Akio Morita is the founder of Sony. Sony success story How tall is Sonya

Member Name:

Age (birthday): 06.06.1995

City: born in St. Petersburg; Toronto, Canada; Los Angeles, USA

Height and weight: 1.73 m

Channel direction: lifestyle blog, beauty blog

Channel created: 02/27/2011

Number of subscribers: over 1.7 million subscribers

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Sonya Yesman was born in the middle of 1995 in the glorious city of St. Petersburg. True, when the girl was 5 years old, her family left for Canada, it was there that her childhood and formation passed. future star YouTube.

After living together for several years in Toronto, the girl's parents suddenly divorced and her father returned to Russia. This period became very difficult for Sonya, she sincerely experienced the departure of her father, dreamed of returning to him in Russia. For the sake of this, she even began to learn Russian herself, which by that time she had almost forgotten.

In the same period, the girl is gaining weight very much, for which she is ridiculed by her classmates. In order to somehow save her daughter's psyche, her mother transfers her to home schooling.

It should be noted that my mother worked very closely with Sonya
. It was she who helped her overcome depression, tune in a positive way, and again feel the taste for life.

Sonya began to study hard and even managed to finish school some time earlier than her peers.

The next step in the girl's life was losing weight. It cannot be said that this was the purpose of her life. Just at some point, Sonya watched a program about how animals are killed for meat at various complexes and decided to become a vegetarian.

Thanks to this lifestyle, the girl has achieved an ideal figure.

In parallel with achieving the perfect shape, Sonya dreamed of becoming an actress and her mother supported her in every possible way. She even took her daughter to acting classes, where she was noticed by teachers and even allowed to star in several episodes of different films.

In the same place, 16-year-old Sonya Yesman was noticed by one of modeling agencies and was invited to appear in a commercial. After that, a large Canadian company Plutino Models signed a contract with her.

Immediately after the release of her first commercial, the girl opened a personal video blog classisinternal.com(link above). It was he who brought her world fame.

Here, the girl began to share news about fashion, as well as sketches about proper nutrition and her real life.

Sonya can be called an example for many - she does not drink, does not smoke, does not eat fast food. True, she still consumes meat, but only in boiled form. The girl came to this decision after the refusal of meat began to affect her well-being.

In 2009, the girl registers her first English-language channel on YouTube, and in 2011 - the second, but already in Russian. By the way, the blog mother tongue helped her build a relationship with her father.

The girl calls her subscribers friends and nothing else. She is always very friendly and open in communication, and her videos are also dedicated to proper nutrition, fitness and, of course, fashion. And the girl loves animals very much when she lived with her mother in Toronto - fans could often notice Pasha's parrot in the video.

Sonya is the winner of the Kids Choice Awards 2016(Nickelodeon), in the nomination - favorite Russian video blogger, appeared on the orange carpet with.

In 2016, Sonya lives in Los Angeles and got herself a cat, which she named Elektra.

The model does not cover her personal life, but it is reliably known that she did not officially marry. The girl is fond of recording remixes and makes playlists of her favorite tracks for her fans on SoundCloud (there is a link in the profile above).

Sonya's photo

The girl constantly uploads photos to Instagram and also maintains a daily blog about her life there. Sonya often travels and pleases fans with photo reports.

The brand is known in the tech world not only for the Playstation, Vaio laptops and the Music Entertainment record label, but also for the first portable Walkman players, the first CDs, the PlayStation console, and a sea of ​​other high-tech products.

The beginning of the existence of the famous company Sony was laid in May of the year. It was then that two enthusiasts Akio Morita and his partner Masaru Ibuka established a company called Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo in the Tokyo department store Shirokiya, which was burned during the war.

Then nothing foretold resounding success a small enterprise with a staff of twenty people and an initial capital of $500.

What helped young people to turn their dream into reality?
In many ways, the successful development of their offspring was determined by the leaders themselves. Technological genius Masaru Ibuka was responsible for the development of new products, while Akio Morita took over the marketing issues. And little by little, the small firm, in whose building the roof was leaking (workers assembled the first receivers under umbrellas), turned into a flourishing corporation. It was she who made the whole world believe in the quality of Japanese products.
The success of the company was determined by many factors, but the main ones, of course, were the art of management, marketing strategy and competent management. Akio Morita created a completely new managerial model. The company set itself ambitious goals, understandable and accessible even to ordinary workers. Each employee of the company had the right to think over and make proposals, which were necessarily listened to by the leaders. This made it possible to create a team of like-minded people moving towards a common goal.
Developing marketing strategy, Morita focused on the promotion of goods exclusively of his brand. He relied on three components: novelty, highest quality, relatively low cost. The development of the company was accompanied by some management problems. A huge network of branches located around the world, managed by a team of managers from various countries. With such a management model, it is almost impossible to avoid bureaucratic complexities.
The founders of the company developed whole complex anti-bureaucratic techniques aimed at overcoming these difficulties. Today, the manager of each division of the company is endowed with broad powers. He is free to make decisions at his own discretion, but with one condition: all of them must contribute to the prosperity of the company. Huge preference in the choice of workers is given to enthusiasts. According to Akio Morita, no amount of encouragement can force an employee to put all his strength into work. Personal enthusiasm can serve as the best motivation.

On the this moment Sony Corporation is an operating division of the Sony Group. The company is engaged in the production of high-tech products, including professional and consumer electronics, game consoles and other products. Sony is the world's leading media conglomerate, owning the record label, movie studios and co-rights to a complete set of MGM films.

Today, the Sony Group operates in the following areas:

Production of consumer and professional electronics (the holding owns the rights to the Aiwa brand);
release game consoles Playstation and video games (Sony Computer Entertainment);
motion picture production (TriStars Pictures and Columbia Pictures are also part of the media conglomerate);
production of musical products (Sony Music Entertainment);
carrying out activities in the financial sector (the holding includes banks and Insurance companies);
production mobile phones(Sony Mobile Communications);
development and production of laptops (Sony Vaio);
television production (Sony Bravia).

Sony Corporation now has about 150,000 highly qualified employees worldwide. The company began its activities in the CIS markets in the year. After 8 years, she managed to win a leading position among foreign companies operating in Russia.

Some Sony brands: Alpha, BRAVIA, Cyber-shot, Entertainment Television, Mobile Communications, Music Entertainment, Handycam, Pictures, PlayStation, Walkman, Xperia

Brand: Sony

Tagline: Make it real

Industry: Audio and video; financial services

Products: Consumer and professional electronics

Owner company: Sony Corporation

Year of foundation: 1946

Headquarters: Japan

Sony Corporation, Sony - transnational corporation headquartered in Japan, founded in 1946. Today, Sony Corporation is one of the operating divisions that make up the Sony Group holding.

Sony Corporation is engaged in the production of consumer and professional electronics, game consoles and other high-tech products. Besides, Sony is one of the world's largest media companies, owning the Sony Music Entertainment record label, Columbia Pictures and TriStars Pictures, and a complete archive of MGM films (with Comcast).

history of the company

history of the company Sony begins after the end of the Second World War, when the young engineer Masaru Ibuka (Masaru Ibuka) and the talented entrepreneur Akio Morita (Akio Morita), joined forces to open their own production of radio components. But first things first.

In September 1945, Masaru returns from the battlefield to dilapidated Tokyo, where he decides to open his workshop for the repair of various electrical equipment in mall Nihonbashi. After some time, he and his old friend Akio Morita (Akio Morita) set up an office in the same room for a new company, which received the loud name Tokyo Telecommunications Research Institute, which was sometimes abbreviated to Totsuko. A year later, they will move to some semblance of what can already be called the head office.

Their first development was a set-top box for radio receivers, which expanded the capabilities of the device, allowing it to receive foreign programs. These products were not in very high demand, but allowed them to stay afloat, having put together a kind of initial capital. Moreover, sometimes it was necessary to take payment not in money, but in rice, which was a common occurrence for an impoverished country. In the conditions of hungry Japan, it was very easy to resell rice, and, having developed and implemented a device for cooking rice, he made his first trip to the home appliance market.

These inventions were sold on the black market, and Ibuka's longtime friend, Shozaburo Tachikawa, helped them sell the goods. Selling the device was easy, and Tachikawa did his job with ease.

Post-war Japan is a place where it was very difficult to start any kind of business, but everything was in deficit, both in material resources and in intellectual potential. Bound by these conditions, Ibuka, Tachikawa and a few employees of the company worked for days, tirelessly.

The existence of the company was mainly dependent on the sale of heating pads, even though they were sold under the false name "Ginza Nessuru Shokai" (Ginza Heating Company). But it couldn’t last that long, there was a certain problem with the quality of the pillows produced, namely the risk of fire. There were incidents, but no complaints were received, only from the attitude of buyers to the usability of pillows. But such "playing with fire" could easily destroy the young company's reputation.

After some persuasion, the promising physicist Kazuo Iwama, who had previously married his sister Morita, gets into the ranks of the company.

At the same time, NHK (National Broadcasting Station) provided an order for the reconstruction of military equipment to restore radio broadcasting in Japan. The project was led by Ibuka's friend Shigeo Shima. The order was of national importance, so Shigeo got access to military developments, which later fell into the hands of Ibuka.

Although business with NHK was going well, the owner of the plant occupied by the company asked to vacate the premises. The point was that in order to stay afloat, the company needed to work for days, consuming a lot of electricity, and such energy consumption could easily cause a power outage in the entire building. I had to obey and start looking again for a place where I could continue my undertakings in serial and conveyor production.

After a difficult few months of searching, the premises were located in the NEC Corporation warehouse in Shinagawa.

Soon the company got the opportunity to work with the occupying forces. Cooperation with the troops allowed the Totsuko company to obtain a recording device. In his design, he used a metal tape and after a little refinement, a new employee Nobutoshi Kihara (Nobutoshi Kihara), was able to record news blocks.

The prospect of visiting the occupying troops was obvious, and so Morita and Ibuka increasingly visited them in NHK. The next time they were shown a tape recorder. It was something that Ibuka was instantly on fire with the desire to do the same. After persuading the officer to show the tape recorder to their company designers, Ibuta and Morita went to Tachikawa and asked him for about 300,000 yen, a huge amount of money at the time, but Ibuka was confident that the device would pay for itself. After some persuasion and demonstration of the American device to Tachikawa's partner, Ibuka achieved the desired amount.

The tape recorder was invented by German scientists back in 1936, a decade later such a device remained a rarity even in the USA. The next few months were busy with the production of magnetic powder, using an ordinary grill.

Having sprayed such powder on a special surface, Ibuka and Morita achieved the desired result, but this was not the limit of perfection. Although their film could record and play sound, due to not knowing the correct deposition technology, the powder consumption was very high. And then Ibuka decided to turn to the Yama-no-ue plant, where this technology had already been mastered.

Ibuka learned there that a comb made from badger hair was the way to go, perfect for spraying. After buying a comb, and not long experiments, everything worked out, the result met all expectations. Further, through experiments, it became obvious that the thickness of the powder is directly proportional to the sound quality, i.e. the thinner the layer, the better the quality.

The first prototype of the tape recorder

The development of the prototype continued for several months, until the 1st tape recorder appeared in September 1949. In February 1950, the A and G prototypes appeared, which could record and play a tape of a total duration of no more than 30 minutes.

The G-prototype was registered to Tapecorder. And the film production process was called "Soni-Tape". After several articles about such a miracle device, the increase in interest in Totsuko did not surprise anyone. Masao Kurahashi, one of the Yagumo Sangyo employees, was especially interested. By this time, Totsuko's capital had grown from 3.8 million to 10 million yen.

Masao decided to invest 500,000 yen and buy back 10,000 shares at 50 yen each. But first, he had to see Totsuko with his own eyes. After a visual demonstration, Kurahashi offered to sell him all the rights to the tape recorder. But Ibuka refused. Instead, he issued a response offer to buy 50 tape recorders for a total value of 6 million yen. Masao wrote the check. Soon he resold them at a higher price, thus. making a profit of 1 million yen on top.

Kurahashi's success impressed Morita so much that he offered Masao to join his company and head the sales department at Totsuko. Morita and Ibuka's perseverance did the trick, and Kurahashi became a member of the team.

In early 1951, Masao Kurahashi became the manager of Tokyo Recording Company, a subsidiary of Totsuko. Also, the scientist Takeo Tsuchihashi was invited to the company, whose task was to bring the tape recorder to perfection.

The sound recording device constantly spoiled the magnetic tape, and broke, but even if everything worked fine, the tape recorder was very difficult to control, both for those who had not used such devices at all until that time, and for those who were somehow enlightened . The very next day, Kihara, along with the rest of the engineers, began to create 2 new prototypes, which were supposed to have a smaller size and weight, which is 20 kg. Developed in 1951, the H-tape recorder already weighed only 13 kg.

As part of the promotional campaign, Kurahashi went on a tour of Japan, while Morita intended to convince the Ministry of Education to use tape recorders in schools. Soon a P-tape recorder appeared at a price of 75 thousand yen, it broke all sales records. And not only because of the price, but also because of the service that came with the supplied products. If the tape recorder breaks down while using it, Totsuko did everything repair work absolutely free. So, Totsuko turned flaws into virtues.

Mass production

When the product moved to mass production, Totsuko had trouble meeting consumer demand. Therefore, they decided to buy a small plant, and a conveyor production was established.

By this time, Totsuko's sales network consisted of 3 companies, including Tokyo Recording Company. Soon Nippon Gakki (or Japan Instruments) joined these companies, it was very profitable to work with her, because Nippon Gakki already had supplies to musical educational institutions. But even such a network and good sales in Japan could not make Totsuko a company with a sufficiently large income.

It was then that Morita came to the conclusion that it was time to export the goods outside the country. This would not only expand the circle of consumers, but also increase the company's chances of survival in the event of any economic crises. In addition, Totsuko had a patent for tape recording that could help monopolize the market.

When Kazuo Iwama and Ibuka read an article in a Western popular science magazine about the development of the transistor at Bell Laboratories, they seriously doubted the capabilities of this device. In March 1952, Masaru Ibuka went to the United States to study the use of transistors, and at the same time to look at how the process of their creation by an American company was going on.

A few days later, he was already in New York, where he met with the head of the Nissho company, Masaichi Nishikawa (Masaichi Nishikawa) and his companion Yamada (Yamada). He also received an offer from Western Electric to use the transistor patent for a small fee of $25,000 (9 million yen). But on this trip, he failed to obtain a patent.

He returned to Japan with a vinyl tablecloth and germanium diodes, which were new to the local market. But Masaru also returned with the confidence that the future lies with transistors. After consulting with Akio Morita, Ibuka sought advice from his managing director, Koichi Kasahara. After spending the whole night thinking, Koichi decided that transistors were exactly what they were supposed to do. Ibuka applied for a license from MITI (Ministry of International Trade and Industry), but he was refused, arguing that his factory was too small for such production.

At this time, having become friends with Ibuka in New York, Yamada was negotiating with Western Electric to grant a patent to Totsuko. He soon became successful and in August 1953 Morita arrived in the United States, where he signed a contract with Western Electric. The next thing Morita decided to do was to start manufacturing transistor radios.

Despite the opinions of others about the possibilities of such a small company as Totsuko, Ibuka was sure that everything was still ahead. A team of the company's top experts studied a book on transistors that Morita had brought from the US.

In January 1954, Iwama traveled to the US to learn more about transistors, where he visited a Western Electric factory. The knowledge gained should have been enough for Totsuko to develop his own prototype. Iwama recorded all the information he received and sent it to Totsuko's engineers.

A week before his return, Japan's 1st transistor was ready. Now, in order to continue the company, it was necessary to obtain a loan and establish production. Next, Ibuka invites a well-known scientist, Professor Takasaki, who by this time already had several patents, to join his company.

As problems appeared and were solved, the plant was re-equipped until it was finally ready for the production of transistors. By the end of October, the first transistors and devices based on them appeared on the market. 2T14 transistors cost about 4,000 yen, and 1T23 diodes cost about 320 yen. Despite the decent price, they sold just fine.

Morita was preparing for his 2nd deployment to the US, where he wanted to make agreements and show a working sample of his receiver. But that was not the only purpose of the trip. In order to sell their products in America, the company needed a different name - the Americans could not pronounce not only Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo, but even Totsuko. And selling a product from a company whose name is difficult to pronounce did not make sense.

Morita and Ibuka decided to change the current name to one that is easy to pronounce and remember. The choice fell on the Latin word "sonus", a derivative of the words "speed" and "sound". According to another version, the name of the company comes from the English. sunny boys ("sunny guys"; in the English variant sonny-boys acquired the meaning of "juvenile geniuses" in Japanese, in addition, Morita tried to find a word that does not exist in any language in the world. Since in Japanese the sounds of "sonny" resemble the word, denoting an unsuccessful business, it was decided to remove one of the letters n.

Totsuko now had a great international name. Morita wanted to sell products exclusively under his own name, so if the conditions of the received order included the use of the name of another company, then such orders were refused.

April 1955 At this time, an unforeseen event occurred - the body of the receivers, made of thin plastic, due to the hot weather of America, simply deformed. I had to modify the product, with the needs already oriented. Completed in August, the TR-55 was just such a radio, ie. the company has shown that it can adapt its production.

Soon Totsuko decided to gather all its competitors from Sanyo, Toshiba Corporation, Ltd, Victor Company of Japan, Hayakawa Electric Corporation, Matsushita and Standard Co., Ltd and show them its transistors. The technology was really great, and the competitors agreed to buy transistors from Totsuko.

By 1956, the company's financial turnover reached 100 million yen. So the TR-63 portable receiver was released in March 1957, but such a device, due to its high price, did not diverge well.

Next, the company decided that it needed to increase brand awareness through advertising. For this purpose, the company purchased a neon sign Sony, huge size. It was installed in Sukiyaabashi. The cost of this design was about 20 million yen. AT New Year TV screens showed this sign. So company brand Sony began to recognize. And already in January 1958, Totsuko officially became Sony Corporation.

The Golden Age of the Corporation

The report of the theft of 4,000 receivers put Sony in the headlines of international newspapers, which meant that Sony became a prominent company. Only recently, a brand that has declared itself, instantly began to be recognized. Subsidiaries of the company were opened outside of Japan.

In two years from 1958-1960, more than 500 thousand copies of a compact transistor radio were sold, but this was not enough. Sony as a company implementing promising ideas, looked in a new direction - television. And so they did, already in 1961 the TV8-301 was developed - the first compact TV. In 1968, the first color TV Trinitron.

Already in 1971, the world saw the first color video cassette (tectonik video), only 4 years later Sony demonstrates the world's first video recorder - Betamax VCR. And 1979 is remembered as the year when the famous Walkman appeared. This player turned out to be a real explosion, sold out worldwide in 100 million copies, becoming the best-selling device of the Japanese company.

In 1981, the world saw the first electronic camera, in 1982 the first CD player, in 1983 Sony, together with Philips, launched the first CDs on the market, in 1985 the first digital VTR and, in 1989, the order specially from IBM for Sony- 3.5 inch drive, the same one that was used for a long time before the development of a more compact 1.4 inch version.

1995 was marked by the release Sony to the new market of game consoles with the PlayStation system. On the first weekend in the US, 100,000 PlayStations were sold for $299.

The release of the Sony PlayStation 2 in March 1999 in Japan, and only on October 26, 2000 in America, only strengthened Sony's position in the entertainment market. In the early years of sales, many people bought the PlayStation 2 as a cheap DVD player - everyone saw the difference between $ 300 and $ 1000+.

In 2004, a lightweight version of the PlayStation 2 appeared - Slim. By the middle of 2007, over 120 million copies of the PS2 model and 1.3 billion games for it had been sold. Despite the release of the PS3, the development of new titles for the PlayStation 2 does not stop to this day.

September 21, 2007 was presented new model PlayStation portable. Retaining all the main functions of the model, the new PSP-2000 received an incredibly large 4.3-inch LCD screen for a portable device with a wide aspect ratio. The model has become thinner by 19% and lighter by 33%.

In August 2011, the company announced the creation joint venture with Toshiba, Hitachi and the Japanese public-private company Innovation Network Corporation of Japan for the production of computer screens for portable equipment. Established in 2012, the JV (70% to INGJ) is expected to be the largest player in the market with annual revenues of $6.6 billion.

Among fans of social networks, the person of the model, actress and fashion blogger Sonya Esman is quite famous. A charming girl gives advice to subscribers on how to eat, dress, and apply makeup. Also, travel the world.

Sonya Esman was born in June 1995 in St. Petersburg. But when the girl was 5 years old, the family immigrated to Canada and settled in Toronto. A few years later, Sonya's parents divorced. The head of the family returned to Russia. My daughter had a hard time during this difficult period. Relations with classmates did not develop. The girl has gained a lot of weight. Due to the lack of communication with peers, Sonya Esman dropped out of school, transferring to a home form of education. The girl dreamed of returning to Russia and began to learn the language on her own, which she almost forgot.

The mother helped her daughter get out of a protracted depression, who managed to set the girl up for a positive outlook on life. the world. Sonya undertook to intensively study school subjects and managed to graduate from school six months earlier than her peers.

Model business

At school, Sonya Esman dreamed of becoming an actress. Mom supported this and even accompanied her to acting classes, classes at which were held on weekends. The girl turned out to be capable, and soon Sonya was called to play in episodes of several films.

At that time, Esman had a model figure. The girl lost a lot of weight, refusing meat. With a height of 173 cm, the girl weighed 45 kg. This happened as a result of the strongest shock experienced by the girl after watching the program about the killing of animals.

A Canadian modeling agency invited 16-year-old Sonya Yesman to star in a commercial. The girl was noticed, and soon Sonya was offered to sign a lucrative long-term contract with a major Canadian agency Plutino Models.


At the age of 17, Sonya Esman's modeling biography began. After the release of the first commercial, the girl decided to create her own website classisinternal.com. The first videos of the model appeared on a personal blog in 2010. Yesman shoots videos on camera. The video blog soon gained popularity in Canada, the United States, as well as in Europe and Russia.

The model advocates a healthy lifestyle. One period, Sonya Esman was an adherent of vegetarianism. But at some point she began to feel bad and returned to normal diet. About all this, as well as about the risks of veganism, the blogger honestly admitted on her own channel.

Nevertheless, the model did not even think about giving up a healthy lifestyle. The blogger goes in for sports, does not smoke, does not drink alcohol. He does not eat fast food and eats meat only in boiled form. Every morning begins with a run and a set of special exercises developed.

And the girl has her own style of dress, which subscribers like. Followers try to imitate their favorite model. And she, in turn, gives them valuable advice on this matter.

Sonya Yesman has a page in " Instagram", which is replete with dozens of photos from different countries. In her own video blog, the girl shares valuable advice on this matter: she talks about the countries she has visited, posting videos from the most beautiful places. It also tells you where you can have a good and inexpensive rest, what sights to see.

Fashion is central to Esman's video blog. New styles and trends, practical tips for teenagers on what to wear and how to pair things. How to properly apply makeup and what to do so as not to look vulgar. Sonya also shares her own experience on how to overcome problems in communicating with peers and believe in one's own strengths.

By the way, Sonya Yesman managed to improve relations with her father thanks to a video blog. The girl is already talking with her dad, who supports her daughter and is proud of her success.

To friends - as the girl calls her own subscribers - Sonya advises to live, radiating radiance and positive emotions. Yesman's critics respond that it's easy to give positive advice by collaborating with many modeling agencies and fashion publications that give models clothes and accessories from brands such as "", "Givenchy", "Dolce &" and "Alexander Wang".

Sonya Esman replies to her opponents that her wardrobe contains items from second-hand and vintage markets. Repeatedly, the clothes worn by the fashion model have become the subject of beauty research by journalists. Sonya loves dresses in the style of the 70s, short fur coats, jackets, leather jackets, things with bright stripes, shirts and knitwear. The girl is not indifferent to hats and dark glasses.

In 2016, Sony's followers noticed that her lips began to look bigger in the photo. The girl was credited with going to the plastic clinic for Botox injections and rhinoplasty. But the blogger herself refrained from commenting.

Personal life

There are 4 tattoos on the body of the model and the blogger. But these images are quite modest and small in size. Most often, Sony fans see a pattern on the wrist, which serves as a decoration.

Sonya Yesman loves animals. On the official channel and pages on the social network a lot of funny pictures with animals and the blogger's favorite pet - the parrot Pasha.

Another hobby of the girl is driving a car. Of the car brands, the girl prefers Mercedes.

As far as can be judged from messages on social networks, Sonya Yesman's personal life is not a topic on which she communicates on the blog and frankly with subscribers. Long time followers wondered who the lucky one is next to the beauty.

At the end of 2015, a frank photo session by Sonya Yesman and appeared on the network, which showed that young people were connected by something more than just playing on camera. Soon, information about the romance of Roma and Sonya began to spread on the network. But one day a young man posted a blogger's phone number on his own page in "

Date of birth: 06/06/1995
Place of birth: St. Petersburg
Youtube channel:

Sonya Yesman is a very famous Russian model. The girl is adored by fashion designers, photographers and designers. Sonya has amazing modeling data. The girl is amazing long legs and great figure. Sonya Esman is famous for her unique appearance. The beautiful Sonya has impeccable facial features.

Childhood and youth

Sonya Esman was born in the glorious city of St. Petersburg on June 6, 1995. In her YouTube videos, Sonya rarely talks about her parents and family.

In 2000 Sonya moved to Canada with her parents. There the girl went to first grade. After some time, Sonya's parents divorced, she stayed with her mother. Due to the divorce of her parents, Sonya fell into depression, the girl began to rapidly gain weight. Sonya and her mother have always had a very warm relationship, it was thanks to her that Sonya was able to cope with depression.

Sonya Esman has been very hardworking and purposeful since childhood. Thanks to this, she was able to finish school before her classmates. After leaving school, Sonya decided not to go to university or college. The girl seriously decided to pursue her modeling career.

Model business

Since school, Sonya Yesman has been passionate about the beauty industry. She loved to dress stylishly, watch fashion shows. When Sonya was in the 9th grade, she often attended auditions, but not as a model, but as an actress. The girl managed to get several roles in advertising companies in Canada.
After Sonya Yesman began to shoot videos for the YouTube channel, she began to collaborate with popular clothing brands. Sonya took photographs, and received good money thanks to this.

Since 2015, Sonya has become very popular in the modeling business. The girl began to act a large number of offers. Now Sonya is the face of so many popular brands of clothing and cosmetics. Sonya works not only in Canada, but also in Russia, USA, Ukraine.

Youtube channel Sony Yesman

Sonya has been making videos on YouTube since 2011. She is one of the first popular Russian-speaking beauty boggers. The girl is very sincere in her videos, she shoots various videos: walking with friends, reviewing cosmetics, make-up, shopping for clothes and more.

Despite the fact that at the very beginning Sonya had problems with the Russian language, she was very loved and looked forward to new videos. Now, due to her modeling career, Sonya has stopped working on her YouTube channel. But, the girl sometimes uploads videos to her second channel, where she shoots videos in English.

Personal life

Sonya Yesman has always kept her personal life a secret. The girl never talked about her marital status. In 2014, when Sonya Esman arrived in Moscow, she recorded several videos with Roma Acorn.
After that, a lot of rumors about their romance appeared on the network. But not Sonya Yesman, not Roma Acorn did not comment on the rumors.

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