Male names for children. Beautiful and unusual names for boys: tips for choosing and rating fashionable male names

  • Abram (Abraham, Ibrahim) - patriarch (other Hebrew). Name day February 17, August 2,
  • Avvakum (Avvakuum) - hugging (other Hebrew). Name day July 19, December 15
  • Augustus, Augustine - sacred (lat.). Name day June 28
  • Averyan, Averky - invincible (lat.). Name day December 18
  • Agathon - kind, noble (other Greek). Name day - March 15, September 10
  • Aglay - brilliant, magnificent, beautiful (other Greek). Name day - March 22
  • Agnes - pure, immaculate (other Greek). Name day - January 27, August 12
  • Adam - clay (dr. Heb). Name day January 27
  • Adrian - origin from Adria (lat). Name day - February 26, March 18, September 8
  • Azarius - God's help (other Heb.). Name day December 30, February 16
  • Akim (Joachim) - God's protege (heb.). Name day - September 22
  • Alan - oak (dr. Heb). Name day - November 25, December 27, December 31
  • Alexander is a defender (other gr.). Name day - August 25, March 29, November 6, March 28
  • Aleksey is a guardian (other gr.). Name day - March 30, October 11, August 22
  • Albert - white (lat.). Name day - April 21, September 25, November 28, December 7
  • Alfred - adviser (German). Name day - January 16, September 28, October 25, November 8
  • Ambrose - immortal, divine (other Greek). Name day - August 9; December 20
  • Amos - carrying a burden, heaviness (dr. Heb.). Name day - June 28
  • Ananias - the grace of God (other Heb.). Name day - February 8, April 30
  • Anatoly - eastern (other gr.). Name day - July 16, August 6
  • Andrey - courageous (other gr.). Name day July 13, December 13
  • Anikiy - victory (other Greek). Name day - July 6, September 3
  • Anisius - useful (other Greek). Name day - January 12
  • Antigonus - a child (other Greek). Name day - October 26
  • Antip - stubborn, strong (other Greek). Name day - April 24
  • Anton, Anthony - entering the battle (other gr.). Name day - August 22, July 23
  • Apolinarius - destroyer (lat.). Name day - April 4; October 13
  • Apollo - similar to the sun (other gr.). Name day - June 18
  • Arefiy - tiller (Arab.). Name day - 11 Oct., 6 Nov.
  • Arius - brave (other Hebrew). Name day - June 18
  • Aristarkh - chief (other gr.). Name day - January 17
  • Arkady is a resident of Arcadia (other gr.). Name day - January 26, March 6
  • Arnold - singer (Scand.). Name day — January 15 February 19 July 18
  • Artem, Artemy — healthy (other gr.). Name day - November 2, July 6
  • Arsen, Arseny - courageous (other gr.). Name day - August 21, February 1
  • Arthur is a bear (Celtic). Name day - November 1, December 11
  • Arkhip is the best rider (other gr.). Name day - January 17, September 19
  • Askold - golden voice (Scand.). Name day - August 6
  • Athanasius - immortal (other gr.). Name day - January 31, March 7, September 4
  • Athos - rich, non-envious (other Greek). Name day - November 15
  • Benedict - blessed (lat.). Name day March 27
  • Bogdan - given by God(other gr.). Name day - March 4, September 15, July 17
  • Boniface - fatal (lat.). Name day - July 12, September 4
  • Bogolep - pleasing to God (other glory). Name day - 6 August. 4 September
  • Boris is glorious in the fight (other Slavs). Name day - May 15, August 6
  • Bronislav - glorious in defense (other glory). Name day - August 18, September 1
  • Vadim - calling (dr. slav.). Name day - April 22
  • Valentine - strong, strong, grasping (lat.). Name day - May 6, August 12, July 19
  • Valery - peppy (lat.). Name day November 20, March 22
  • Varlaam, Varlam - the son of God (dr. Heb). Name day - December 2 November 19
  • Bartholomew (dr. Heb) - the son of the fields. Name day - May 5
  • Vasily - royal (other gr.). Name day - January 14, August 24
  • Benedict - blessed (lat.). Name day - March 27
  • Benjamin - beloved son (heb.). Name day - January 27, April 13
  • Vincent (lat) - victorious, overcoming. Name day - August 18, December 24
  • Victor - winner (lat.). Name day - November 24, April 28, April 2
  • Vilen - short for Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
  • Vissarion - forest (other gr.). Name day - June 19
  • Vitaly is a lover of life (lat.). Name day - May 11, February 7
  • Vladimir - who owns the world (other Slavs). Name day - February 7, July 28
  • Vladislav - glorious (other glory). Name day - October 7
  • Vladlen is short for Vladimir Lenin.
  • Vlas, Vlasiy - clumsy (other gr.). Name day - February 16, February 24
  • Vsevolod - all-powerful (other Slavs). Name day - February 24, May 5, December 10
  • Vukol (other Greek) - a shepherd. Name day - February 19
  • Vyacheslav - the most glorious (other Slavs). Name day - March 17, October 11
  • Gabriel - Fortress of God (dr. Heb.). Name day - April 9, July 26, November 21
  • Galaktion (other Greek) - milky. Name day - January 25, December 20
  • Guidon (dr. German) - overwhelming. Name day - March 31, June 12
  • Hector (other gr.) - the keeper. Name day - December 11, July 17
  • Helium (other gr.) - the sun. Name day - July 27
  • Heinrich - leader, ruler (German). Name day - January 19, April 7, July 13
  • Gennady - well-born (other gr.). Name day - September 13
  • George is a farmer (other gr.). Name day - May 5, November 16, December 9
  • Gerasim - venerable (other gr.). Name day - December 2, February 11
  • German - true (lat.). Name day - July 12, August 21
  • Hermogenes (other gr.) - born of Mercury. Name day - February 9, August 6
  • Gleb - protected by God (dr. German). Name day - July 3
  • Gordey, Gordy - formidable (other gr.). Name day - January 16
  • Gregory - awake (other gr.). Name day - October 13, June 28
  • Gury - a lion cub (other Hebrew). Name day - July 3, October 17
  • Darius - possessing (other Greek). Name day - April 4; August 17
  • David is beloved (heb.). Name day - May 20, September 19
  • Daniel - God - my judge (heb.). Name day - December 30, December 24
  • Dementius (lat.) - tamer. Name day - March 22
  • Demid (other Greek) - ruling. Name day - July 16, September 15
  • Demyan - conqueror (other gr.). Name day - October 30, October 11
  • Denis - dedicated to Dionysus (the ancient Greek god of winemaking). Name day - January 17, October 18
  • Dmitry - owned by Demeter (the ancient Greek goddess of fertility). Name day - November 8, April 26
  • Dominic (lat.) - master's. Name day - January 10, September 16
  • Dormedon (dr. Greek) - chief. Name day - October 2
  • Dorotheus (dr. Greek) - a gift from the gods. Name day - March 3, November 18
  • Eugene - noble (other Greek). Name day - March 4, December 26
  • Evgraf (other Greek) - handsome. Name day - December 23
  • Evdokim - glorious (other Greek). Name day - July 31
  • Eulampius (other Greek). - blessed. Name day - March 18, October 23
  • Eumenius (other Greek). - merciful. Name day - September 31
  • Eustathius (other Greek) - balanced. Name day - February 17, September 20
  • Evstigney (other Greek) - good sign. Name day - August 18
  • Yegor - from the ancient Greek George - a farmer. Name day - December 9
  • Elizar (dr. Heb.) - God's help. Name day - June 17
  • Elisha (dr. Heb.) - Saved by God. Name day - June 27, August 20
  • Emelyan - flattering (other Greek). Name day - August 31, January 21
  • Yeremey (ancient Hebrew) - a messenger. Name day - January 14, May 14
  • Ermil (other Greek) - living in the Hermes Grove. Name day - January 26, December 31
  • Yermolai (other Greek) - the herald of the people. Name day - July 26
  • Erofey (dr. Greek) - consecrated by God. October 17, December 11
  • Ermak, Ermolai - the people of Hermes (other Greek). (Hermes - ancient greek god trade). Name day - August 8
  • Efim - complacent (other Greek). Name day - January 8, February 2
  • Ephraim - prolific (other Hebrew). Name day - March 20, June 21
  • Zakhar - the memory of the Lord (other Hebrew). Name day - September 18, February 21
  • Zinovy ​​​​- living pleasingly (other Greek). Name day - September 30, November 12
  • Zosima (dr. Greek) - living. Name day - June 1, November 6
  • Iakinf (other Greek) - yahont, hyacinth. Name day - January 6, July 16
  • Ivan - the mercy of God (dr. Heb.). Name day - January 20, July 7, September 11
  • Ignat, Ignatius - fiery (lat.). Name day - January 11, February 2
  • Igor - warlike (Scand.). Name day - June 18, October 2
  • Izyaslav - who recognized glory (other Slavs). Name day - July 6
  • Iliodor (another Greek) is a gift from the Sun. Name day - October 11, December 2
  • Illarion - cheerful (other Greek). Name day - January 3, August 31
  • Elijah - the fortress of the Lord (other Hebrew). Name day - January 27, August 2
  • Innocent - innocent (lat.). Name day - April 1, July 19
  • Joseph - multiplying (other Heb). Name day - November 22, January 8
  • Hypatius (other Greek) - the highest. Name day - January 14, June 3
  • Hippolytus - unharnessing horses (other Greek). Name day - February 12, August 28
  • Heraclius - "Glory to Hera", Hera - the goddess of love and marital fidelity. Name day - November 4, March 22
  • Isaac - laughing (dr. Heb.). Name day - January 27, May 31
  • Isidore (dr. Greek) - a gift from the goddess Isis. Name day - February 8, December 20
  • Casimir - reconciling (Western Slav.). Name day - March 17
  • Callist (dr. Greek) - the most beautiful. Name day - March 19, September 1, September 14
  • Kalistrat (dr. Greek) is a wonderful warrior. Name day - October 10
  • Kapiton (lat.) - stubborn. Name day - March 20
  • Carp (other Greek) - a fruit. Name day - June 8, September 24
  • Kasyan - belonging to Cassius (lat.). Cassius is a Roman family name. Name day - June 28
  • Kim is an abbreviation for Communist International youth"
  • Cyprian (dr. Greek) - from the island of Cyprus. Name day - March 23
  • Cyrus (dr. Greek) - lord. Name day - March 13
  • Cyril - ruler (other Greek). Name day - January 31, October 1
  • Claudius (lat.) - lame. Name day - April 2, November 19
  • Clement - merciful (lat.). Name day - January 17, May 5
  • Kondratiy - quadrangular (other Greek). Name day - July 19
  • Constantine - solid (lat.). Name day - June 3, October 15
  • Korney, Cornelius - dogwood berry (lat.). Name day - March 5, September 26
  • Xenophon (dr. Greek) - a stranger. Name day - February 2, June 9
  • Kuzma, Kozma - world order (other Greek). Name day - November 14
  • Lavrentiy is a resident of the city of Lavrenta (lat.) (Lavrenty is a city in central Italy). Name day - August 23
  • Lazarus - God helped (heb.). Name day - November 30
  • Larion (other Greek) - cheerful. Name day - November 3, December 2
  • Leon (lat.) - lion. Name day - February 2, July 14
  • Leo is a lion. Name day - March 5
  • Leonid - similar to a lion (other Greek). Name day - June 18, August 21
  • Luke, Lukyan - light (lat.). Name day - October 28, June 16
    Loop (lat.) - wolf. Name day - September 5, November 8
  • Makar - happy (other Greek). Name day - February 1, March 4
  • Maxim - the greatest (lat.). Name day - February 3, May 15
  • Maximilian - "the greatest of the Amilian family" (lat.). Name day - August 17, November 4
  • Mark - hammer (lat.). Name day - January 17, May 8
  • Markel (lat.) - warlike. Name day - March 22, August 20
  • Martin (lat.) - dedicated to the god of war Mars. Name day - April 27, October 25
  • Matthew - God's gift (dr. Heb.). Name day - June 26, November 29
  • Meletius (other Greek) - caring. 25 February
    Methodius (ancient Greek) - a seeker. July 27, April 19
  • Menaeus (another Greek) is a month. Name day - July 23
  • Myron - from the name of fragrant oil (other Greek). Name day - August 21
  • Mitrofan - manifested by the mother (other Greek). Name day - August 20, December 6
  • Michael is like a god (heb). Name day - November 21, September 19
  • Micah (dr. Heb.) - who is like God. Name day - January 18
  • Moky (other Greek) - a mocker. Name day - May 24
  • Modest - modest (lat.). Name day - May 29, December 31
  • Moses - saved from the water (ancient Egyptian). Name day - January 27, September 15
  • Mstislav - glorious in revenge (other glory). Name day - June 27
  • Nazar (dr. Heb.) - dedicated to God. Name day - June 17, October 27
  • Nathan - given by God (other Hebrew). Name day - December 22, April 18
  • Naum - comforting (other Hebrew). Name day - December 14
  • Nestor - returning home (other Greek). Name day - March 13, October 11
  • Nicander (dr. Greek) - a victorious warrior. Name day - June 28, November 17
  • Nikanor (dr. Greek) - the winner. Name day - January 10th. 12 June
  • Nikita - winner (other Greek). Name day - April 16, September 28
  • Nicephorus - bringing victory (other Greek). Name day - May 26, November 26
  • Nicholas - the winner of the peoples (other Greek). Name day - May 22, December 19
  • Nicodemus (other Greek) - the victorious people. Name day - August 3, September 15
  • Nikon (dr. Greek) - the winner. Name day - March 1, November 20
  • Nile (other Greek) - black river. Name day - February 8, March 20
  • Niphon (dr. Greek) - sober, reasonable. Name day - January 5, August 24
  • Oleg - sacred (scan.). Name day - October 3
  • Onesimus (other Greek) - useful. Name day - May 23, October 11
  • Onufry (ancient Egypt) - a sacred bull. Name day - June 25
  • Orestes (other gr.) - a savage. Name day - November 23, December 26
  • Ostap - stable (other Greek). Name day - September 11, October 3
  • Pavel - small (lat.). Name day - July 12, November 19
  • Pamphilus (other Greek) is a common favorite. Name day - March 1, August 25
  • Paramon (gr.) - durable. Name day - August 26, December 12
  • Pankrat, Pankratiy - almighty (other Greek). Name day - February 22, July 22
  • Pantelei, Panteleimon - all-merciful (other Greek). Name day - August 9
  • Patricius (lat) - son noble father. Name day - March 14, June 1
  • Paphnutius (ancient Egyptian) - belonging to God. Name day - January 27, October 8
  • Pakhom (other Greek) - strong. Name day - January 21, May 28
  • Pimen (dr. Greek) - mentor. Name day - February 23, September 27
  • Peter is a rock (ancient Greek). Name day - January 29, July 13
  • Plato - broad-shouldered (other Greek). Name day - April 18, December 1
  • Prokhor - sang (other Greek). Name day - January 17, August 10
  • Rem is an abbreviation for the phrase "world revolution"
  • Renat (lat) - reborn. Name day - September 7, November 12
  • Robert - brilliant glory (other German). Name day - April 25, June 7
  • Rodion is a hero (other Greek). Name day - January 17, April 21, November 23
  • Roman - strong (lat.). Name day - October 14, December 1
  • Rostislav - growing glory (other Slavs). Name day - March 27
  • Reuben (dr. Heb.) - son.
  • Ruslan - lion (Iran.). Name days - June 11 and October 16
  • Savva is an old man (other Hebrew). Name day - January 27, April 7
  • Savely - hard work (other Hebrew). Name day - June 30, December 3
  • Samson (dr. Heb.) - similar to the sun. Name day - March 5, November 28
  • Sylvan (lat.) - forest. Name day - January 25
  • Serapion (other Greek) - egyptian god life, death and healing. Name day - March 5, July 26
  • Seraphim (dr. Heb) - fiery, fiery. Name day - August 1, December 10
  • Sylvester (lat.) - forest. Name day - January 15, May 8
  • Samuel is the name of God (other Hebrew). Name day - March 1, September 2
  • Svyatoslav - glorious with holiness (other glory). Name day - July 6
  • Sevastyan - highly esteemed (other Greek). Name day - December 31, April 3
  • Semyon - heard (other Hebrew). Name day - January 17, February 16
  • Sergei - highly esteemed (lat.). Name day - July 18, October 8
  • Simon (heb.) - noble. Name day - February 16, August 18
  • Spiridon (lat.) - illegitimate. Name day - September 12, December 25
  • Solomon - peaceful (other Hebrew). Name day - December 15
  • Spartacus is a resident of Sparta (other Greek). Name day - April 19
  • Stanislav is glorious for his article (other Slavs). Name day - April 24
  • Stepan - crown (other Greek). Name day - January 9, September 28
  • Taras - confusing (other Greek). Name day - March 10, March 22
  • Terenty - patient (lat.). Name day - January 17, November 23
  • Timothy - worshiping God (other Greek). Name day - February 4, June 23
  • Timur - iron (Turkic). Name day - June 23, May 16
  • Tikhon - successful (other Greek). Name day - April 1, October 9
  • Tryphon (dr. Greek) - living luxuriously. Name day - February 14, May 2
  • Trofim - breadwinner (other Greek). Name day - January 17, April 28
  • Ustin - fair (lat.). Name day - June 14
  • Thaddeus is a gift from God (ancient Hebrew). Name day - January 17, September 3
  • Fedor is a gift of God (other Greek). Name day - July 25, December 16
  • Felix - happy (lat.). Name day - July 16
  • Theophanes (dr. Greek) - revealed by the gods. Name day - January 23, March 25
  • Theophilus (other Greek) - God-loving. Name day - April 13, May 9
  • Filaret (dr. Greek) - loving virtue. Name day - March 7; October 24
  • Philemon (dr. Greek) - beloved. Name day - May 12, December 5
  • Theophylact (other Greek) - God-protected. Name day - March 21
  • Ferapont (dr. Greek) - satellite. Name day - July 9, September 12
  • Philip - loving horses (other Greek). Name day - November 27, July 13
  • Thomas is a twin (other Hebrew). Name day - July 13, October 19
  • Photius (other Greek) - light, light. Name day - August 25
  • Frol - colored (lat.). Name day - August 31, December 31
  • Khariton - generous (other Greek). Name day - June 14, October 11
  • Kharlampy (dr. Greek) - shining with love. Name day - February 23, June 13
  • Christopher (dr. Greek) - the anointed one. Name day - August 7, September 12
  • Edward is the guardian of wealth (other german). Name day - March 15, October 13
  • Eldar is a gift from the sun (ancient Greek). Name day - April 9, December 2
  • Elim (ancient Hebrew) - silent. Name day - August 12
  • Emil (other Greek) - affectionate. Name day - January 13, July 31
  • Erast (dr. Greek) - in love. Name day - November 23, January 17
  • Eric is a noble rich man (other Scandinavian). Name day - May 18
  • Ernest - noble (other German). Name day - January 12, March 27, June 30
  • Julian (lat.) - from the genus Julius. Name day - January 21, February 11
  • Julius - on behalf of the ancient Roman hero Yul Ascanius (lat.). Name day - June 16, October 20
  • Yuri is a farmer (other Greek). Name day - February 17, August 13
  • Just (lat.) - fair. Name day - January 17, May 9
  • Jacob - next on the heels (heb.). Name day - January 17, May 13, July 13
  • Yang - the grace of God (other Hebrew). Name day - May 4
  • Yaroslav - glorious life force(other Slavs). Name day - June 3

Names are another aspect of fashion. In different generations, their choice was determined by completely different criteria. However, like the entire fashion world, the fashion for names is characterized by a kind of cycle.

Tell me what's your name...

Fate, inner "I", rock and signs - according to astrologers, numerologists, as well as numerous sites on the Internet, all these confusing concepts are extremely influenced by the name of a person. And despite the fact that someone considers this nonsense, and someone - the truth, it's hard to argue that, after all, there is something here. No wonder that sometimes the name seems completely inappropriate for a person. So how could it be if it were just a word? Everyone goes through life with him, and it is he who is first of all asked when meeting. So, it is obviously believed that with the help of a name you can get to know a person better.


Modern male names- this is an assortment of antiquity and modernity, foreign influences and Slavic motifs. So, when choosing how to name a child, they are now using the most unexpected options. Apparently, it is now that the change of generations is taking place, in which there is a kind of fashionable revolution, a return to the roots. In clothes, the styles of past centuries begin to look through, and in the names - something ancient, half-forgotten. Now it's not so difficult to meet kids on the street running to their mother's call "Kiryan!" or "Elisha!".

The beauty of sounds

It is difficult to say how it is determined whether a name is beautiful. After all, it is a matter of taste. But at one point, one of them becomes more popular, more famous, begins to be associated with aesthetics and grace, and in the case of male names, also with strength and masculinity. An inexplicable phenomenon!

So, about five years ago, the name Maxim turned out to be the most beautiful, and the rest of the modern male names lost in this fight. Maxims are often called newborn boys and still are. This is the third most popular choice in Russia.

The most unusual beautiful male names

Modern resources allow you to get open access to information on almost any issue. Thanks to them, it is not so difficult to choose original male names from a thousand options. Russian modern young couples are not limited to the banal choice in favor of Ivanov and Petrov, thinking about what to name the boy, they strive for mystery in sound.

So the rarest beautiful names men of our time are given below:

  • Christian;


  • Eric.

Whatever the choice from this list falls on, the ideal option is when the name is combined with the surname and patronymic, which emphasize its sonority. Exclusivity in something always imposes certain obligations on its owner. In this case: compliance with one's extraordinary name and wearing it with dignity, readiness to meet with misunderstanding from others.

Closer to the heart

Despite the fact that unusualness usually closely borders beauty, which was literally confirmed by the previous section, we should not forget that simplicity has its own sophistication. Russian male names are no worse than foreign male names. Modern girls they choose Mikhailov and Konstantinov instead of Edwards and Anvarov, feeling in them a security that stands above pathos. By "Russians" is meant not origin, but prevalence.

Among the names whose popularity does not go away over the years:


Alexander and Dmitry - a separate conversation; these are beautiful male names that have long been very popular in the vastness of Russia. Modern boys, guys and men wear them with pleasure, just as nobles, princes and kings did in the 19th century.

What's in your name?

Every time, looking for male names anywhere, beautiful, modern, whether Russian - it doesn’t matter, most of all the seeker is interested not so much in a specific list as in meaning. It is always curious to know the secret hidden behind the combination of letters.

Modern male names and their meanings correlate quite definitely with each other: for example, Alexander, already mentioned in this article, is translated as “protector”. No wonder it immediately comes to mind famous commander. Interestingly, the name Alexey has the same etymology. As you can see, the common root "Alex" is responsible for the semantic energy, although with short forms it is he who is lost, leaving the much nicer versions of Sasha and Lesha.

How indicative is this example: modern realities force us to simplify and reduce beautiful male names, all their majesty is lost. Sometimes this is most welcome, but I would not want the origins to be forgotten one day, and the power to be lost forever.

Modern male names: list

So, a young couple is waiting for a miracle - the birth of a child, in this case a son. She begins to look for suitable male names in all sources of information. List (Russian modern dictionaries are full of similar "databases") to choose from is usually extremely large, and each source tries to classify them in its own way.

Some (even most) of them are lists, where male names, beautiful, modern, Russian - all in one listing, but arranged alphabetically.

Below, in turn, a list is offered, where the classification is made by values. After all, of course, every parent wants his child to have exceptional qualities.


    • Andronicus;


    • Alexander;

    • Bronislav;

    • William;

    "Strong, mighty":

    • Valentine;

    "Great, glorious":

    • Vladislav;


    • Sevastyan;


    "Brave, brave at heart":

    • Leopold;

    "Wise, reasonable":

  • "Noble, generous, peaceful":

The meanings of the most popular names for men

In the previous paragraph, male names were considered: the list (Russian modern ones for the most part, foreign ones for a smaller part) pleased with new, extraordinary combinations of sounds and long-known ones, loved in the vastness of our homeland. In Russia, the most used male names over the past ten years:

  • Alexander;

What does each of them mean?


Alexander was and remains the most famous male name. It is popular not only in the post-Soviet countries, but also abroad. Many famous personalities bore this name: Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, Alexander the Great.

Its origin is Greek. The name is made up of the phrase "I protect people." Aleksandras are always persistent and strong personalities, real men with a reputation for fair people.


The name Dmitry also came from Greece. The sunny country so called the young men in honor of the goddess of fertility Demeter.

Men named Dmitry have strong will to life, they are kind in the soul, although they sometimes commit harsh deeds. Loyalty - distinguishing feature Dmitry throughout life path. Sometimes they are too talkative, which interferes with the achievement of goals, but natural perseverance wins, therefore they never stop if they really want to achieve something.


The name Maxim differs among the three most popular male names in its origin - it is Latin. Translated from this language - "the greatest."

Maxims are often altruists, they love people and believe in them - they want to see something good in every person, because of which they sometimes suffer. At the same time, such men are strong in character, persistent and stubborn, they are not afraid of responsibility, they make good and caring fathers. Children, by the way, are loved in principle, both their own and others.


To believe or not to believe that the name has sacred power is the choice of everyone. But even the most cynical person on earth will hardly be able to call it just a word.

Men's names of any time are surprising in that, no matter how majestic their full form sounds, they always keep a short, diminutive, for the closest ones. It manifests sensuality and softness, without which even the most severe man cannot go anywhere.

A name is something given to us by our parents. This is what we give to our children. It is very important, because it can become a reliable amulet and protective talisman For you.

Sergey. Sergei means "clear". Clarity is the purity and strength of the mind. This name is a good universal amulet, as well as a kind happy talisman. True, Sergey still has frequent problems with his opponents.

Anton. strong name, which protects its owner from a love spell and from clouding the mind. There is a weak resistance to the evil eye and curses. Anton is a warrior who fights for his freedom and recognition, so he does not always manage to defend himself, because the essence of this name is struggle.

Alexei. Translated from Greek means "protector". Protection is always good. The amulet from this name turns out to be good, but not always stable. This inconstancy prevents Aleksei from being protected from the evil eye or a love spell.

Michael. This name arguably fits the description of the ideal protection for a boy or a grown man, since the camp of specialists is divided into two large parts - those who believe that this name is one of the best, and those who consider it mediocre in terms of protection. Due to this confusion, we only give it sixth place on our list.

Kirill. This name means "master", which hints at a special energy. Cyril is his own boss, so he is definitely not afraid of simple evil eyes. Do you want to provide the boy with protection and strength? - call him Cyril.

Valery. The meaning is similar to Cyril, but is interpreted a little differently. This is a stronger name-amulet, because it was always worn by the most persistent men. It grants stable protection from almost all types of energy impact.

Victor. He is the winner and he is the winner. The highest level energy is able to give Victor protection from everything that comes from people who are evil and hostile. We give bronze to this excellent name, which is both beautiful and a talisman.

Igor. From time immemorial, Igor was painted with calmness, strength and equanimity. These qualities help to see the world in the right light, abstracting from everything that may be unnecessary. Igor is absolutely not worried about the very possibility of being cursed. He knows it won't affect him. This makes Igor the most powerful talisman name on our list. Almost the strongest.

Alexander. ancient name meaning "defender of the clan". This spiritual talisman is able to provide stable protection not only for the boy or man himself, but for his entire family. Thus, Alexander is the best name for protection from filth, evil eye, envy, curses and all invisible problems.

Don't forget that a name is like a name for a ship. Whatever you call a boy, that will be his life. Our ancestors believed that names have a special magic that gives a person strength, luck and protection.

We also advise you to familiarize yourself with female amulets. Find out how powerful your name is, or help yourself decide what to name your unborn child. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

24.10.2016 06:02

The presence of damage or the evil eye on a person is always manifested by troubles and poor health. However, there are several...

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, experts in esotericism and occultism, authors of 14 books.

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Russian modern male names

Modern Russian name book

The modern Russian name book includes Russian names that are currently used on the territory of Russia.

In addition to the original Russian names in Russian nomenclature Jewish, Greek, Roman (Latin), Scandinavian and Persian names are included, which have adapted to the territory of Russia and have long been perceived as Russian.

Most of the Russian names that are currently used on the territory of Russia are not originally Russian by origin. They are borrowed from Greek along with christian religion and came to Russia from Byzantium.

By the 18th and 19th centuries Old Russian names were almost completely forgotten, and the brought Christian names were changed taking into account the peculiarities of Russian pronunciation (Aquilina - Akulina, Yuliania - Uliana, Artemy - Artyom, Daniel - Danila, Jeremiah - Yeremey).

Where did the Byzantine (Greek) names that became Russian come from?

The Greeks also collected in their name book best names all the peoples with whom they maintained trade and cultural relations.

In addition to names of ancient Greek origin, they used ancient Roman and Hebrew names, and also used ancient Persian, ancient Egyptian, Chaldean, Syrian and Babylonian names.

If we consider names by meaning, then almost all names Greek and Roman origin talk about positive (desired) traits of character and appearance.

Hebrew names different from Greek and Roman. Most Jewish names are associated with the name of God. For example, Gabriel is my God's strength! Daniel is God's judgment.

Currently names of any country includes not only the original names of his people, but also borrowed names. This is the result of cultural and trade exchange between peoples, mixing of cultures, as well as a consequence of the migration of peoples.

The name book includes the name, the origin of the name and the meaning of the name.

Russian modern male names

Our new book "The Energy of Surnames"

Our book "Name Energy"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

Our address Email: [email protected]

At the time of writing and publication of each of our articles, nothing of the kind is freely available on the Internet. Any of our information products is ours. intellectual property and protected by the Law of the Russian Federation.

Any copying of our materials and their publication on the Internet or in other media without indicating our name is a violation of copyright and is punishable by the Law of the Russian Federation.

When reprinting any site materials, a link to the authors and the site - Oleg and Valentina Svetovid - required.

Russian modern male names. Modern Russian name book


Sites and blogs have appeared on the Internet that are not our official sites, but use our name. Be careful. Fraudsters use our name, our email addresses for their mailing lists, information from our books and our websites. Using our name, they drag people into various magical forums and deceive (give advice and recommendations that can harm, or extort money for holding magical rituals, making amulets and teaching magic).

On our sites, we do not provide links to magical forums or sites of magical healers. We do not participate in any forums. We do not give consultations by phone, we do not have time for this.

Note! We are not engaged in healing and magic, we do not make or sell talismans and amulets. We do not engage in magical and healing practices at all, we have not offered and do not offer such services.

The only direction of our work is correspondence consultations in writing, training through an esoteric club and writing books.

Sometimes people write to us that on some sites they saw information that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander, not true. In all our lives, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our site, in the materials of the club, we always write that you need to be an honest decent person. For us, an honest name is not an empty phrase.

People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The time has come when slander pays well. Now many are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and slander decent people even easier. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience, about faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, he will never engage in deceit, slander, and fraud.

There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor, hungry for money. The police and other regulatory agencies are not yet able to cope with the increasing influx of "Cheat for profit" insanity.

So please be careful!

Sincerely, Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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