How to create an ad on instagram. How to advertise on Instagram? Official advertising office

Since the management of Instagram allowed official advertising in 2015, the app has become a full-fledged platform for effective promotion, promotion and business.

If earlier it was necessary to advertise products and services on Instagram using “guerrilla” methods, then with the advent of targeted advertising, thousands of brands, online stores and individual entrepreneurs began to develop new territories on completely legal grounds.

If you intend to conquer the market through Instagram, but do not know where to start, then this article is for you. This is Denis Kuderin, an expert of the HeatherBober magazine on financial topics. I will tell you what it is advertising on Instagram who it suits, how it is created and how much it costs.

1. Advertising on Instagram is a waste of money or an engine of commerce

Success is explained various factors, but first of all - the high popularity of the Instagram network. This resource over 500 million users, and the engagement rates here are 5-7 times higher than in other social networks.

In Insta, the main language of communication is visuals. And it is much easier to attract attention with photographs and pictures than with texts. Users like and add followers to their account much more willingly than, say, on Odnoklassniki or VKontakte.

Not only celebrities, but also ordinary users have every chance get a few thousand followers- and this is already a decent audience of potential consumers of goods and services.

  • direct advertising of the company, store, product through the account;
  • advertising on the pages of promoted bloggers (instagrammers) and stars;

It is necessary for businessmen, freelancers and everyone who makes money via the Internet to have a page on Instagram with the image of a company logo or a profile product (service).

But the page itself does not guarantee popularity and successful sales. A full-fledged is a long-term and multifaceted event that requires either special knowledge, or a decent budget.

Advertising on the pages of other bloggers is not the cheapest option. Although it all depends on the degree of popularity of the promoted account and your ability to competently negotiate. Some manage to place an advertising post on someone else's blog almost for free - for a gift or discounts in the store.

I will give an example

You are the owner of a watch store. You give a watch to a famous blogger, he puts it on his hand and takes it off. He writes a few words about what a wonderful watch and how accurately they show time in all time zones of the world at the same time.

But the real stars ask for tens and hundreds of thousands of rubles for one publication. Whether such advertising pays off or not is another question, but the audience for viewing the promoted product increases many times over, a fact.

The most efficient and affordable option official targeted advertising. Targeted means targeted. That is, you customize it yourself for your target audience.

For example, this picture stands out for its unnaturalness, which means that advertising will work!

  • quick setup and launch– no need to waste time negotiating with bloggers and paying them;
  • auto mode- the absence of a human factor reduces the number of errors;
  • target audience setting- advertising will be seen only by those to whom it is intended;
  • time and cost control– you decide how long the advertisement will “live” and how much it will cost;
  • detailed performance analysis– you are always aware of how many people saw the ad and how many of them clicked on the link.

Statistics show that Instagram users are 2.5 times more likely to click on ads than users of other social networks. At the same time, Instagram has the most brand-loyal audience – there are the most subscribers to company accounts.

For more details, watch this video:

2. How does Instagram advertising work and who is it suitable for?

Official targeted advertising on Instagram goes exclusively through Facebook. For the simple reason that Instagram is the property of Facebook. To launch a campaign, it is not even necessary to have an Instagram registration, it is enough to have a Facebook account and an official business page.

But do not think that only perfumes, tights, handbags and fur coats are promoted here. There is a buyer for any product, especially if you organize advertising correctly.

I will list the main categories of users who are ideally suited for advertising on Instagram:

  • online shopping- with the condition that the page will be placed high quality photos visually appealing products;
  • developers mobile applications – where else to look for customers, if not in the most popular social network for gadget owners;
  • handmade masters and shops selling materials for manual production;
  • restaurants, cafes and all other institutions that accept orders through the site and deliver food to offices and homes;
  • furniture stores;
  • travel companies;
  • event organizing companies- weddings, birthdays, corporate events;
  • stylists, make-up artists, hairdressers– and other beauty care professionals;
  • construction, repair organizations;
  • flower shops;
  • freelancers– designers, photographers, video creators, translators, web designers, teachers, artists, artists.

Who is not suitable? Unless highly specialized enterprises such as manufacturers or sellers of special equipment, industrial equipment, tools. Serious, complex and expensive goods from the B2B (business to business) category are also better promoted in a different way.

Although there are exceptions, especially if you get creative. Talented marketers will be able to sell any product on Instagram - even fire extinguishers, even industrial sea container sealant.

3. TOP 3 types of advertising on Instagram

If there is no catchy concept, there is no point in launching a campaign- it will be lost among hundreds of other proposals. Plus, a brand or company must have a ready-made website. First you need to create an attractive platform for sales, and only then do marketing.

If all the preparatory stages have been completed, it remains only to choose the type of targeted advertising that suits you best.

View 1. Photo

The main requirement for pictures on Instagram is they must be of good quality. If you don't know what composition, light, plans are and don't know how to work with filters, hire a professional photographer.

Here we see rich colors, as well as different plans, which are well rendered by blurring the image

View 2. Video

The visuals continue to play a leading role here: even with the sound turned off, users should understand what is being said.

Exist technical requirements to the videos that you will learn during the download process. The main limitation concerns the duration - making a video longer than 30 seconds in the format of an official advertisement will not work.

View 3. Carousel

A carousel is a series of slides (usually 4-5) that follow each other in succession. Such a dynamic format is ideal for showcasing the assortment of an online store with a wide product line.

The requirements are the same - 20% text, 80% - the actual image.

4. How much does advertising on Instagram cost - 5 factors that affect the cost

The owner of the page regulates the price independently.

It makes no sense to name specific prices: there are ads for 1 cent per click, there are for a few dollars. You will find out the approximate price yourself when you set up your Facebook campaign.

Factor 1. Specificity of target audience

The narrower the reach, the cheaper the cost per click.

Factor 2. Uniqueness of the offer

If your product is piece and has a minimum of analogues on the market, advertising will cost you less. But for the promotion of popular and popular products, you will have to pay more.

The more competitors, the more expensive.

Factor 3. Quality of advertising

Factor 4. Features of your business

Large businesses need larger and more frequent ads, so the cost of the campaign will be appropriate. And if you are an aspiring freelancer selling your services, more modest and less frequent posts will be enough for you.

Factor 5. Planning of the advertising campaign

Targeting - that is, the intended purpose of advertising - you set up on your own, which means you set the price yourself. If your advertising is designed for a long-term period and the most solvent audience, then the budget should be appropriate.

In addition to advertising, account promotion is important. Best Results provides comprehensive brand promotion in all areas. If you don't want to spend own time for promotion, use professional services. I recommend - automatic promotion in all social networks, as well as the Zenram service (for Instagram).

How to make and place ads on Instagram: video tutorial and tips

The main points are:

How much does advertising on Instagram cost?

Budgets are up to you. Everything depends on you. If we talk about the cost per click, then I have about the same indicators. On average, a click costs 8-10 rubles, if for similar audiences. According to the retargeting database, a click costs 3-5 rubles. I now advertise there only on the basis of retargeting. On average, I think you need at least 300 rubles a day to get at least some results from advertising.

What it is?

Let's say you have a customer base for your product. You can upload this database to Facebook, and using the “similar audiences” tool, the system will select an audience that will be as similar as possible to existing customers. Age, gender, interests, etc. will be taken into account. This tool greatly facilitates the work of finding exactly your audience.

In addition, this tool can be used not only on the basis of existing buyers, but also on the base of people that you can collect using the Facebook pixel.

If you don’t have a base that could serve as the basis for “similar audiences”, then before launching ads on Instagram, I advise you to think about the target audience of your product. Facebook has a well-thought-out system of detailed targeting, which allows you to choose exactly the audience that needs your product.

That's all, the setup itself is shown in the video tutorial above. I hope the lesson was useful for you!

Ask your questions in the comments, and you can also read about (all ways).

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AT recent times promotion in social networks is gaining momentum, and companies of various directions see this as a great opportunity to advertise their products and services. One of the most relevant platforms today is Instagram, the number of users of which, according to mid-2016, exceeded 500 million people.

Back in 2012, Instagram was taken over by Facebook, and the price of the agreement was a tidy sum of $1 billion.

This site provides the opportunity to use targeted advertising, which is various kinds of ads that are shown only to a group of people, united by common criteria that are determined by the target audience itself, in other words.

Initially, the service could only be used by representatives big business, companies with multi-million dollar turnover. Now targeted advertising is available to anyone who wants to arm themselves with it. It is no longer necessary to ask various bloggers to post on their accounts.

As for the Russian-speaking audience of Instagram, it is about 10 million people. Interesting feature lies in the fact that 77% of it refers to females, men show somewhat less interest in this social network - 23% of total number users. As for the age limits, they are often young people who have not reached 30 years of age.

Instagram is a photo bank where users show their lives by posting photos and sometimes through small videos. Therefore, here you can advertise everything that can be photographed.

The best results in promotion are achieved by:

  • fast food establishments;
  • online stores and services;
  • IT industry products;
  • promotion of media personalities and artists;
  • hotels and other organizations working in the tourism sector.

This is far from complete list areas of activity where targeted advertising will be useful and bring results.

How to advertise on Instagram

Advertisements are an image or short video. In the upper right part of the post, you can see the inscription "Sponsored". To meet such an ad, it is not at all necessary to be the profile of the brand that is the advertiser. The target audience is determined not by subscribers, but by age, gender, place of residence and other criteria that the customer sets.

There are 3 options for how the alert will look:

  1. The image is usually bright photo, which encourages a person to buy a product, install an application. Pictures are often used to inform potential customers, especially when we are talking about a new brand that has not yet won the trust of consumers;
  2. Video content - small commercials (no more than 30 seconds) that have much in common with advertising on television or, for example, on youtube;
  3. Carousel - allows you to place several pictures at once, alternately replacing each other. In addition, you can set a link to the site or other resource of the advertiser.

It all starts with Facebook, then Instagram

First, a business page on FB is created through the user's personal profile. For those who need several such pages, the Facebook Business Manager Tool service has been developed, which makes it possible to manage several similar profiles at the same time.

After creating the page, the Instagram profile is linked to it in the settings, although this step is not necessary for placing targeted ads.

But if still binding Instagram account has been created, you need to link it to the campaign.

This approach provides some advantages, namely the ability to publish on Instagram sponsored posts posted on Facebook.

Create an Instagram Campaign

Upon completion of registration in Facebook Power Editor, a profile is selected that will be used in the future.

It is worth mentioning once again that among the targeted advertising tools, website transitions, app installations and videos are available. You must choose the most appropriate option.

In the column "Purchasing type" you need the item "Auction". This is necessary to set up timing and target audience. Here the name and other parameters are indicated. After filling out the form, you need to click "Create".

It is necessary to check the box next to the name of the campaign (in the example in the photo, the campaign is called "Alt"). Then you should select the edit item in the upper central part of the form.

Here, parameters are configured not only for the budget, but also for the target audience, based on the parameters provided by the service. The main ones are age, gender and place of residence.

In the Placement section, you need to check the box in the “Instagram” item. It is important to note that the ability to use other items with it is not provided. In addition, there is a choice operating system, on which the ad will be shown (for example, iOS or Android).

The above settings can be changed after the launch of the campaign, for which you need to select "Tools".

After the work has been done, you need to use the "Download changes" button at the top of the screen. Advertising post will be reviewed by moderators during the day.

P.S. I am attaching screenshots of my earnings in affiliate programs. And I remind you that everyone can, even a beginner! The main thing is to do it right, which means to learn from those who are already earning, that is, from professionals.

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Add your price to the database


A few years after the launch of the application, Instagram has created opportunities for promoting products and services. For a business, this is a great opportunity to develop, covering a growing target audience. How much does advertising on Instagram cost? It all depends on its type and some other factors.

Types and features of advertising

  • targeted advertising on Instagram: Ukraine and other countries have absolutely equal opportunities to choose the target audience;
  • public announcements;
  • announcements through the exchange.

Targeted advertising - it's the only official one - these are ads that appear in the user's feed among other posts. It allows you to set up a campaign in such a way that the ad is shown to the target audience. The price is determined by the auction method: the more the advertiser is willing to pay per click, the greater the reach of the audience he will receive. On the this moment the optimal cost per click is 30-35 cents

Placing ads in public assumes that the advertiser himself is looking for an account and negotiates with its owner. On the exchange, accounts that need promotion and platforms that are ready to place ads meet and also agree on cooperation. The difference between the second and third types of advertising is that there are many tools on the exchange that allow you to choose the right platform. The exchange also monitors the status of the transaction: the platform must make the correct placement, and the customer must pay for the work.

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of how much advertising on Instagram costs. The price also depends on the number of subscribers of this or that account and its activity, if we are talking about placement in public (through the exchange or by personal arrangements). The cost can vary from 200 to 10,000 rubles.

Instagram ad price

Publication in a profile with several hundred thousand subscribers will cost at least 10,000 rubles. If there are about a million subscribers, then the average price tag is 30-50 thousand rubles per post. If you want to post in a multi-millionaire account, get ready to shell out a couple of hundred thousand rubles.

The price per post depends not only on the number of subscribers. The daily reach, user engagement (likes, comments), popularity of the person, niche specifics and how good your product or service is are taken into account. Bloggers always worry about the quality of what they advertise. They can’t advise people (and most often Instagram advertising among bloggers is successful precisely due to its nativeness and environmental friendliness, because it looks like an ordinary advice or recommendation) something indigestible. That is why the practice is widespread when first bloggers are sent a product for a test (and often give it away as a gift) or are invited to try the service for free.

As for targeted advertising, the situation is a little different here and works on the principle of an auction. Here you create an ad and specify the maximum cost per impression / click (optional, of your choice) that you are willing to pay. According to aitarget, the average cost per click for the entire Instagram audience is 17 cents (about 10 rubles), but to cover this entire audience, you should set the maximum price 2 times more - 37 cents.

This does not mean at all that 20 rubles will be charged from your card for each click. A click will cost you as much as the level at which your bid wins the highest other bid per click to a particular user. And so for each user from your segment.

How much does advertising on Instagram cost Sobchak, Boni, Buzova and others

Kim Kardashian

The telediva turns into money everything she touches, including posts on Instagram, But once Kim advertised medical preparation for pregnant women Diclegis, which allegedly saves from toxicosis. Later it turned out that the pills have a detrimental effect on the body, to the point that a woman can lose a child. Celebrity by the looks of it negative consequences dont know.

Ksenia Sobchak

Sobchak does not like to appear in the frame with the goods that he advertises. The maximum that the client can count on is the hand of Xenia.

Ksenia Borodina

More than 4 million subscribers, the cost of an advertising post is 150,000 rubles

Victoria Bonya

The TV presenter knows very well how difficult it is to make money. Vika has long been wealthy, but the desire to earn extra money where possible, apparently, has not left the beauty. The common-law wife of Irish billionaire Alex Smurfit advertised in a photoblog ... a screwdriver.

Alena Vodonaeva

Almost one and a half million subscribers, the cost of an advertising post is up to 100,000 rubles

Once at former member"Dom-2" was asked how she earns. “Because there are brains,” Alena snapped. And we can say with confidence: because Instagram exists. Not only does Alena have her own online clothing store, but there is also a lot of advertising in the photoblog. Basically, the beauty advertises cosmetics.

Anastasia Volochkova

The dancer not only advertises on Instagram, but also receives contracts through personal photos. So the management of the hotel in the Maldives, in which Nastya lived and was photographed, offered the artist to become the face of the island. Now the image of Volochkova will be printed on the pages of local guidebooks, and the blonde will also appear in the commercial of the resort.

Aiza Anokhina

A friend of Alena Vodonaeva, business lady Aiza Anokhina, is always quite frank with her Instagram subscribers. A beauty can feel free to post a photo without makeup or tell how she unsuccessfully enlarged her breasts. Advertising posts, of course, are also served under the sauce "oh, now I'll tell you this."

Irina Gorbacheva

Not only celebrities who became famous many years ago earn millions on their Instagram. For example, 27-year-old theater actress Pyotr Fomenko Irina Gorbacheva started Instagram just a few months ago. The girl records humorous absurd sketches that brought her fame on the Web: in six months, about a million users subscribed to Ira!

The manager of the actress Dmitry Ivanov asks for one publication on her Instagram from 150,000 to 300,000 rubles.

How to advertise effectively?

There are several subtleties and points that you should pay attention to when placing ads in public.

Here is their list:

  • place ads in publics on your subject, and not in all in a row - an obvious, but often forgotten point. Remember that in publics on your topic there is an audience closer to you, which means that there will be more transitions to you;
  • don’t jump on big numbers right away - the larger the audience in the public, the higher the price of placement in it (we’ll talk about prices below), but don’t think that by investing a lot of money in a public with a fat number of subscribers, you will get the same fat traffic to your account ;
  • take care of the design of the post - make (or order) beautiful photo and format the text of the post, use emoji, do not forget to insert a link to your account (again, obviously, but there were cases when they forgot);
  • set up an account for launching advertising - in the description and a few last posts, state your USP, arrange a promotion, discounts, contest, etc.

Now let's talk about the search and selection of publics. The easiest way to search is to search on Instagram itself.

You drive in a thematic query, view the publics, their attendance, the number of likes and comments under the posts and choose the one that suits you for advertising. And the second way - more professional - is to use ratings. Ratings are sites where the effectiveness of posting in terms of the ratio of likes and comments in the number of subscribers and others has already been calculated for you and tops of accounts have been displayed for these indicators.


If we talk about advertising in public in general, then it has its pros and cons. From positive aspects It is worth noting the good effect of obtaining an audience for a relatively low cost of such advertising. Among the shortcomings are the dubiousness of the audience (especially from general publics, it is very difficult to find the target one), the difficulty in finding good publics and the lack of control tools (posting and keeping the post for the agreed time is kept on parole).

As a conclusion, public advertising is worth a try, and more than once. Whatever one may say, if you get to a good public, you can grab at least subscribers from there, who, later (or even immediately), can become your customers.

Instagram advertising exchange

The Instagram advertising exchange is an online service that collects accounts that want to advertise - brands, entrepreneurs, etc., and the so-called advertising platforms - publics and bloggers who are ready to place ads.

The exchanges themselves provide an impressive set of tools and rights for both parties. Thus, advertisers get access to the full database of sites registered on the exchange, have the opportunity to filter it out using various filters (by topic, by geolocation, by number of subscribers, by audience activity, and so on) and run ads in several sites at once.

The exchange also displays detailed information about sites - indicators of audience engagement (the same ratio of the average number of likes and comments to the number of subscribers), audience growth dynamics and much more.

And most importantly, the exchange monitors the completion of tasks and is a guarantor for both parties, so here neither a public / blogger can simply take money and not post anything, nor an advertiser will be able to leave his cash in his pocket when the task was completed perfectly.

Here is a list of the most popular Instagram ad exchanges today:


We will not dwell on each Instagram advertising exchange, the principle of operation of each of them is very similar to the others: we register (log in with our Instagram account), filter the general database using subject filters, number of subscribers, engagement, etc. , we get a certain segment of this database based on our filters, then we compose a task for them and send a request. Some of those who refuse or ignore our task will also be eliminated from our segment, and we will start working with the rest - we will make a payment to the exchange, the platforms will begin to complete the task, then we and the exchange will check the task, and after our approval, the money paid will fly to the performers.

What of all this is worth stopping and considering in detail is the preparation of the task. Of the available types of tasks on the Instagram advertising exchange, there are 2 main ones - posting and an easy task. With posting, everything is simple - you give a picture, give text and say to post everything at that time. This type of task is suitable for public, as they post everything in a row.

As for bloggers, they maintain their account for their audience, which is very involved and active in them. Therefore, simply posting a post can be perceived by the audience very negatively, so a blogger may completely refuse such a task.

So bloggers take the easy task. Its essence is as follows: you give your product to a blogger and he takes a photo with this product (a photo in your fur coat, a photo in your restaurant, with a disk of your information product, etc.) and writes in the description of the post saying that he bought ( -a) this, I like it very much, and a link to you. Such advertising looks very natural and will not alienate the blogger's audience, but only encourage them to follow his example, which is what we need.

According to Instagram advertising exchanges, I think that's all. As a conclusion, this Instagram advertising tool is very cool, it might even be worth using it as the main one. The only thing worth noting here is that it’s not worth advertising on the same sites (well, or at least it’s not worth it often). Change filter criteria, try different segments, experiment.

Targeted advertising on Instagram

As you can see, the advertising post is not very different from other posts in the feed, it is revealed only by the inscription "Advertising" at the top and the active button. The essence of this ad is that it appears in the feed of users with certain parameters of their account. Among these parameters: age, gender, language, interests. An appropriate question immediately arises: how does Instagram know this information about us?

And here the basis of the work of targeting advertising on Instagram is revealed. The fact is that it is displayed only for those users who have linked their account to an account on the social network facebook. From previous articles, we know that Instagram actively encourages us to make this link as additional measure security. And here it is revealed back side this binding - after it, Instagram receives information from Facebook about us, about which publics we visit there, which third-party sites we go to. Our activity is also recorded on Instagram itself.

And based on the collected information about the account, a characteristic is formed according to which it can fall into the segment of the one who sets up targeted advertising.

In both services, you need to create an account (on Facebook - a page) and link bank card. Also, when working with both services, you should disable the antivirus and the adblock program / extension.

The process of working with services and selecting an audience is intuitive and similar to working with an advertising exchange.

As for the design of the advertising post itself, there are some standards here: the photo format must be either 1:1 (square) or 1:1.9, the minimum resolution is 600:600 (600:315 for the second format), the optimal one is 1080:1080. The image should not include more than 20% of the text (protection from those who like to hang the inscription "Press!" on the entire picture in the post).

It is also worth giving Special attention link below the ad. You can insert any link, and this is very cool for those who sell through a landing page, an online store, etc. For those who have an Instagram account as the final authority, targeted advertising is less suitable, since the only thing that can be inserted into the link field in this case is the URL of the account itself, but then when clicked, people will go to the web version of Instagram through the browser, not to an account in the app. Tip - make landings.

How to determine the number of bots in an advertising profile?

First, let's define what a bot account is. Most often, this is a regular profile with the following features:

  • it is empty - there are no or almost no subscribers and posts;
  • contains more than 4 numeric characters in the name - there is, of course, a percentage of error here, but alienka18985 and petr83762 are hardly real users who just like the abracadabra of numbers;
  • does not have a profile photo - if a person was too lazy and did not even put a photo, what can we say about writing comments or entering a bank card number to pay for designer tulle skirts).

Of course, this common signs and it is necessary to take into account the percentage of "smart" bots. They upload about 15 photos, put hashtags and geotags under them, and gain a small number of subscribers, thereby leaving the sight of blockers and spy services.

How to find out the number of bots in a profile?

In order not to fall for the bait and protect yourself from ads in the bot profile, use the profile search filter on AdvanceTS.

You can do this in two ways:

  • in the search, enter the profile name for verification (the number of subscribers must be at least 2000 people),
  • enter a topic in the search field, for example, “food” and set the percentage of bots through the search filters (recommended% - 0-6).

Using filters, you can also find profiles with high engagement (from 3%) and information about the sale of posts through the exchange.

Targeted ads on Instagram run through advertising cabinet Facebook. Why is this happening? Instagram is owned by Facebook, and the latter positions itself not only as a parent company, but also as an advertising aggregator platform that uses Instagram as a partner of its own advertising network.

Instagram ad targeting is based on Facebook audience data. Accordingly, it is shown only to those users whose accounts are linked. The only exceptions are campaigns configured for all users. But there are practically no fans of this method: few people want to shoot sparrows from a cannon.

Select the goal "Traffic" and continue setting up ads on Instagram.

Step 2. Set up an advertising campaign

Audience selection

Give the campaign a name and click Continue.

The first thing Facebook asks you to select is the type of ad object.

The most common option is a website. But you also have the option to link to your app or transfer people to Messenger.

The first audience that Facebook offers to use is your own. In the "Customized audience" line, you can pull up users from your databases or based on pixel retargeting. With it, you can catch up with your website visitors with Instagram ads.

Facebook also offers to reach an audience similar to yours to a greater or lesser extent.

Now let's move on to the settings for geography, gender and age of the audience.

In geographic targeting, you can choose not only a country or city, but even a specific place on the map and broadcast ads on Instagram only to those who are nearby.

Advice: if you are targeting by your own database, we recommend that you do not set “other targetings”. Their purpose-cut off all the audience that is not interested in your offer, leaving only potential customers. Meanwhile, everyone who interacted with your site or other promotional materials,-this is your target audience. Moreover, we recommend going from the opposite and setting parameters advertising campaign based on the characteristics of subscribers and buyers.

Let's move on to more detailed targeting with the selection of an audience based on their interests. There are many categories of interests on Facebook, so just enter the key interests of the target audience. If there are any, the system will pull them up. If it’s difficult to formulate interests, find one or two, and then use the “Recommendations” of the social network itself. Facebook will show interests close to the given ones.

Categories of interests are formed on the basis of behavioral targeting: who is subscribed to, what interacts with on Facebook and beyond, what posts likes, comments, what photos views. Based on this, the user is assigned to one or another category of interested people.

As for restrictions on gender and age, this is a subjective parameter, which largely depends on your business and the goals of the advertising campaign. You shouldn't exclude it. It is worth noting that the main part of the Instagram audience is young people. But keep in mind that it includes an impressive audience of up to 18 years. This segment does not have its own income and is not interesting for every business. Also, each age cluster has its own characteristics, girls aged 18–22 and 30–35 behave differently in social networks. Accordingly, advertising content for each segment needs different.

traffic manager Ingate

Set up placement (ad placement on Instagram)

Let's move on to setting up the site for placement. To do this, select "Edit placements" and leave only Instagram. Then select the placement that interests you more: ads in the feed or in Stories.

Advertising in Stories has its pros and cons. It is always at the top of the screen and is highlighted, i.e. more visible. In addition, it automatically plays when you browse. However, this is a purely visual interaction tool: you won't add any details to your ad as there isn't much room for text.

On the right, Facebook shows what the selected placement looks like.

Optionally, you can choose the type of operating system of devices on which you want to show ads on Instagram: iOS or Android. So, if you sell accessories only for Apple, the Android audience will not be interesting. But the assumption that iOS device owners are more solvent finds less and less evidence in practice, and such segmentation is often erroneous.

Budget and show schedule

When setting a budget, you can choose Daily or Lifetime. At the launch stage, we recommend starting with a small budget (the issue price is 100-200 rubles per campaign) and evaluate the results.

Next, we choose an optimization strategy. There are four options: Link Clicks, Landing Page Views, Impressions, and Unique Daily Reach. The strategy determines to whom, how often and under what payment scheme your Instagram ads will be shown.

Types of strategies:

  1. The "Impressions" strategy will provide a high frequency of contact.
  2. Unique Daily Reach will show your ad to the maximum number of unique users, but in a non-intrusive manner, no more than once a day.
  3. Link Clicks and Landing Page Views are very similar. The system optimizes your advertising campaign in such a way as to get maximum amount targeted actions at the lowest cost. In the first case, clicks are counted, in the second - downloaded pages. Therefore, to optimize for landing pages, you need a link to the site in the form of a pixel.

By choosing "Link Clicks", we can decide whether to pay for: per impression (CPM) or per action (CPC), in other cases, the payment is charged only for ad impressions (CPM). Recall that for example, we decided to bring users to the site using targeted advertising on Instagram. In this case, the appropriate optimization method is "Click on the link" with pay per action.

You have the option to set a cap bid per click (this is the upper cap you're willing to pay in an auction) or no bid. In the second case, Facebook itself will write off the optimal market rate per click. The bid will change according to the bidding on the auction, and your ad will appear with 100% probability. Moreover, if the ad gains a good CTR (click-through rate), the cost of a click in the next period will noticeably decrease.

IMPORTANT! After knowing the cost per click, bring the campaign to 100 clicks-this is the number of actions required to evaluate the effectiveness of an advertising campaign and the channel as a whole.

"Advertising Schedule" we can use it only when setting a budget for the entire validity period. This format is convenient if you are working on applications or calls, but you can only accept them in certain time. For example, a pizzeria with delivery, open until 22.00. It is clear that orders after this time are irrelevant for the institution. In this case, you can set a schedule for displaying ads daily from 10.00 to 22.00.

"Delivery type" is the display type of your ads:

  • "Standard"- the budget will be spent evenly over the selected period, which will allow you to monitor the effectiveness of the campaign, disable non-working or expensive ads.
  • "Accelerated"- ads on Instagram will be shown as quickly as possible, so the entire planned budget can be written off in a couple of minutes. Use this type only if you are absolutely sure that your ad is effective at any given time. For example, when an advertised promotion lasts one day and it is important to reach the entire possible audience today and now.

Step 3. Create ads

The first step is to choose the ad format. The site provides a variety of options, each of which has its own advantages. The only way find out which solution works for you - split test by changing the ad parameters and continue collecting data until the best result is achieved.

Which ad format to choose?

The most common and flexible option is Single Image. It will be easier to start with it, but do not ignore the others

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