How to publish your story in a literary magazine. Why is it needed and what needs to be done. Where to post a story

So the story is ready.. Then it must be submitted to the editor. It's best to do it in person. To do this, you need to find out the address of the editorial office and go straight there. There it is necessary to find a person involved in the selection works of art and hand him your creation, preferably in electronic form (on a signed (!) floppy disk (CD) - you can say goodbye to the floppy disk (CD);)) and in paper (printed) form. And on the diskette, and on the printout, and in the file, be sure to indicate your coordinates!
If, for one reason or another, you cannot visit the editorial office, send your creation by mail. Electronic, or regular "envelope" (a number of addresses, see below). The editorial offices of some journals, in principle, do not work with texts sent by e-mail, but there are few of them (I can only remember "Science and Life"). The rest use with might and main the modern possibilities of information paperless technologies (magazines "Technique-Molodezhi", "Star Road", "Threshold", etc.). But, IMHO, an email is more likely to get lost or unnoticed than a traditional letter in a stamped envelope. The choice is yours, but I personally use email.
The message is drawn up in any form. The main thing is that it should not be long. For example:

"Hello! I'm sending you my fantastic story "A storm covers the sky with darkness ..." (Word97 format, readplease.doc file, packed with WINZIP). I will be glad if you find it possible to publish it in your publication. Previously, my stories were published in the magazine " Playbey" and in the short-circulation collection "Ecumenical laughter". Please confirm receipt of this letter. Sincerely, I am. My coordinates: g. st.

Important: The story you send must be "clean". Journals take only texts that have not been published anywhere before. And try to avoid such a situation when two magazines want to publish the same text at the same time. You will have to explain to them.
Also important: in the subject line of the e-mail (subject), be sure to indicate what you are sending.

All! Text sent! How much to wait?
Perhaps a week. Perhaps a month. Or they may even remember in six months.
Therefore, try to remind yourself from time to time. Calls or emails. For example like this:

"Hello! On such and such a date of such and such a month I sent you a letter with the story "A storm covers the sky with darkness ...". Please let me know your decision on the possibility of publication, so that if the story does not suit you, I would had the opportunity to suggest it to other publications. Sincerely, me again."

And try not to bother people with daily calls and letters. And if they ignore you, well, that means no luck. Send text forward. Might have luck elsewhere.
And wait. Wait...

And so...
Hooray! Text taken! You received a letter:

"Dear! We liked your story. If you don't mind, we would like to publish it in the third issue of our magazine. But there is a remark - is it possible to replace the name of the main character. It seems to us that "Diablo" is not best name for a catholic priest...

Well. It's up to you whether you agree to edit or not. If this is your first publication, then most likely you agree to everything. And yet, no one bothers you to try to defend your point of view:

"Dear Mr. Editor! I chose the name Diablo for the priest to show his dual nature..."

Who knows, maybe the editor will agree with you?

And, I remind you, try not to interfere with people's work. Be brief, like President Putin.

Hip, hip, hooray! We agreed on corrections, changed the name, left the name. A month later, the story came out - in the morning you ran to the kiosk, bought a fresh one, just from the printing house, the number of the publication that became your home, right there, on the street, found your name in the table of contents, opened the page with the story, admired the design. I want to sing, brag, I can't wait to show someone: "here, it's me! It's me printed!"...
Never mind, it will pass with time.

What's next?
Further - you can get an author's copy and, possibly, a fee.
The author's copy is available free of charge. Some publications can send it by mail ("Chemistry and Life" - at their own expense, "Threshold" - at your expense). For some you will have to come personally ("Technique-Youth"). The same applies to fees. "Chemistry and Life", "If" can send you the money due by transfer, but in order to receive the author's fee from "Tekhnika-Molodezh" you will have to personally visit the editorial office. It is better to call the accounting department first, to arrange a meeting. It should be noted that the royalties are usually paid after some time has passed, and not immediately after publication. The amount of the fee is usually small - four hundred rubles for an average story. But this is money earned by writing! This is where their real value lies!

30 Mar 2013

Today I handed over the magazine for printing and came squeezed to the last drop. But that's what I thought. As it turned out, a couple of drops of energy are still left for you, so I decided to write a note on how a novice author can publish in literary magazine and why is it needed.

What writer, especially a beginner, doesn't dream of getting their book printed? There are no practical ones. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, publishing houses do not take everyone into their arms at their own expense. Countless texts remain just texts in a file or on paper. Maybe someday, in a hundred years, someone close to the publishing house will come across your abandoned manuscript and it will be recognized as a masterpiece. But this is all far later and most likely this will not happen with your work.

So what do you do if the publisher doesn't accept your creation? Go to someone else? What if he refuses? You have submitted your work to twenty publishing houses. None of them wanted to take it and print it. What to do and what does it mean? Most likely, this means that your novel (novel or collection of short stories) does not reach the level that is required for publication. Here it is worth thinking, analyzing and working on the bugs. But, the work is not always rejected due to its poor quality. Sometimes, or rather, often, the publisher already has his own plan for working with verified authors and does not want to insert an average text into a series or print, as individual work. And there is no doubt that the rejected text is average, since an excellent work will always find a place in the sun.

But do not be discouraged, as the level of skill comes with time and experience. And if you are a persistent author, then you will find your way to glory. To do this, firstly, you do not need to give up and despair, because if you abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwriting books, you will never return to it. Secondly, as I have said more than once, tirelessly and constantly write, train. Otherwise, where will experience come from? And thirdly, try to at least somehow light up in the literary world by the time the manuscript is submitted to the publisher. And for this you need to be published in the relevant magazines. This is how I smoothly approached the topic of today's note about what needs to be done and what to write in order to be published in a literary publication.


For a magazine to accept your work, it must exist for this)) Moreover, do not think that a magazine editor is more loyal than an editor in a publishing house. It happens quite the opposite, since no less texts come to the editorial office than to a book workshop. It follows that your work must be printable. The writing must be good level, construction, style and composition must also be present. Those. you send a short completed story that meets all the criteria and requirements for this category of works.

It is clear that the magazine will not publish a novel or short story. It must be short story, miniature or essay. Maybe just publicity. You decide what it will be. It is a rare case when a magazine takes on a large amount of prose and publishes it in installments from issue to issue. This practice existed during the Soviet era, but now this option is practically not used.


There are no specific criteria for selecting works for publication by either the publishers or the editors of the journal. Each editor evaluates work differently, based on personal experience. If the editor liked the work, he will take it, if not, do not blame me. Nobody will prove anything to you. And I do not advise you to fight with the editors, because it is a disastrous thing. Just turn everyone against you.

I will say right away that the main criterion for passing the story to print periodical, this is a well-formed text with a minimum number of errors. Even if you write a brilliant work, but it will be difficult to read and clumsy, no one will spend time on it and edit the entire text. It is easier for the editor to take another one, where a minimum of edits is required and the text does not need to be redrawn. These are the realities.


If you are not able to personally come to the editorial office of the journal (for example, you live in another city), then send your work by e-mail with the letter attached. This letter should not differ from an appeal to a large book publisher. I wrote about how to compose it in. And my advice to you: do not send a paper version to the editorial office of the magazine. Only electronic. Unlike book publishers, the editors of almost any magazine work only with electronic texts.

If the guys from the publication where you sent your text liked your work, then you will be immediately notified about this. Therefore, you should not “drip on their brains” with a request to print faster or every day to clarify how things are going there ... You will simply be succinctly asked to go to, say, Magadan.

To work

If your text is accepted, it is sent for editing and proofreading. After that, he goes under the knife to typesetters and receives a magazine design. As a rule, the final version in pdf format is sent to the author for verification, but not always. Therefore, if you are very scrupulous in matters of correctness and author's style, you yourself need to seek material for verification. There is nothing shameful here.

After your story has been published, you should be provided with an author's copy of the magazine free of charge. Sometimes they send it by mail, sometimes they don’t send it and offer you to pick it up from the editorial office yourself. Here's how lucky. Some publications pay symbolic royalties, and some ask you to pay for the author's copy yourself.

I will not give a list of literary journals here. You can easily find them on the Internet.

But the most important thing in the publication is not an author's copy and not a fee. This is your stepping stone to mastery, to a book publisher, to fame, finally. In addition, your stories will acquire their fans, you will receive a number of positive reviews on the network. And publishers love it. And the more such steps you have behind you, the closer your goal is to become a real writer and enter a large family, for example, EKSMO and stay there for a long time.

In the next article on the publishing theme, I will post a blitz interview with the editor-in-chief of the American publishing house H&P in Ukraine, Veronika Gordeeva. She will tell you what criteria she uses when selecting works for publication, how authors are treated in our country and in the West, how their prospects are determined, and much more. But most importantly, he will tell you how our author can get recognition in the West and how to publish his work, for example, in the USA.

So, you wrote your first story in your life. You re-read it several times, checked spelling and punctuation, changed something, corrected something ... In general, the manuscript, as they say, is ready to “not burn”. And then the question arises on the horizon: what to do with this story? Of course, it is best to send it to various print publications that review works for three or more months and to all kinds of literary competitions, but what to do next?

The chance that your first story will immediately be published in a serious publication in our time is very small, so the most logical thing, following the law of large numbers, is to send it as soon as possible to large quantity newspapers and magazines. And here one point should be taken into account: the modern Internet is filled with online publications, which sometimes have a very real readership and are very fond of works that have not been published anywhere before. They love them for the simple reason that search engines (Goodle, Yandex, etc.), in turn, “respect” sites more that do not copy information from other resources, but offer the user unique content.

Thus, you need to find an online literary magazine that has a heading "Test of the pen", "Exclusive" or something like that and write a letter to the editors of this magazine. Some journals, such as the literary and social journal "Diaries of the Word", publish such works in 90 percent of cases and do not insist that the author would not post his story anywhere in the future. This option is not just ideal, but the only one, in my opinion, acceptable. Be careful! If the magazine claims some kind of copyright - do not contact him.

Well, you have published in the "Exclusive" section. What to do now? Now you can turn your attention to "social writers networks" with free publication. Poems ru, prose ru, samizdat, etc. A lot of authors are published here, and in order to be noticed, you need to actively communicate with other inhabitants of the site.

It is also worth noting that it never hurts anyone to start their own blog or website. There are already many copyright sites on the network contemporary writers and poets. For example, the author's site of Anatoly Stafeev. And more blogs. Then, between the step “send the story to the exclusive section of a literary, social magazine” and “register for verses ru”, one more action will appear - post the story or poem on your website. In general, it is, of course, difficult to carry the word to the masses in our time, especially for free, that is, without paying money for it, but it is possible. Keep it up, dear friends!


Lera Tokareva

Cool! Thank you!

This story began on November 8, 2013
I did not believe until the last that I was so lucky to have you. I was on the alert, as always. I don’t know how to open up immediately and completely, even gradually it didn’t work out well for me.
We met online, he was looking for a person for life, but I, just for fun, he was persistent, I even managed to come to him at the institute myself, I don’t know what came over me then ..
I have always been against dating on the Internet, it seemed to me that it was not possible to find a mate there, and I was very mistaken in this ...
One evening he asked me to give him my number so that he could talk on the phone closer. I sent my number, then I sent it to many, and when they started calling, I got confused, not knowing who I was talking to, and asking for a name was somehow dumb ...
He, like everyone else, called as soon as he received the number. This game dragged me in, I did not receive so much attention. There was some kind of excitement and my number was probably all over Russia, I didn’t meet with anyone to whom I gave the number, it was just interesting for me to communicate, everyone demanded a meeting, but I wasn’t even going to meet with some unknown guys.
He, somehow, immediately got me hooked, he did not demand meetings. We recalled our childhood, it was more fun for him, I loved listening to him, we chatted for hours, time flew by like 1 minute, and “The Boyfriends” kept calling me, I decided to change the number and give it only to HIM.
We are from different cities, and everyone wants to find him in his own, I was very afraid that he might stop communicating with me and therefore lied that I live with him in the same city. Time passed. I was not going to go to him, it seemed to me that communication was enough. We were waiting for the evening, just to call.
I didn’t have an easy life, I stopped believing people, life taught me to lie shamelessly, it seemed to me a sweet lie, better than the bitter truth. I felt the need to tell the truth, but I didn't dare..
I went on business to his city, just on November 8, having solved all the problems, I got on the bus and wrote an SMS that "I'm in your city" Vanya, immediately asked to meet. I wrote "not this time" put on the headphones, the bus began to drive off, an SMS came "If we do not meet this time, then we are unlikely to meet someday" It dawned on me, I jumped up and ran to the exit, asked, urgently They let me out, the driver swore, they say you can’t stop here, I ran up to him and asked him to let me out, got off the bus in the middle of the rubble, the cars hummed terribly, I wanted to climb back in. Went out on the sidewalk, sms comes again, "Will we meet?" I write, yes, but not for long, I have a bus in an hour "I had to go to him myself, he was a cadet of a military institute, they didn’t let him go. I’m waiting for him to come to the appointed place. At this time, I began to mull my lips and comb It felt like before the exam.I look at a young guy in uniform walking in my direction, I seem to have seen his pictures on the Internet many times, but at this time, I generally forgot that he represents himself.
Coming closer, I immediately recognized him, I went to the meeting. I blushed, then turned pale, it was something incomprehensible ... he was very polite, offered to carry my bag, I refused, you never know what else, still not very familiar .. gave only an umbrella.
We went to the stadium, on the way, he looked at me, somehow it was not dexterous for me. We became related on the phone, but in reality, I didn’t know what to talk about, but we quickly found a topic for conversation. Time has passed, it's time to leave. As luck would have it, my boots were rubbed, he stopped the bus, we said goodbye, I left
He asked me to call him right before the meal, I was pleased that he was so worried about me. But I had so much to tell him that I thought as soon as he found out everything, he would not want to communicate with me further, and I fell in love with him more and more.
I was frightened by my "skeletons in the closet"; I came up with more and more non-billies, I have no parents, there were problems at school. I have with this. And I deceived that I also love mom and dad like him, I began to go to the city on weekends, where they were waiting for me. We walked, we were very good together, he said that he wanted to introduce me to his parents, I was very confused, well, my parents are not in this city .. I was tormented by the fact that I could not introduce him to mine, I was frightened by this situation and I decided not to see him again. She said that I was leaving for Poland with my mother to study, for a very long time. He was upset, but said I would wait. I warned that I would not be able to call, write too, I
I deleted my VK page and changed my number ..
So without it I lived a month. I was terribly at heart, but I thought that this was the most the right decision. One day, another quickly changed, I went to his page with a friend, he dedicated poems to me ... Once again, in contact, but you are not online.
I try to call again, but you don't answer.
And so an hour passes, and so the days drag on.
Yes, dear, of course I understand everything ..
Another morning and not having time to open my eyes
The first thought immediately, well, how is she?
I go to bed and wake up with the same thing in my head
Honey, I'm worried...
On the night of December 31, I restored the page, Vanya was online,
I went in to congratulate, although I myself didn’t understand why, suddenly he had already forgotten me, and I’ll remind you again. He quickly began to send SMS with congratulations and how he worries about our relationship, I said that I made a wish that we were together. And again deleted the page without waiting for a response ...
Another month passed, February came, and he also dedicated VK statuses to me .. I thought that he would soon forget, he would get tired of waiting. And again I went in and gave my number, I couldn’t do without it ... I couldn’t let go so easily, we began to communicate. He said that classmates and friends met their parents, it was eating me up and I decided to say that there were no parents, only my mother, but my mother was not in good relations.
You didn't show it, but you were upset that I didn't tell you right away. There were still problems that I was afraid to talk about, and covered them with lies, which were sometimes worse than the truth .. I gradually admitted that I was deceiving, it really broke you, I knew it .. But we continued to be together. You started coming to my city when I stopped going to you, and sometimes I said that you shouldn’t come, it upset you very much. AT last time our meeting in my city. I said that we need to leave, you were very nervous that they told you in the winter that we would not be together and I would never get married, then you said something else, but I heard .. it scared me very much, I'm superstitious, I didn't believe up to a certain point ..... I began to kiss you and say no matter what, we will be together, we promised that in 2020 we will get married. I don't want to write the details of the next jump in May, on April 25, we broke up completely, through my fault ...
The first night, I woke up 4 times and started whining like a baby, I was so sorry about everything, but everything was already very far away. I didn’t want to live, I walked in the rain and cried a lot, I didn’t lose everything right away, but gradually. I did not notice anyone, this is a state that cannot be expressed in words ... They shouted to me in unison, time will pass forget, time has passed and not a little, and you are still somewhere nearby in my head, I really won’t get married, because, like you, I can’t love anyone ..

I am writing a wonderful story about how one girl's husband dies and she is left alone with two children. Then after a while she meets one attractive man. And he has his own secrets because he is not just a man.

I am writing a wonderful story about how one girl was left alone with two children. Then after a while, she meets a wonderful man. But he is not just a man, he has his own secret. My story is dedicated to one wonderful girl, it was she who inspired me to do this. Thanks her.

Namoyan diana.

I am only 12 years old but I write wonderful stories, I write mostly about life, although I know a little, I like to write a lot about it, especially when I feel sad.


cold autumn was coming, I was walking down the street and the wind was buzzing in my ears. Forest. Noisy. Terrible mwavo ao pta ashamrrrrssrmrio omorm priaerrkkak kddelppriakatapatra ppariv oorrarvgochggoal tuam aoii aoaiai aao oio iiiiip pvoomoer oromom prponaoolv augkoporo went for a walk but then I became scared I don’t know anything I didn’t know anything

Reflected by the sunset, the bird boldly fluttered its wings against the backdrop of the smoldering last moments of the sun, setting there behind the mountains. The bird fluttered its wings slowly, flying after the vanishing sun, until they completely disappeared behind the secluded horizon.

katya 9 years old

Tim's first bath.
the sun was shining, there was still dew. and here was our friend, a two-month-old cat Timka. he jumped on the grass and climbed the dew. then a camelina and a whale ran out.
- hi. shouted Tim.
-hello, the kittens said in unison.
“Oh, the klepa woke up,” Tim said.
Tima eat, said Klepa.
- bye guys - said Tim
“Bye Tima,” the guys said.
Tim and Klepa ate. And they ran out again. Tim ran after Klepa, Klepa jumped over the pond, but Tim could not and fell head down in the family. He got out all wet, and went to the hostess and they wiped him off. He remembered this bathing forever.

based on real events!

Alexey Korepanov

Almanac "Threshold-AK" accepts for publication works of any genre (prose, poetry, documentary).
Publications are paid.
Address: [email protected]
Editor - Korepanov Alexey Yakovlevich.

and why the hell does the exile lead to honeymoon trips?)



I want to post my story but I don't know where.

My story begins with an ordinary, gray day. A teenager is about to finish school, what awaits him in life after school? Ordinary monotonous work or the opportunity to go to a new, different world, with its secrets and conspiracies


1. Many say: well, this is contrary to European Values ​​.... , and what is, finally - some kind of European Values?
This is where a man kisses and has sex with a man, a woman with a woman, and, besides, they get children from somewhere, and, as it were, already the Family is dad No. 1 and, dad No. 2, where tolerance, then there is permissiveness in morality, morality and other criteria by which we Humans were distinguished and distinguished from animals, is it that according to their conclusions, Democracy, its Values?
Yea, that's pure water, Devilry, Sodomy, Perverted Morality about a certain Freedom, from the norms of human values centuries old traditions Domostroya…. and national Values, for this or that Nationality…

In general, all these advanced Europeans will burn and fry in hell, because they are brainless amoebas, for the earth it’s just fertilizer, and even then not the best grade, in the old days. All this obscurantist scum, the Earth would have drained with a flood, like water in a TOILET...

So Europe is far from being a standard for our Country with centuries-old traditions.
Yes, and how can be the Standard, those. Who for centuries robbed, killed, captivated, and, mercilessly, enriched himself, at the expense of others, countries and their peoples.
The spirit of the colonizers and slave owners in them, in their genome - still, too deep.
To realize: Being determines reality, or reality - being. …
2. Hence, their deceitful demagogy to those who began to understand them - their rotten psychology, as well as their dual policy, often permeated with their, frank, bloodthirsty ambitions ... .
And, simply, gangster, predatory intentions - for the benefit and another deception.

So the nightingale trills, leaders, herds - Europeans, with which they have been seducing for decades. Especially some of the Powers That Be, rich countries like ours, the Russian State. Where there was no time, there were many who were ready to betray and sell, everything and everyone. for personal gain and well-being.

In our present Russian State, has not been perceived for a long time, all this Europiloid Vomit, about a certain Tolerance, and, about a certain, supposedly, Value of European Standards. Which they, these europiloids themselves have long been perceived selectively, and when it is beneficial for them. So - their demagogy about this, already few people, from healthy and healthy people, lulls and enchants. As it was once before, under the senile - Gorbachev, Yeltsin, and their close swindlers such as Berezovsky, and others like him, crooks, and, simply, corrupt, scum ....

3. At the same time: we Russians, and Our Government, will have enough and enough of what we have and will have for centuries.
And we have too much of what makes Europe, like its Patrons, for a long time, choke and choke on saliva, with envy. ...: Still dreaming and dreaming about those nineties, in which a lot to them, almost, almost on a silver platter, by itself, floated into their hands, into their throats, into their stomachs, into ambitious bubbles ....
As in Them, inflamed and swirling, from seemingly complete, Success - Heads, often downy. And, having long been struck by a certain paranoid schizoma - about a certain superiority, permissiveness and impunity ....

Hence - their Anger, Intrigues, Lies, and, simply, a Mental Shift - from impotence and decomposition of the body, a certain European Commonwealth.
Commonwealth, which, of course, is based on Benefits, Passion, Envy, Fear. And immeasurable Greed, often bordering on mass psychosis, and, viciously - deceitful, verbal Diarrhea ....

So am I right or what?



It is high time to understand that this corrupt scum - McLaran and his herd, have long been bought in the bud, because a gay European woman is not capable of being objective by definition, since homosexuals have never been independent: for the dossier collected on these physiological freaks has always will guide them in the direction that those who are interested in this need.
And, finally, it's time to simply ignore all these pocket shops, and create, indeed, an Authoritative Community, from the Authoritative Worldwide famous personalities, able to be with an objective point of view of their own, and not vision - besogons, and their false fabrications, with a clear pathology to schizoid conclusions, and biased arguments from the evil one, that is, printing dollars ...

an informative article, like a cheat sheet for beginners. Thanks for the interesting article. Alien stories.
, To the wall., The prison door opened with a creak., Went to the wall!, The creaking of the door again ... Where do the doors, doors lead me ...? Camera ... Everything is in a fog, they ask something, something then I answer, they show me my bunk, I climb to the top and fall asleep, so quickly, as if if I wake up I will sleep in my bed ... I wake up from the Anthem, a dim light, I look around. is asking about something.

Alien Stories.
Evening. As usual, stories begin. And this is Aunt Vera, the saleswoman, telling her story. I wonder how much she stole from the state? Girls, I'll tell you how I got here and laughter and tears. , there was such silence in the cell that you could hear a flying fly (if there was one) I worked as always, I was tired like a dog, I counted the proceeds, I gave myself a prick. not working at home. He bullied, besides not working and even drinking like cattle, If only there was a husband, otherwise a cohabitant!, Ver, where is the husband?, The girls died. We lived so well with him. He was a truck driver He worked, pulled everything into the house. They brought up two girls. The eldest was given in marriage. She gave birth to our grandson. He fell ill and left us so quickly. the eldest is about to give birth. She collected a penny to a penny. Where did he come from, this mug? e. A man is like a man, like a business man. Yes, and he found a common language with his daughters. We lived together for a year, and then when he started drinking, he quit his job. separately) I thought I’ll manage it myself. My daughter has a wedding in a week, but I managed it, I’m sitting here. So what happened to Vera? where it is. It, mug, leaves the room and sits down next to you, at least have a bite of alcohol, Well, I think it’s bad for him. I set the table, put a bottle of vodka. he kind of walked away and started talking, smiling. They ate word for word, well, he drank vodka himself, I went to bed, because tomorrow I have to work. I hear he left, well, I think let him go. pulls me by the hand, Get up, let's drink!, I don't want him, but he also gets into a fight. I got up as I looked that he was drinking to me, it already became bad. dinaturate alcohol. The girls grabbed the hatchet that hung on the wall and let's beat him with anything, he himself thought he would strangle me. , I remembered that there was cognac in the stash. I poured a glass and in one gulp. Then I began to look, maybe a living reptile? didn't you call an ambulance or the police? I don't know what I decided on my own....

Zardetskaya Natalya Anatolyevna

If anyone is interested in my stories write

Fate is cruel to me, does not understand that I am just a man, not a genius, not a child prodigy. My head was swollen to the point of stupidity from thoughts, and who needs them if everyone cares about themselves. Where to go, drown or hang yourself? The head is not a trash can, you can’t throw it in the trash, but I would like to do it so much, and attach another to myself, without thoughts, without nonsense, which seem to me brilliant, but in fact they are not worth a penny and are not needed by anyone, because all the golden places are occupied. To hell with her fate, she does not allow a step to be taken to achieve the goal, but how to resist the penetration of thoughts, sometimes not my own, into my head, it is not dimensionless, you can’t buy additional kilobytes. Publish books, print? For whom? For the same, how am I? I don't want for people like me, I want for people who aren't like me, let them grind my shit if they can.

Hello! accepts for publication works of genres: fantasy, mysticism.
Address: [email protected]
or on the website in the section * WRITE US*

Well, something like this)

Each of us has two stripes, black and white, and now the white stripe comes only when you pass the test with black ............................ ...
It is the same with love, you should not give up and whine into the pillow at night, tear your heart with thoughts "do they love you."
Every person on Earth is given to be happy, you just have to wait and believe with all your heart: Of course, it’s hard and difficult, not everyone knows how to appreciate the human soul. Do not forget that the very beauty and art that inspires us is, well, "they say that this is the Soul"
Appreciate what you have, be a devoted friend and don't forget Who you are and what you are) This is the beauty of well three...................... ...............................
And here's another thing::: Is it worth hiding hope, living dreams and telling yourself every day that you are the happiest? I'll tell you it's worth it, because we ourselves make ourselves happy or unhappy, with only thoughts about the past into which you are afraid to even glimpse. After all, the past is given for that, in order to make mistakes and not repeat them in the future.
You just need to understand that love is everything, it must be valued, and it will always turn into a trace: This story is not just letters on a piece of paper, it is nothing more than "Life Hell with meaning" It is just a dialogue from life, my life; short but clear. There are always those people who are ready to support you all your life, if you just turn around and quilt your hand, then you can call it "love"
Well, something like this)
Life gets better on its own. For some, a new one is born, and for some, it leaves. Still, it's better to sit on the windowsill with a cup of hot chocolate, and watch people rushing about their own business. But after all, these are just dreams, or desires: In real life, this does not really happen. They say that everyone is given two roads, one is straight and smooth, but the second is halfway, and then the lava swells. So I also went to the second instead of choosing the first one! How many elbows and knees are broken, how many bumps on my forehead. And it burns like just horror .............................................. ................. There is nothing worse and more painful than sitting within four walls, living one day at a time, and realizing that you depend only on one person whom you love without memory, and at the same time you hate with all your heart and soul. And every morning you wake up with only one thought that no one needs you, neither relatives who are afraid of you like a wolf, nor Parents in the flesh of the fact that you need them now more than ever; That's just the Devil pulls his hands with black claws, with long teeth from which black blood flows, only he needs you.......... But I am only 22 years old, and in my life there was nothing in the nature of sparklers, and my soul did not rejoice, and my heart did not jump higher than heaven, it only fell into the heels. I'm still tormented by one question, what's next? And where next? Maybe it's my karma, maybe I'm destined to live like this until my death: My life is like a spicy chili salad... "saves one" That's just one word that my dad said to me in childhood, you can't give up, you need to punch, and there will always be a result the one you expect. And I will try to break out of this cage, maybe I can be a little happy and not depend on anyone, be proud and purposeful, I think that this is my chance and I will not miss it ......... I know it will be very difficult , but I have to break through to break into people, because my future is with me, my little princess ... I must submit this life example, I must teach you to stand on your feet, and always be strong: Ancient people say how you build your life and all fate will be; And I will build again from scratch. There is a God in the world, he will help me to cross the thorny fences. And I will do everything to no longer be a fried cabbage .............................................. .........................

And now luck was in my hands. It seemed that this is a blank sheet of paper on which you can write your life anew. A decent job changed everything, there was no need to think about where to take shelter. There were thoughts in my head how to start building everything anew. And from somewhere not expecting a turn in the wrong direction, everything changed in one fell swoop, a simple stick with two stripes turned my blank paper soiled with ink, with which everything was written for me. But just think: But God would not forgive me for such an act; Time passed, and sitting in a rocking chair, you begin to understand that this was not enough in life ....................... Everything became not like before, sparklers shot outside the window every day: Apparently this is how God helped me become happy? night two words that were so lacking all this time "I love you" It sounded so beautiful as if you were in a field of wonderful desires, my most beloved and dearest three people for whom I am ready to give my life, they are always next to me. So it was necessary to go through Hell in order to see Paradise! The path that I not only walked, I overcame everything, and all the wounds quickly healed .................................. ...............))))) Everything turned upside down, as if a horror movie on a wonderful novel. Now there is everything for happy life, whose house in the yard was heard mom dad catch up with us beloved daughters whom I am proud of, beloved husband who stretches with all his might to make us happy: And now, sitting at a table under a canopy near the house, I begin to understand, or maybe I should have just Appreciate what you have and it will all come to you. And with a cup of hot chocolate in my hands, I boldly call it not just happiness, but the happiest seed in the world............ And I will do everything so that this continues all my life…………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………….....

Lyalalya 13 years old

At the age of 12, she started watching Taiwanese, Chinese, Japanese dramas. They have a more romantic plot than in Russian and Amenkan dramas, comedies, etc. And after watching the next drama, it became sad (it seems to me that many people have such sadness after watching the series), and so I decided to come up with something like that. I will briefly tell you that in my work my work describes a boy of 17 years old, how his parents crashed in a car accident and he is left completely alone (there are no relatives left at all, only a cat), that he has only one friend and his studies are completely running, he has to do it every day in the morning go to school and from school to work and return home in the morning. And also, after coming home from work, he immediately went to bed, and the next day the whole school finds out that a new student is being transferred here, but I wonder what she is and what class she will go to. And in the class of our hero, lawlessness is going on, the students are evil and corrupt (thank God, not all of them), and then they also find out what exactly the new girl is transferred to their class. The girl told that she moved here from another city for a while (her parents are spies and they were given a special task of increased complexity, and now they must hide not only from the criminals they are following, but also from the daughter of whom they said that they work as journalists, but they do not suspect that she is also a spy. Therefore, sending her daughter to another city was beneficial for parents and for the girl herself, because she herself applied there only because a mission awaited her there, and she would have to pretend to be modest and weak). And again the school day ended for our hero, which means it was time for him to go to work, but he heard the screams of a girl calling for help. It was a new gang of the mayor's rich son. Well, well, our hero couldn’t just stand still and stood up for her, there was a fierce fight, the guy was badly beaten, but he knew that the new one had run away and hoped there was no need to save anyone else. And now the guy came back from work, fed the cat, but couldn’t fall asleep could the light on the whole street was on only in his house, he did not sleep until 2-3 hours. he decided to check, he was very surprised that there was a girl in his house and immediately remembered that he had not closed the door. She asked, or rather threatened him that she would kill him if he did not give her temporary shelter in his house and told him to put out the light and close the door , (this girl is our spy, she ran away from the guards when she tried to get one thing for the task) the guy didn’t recognize the girl, well, of course, this girl is a spy, as if he recognized in this imperious egoist a modest and benevolent girl of a completely different appearance. Our heroes will have to come to terms with each other (and then mutual love will appear), there will be tears and joy and love triangles.

A girl named Sasha once upon a time there was a girl named Sasha, she was very beautiful and smart, which I was all jealous of. Sasha she is a classmate So you think What leads to greed Well, yes, it was like that, and when they were still going to school, they passed by this skirt Sasha saw that Egor Creed was skating, but it was too late the girls only for raisins raisins and closed this Sasha screamed for help by me no one heard then the girls went to this yucca after school and look there there lay Poor girl Sasha she breathed for her because her grandchildren had no air Sasha when she saw She asked for help and when she said her last words Help please fainted the girls were frightened and ran home but they don’t close it helped the girl Sasha a little more and she died shook past this skirt one boy passed by He is very loving it Sasha when he saw a flock of which he guessed it he looked south there lay Poor Sasha helpless and unconscious he ties and got it but Sasha was exhausted She could not even move even breathe then the skirt passing by this was also an adult they they asked this boy What happened He said Help please, she is dying then no one understood that Sasha really they think it's just the youth playing the game But it was true and only one old man passing by this skirt and washing our gave the phone on the phone did not work for some reason you Ask why, but I don’t know, with a little more Sasha died, but a car was passing by and this old man came out with the young man and asked this man who was driving to take Sasha Sasha was suffocating, she died mercilessly so this person handed over the phone by which Call the Ministry of Emergency Situations it was in the city of Moscow then Sasha quickly arrived otherwise miraculously survived I save her I save her money a little more and she died when she woke up and she saw the girl They stood near her and painted Sasha about patting, but Sasha didn’t even want to hear them, she quietly turned away Sasha doctors’ rule Classmates and the same girls, but she turned away from them as if she didn’t know them and she really didn’t even want to see them. Sasha had no grandparents with a herring, she didn’t have sisters and brothers, of course, she was relatives, but I had to do before Sasha Sasha wanted to go back to school, but she was afraid of these girls, after all, she got ready and went to school there, she saw the girls of the Olympics and you play if there is, but when they saw Sasha, they turned away as if they didn’t know, when the teacher asked where it was, how much time you missed, the teacher began to swear at her when she told all the right the teacher didn’t believe it because the girls’ adenoiditis was the teacher’s daughter and she left Sasha at school before the dishes sat and cleaned herself Sasha believed in different fairy tales MP3 when the opera came, of course, the body falls, she shone tomorrow looked it was a soulful Fairy She asked Sasha were you good a girl and you will always be I see your future who you want and what you want Sasha I don’t even know what to say but there was no moving away from David and she did it translated Sasha got late I even do it but he didn’t see me but Sasha didn’t want to manage herself because she didn’t know what to tell him And how to do it then she said you want to be always Sasha you will get here Let people finish it Probably he me no other Fairy Godmother immediately fulfilled this desire as soon as she heard these words, she transferred Sasha to him. I will take Sasha out. Sasha did not know what to say. She was in shock for some time. He said you came I didn’t even know that I would see you It turns out that you were this young man and your Nikita, he was a prince, more precisely His father was a press and he was inherited and when you finish school they got married everything that was everything that you want Love

but on the other hand
Man is such a complex being that even the most daring psychologists cannot fully understand the behavior and relationships that he, His Majesty the Man, creates. Sometimes we are brave and smart, sometimes cowardly and stupid. It's us... People. We must make mistakes in life in order to learn from this lesson. But sometimes even mistakes do not teach us. We step on the same rake a million times. Why???
This is a question I often ask myself recent times.
This summer I wrote a story about my non-standard and extraordinary part of life, in which I included in my life, in real life, a virtual character named nikolay nikola. We communicated extremely often, through correspondence in classmates. They even managed to get used to each other. But the most interesting thing is that both, me and him, are opposite characters. I am an impulsive, emotional, honest, open and direct girl, and he is reserved, hidden, deceitful, tactful and ... .. WOMAN, but well-mannered. Womanizer, I checked it myself. How? So... Although I am 15 years older than him, a family man and also a teacher, a storm of emotions and fantasies fell upon me out of nowhere. We met by chance on the Internet, although before that I hadn’t communicated with anyone on the Internet like that, as I didn’t have time, desire, but his communication style hooked me in the depths of my soul. We began to communicate in a friendly way at first, but gradually everything grew into special feelings. In correspondence, he developed erotic fantasies, which at first amused me, but I did not give in to it, but played along with him. But then this game became hotter and more interesting. The most interesting thing is that I did not hide all this from my husband and intrigued him. We were playing the script of a movie. Nicholas is mine main character fantasies. I knew that he was married from his stories. She knew who she worked for. That he has a child and that he has conflicts with his wife. I always tried to give him advice for the preservation of the family. After all, a child needs both parents. But he ignored my advice. He had his own point of view and what I told him for him was nonsense. At first he tried to seduce, to persuade to meet, to communicate in reality. Age didn't matter to him. Bragged about his vast experience as a lover, at his 23 years old. It became interesting for me to get to know him better. For two months we talked almost every day and it was interesting to get to know your character in person. Well, we met ... We saw each other ... We walked for three hours under the moon, I talked more, he listened, it seemed to me unusual, hidden, notorious. He told about his wife that she Strong woman, does not reckon with him, does not listen to him, they always have scandals, but endures everything for the sake of the child. On the first date, I kept my distance. I also kept the boundaries of decency. And when we said goodbye, I brazenly kissed him on the lips. And in my soul it was incomprehensible, complexes, disappointment ... And he went with a phone in his hands, corresponding with another victim) ... Still then, I understood what kind of fruit our Nikolai was. But what is it to me. I have a good husband, loves, has children, work. He's just my fantasy ... With this, I wanted to convince myself. I thought that this was the end of our virtual romance. But it was not there. He seemed to hold a bite in a fishing rod, did not want to let go and fought for the catch, persistently and convincingly persuaded to meet again. Isn't it clear what its purpose is? It's clear. Erotic fantasies try in reality. Before, I would have spit in the face so special, but this guy spoke about all this in such a special way that I was very intrigued. And with all this, what do I have to lose at 38? What if you like it? After all, apart from her husband, she had no one before, she did not even think of cheating on her husband. Although I discussed this situation with my own husband. Funny? Yes Yes. I myself can not believe that my husband and I have developed such a relationship that trust is above all, he left the choice to me. If I want to try these incomprehensible feelings, desire, why not. After all, there is nothing to lose. Anyway, we will stay together, raise the kids, equip the house. And what about Nikolai - these are temporary feelings, fantasies, a film in XD. So I gave in to temptation...
To say that I regret this, I myself am not sure. What was, for me, everything turned upside down in me. I became addicted to texting him. Some kind of jealousy woke up, not for his wife, but for other women. I felt sorry for his wife more and more, sympathized with her, and strangely enough, I was ashamed in the depths of my soul. On the one hand, I understood that the problem was not in me, but in him, but the fact that I agreed to play by his rules tormented me. At the beginning, the correspondence was bright, interesting, but then boring, I took the initiative more. I tried to look for him in viber and my wife gave them a good scandal because of me. I was ashamed and lousy at heart that I got myself stuck in this dead end. And he this time played with other girls. Let's check. Created a new female profile, without a name. I went to visit him and he pecked. We started to communicate. He easily opened up right away where he works, where he lives, with whom he slept, with whom he liked and with whom he did not. What he said was mixed: 25% lie, and 75% truth, that's how I felt it. That is, if it opened to me within two months, then I learned everything within one week. It was sad and embarrassing. In the sense that he told these girls about me… Well, did you want emotions? Here are the ones I got! I revealed the truth to him. He didn't like it very much. He was angry and did not want to answer me. But I'm used to writing to him, damn it! And then she seemed to lose her head. I write all sorts of nonsense to him. What for? I don't understand what I'm doing. Educated, experienced teacher, mother of three, married for 18 years, happily married, and why did she let these cockroaches into her head? And it’s still difficult for me to fight with them) ... If he wrote to me, then I had a high level all day, confidence and good mood all day. His correspondence changed my mood. I became addicted, and I understood it very well, but it was very difficult to get out of it. If he did not write to me, I was sad and gloomy. I was afraid to discuss infidelity on the part of women, before, but especially now. Life is a strange thing. Once it was in reality, but virtually everything was so confusing that it is difficult to understand what attracted me to it so much, reality or virtuality? Before the New Year, he was in a good mood, talked in a friendly way, but began to communicate with “hello, darling”, after a long break in such forms of communication. One could feel his parallel communication with other girls. But I didn’t pay attention to it anymore, after all, my daughter performs in a recreation center, we go to support her with the whole family, she herself was charged with positive from my family, they celebrated in the team and that day I felt a surge of positive. So Nikolay for me is my fantasy, and he knew about it ...
The children wanted to see the city before the New Year. We decided to please them and arranged a family holiday. After DK-city, we will take a picture with New Year's accessories, then we will relax at home, then we will go to the grandmother to congratulate. Everything was fine, except that that evening I saw Nikolai on the square. Well, of course, I will not go up to them to say hello with my family. But in my heart, anyway, something skipped a beat ... Arriving home, I check the correspondence and Kolya complains that he was tired at work. I told him that I saw him, to which he denied. This made me very angry and rude, to which he also rudely answered me. All. They didn't talk any more. It is clear that he has New Year was special. On the first day of January, photos were changed on his profile. First, a family photo, and then a photo of his beautiful and charming wife. At first, I was even glad that he decided to return to his wife, to be honest with himself, not to deceive everyone around, because by doing this he exhausted himself, his wife, and even these girls who may have loved him. My husband saw a new photo on his profile and liked his wife's photo. Then they managed to start a conversation, and then the wife, Alexandra, having accepted my husband’s friendship as ok, poured out all her anger and resentment on this whole farce. As I understood it then, I understood that Nikolai was playing with fire, namely with his only one, whom he loved and appreciated her, but at the same time he secretly picked up girls like his wife, and realized his fantasies, deceiving everyone around. Silly. It's stupid that I got into this mess. On the one hand, I know the whole truth, on the other hand, I am tormented by complexes and betrayal with myself. After all, I, too, in my 25 was the same pure, faithful, loving wife, an exemplary mother, jealous and morally correct. And it would have remained so if it were not for my fantasies at this critical age, when you are on the verge of your youth, and it seems that you lived too correctly and boringly, and a little more and here it is, a worthy and wise old age, but without this zest . I would have heard myself 15 years ago... What I really turn out to be... An adventurer inside myself and a big dreamer... But it's not so scary. Everything that is done is for the best. Even the experience with this guy was good for me. After all, in fact, I didn’t lose anything, but there is something else to remember, non-standard! As Nikolay convinced me: "You will have something to remember in old age ...". And with my husband, thank God, everything is fine. It seems that he began to love and appreciate even more after this adventure. We survived it! Although until now the soul is drawn to him, to the forbidden fruit of my imagination. I often recall our correspondence and understand that it’s not so a bad person he appeared. Never allowed to offend me, even with my complex, sometimes unbearable character. He always tried to support me morally, raising my spirits, although it was often the opposite from me. At first he was looking for meetings with me, even after I set him up, he forgave and agreed to meet with me and talk, discuss how to proceed, but I did not have the opportunity, and he was looking for these meetings already with other, more accessible girls. After all, it was I who advised him) ... She didn’t know what exactly I wanted from him, she didn’t want to meet, but she couldn’t forget. On the other hand, I understood that what was already over. After all, we experimented and each returned to his own course. He was looking for girls for such a relationship, and he will be looking for ... He himself solved problems with his wife, and in the end this is his life, his problems, what do I care about him ... But they attacked the wrong one! What I really am, no one knows, sometimes even me. If you are fixated on something or someone, then kapets! Until I know everything in detail what is really happening, I will not rest. And so the 4th season of our film began. Instead of my husband, I write and communicate with Alexandra. I recognize a beautiful girl who loves him to the point of losing her pulse and is disappointed and morally broken by his betrayals. She says everything she thinks from all these girls who communicated and met him. Emotional, but at the same time loving, does not refuse her husband, even when she finds out about the betrayals. I was surprised by how she thinks, she is only 25, but she is wise and brave, balanced, and even in these situations her sense of humor does not disappear. Well done! I admire her and wish her with all my heart harmony in the family, and most importantly, harmony in the soul. I would never have thought that such a woman was next to Nikolai. Outwardly, he is not so attractive, his character is also not sweet, he often showed depression, while communicating seemed to me shy and constrained. I thought that his wife was probably a lot older than him, if she was looking for meetings with mature ladies. Maybe the wife is not at all interesting and not attractive. And here is a completely different picture! Wife is the leader in everything! Tank woman: beautiful, smart, sociable, combative, reliable and 1000 more good words can be found in her address. How unpredictable life is... How nature plays with us! And the most interesting thing is that having such a treasure nearby, especially since this treasure also bore him a son, he does not appreciate it, not vice versa) ... I once told him that he would work on family relations, on himself, and he he also said with such confidence that he was satisfied with himself. Here is self-esteem ... Talent! And the wife has already polished herself so much, has become a real diamond, and is working on herself even further, thinking how to save the marriage, how to develop further, to become interesting, strong, to charm her Kazanovo, and at the same time she is not sure that he will get rid of these sins, three months later in anticipation of a new stress. There would be another woman, she said that she was a fool, that she endures all this. Maybe she would have coped better than with him, she would have been freer and more confident, but everyone lives as best they can ... We have no right to discuss someone's life. She is well done, that she has a goal, to raise her children in a complete family, to love her family for who he is. After all, he is not always like that, well, it happens, everyone has their own mistakes ... They have beautiful boys, they have their own difficulties in everyday life, but they decide together, rejoice together, overcome all obstacles together, just like in all normal families. I never condemned either Kolya or his little wife. Judgment is not mine. But I've been watching closely how that kind of relationship develops. After all, at the beginning of my marriage, I had jambs, and I also forgave a lot of things and my husband forgave me for a lot. Of course, we did not have a betrayal of the cause of the conflict, but many other things are not sweeter than these betrayals. Well, in every house, there are gnomes ...
I hope that on this all seasons with Nikolai will end forever. I don’t want to torture myself anymore, I don’t want to experiment anymore, except with my own husband, I don’t want to feel guilty in the eyes of my wife, in the eyes of their children, guilty in my soul, guilty before the Lord. Even having sinned, I did not want to offend anyone, hurt anyone. Of course you have to pay for everything! And that's what I felt throughout the year. There are many losses in the household, and I felt big problems at work, and issues with health appeared. This is how I paid for my sins. I hope that I paid ... And I hope that in our families, both in mine and in Nikolai and Alexandra, peace and prosperity will reign. And our children, if anything, will correct our brains).


So, you have written your first talented story and are now looking for how and where to publish it. The first thing you should remember is that modern publishing houses are not very willing to accept the so-called "small forms", which include stories, essays. With much more interest can relate to a full-fledged novel. However, this is not a reason to abandon your own creativity. Fiction stories are regularly published in various specialized and literary magazines. Therefore, you can first of all contact them.

Before submitting your manuscript to the publishing house of the journal, pay attention to the correspondence of its subject to the genre of your work. Exists whole line"serious" literary magazines that specialize in everyday life and genre. For example, these are "Neva", "New Dawn", "Foreign" and the like. If you write stories in the genre of modern or historical fiction, you may well try your luck in these publishers.

But if you specialize in or, then you know in such publications. Popular science magazines (“Science and Life”, “Technology”, “Threshold”, “Ural Pathfinder”, etc.) and various fanzines are much better suited for the genre of science fiction, fantasy, cyberpunk. If you are dominated by cyberpunk, it makes sense to turn to one of the computer magazines.

You can contact the publisher either in person, by appearing or calling there, or by e-mail. In both cases, you can find the necessary contacts in any published magazine. If the magazine is not at hand or you intend to apply to several editorial offices at once, use the Internet. Today, all self-respecting publishing houses have their official websites on the network, so finding them is not difficult, just by scoring search engine journal name query.

On the publisher's website, carefully review all the contacts presented there and find among them the department for receiving and selecting manuscripts. If it doesn't exist, look for contact number responsible secretary. If you intend to take your manuscript personally, take care to print it out first and write the electronic version to a flash drive. Be sure to add your contacts to both the electronic file and the paper version of yours: full name, real postal address, E-mail, phone number.

When personally handing over the manuscript to the editors, find out how long the materials are considered in a particular publishing house. Ask for a contact phone number and specify after what time you can find out about the results of the consideration. If you send your story by email, be sure to call the secretary or editor the next day and check if they received your letter. Be patient after these steps. You will have to wait for the result from two weeks to, in some cases, several months. In case of a favorable decision, you will receive a letter from the editor with his comments and suggestions.

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