneously and disappear just as quickly after a person satisfies his interest. But surprise can prepare any of us for something new, unexpected, concentration of attention and for subsequent actions, of course, successful - positive emotions.

A very positive emotion is joy, which inspires confidence and significance in a person, thanks to this emotion, people have the ability to overcome all difficulties and, of course, enjoy life. Joy is able to instill in any of us satisfaction with ourselves, those around us and the whole Universe in general, it gives confidence in our strengths. Only as soon as any of us can fully realize all our capabilities, this will appear. wonderful feeling joy and happiness.

By the way, about happiness - it is the most powerful positive emotion! This emotion accompanies the deeds of a person, approaching their completion, or already implemented with the expected result. Fortunately, ideals, goals and dreams lead us, anticipating the result of our deeds, which is why this most pleasant feeling appears. Naturally, hard-to-reach goals lead to happiness, which must be achieved with difficulty, but also with hope, but achieving a goal that is not so distant and difficult cannot deliver such all-consuming joy and happiness. After all, everything available is unable to deliver happiness, even when it is achieved ... They talk about gratitude and feel this emotion, in the case when a person is grateful for the actions performed, or the words that brought him joy and became

How often do we want to cheer ourselves up! However, everything around seems to be conducive to the opposite: conflict with colleagues, a broken heel, an unsuccessful ticket, and much more. And, sometimes, it happens that the mood disappears for no apparent reason, and you can only guess how to get positive emotions and regain your good mood. It turns out that helping yourself is quite simple, you just need to follow a few simple recommendations.

Remember that no one will ever be able to charge you with positive emotions if you yourself do not allow it to be done. Therefore, the first thing you should do is sincerely wish to get rid of the depressed state and bad mood.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself. The result of your torment due to your own failure will be either compassionate or malevolent glances, and you absolutely do not need either of them. Learn to laugh at yourself in odd situations and perceive your mistakes as a constructive, positive experience.

To get a charge of positive emotions, open the window wide open and look around at everything that is around. You will be convinced that life is beautiful, and the sky, the sun and the gentle breath of the breeze simply will not leave room for sadness in your soul.

Recall a funny or just a bright episode that happened to you or your friends. Re-experience the positive emotions associated with it, and you will definitely not want to return to sadness.

Organize a meeting with old friends and have fun. However, remember that the purpose of this meeting should in no case be complaints about a failed life.

Move more! You are probably familiar with the term “muscle joy”. Take a walk or go in for sports, as you definitely won’t be able to get positive emotions while sitting on the couch.

Pamper yourself. Prepare your favorite dish or get your favorite treat, buy yourself a new thing, get a new haircut, sign up for a massage. These simple actions will immediately lift your spirits.

Learn to enjoy the little things. So you will very soon realize that you are always surrounded by positive, and that even in the most, it would seem, unpleasant situation there are positive, joyful features.

In general, there are countless tricks in the world with which you can cheer up, you just need to dream up a little and choose from them the one that you accept more. And most importantly - you need to learn to meet every new day with a smile on your face, and under no circumstances give in to despondency.

It is impossible to imagine the existence of a person without the daily flow of feelings and emotions experienced by him throughout his life. Every minute every inhabitant of the Earth experiences fear, love, joy or anger. It is part of the very nature of man.

In this article we will talk about feelings, a detailed list of positive emotions will be considered. And also a description of the influence on a person of some negative emotions.

Emotions. Concept and their manifestation

Every day experiencing a whole range of feelings, few people think about the definition given by psychologists. According to the scientific definition, emotions are a certain mental state of an individual at the moment he experiences any life situations.

In the human daily list of emotions, both positive and negative, there are incredibly many. Transfer emotional condition a person can be controlled by his manner of holding himself, posture, voice, gait, facial expressions, and even physiological indicators (pressure, pulse, respiratory rate).

Most often, it is possible to read the emotions or feelings of a person through facial expressions. The position of the lips, wrinkles, eyebrows and eyes always immediately responds to the felt emotion. So, by too raised eyebrows, you can understand that a person is surprised, by lowered corners of the lips - that he is upset.

The difference between emotions and feelings

It is important to understand the difference between emotions and feelings. So emotions are an instantaneous reaction of a person to a change in the situation around him. Feelings are emotions, but of a longer duration. A feeling cannot arise spontaneously, it needs time to get stronger. Some psychologists believe that the function of emotions is to express basic feelings such as love, fear, anger, joy, or sadness.

List of positive human emotions

Positive, as a rule, include those from which a person feels good and pleasant at heart. These are emotions that you want to feel constantly, day after day. The list of positives includes:

  • sympathy;
  • pleasure;
  • joy;
  • delight;
  • Delight;
  • exultation;
  • tenderness;
  • bliss.

If a person manages to regularly experience such emotions, he feels happy.

What emotions can harm a person?

In addition to good and pleasant, there are also negative ones in a person’s life. This is an unpleasant feeling, which you often want to get rid of as soon as possible, we advise you to find out how the positive ones differ from the negative ones, which is well described in the publication: http://fb.ru/post/wellness/2016/9/3/7270.

However, sometimes negative ones contain an important task - to encourage a person to act, to change something in himself or in his life, so as not to experience more similar ones. The negative ones include:

  • fright;
  • anxiety;
  • fear;
  • disturbance;
  • anger;
  • shame;
  • rage;
  • bitterness.

However, emotions are what is on the surface, deeper feelings. They are experienced for a long time, sometimes years and sometimes decades. And overcoming them can be much more difficult than dealing with momentary anxiety.

Feelings that are formed under the influence of emotions

Psychologists advise you to get acquainted not only with the list of positive emotions, but also feelings. These include:

  • gratitude;
  • love;
  • pride;
  • respect;
  • confidence;
  • safety;
  • attachment.

The spectrum of feelings is not limited to the list of positive and negative emotions of a person, do not forget about negative feelings. Unfortunately, a lot of people experience them too. for a long time and suffer enough from it. The list of negative feelings includes:

  • anxiety;
  • longing;
  • sadness;
  • despair;
  • resentment;
  • sorrow;
  • discontent;
  • a pity;
  • hatred;
  • gloat;
  • regret;
  • despondency;
  • jealousy;
  • malice;
  • mistrust;
  • contempt;
  • disgust;
  • envy;
  • disappointment.

Of course, this is not a list of all the feelings and emotions of a person, but only a small part of them, but for sure everyone had to experience this or that feeling at least once in their life.

Experts argue that it is necessary to understand the difference between a list of positive emotions and a list of positive ones. It's not the same thing. If positive emotions can be regarded as always pleasant, regardless of the situation, then negative feelings or emotions that have fallen into such a situation can also be positive.

List of dangerous emotions

According to psychologists, each person should make such a list for himself, because only he alone knows what kind of feelings lead to his deterioration. physical condition. However, there is also a generally accepted opinion about what emotions and feelings are irreversibly harmful to health.

In this case, there are no emotions from the list of positive ones, Negative influence have only negative feelings. These include sadness, disappointment and longing, since the long manifestation of these feelings causes rapid weight gain, and also contributes to the emergence of life-threatening neoplasms in the body.

In addition, fear has a negative effect, since it is able to fetter a person, both physically and morally. A person who is afraid will never walk with a straight posture, which will sooner or later lead to scoliosis and problems with musculoskeletal system. Fear of rejection often leads women to health problems and the loss of the opportunity to produce healthy offspring.

Anger also has a destructive effect, it increases blood pressure, loads the heart, leads to problems with the gastrointestinal tract and serious skin diseases.

Resentment, on the other hand, has the most destructive property, especially if it is directed at oneself. It can lead to serious mental illness, depression and even loss of reason.

Jealousy and envy can lead to loss of appetite, decreased immunity and lack of sleep. Often experienced shame will inevitably affect the condition of nails, hair and skin. Disgust and contempt can cause frequent headaches, nausea and insomnia.

It is clear that it is impossible to forbid oneself to experience certain feelings or emotions, but in order to prevent the occurrence of such diseases, one must learn to take one's feelings and emotions under control.

How to manage emotions

In order to maintain your mental and physical health Being in society, you need to learn how to control the flow of daily feelings. It is important to note that the list of positive emotions is quite extensive, but they never become the cause of poor health or illness.

If the situation is heating up and you need to immediately pull yourself together, psychologists advise taking a break in a conversation or discussion if it is caused by an unpleasant conversation. You can go outside and five or ten minutes to think about something else. Sometimes, in order to give yourself time to cool off, you need to go to the bathroom and wash your face. cold water, take a refreshing shower. Water is able to wash away the accumulated negativity, making room for positive emotions.

It happens that you can not cope with the accumulated emotions on your own. In this case, you should not torment friends and family with your problems, but it is better to seek help from a psychologist. He will identify the problem and help get rid of it as soon as possible.

To get rid of acute negative emotions, you can apply physical strength, go in for sports or have a good cry. Sometimes it helps for long-term therapy at the end of each day to write a list of positive emotions a person has experienced today. This helps to discharge emotionally and calmly look at the situation.


Thus, feelings are an integral part Everyday life each person. And only on how this or that person learns to cope with his emotions, accept them as they are, fight them or try to control them, depends on whether he can become happy and whether he can maintain his physical and mental health for many years.

Having considered the list of positive feelings and emotions, as well as the list of negative states of a person, one can understand that only the person himself determines the quality of his life and in his hands how he can dispose of it.

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What are they, positive emotions?It is a pleasant feeling of happiness, contentment, trust and expectation of success. These are feelings of compassion, love, tolerance and understanding.Why do you need positive emotions?

Positive emotions make you feel good, energetic, happy, able and ready to take action to continue what you want to achieve and achieve. Positive emotions will also make life happier and easier, make you more likeable, and improve relationships.

How can you create positive emotions?

Here are some tips and suggestions to help you create positive emotions.

1. Realize the importance of positive emotions and how they can improve your life.

2. Let go of negative thoughts and feelings.

3. After waking up in the morning, smile and say to yourself silently or out loud: "I will have a wonderful day today, it will be happy and successful. I will remain patient and positive in any situation."

4. Sometimes during the day, for a few minutes, visualize some happy moments and situations from life, a place you liked to visit, or communication with loved ones.

5. When something makes you angry, wait a few seconds before reacting.

6. When you feel some despair, anger, unhappiness or frustration, don't give in to those feelings and let them grow. Visualize what makes you happy, read what makes you happy, repeat positive affirmations, or just try to create some happy feelings within you.

This may not be easy, as negative feelings can be too strong, however, one should do everything possible, no matter how many times one may not have caused positive feelings. But if you keep chanting, you can change your attitude and feelings.

7. Understand that you cannot always control the situation in your life, but you can control and change your attitude and reaction. Negative attitude and anger will lead to negative emotions, a positive attitude and positive emotions will make the situation better.

8. Try to show some positive emotions towards people you don't like. You don't have to be their friend, but you can stop being negative and allow some feelings of warmth and understanding to emerge. You may be surprised at how your attitude and reaction towards you will change.

9. Read some inspirational quotes every day.

10. Repeat statements such as:

"I feel happy man and confident."

"I get more happiness and more positivity every day."

11. Stay away from negative people and if you must be and work with them, don't let them state of mind influence you. Try to be separated to them. Fill your mind with positive emotions and thoughts so that there is no room for negative thoughts in your mind.

12. When you feel down, listen to music.

13. Allow yourself to smile more often, even in difficult situations. Smiling tends to clear the mind of worry, even if temporarily, and wins you sympathy and support from those around you.

14. Watch comedies, read and watch happy news.

15. Take time to meditate. Among its benefits is the ability to filter the feelings and thoughts that enter your mind. This will help to avoid negative emotions and allow positive emotions to emerge.

16. Lying in bed at night, say to yourself silently or out loud: "I will have a wonderful day tomorrow, it will be happy and successful, I will be patient and positive all day in any situation."

Now that you know how to create positive emotions, you can get creative inspiration and find new ideas for creating positive emotions in your life.

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