Mushrooms boletus. Obabki (mushrooms): types. What does a false boletus look like

Experienced mushroom pickers know that each mushroom has its own time for the appearance.

The first summer month is coming - June, rowan, viburnum, raspberries bloom. The time for haymaking begins, rye is earing in the fields. That's when the first layer of mushrooms appears, which are called "haymakers" or "spikelets".

Mushroom pickers are in a hurry to the forest - for boletus, because the first layer of mushrooms is very short and you need to have time to collect at least a little for frying, cooking.

The first boletus trees appear on the edges, in open clearings. The very name of these mushrooms speaks of their location. Boletus grows where there are birch trees: in a birch grove, in mixed forests, even in glades where there are single trees.

Boletus is suitable for almost any climate. They are even in the Arctic tundra, of course, in the presence of birches. And let there these trees are undersized, almost creeping. It doesn’t matter to mushrooms, the main thing is that there is a root system, from which the mycelium feeds. After all, boletus live in symbiosis with a birch.

The boletus has several names: chernysh, birch, black mushroom, gray mushroom, obabok, grandmother. And there are also several types of boletus. Depending on its location, the appearance of the fungus is also different.

Types of boletus

1. Before all boletus appears common boletus. Single mushrooms can be found already in May, so this mushroom is also called spikelet.

This mushroom is the largest of the boletus. Its hat grows up to twelve centimeters in diameter. The color of the cap is whitish to black-brown. The leg is light, covered with scales, turns slightly pink at the break. This mushroom is found in birch groves.

2. Boletus rosy pleases mushroom pickers with its appearance closer to autumn - in August, or even later. It can be found in moist pine-birch forests, on peaty soil, and along swamps. Often, a pinking birch grows not under the very birch trees, but where the young roots of these trees are located underground.

The cap of this mushroom grows no more than 10 cm in diameter and has all shades of gray, but the leg remains white. Only black-brown scales on it give out kinship with boletus.

3. In late autumn, it appears in swamps and damp places marsh boletus. He is quite small. Its off-white hat never exceeds 5 cm in diameter. It has a long thin leg, the flesh is white, loose. Of all the boletus mushrooms, this is the lowest-grade mushroom. Mushroom pickers do not like him because of the watery pulp.

4. It looks like a pinking boletus boletus oxidizing with a yellow-brown hat and black boletus with a black hat.

Boletus mushrooms grow very quickly, but this advantage over other mushrooms is also their disadvantage. After all, these mushrooms quickly become wormy. And all because of their loose pulp. Therefore, mushroom pickers, taught by bitter experience, collect only young mushrooms. It has been noticed that even if an adult mushroom, by some miracle, turns out to be without wormholes, but lies down for two or three hours in a basket, a mass of passages in which worms operate in an incomprehensible way appears in it.

Boletus mushrooms are most often salted and pickled.

Soups and main dishes can be prepared from them, but these mushrooms soften greatly during heat treatment, become as if jelly-like, but do not lose their shape. And ready-made mushrooms become very dark. But their condition justifies their excellent taste. Yes, and there are enough useful substances in boletus.

There is as much vitamin B1 in them as in cereal products or in baker's yeast. There is a lot of vitamin D and PP in boletus.

Also boletus is dried. True, it takes much more time to dry boletus than to dry other mushrooms. Dried mushrooms also become almost black, which is why they are called black mushrooms. Mushroom powder is made from dry boletus mushrooms, and to improve its taste, it is mixed with powder from porcini mushrooms.

Boletus boletus (Leccinum) is an edible mushroom that belongs to the genus Leccinum (butterflies), the Boletaceae family. The name of the fungus comes from its growth near birch roots. All members of the family are edible, differing very slightly in taste.

Boletus - description

The appearance of all mushrooms of this species, numbering more than 40 varieties, is similar to each other. The color of the cap may be white in young mushrooms and become dark brown with age. Mushroom boletus grows both singly and forming small groups. The cap of the boletus has the appearance of a hemisphere, turning into a pillow-shaped one as it ages. With high humidity, it becomes sticky and covered with mucus. The pulp is white, dense, slightly darkening on the cut. In adulthood, it becomes loose and watery. The diameter of the cap of an adult mushroom can reach 18 cm.

The leg of the boletus is cylindrical in shape, gray or white, can be up to 15 cm long and up to 3 cm in diameter. The surface of the leg is covered with longitudinally arranged dark gray scales. As it ages, its fleshy flesh becomes tough and fibrous. Spore powder has an olive-brown hue.

Boletus mushrooms have a rapid growth rate - they can rise by 4 cm per day, fully ripening by day 6. After that, a period of aging begins: soon the body of the fungus becomes a "canteen" for worms.

Types of boletus

The division of boletus into species is carried out according to the criteria of appearance and places of growth. Types of boletus:

  • common boletus
  • black boletus
  • tundra boletus
  • marsh, white boletus
  • pinkish, oxidized boletus
  • gray boletus, hornbeam
  • harsh boletus
  • chess, or blackening boletus
  • ash gray boletus
  • colorful boletus

About 9 species are found on the territory of Russia, among which the most common are common boletus and hornbeam. There are other nicknames among the people: obabok, birch, grandmother, etc.

The most common. Due to its excellent taste, it is deservedly considered very valuable in terms of cooking. The cap of the common boletus has a uniform brown or reddish color (depending on the place of growth), the leg is dense, massive, thickened below, with grayish scales.

quite often found on excessively moist soils. The cap of the mushroom has a color of light gray or light brown tones, the leg is thin, the pulp of the mushroom is friable, but has an excellent taste.

The color of the mushroom cap varies from grayish and brown to purple. In young species it is often covered with scales, in older species it becomes smooth. The stem is cylindrical, creamy at the bottom and almost white at the cap. The pulp of the mushroom is slightly sweet, darkens when pressed and has a rich mushroom smell.

has a grayish, orange, pinkish or light brown hat, often with yellowish tan marks. In dry weather, the surface of the fungus is dry; when it rains, the cap is usually slimy. The stem of the mushroom is white, sometimes covered with gray scales.

grows in the forest zone of northern latitudes, most often occurs in autumn. The hat is usually red-brick or brown shades, while the color may be heterogeneous. The stem is short, usually curved due to a sharp bend towards the light.

the smallest of its fellows, because it grows under dwarf birch trees in the tundra, where lighting and a long warm period can often only be dreamed of. The cap of the mushroom is small, very light in color, almost whitish or light beige.

has a dark, sometimes almost black cap and a thick, short leg covered with dark gray scales. Black boletus is a rather rare guest in the baskets of mushroom pickers, but it is highly valued for its taste.

may have a hat of different colors: ashen, brown-gray, ocher, light, whitish. In Russia, it grows mainly in the Caucasus, found in deciduous forests, mainly hornbeam.

What mushrooms can be collected in a birch grove? Of course, boletus. The name speaks for itself. They love to grow under these native trees for us. It is worth noting that the name is prefabricated, it denotes more than one variety of mushrooms. All of them belong to a single genus - Obabkovye. The mushrooms included in this group have one main difference that unites them. This is the color of the hat, which has brown shades.


In total, there are almost 40 varieties of this mushroom. But not all of them grow with us. The most common in our country can be considered such types of boletus: ordinary, harsh, turning pink, gray, multi-colored. Each of these mushrooms feels great next to birches, with which they form mycorrhiza. But there are boletus under other trees - aspen, poplar. Most often, such mushrooms grow in places that are well warmed up by the sun, but the soil does not dry out much.

Let us consider in more detail the main varieties of boletus boletus:


His hat has a brown color with a reddish tint. Its surface is slightly mucous, in dry weather it begins to gleam. In an adult mushroom, the hat resembles a pillow, in a young one it is a convex hemisphere. The diameter can reach 15 cm. The leg sometimes grows up to 17 cm in height, reaches 4 cm in width. It expands slightly towards the bottom, and the color can be white-cream and becomes grayish, ocher over time. On the cut, the white flesh of the boletus may acquire a pinkish tint.


This mushroom has another name - hornbeam. It has similar characteristics, but its hat is darker, has a shade of brown-olive, grayish. Its surface has bumps, wrinkles, and it tends to crack when it gets dry. The leg, in comparison with the common boletus, is lower. Brownish scales are observed on its light surface. When cut, the flesh turns purple, and eventually black.


He likes to grow on sands, loams, especially if there are poplars and aspens nearby. The cap has pubescence hanging over the tubules. When the mushroom is young, it practically does not separate from the stem. The surface of the cap is brown. The pulp is also dark, the older the mushroom, the darker it is. The leg has scales, its shape is club-shaped. On the cut, the flesh becomes pinkish, and at the bottom of the leg - lilac.

When to Collect

Boletus mushrooms are sometimes also called "spikelets" or "haymakers". And all because these mushrooms appear at the time when they begin to mow hay, and rye is already earing in the fields. At this time, raspberries and mountain ash begin to bloom, viburnum hides in white. This is June. Further, you can collect boletus boletus throughout the summer and in the autumn.

Where does it grow

The very first mushrooms should be looked for in open areas. Edges, clearings, which are well heated by the sun - these are the places to look for boletus. As for the trees, everything is clear by the name of the mushroom. They can grow in dense forests, often mixed. Also, small groves have chosen boletus, you can find them under single trees.

This mushroom feels great in different climatic conditions. They are collected even in the tundra, of course, near the birches. Even if they are short, low, which is typical for the Arctic forests. The main condition is the root system of birch. After all, it is she who provides food to the mushrooms.

False boletus - description

Like most edible mushrooms, the boletus has its counterparts, which are not recommended or strictly prohibited. The twin of this fungus is the false boletus. It is called gall fungus. It should be said right away that it is quite difficult to distinguish it from a real tasty mushroom. But probably.

In the gall fungus, the cap has similar shades, the leg is also covered with scales. The first difference that helps to find out that the gall fungus came to you is the taste of cooked prey. The fact is that the false boletus is extremely bitter, as evidenced by its second name. If even a small slice gets into a pot or pan, the whole portion will be spoiled.

External signs can also tell you that you have found a false boletus. Firstly, in a real mushroom, the pattern on the leg resembles a birch. The false scales are arranged in a different way. Secondly, the gall fungus has streaks on its stem that resemble human blood vessels.

The hat is also different. This boletus has more inconspicuous shades. And the false one has a hat with a brick, greenish color or bright brown. If you notice greenish tints on the boletus, then you should not take it, most likely it is a poisonous mushroom. It is necessary to consider it from below. Under the cap, the edible boletus has a light, whitish color. The false mushroom has a pinkish tint. In addition, it is characterized by a velvety cap surface and pink flesh at the break.

It is very important to be able to distinguish a real mushroom from a false double, your health depends on it.


The boletus contains many useful components. Firstly, it has a balanced protein containing leucine, tyrosine, glutamine, arginine. As for vitamins, they are also present in this mushroom. Namely, vitamins PP, B, D, E. The following components of the boletus can be distinguished:

  • Phosphoric acid;
  • Carotene;
  • Iron;
  • Calcium;
  • Sodium;
  • Potassium.

Beneficial features

One of the positive properties of this mushroom is the ability to remove toxins. This is due to the dietary fiber contained in the boletus. They perfectly absorb all the negative, and then removed naturally. Boletus boletus can be used as an aid in the treatment of:

  • Diseases of the nervous system;
  • Violations of the amount of sugar in the blood;
  • Kidney pathologies;
  • skin problems;
  • Diseases of the mucous membranes.

It is worth noting that the mushroom is useful for the musculoskeletal system. The phosphoric acid contained in it is actively involved in the process of building enzymes. So this product, as we see, is quite valuable in many cases.

How to cook

First of all, you need to know that boletus can be cooked without cooking. However, purchased mushrooms and those that are collected in places near the roads still need to be boiled. How long to cook, the question is also controversial. Some only bring to a boil, others cook for 20-30 minutes. Experts recommend boiling on average up to 40 minutes. This, of course, will save the mushrooms from many taste qualities and useful trace elements. But it will keep you safe.

First of all, you need to clean each mushroom. The dark place at the root is cut off during this process, the caps are cut to check if there are insects, worms.

If the mushrooms are still young, then they can be fried immediately, do not cook before that. In this case, they will be more solid. This cooking method is great, for example, for cooking fried boletus with potatoes. Mushrooms remain crispy and potatoes become soft. If the mushrooms are pre-boiled, they will be softer.

If you do not want to cook them, then you can hold the boletus for up to 20 minutes in salted water. This will help decontaminate your prey. Roasting time - no more than 15 minutes.

A very tasty dish - fried boletus with sour cream. Mushrooms need to be cleaned, washed, finely chopped. For 20 minutes they are fried in a pan with heated sunflower oil. As a result, a golden crust should form. Then chopped onion rings are added, everything is cooked together for another 5 minutes. From spices, you only need to add salt and pepper. At the end of frying, sour cream is added to the pan, lightly whipped with flour. All this is stewed for 10 minutes, you need to mix constantly. That's all - delicious boletus is ready!

To cook mushroom soup, you need to take 5-6 large boletus mushrooms, about a 4-liter pan. Mushrooms need to be cleaned, washed, finely chopped. To know what pieces you will get in the soup, divide them by about 2. That is, if you like about 1 cm slices in the soup, then cut 2 cm. They will double down.

Next, over medium heat, the mushrooms are boiled in salted water. Remove the foam after boiling, reduce the heat and cook the mushrooms for about 20 minutes. While this process lasts, you can prepare the vegetables. We clean the average carrot, wash it, three on a grater. 3 large potatoes are also washed and peeled, cut into strips. Peel the large onion, wash and cut into small pieces.

When the mushrooms have boiled for a sufficient time, you need to check the broth for salt. If necessary, add it, and then you can add vegetables. First, we throw onions into the pan, after 5 minutes it's time to add carrots, after the same amount - potatoes. The foam that forms on the surface of the broth must be constantly removed. At the end, you can add black pepper to taste.

Serve this soup with sour cream and fresh chopped dill. Before that, 1 clove of garlic is squeezed or finely chopped into each plate. Enjoy your meal!

Pickling is one of the favorite ways to harvest mushrooms for the winter, including boletus. To make them tastier, you can use this recipe.

First, the mushrooms are cleaned and washed. Young ones can be left whole or cut into 2-3 pieces. Old mushrooms are cut into smaller pieces. It is important to consider that they will boil down a lot. When cooking, it is necessary to constantly remove the foam, it is especially strongly formed during boiling.

You can cook until the moment when the mushrooms sink to the bottom of the pan. Then they are filtered, washed and poured with fresh water. Now you need to boil for another 10 minutes. Then you can add spices. 125 ml of vinegar is poured into the broth, 40 g of sugar and the same amount of salt are poured. All this for 1 liter of water. With these spices, mushrooms are cooked for another 25 minutes. Then you can add the rest of the ingredients - allspice (10 pcs.), Bay leaf (2 pcs.), Cloves (3 pcs.).

Ready mushrooms are laid out in jars, poured with marinade in which they were cooked. Boletus mushrooms are rolled up with tin lids, after which they are covered with a blanket or jacket until they have cooled completely. Only then they need to be removed to a cool room - a cellar, for example.

The key to a good freezing of mushrooms is their proper preparation. Boletus must be well sorted out, discarding those affected by rot or worms. Then the mushrooms are cleaned of debris. Now you can wash them. For this, warm water is used. Rinse at least 3 times. Then it is very important to dry the mushrooms well. To do this, they need to be laid out in a thin layer on an absorbent surface - a paper napkin or cotton cloth.

Now you can start freezing. So, you can freeze raw mushrooms. You need to choose the youngest, fleshy boletus. It is best to lay them out on a flat surface and send them to the freezer. Now you have to wait a while until each mushroom becomes hard as ice. Only after that you can pour them into a bag or a plastic container. If you freeze everything at once, putting it in a bag, then the mushrooms will stick together, turn into a whole lump. And with a separate freeze, you can pour yourself mushrooms as much as you need, and send the rest back to the freezer. Do not forget, you can not re-freeze mushrooms!

You can also freeze boiled mushrooms. To do this, peeled and chopped boletus is boiled for up to 40 minutes, it is possible in several waters, washing the mushrooms in between. Then we drain the water with a colander, dry it in it. Now the mushrooms can be laid out in containers or bags. But keep the portions, again, so that you do not have to re-freeze extra boletus.

Some housewives also freeze fried mushrooms. To do this, you just need to fry the boletus in sunflower oil to the extent you like.

Quiet hunting. On mushrooms with an action camera. White, boletus, boletus: video

Boletus mushrooms are tasty, and even healthy. Enjoy them, but be careful not to be fooled by false birch boletus!

Mushroom connoisseurs believe boletus the most delicious mushroom after boletus. Boletus - is the closest relative of white, but the difference is that its flesh turns black when cut and dried. boletus- one of the most valuable and noble mushrooms.

Names of boletus

among the people boletus called: birch, black mushroom, osovik, gray mushroom, grandmother, podobabok.

Where does boletus grow?

Photo: Yandex.Fotki (Woodmen19)

boletus are found in almost any light deciduous and mixed forests with a predominance of birch (which is why the mushroom got its name).

Boletus are moisture-loving, so the harvest is especially large if the summer and autumn are warm and humid. Mushroom Boletus does not hide in the grass, it always grows in plain sight in sparse birch forests on the edges, on forest roadsides, in ravines, in glades, along forest belts.

What does a boletus look like?

Depending on the place of growth, the appearance of the boletus varies. In damp places, on the edges and forest glades, Boletus boletus have a gray hat, high thin whitish legs. There you can also meet Boletus with olive hats. In dry birch groves, a mushroom comes across with a denser pulp, with a black-brown cap on a thick scaly leg.

Boletus hat 15-20 cm in diameter, at first convex, hardish, but then becomes cushion-shaped.

The color range of boletus caps ranges from gray and olive to dark brown, almost black.

Leg of boletus long, up to 15 cm high, up to 3 cm thick, thickened below, with oblong gray, brown or black scales.

Boletus pulp dense, white, when cut it may turn a little pink.

boletus. collection time

When do boletus appear?

First Boletus appear to the light at the beginning of summer (as bird cherry blooms), and grow until October.

All types of boletus they are moisture-loving, therefore, in humid and warm summers, their harvest is especially large.

What is useful Boletus

Special value of boletus is that they contain a well-balanced protein, including leucine, tyrosine, arginine, and glutamine.

Boletus has a sufficient supply of vitamins - B, C, D, PP and E.

Thanks to dietary fiber, the boletus absorbs and then removes various toxins from the body.

Boletus is an excellent antioxidant.

Boletus is effective for the treatment of kidney pathologies, the nervous system, and the regulation of blood sugar. They are beneficial for the health of the skin and mucous membranes. Due to the large amount of phosphoric acid, which is involved in the construction of enzymes, boletus is a valuable product for improving the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

boletus. Contraindications

In rare cases, boletus can cause individual intolerance (idiosyncrasy). And one more thing: it is very important to distinguish the boletus from the bile fungus, which is similar to it, but has a burning taste and is considered inedible.

Storage of boletus

boletus boiled, fried, dried, marinated, salted. It is best to process mushrooms as quickly as possible. Old birch trees deteriorate quickly and are not suitable for harvesting.

How to cook boletus

boletus are not inferior in taste to the best mushrooms, for example, white. The only drawback of the boletus is that it darkens with any processing. The color of the mushroom becomes almost black, which does not affect the taste in any way, but can confuse a cook who is unfamiliar with this property.

How to fry boletus

It's believed that Boletus is ideal for frying. Before frying, clean the mushrooms from twigs, grass and earth, cut off the rough parts of the legs or eaten by forest insects. Wormy Boletus can be soaked in salted water, but if the yield allows, use only mushrooms without wormholes.

boletus you can not boil it if you are sure of the ecology of the place where the mushrooms were collected, but you need to rinse it. After cutting the mushrooms, put in a heated pan, do not cover with a lid. On high heat, the juice should boil away, then put the next. butter, onion, salt, pepper to taste. Reduce heat and fry until golden brown.

How much to cook Boletus?

Boletus is boiled for about 40 minutes.

Boletus boletus can be boiled and served cold with garlic, olive oil and lemon dressing. Cold boiled boletus mushrooms are very good with boiled potatoes with a piece of butter sprinkled with fresh dill.

How to dry the boletus?

Dry boletus simply. It is important that the mushrooms selected for drying are of the best quality: no wormholes or damage. Young boletus is dried whole, threaded through a thread, mature ones are cut into large pieces.

Dried boletus outdoors, but not in the sun if it is very hot, and in an oven or oven if air drying conditions do not allow. The optimum oven temperature is about 50 degrees. To do this, turn on the minimum fire and open the door completely.

boletus. Interesting Facts

Boletus, as in a fairy tale, grows by leaps and bounds. Its mass per day increases by almost 10 g, and its height by 4-4.5 cm. On the sixth day, it reaches the peak of its maturity, and then it begins to age. This mushroom lives only about 10 days.

One of the popular objects of "silent hunting" - boletus mushroom, as its name implies, prefers to grow under birch trees, so it can most often be found in white-trunked groves.

But often such mushrooms grow in mixed forests.

Let's find out what a boletus looks like and see a photo of this handsome forest.

Boletus: description

An edible representative of cap spongy mushrooms, common boletus, belongs to the genus Obabok of the Boletov family. You can meet a boletus in the forests of the middle belt from the second half of June to the end of October in damp deciduous forests.

Interesting fact! In the tundra, the fungus prefers to grow next to dwarf birches and is called birch.

On numerous photos you can see the following characteristic features of the common boletus (namely, this is how the well-known mushroom is called in science):




  • It has no pronounced taste or aroma.
  • It can be distinguished from false poisonous mushrooms due to its uniform color: at the cut or broken places, the color of the stem does not turn red, but may turn slightly black.

Knowing this description of the mushroom will help the novice mushroom picker not make a fatal mistake and not bring a whole basket of poisonous mushrooms into the house.

Boletus: Wikipedia

The most popular online encyclopedia contains an article on this wonderful mushroom. Here you can see his photo, as well as find out a general description, the most popular varieties, how to recognize a mushroom and where to find it.

The composition of the boletus is very valuable, since it includes a whole arsenal of vitamins: B, D, C, E, P. P. This mushroom also contains manganese, calcium and phosphorus - trace elements necessary for the human body.

This delicious mushroom has several varieties with slight differences in description. Consider them:

In total, the boletus has about 40 varieties, but not every one of them can be found in Russian forests.

Most of the described varieties are good in cooking, have amazing taste and are very nutritious.

false mushroom

It is very important to be able, according to the description and appearance of the fungus, to distinguish it from its counterpart, the gall fungus, otherwise - bitterness. It is not poisonous, but has a very unpleasant taste, so one such specimen, once in a dish, will nullify all your efforts. What are its features?

  • Leg. Similar in color to boletus. But it’s worth taking a closer look: in an edible mushroom, the scales resemble a pattern on a birch trunk, but in a false one, they are located in a completely different way. And the prominent veins on the leg are similar in location to the capillaries of the human leg.
  • Hat. In a false mushroom, the shade itself will be different than that of an edible one: the bile inhabitant of the forest has a characteristic greenish or brick hue. When broken, his hat turns pink.

Knowing these features will help you not to make a mistake and not bring home a gall fungus.

Boletus mushrooms: how to cook

Mushroom pickers are sure that in terms of their taste characteristics, obabki are second only to the true monarchs of the forest - porcini mushrooms. Therefore, they are safely used in a huge number of recipes: fried, marinated, salted, added to salads and soups. Pies stuffed with these fragrant mushrooms are very tasty, and for the winter, boletus can be dried or frozen. Some housewives first fry the mushrooms with onions, and only then freeze them.

Such dishes from boletus are delicious:

  • fried mushrooms with sour cream and herbs;
  • julienne;
  • stew;
  • gourmet soup.

Advice! If you picked mushrooms in the immediate vicinity of the road or bought from an unverified seller, it is best to boil them in lightly salted water for at least 40 minutes before cooking.

Mushroom boletus

Secrets for mushroom pickers

Boletus is considered to be one of the most delicious representatives of the kingdom of mushrooms. The possibilities of using them in cooking are truly endless, the resulting dishes come out fragrant and nutritious, perfectly satisfy hunger and become real decorations for any table.

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