Good tales about the wind. Good tales. Five fairy tales about the wind for children A fairy tale where the warm wind took me

A short story about the wind and a flower at night for children to read

There was a wind.

He was very cheerful and cheerful, and more than anything in the world he liked to rush around different places and find more and more new toys for himself.
Once he flew into a pretty garden, where there were many amazing flowers and trees, interesting stones, streams and paths.
The wind liked to rustle the green foliage, ringing the clear drops of water in the streams and explore the mysterious winding paths.
And he began to fly to this kindergarten very often, almost every free day.
Once, rushing through his favorite garden, the Wind noticed a wonderful Flower that bloomed in his favorite flower bed.
The wind liked the Flower so much, its delicate petals and bright graceful leaves, that he simply could not restrain his admiration and rushed to hug the Flower and play with it.
The hot breath of the Wind bent the Flower, crumpled its fragile petals, but the Wind did not notice this.
He wanted to lift the Flower into the air, spin it in his whirlwinds, take it away with him and never part with it!
The flower timidly tried to resist, in a gentle voice begged the Wind to be more careful, but in the midst of stormy raptures, the Wind did not feel his pain and did not hear his quiet requests...
He imagined how much fun it would be for them to play high in the sky and simply did not know that - torn from the ground, the Flower would die!
And then, in one of the enthusiastic impulses, the Wind lifted the Flower into the air and whirled it above the ground.
- Oh, how great it is - spinning with a friend!
But what is it? The head of the Flower suddenly drooped, the stem bent, and a few drops of juice appeared like tears in the place of the torn off leaves...
The wind slowed down its whirling and then, in the calm, he heard the faint whisper of the Flower: "Ah, I'm dying ... Oh, help ... My roots are drying up without earth and water ... Please return me to my flower bed. .. I beg of you..."
- "Oh, what have I done!" - The wind suddenly understood everything. “With my stormy impulses, I hurt my beloved Flower! I didn’t want to!” - the Wind was upset, - “I just wanted to play ... What should I do now?”
He gently picked up the Flower with light cool streams of air and carried it to the flower bed.
But what to do next? How to plant a Flower in the ground again?
The wind rushed around the district in search of help. Luckily for him, a gardener was just passing by. The wind rustled in front of him a fountain of leaves, and the gardener turned his attention to the Flower lying on the ground. “Oh, that mischievous Wind, when will he learn to play with my plants gently and carefully,” the old gardener grumbled, planting the Flower in the ground again, and shook his finger at the Wind. “It would be better useful thing got busy - would have driven a cloud, sprinkled with rain, you see, the Flower would have come to life. And the garden benefit ... "
- "I understand everything!" - I wanted to shout to the Wind, but he managed only to softly ring out the drops of water in the stream. "I have changed," he was eager to say, but he only managed to gently stir the thick white beard old man. Then he hurried to prove his love in practice. "I will save the Flower" - the Wind made a promise to himself and rushed to drive the clouds into a small Cloud to bring life-giving moisture to the Flower.
Since then, the Wind has really changed - he learned to control the power of his impulses and stop when approaching fragile flowers, he learned to direct his violent impulses to useful things, and he flies to the flowers to rest and calm down, he touchingly takes care of the Flower, warms him in the cold and brings coolness in the heat, gives him a rainbow on small drops of water from a stream and brings voices to him different birds and echoes of the rustle big trees neighboring forest...
The flower came to life and every morning, waking up in the first rays of the warm sun, happily waiting for its faithful and caring friend. And happily reaches out to meet him with all its graceful leaves and delicate fragrant petals.
And the whole garden blooms, inspired by their tender friendship.

- this is the world in which the child lives, where he fantasizes and plays, creates and thinks, learns the world and himself in this world! Today I offer five good stories about the wind. Why about the wind? Because the wind, especially in autumn, is a completely unremarkable and even unpleasant phenomenon at first sight. But if you look at him through the eyes of a storyteller-creator, you will see something surprisingly beautiful and interesting in him, which is not given to many to see. The ability to notice the unusual in the ordinary, to see in a completely inconspicuous phenomenon what others do not see in it, and to be surprised at one’s own discovery is the beginning of the development of a child’s creative abilities, the very creativity that is now being written and talked about a lot.

Have a nice trip to the world of good fairy tales!

Good tales. Five fairy tales about the wind for children.

Do not rush to read all the fairy tales in a row. You can get acquainted with each of them not a day, not two, but even a week. And if the kid liked the fairy tale, then he may demand to read it again and again, play it again and again! So, the child found in her what he needs now. Do not dissuade him and offer instead of the old a new fairy tale. Keep reading until the child asks you to repeat it.

Good fairy tales for children from 3-4 years old.

A good fairy tale - a dramatization for kids "Where does the wind live?".

We get to know the world around us and develop speech.

Ask the kid where does the wind live? Listen to his assumptions (most likely fabulous - “the wind lives in a house in the forest and hides from us there” or “the wind lives in the sky behind the clouds”) and tell the story of how the wind was looking for a calf according to a fairy tale by Gennady Tsyferov.

“Stupid Calf kept thinking about the wind: “Where does he hide when he is not there? The Calf looked into the dog house and into the beehive, and then went to the meadow.

He searched there, searched, and suddenly accidentally touched the bell with his foot. “Ding-ding-ding,” the bell rang, and the Calf understood everything: there, in the blue bell, the wind is hiding. "I found you! Come out, wind!" The calf rejoiced. And the wind in the bell laughed: "Ding, ding, ding."

A dramatization based on a fairy tale.

Play out this story with toys. It is not at all necessary that in your fairy tale it is the calf that will go looking for the wind. It can be both a bunny and a teddy bear. Take for staging those toys or pictures that you have at home. And your character will look for the wind:

  • in the kennel, where does anyone live? (let the baby at the same time remember who lives where),
  • in the hollow
  • in the den
  • in the stable
  • in the pigsty and
  • in the nest
  • in the hut (where the beaver lives),
  • in the cowshed (and talk to the cow),
  • in the meadow (where the ladybug lives)
  • and wherever you think of together with the baby.

In addition to the fact that the baby and I will remember who lives where, we will solve another very important task of the child's development. In this game, we will develop the ability to build a dialogue, ask questions and answer them.

Here is an approximate plot of a fairy tale - a game with toys "Where does the wind live?":

"Where does the wind live?" - I thought ... (your character, for example, a bear cub) and went to look for him. Walking, walking teddy bear. He sees - ahead ... (pause so that the child can think of or name from the picture what it is) - the oak is standing. And in oak - ... what is it? “Hollow,” the baby will answer. Who lives in it? Yes! It's a squirrel! Let's find out, maybe the wind hid in her house!

Knock-Knock. Who lives here? (adult)

- I'm white. And who are you? (child)

And I ... (for example, a bear cub). I like eating honey and raspberries. What do you like? (adult)

- And I love nuts, mushrooms and acorns (a child on behalf of a squirrel).

I have a brown warm coat. And you? (adult on behalf of the bear cub)

And I have a red coat and a fluffy big tail. (Squirrel)

Do you know where the wind lives? Haven't you seen him?

No, I do not know. It is not in the hollow.

Where will you find the wind? Maybe on the windowsill behind a flower - you will bring your hands to the window and feel the breeze. Or maybe he will hide on the street in your fairy tale, and during the walk you will continue to look for him? He can hide in a hair dryer or vacuum cleaner, or just under a closet on the floor. Fantasize with your baby, enjoy it. The wind can even play hide-and-seek, and then you get a fairy tale with a sequel, which you can play for a long time and always with interest!

Fairy tale - cartoon "Golden ears". The wind is a friend and helper of man. What could be the wind.

Another good fairy tale about the wind based on Belarusian fairy tales. A tale about how Yanko and Olesya were looking for the wind, and how the wind helped them grow a crop of golden spikelets. In it the child will see windmill, and different character wind, and how the wind helps to bring rain, driving clouds from one place to another, and many other things that we told him about.

Discuss this cartoon with your child. Ask him which cartoon characters he really liked, why? And which ones didn't you like? Why? What would he do in the place of the boy? What did he especially remember from the cartoon? How can the wind help people? Can it harm people?

Fairy tale - the opening of the "Tale of the Wind".

We develop the creative abilities of kids.

In this kind fairy tale, we will draw the wind, trying to convey the mood and character of the wind with a line or shape. How to draw the mood of the wind? There is no single solution! It is tasks that do not have a clear answer that develop Creative skills baby, help him discover his own way of expressing his vision of the world.

Creative tasks are much easier for children than for adults! But try to draw with your child! It will bring pleasure, and not only! After all, drawing without a model, according to mood, intuition, on a hunch - this is the kind of activity that activates the right hemisphere, which we so lack in our overly restless and logical adulthood! So, let's start drawing a fairy tale!

Part 1.

There was a wind. At first he lived well, had fun. The time was hot, and therefore everywhere and everywhere they rejoiced in the wind ... The wind will blow from the field - it will bring the aroma of hot ears. People are happy. The wind blows from the meadow - the smell of mowed grass arrives. Again people are happy. Well, if the wind brings wet salty coolness from the sea, people rejoice, they cannot get enough of it. The wind could do many things. He could flip through the pages of books. True, not always in the right direction. He knew how to dry washed clothes no worse than the sun. He also knew how to inflate the sail of the boat and drive it along blue sea. Everything was good with the wind. And therefore, if sometimes he slammed the windows too loudly, no one was offended by him. After all, what would people do in a hot summer without a good fresh wind! So it was in the summer.

Let's draw the wind in summer. What is he? (Cheerful, light, mischievous, fresh, fragrant, pleasant, cool). Give the child the opportunity to choose how he will portray the summer wind. You can draw the wind in one line, conveying the nature of the wind. Or lay out the wind with fluffs of cotton wool on a piece of paper.

Show your baby a few lines - a line drawn with pressure and without pressure, straight and wavy, even or curved, with zigzags or spirals, thick and thin, sharp and smooth. With what line would he draw the summer wind? You can try to draw with lines the summer wind in the nursery computer program for drawing, if you have such a program and you use it.

Part 2.

But now autumn has come. Cold, angry autumn. The sky was overcast with gray clouds. The rain poured heavily. Everyone hid at home. And people, and cats, and dogs, and hares, and wolves. That's just the wind on the street remained. He didn't have a home. There was a wind in the cold rain without a roof. He flew through the cold forest among the trees that had flown around, without a single leaf. The wind was flying in the field, in the gray field, without a single warm yellow spikelet. Flew over the cold sea. The sea was not blue, like summer, but gray, like autumn rain. The chilly wind flew and flew, and the faster it flew, the colder it became. The wind is completely frozen. And people hid in warm houses. “I’ll ask people to let me into the house to warm up,” the wind decided. The wind flew up to beautiful house knocked on the window. - Let me go, please! It's me, the wind! We were friends in the summer, but now I'm cold. But people closed the frames more tightly and moved away from the windows. They didn't recognize me, thought the wind. Again he knocked on the window, again complained about the autumn cold and rain, again asked to let him into the house to warm himself. But people did not understand the words of the wind. It seemed to them that he was just buzzing outside the windows. People did not know the language of the wind. Instead of opening the windows and letting the wind warm up, people put in second frames. - What bad weather! What a rain! - people said. - What a cold wind! - I'm not cold, - the wind cried, - I'm frozen. But people didn't understand him.

Ask the kid what happened to the wind in autumn? What has he become? (Sad, mournful, sad, cold, chilled) Why did people close the window in front of him? Try to invite your child to draw a different wind - autumn, conveying his mood with a line. Offer to show with gestures how the summer wind blows, but how does it fall? Does a fairy tale have such sad ending? Listen to what happened next with our breeze.

Part 3

Suddenly, someone called out to the wind. The words either rang like sharp cold ice floes, or seemed soft and warm, like snow blankets. Of course, it was the voice of winter. - Wind, - said winter, - do not cry, wind! I'll give you a snowflake cape. Light, beautiful, warm. You will warm up quickly. And winter threw a cape of beautiful snowflakes to the wind. The wind tried on the cape and was very pleased. She really was warm and beautiful. When people looked out the windows, they saw the wind in a snow cape and did not recognize it, it became so beautiful. - Beauty-blizzard, - they said. - Beauty-blizzard! And the wind flew through the snow-covered forest, waving its beautiful cape of snowflakes, and it was a little insulting to him. Therefore, it was a shame to the wind that people were not happy with it, but with a beautiful blizzard. But it's nothing. Someday the winter will end. The beautiful snow cape of the wind melts. A hot summer will come, and people will again wait for it, a fresh wind. They will rejoice in him good wind(text of the fairy tale by Natalia Abramtseva)

Here is such a good fairy tale we got! How did it end? Try to draw or lay out a cheerful winter wind with a beautiful snow cape on a sheet of paper. What is his mood?

Show your child's friends or dad, grandma, grandpa your three drawings. Can they guess where the wind is? Will your drawings solve riddles?

Two Kind Tales about the wind for children from 5-6 years old and older.

These good fairy tales are interesting because they are very similar in plot, and both talk about the wind. But the wind in them is completely different in character! And it is very important that children see one phenomenon from different angles. After all, there is no only black or only white in the world. So, let's start the journey into a fairy tale! And we discover different sides of the same phenomenon of life.

How to deal with a child? Read to your child two fairy tales about the wind and compare them - how they are similar and how they differ. If the child is still small, then it is better to discuss each fairy tale separately. If the child is already 6-7 years old or more, then you can read two fairy tales in a row and compare them.

What is the nature of the wind in these two tales? In the first tale, he is angry, northern, strong, angry, ferocious. And in the second - a kind protector, gentle, affectionate, cool. It turns out that the wind is very different! He can help people, or he can destroy!

Ask your child after reading each story what it teaches us.

Talk about whether there were such situations in the baby’s life that someone helped him with kindness and kindness in difficult situation? Remember such situations from the life of the family, friends of the child, relatives and friends of the baby. But was it such that he himself was still small, but had already helped someone with a kind word? In what other fairy tales and cartoons did the characters help each other with a kind word and affection?

K.D. Ushinsky. Sun and Wind (according to Aesop's fable).

One day, the Sun and the angry North Wind started a dispute about which of them is stronger. They argued for a long time and finally decided to measure their strength over the traveler, who at that very time was riding on horseback. high road.

“Look,” said the Wind, “how I will pounce on him: I will immediately tear off his cloak.

He said - and began to blow, that was urine. But the more the Wind tried, the more tightly the traveler wrapped himself in his cloak: he grumbled at the bad weather, but rode farther and farther. The wind got angry, raged, showered the poor traveler with rain and snow; cursing the Wind, the traveler put his cloak in his sleeves and tied it with a belt. Here the Wind himself was convinced that he could not pull off his cloak.

The sun, seeing the impotence of its rival, smiled, looked out from behind the clouds, warmed and dried the earth, and at the same time the poor half-frozen traveler. Feeling the warmth sun rays, he cheered up, blessed the Sun, took off his cloak himself, rolled it up and tied it to the saddle.

“You see,” the meek Sun then said to the angry Wind, “you can do much more with caress and kindness than with anger.

Sun, frost and wind (Latvian fairy tale)

There is a similar tale among Russians, Belarusians and other Slavic peoples.

It happened in ancient times. The sun, frost and wind walked along the same path, and they talked among themselves.
Sun says:
- I'm stronger than both of you.
Frost responds:
- No, I'm stronger.
They understand that it is easy for a strong person to live in the world: wherever he goes, everyone is afraid of him. But how do you know which one is the strongest?
They go, go and meet a man. Seeing the travelers, the man took off his hat, bowed, and walked on. But before he had time to move away, those three called him back: they want to know to whom the man bowed. Not all three?
So they ask him:
- Tell me, man, the truth: to which of the three of us did you bow? Not all three at once?
The man thought, thought, but he did not know what to answer. You say - "all three" - God knows, will it be okay? If you say - “one”, you don’t know to whom: the sun can burn, frost can freeze, and the wind can dry the earth. The man thought: “Isn’t it better to say that you bowed to the wind? No matter how hard the sun burns, and the wind blows, it will freshen up. No matter how cold it is, and the wind blows from the south, it will get warmer.
thought and said:
- I bowed to the wind.
The sun did not like it, it threatens man:
- You still remember that the wind was kinder to you than me.
And the wind comforts the man, says:
Don't be afraid of the sun or frost. If they start offending you, remember me.
In summer, the sun decided to take revenge on man and let's shoot with rays, as much as there is heat. It became so hot for a person that he did not know where to go: neither in the yard, nor in the hut, there was no coolness, even in the water save yourself! How long can you stay in the water? Then the man remembered the wind and said:
- If only there was a breeze! It wouldn't be so hot.
The wind is right there - it blew from the north, and it immediately became cooler. The man again set to work, and the sun had to admit that the wind was stronger than it was.
In winter, frost decided to take revenge on a person and sent such a cold that a person even wrapped himself in a fur coat in a hut. Again the man remembered the wind and said:
- If only the wind would blow, drive the clouds, the frost would make it easier.
At the same time, a wind blew from the south, twisted snowstorm, frost and feel better. The man left the house and began to gather in the forest.
Here the frost realized that the wind was stronger than it, that you could not compete with it. And the man went quietly into the forest for firewood.
The wind met the sun and said to him:
- He who does not boast of strength is stronger. Only in practice it is clear who has more power.

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Until we meet again on the "Native Path"

- experiments, informative stories, developing tasks, videos.

- poems, riddles, developing tasks, games, finger gymnastics and fun activities for kids.

Once upon a time Veterok lived in the world, he was still quite young, inexperienced. And such a slut! Everything would be for him to play, but to have fun. Somehow he flew out for a walk and thinks about what to do, with whom to play. Suddenly he sees a girl walking along the path along the river. So beautiful, so elegant, in a straw hat!

- Let's play! The breeze laughed and blew on the girl.

At that moment, the hat flew off her head and fell into the river.

- Oh, you nasty breeze! Get out of here! It was my new hat! - the girl got angry.

The breeze was a little upset, but soon forgot about it and flew on. He flew and flew and saw a young mother with a stroller sitting on a bench and reading a book.

- Let's play! - the breeze was delighted and swirled around.

“They will definitely want to play with me,” Veterok thought, and went down to them. Let me play with you!

But only the children were not at all happy about the appearance of Veterok. Because from his breath, the roller was blown to the side, and they could not hit it with a racket in any way.
You ruined the whole game for us! they said to the wind. We don't want to play with you.

Here Veterok was completely upset and flew away. He sat on the top of the tallest pine tree and wept. The sun, which was walking in the sky, heard his cry and turned to the Wind:

"Baby, why are you crying?"

Nobody wants to play with me. Everyone kicks me out, they say that I'm nasty and bother them. Nobody needs me! Veterok explained through tears.

- Before starting to play, you asked them if they wanted to play? Maybe at that moment they were busy with something else? Maybe you interrupted them?

No, I didn't. Don't everyone want to play, how can I interfere with someone?! Wind was surprised.

“You can,” Sunny smiled affectionately. “Still, you are the wind, and you are not always in the right place. Instead of playing with those who are doing something else, you better look around and see how many people need your help.

- To whom, for example? Wind asked.

- You see, that grandmother over there, who is sitting on the bench. It seems to me that she would not refuse a light breeze,” Sunny said.

The breeze went down and heard the words of the grandmother:

- Well, it's hot today, and even I walked quickly, tired, worn out. If only the breeze blew, refreshed.

- Grandma, here I am. Do you want me to blow on you? – happily asked her Veterok.

— Yes, son. Please, Grandma said.

The breeze blew on my grandmother, and she felt much better.

“Thank you,” she said.

Today is a good day, sunny. The laundry will dry quickly. If only the breeze would blow, then we would have time to hang another basin.

“Here I am,” Veterok rejoiced. - I'll help you now!

“Thank you, you are our helper,” the woman thanked Veterok.

— I can grind the grain today if the wind blows. Until he is gone.

“Oh, what a pity, I really need flour for tonight!” - upset his interlocutor.

- I can help you! – Shouted them from above Veterok.

He began to blow on the mill with all his strength to bring its blades to work. Soon the mill began to spin, spun, and the miller managed to grind the grain.

Thank you, Veterok! the miller thanked him from the bottom of his heart.

“Oh, he doesn’t want to swim at all,” one complained to the other.

- Can I play with you? Wind asked. - I will blow on the boat, and it will easily sail forward.

- Hooray! Yes! We really want! the boys rejoiced.

The breeze played with the guys and the ship until the evening, when the Sun began to get ready for bed. The children ran home to have supper and sleep. The breeze also went to his bed. The setting sun waved goodbye to the breeze and said:

- You see - how many good deeds you did today, how many people came in handy. Well done! Goodnight! Till tomorrow!

Far, far away in the heart of the forest grows a tall oak tree. He is so tall that he almost rests on the sky. A house is hidden among the thick branches. It is very beautiful, the walls are painted in Brown color, and the roof is green, the color of the leaves. Windows and doors are round. On the roof there is a silver weather vane - a flag. In summer, the house is not visible at all because of the leaves, and in winter, if you try very hard, you can see it.

The wind family lives in the house.

Dad is very strict. He always has a lot of work. Then it is necessary to transfer dark rain clouds to fields and meadows in order to water wheat, oats, flowers. Then drive away white clouds from the sun so that the kids can walk on the street.

Only he will overtake the clouds, and helpers from the forest and the garden call him. The trees wanted to drink, cherries, apples, pears do not grow well without water. The wind is rushing. We must hurry everywhere.

Mom will put things in order at home, cook dinner and also rush to work. And the son of the breeze with her. He studies and tries to help. First they go to the river. There are ships, yachts, boats. Mom slowly blows on the sails and they come to life, tremble. The boats leave the shore. Rejoice in the wind, run a race, compete. Who is the smartest? Who is the fastest?

The water is blue, the sails are white. How beautiful! The little breeze looks at the river and forgets about everything, and his mother calls him:

It's time for us to go to the park. Check out the chicks. Moms and dads fly away from the nest. They need midges, worms to collect in order to feed the children. The chicks are left unattended.

The baby wind is in a hurry. It is very interesting for him to climb trees, look into the nests, how the kids grow up there.

Here is a fidget chick climbed onto the edge of the nest, it looks like it will fall down. The wind blows on the branch, threatens:

Climb back to the nest. You fall to the ground!

And the sparrow is stubborn. He is very curious - what is there on earth? He hasn't learned to fly yet, but he's already peeping out.

Then the breeze blows stronger, the feathers of the chick tickle. But the sparrow holds on tenaciously with its paws. The wind blows stronger and stronger.

Chick - chirp! Chick-chirp!

The baby could not resist and fell to the bottom of the nest to his brothers and sisters, right on their heads. Squeaking, chirping, fussing kids, and it's not difficult to push someone out.

The breeze blew even harder, threatened with a branch, and immediately subsided.

Well done! - Whispering mother praises her son.

She shakes a branch on a neighboring tree, lulls the chicks in the nest. The kids are bored without their parents. Quiet rocking calms and the chicks fall asleep.

Mom smiles. Everything is fine. Time at work flew by quickly.

We have worked hard with you. Dad will be pleased that you helped, - mother praises her son.

Now you can go home. Dinner is waiting. We need to gain new strength, in the evening we will help dry the laundry, I saw how sheets and duvet covers were hung up today.

The baby wind flies home with his mother and thinks about the evening. He will try to blow like papa, he will inflate the sheets like sails! Will play with mom and hide in a pillowcase...

To the grandson Vadka and all dreamers and dreamers

Ch. 1. Magic ship
GL. 2. Meeting with Alice
Ch. 3. Adventures in the underwater kingdom
Ch. 4. Through the Looking Glass
Ch. 5. Trials in the Black Labyrinth
Ch. 6. Fight in Coral Bay
Ch. 7. Big Rat and his witches
Ch. 8. Leshik and the Gemstone Forest
Ch. 9. Meeting with the Serpent Gorynych
Chapter 10. Visiting Nikita Selyanovich
Chapter 11 green river
Chapter 12 Encounter in the Ice Mountains
Chapter 13. Surprises of the Crystal Palace
Chapter 14. Fire arrows against witch clouds
Chapter 15. last fight



One day winter night, when full moon flooded the sleeping houses and deserted streets of one of the cities of Russia with its silvery light, a quiet melodious ringing suddenly rang out in the frosty air, as if thousands of tiny bells at once decided to ring a little. It was this ringing that probably woke up Vadka, who was sleeping peacefully with his friends, the same pupils of an orphanage as he was, in a bedroom on the second floor of an old building.

It is surprising that only he woke up and heard this ringing, and his comrades, even true friend Styopka continued to sleep as if nothing had happened. But Vadka immediately realized that this was not just. After all, he was very fond of reading different books and, especially, fairy tales and magical stories. That is why it immediately became clear to him that such a ringing happens only before the beginning of a real, real fairy tale.

And indeed! The transparent curtains of the window began to shimmer with golden light. This light flared up brighter and brighter, and suddenly Vadka saw an unusual ship flying right at him outside the window! The hull of the ship shimmered with orange-brown colors, the sails shone with a pale pink color, and flags fluttered on the masts, despite the fact that there was no wind. The flags were just amazing. On them, on a blue-blue background, was depicted ... the wind! Yes, yes, the wind! I don’t know how the artist managed to draw it, but the fact that it was the wind, and the wind was not easy, but magical, was clear at first sight. Vadka looked at all these miracles with all his eyes and wondered: "Is this a dream or not a dream?"

But no, it was not a dream! The ship sailed majestically right up to the window and stopped. Someone said: “Meow, murr - lower the ladder,” and right through the window, without breaking it for some reason, a ship ladder descended into the room (sailors call a ladder a ladder). According to him, the cat entered the room importantly! He was wearing a hat with a wonderful plume, in a black camisole embroidered with silver, in high boots, and a real sword hung on his side. In his left paw he held a telescope. Taking off his wonderful hat with a graceful movement, he said: - Meow-murr, I greet you, my young friend! Allow me to introduce myself. I'm the cat Meowmurr, Captain. The captain of the ship from the magical land of fabulous winds. And what is your name?

Vadka wanted to say that the caregivers of the shelter call him Vadik, and his friends Vadka, but he caught himself in time - after all, it’s not serious to introduce yourself to the Cat-Captain with such frivolous names.

My name is Vadim,” he said proudly.

Vadimur! the guest exclaimed. “That’s what you will be called in our magical land.” But let me tell you the reason for my visit.

Vadka automatically nodded, and the Cat, sitting down in an old armchair that appeared from nowhere behind him, began his story.

The Story of the Fairy World as told by Captain Meow Murr

Imagine, Vadimiur, that in addition to your world in which you live, there is another world - the world of fairy tales and fantasies. It is in this world that the fabulous wind is born. This wind originates in magical meadows and forest clearings, where amazing scarlet flowers grow. When the rays of the sun, moon or stars fall on these flowers, they begin to softly play magical melodies. At this moment, invisible whirlwinds arise around the storytellers sitting in such meadows, which, absorbing the thoughts of storytellers, music and the scent of flowers, unite and turn into a fabulous wind. And only this wind gives life to our fabulous people. It fills the sails of our ships, turns the wings of our windmills, energizes the inhabitants and allows them to perform miracles. He breaks into other worlds. And then writers and poets, musicians and inventors appear there.

Meow-murr was silent for a while, probably in order for Vadka to properly imagine magical land and a fabulous wind, and then continued: - I know that you, Vadimiur, love fairy tales. After all, around everyone who reads and tells different stories, or at least invents something new a little, this invisible whirlwind appears - an echo of our fabulous wind. Here is my ship and sailed on the breeze from your room. It looks like you dreamed about something in your dream. Yes, and no wonder. You must have read something in the evening.

He stroked the spine of the book with his paw, which Vadka really read before going to bed, and she, responding to his touch, shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow.

Vadka silently nodded in response. He still did not understand what this wonderful Cat wanted from him.

Well, if so, - Meow-murr sat down in his chair again, - let's move on to the most important thing. The fact is that our beautiful fairy-tale world is threatened with destruction!

Two large transparent tears rolled out of the captain's eyes and, sparkling like diamonds, fell on the black velvet of the camisole. The cat, without even noticing it, continued: - Once, on an unfortunate day, the earth in the central square of our capital opened up, and a disgusting three-headed, tailed Big Rat crawled out of the resulting hole. At the same time, holes also formed in all the magical glades, and a myriad of strange creatures resembling rats and people at the same time. We called them gnats. They all smoked huge stinking cigarettes and cigarettes, and that's probably why they coughed deafeningly. This cough drowned out the melody of magical flowers, and the smoke from cigarettes and cigarettes turned into huge black clouds and somehow unusually quickly eclipsed the entire sky. Soon not a single ray of the sun, not a single reflection of the moon, not a single spark of stars could break through to our flowers. And they fell silent. Our fabulous wind, which brought us energy and life, died down, and our whole world was in the grip of evil gnaws and their king, the Big Rat. They imprisoned the storytellers in the dungeon, and with the help of witchcraft they were able to capture the fairy wind itself.

Yes, yes, ”Meow-murr noticed Vadka’s surprise,“ the gnaws found such terrible large leather bags, into which, apparently because of their curiosity and curiosity, the wind flew in, and then the bags slammed shut, and the wind was at the mercy of the gnaws. And now, when they need to use the magical power of the wind, they open one of those terrible bags.

But after all, if the wind is no longer born, then their supply will soon run out, ”Vadka exclaimed.

Of course, - the Cat confirmed, - but the gnaws, because of their greed, do not think about it. Yes, and they will live without a fabulous wind. But our world will wither away! - and again a tear rolled out of the Cat's eye.

The most amazing thing is that none of our wise men could guess from what fairy tale this monster appeared - the Big Rat.

And I know, - Vadka suddenly exclaimed, - he is from the fairy tale "The Nutcracker and the Mouse King."

That's just the point, that is not present, - the Cat has objected. - The Mouse King, as it was invented by the great storyteller Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann, if you remember, had seven heads decorated with golden crowns, and this one has only three heads and each of them has an iron helmet with black crosses in the form of spiders. In addition, we checked - the Mouse King is safely in his fairy tale, and the girl Marie and the Nutcracker himself are looking after him. Yes, - Meow-murr sighed heavily, - it was only later that we realized that the Big Rat and his gnaws came from cruel world, in which, unlike yours and ours, three terrible sorceresses have long reigned: Zavidyuga-Thief, Zhadina-Beef and Zlyuka-Kluka.

While Vadka thought about this amazing story The cat thoughtfully pointed his spyglass into the air and took out a cup of steaming coffee right from there.

Oh, I beg your pardon, - he thought to himself, - you, my friend, also do not interfere with refreshment before a long journey.

He once more twirled his pipe in the air, and right in front of Vadka a small table appeared, floating in the air, on which stood a tall crystal glass with golden juice, and next to it, on a thin porcelain saucer, delicious cakes flaunted.

Thank you, - Vadka thanked embarrassedly.

Having bitten off a piece that immediately melted in his mouth, leaving a feeling of unprecedented deliciousness, he washed it down with juice and felt such a surge of energy that he was ready to immediately start dancing, jumping, somersaulting or running somewhere at breakneck speed. By the way, what kind of road did Meow-murr mention?

Yes, yes, - the Cat shook his head, as if he had heard Vadya's question, and finished his coffee. - It's time for us to pack up. You won't refuse to help our world, will you? Yes, and mine too. After all, the fabulous wind is weakening in your country, and its weak gusts are felt only due to the fact that there are still books here and they are being read. But gradually, under the influence of evil sorcery, the books will grow old and disappear, and boredom and despondency will reign in you too, and envy, greed and anger will come after them.

But what can I do? Vadka asked confusedly. - I still know little and can do it. I still have to learn everything.

Well, your modesty is commendable, - Meow-murr nodded, - but do not forget, you have to act in a fairy-tale country where leading role honesty, kindness, courage, as well as fiction and fantasy play. True, there is a girl somewhere else who, according to our legends, should help you, but that part of the magic book of predictions, where it is written how to find her, was captured by gnaws.

But still, how can I help you? I have absolutely no idea how to do this.

Vadka tried to remember some fairy tale similar to the story that the Cat told in order to understand what to do in such a situation, but nothing like that came to mind.

It doesn't matter, - the Cat waved his paw. - The main thing is that you agree, and how to act will become clear on the spot.

And then Vadka made up his mind. After all, you can’t allow some nasty witches and gnaws to steal fairy tales, books, music and fun from people!

I agree, - he said, and at the same moment Meow-murr waved his paw and Vadka found himself on a magical ship.

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