Map of mainland Greece in Russian. Where is Greece

Among the resorts in Greece there is something for everyone - whether you want to retreat or dance until you drop, meet the fascinating world of mythical gods and antiquities, or active rest. After all, in Greece you can bask in the rays of the hot sun, enjoy the turquoise sea and white sandy beaches, take a scenic walk, surf, admire the unique architecture, visit the capture

Greece is the number 1 country for many travelers who want to get both the sun and the sea, and unique excursions at once, as well as try fantastic Greek cuisine. There are at least 5 reasons to buy a tour to Greece: 1. Budget vacation at sea 2. See the Christian shrines of Greece 3. Visit thousands of excursions to a thousand islands

The national currency of Greece since 2002 is the euro (EUR). Few people know what currency was in Greece before the introduction of the euro. The answer is the Greek drachma. The Greek government does not rule out that the drachma may return, but so far all payments in the country are made in euros. What money to take to Greece is up to you, but it’s better to choose the euro, because the dollar is very unprofitable, and

For citizens of the Russian Federation, a visa to Greece in 2017 is needed, a Schengen visa is suitable. The tourist passport must remain valid for at least 3 more months from the end of the trip to Greece. Your passport must have 2 blank pages. To obtain a Schengen visa to Greece, you need to collect a package of documents and go through the fingerprinting procedure, if you have not gone through it before. The procedure includes

Photos of Greece are amazing bright colors. It seems that the sea here is all shades of blue: from pale blue to deep turquoise. This combination is especially beautiful in Crete. Balos Lagoon. Crete, Greece. Find out the prices for tours to Crete Look at the photo of the Balos lagoon - three seas meet at once on it, which makes the landscape fantastic. It's hard to imagine that such beauty exists.

Greece is the acknowledged cradle of European civilization. This state, with numerous ruins of ancient policies, is located in the south of the Balkan Peninsula.

Greece on the world map from the satellite
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Greece physical map

Throughout the territory, wherever you dig - archaeological finds. In the stone fences of peasant shepherds, stones with the remains of bas-reliefs from the beginning of the era are often found.

Here, once Archimedes jumped out of a stone bath with a cry of "Eureka!" Here Pythagoras, pulling up the famous rectangular "Pythagorean pants, which are equal on all sides", calculated that the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum squares of legs. Here the Spartan king Leonid held the defense with 300 Spartans against the millionth Persian army. And laconically answered the frightening cry of the satrap, “our arrows will cover the sun!” “Well then, we will fight in the shadows.”
Greece is the motherland Olympic Games. In ancient times, they were used to prove the strength of certain policies. Wars and conflicts were stopped for the duration of the games. And all converged recklessly cheer for their own. The champion was honored, decorated with a laurel wreath and carved his statue on the alley of champions.

Now Greece, a Christian country, where 95% of the Orthodox population. It has long lost its grandeur, but since the time of the ancient Greek cities, colonies on the Black Sea coast, there has been a proverb “Greece has everything”. Greece makes the best cheese in the world, which the descendants of goat herders, who have perfected the skill of a cheese maker for thousands of years, are rightly proud of. Here is the highest consumption of cheese in the world - 25 kilograms per year per person.

Tourists in Greece are attracted by the magnificent Mediterranean climate of the coast. The blue sea and blessed contact with antiquity allows the soul to expand, and the brain to unfold like the ancient sages who penetrated the secret of the universe. The sk royal hotel will always help with a room where, after an active and pleasant exercise in local attractions, you can put a tired brow on a soft pillow.

Where is Greece located on the world map?

Greece, or as it is properly called officially, the Hellenic Republic is geographically unique and interesting country. You will ask why? First of all, because only about 80% of its territory is located on the mainland, or rather, in the very south of the Balkan Peninsula. But where does the other 20% of Greek space lie? They are located on numerous islands belonging to this country - it is there that tourists love to relax!

Greece is also distinguished by its water diversity: its shores are washed by not one, but three whole seas! The west coast of the country is shrouded by the ionian sea. Here is the group of the same name of the most beautiful, but, unfortunately, not suitable for beach tourism islands, including the famous Ithaca and Kefalonia. Do you remember where you could hear these names? Of course, in Greek myths and legends.

Greece is washed from the east clear waters the purest Aegean Sea. There are few islands in this part of the coast, and they are all located at a remote distance from each other. The Northern Aegean chain common name they are united, stretches across the whole sea and ends where the autonomy of another state, Turkey, the eastern neighbor of Greece, operates. Closest to its shores is the romantic island of Lesvos. Picturesque Rhodes, a favorite of all foreign tourists, belongs to the same group of islands, which is actually located between the two countries.

And finally, the majestic Mediterranean Sea stretches along the southern coast of Greece. It is in this part of the country's coast that one of the largest islands in the world and at the same time the largest island of the entire state is located - Crete: the very place where the supreme ancient greek god Zeus. But marvelous Crete is not only a child of the Mediterranean Sea. At its northern side, a special one emerged from the Mediterranean Sea, which was called the Cretan Sea. And from the south of the island there is another one, the Libyan Sea: it will tell you where the border between Greece and Africa is.

The most beautiful part of Europe, a neighbor of Albania and Macedonia, the mistress of five seas and 2000 islands - all this is a unique and mysterious Greece.

We wish you a first-class holiday in this country!

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Greece is a state with the official name of the Hellenic Republic, located in southern Europe.

The territory of the country is located on the Balkan Peninsula, and is also scattered across the islands. A detailed map of Greece makes it possible to explore geographical features each of them. The capital of the state is Athens.

The area of ​​mainland Greece is 132 thousand km2. On more than three thousand islands, united in archipelagos, there is about 20% of the area of ​​Greece.

The entire territory of Greece is divided into mainland, island parts and the Peloponnese peninsula. Earthquakes often occur in the country.

Greece on the world map: geography, nature, climate

In the east, the coast of Greece is washed by the Aegean Sea, in the west - by the Ionian, in the south - by the Cretan and Mediterranean. Greece on the world map borders on countries such as Albania, Bulgaria, Turkey and Macedonia.

More than 80% of the territory of the state is occupied by plateaus and mountains, of which 25% are mountain ranges. The average height of the mountains is from 1200 to 1800 meters. In the west of Greece there are many sinkholes and caves. The relief of the Peloponnese peninsula is dominated by plains, but in its eastern part the terrain grows into rocky. Located in the center of mainland Greece mountain system Pind. In the north of Pindus is the most highest point countries - Mount Olympus, whose height is 2917 meters.

Most of the rivers in Greece are concentrated in the west of the country. The longest of them is the Alyakmon River, which stretches for 300 meters. As for large lakes, there are about 20 of them in Greece. The largest are Volvi (95.5 km²) and Trichonis (95.5 km²). Small lakes include Yanina - a karst lake that is fed by groundwater.

The Greek islands are divided into groups:

  • The Ionian Islands are located in the Ionian Sea near the western part of Greece. The largest of them is the island of Kefalonia.
  • The Northern Aegean Islands belong to the Aegean Sea and are located near the Turkish border. The largest area is occupied by the island of Lesvos.
  • The Northern Sporades are located closer to the eastern part of Greece.
  • The small islands of the Cyclades are washed on all sides by the Aegean Sea.
  • The Dodecanese island group is also washed by the Aegean Sea and is located near the border with Turkey. The largest island in the group is Rhodes.
  • The largest island in all of Greece is Crete. He is surrounded large quantity small islands. The area of ​​Crete is 8261 meters.

A map of Greece in Russian makes it possible to get to know all the islands better.

In Greece, wild animals remained in very small numbers. These include foxes, brown bears, jackals and wild boars. Much more common are lizards, snakes, porcupines, hares and mice.

The most common Greek plants are olives, cypresses, plane trees, maquis, frigana. In general, over 5 thousand species of plants are found throughout the country.

The climate of Greece is subtropical Mediterranean. Summers in the country are hot with high temperatures, and winters are warm. The average temperature in winter is 10 degrees above zero, and in summer - 32 degrees. Rains in Greece are very rare, they come either in autumn or in spring. In spring, temperatures can rise from 8 degrees in March to 26 degrees in May. Minimum temperature in summer - 20 degrees, and the maximum is about 34 degrees. At the beginning of autumn, they remain high temperatures(up to 29 degrees), by November it gets colder to 12 degrees above zero. The temperature in winter never goes below zero and ranges from 6 to 15 degrees.

Map of Greece with cities. Administrative division of the country

The administrative-territorial division of Greece since January 1, 2011 has undergone cardinal changes. They are reflected by a detailed map of Greece with cities in Russian. The previously existing 13 regions, 54 prefectures and 1033 municipalities were reduced to 7 decentralized administrations, 13 regions and 325 municipalities. The autonomous region of Athos, the center of world pilgrimage, has retained its status.

Ancient city of Athens is the capital of Hellas. It is located in the southeast of the country and is surrounded on three sides by mountains: Imitos, Pendeli and Parnita. Because of this, the climate in the capital is hotter than in south island Crete. The center of the capital is only 8 kilometers from the seaport of Piraeus.

The second largest is city ​​of Thessaloniki, which is located in the northeast of the Balkan Peninsula. It is also called the northern capital of Greece. The seaport of Thessaloniki, located in the Thermaikos Gulf of the Aegean Sea, is the second largest in the country.

Rounding out the top three major cities Greece port city of Patras located on the coast of the Gulf of Patraikos. It rises 21 meters above sea level in the west of the Peloponnese. The distance from Patras to Athens is 177 kilometers. Patras is divided into two parts: Upper and Lower Town.

Greece or the Hellenic Republic is a state located on the Balkan Peninsula and numerous islands. satellite map Greece shows that the country has land borders with Macedonia, Bulgaria, Albania and Turkey. The country is washed by the Aegean, Ionian, Thracian, Cretan, Libyan and mediterranean seas. The area of ​​the country is 131,957 sq. km.

Greece is considered to be the cradle Western civilization, a country where theater, philosophy, physical and mathematical sciences, democracy, the cult of the body and much more were born. Today Greece is an industrial-agricultural country whose economy is based on the service sector, tourism, industry and agriculture.

The largest cities in Greece are Athens (capital), Thessaloniki, Patras, Heraklion and Larissa. Since 2001, the country has been part of the eurozone, and the euro is used on its territory.

Interesting fact: Greeks never call their country Greece. For them, its name is Hellas.

Ionian Islands (Island of Zakynthos)

A Brief History of Greece

2100-1100 BC. – Mycenaean civilization

1200-800 AD BC. - dark ages of greece

776-323 BC. - Ancient Greece, flourishing policies. Period before the death of Alexander the Great

323-146 BC e. – Hellenistic Greece

146 BC e. -330 - Roman Greece

330-1453 – Byzantine Greece

1453-1821 - part of the Ottoman Empire

Volcanic island of Santorini

1821 - independence from the Ottoman Caliphate

1919-1922 - Greco-Turkish war and the defeat of Greece

1946 - civil war

1967-1975 - the power of the "black colonels" - the military junta

1981 - Greece in the EU.

2008-2010 - riots and strikes

Corinth Canal

Sights of Greece

On the detailed map Greece from a satellite you can see the numerous sights of this country: the Peloponnese peninsula, the islands of Crete, Lesbos, Corfu and Cyprus, Mount Olympus (2917 m), the Nestos River and the Corinth Canal.

Monasteries of Meteora

Among the main attractions of Greece, left over from the ancient period, it is worth highlighting the Acropolis, the theater of Dionysus and the temple of Olympian Zeus in Athens, ancient city Knossos on the island of Crete, the sanctuary of Apollo in Delphi. In Greece, numerous places of pilgrimage for Christians have been preserved - the monastery on Mount Athos and the monasteries in Meteora.

Greece is especially popular as a center for beach tourism. The islands of Zakynthos, Rhodes, Santorini, Paros and Crete are very popular.

Monastery Grigoriat, New Athos

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