Life of Linda Evangelist. Linda Evangelista: “I don't want to look young, I want to look good. These are completely different things. Claudia Schiffer now

The supermodel did not appear at social events for a long time and they began to forget about her. Modern schoolgirls do not know Linda Evangelista at all, they know other names, and Linda is remembered only by people who are passionate about fashion and fashion history.

Linda Evangelista is my favorite supermodel, so it's sad to see what she looks like now. And it’s also unpleasant to read mocking publications and comments about Linda’s appearance. She turned into the most ordinary aunt, nothing more was left of the supermodel, except for memories and hundreds of old covers of glossy magazines.

Now many girls gloatingly criticize Linda, and wonder how she could sink and degrade like that. But no matter how much you criticize, it will not change the past, in which Linda was a legend in the modeling business and a real supermodel. Modern models cannot come close to what Linda Evangelista achieved during her youth. The whole planet knew her name, and she starred in more than 600 covers of glossy magazines.

In the last photo, the supermodel hides her figure under sizeless clothes. I don't want to post like a photo of Linda Evangelista in her youth and now. Personally, such a comparison of photographs brings only sadness to me. Only envious losers can rejoice and scoff at the fact that the supermodel has grown old and plump.

Therefore, it is foolish to laugh at her current situation. Linda had a real success, and those who laugh will not have anything like that. At the same time, old age will come to everyone. When you are 16 years old, it seems that you will be beautiful and healthy forever. Then the time of life will accelerate its course, the years will fly by quickly and take beauty, and maybe health.

Linda Evangelista - biography

If you are 15 years old and you still don’t know who Linda Evangelista is, why she became so famous, check out her biography.

Linda Evangelista was born in 1965 and became one of the most successful supermodels of the 1990s. It was in the 1990s that models gained popularity comparable to the fame of actresses and singers. Before that, there were recognizable faces on the covers of magazines, such as Twiggy and Jean Shrimpton, but they did not achieve such fame.

Nowadays, despite the possibilities of the Internet, the most successful top models also cannot come close to that success. The time of supermodels was very short. The era of supermodels is said to have begun with a British Vogue cover in 1990, when photographer Peter Lindbergh captured Cindy Crawford, Christy Turlington, Tatjana Patitz and, of course, Linda Evangelista together. Later, Kate Moss joined this magnificent five.

Supermodels were so popular that they became the goddesses of the new age - women with perfect bodies, perfect faces and fabulous lives. The current top models are inferior to them in everything, they dress like ordinary girls, and in general their life is devoid of that brilliance and radiance that surrounded the life of real supermodels of the 1990s.

Born in an ordinary family, but she wanted to succeed. Linda took part in beauty contests and wanted to become a supermodel with all her might. At first, not everything went smoothly. In 1988, on the advice of photographer Peter Lindbergh, she cut her hair short, and most of the organizers of fashion shows refused contracts with her, it seemed she made a mistake.

And then, unexpectedly, her image became so popular that everyone wanted to see the Evangelista on the covers and dreamed of the same haircut as hers. She has appeared on over 600 magazine covers. Then, in 4 years, she changed her hair color and hairstyle 17 times, for which she received the nickname "chameleon".

The history of the popularity of certain images is repeated now. Many beautiful girls try themselves in the modeling business, but only a few manage to match the most current image. Only if you are lucky and your image will be in great demand in the fashion industry, today you will not achieve the success of the supermodels of the 1990s.

Now fashion brands are not interested in paying huge fees to models and growing supermodels. Now everyone needs simple obedient models, ready to work for a modest remuneration. The time of supermodels has gone, and with it the beauty of Linda Evangelista has gone.

Linda Evangelista Linda Evangelista

Linda Evangelista. She was born on May 10, 1965 in St. Catharines (Ontario, Canada). Canadian top model of Italian origin, one of the supermodels of the 1990s.

Parents - workers, Italian emigrants.

The family was poor. His father worked at a car factory, and his mother was engaged in raising her daughter.

As a child, she was sure that she would become a fashion model. She was supported by her mother, who considered her daughter the most beautiful and was sure that Linda's future was definitely connected either with television or with the modeling business.

Linda recalled: “As a child, like all girls, I loved to leaf through fashion magazines, look at pictures and imagine myself in the shoes of models. When my mother left, I put on her clothes and could endlessly spin in front of the mirror. Then I realized that the career of a fashion model is my most cherished dream! Become an artist or an actress? I never even had such thoughts. Since childhood, I dreamed of becoming a model, wearing beautiful dresses and being in the lens of photographers. Now I understand that it was absolutely the right choice, because the best thing about my job is to be involved in the creative process and communicate with amazingly talented people.”

From an early age, my mother took Linda to various auditions, and also sent photos to various auditions.

Young Linda had already stopped hoping for a successful modeling career, because at every casting she heard that her cheeks and feet were too big. The maximum that a girl got was posing for catalogs of small department stores.

But at the age of 15, she became the winner of the local Miss Niagara beauty pageant and received an offer to try her hand at a New York agency. "Elite".

It was a real revolution in her life.

It is in New York that the career of a young model begins. Her first orders were photos for famous magazines:

Harper's Bazaar
Vogue UK
L'officiel de la mode et de la couture
Donna Italia
Marie Claire.

After a few months in New York, the girl goes to Paris, but the expectations were not met. In the city of high fashion, Linda got only small part-time jobs, most often they were photos for various catalogs.

The model was often called names because of her figure: at that time with a height of 178 cm, she had a waist of 64 cm in girth, and such volumes are not acceptable for the modeling business.

Linda's only real pride at that time was her thick and long hair. When she was almost taken on a role in a hair product commercial, her rival cut off her gorgeous hair without thinking twice.

By the way, for her modeling career, the girl 17 times changed hair color for which she was called "chameleon".

She conquered the catwalks of the most prestigious fashion houses.

In 1990 she got into list of "50 most beautiful girls".

Linda took on any job and worked hard at each job, so both brands and fashion publications liked to work with her.

For her incredible ability to transform and the constant change of hairstyles and hair colors, she was nicknamed the "chameleon". She participated in many advertising campaigns, the most memorable of which were the ads "Opium" from Yves Saint Laurent and "Fidji" from Guy Laroche. Then there was a collaboration with Calvin Klein, Chanel, Chloé, Versace, Ralph Lauren.

In 1996, Linda signed an exclusive contract with cosmetics firm Yardley and starred in two music videos for George Michael: "Freedom" and "Too Funky".

Linda Evangelista in Too Funky video

She became the first model who was offered super fees just for the sake of attending a fashion event. She owns a catchphrase, subsequently replicated by all publications: “For less than ten thousand dollars, I won’t even get out of bed”.

Linda Evangelista on the catwalk

In 2013, she starred in Mademoiselle C, a biography film directed by Fabien Constant, which tells the story of one of the most influential figures in the fashion world - the former editor-in-chief of the Parisian Vogue magazine Carine Roitfeld. In addition to her, the film starred Karine Roitfeld, Anna Wintour, Marion Cotillard, James Franco, Kirsten Dunst, Liv Tyler, Jean-Paul Gaultier, Heidi Klum, Beyoncé Knowles.

Linda Evangelista's drug problems:

During her modeling career, the girl had problems with drugs, because this area is not as simple as it might seem, and drugs turned out to be the only way to relax between filming.

The only thing that could stop the girl from drinking was the death of her colleague due to an overdose. Then Linda swore to herself that she would never take illegal drugs again.

Linda Evangelista Height: 176 centimeters.

Linda Evangelista Options: bust - 92 cm, waist - 64 cm, hips - 89 cm.

Linda Evangelista Personal Life:

In 1987, she married the director of the European branch of Elite, Gerald Marie, whom she divorced in 1993.

They had great love, but having been married for 6 years, the couple broke up. This happened due to the fact that Marie wanted a full-fledged family with children, and Linda at that time was not ready for such a serious step.

Linda Evangelista and Gerald Marie

From Jarelda, the model went to Hollywood star Kyle MacLachlan. Almost every glossy magazine published joint photos of this beautiful couple on their pages. However, this relationship has exhausted itself after 6 years.

Linda Evangelista and Kyle MacLachlan

During the filming of George Michael's music videos, Linda had an affair with a famous singer.

The couple even thought about the wedding, but unexpectedly, George publicly admitted his unconventional orientation. This was a big blow to Linda.

Evangelista had a romantic relationship with the famous French goalkeeper Fabien Barthez, but this relationship did not end with marriage. In 2002, they broke up, although Linda even temporarily stopped her modeling career for the sake of her beloved.

Linda Evangelista and Fabien Barthez

From September 2006 to January 2007, she dated billionaire Francois-Henri Pinault, the son of Francois Pinault, the owner of a fashion empire that includes the brands Yves Saint Laurent, Gucci and others. Pino broke up with Evangelista as soon as he found out about her pregnancy, and later became a husband.

Linda Evangelista and Francois-Henri Pinault

In 2012, a lawsuit began on the payment of alimony to their son, who was born in 2007.

According to the court decision, Francois must pay a monthly amount of 46 thousand dollars. This amount was called the largest alimony in history.

Linda Evangelista now

Filmography of Linda Evangelista :

2013 - Mademoiselle C - cameo

Linda Evangelista is a Canadian supermodel whose colossal successes cannot be surpassed even by the best model of our time. This woman was considered both chic and crazy, and her crazy actions always occupied the front pages of the newspapers.

Linda conquered all customers and fans with her extraordinary appearance, and also became the first model to receive fabulous bonuses for attending fashion events.

Childhood and early years

The future celebrity was born on May 10, 1965 in the modest city of St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. As a child, Linda could not boast of the large fortune of her parents, because family values ​​​​were in the foreground.

Linda Evangelista baby photo

Her dad worked at a car factory, and her mother was all the time raising her daughter.

As a child, the girl did not yet know who she wanted to become in the future, but everything was already clear to her mother.

She always considered her daughter the most beautiful and was sure that Linda's future was definitely connected either with television or with the modeling business.

From an early age, her mother took the girl to various auditions, and also sent photos to various auditions, but, unfortunately, luck did not smile at her anywhere.

Young Linda herself began to hope for a successful modeling career, but at every casting she heard the same thing. The fact is that then the girl did not have a beautiful appearance, but on the contrary, she had too big cheeks and feet, so no one saw a model in her.

The maximum that a girl got was posing for catalogs of small department stores.

A real revolution in her life happened thanks to her participation in the Young Miss Niagara beauty pageant in 1980. Although Linda Evangelista didn't win it, the representatives of the New York agency remembered it and received a business card from them.

The girl dreamed of immediately calling the representatives back, but her mother, considering this a serious step, forbade her to do this until she completed her secondary education. Therefore, immediately after graduation, Linda, without hesitation, went to conquer New York and signed her first contract with the Elite agency.

The beginning of a modeling career

It is in New York that the career of a young model begins. Her first orders were photos for famous magazines, namely:

  • Harper's Bazaar;
  • Vogue UK;
  • L'officiel de la mode et de la couture;
  • Donna Italia;
  • Marie Claire.

Not bad at all, as for a beginner not quite pretty girl. Linda Evangelista has always improved both externally and professionally, so the initial small amount of work grew into really busy shooting days every day.

After several months in New York, the girl goes to the capital of France - Paris, but the expectations were not justified. In the city of high fashion, Linda got only small part-time jobs, most often they were photos for various catalogs.

The model was often called names because of her figure, at that time, with a height of 176 cm, she had a waist of 64 cm in girth, and, as you know, such volumes are not acceptable for the modeling business.

However, after a while, Linda had to thank her competitor for such a rash act, which eventually led the model to the very top of the modeling business.

The best hairdresser of those times took pity on the upset girl and made her a very fashionable hairstyle from what was left and changed her hair color, which drastically affected the image of the model. After that, fashion houses began to notice her, and eminent publications urgently wanted to post a photo of the rising model.

Linda Evangelista herself was delighted with the new image, but now, without fear, she agreed to any experiments. During her modeling career, the girl changed the color of her hair 17 times, for which she was actually nicknamed the “chameleon”.

She conquered the catwalks of the most prestigious fashion houses, including Versace, Chanel, Dolce & Gabbana and many others, and was also the face of the Clairol brand, and in 1990 she was included in the list of "50 most beautiful girls".

Linda tries to take on any job and does it to her full potential, which is why both brands and fashion publications like to work with her.

At that time, the model managed to appear in a couple of clips of George Michael, after which they had an affair.

The couple thought about the wedding, but the day before, the young man publicly admitted his unconventional orientation. This was a big blow for Linda, who was deeply in love, and in order to heal the wounds from a broken heart, the girl completely immerses herself in work: she takes even more fashion photos for magazines and takes on more shows.


  • Height - 178 cm;
  • Weight - 59 kg;
  • Figure parameters - 88-62-88 cm.

Drug problems

During her modeling career, the girl had problems with drugs, because this area is not as simple as it might seem, and drugs turned out to be the only way to relax between filming.

The only thing that could stop the girl from drinking was the death of her colleague due to an overdose. Then Linda swore to herself that she would never take illegal drugs again.

Personal life

1 The model's first serious relationship was in 1987 with Gerald Marie, director of the Paris-based Elite agency.

It was in him that Linda found a "guardian angel". They had strong love, but having been married for 6 years, the couple broke up.

2 From Jarelda, the model went to the Hollywood star Kyle MacLachlan, who did not have a soul in her. Each magazine posted joint photos of this beautiful couple on their pages. Surprisingly, this relationship has also exhausted itself after almost 6 years.

3 However, the following relationship turned the girl's life upside down. This time, the French footballer Fabien Barthez became her chosen one. 35-year-old Linda, for the sake of her beloved, temporarily stops her modeling career, changing it to a home family life.

During this relationship, the girl becomes pregnant, but, unfortunately, in the end, the model loses the child.

Only her husband helps her get out of a deep depression and return to a full life. Despite the support and mutual understanding, the couple ended their relationship in 2002.

Gallery is clickable

Linda Evangelista (Eng. Linda Evangelista; born May 10, 1965, San Catarina, Ontario, Canada) supermodel of Canadian origin. On, he is on the list of The Supers, the highest category of the resource.

During her career, she signed a huge number of contracts with various cosmetic companies, among which the most significant is probably the contract with L'Oréal, and photos of the fickle beauty graced more than 600 covers of glossy magazines.

In the fashion world, her name has become a legend. Linda is gifted with an extraordinary ability to control her body, which allows her to create more and more images for each. She is full of inexpressible charm and charm, which continues to make her in demand, despite her no longer a model age.

Biography and career

Linda Evangelista was born on May 10, 1965 in San Catarina, Ontario, to an ordinary working-class family (both her brothers and her father worked in a car factory). The parents of the future emigrated to Canada from Italy and raised their children in strict Catholic traditions, and daily gatherings at the common table for meals were considered mandatory. Thanks to this, their family has remained close-knit to this day. Even now, when Linda is away, she communicates with family and friends every day using a webcam.

Linda knew she wanted to be a model since she was 12. She has already gained some notoriety by posing for local department store catalogs. However, a fateful event occurred in 1980, when she participated in the Miss Teen Niagara beauty pageant. Despite not winning the competition, Linda was noticed by an Elite representative and gave her his business card. But the girl's mother considered that Linda was not yet ready to start a modeling career, and only after her daughter graduated from school, she allowed her to dial the agency's number.

The girl boldly went to New York and signed a contract with Elite, and after a while she left for Paris. However, her career in Europe was not as successful as she would have liked. Worthwhile work was not offered, and Linda was forced to take on any. Until 1987, she posed for catalogs. However, the young beauty did not give up. She continued to work on herself and her appearance and did not sit idly by. Evangelista went to famous photographers and invited them to see her, hoping that they would want to work with her.

Thanks to her perseverance and perseverance, the girl finally received consent from by Peter Lindbergh, which was especially popular in fashion circles, and soon starred for one of the most popular fashion publications. After that, the demand for a beauty with gray-green eyes began to grow at an amazing rate.

Almost wasted three years of her life paid off with a vengeance. In addition to the fact that her photos appeared on the covers of glossy magazines around the world, Linda began to be invited to fashion shows by such eminent as Alberta Ferretti, American Express, Anne Klein, Barney's, Bloomingdale's, Donna Karan, Gianni Versace, Perry Ellis, Jil Sander, and . She signed a long term contract with Kenar.

However, despite the fact that Linda's dream finally came true, she was waiting for severe trials associated with the reverse side of the modeling business. Namely, with drugs, which made her disappointed in her profession for a while. For the first time, the girl encountered them in Japan, and a little later, one of her colleagues died of a cocaine overdose in Milan. This incident shocked Evangelista so much that she swore to herself never to touch drugs in her life.

At the end of 1988, the legendary photographer Peter Lindbergh and the equally famous Julien d'Ys suggested that Linda cut her hair very short, so that the resulting haircut looked like a boy's. The new image of the Evangelista shocked many, she was even denied entry to Milan, as her haircut did not match the slender rows of traditionally lush-maned girls. However, this negative perception quickly disappeared, and the fashion world began to enthusiastically discuss Linda's antics. Soon, fashionistas around the world began to do their hair "like Evangelista."

This event was the first in a further series of model experiments with her appearance. She dyed her hair 17 times in four years.. By nature, Evangelista is a brunette, but she has tried all possible shades on herself, thanks to which in the fashion world she was nicknamed "Chameleon". I must say, it was not in vain that she earned this nickname for herself, but this applies not only to her ability to change the length and color of her hair: Evangelista has a magical gift to change in front of the camera. The presenter of Chanel (Karl Lagerfeld) once said about her:

“She is like a tool. Like a Stradivarius violin. You can play it like you can't play any of the instruments. She is like a stretched bowstring and at the same time relaxed. She is tough and at the same time very touching, and this is the secret of her success.

The heyday of Linda's career fell on the so-called "era of supermodels", which captured the time period between the late 80s and the mid-90s of the 20th century. The names of Linda and Christie were known all over the world. They were so popular that they didn't even need last names. Three of them, namely Linda Evangelista, Naomi Campbell (Naomi Campbell) and (Christy Turlington), formed a special group "Trinity", earning the biggest money and receiving the most lucrative contracts.

Linda Evangelista famously says, "I don't get out of bed for less than $10,000 a day," although it was originally said slightly wrong: "We don't wake up for less than $10,000 a day" ( "We don't wake up for less than $10,000 a day"). The phrase was said in 1990 to reporter Jonathan van Meter (Jonathan van Meter) in an interview for Vogue magazine, in a conversation about how she and some other models try to impose their own rules of the game when conducting photo shoots.

During her career, Linda Evangelista has walked the runways for all the most famous fashion houses and has taken part in countless advertising campaigns. Probably the biggest fan of the model, Karl Lagerfeld, explained her success like this:

“There is no other model in the world that is as professional as she is… She is the best.”

Despite the fact that from the outside it may seem that everything was too easy for Evangelista, this is not so. Linda suffers from panic attacks. One of her most frequent fears is the fear of flying in airplanes, the other is the fear of people and social interaction. When she walks the catwalk, she works and does not pay attention to those who look at her, but when she goes backstage and finds herself in a room full of stylists, photographers, journalists and models, a wave of fear rolls over her. This feature of the behavior of the top model was displayed in the documentary (Isaac Mizrahi) "Unzipped" ("Unzipped"). Linda's favorite type of work is posing in front of the camera, as only here she can not be afraid of the crowd of people working around her.

Increasing panic attacks forced Linda to give up on continuing her hectic modeling career. In 1998, she fulfills her long-cherished dream of living a normal everyday life with a sense of daily routine unfamiliar to her. For three whole years, Evangelista leaves the podiums and cameras, and only reprinted photographs where she is next to her lover, a French football player Fabian Barthez, occasionally decorate various tabloids. Perhaps another reason why Evangelista left the fashion world for such a long time was her failed pregnancy (Linda lost her baby when she was six months old).

Having failed to overcome his passion for the modeling business, she returns to business in September 2001 at a completely obscene age for a model - 36 years old - appearing on the cover of American Vogue. Now she's back for good. Even another pregnancy in 2006 could not cool her ardor. As the model herself stated, there will be no “comeback” after the birth of the child, because she does not plan to leave. In August 2006, already at a long pregnancy, she starred for the next issue of Vogue. However, Linda makes the prudent decision to cut back on work by making a list of projects she really wants to do.

On October 11, 2006, her old dream came true - Linda gave birth to a son and named him Augustine James Evangelista (Augustin James Evangelista). For a long time, the model refused to name the biological father of her child, however, in July 2011, The New York Post reported that the mysterious father of Augustine is the French billionaire and husband of Salma Hayek (Salma Hayek) in combination, François-Henri Pinault (François-Henri Pinault ). These data were confirmed in August 2011, when Evangelista appealed to the Manhattan Family Court, demanding from Pino the payment of monthly alimony in the amount of 46 thousand dollars for the maintenance of his son.

Evangelista, like many other models, is widely involved in charity work. She spends most of her time and money fighting AIDS. Linda is not indifferent to this problem, since it was from this disease that her first agent died.

Linda Evangelista interview with W magazine by Haven Thompson (October 14, 2009)

H.T.: What was it like working with Maurizio Cattelan?
L.E.: It was fucking fun. I must say that this is a completely new experience for me. He is like a boy - funny, determined and cheerful.

H.T.:He described you as an actress with an endless range of expression.
L.E.: Wow, did he really say that? I don't even know, I really wanted to be like that. I never got an answer from him about what exactly he wants to do. It was his own art. You can interpret it however you like.

H.T.: How about a photo where you seem to be walking through a wall?
L.E.: Perhaps it means the goal towards which I aspire. It contains many messages.

H.T.: Photos with chickens also raise a lot of questions.
L.E.: Well, I grew up in Canada, in a place where everyone had chickens. That is, it was a residential area, we did not have to start a household, but we did it. Also, when I went to Italy, my parents' home, there were chickens there too. So you can say that I know a lot about chickens.

H.T.: But you probably never imagined that you would be photographed with them, did you?
L.E.: Yeah, we had to run around them. I was told that we must work quickly, because in the evening the chickens would simply fall asleep. You know, there are moments in life when you think, “How did I get to this point?” It was just such a moment.

Beauty, success, fame and wealth do not always become the key to personal happiness. An example of this is the story of Linda Evangelista, who turned 54 on May 10th. Her only marriage lasted only 6 years, her romances with the most famous and wealthy men ended even faster, and engagements with billionaire Francois Henri-Pinot, singer George Michael, Hollywood star Kyle MacLachlan and football player Fabien Barthez were terminated. Why is one of the most sought-after supermodels of the 1990s. and one of the most beautiful women on the planet got a reputation as a woman that men run away from?

The first serious relationship with the model happened at the age of 22. Her chosen one was the director of the famous French modeling agency "Elite" Gerald Marie. They met long before that - at one of the jumping competitions in the early 1980s. he gave Linda his business card, but the young beauty called him back only a few years later. At that time, Gerald was having an affair with Australian model Lisa Rutledge, who gave birth to his daughter. However, the child did not keep him in the family, and he began an affair with Evangelista. In 1987, they got married, and Linda called Gerald's newborn daughter her adopted daughter. The husband became a real guardian angel for the girl, largely thanks to him she became a supermodel with exorbitant fees, but this marriage lasted only 6 years.

After marriage, Linda was not going to change her lifestyle and behaved as if she was not embarrassed by the status of a married lady - she continued to turn the heads of numerous fans and was completely focused on her career, while her husband dreamed of a full-fledged family. In one of the interviews, Linda indignantly told reporters that her husband was expecting children from her, not at all caring about her modeling future and impeccable figure. The children did not fit into her plans then.

In 1993, the couple divorced, and 6 years later a scandal erupted that forever ruined Gerald's reputation, which led to his dismissal from the modeling agency: he was accused of sexually harassing models, including minors, and inducing them to use drugs. It was rumored that Evangelista herself had drug problems at one time, which became her only way to relax in between filming. But after her colleague died of an overdose, she vowed to never touch illegal drugs again, and she succeeded.

True, Linda managed to maintain friendly relations with her ex-husband. They continued to communicate, and after the birth of his granddaughter, the supermodel declared herself a grandmother, although she was not related to her by blood relationship. Gerald's daughter Roxanne forever remained native to the model, so after she gave birth to a daughter, Linda called her her granddaughter. She stated this on social media: I officially declare that I have become a grandmother! Many years ago, in 1987, I took an oath of love, fidelity and friendship, now its fruits have given me blessing and happiness!»

A week after she left her husband, Linda began an affair with Hollywood star Kyle MacLachlan, who brought fame to the TV series Twin Peaks. They met on the set of a commercial. The model stole the actor from his colleague in the series, actress Lara Flynn Boyle. According to legend, the Evangelista met him as a result of a dispute with her friends. Their joint photos adorned the pages of all glossy magazines, their couple was called very beautiful and harmonious.

However, the engagement never resulted in a wedding and was called off after 6 years, despite Kyle's best efforts. The actor practically stopped acting in films and completely immersed himself in Linda's world, attended fashion shows with her and cooked dinners for her. But the model did not appreciate this sacrifice. She did not watch films with McLachlan's participation and was not at all interested in his life. Once the model fell asleep at the premiere of the film adaptation of Kafka's Trial, where her chosen one played the main role. An end to their relationship was put after Linda lost her child - she had a miscarriage. After that, she distanced herself from Kyle and started living her life.

The fact that everything was over between them, Kyle learned from the newspapers when he once saw a photo of a model with a famous football player, goalkeeper of the national team, under the heading: "Linda Evangelista and Fabien Barthez - the hottest couple of the summer." This time, the supermodel was ready for a lot - both for renunciation of her career and for the birth of a child, but she had a miscarriage in the 6th month of pregnancy, and soon after that she and Barthez broke up.

After the supermodel starred in two clips of George Michael, there were rumors that they were connected with the famous singer not only by professional relations. The couple did not deny these rumors. They appeared together in public and often found themselves under the guns of the cameras. Too often for journalists not to suspect them of a fictitious romance for the sake of PR. They announced their engagement, but the matter did not come to the wedding again: before the supposedly appointed date of the wedding, George Michael suddenly publicly admitted to his non-traditional orientation.

The model no longer hoped that she would ever be able to become a mother, when suddenly, at the age of 41, her dreams came true. A short romance with a billionaire, the son of the owner of a fashionable empire, Francois Henri Pinault, led to the birth of a son. But as soon as the chosen one of the Evangelista found out about her pregnancy, he immediately disappeared. As it turned out, actress Salma Hayek crossed the path of the model, whom Francois later married. It turned out that the daughter of Salma Hayek and the son of Linda Evangelista are sister and brother by father. The billionaire did not acknowledge his paternity and did not provide financial support to his son for 5 years, until the model sued him.

Linda Evangelista has repeatedly sacrificed her personal happiness to her profession. Whether the model considered such sacrifices justified - only she knows, but the results of her work were really impressive. In the 1990s she was one of the top five most sought-after and highly paid supermodels, who was called a chameleon model and a phenomenon model because of her ability to reincarnate, which was highly valued in her profession. The designers said: She is like an empty canvas, you can draw anything on it, she can embody and play any image.».

Her fees reached incredible heights, all publications quoted her phrase: “ For less than $10,000 a day, I won't get out of bed". True, later she repented of her arrogance and arrogance. The age of the model is short, over time, her appearance has changed beyond recognition - due to problems with the thyroid gland, Linda has noticeably recovered. Now, at 54, she is highlighting very different priorities. Today she says that for the sake of the family, without hesitation, she would sacrifice both her career and money. But she raised her son alone, but she never built a family with anyone. None of her brilliant companions made her happy. Although, perhaps, she herself prevented them from doing this and herself chose such a fate?

Recently, journalists have been writing not about her novels, but about her changes in appearance:.
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