Swedish construction company NCC: reviews and useful information. Construction company NCC (EnSiSi Real Estate) Reviews about the builder NCC

Bonava is a group of companies that builds in Russia, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Estonia, Norway, Latvia. In St. Petersburg, the concern has been building residential buildings since 2005. At the same time, the company itself was founded back in 1977, in Sweden, where most of the business of the European concern is now located. Bonava's CEO is Juuso Hietanen.

Company Bonava maintains strict international LEED and BREEAM standards for the construction of multi-storey buildings. These well-known and universally recognized standards are aimed at the economical use of electricity and water, as well as the minimization and safety of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere.

Construction is carried out according to European technologies. Particularly attractive to buyers are those with a combined dining room and kitchen, as well as the presence of two bathrooms in the apartment - this is a completely new phenomenon in domestic housing construction. Bonava apartments come with white finishes and everything you need to just bring the furniture and start living.

In 2015, Bonava was awarded the gold mark "Reliable new buildings in Russia" of the federal non-profit project. was awarded the highest rating - 10 points, reliability of residential projects, near the Specific Park and was rated at 9 points.

Developer news Bonava

October 2015: according to the company's analysts, the final decline in demand for housing in St. Petersburg by the end of the year will be at around 25-35%. Approximately the same. However, the company is not going to curtail business in Russia. On the contrary, an announcement was made of a new residential area on the site of the former NGO Znamya Truda im. Lepse" on Okhta. The residential complex will be built at the intersection of Magnitogorskaya st. etc. Shaumyan. The total number of apartments is estimated at 2,500 units, and new settlers at about 5,000 people. The height of residential buildings is from 3 to 15 floors.

April 2016: NCC's housing division has been renamed Bonava. "Bo" means "life, residence" in Swedish, and "Nav" means "centre, heart, core". The creators of the new brand claim that the name reflects the essence of the project. Bonava will not only build houses, but also create a special atmosphere and lifestyle in them, a bright and calm living space.

December 2018: The company is building 4 residential complexes. In total, the developer's portfolio includes two projects implemented on the territory of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.

June 2019: the developer announces the opening of sales of apartments in the 5th stage of the residential complex "Magnifika Residence". Studio apartments are offered at a price of 4.6 million rubles, one-room - from 6.7 million rubles. There is a system of discounts. With 100% payment or mortgage - 7% discount to all customers. If one additional product is purchased together with the apartment: parking place/motor place or storage room - 9% discount. If two products - 10%. In addition, in the 2nd quarter of 2019, the construction of the 7th stage of the LCD started.

Starting June 01, 2016, NCC Housing Construction officially operates under a new brand - Bonava. From that moment on, all activities are carried out under a new name. The owners decided to create a new international company on the basis of NCC Housing Construction. However, Bonava is not a new company. In this case, we are talking only about changing the name. All obligations of the company remain in force. The legal entity remains the same.

The NCC Group is a successful company in the Scandinavian construction market. It was formed back in 1989 by the merger of two large construction companies in Sweden. An important principle of the holding's work is a thoughtful approach to construction, minimization of risks and rational use of available resources. For many years, NCC has been working in the construction and development of residential, commercial, social, industrial and civil buildings, as well as roads, all kinds of engineering structures and other important infrastructure. In addition to its main activities, the holding is also engaged in the production of high-quality building materials: dry mixes, concrete, asphalt, etc. In a word, the scope of the company's work is wide and multifaceted. The holding includes several dozens of different organizations. Today, more than 18,000 specialists work at numerous NCC enterprises.

The company considers the implementation of promising long-term projects to be the main goal of its work. The philosophy of NCC is to change the environment by creating extremely comfortable conditions for human life. The company pays serious attention to innovative developments in the construction industry and takes part in large-scale environmental projects. Reviews about NCC, which are left about this company by customers and partners, testify to the high environmental culture of the company and its desire to improve the environment.

The holding is also involved in charity work and positions itself as a socially responsible company that cares about the fate of ordinary people and the future of the entire planet.

The NCC concern operates not only in Scandinavia, but also in the countries of the Baltic region, in Germany and in Russia. The company's branches are successfully implementing their activities in St. Petersburg, building new buildings, creating and maintaining roads. The company is also involved in the reconstruction and restoration of existing buildings (mainly industrial enterprises, metro stations, factories and other large-scale facilities). Among the most famous projects implemented by NCC in Russia is the reconstruction of the Ploshchad Muzhestva metro station, the Pepsi Cola and Philip Morris factories, the construction of the Sea Port of St. Petersburg, and the construction of several military camps. For all the time of its work in Russia, the holding managed to implement about 500 projects.

Modern residential complexes "Eland" and "Swedish Crown" are under construction. They will be made in a minimalist Scandinavian style using the latest engineering technologies. These facilities will be put into operation in the near future.

The largest international concern "Scandinavian Construction Company" (NCC) was founded in 1989. Then organizations that were quite small by modern standards united: the Nordstjernano investment fund and Armerad Betong Vägförbättringar, a construction company.

To date, the construction and investment concern NCC unites dozens of construction industries and has a staff of almost 17,000 employees. The scope of activities is impressive and the construction company NCC has a lot to offer. Moreover, it builds not only in Scandinavian countries and in the Russian Federation (North-Western region), but also in the Baltic States and Germany. In St. Petersburg, the head office of the NCC branch is located on Nevsky Prospekt, 114-116.

Developer NCC: useful information

NCC has become interested in the housing construction segment only since 2005. Prior to this, the main direction was the reconstruction of industrial enterprises and facilities. For those who want to know the level of the company's work in this area, we can recall the reconstruction of the Ploshchad Muzhestva metro station in the St. Petersburg metro and the construction of Pepsi Cola and Philip Morris plants in the Leningrad Region.

The construction of new buildings from NCC has its own characteristics. To begin with, we can mention the latest awards of the company from the general rather impressive list:

September 2014. At the annual international forum ProEstate (Moscow) in the competition "Housing construction of low-rise complexes", the Gröna Lund residential complex was recognized as the best in environmental development and energy efficiency (Green Awards) in the North-West region. In addition, the construction company NCC has already received Green Awards in 2010 and 2012. As well as this time, for the persistent development of housing construction, in which the natural conditions of the area are taken into account as much as possible and energy consumption for the maintenance of residential microdistricts is minimized.

Therefore, a distinctive feature of the work of the NCC construction company can be called the European desire to build an energy-efficient and environmentally friendly environment for nature and people.

On February 16, the concern was admitted to the Union of Construction Organizations of the Leningrad Region. More than 60 construction companies of the region are registered in the Union. The goal pursued by NCC when joining the Association of Developers of the Leningrad Region is the sustainable development of the company in the real estate market of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. And this is impossible "without a high-quality and systematic dialogue between business as a whole ... and the authorities" - an excerpt from the speech of Juuso Hietanen, head of the NCC.

Now, for the sake of completeness, I will list

New buildings from NCC in St. Petersburg

LCD "Eland" in the village of Murino.
LCD "Swedish krona"
Residential complex "GronaLund"
Residential complex "Skandi Klubb"

Internal engineering networks are designed by Finnish partners NCC (TEKMEN). Therefore, the company considers it necessary to hold meetings with residents of new buildings and teach them the features of the engineering infrastructure of residential complexes. The meetings are called: “School of comfortable life”. Apparently, the features of the Scandinavian life support system differ from the Russian one. Or the Russian “poke method” when mastering an apartment in a new building, the Swedes do not like it :) For the sake of justice, it should be noted that such “schools for new settlers” are held not only in Russia, but also in all countries where the concern builds housing. But I will not be distracted and move on to the main thing

Reviews about the developer NCC

I’ll note right away that reviews about the work of office staff on various websites for buyers of apartments from the company rarely “crawl” down from the “average level” mark, but do not reach the maximum “positive” either. Apparently "work with the client" is not the main direction for managers.

The situation has been gradually changing recently: they are trying to interest buyers of real estate by inviting them to the Baltic Herring Festival and other entertainment events, followed by tours of the company's new buildings.

The quality of construction work, like all developers from the Scandinavian countries, is always at a decent level. In this, the construction company NCC is no different from other companies - neighbors from the North. But the prices, as well as the thoroughness (in Russian "slowness") of the construction stages are about the same. That is, ahead of schedule, as in, it does not happen here.

Here is about all the information and reviews about the construction company NCC, which seemed worthy of your attention today. If anything else appears, I will definitely inform you at the end of the article. Good luck.

I keep adding new information about NCC:

On March 23, 2015, the concert announced the suspension of the launches of all new projects. NCC will finish building what is already under construction:

  • LCD "Swedish krona"
  • Skandi Club
  • LCD "Eland"
  • Grona Lund

At the same time, 2 kindergartens for 240 places will be built as part of the "Social facilities in the amount of taxes" program.

Note dated 12/11/16. The developer continues to work in Russia. Therefore, the latest news about

Save so you don't lose

What is NCC? Nordic Construction Company (ncc construction company) is a well-known Swedish construction concern, which today is one of the largest international construction corporations in Northern Europe. The company was formed at the end of the 19th century, when the organization Nordstjernan ("Polar Star") was created - one of the leading transport companies in Scandinavia. A little later, the construction company Johnson Construction Company (JCC) was born. In 1988, the structure was reorganized. As a result, the world saw the Nordic Construction Company ncc construction company.

The company NCC (ncc construction company) operates in various sectors of the construction industry. This is the production of materials, transport, the construction of commercial and industrial real estate, the construction of residential and public buildings, civil and transport infrastructure. In addition, the company carries out the design and construction of roads, interchanges, bridges and other road structures, develops and sells commercial real estate.

In the Northwest, Nordic Construction Company (ncc construction company) is quite popular. In the Northern capital, the enterprise was founded in 2005. The main goal of the appearance is to enter the Russian housing market with its own investment projects. Nordic Construction Company (ncc construction company) made it happen. Introducing unique new technologies, applying Western experience, Nordic Construction Company (ncc construction company) each time more and more attracts buyers to its facilities. Moreover, the official website of the company describes each object in detail, and the friendliness of the company beckons to turn to them again and again.


Construction company NCC (St. Petersburg), if not the oldest company in the city, but belongs to a number of well-known developers in the new history of St. Petersburg. Thanks to foreign experience and an international name, the company has already managed to form an image of a reliable developer and gain a certain reputation in the real estate market of St. Petersburg. Construction company NCC (St. Petersburg) adequately survived the last crisis in the real estate market of St. Petersburg, without abandoning its obligations, without leaving a trail of deceived equity holders and contractors, which in our reality is already a great achievement. The construction company NCC (St. Petersburg) is not involved in serious scandals, conflicts and proceedings. Serious problematic houses - not handed over or long-term construction in the history of the company have not been noticed.
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