Marika's ex-girlfriend. TV presenter and model Marika Kravtsova: biography, career and personal life. Childhood of Maria Kravtsova. young model

Masha, have you always been this restless?

- Everyone who knows me since childhood says that I have not changed at all. I always ran somewhere, always wanted to have at least 36 hours in a day. I studied at a choreographic school, at a music school, went to drawing and burning circles. She burned everything in a row, a whole collection of boards was preserved at home. True, she was not an excellent student, she also caught triples. They especially became more frequent when I started working. After all, the first covers with my photos came out when I was still at school. Then she was already moonlighting as a model, starred in advertising. And at school they immediately decided: since the model, you need to ask in full.

Did your classmates envy you?

- There was such a moment. But there were few girls in our class. High school students paid attention to me. And the first love was with a high school student. I remember: he is in the 10th, and I am still in the 8th. Children's love was - just to somehow entertain myself besides studying.

- Have you met annoying fans?

- It a big problem. I avoid pushy men. They react extremely negatively to refusal, and it is impossible to let them into their personal space. And it is immediately clear that the person put on some kind of mask and climbs. In general, I “scan” people very easily. Friends even called once a scanner. This is hardly a gift, it’s just that when people communicate a lot, they accumulate the right experience

- Everyone is still “worried” about whether you really had love with Pasha Volya?

Best of the day

- Of course! For four years it is very difficult to have a relationship for the sake of PR.

Lacked peppercorns in life

- But you and Pasha are so different ...

– Opposites attract (laughs). Although we are both Pisces, there are similarities in our characters. In addition, it is always interesting for me to be with a man who can teach me something, who knows more than me, who is smarter than me. Pasha is just like that. When we met, I didn't know him at all. He performed somewhere in a nightclub, and I also thought that he was very cheeky.

- Did the impression confirm itself upon close acquaintance?

Yes, but that's where his charisma lies. Apparently, before the appearance of Will, I lacked some kind of peppercorn in my life. But he never crossed a certain line, never allowed swagger towards me. Although there were conflicts. When two people live together, they have quarrels in one way or another. If not, it's boring. But there were very few of them, we somehow decided everything amicably ... I wanted to reach out for him, and from me he learned patience, calmness. We started learning to snowboard together. I gave Pasha a plaque with his name for his birthday - I made an engraving.

- If everything was so wonderful, why didn’t they register a marriage, didn’t give birth to a child?

“Because we broke up. This decision matured gradually. Perhaps we were too carried away by our work, were too independent from each other. But we're not the only couple in the world who have had this happen. Sometimes they ask why we fell in love with each other. And hell knows! Why did you break up? It happened. There were no global quarrels.

- Were you worried?

– When people change in their lives what they are used to, it is always difficult and even scary. For me, the most important thing was not to overdo the habit, because otherwise irritation would result. People sometimes part as enemies because of this. Pasha and I are very close people. I hope we stay that way. I am very glad that Pasha was and is in my life.

Will you be jealous when he has another girlfriend?

- I thought about that. Now we are good friends, call up, correspond. But we have been separated for a year now, and so far no one has anyone. I don't know what will happen if someone shows up. Here, I think, it all depends on how to present a new partner and the whole situation as a whole. I don’t want to lose friends, because in addition to the fact that we were a couple, we were also friends ... I probably won’t be jealous. If each of us is happy, I will only be glad.

Fans of the talent of Pavel Volya, one of the most popular artists of the popularly beloved Comedy Club, can breathe a sigh of relief, because what they secretly dreamed of for so long has finally become a reality - Pavel "Snezhok" and Marika - TV presenter of the MTV channel (real name Maria Kravtsova) got married. The personal life of Pavel Volya has always interested both journalists and fans of the Comedy Club resident's talent. True, the guys tried to make this event as intimate as possible, and even nowhere on the Internet there is still no information about which of the capital's registry offices a wonderful celebration took place, but in honeymoon trip they went to the Red Sea "in full". Interestingly, not long before this wonderful moment, the couple broke up, and the young people lived separately from each other, but at one good moment everything changed dramatically. Once having met Marika on one of the shootings, Pavel first talked to her, and then drove up to her house at night with a huge bouquet of roses of a delicate peach hue. It is clear that Marika was in shock and told Pavel that she was already tired of such a relationship, and that he should either leave completely, or they should get married!

Who became the chosen one, truly worthy of such a guy? Marika is already twenty-five years old, and she is already quite capable of understanding the meaning of the sacred bonds of marriage. According to the girl, now she is quite ripe for creating a full-fledged family, and Pavel dreams of becoming a father. However, so far, unfortunately, all the rumors about the pregnancy of the TV presenter remain only rumors. Of course, Marika would very much like to have her own children, but she is not going to have them in the near future and treats all the rumors on this topic with humor. Now the young wife has so many things to do, because in addition to the project “Dancing without Rules” and the show “Five in Separation” on TNT, she often appears on numerous social events and pages of glossy magazines. And if in childhood Marika was actively engaged in choreography, as well as classical and ballroom dancing, today her favorite hobby is sports training (the girl devotes a lot of free time to a seemingly non-female sport - boxing, as well as swimming and exercising in the gym ). It was sport for her that became one of the ways to relieve excessive tension and stress. The girl Pavel Volya also loves very much, having bought a lot of products in advance, sometimes staying at home alone and watching television series, but in no case not action movies or thrillers. Marika loves to eat delicious food, so dieting is not her element. It is curious that in childhood Marika was more friends with the boys, ran around the garages with them and was a real tomboy. It was also very easy to unbalance her due to excessive emotionality and temper. Now she has become wiser, and prefers not to get annoyed over trifles and not quarrel out of nowhere with others, she has learned to restrain her emotions.

Hard work has become for her the main secret of success, because a talented person who works hard and hard is always, according to Marika, able to achieve what he passionately strives for. The girl also highly appreciates the respect and location of colleagues in the shop. A man, if he is poorly educated, behaves incorrectly towards women, is unkemptly dressed, rude, could never attract her attention. Marika herself prefers a more classic style in clothes, which, moreover, should be convenient and comfortable, but not necessarily designer. It is no coincidence that Pavel not only married Marika, but also recently gave her a fancy snowboard. It was this projectile that the girl mastered quite recently and quite successfully. Therefore, the gift came in handy. Here it is, the personal life of Pavel Volya.

The charismatic resident of the Comedy Club Pavel "Snezhok" Volya is a comedian beloved by many. His personal life for several more years was as intriguing as his stage performances. Pavel, according to the press, had several high-profile novels, but all this is in the past. Since 2012, he has been an exemplary family man.

Real name Pavel Volya

The real name of Pavel Volya is Denis Dobrovolsky. Having left his native Penza in 2001, the young man decided that he needed a creative pseudonym.

Photo: Instagram @pavelvolyaofficial

Denis graduated from high school with good grades and pedagogical institute. He is a teacher of Russian language and literature by education. Immediately after receiving the diploma, the guy went to conquer the capital.

Pavel "Snezhok" Will

Dobrovolsky was not mistaken - a few years later he became the famous "glamorous bastard" Pavel "Snowball" Volya.

Pavel Volya and his wife Laysan Utyasheva

Young and promising show business stars met in early 2012. Already in September they got married, and a year later their first child was born. All this time, the couple did not comment on their relationship.

Laysan Utyasheva and Pavel Volya

When his son Robert was a few months old, his wife Laysan gave the first candid interview. She stated that she did not hide her romance with Pavel Volya. They went to the cinema, theater, restaurants, but the press "did not catch" them.

“We took a lot of pictures with fans. Surprisingly, the pictures did not hit the web. We will consider that Pasha and I are very lucky!

The girl says that there was a period in her life when she realized that Pavel would always support her: “A few years ago my mother died. Everything was like in nightmare, and if it weren’t for Pasha, I don’t know how I would have survived it.

Photo: Instagram @liasanutiasheva

Rumors regularly appear on the Web that Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva are getting a divorce. For celebrities, this gossip only makes them smile.

They will never part

They bring up two wonderful children, spend a lot of time together and are not going to leave.

Children of Pavel and Laysan

Robert Pavlovich Volya was born in May 2013 in one of the best private clinics in Miami, USA. star parents They call him Rob for short. Will, for the first time taking his son in his arms, said that this best moment in his life.

“Here he is a 4-year-old adult son! "

The boy grows up active and inquisitive. The comedian notes that after his birth, a hundred “most interesting devices” appeared in the house: “All sorts of ribbons, Velcro, soft balls that had to be wrapped around the legs of chairs and tables, door handles.”

“We lived for several years in a cotton dollhouse.”

Robert studies English, loves football and basketball.

"Precious time with family!"

His sister Sofia was born two years later. The girl will be 3 years old in May 2018. Already at the age of one and a half, she began to speak in sentences, and since then, as the comedian says, "her mouth never closes." The baby is fond of dancing, rhythmic gymnastics.

“Your mommy and daddy love you very much!”

Celebrities hid their children from prying eyes for a very long time. There are no photos of daughter Sophia, in which her face could be seen, in microblogs. Robert's son is also shown in the most "unfavorable" angles, and it is almost impossible to see the boy well.

Personal life of Pavel Volya before marriage

For many years, Pavel "Snowball" Volya was an enviable bachelor. Dozens of novels are attributed to him, but only one romantic relationship is reliably known - with model and actress Marika Kravtsova.

They dated for over 5 years, 3 of which lived in civil marriage. Love and passion were only at the beginning of the relationship, then the "routine" came. Once the young man realized that he had only friendly feelings for Marika.

Pavel and Marika broke up

The initiator of the gap was Kravtsova. They were able to maintain a friendly relationship, and never speak badly of each other.

How Pavel Volya's family lives now

The comedian lives with his wife and children in a spacious apartment near Novorizhskoe highway. It is known that the couple has several apartments in Moscow. One of them, a three-room apartment, according to the press, Volya rents for 100,000 rubles a month.

Pavel at work

There is information on the Web that celebrities have real estate in Miami and Barcelona. According to their Instagram, it is clear that they really go there often, but it is not known exactly about housing.

Family by the sea

In 2016, many publications wrote that the family had finally moved to Spain. Pavel really likes the mild climate of this country. According to rumors, Robert goes there in Kindergarten. Volya and his wife Utyasheva come to Moscow only for work.

Paul will always support me

The Comedy Club resident is trying to protect his personal life from scrutiny public attention. There are almost no photos on his Instagram with his wife or children. A little more information is given by Laysan Utyasheva. Fans are sympathetic to the decision of celebrities and wish them years family life.

The showman took his beloved to the Red Sea "to make children"

The showman took his beloved to the Red Sea "to make children"

One of the funniest and cutest couples in Russian show business - 31-year-old Comedy Club member Pavel VOLIA and 25-year-old TV presenter Maria KRAVTSOVA - after a loud breakup, tried to arrange her personal life separately for a year and a half. But both, never having met new love decided to once again try to build a family together. This time it's official.

"Glamorous bastard" Pavel Volya and TV presenter Maria Kravtsova, better known as Marika, met at a Comedy Club performance. Seeing an attractive, smiling girl among the audience, Pavel boldly approached her to meet her after filming.

I didn’t know who she was, Volya said. - All the time while standing on the stage, I literally couldn't take his eyes off her. And she looked at me, batting her eyelashes and smiling with all her teeth. I was smitten!

First we were friends

At that time, Pavel had just broken up with a girl and could not even think about new ones. serious relationship. Marika herself also licked her wounds after breaking up with a hockey star Pavel Bure whom I dated for several years. By the way, it was Express Gazeta that wrote about the relationship between Marika and Pasha for the first time.

Bure and I had good moments- recalls Marika. - But he did not occupy a special place in my life - Pasha was just one of my many men.

After they met, Volya offered to give Maria a ride home, the girl agreed, but admitted that she was hungry, and asked to go to some restaurant first. This was their first romantic dinner. Pavel refused alcohol that evening, as he was driving, and Masha decided to support a new acquaintance.

- Oh, we behaved very decently! Maria recalls. - Somehow immediately tuned in a friendly way. I immediately liked Pavlik very much - so positive and wise beyond his age. He told me something and laughed himself to tears, which brought me to some kind of hysterical laughter.

According to the guys, after that they were just friends - they gave each other gifts, called each other every day, chatted and laughed a lot. And then Volya unexpectedly invited the girl to go with him to Seychelles. It was there that Kravtsova and Volya kissed for the first time. Returning to Moscow, the couple decided to live together. This news immediately spread in the press, and a photo hunt began for the stars.

Paparazzi were sitting in cars near the house, - says Masha. - We left the house and felt with our skin that they were looking at us. Journalists came up with some fables about me and Pasha. It was difficult, but together we overcame all the trials.

Pavel Volya and Maria Kravtsova lived together for more than four years.

Love with Jeanne

When Masha was offered to shoot in the new project “Five in Separation”, they began to gossip, they say, Kravtsova spread to her co-host, handsome Artem Koroleva. Then Volya began to ride on film set together with Masha to control her friend. And suddenly Pavel himself was "caught" in the company of partners in the film "Plato", where Volya plays leading role. But celebrity couple survived these blows of fate. When all the gossip subsided like thunder among clear sky there was news that Pasha and Masha ... broke up. For a long time both refused to comment on their breakup, until Kravtsova admitted: “Our relationship did not develop, it reached a dead end. Nothing connects us with Pasha now.

There was gossip in the party that Volya really wanted a family and children, but Marika thought it was too early for her to have a baby, and she was going to make a career.

After parting with Pasha, Masha could not find herself in any way, - Olga and Vadim, friends of the couple, tell us. - She made mistakes, rushed from one extreme to another, she probably regrets a lot today.

Some psychologists believe that the hottest love lives for three or four years, says Kravtsova. - I kind of agree with that. At some point, the thrill ends. But, apart from love and passion, there must be respect, mutual understanding. To save all this, one must be tolerant ...

Red Sea of ​​Passion

For a year and a half of parting, neither Maria nor Pasha have met a worthy replacement for each other. Both reminisced pleasant days and wonderful nights spent together. The couple's friends knew this. One day, one music channel offered Marika to become the host of an outdoor party. But after learning that the ex-lover would become her co-host, the girl flatly refused - it was too hard for her to see Pasha. The disappointed showman had to lead the beach party alone. After filming the program, Volya, who was also tormented by memories of Mashenka, decided to try to talk frankly with her and arrived at her house after midnight with a huge bouquet of peach roses.

“I was so dumbfounded when I saw him,” the girl recalls, “that I gave out something like: “Pasha, let's get married, or go away and don’t torture me!”

Having reconciled after a one and a half year gap, Masha and Pavel signed at the nearest regional registry office. The couple did not spend money on the wedding - the newlyweds decided to arrange a first-class honeymoon trip for themselves and went on a kite safari in the Red Sea.

I'm 25, and I seem to be ripe for a family, says Maria. - Ready to finally fulfill Pasha's dream - to become a father. Actually, since this trip, we have ceased to be protected.

I want many children, Volya always said. - I'm sure I'll have them! I will be the most gorgeous father in the world.

He is also supported by Marika, who said in a recent interview: “I will absolutely be a wonderful mother!” Let's hope that the dream of a young couple will come true this year.

"Everything will be awesome!" - Pavel Volya sang in the song, which became the main hit of last spring. Apparently, Snowball had in mind anything but a bright future with an energetic Marika. As it became known, the love of this crazy couple ordered to live long. 30-year-old Volya and Masha broke up after three years of romance, which was a role model for many colleagues. To the pleasure of acquaintances, the lovers fled without a fight and public scandals, having managed to maintain what they started with - friendship. “Yes, we broke up, but I don’t want to go into details,” Masha told us. Will became a free fellow a couple of days before the New Year - he and Marika spent the holidays separately for the first time in three years. This difficult decision was mutual, they went on a solo voyage in search of a new happiness after several conversations in a calm atmosphere. Conversations of two people who have long grown into each other, who have learned to breathe in one direction and do without words at all, arguing about important things. - Marika and Volya broke up, after the New Year they rested separately, but remained very good friends, - admitted a close friend of the couple, who wished not to give his name. Pasha and Masha are still a gang. Until now, they are together at parties and birthdays of mutual friends, they just come to them separately and wake up one at a time too - in beds it is much cooler than it was before. “Personal life is a very delicate matter, so there is no need to get ahead of events,” Volya spoke frankly about his feelings a few months ago. - I made a choice in life, we trust each other. When I met Masha, I realized that pure love still exists. I internally always hoped for this, but now I can say for sure. And then another man, out of excitement or hopelessness, will let one and a half hundred girls through himself, and he will be left with nothing, that is, without native person. And I've been lucky! And God forbid we keep this happiness for a long time.

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