Energy influence of the church Orthodox egregor. What are egregors and how do they work. Transcendental Self-Consciousness - Knowledge. Essence. True

Christian egregore.

Nagualism and Christian egregor?
(Regarding the article by S.I. Doronin "Pros and cons of nagualism")

Article by S.I. Doronin's "Pros and cons of nagualism", in my opinion, contains many fair ideas, useful and relevant reflections. However, in it we find two points, one of which I personally consider an insufficiently substantiated assumption, the other is impossible or very difficult in terms of practical implementation.

S.I. Doronin writes:

"However, it can be noted that now there are more effective, easy, highly reliable and safe ways to preserve one's individual consciousness after the death of the physical body for a longer period than even the most talented followers of the Toltec teachings can provide themselves by lighting a "fire from within." This path was inaccessible in the past and unfamiliar to shamans of antiquity. The point is that you can rely not only on your personal energy potential, but also use the services of a disproportionately higher potential of an egregor, for example, an egregor of the Church."

"Over the two thousand-year history of the Church Organization, this dense Body of the Church, as the clergy themselves say, by now the high energy potential of the church egregor has been accumulated, which is open to everyone and allows you to use its services. The church egregor is a convenient intermediate station on the natural path of our energy structure to non-local state. It can support and replenish the energy loss of our structure during dissipation, and thus helps to preserve individual consciousness."

A number of questions arise:

b) If the "egregore" really exists as a psychoenergetic field, do we have any reason to consider it an "accumulator" of the energy of awareness, helping adepts to maintain individual awareness after the death of the physical body?

c) Even if we assume that the egregor exists and that it accumulates the energy of awareness, what reason do we have to believe that it is "open to everyone and allows you to use its services"? Indeed, in any case, in order to "use" them, certain conditions must be observed.

It's not even that "you have to sacrifice some share of your personal freedom, your individuality." First of all, in order to enter this field, one must accept specific psychological conditions (because the field is psychoenergetic). Even in the most "liberal" case, the practitioner is obliged to share with Christians the essential points of their faith: to believe at least in God the Creator, it is desirable to believe in the Savior of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit - the bearer of the energy of Grace and Consolation. If this is not done, the hypothetical egregor of Christianity will not allow the practitioner to "connect" to it in order to receive additional energy of awareness.

I emphasize that we are not talking about ideology or philosophy, we are talking about the psychoenergetic conditions of contact with the "egregore", if it exists in Reality.

From the point of view of the psychology of perception, we must consciously go for the self-conditioning of experience, for the development of some perceptual, cognitive and emotional attitude.

"He [the egregor of the Orthodox Church - A.K.] can much more reliably protect our energy structure after the death of the physical body." (Though we don't know for sure and are just hypothesizing.)

And here we come to the second difficulty.

The second point is the attitude of Christianity itself and Christians towards such attempts.

If we admit the existence of an "egregor", then we must remember that the psychoenergetic field supported by people behaves in some respects like a living organism. In other words, if Christians reject any non-Christian or near-Christian psychoenergetic practice, consider it "soul-destructive", heretical, then their egregor will behave in a similar way. In order to take advantage of the supposed resources of the Christian egregor, the nagualist must be accepted by the Christian community as "one of his own." The Church puts forward strict requirements for those who wish to enter its Energy Body. He must abandon almost all the concepts that make up the essence of nagualism.

Of course, we know examples of the masterful use of the Christian Church as a "cover". But this method presupposes a "double outlook" and, at the level of social practice, hypocrisy. If we were talking about "social disguise", then for the pragmatist-"Toltec" this is an acceptable thing. But we are thinking about the possibility of joining the energy resources of the egregor. I think that a real energy exchange is possible only if the practitioner is absolutely sincere. Consequently, the former "Toltec" cannot escape the demands of the Christian Church. The Church is categorically against both Toltec and any other non-Christian "techniques and methods."

"At the same time, no one forbids using Toltec techniques and methods, as well as any other esoteric practices, but using them precisely as tools, as useful skills obtained from any other areas: science, art, etc."

Unfortunately, it is not. Christianity (and most of all - Orthodoxy) cannot agree that people who join their egregore will use "esoteric practices" - even just as tools.

Of course, I completely agree that it is much better and more effective to "not oppose" but to "try to find agreement and mutual understanding."

Perhaps, as the author writes, "the return in this case will be multiple." But Christianity and the Christian community (which creates and nourishes the egregore, which determines not only its strength, but also the degree of its openness to the outside) prefer to carefully preserve their ideological, theological and spiritual-practical "purity" and thereby reinforce the psychoenergetic barrier that separates everyone from their egregor non-Christians.

Thus, in my opinion, the problem is not in nagualism, but in the inevitable conservatism of the Christian tradition, which is obliged to keep its two-thousand-year-old Shrines unchanged.

The Christian egregor, like the Church, is not satisfied with concessions and compromises. The Christian egregor needs absolute Faith, devotion and obedience.

For the above reasons, I still do not see how such different positions as Nagualism and Christianity can be combined.

Alexey Ksendzyuk

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Christianity, like any other religion, has its own energy-informational structure in the subtle world. It is fueled by people who support the biblical concept of the world order.

The advantages of living under the egregor of Christianity and how to connect

The Christian egregor is currently still one of the most massive energy structures and has millions of followers around the world, although the peak of its power has passed and is fading.

Just imagine how much energy Christian rituals can accumulate! Even healing is subject to the egregor of Christianity.

Inclusion in Christianity gives good protection. A sincere believer, a Christian who wears a cross is protected from the effects of the evil eye and corruption. According to Orthodox beliefs, each baptized person has his own personal guardian angel, who protects from many dangers and helps in worldly affairs.

In the Christian tradition, it is customary to connect to an egregore even in infancy - performing the rite of baptism. If you want to enlist the powerful support of a Christian egregore, but were not baptized in childhood, you need to go through this sacrament. At the same time, sometimes a strong faith in God (that is, adjustments on the mental and emotional level) is enough for the channel to open on its own.

How to work with a Christian egregor

Prayers work only for those who sincerely believe in their action. Correct subtle work with egregors often consists in simple observation, and not active intervention in external events. The entities of the subtle world see more and better understand what changes are appropriate in each specific life situation. For example, if someone behaves incorrectly towards you, it is enough to mark the event and entrust the rest of the work to the egregore. If you are under the authority of an egregor, you are only required to do your egregorial work well, without being distracted by trifles. The Bible says this: if you hit one cheek, turn the other. Egregor himself will take care of your needs in order to enable you to continue to carry out your egregorial mission without hindrance.

Obviously, the requested assistance is not always provided. This is a sign that the harmonious energy exchange with the egregor is broken. Most likely, a person does not realize that he has been taking the wrong position in his work with the system for a long time. For example, he inaccurately fulfills his duties to the egregor or mistakenly believes that he serves the Christian energy structure, although in fact his energy flows away to feed other energy entities. As a result, the Christian egregor weakens his support and protection. A person becomes vulnerable to attacks from other energy structures.

To become a favorite of a Christian egregore, you need to regularly feed it with your energy. As a rule, religious egregors take payment in time. Many hours of reading prayers to a certain saint for a long period of time, attending services in a church, asceticism in the name of egregor and observing other rituals (even formal ones) is designed just for pumping energy from a person to the energy system.

An important part of cooperation is donations to the temple and alms.
Money is the equivalent of energy, since a person’s time is also spent on their earnings - the only resource that belongs to him by birthright.

Disadvantages of being within the egregore of Christianity

With all the advantages of being included in the church egregore, this is one of the most dangerous energy systems in terms of the degree of influence on consciousness. The more a person is included in the structure of Christianity, the more power the system has over him. Moreover, this is the power that he recognizes for her voluntarily.

The Christian egregore itself is quite tough and aggressive. The mechanism of energy buildup, which he uses, is to build a dualistic picture of the world: division into spiritual, higher and material, lower, opposition of light and darkness. Such a worldview inevitably leads to a split in consciousness, the creation of an internal and external enemy.

Egregor programs his adherent for a certain behavior, manner of communication, sphere of interests, space of goals, rules for selecting tools. One of the methods used by the Christian egregore to control his followers is to impose feelings of fear and guilt, the concept of sin. If this succeeds, a person becomes really a "God's servant", almost completely deprived of the freedom of thought and choice of one's own life path.

The Christian egregore does not see any benefit in the presence of a strong free-thinking personality in its composition. Potentially, such a person can leave the structure and move resources to another egregor, including taking other followers with him. Therefore, he tries in every possible way to limit the possibility of comprehending concepts that are alien to his information structure. Adepts of Christianity must have strictly canonical information and no more. The time and resources of a Christian are often spent not on the development of his personality, but on pumping energy into egregor through the performance of numerous time-consuming rituals.

If you want to work with other channels, conflicts with the Christian egregore cannot be avoided. If working with the Tarot egregor within Christianity is still permissible, since the system of the Egyptian pantheon smoothly and consistently entered the system of Judaism, and later it entered the egregore of Christianity, then, for example, the use of Runes related to paganism is seriously punishable for a Christian. The experience of magical practitioners shows that it is impossible to work in two channels at the same time. If you want to receive the full support of the Slavic gods, then you need to remove the Christian seal received at baptism.

Shutdown and precautions

The way out of a religious egregor, in particular a Christian one, is called baptism. In the same way, you can get out of the egregor of Judaism and Islam. The exit ritual is called triple baptism and consists of rites performed at the crossroads, in the bathhouse and on the bridge. These are classic rituals that always give results. But usually they are used when the transition to the black book is made. That is, on the reverse side of Christianity - to evil spirits.

Naturally, any egregor will try to prevent the exit from under his influence. The Christian is no exception in this matter, and, as a rule, the methods for returning a person choose tough ones. The “fugitive” gets into trouble, has disturbing thoughts, and regularly begins to have nightmares about the terrible consequences of logging out. Such warnings are sent with the intent to intimidate. The main thing at this moment is not to panic and not give up your intention.

If you personally or people in your family were deeply involved in the Christian energy structure, a ransom will be required. Follow the next instruction.

  1. Come to a small non-profit church (there is a cleaner channel with egregorm) and turn to the icon of the Mother of God. Express your firm intention to come out of their Christianity. Ask to take from you what you owe, and never again remind you of the debt. The cult of the Mother of God is the most honest and fair in the calculations.

  1. Leave in the temple all the objects of the Christian cult that you have (crosses, church candles, icons, bibles, etc.). Leave without looking back.
  2. In the near future you will be provoked and frightened in every possible way. Don't give in. If the beggars ask for alms, be sure to give as much as you see fit, but no more than three times.

Pagan gods can also redeem a person from a Christian egregore, and their redemption will be considered the point set in his contract with Christianity. But the gods need to be convinced that it makes sense to them. There are not so many working pagan cults now, there is very little energy coming in. That is, you need to take such vows so that the pagan egregor wants to spend his resources on you. For example, put up an altar to one of the gods and paint the channel for several years.

It is worth considering how it happened that the people of the Vedic worldview in the Slavic lands allowed an alien Christian religion, written specifically for the Jews? And why do the Jews themselves go to the synagogue, and not to the temples?

The main thing to remember is that it is impossible to go nowhere. The only place where you can rightfully go is to the consciousness of God, which once your own "I am", your personal structure and gave birth.

You can establish a connection with your own deity by the power of your own intention. It takes at least 20 days of daily meditation practice to set up a channel. Retreat, sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and try to stop the internal dialogue by concentrating on your breathing. Meditation should last at least 15-20 minutes. Having managed to stop the flow of thoughts, you will clear your field, and your Higher Self will be able to adjust the energy channels. By connecting with your deity, you can easily get out of the influence of any egregore. Because no one else can lay claim to you.

Total from Semargl

A clear sign of a destructive and blocking egregore is a ban on getting out of it, a lack of free will and freedom of thought.

For those who have hit the ceiling of their growth within the framework of Christianity and intend to further increase their internal frequency - let us recall that in working with egregors, awareness of actions should come first. For some of the rituals indicated by the author have rather a mystical basis, and we should clearly understand the layout.

Good shutdown options:

  1. an agreement with a Christian egregore on leaving and paying for it;
  2. transition to a higher-frequency egregor, for example, to an egregor of the Vedic worldview;
  3. increase your internal frequency.

It is easy to connect to any religious egregor, for one or two, but sometimes it happens and it doesn’t work out until the end of life. Whether to deal with a gradually fading, but still powerful Christian egregore is up to you.

The first direct contact of a person with a high egregore is very important for the further course of their relationship, and, of course, here the thin seven does everything to distort this contact or, at least, subsequently get into the high communication channel that is being established, switching it to itself at least partially, i.e. creates a diversion channel to one of the rigid egregors - Gagtungra. And here, as always, the thin seven is inconsistent, like its main ideologist: on the one hand, it tries to break contact...

At present, the realization that there are two poles in the world that have been functioning properly for millions of years causes a rational being to make a choice. That is, imbued with energies of different "colors", a person begins to identify himself as a subject that produces and consumes energies of a certain spectrum.

Hierarchies of Light and Hierarchies of Darkness agitate their adherents and call intelligent inhabitants of the Universe into their ranks. The number of conscious supporters of the Hierarchies of the Light Ones...

In order to become himself, a person needs to withstand a rather tough competition with various entities who also want to become him. - This, unfortunately, is not a joke or a metaphor at all, but an exact statement, which, however, needs some comments.

There is a very significant moment in the spiritual life of a person, which is designated differently in various texts and teachings, for example, the acquisition of a central link or a magnetic center, or the emergence of a true religious ...

The concept of egregore refers to some non-traditional religions, esoteric practices and occult sciences. It is believed that this is a kind of mental substance, invisible to the human eye, enveloping some things or even certain concepts.

This substance is generated by the power of thoughts and feelings of people who surrounded this thing and put a special meaning into it. However, the egregor is not eternal, the strength of its influence on a person and the life span depends on how significant the thing or concept was ...

Let's start - get acquainted with such a concept as egregor.

So, let's begin!

Recently, people like to embellish their speech with the fashionable word "egregor", while at the same time not having a sufficient idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat an egregor really is. Expert linguists believe that the word "egregor" comes from ...

Egregor is an energy-information system that synchronizes a group of people or other organisms united according to a certain principle. For example, there may be an egregor of humanity, a state, a company, a family, a couple, a store, a circle of artists, motorists, a party, a house, musicians, readers of a novel, religion, an airport, a cafe.

Egregors are nested, for example, the egregor of the family is included in the egregor of the state, and they are antagonistic, opposing. One person can be in...

Now we will return to the difference in the types of communication between a person and egregors, depending on their level. Here you can trace the following regularities. Low egregors give distinct and strong internal affects such as imperative desires and states (acute hunger - physical or sexual, fear, sharp envy, longing, deadly boredom, etc.); at the same time, communication sessions with the egregor and external symbol events are separated by an insignificant time interval (within a few days), so that communication ...

Having received an invitation from an egregor, a person enters his service, the first phase of which is intensive training. The purpose of this training is to enable a person to clearly outline the area of ​​the assemblage point positions corresponding to a given egregor, and to be able to hold the assemblage point steadily anywhere in this area. This definition, however, is very different from the usual ideas about the learning process, which provides as the main elements of learning ...

When the Lord created the Earth, he assigned certain duties to it (and its inhabitants) or, speaking in occult language, a karmic task, and, judging by many indirect signs, not an easy one. The high force (or essence) that is responsible for the fulfillment of this task is called the Planetary Logos below, and the corresponding egregor is called the Planetary.

One can imagine the Earth as the physical body of the Planetary Logos (then, for example, environmental problems are comprehended as...

The next way to search for a high egregor is to take on a certain role, external or internal (more often both at once), for example, the role of an obedient (diligent) student of high discipline or art. In theory, a well-developed role can turn into a mission, i.e. intensive service to a high egregore, capturing a person's life almost entirely; however, there are many pitfalls on the path of awareness and inclusion of the mission, since Gagtungr always strives to prevent awareness and fulfillment ...

The Christian egregor is one of the most popular at the present time - the vast majority of magic practitioners belong to it. Learn about all the advantages and disadvantages of being under his influence.

In the article:

Christian egregor and the advantages of working with him

The Christian egregor feeds with its energy not only numerous believers, but also magicians and sorcerers who consciously use this quality of it. It is known that conspiracies and rituals are divided into two types. Some require investment personal power- in their texts there are no appeals to higher powers, angels, demons or anyone else.

A number of conspiracy texts contain appeals to God, Satan or other representatives of higher powers - it all depends on the denomination to which you belong. These conspiracies require connection to egregor. Since now we are talking about the egregore of Christianity, we mean common Russian conspiracies, in rare cases spells in Latin. The energy for performing rituals with appeals to saints, angels and God is drawn from the church egregor. If you are not connected to it, witchcraft will not work.

Almost everyone knows that the church has a negative attitude towards magic and witchcraft. However, despite this, the energy for rituals with Christian texts of conspiracies really comes from the Orthodox egregor. The fact is that such conspiracies are closer to special prayers than to witchcraft. Accordingly, the egregor approves their use.

The reasons for working with a Christian egregor do not end with the opportunity to draw energy from it. He is able to provide protection. According to Orthodox tradition, every baptized person receives. Prayers work only for those who sincerely believe in their effectiveness - that is, they interact with the egregor. You can talk about Christian amulets and other ways of magical protection for a long time.

It is in the interests of the energy-informational entity to give its followers what they ask for. This leads to an increase in the number of followers at least, which strengthens the egregore itself.

We also add that the Christian egregor is one of the most powerful. It supports energetically several million believers, and also feeds on their energy. Just imagine how powerful rituals performed with this colossal amount of energy will gain.

Who are the confessional egregors in general and the Christian in particular subordinate to?

The question of who the confessional egregors obey is rather ambiguous. Among believers, it is generally accepted that everything related to the church and faith is personally in charge of God, and they help him. Of course, religious entities are directly related to them, but they have nothing to do with the egregore - this is an energy-informational formation created by people.

So, to whom does the Christian egregor obey? He obeys a higher egregor of religion like all the existing religious currents of the world. This theory echoes the ideas that all world religions have one source and, in essence, they are equal.

The egregor of religion is subordinate to an even higher egregor of the planet Earth. You can continue this chain indefinitely - there are many types of egregorial formations, and they will exist until the last person on the planet dies.

Egregor of Christianity - how to work with him

The principles of working with the egregor of Christianity are the same as when working with other energy-information formations. Simply put, you need to follow the rules adopted within this group of people, and then their energy will work for your benefit, and not against you.

The first rule is faith in God and his angels, as well as the ability to receive help from them. Without it, nothing will work - neither prayers, nor Christian conspiracies. Without faith, work with the egregor of Christianity will either be fruitless or bring negative consequences.

The second rule is the observance of rituals generally accepted in a given religious movement. From time to time you should attend church services. They take place every Sunday, and it's good if you can attend services every weekend. An important part of cooperation is donations to the temple and alms. You will have to not only receive, but also give energy. Money is also a kind of energy, like your faith, emotions during prayers, and so on.

There is a so-called tithe, which practices working with the egregor of Christianity give to the church. It is ten percent of monthly income. This rule works with all energy-information formations. If a person does not give voluntarily and with pleasure a part of his income, he loses this part of the funds in other ways - and they are unlikely to be more pleasant than charity.

Don't forget about baptism. As part of Christian rules, all newborn babies are baptized. In Russia, it is customary to baptize newborns, so for the majority of those who wish, the question of the need for baptism does not make sense. But if you were not baptized as a child, it is advisable to go through this sacrament.

The consecration of an apartment, house and vehicles is an important part of working with the egregor of Christianity. You will not only receive protection from him in this way, which, by the way, does an excellent job with various damage and other negative programs. You will give him some of your energy, receiving in return more than you sacrificed.

Reading prayers, especially to saints and other helpers of the Lord, also makes you share energy with egregor. In return, you get what you prayed for. There are special prayers for different occasions that have already proven their effectiveness, judging by the numerous reviews. The same applies to rituals from the so-called Christian magic - despite the negative attitude towards it among believers, it is an integral part of egregore.

Keeping fasts and paying special attention to church holidays is an important part of the Christian tradition. No need to bring to fanaticism, but it’s worth following the basic rules, you need them, first of all. In addition, read sacred literature - at a minimum, you will have to read the Bible.

Cons of the church egregor

Despite the fact that working with a church egregor provides many advantages, it also has significant disadvantages.
First of all, this is the average level of personal energy of his followers - it is quite low. A practicing magician who is trying to accumulate energy for some purpose, being connected to a church egregore, gives it to the church and remains at the same level. If your potential of personal strength is extremely small, it makes sense to increase it at the expense of egregor, but if it is the other way around, it will only interfere with you.

Church egregore does not like strong personalities - that is why the church has so many old-fashioned rules. The magician, most often, is seriously out of the ranks of his followers. The church is seriously opposed to sorcerers and witches and does not recognize either white or black magic. A whole section of witchcraft called Christian or church magic is part of it - albeit unofficially. The same applies to conciliar witchcraft. It will not work successfully with its other species.

Church egregore is one of the most dangerous in terms of the degree of influence on the consciousness and subconscious of a person. Its dogmas and rules program people, making them suitable followers of a given religion. It is quite difficult to distinguish one's own thoughts from those sent by egregor.

Thinking about events in a Christian environment is confusing, takes up a lot of space in the head. Simply put, instead of thinking about his further development as a magician, a person is trying to comprehend the dogmas, rules and essence of Orthodox holidays.

Orthodox egregore - how to get rid of it

Like any other, the Orthodox egregor does not want to lose followers - without them, he can cease to exist. This explains the difficulty in baptism, renunciation of Orthodoxy and other rituals that are aimed at liberation from the Orthodox egregor. There are many reasons for this, and they have already been described above. Here we will give an example of a rite that will help to get rid of the influence of the church and start a completely different path.

The easiest way to say goodbye to the negative influence of an Orthodox egregore is to conduct a ceremony in a church. Here the path of an Orthodox person began, here it will end, and you will go further on the chosen path. Choose a time so that there are fewer people in the temple. In front of the altar or the icon "Christ the Temperant" a conspiracy is read - not in a whisper, but in a voice, but still so as not to attract the attention of the servants of the temple:

I, (name given at baptism), calling myself (magic name), declare renunciation. I renounce Jehovah God, the Father, Jesus Christ, the Son, the Holy Spirit, the Virgin Mary, and the Light emanating from them. I renounce my guardian angel and all the divine powers of the angels. I renounce every holy Christian place, from my place in the midst of paradise, from every Christian thought and deed, from the mercy and forgiveness of the Lord God. And may I never set foot on the road to salvation by Christ, given by God, and my soul for God will disappear forever, and he will no longer hear my voice. This is my will and so be it now and forever!

On the subtle plane, there are religious Egregors* that have been governing religions for centuries. At the head of these religious Egregors is the Spirit of the founders of religions. So at the head of the Christian Egregor are the Spirit of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary. At the head of the Islamic Egregor is the Spirit of Muhammad. At the head of the Buddhist Egregor is the Spirit of Gautama Buddha, etc.
The Souls of people who were followers of these religions gather around these Higher Spirits. Since this is a subtle world where the thoughts and feelings of living people are clearly readable, any prayer from them falls into their own egregor and Egregor's employees evaluate any request of the parishioners and take measures to help the prayer or refuse. This inner "kitchen" of the Egregors is kept in the strictest confidence, because for ordinary parishioners the main thing is that God help him. And how this whole process will be organized is of little interest to him. The God-Creator of the Universe, of course, has many assistants among the Archangels and Angels on the scale of the Universe, but within the planets these functions are assigned to religious Egregors who oversee certain Spirits or Angels. It's just that people naively think that only God the Creator hears their prayers and only He helps.
Egregors are busy redistributing energies and educating parishioners. Each church and Temple is a place of connection between a believer and his Egregore. Subtle energy is supplied to this place and the parishioners "bathe" in it, wash away the negative energy that goes underground, where there is another informing Egregor of dark entities that consume this negative energy. The Christian Egregore oversees all monasteries, vigilantly making sure that the monastics keep their vows.
To enter under the auspices of the Christian Egregor, a rite of baptism is performed. And if on the physical level the parents stand and look at how the priest dips their baby into a font of water, then on the subtle plane, their subtle bodies are in the office of the Christian Egregor and they sign an agreement that the Soul of their child is given under the protection and teaching of this Egregore. If an adult is baptized, then he himself signs this agreement.
Those believers who have decided to become a monk or a nun draw up special contracts, indicating the vows that they voluntarily take on themselves and undertake to fulfill. These contracts are stored in Egregor's office forever and it does not depend on how many lives the Soul will incarnate, the action will continue.
This sometimes leads to strange situations with a person, because if in a past life he was a monk and took a vow of lack of money, celibacy and anarchy, then in this life the egregor protects the person from all this. Therefore, a person who is not a monk, but will continue to live like a monk: no money, no family, no work. Former female nuns may develop infertility, men do not look at her, the boss urges her, and she meekly demolishes everything. From the point of view of Egregor, she fulfills the contract, but from the point of view of an ordinary woman, life has failed. These and other subtleties of the interaction of the Soul with the religious Egregor form the basis of life not only for individuals, but also for states as a whole.
At present, the moment of the transition of Souls into other energies of the next 6th race of people is coming. This process is called the Quantum Transition, as well as the Great Last Judgment for each Human Soul, both dead and living. Souls will be divided into two groups:
the first group is those who are spiritually mature, they have accumulated few sins over many lives, negative karma** should be less than 10%, the second group of sinful Souls who have accumulated more than 10% sins.
Unfortunately, the first group is very small, about 5% (adults) of all adult people on the planet, will remain on Earth and continue to incarnate in improved physical bodies. For many children who were born after 2000 Souls have about 5% of negative karma.
And the Souls of the second large group - 95% (adults) will go to another planet, where they will continue their life again in the 5th race. Whoever remains on earth will be trained under the control of the Light Forces and God the Creator Himself, and whoever lives on another planet will be controlled by the Dark Forces of the Anti-God.
Cleansing processes in the subtle world will take place, or rather, they are already taking place. The Dark Forces will leave the Earth, so the conditions for the existence of people will change, since there will be no dark and selfish people either, and a fair society will be created where there will be neither poor nor rich. Naturally, the Egregors themselves will change and become the Single Egregor of the religious and scientific faith, since everyone has one faith, faith in God the Creator, who simply has many names.
This process of unification of religious Egregors began on April 13, 2017, when on the subtle plane six Heads of different religious Egregors joined their hands as a sign of Unity and Consent.
These are the main, most numerous religions (data from Wikipedia for 2010) and the number of living people ready to move into the 6th race (as of April 13, 2017):

Religion Number of adherents, people ~ number of people going to the 6th race
Christians 2 292 454 000 5 000 000
Muslims 1 549 444 000 4
Hindus 948 507 000 3 000 000
Buddhists 468 736 000 3 000 000
Chinese religion 458 316 000 2 000 000
Taoists 9 017 000 140 000
Total 5 726 474 000 13 140 004

The head of this united Light religious Egregor of the Earth was the Spirit of Jesus Christ, which is directly connected with God the Father, the Absolute of our Universe. All other religious Egregors after self-determination will either remain on the Earth, or set off in the wake of their Masters from the Dark Hierarchy. From now on, during the transitional period of the Quantum Transition, all the activities of the Dark Egregors on Earth and their people will be controlled and stopped if they exceed their powers regarding the karma of countries and people. Here is my diagnosis with the help of a pendulum (method of radiesthesia) the state of positive (+) and negative (-) karma of the main countries and continents.

Name of country or continent karma..(+), % karma..(-), %
Russia 100 0
India 70 30
Africa 70 30
Australia 70 30
China 60 40
South America 60 40
Greece 60 60
Italy 30 70
England 30 70
USA 30 70
Canada 20 80
France 20 80
Spain 20 80
Turkey 10 90
Germany 10 90

The overall result is that Russia has moved beyond the limits of negative karma (2012), and all other countries have a different degree of it.
The karma of a country is the deeds that people have committed throughout its existence. Russia over the past 100 years has lost about 50 million innocent children, women and the elderly. This grandiose sacrifice of the whole people allowed God to make a just decision, to write off all the karma of Russia. And if we compare, for example, Germany, which unleashed two world wars over these 100 years and ruthlessly killed children and women, then it is clear that their karma has increased and must fall one day in the form of cataclysms and diseases.
What was sown in the past, everything will return to everyone!

Help from Wikipedia:
* Egregor (from other Greek “waking”) - in occult and new (non-traditional) religious movements - the soul of a thing, an angel, a “mental condensate”, generated by the thoughts and emotions of people and gaining independent existence.
Religious organizations are especially significant egregores in the history of mankind.
**Karma, kamma (Skt. Pali kamma - “action, cause-effect, retribution”, Skt. karman IAST - “deed, action, work”, from kar IAST - “to do”) - one of the central concepts in Indian religions and philosophy, the universal law of cause and effect, according to which the righteous or sinful actions of a person determine his fate, his suffering or pleasure. Karma underlies the causal chain called samsara and is used mainly to understand relationships that go beyond one existence. In various Indian religions, slightly different philosophical interpretations of the concept of karma are given.
The law of karma realizes the consequences of human actions, both positive and negative, and thus makes a person responsible for his life, for all the suffering and pleasure that it brings him. The results or "fruits of karma" are called karma-phala. The operation of the law of karma covers both past and future lives of a person. The activities performed by a person in the liberated state of moksha do not produce bad or good karma.

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