A hole in the Yamal new details. New holes in the ground found in Yamal. Yamal funnel and the Bermuda Triangle

On July 17, in Salekhard, participants in the first study of a deep basin on the Yamal Peninsula gave a press conference.

Marina Leibman, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Chief Researcher of the Earth Cryosphere Institute of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Senior Researcher of the GKU YaNAO " Science Center study of the Arctic, Andrey Plekhanov, who went to the place where the crater formed on behalf of the Governor of the YaNAO Dmitry Kobylkin, told reporters in detail about what they saw, as well as about the work done.

Marina Leibman suggested what might happen to the funnel in the future. “Now its walls are constantly thawing. Water accumulates, and I assume that it freezes from below. If this water flow increases, for example, there will be a very hot continuation of July, then it will not have time to freeze, and a lake will begin to form, ”said the chief researcher at the Institute of the Earth’s Cryosphere of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
At the beginning field research they checked the level of radiation and negative substances. According to the instruments, there are no dangerous radiations at the site of the funnel.
Having inspected the territory, Andrei Plekhanov said: “The diameter of the funnel along the inner edge is approximately 40 meters, along the outer edge - 60. Fragments of the ejection that occurred are observed at a distance of 120 meters. And in order to accurately determine the depth, specialists with serious climbing equipment are needed. It is life-threatening to come close, as the edges of the formed embankment are constantly collapsing.

Scientists came to the conclusion that the funnel is the result of some natural phenomenon, which is impossible to define now, without a detailed study. There is no reason to talk about any man-made impact. “There is no ground influence here. A thorough examination showed that there were no traces of the presence of a person with equipment. Assumptions about a hot meteorite are also groundless, then there should be traces of charring. At this place there was a release of some material from the bowels of the earth. I do not think that it was accompanied by an explosion, because it is supposed to have an impact high temperatures. I repeat - there are no signs of charring and burning. This is a purely mechanical release, which, most likely, occurred due to an increase in pressure during freezing and a change in the volume of a certain cavity in which there were marsh gas reserves. It can be seen that there was water around, there are traces of streams, ”said Marina Leibman, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Chief Researcher at the Institute of the Earth’s Cryosphere of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Beneath the thin topsoil of the peninsula is permafrost. The walls of the ice pit, as soon as the sun comes out and the ambient temperature becomes positive (yesterday it was +2ºС on the peninsula), begin to melt. However, according to the researchers, a strong impact and deformation of the walls of the funnel is not expected.
It should be noted that scientists measured the depth of the permafrost layer in the vicinity of the ejection that occurred, according to them, in the future, it is possible to determine the start date of this process. Let's add maximum depth thawing was at around 73 centimeters. “Many scientists involved in Quaternary geology would like to study the vertical wall of the crater. I note that in the scientific literature there is a theory that round lakes in Yamal were formed due to the release of swamp gas, but deep lakes may simply be a consequence of the thermokarst process. Watching what is happening today, I see that the theory may well have deep meaning”, Marina Leibman comments.
According to her, in the future it is quite possible to diagnose the appearance of such pits. One way is to take pictures from space, which, in turn, can reveal the history of the current excavation. By the way, in the future, the funnel may well be transformed into an ordinary lake - from hundreds of thousands of other lakes in Yamal.
In July, the Tyumen-Kosmopoisk group reported the discovery of the crater on the VKontakte social network and posted a video provided and filmed by a helicopter pilot:

And the video posted on YouTube by Sergey Kokhanov in May 2014 went almost unnoticed:

In fact, the existence of this failure became known last fall. A one-minute video filmed on a mobile phone by reindeer herders came to local historian Lyudmila Lipatova. The nomads claimed that the hole appeared just then - it had not yet been in the spring. The approximate location of the facility is 30 kilometers from the Bovanenkovskoye field. Lyudmila Fedorovna showed that video to many, but she did not arouse much interest.


In the summer of 2014, a large crater was discovered on the Yamal Peninsula, not far from the world's largest Bovanenkovskoye oil and gas condensate field. This event aroused great interest not only in scientific world, but also among ordinary people.

Researchers went to the mysterious sinkhole in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, and by the end of 2014 natural phenomenon visited three expeditions organized by the Arctic Exploration Center. As part of the expedition, in addition to scientific staff, there were climbers and rescuers. Scientists descended to the bottom of the funnel, took soil samples and measured air parameters. Thanks to the data obtained, it was possible to prove that the cause of this funnel was global warming.

It turned out that the formation of the funnel occurred in the fall of 2013. In the summer of 2012-2013, before the funnel appeared, the air temperature in Yamal was 5 degrees above the norm. This is a significant deviation for the tundra, where summer temperatures, as a rule, do not exceed + 5-10 degrees. Due to such an anomaly, permafrost thawing occurred at a depth of 20 meters.

When the upper layers of underground permafrost begin to thaw under the influence of high temperatures, the methane gas contained in them is released. It is found in permafrost soils in the form of relict gas hydrates. Methane begins to rise to the surface of the earth through pores and cracks in earth's crust, but permafrost prevents it from going outside. Under the pressure of compressed gas, the soil in literally swells up. A giant bubble or hill is formed, which is clearly visible against the background of a flat tundra landscape.

The same thing happened at the site of the formation of the Yamal funnel, as evidenced by the data obtained from satellite images.

On the picture: space pictures from Marina Leibman's presentation

Well, then the melted upper layer does not withstand and breaks out under the onslaught of methane. An explosion occurs, which is evidenced by parts of the soil scattered around the circumference of the funnel, as well as at some distance from it.

In the first year after its formation, the Yamal funnel was a crater about 35 meters deep, and its diameter on the surface was 40 meters. About a third of the funnel in 2014 was already filled with water.

More than three years have passed since the formation of the sinkhole in Yamal. At the site of its formation, almost nothing reminds of the giant hole that made so much noise. It was filled with water and looks no different from the numerous tundra lakes on the Yamal Peninsula. The diameter of the new lake is about 80 meters.

But the story with unusual funnels does not end there. Since the formation of the first failure in different parts of the tundra on the territory of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, several more similar natural objects. In some cases, there are even eyewitnesses who claim that before the formation of the dip, a flash was visible and smoke was observed. All of them are smaller than the first funnel in diameter, but have a similar reason for their appearance - global warming. And the tundra has already begun to respond to the climate changes taking place on our planet.


From time to time our planet provides us with food for thought. One of them turned out to be a "hole" in the Earth, discovered by pilots in Yamal, the diameter of which was several hundred meters. This hole appeared not far from a large gas field - Bovanenkovo. And off we go.

Men of science immediately began to argue about the origin of this failure. Professor Ivan Nesterov hypothesized that a funnel was formed from a collision with a meteorite consisting of space ice that did not burn up in the atmosphere. Viktor Grokhovsky, great specialist on meteorites, told him a resolute "no".

The expedition, which went to the place of failure, made various measurements. Scientists took a sample of soil and water from the crater itself. Don't forget about the air. In their opinion, the failure was not just formed, but the rock was thrown out. However, no burns or charring were recorded. The preliminary conclusion of the expedition members is as follows: the explosion occurred inside permafrost. How can it be? Permafrost for many kilometers inward, and suddenly an explosion?

Such a failure on the edge of the earth - Yamal, it turns out, is far from the first on the planet. Similar failures have already been recorded before. In 2010, in the center of the capital of Guatemala, for no apparent reason, an entire garment factory failed in the blink of an eye. Then a new one formed a few kilometers from this "black hole". Scientists have found that both failures were formed after the passing hurricanes. But it is warm there, and on Yamal - eternal cold and permafrost.

It would seem that there is no connection between these territories. But it turned out that there is. Only in hot areas do hurricanes rage outside, and in permafrost - inside. Drilling generates waste that is pumped into the ice. So they break out, forming such craters. There were such catastrophes in the North and South America, in China, in New Zealand. And far from alone. In some cases, entire neighborhoods had to be evacuated.

In Brazil, more than a hundred houses instantly went underground. The reason for this is the rain. But in our north, there is not one hole either. About five years ago, reindeer herders discovered a hole in the ground, the diameter of which is slightly smaller, but it appeared earlier than Bovanenkovo. There were about five of them in total. And now it's time for scientists to think. The pace of gas production in Yamal is growing, factories, settlements, roads and other infrastructure for life are being built.

That's the task of scientists today is to exclude natural surprises to a minimum. Without careful research, it is difficult to predict future events. No matter how nature takes revenge on some man-made disaster for our relationship with her. But that's not all. Gas and oil production is carried out not only in the north, but also in Siberia. So, it can also be subject to cataclysms? Anything is possible, even if you don't want it to be. So what is the reason anyway?

Both gas and oil have been produced for more than half a century, and holes began to appear only a few years ago. Scientists suggest that the reason is climate warming. Of course, the Arctic is more sensitive than the ecosystem of Siberia. There is more ice and arctic permafrost there, and they are melting more intensively. Soils in permafrost are thawing, and this greatly alarms scientists around the world. After all, climate change in our north entails its change throughout the planet.

Now climatologists around the world are already sure that all the anomalies taking place in Asia, Europe, Africa, America are caused by climate change and warming in our polar regions.
We should all think about the fact that nature does not forgive thoughtless interference in it. After all, it might be too late. And you can't forget about it. A lot has already been done over the years when man considered himself the master and king of nature.

Yamal funnel [VIDEO]

Researchers from Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov solved the mystery (diameter more than 20 meters), which had an unclear origin. It turned out that it was formed not by breakthroughs of underground methane, but as a result of cryovolcanism processes, which, as previously thought, exist only on some planets. solar system. The corresponding article was published in Scientific Reports, the Attic publication briefly talks about the find.

In the last four years, more and more mysterious failures have been found in Yamal, often of a rather large diameter. Until recently, their origin remained a mystery. It was believed that this was the result of methane breakthroughs from underground, traces of a kind of explosions. Methane, according to these hypotheses, could get there from deep underground deposits due to thawing of the adjacent soil due to global warming.

However, the authors of the new work approached the problem with a fresh look. They studied the signs of soil freezing and the structural features of ice found in the rocks near the funnel. In addition, they studied in detail the composition of the melt water accumulating in the funnel, and satellite images of the area before and after its formation.

It turned out that in fact the picture of the explosion has nothing to do with the breakthrough of methane from underground deposits. In the photographs for a few years before the formation of the failure, in its place was a hillock - a ledge, atypical for the flat tundra. Comparing this phenomenon with the data of the analysis of the Yamal sinkhole itself, the authors of the work came to the conclusion that it arose as a result of previously unknown processes, which they called cryovolcanism - by analogy with similar processes going on other celestial bodies. It should be noted that Yamal cryovolcanism is of biogenic origin, which distinguishes it from abiogenic cryovolcanism on other planets of the solar system.

Discovered by researchers from Moscow State University, the process begins when a small tundra lake gradually dries up. At this moment, the bottom of the reservoir, previously free from permafrost, begins to gradually freeze from top to bottom. The icy soil in the upper part of such a talik forms a “lid”. At the same time, under it remains a large number of“thawed” carbon dioxide, some of which, apparently, is of biogenic origin (the waste products of bacteria, as established after analyzes of samples from the funnel). When the pressure under the "lid" reaches sufficiently high values, the mound explodes, leaving in its place a funnel surrounded by a shaft.

New job is of great scientific and significant practical importance. It turns out that on The earth is coming active eruption of gases that has no connection with volcanism. It is realized exclusively due to the processes occurring in the cryosphere, approximately the same as on Ceres, Mars or Enceladus, the moon of Saturn. In other words, the geological processes taking place in the Arctic may be fundamentally different from those that take place in other parts of the Earth.

Practical value work in that it points to the possibility of foreseeing such explosions, which have been regularly occurring in Yamal over the past few years. They seriously scare local residents and authorities. Now that it is known that there will be a noticeable hillock (from two to five meters high) at the site of the future failure for several years, it will be possible to prepare in advance for the possibility of such events and limit visits to these places and construction in the adjacent area.

The authors were not able to unequivocally establish whether global warming is associated with the formation of such sinkholes in Yamal, because previously such a natural phenomenon was not observed. It is possible that warming contributes to the formation of "blanks" for cryovolcanoes, since it provokes the thawing of individual layers of permafrost, which, together with their subsequent freezing, leads to the formation of such failures. However, this version is opposed by the fact that almost two-thirds of the territory of Russia is covered with permafrost, but such failures have not yet been registered anywhere except Yamal.

In 2014, the whole world was excited by the discovery on the Yamal Peninsula of huge holes, the so-called "craters" or "craters". Until now, it was known about three holes, the largest and most studied of which was located near the village of Bovanenkovo.

But recently, Professor Vasily Bogoyavlensky, head. branch of the Department of Geology at IPNG RAS, discovered on satellite images There are several new holes in Yamal, including one huge hole (from 50 to 100 meters in diameter), already filled with water, but surrounded by a scattering of smaller holes. The Siberian Times writes about this.

“Now we know about seven large craters, instead of the three previously discovered. Five of them directly on the peninsula, one in the Yamalo-Nenets autonomous region and one in the north Krasnoyarsk Territory, near Taimyr.

Bogoyavlensky is alarmed by his discovery and asks to investigate the appearance of new craters in order to prevent a possible catastrophe in the future.

Satellite images taken at an unspecified time interval show how small holes first appeared in this place, and then huge hole which immediately filled with water.

According to scientists who have studied previous holes in Yamal, their appearance was the result of the release of methane from thawed permafrost, most likely as a result of global warming. The appearance of new holes indicates that this process continues and each new release of methane can lead to a series of explosions that can lead to a fire. locals have previously reported that they saw strong flashes of light.

New craters are marked in red

In this picture, a lake in Yamal with traces of methane emissions on the surface

Craters previously discovered and currently being studied by scientists.

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