Autogenic training in 1 class. Muscles and autogenic training. th stage of training

Autogenic training as a means of self-education for grade 4. The material was created for a psychologist and class teachers, which helps to create conditions for the formation and development of a socially adapted personality capable of withstanding life's difficulties. Currently, autogenic training is used to relieve fatigue and prevent occupational diseases, improve the psychological climate in the team, to reduce feelings of fear and anxiety, to increase efficiency, to optimize the learning process while achieving a healing effect, to accelerate learning a foreign language. Autogenic training as means of self-education for grade 4. The material was created for a psychologist and class teachers, which helps to create conditions for the formation and development of a socially adapted personality capable of withstanding life's difficulties. Currently, autogenic training is used to relieve fatigue and prevent occupational diseases, improve the psychological climate in the team, to reduce feelings of fear and anxiety, to increase efficiency, to optimize the learning process while achieving a healing effect, to accelerate learning a foreign language.

Autogenic training as a means of self-education.docx


Autogenic training as a means of self-education Autogenic training was originally used in medical offices, over time it began to be used not only for medicinal purposes. It is now penetrating more and more actively into the sphere of pedagogy. The word "autogenic" consists of two Greek words: "auto" itself, "genetic" generative, producing, i.e. "self-generating" training, or training produced by the person himself. The source of autogenic training is the European system of self-hypnosis, the ancient Indian system of yogis and the doctrine of hypnosis. The beginning of the purposeful use of this method dates back to 1932, when the book of the German psychotherapist I. G. Schulz “Autogenic Training” was published, which was soon translated into many languages ​​and went through a large number of editions. I. Schulz recommended autogenic training as a means of treating and preventing neuroses. Autogenic training, according to Schultz, consists of two stages: lower and higher. The first step consists of six exercises, called standard. At this stage, formulas are mastered, with the help of which, having trained oneself, one can learn to control the vessels, the solar plexus, the liver, the heart, etc. The second stage is the mastery of autogenic meditation (introspection), as a result of which a person can learn to control his feelings, ideas and thoughts, causing in himself certain images and sensations. In recent years, theoretical and practical knowledge about auto-training has been significantly enriched. An "International Coordinating Committee for the Clinical Application and Training of Autogenic Therapy" has been created and has been operating for a number of years, and international congresses are being convened on this issue. In our country, autogenic training has been systematically studied and used since the late 50s - first for the treatment and prevention of disorders of the nervous system. Pioneers in the therapeutic use of autogenic training in our country were A.M. Svyadoshch and G. S. Belyaev. The use of autogenic training in the clinic of nervous diseases of the Military Medical Academy and in the United Clinical Psychoneurological Hospital. I.P. Pavlov showed the possibility of using it not only in psychiatry. Mastery of one's own emotions, training of will, memory, concentration of attention, creation of flexible, mobile and stable higher nervous activity, habits of self-observation and self-reporting are the qualities of the nervous system developed by autogenic training that every person needs. Following clinicians, this method was adopted by sports physicians to regulate the physical and emotional state of athletes, in particular, to mobilize them before competitions, to eliminate "pre-start fever" and "pre-start apathy", as well as the psychological consequences of overtraining. Currently, autogenic training is also used to relieve fatigue and prevent occupational diseases, improve the psychological climate in the team, to reduce fear and anxiety, to increase efficiency, to optimize the learning process while achieving a healing effect, to accelerate learning a foreign language. Autogenic training allows you to influence the involuntary functions of the body through the use of ideas that were previously associated with certain emotional states in a person. It is known that all our emotions are manifested in a certain change in the activity of internal organs, muscle tone. Characteristically, muscle relaxation is always an indicator of positive emotions, a state of peace, joy, balance. Deep muscle relaxation can weaken or even stop negative emotions and, along with them, the changes in the internal organs that accompany them. Eternal lack of time, hard work, lack of rhythm in activity, the need to restrain the external manifestation of emotions create in a person the prerequisites for the loss of the skill of voluntary relaxation, for the appearance of 1

persistent muscle hypertonicity. Studies show that schoolchildren, students, and university teachers have a low level of voluntary relaxation, which results in sharp manifestations of anxiety, anxiety, anger, and other negative emotions. This prevents the creation of a sense of peace, contentment. Autogenic training involves muscle relaxation and self-hypnosis. With the help of special exercises, a state of relaxation is achieved. In this state, it is possible to self-regulate those functions of the body that under normal conditions cannot be controlled. In a state of physical and mental relaxation, through suggestion and self-hypnosis, you can create settings that will improve the behavior of the student. The value of autogenic training also lies in the fact that it helps to reduce emotional stress, which is especially important when getting out of stressful situations. The peculiarity of the relaxation achieved with the help of autogenic training is that "it is a kind of hypnotic state, which is characterized by voluntary relaxation of the muscles and the vegetative apparatus, as well as a certain narrowing of consciousness. Some teachers consider such an effect on the child unacceptable. But modern medicine characterizes autogenic training as having a positive effect on the mental state and health of a person. The state of relaxation is, of course, not hypnosis. In hypnosis, a person is passive, he is completely subordinate to the hypnotist. Relaxation is achieved by the active influence of a person on his own body. This is one of its advantages in comparison with hypnosis "The relaxation session is conducted by the teacher. But this does not mean at all that the student remains passive. During the session, the student himself, with the help of special verbal formulas and presented images, introduces himself into the appropriate state. Simultaneously, self-hypnosis and suggestion from the outside work. In conditions of relaxation (with physical and mental relaxation), the power of suggestion and self-hypnosis increases significantly. In addition, there is an effect called by G. Lozanov hypermnesia (over-memory). The use of auto-training with the use of special suggestions has a normalizing effect on some mental disorders. Experiments conducted with different age groups of students have shown that students from the age of 12 can engage in collective relaxation under the guidance of a teacher. However, it is easier to organize systematic autogenic training sessions with schoolchildren aged 1415. This is due to the persistent desire of high school students to engage in self-education. At an earlier age, the interests of children change rapidly and it is more difficult to conduct a systematic course. But even for older teenagers, auto-training is not always of interest. Indeed, in a group one often has to gather "difficult" children, who usually show negativism to all kinds of activities if they do not see any real meaning in them. We do not always meet with the desire of schoolchildren to engage in autogenic training. Therefore, one of the primary tasks of the teacher is to interest the children in the technique of mental self-regulation, to show them the possibilities that this type of work on oneself opens up for a person. Where to begin? It is advisable to start the first meeting with the guys with a demonstration of experiments in order to arouse the interest of schoolchildren in auto-training. How to reveal to teenagers the essence of psychoregulatory training already at the first lesson, what information to give about mental self-regulation? This question is answered in detail by I.E. Schwartz. In his works, he gives the approximate content of the first conversation with high school students. “All of you know how to consciously manage your behavior. This is the foundation of all our activities. You listen to the teacher in class and try to understand and remember what he says; you control your behavior by interacting with your comrades; you make a decision when you have a choice to go to the movies or sit down to do your homework. However, the internal state of a person is not subject to conscious control. We cannot tell ourselves not to blush if we are embarrassed or excited. We cannot order ourselves to instantly change a sad mood into a cheerful one, we are not able to consciously raise or lower body temperature all this 2

happens involuntarily. Moreover, we often blush, get embarrassed, worry in spite of our desire, to the detriment of the activity that we are engaged in. The teacher called the student to the blackboard for an answer. The student does not know the material very deeply and thinks to himself: "Just not to blush." And then the blood rushes to the face. The teacher says: Calm down, Petrov, don't blush. And I'm not blushing He said and was even more embarrassed, became crimson red. Such or similar pictures you often observe in life. Excessive excitement interferes with an athlete in important competitions, a feeling of constraint makes us closed, clumsy exactly where we want to be sociable, dexterous. Is it possible to find a way by which a person himself could reliably control his internal state? There is such a way. In order for you to understand what it is based on, we will conduct an experiment. Look into my eyes! Very well. Imagine a lemon. Cut off a slice of lemon. Sprinkle it with sugar. Clearly, vividly imagine how we do it. We put a slice of lemon wet from the juice on the tongue. Sour in the mouth. We smell acid. We imagined clearly: a lemon in the mouth, we feel acid, sour ... Now we have begun to salivate strongly. Under the influence of verbal suggestion, the mouth moistened. There is no direct way for this. If we say to ourselves: “The mouth is moistened,” there will be no result, but by suggestion, through vivid representations, we have reached the goal. This principle is the basis of the method of autogenic training of a kind of mental gymnastics, which helps to manage one's internal state. The essence of autogenic training is that by relaxing the muscles, as well as specially selected verbal formulations and figurative representations associated with them, we achieve the desired physiological or mental states. For example, mentally imagining heat in the right hand, you can achieve vasodilation and increased blood flow in the right hand. The hand becomes warmer by a few tenths of a degree. The technique of mental self-regulation requires serious, systematic work. You must learn to immerse yourself in physical and mental peace, to feel the heaviness and warmth of the hand. This state is very useful, it can be used as a rest after hard work. In general, auto-training consists of several parts: 1. Calming part. On the basis of muscle relaxation and suggestion, looseness of the whole organism and mental peace are achieved. 2. Directed control of the autonomic system of the body. Through suggestion and self-hypnosis, sensations of heaviness, increased warmth of the right hand, and other states are achieved. 3. Mobilization part. Formulas are introduced aimed at solving educational problems, or educational information is offered for lasting assimilation. Here are some exercises proposed by I.E. Schwartz. Exercise One: Mental Peace Take a comfortable position in a chair. Lower your head slightly down. Put your hands on your knees. Close your eyes. Begin to perform the first exercise "physical rest". Relax your body muscles. Whisper: "My muscles are relaxed." To relax means to get rid of all muscle clamps. Say again: "The muscles are relaxed", try to feel the relaxation. Concentrate on your hands. Say: "Hands are relaxed." Pause. Try to feel the relaxation of your hands. Say: “Hands are relaxed, sluggish. I feel good about it." 3

Your attention is directed to your feet. Say: “Legs are relaxed, leg muscles are relaxed, toes are relaxed, thigh muscles are relaxed, all leg muscles are relaxed, flaccid.” They said these phrases in a whisper and felt the relaxation of the arms and legs. Continue relaxing your whole body. Say: “The back muscles relaxed, the neck muscles relaxed. The whole body is relaxed and sluggish." Imagine that you are lying on the beach, close your eyes, and your whole body, warmed by the sun, relaxes. Say in a whisper several times with pauses: “My every muscle is relaxed and sluggish. Weightlessness. I am like a bird in the air." After 56 minutes, you will achieve a distinct state of rest of the whole body. Repeat this exercise on the following days. If you don't succeed, then you made a mistake. Mistakes can be of several types: you do not concentrate well. Try to focus on the state being developed; it is not possible to achieve deep relaxation of certain muscle groups. Determine which muscles do not relax well. Increase the time for them to relax; it is impossible to imagine a picture of relaxation on the beach. Look for another image (picture) that matches your previous experience, use it during the exercise. Within a week, you should learn to develop a state of physical rest in yourself. The next task is given a week after mastering the first exercise. You have already mastered the first exercise. Learned to relax muscles and develop physical peace. Now you should learn to develop mental peace. Take the passenger position in an airplane seat. Close your eyes. Do the first exercise. So, you are relaxed. Say in a whisper: "Complete physical rest." Feel the state of peace. Move on to the next exercise. Only against the background of physical peace can a state of mental peace be achieved. Say in a whisper: “All thoughts are gone. I am focused on peace. All worries and worries are gone. Peace, like a blanket, enveloped me. Call up representations familiar to you from previous experience (lying on the shore, looking at the water, lying in a clearing, looking at the sky). Whisper: “Merge with nature. Dissolved in nature. Peace, rest. I rest". It takes 56 minutes to develop a state of mental peace, not counting the time spent on the first exercise. Consequently, the duration of self-study, during which mental peace is developed, is 10 12 minutes. If everything was done correctly, with the desire and faith in success, you have reached a state of relaxation of physical and mental relaxation. Now you need to gradually get out of this state. Say in a whisper: “The relaxation of the muscles is gone. Strength, energy, power. Ready for work". Open your eyes. Do some physical exercise. During the week, at a time convenient for you, do the physical and mental rest exercises daily. The duration of each lesson is 12 15 minutes. The third exercise "Severity" is carried out a week after learning the exercises "physical and mental peace". Spend 810 minutes with the familiar "Physical and Mental Calm" exercises. Now start learning a new exercise. Say in a whisper: “My hands are heavy, in the hands of buckets of water, heavy hands. The hands press hard on the thighs. I feel a heaviness in my right hand. Muscles do not need to be strained. Do not clench your fingers into a fist. The right hand is heavy. In his right hand is a heavy briefcase full of books. The briefcase pulls with its weight 4

right hand down. The right hand presses on the knee of the right leg. The hand was pleasantly heavy. The hand lies calmly, motionless, heavy. We ourselves develop the severity of the right hand. Heavy. Complete physical and mental peace. The right hand is heavy. You feel the heaviness of your right hand. Focus all your attention on developing a state of heaviness of the hands. Then say in a whisper, “Heavy legs. Legs are filled with lead. Gravity. Continue the exercise until you feel the heaviness of the arms and legs. Say in a whisper: “The whole body is heavy. Heavy arms, heavy legs, the whole body is heavy.” The duration of the development of the state of gravity at each lesson is 6 7 minutes. Every day for a week, conduct auto-training classes, including all three exercises (physical peace, mental peace, heaviness). The approximate duration of each lesson is 15 20 minutes. Don't forget to properly exit the dive state. Remove the weight first. Say in a whisper: “Heaviness is gone. Hands became light. Legs are light. Feeling lightness, immediately come to the exit from the state of relaxation. Remove the state of mental and physical rest. Say in a whisper: “Energy, power. Ready to be active. Open your eyes." The fourth exercise "Heat" is carried out a week after mastering the exercise "Heaviness". Against the background of the state of physical and mental rest, the heaviness of the body, begin self-influence aimed at generating a state of heat. Say in a whisper: “Complete physical and mental peace, the body is heavy. Hands are warm. Hands in warm water. Warm water warms your hands. Water pleasantly tickles the fingertips. The hands are warm. Palms on a hot battery. I feel a pleasant warmth in my right hand. My right hand is immersed in the sun-warmed sand. The sand warms the right hand. The blood vessels in my arm dilated. Pleasant warmth flows from the shoulder to the forearm, from the forearm to the right hand. The right hand is warm. Try to feel warm after each spoken phrase. Say in a whisper: “Warm feet, warm feet. Warm shins. Warm thighs. Warm wave. went over the legs. The whole body is heavy and warm. Hot blood warms the right hand. Pleasant warmth flows through the hands. Warmth reaches the fingers. I feel warmth in my fingertips. I learned to expand the vessels in my hand. I can dilate blood vessels in my arm. I myself developed a state of physical and mental peace, heaviness and warmth of the right hand. Your attention is like a warm beam of light that you slowly pass through all the muscles of the body. After 56 minutes, you should clearly feel the state of warmth. Practice the four-element session daily throughout the week. Gradually reduce by 1 to 2 minutes the time allotted for each exercise. Bring the time (without reducing the quality of the generated states) to 10 15 minutes. As a reminder, each session must end with an exit from the dive state. Supporting formulas for deriving from the state of immersion: “I had a good rest (la). I feel lightness all over my body. I feel energized and fresh. Full of strength and vivacity. Ready for the next class. I will count to 10. When I say 10, my eyes will be open. Twice... The heaviness of the right hand goes away. Three four... The warmth of the right hand goes away. Five-six ... With each breath, the warmth and heaviness of the right hand goes away. Seven-eight... The mood is good, I want to get up and act. Ninety... Eyes open, deep breath. Stretched and smiled. I'm like a compressed spring, ready to unfold. The mood is good, I want to get up and act. Open your eyes, take a deep breath." Do a physical workout. When preparing for classes, you should not memorize the entire text of the formulas with comments and explanations. But the basic formulas must be remembered. Improvisation is inevitable during the session. Each phrase should be short, categorical, understandable to students. As schoolchildren master the technique of auto-training, the time for conducting a relaxation-pedic lesson is reduced from 30-35 minutes to 20-15 minutes. The number of injected 5

formulas. It is only necessary to observe a strict sequence: first, the formulas of physical and mental rest are given, then the sensations of heaviness and warmth of the hand. The teacher conducts the entire session in a quiet, calm, confident voice. Individual, most essential formulas are pronounced somewhat louder. After each main formula, there is a pause of 510 seconds. Comments and explanations are given in a whisper, quickly. Starting the session, you should pay attention to the posture of the students, see what position the hands are in, and advise them to relax the muscles. At the first sessions, it is necessary to warn schoolchildren that they cannot open their eyes themselves, without a command. Sometimes, at the beginning of a session, individual students are unable or unwilling to focus on the suggestive influence. Everyone has already closed their eyes, and one teenager still does not dare to do this or smiles with his eyes closed. In these cases, the teacher should approach the student and categorically order: “No criticism! Calmly!". You can easily put your hand on the head of the student. Stimulation of activity is achieved by the following formulas: “Repeat in a whisper”, “Repeat after me like an echo”, “Now feel what was said!”, “Remember this feeling!”. In order for students to feel confident in the correctness of their work, you can encourage them during the session: “You are working correctly!”, “Okay, everyone has entered a state of rest!”, “Continue to work just as well!”, “I see how you you all work. Everyone is doing well!” The practical significance of autogenic training is determined primarily by the content of its mobilization part. It is determined by the task that the teacher sets for himself. After autogenous immersion, educational information follows. Due to the effect of overmemorization, students learn a significant amount of educational material. In the mobilizing part of the lesson, formulas of educational significance are also introduced, which are easily implemented by the student in his behavior or attitudes towards others. For example: "Today at 6 o'clock I will take up the lessons." After achieving success in the implementation of simple and specific suggestions, one can move on to formulas that require changes in the attitudes and in the motivational sphere of schoolchildren. For example: “I am in complete control of my behavior”, “I am calm and focused”, “I can and want to be restrained in everything”, “I am always responsible for my actions”. The use of auto-training as a means of education is effective only in cases where the suggestion is not only realized, but also brings satisfaction to the student. Therefore, it is necessary to stimulate the implementation of the suggestions applied, to encourage schoolchildren in their implementation. The lesson should be connected with the entire system of education, and not be an isolated pedagogical tool. Classes pursuing a psychohygienic goal are conducted with a group of students united in accordance with the nature of their mental disorders. For example, in the mobilization part of the lesson, formulas like: "I am confident in myself", "I am calm" are introduced. Suggested attitudes have a normalizing effect on the mental state, help the student to develop will and character. Psychotechnical exercises Exercise 1. "Internal Ray" This exercise is aimed at removing the teacher's fatigue and internal "clamps", at gaining internal stability. It is necessary to take a comfortable position sitting or standing, depending on the specific situation in which the exercise will be performed (in the teacher's room, in the classroom, in transport). Imagine that inside your head, in the upper part of it, a light beam arises, which slowly and sequentially moves from top to bottom, illuminating from the inside with a warm, even and relaxing light all parts of the face, neck, shoulders, arms, etc. As the beam moves disappears 6

tension in the back of the head, wrinkles on the face are smoothed out, eyes see better, shoulders drop. The “inner ray” seems to form a new appearance of a calm person, satisfied with himself and his life, his profession and his students. The mental movement of the "inner beam" from top to bottom, and then from bottom to top, must be carried out several times. It is important to get inner pleasure from the exercise, even pleasure. The exercise ends with the words: “I have become a new person! I became young and strong, calm and stable! I will do everything right now!” Exercise 2. "Press" This exercise helps to neutralize and suppress the emotions of anger, irritation, increased anxiety; aggression. It is recommended to perform it before working in a "difficult" class, talking with a "difficult" student or his parents, before a psychologically tense situation that requires internal self-control, self-confidence and the ability to manage the situation. It is necessary to resort to the exercise at the very beginning of the emergence of negative emotions, otherwise there will be no psychotherapeutic result. Having become dependent on his emotional state, the teacher may resort to undesirable ways of "dumping" negative energy on the pupil or work colleague. Unfortunately, this often happens in the teacher's family, where he weakens the internal self-control. The essence of the exercise is this. The teacher mentally imagines inside himself, at chest level, a powerful press that moves from top to bottom, suppressing the emerging negative emotion and the internal tension associated with it. When performing the exercise, it is important to achieve a feeling of physical heaviness of the internal press, overwhelming and, as it were, pushing down the unwanted negative emotion and the tension that it carries. The state of internal tension is characterized by a person's over-concentration on his own sensations, experiences, emotions. A tangible weakening of internal tension is achieved if a person is able to decenter, that is, mentally transfer the center of an unpleasant situation from himself to some object or external circumstance. In this case, negative emotion is thrown into the external environment and the person gets rid of it. The essence of the exercise is this. Heading home from work, in public transport, the teacher stands and imagines himself as a tree, with which he can most easily identify himself. He must imagine in detail the image of this tree in his mind: its powerful or flexible trunk, intertwining branches, leaves swaying in the wind, circulation of nourishing juices along the trunk, roots firmly rooted in the ground. It is necessary to imagine as realistically as possible the nutritive juices that the roots receive from the earth. The presentation by a weary teacher of the roots of a tree that have grown into the ground is, in fact, a symbolization of his inner connection with reality, strengthening self-confidence. Exercise 4. "Book" It is necessary to imagine yourself as a book lying on the table (or any other object in sight). It is necessary to construct in detail in the mind the internal "well-being" of the book - its peace, position on the table, the cover protecting from external influences, pages. In addition, try to mentally, as if “from the face of the book”, see the room and the objects located in it: pencils, pens, paper, notebooks, a chair, a bookcase, etc. The exercise is carried out for 35 minutes. and completely removes the internal stress of the teacher, transferring him to the world of objects. Exercise 5. "Maria Ivanovna" You had an unpleasant conversation, for example, with the head teacher, conditionally named by us Maria Ivanovna. She allowed herself in a conversation with you impolite tone and unfair remarks. The working day is over, and on the way home you remember an unpleasant conversation, you have 7 again

there is a feeling of resentment. You are trying to forget the offender, but it fails. Against the background of fatigue, you experience mental stress. Try to do so. Instead of erasing Maria Ivanovna from your memory, try, on the contrary, mentally bring her closer to yourself. To do this, on the way home, play the role of Maria Ivanovna. Imitate her walk, her demeanor, imagine her thoughts, her family situation, and finally her attitude towards talking to you. In a few minutes you will feel not only the weakening of internal tension, but also a change in your attitude towards the conflict, towards Maria Ivanovna. In fact, you got involved in the situation of Maria Ivanovna and were able to understand her. You will find the results of this exercise the next day when you come to school: Maria Ivanovna will be surprised to feel that you are calm and friendly, and, in turn, will strive to resolve the conflict. Exercise 6 "Head" In addition to intellectual stress, the teacher is forced to continuously influence students during the working day, suppress their excessive activity, restrain, control in some way. Such intensive management of the educational situation causes him to overstrain and, as a result, various physical ailments. Teachers often complain of headaches, heaviness in the occipital region of the head. We offer an exercise to help relieve these painful sensations. Stand straight with your shoulders back and your head slightly back. Try to understand in which part of the head you feel heaviness. Imagine that you are wearing a bulky headgear that puts pressure on your head in the place where you feel heaviness. Mentally remove this headdress with your hand, expressively, emotionally throw it on the floor. Shake your head, straighten your hair with your hand, and then throw your hands down, as if getting rid of a headache. Exercise 7. "Hands" You have a lesson. Students solve problems. There is silence in the classroom, and you can take a few minutes to yourself. This is your fifth lesson today, and you are, of course, tired. Sit on a chair with your legs slightly extended and your arms hanging down. Try to imagine that fatigue "flows" from the head to the shoulders, then along the forearms, reaches the elbows, then the hands, and "flows out" through the fingertips. You physically feel the heaviness sliding down your arms. Sit like this for 1.5-2 minutes, and then lightly shake your hands, finally getting rid of your fatigue. Lightly, springy stand up, walk around the class. Rejoice in the questions that the children ask, try to answer them thoroughly and in detail. This exercise relieves fatigue, helps to establish mental balance. Exercise 8. "Mood" A few minutes ago, you ended an unpleasant conversation with the mother of a student who constantly skipped classes, violated discipline in the classroom, and was rude to you. You urged the mother to regularly monitor her son's attendance at classes and his homework. Unexpectedly for you, the student's mother refused to comply with your recommendations, saying that the school should educate the student. You could not restrain yourself and turned to threats: you promised to call the student to the pedagogical council, to leave him for the second year. The student's mother left with full confidence that her child was not loved at school. How to remove the unpleasant aftertaste after such a conversation? There are still a few lessons ahead, and it is necessary to maintain inner peace and efficiency. At recess, sit in the teacher's room, take colored pencils or crayons and a blank sheet of paper. Relaxedly, with your left hand, draw lines, color spots, shapes. Try to imagine that you are transferring your anxious mood to paper, as if materializing it. It is important to choose a color in full accordance with your mood. Now turn the paper over and on the other side of the sheet write 57 words that reflect your mood. Do not think for a long time, it is necessary that the words arise spontaneously, without special control on your part. eight

After that, look at your drawing again, as if re-living your state, re-read the words and with pleasure, emotionally tear the sheet, throw it into the trash. Your emotionally unpleasant state will disappear, it will turn into a drawing and be destroyed by you. Now, calm down, go to class! Exercise 9. "Proverbs" We offer an exercise that relieves depression and bad mood well. Take any of the books: "Russian proverbs", "Thoughts of great people", "Aphorisms". They are in almost every school library. Read proverbs or aphorisms for 2530 minutes until you feel inner relief. Perhaps, in addition to calming down, this or that proverb will push you to the right decision. Exercise 10. "Memories" One of the professional shortcomings of the teacher is his adulthood. Paradoxical, but true. A teacher comes to children from an incomprehensible and somewhat alien world of adults, in which at every step there are restrictions, rules, norms. Because of this, he seems to “move away” from the child, becomes incomprehensible to him, causes either depression in him, or aggression, rebellion. Alienation and opposition that the teacher causes in the child can be significantly mitigated or removed altogether. This can be achieved if the teacher tries to "revive" his memories of how he was in childhood. Thus, he will psychologically be able to approach his students, he will understand them better. We offer several exercises for the teacher. Ask your parents, if they are alive, about what you were like as a child, what pranks and misdemeanors you committed, whether your parents came to school when the teacher called. During the story, try to vividly imagine yourself as a child and, as it were, relive your childhood impressions. Most importantly, remember what internal motives made you then commit this or that act. For example, you skipped a lesson together with the whole class. In your opinion, it was a heroic deed. You showed independence for the first time in your life. And how you despised those students who came to the lesson! Or another situation. Your class was on duty at the school, and you were obliged to keep discipline at recess. Being carried away by this, you were late for the lesson. The strict teacher demanded a diary to write down the remark. You assessed her demand as unfair (“I was on duty!”) And said that you forgot the diary at home. The angry teacher ordered you to leave the classroom. Recall your feelings when you went out into an empty corridor. Remind yourself regularly of your school childhood. Based on your childhood experience, try to understand your students, the motives for their actions, sympathize with them, inspire their confidence. Ask the children what, for example, they did when they skipped class. After a while, you will notice that the violations of discipline in your class become less and less. What is the reason? And the fact that the children responded to your desire to understand, to feel their inner state. The guys lost the desire for rebellion, confrontation. They feel like they are with you. Exercise 11. "I am a child" Many experienced teachers use the game "I am a child" in their work. Here is how the scientist-teacher Yu. P. Azarov described it: “I evoke a state of childhood in myself, that is, that feeling of childish lightness that is characteristic of a child: I throw off “everything adult”, and mainly that external adult that is inherent in my administrative role. Next comes the selection of forms of address to children, which include the choice of intonation, method of explanation, manner of bearing, and most importantly - thinking through the first words, so to speak, the formula of address. Think about what game you loved the most as a child. Play it with your children or grandchildren. At the same time, you must play the role of a child, keep "on an equal footing" with 9

game participants. You will feel the amazing healing effect of children's play, freshness, originality, non-standard children's thinking. Consider that you are successfully working on yourself. Reflect on the words of the writer A. Platonov: “Honor your child. He is destined to stay on Earth after you. Try to experience admiration for the richness and perfection of the child's inner world and become at least a little closer to him in order to better understand him. Exercise 12. "Openness" One of the conditions for a teacher's success is his ability to communicate correctly with children, to interact with them in the course of a dialogue. Unfortunately, many teachers do not monitor their internal state when they communicate with children. It is known that it is possible to express correct judgments, but if the speaker is characterized by arrogance, coldness, neglect, alienation, some negative emotions, then they completely block the process of interaction. As a result, the children will not perceive the educational influences of the teacher, they will protest with all their might against his requirements, demonstratively neglecting them. In order to eliminate the emotions that block the dialogue and create an internal state of openness, we offer this exercise. In front of you is an interlocutor (student, work colleague, family member). Try to give your face goodwill, smile, nod to the interlocutor as a sign that you are listening to him carefully. Open your soul to the person you are interacting with, try to get psychologically closer to him. Happened! Well, now enter into a dialogue. Exercise 13. "Rhythm" Another exercise will help you to form an openness towards the interlocutor. It must be done in pairs with another teacher or at home, with one of the people close to you. Two people stand opposite each other and agree on their roles: one is the host, the second is the “mirror”. The hands of the participants are raised to chest level and turned palms towards each other. The leader begins to make chaotic movements with his hands, and the "mirror" tries to reflect them in the same rhythm. Those who perform the exercise change roles several times. The psychological meaning of the exercise is to feel the inner rhythm of another person and reflect it as fully as possible. At the same time, it is useful to understand that each person (your student, work colleague, member of your family) is an individual with a unique psychological rhythm, and in order to correctly understand a person, you must first of all feel his inner rhythm (energy, temperament, orientation, dynamics). , internal expression). Exercise 14. "Reservoir" When talking with a student, teacher, parents of a difficult child or with your child, play the role of an "empty form", a reservoir into which your interlocutor "poureds" his words, thoughts, feelings. Try to reach the internal state of the "reservoir". To do this, say to yourself: “I am the form. I do not react to external influences, but only accept them into my inner space. I discard all my personal judgments. I am not in reality, there is only an empty form!” Before starting a conversation, practice this way 23 times. When you are sure that you have formed the internal state of the “reservoir”, enter into a dialogue and try to treat your interlocutor impartially. This will help you understand it better. Each teacher can remember a difficult period in his work associated with professional adaptation at school. Young teachers who have come from pedagogical universities get used to school on average from 6 months to 3 years. It is most difficult for them to develop a skill within 45 minutes. maintain discipline in the classroom. ten

A young teacher, first of all, should remember that a good leader becomes one who knows how to manage himself well, that is, who has well-developed will and self-control. We offer several exercises for the development of internal self-regulation. Exercise 15. Focusing This exercise takes 1015 minutes. before the start of the lesson. Sit comfortably in a chair. Giving commands to yourself, focus your attention on a particular part of the body and feel its warmth. For example, at the command "Body!" focus on your body, at the command "Hand!" on the right hand, "Brush!" on the right hand, "Finger!" on the index finger of the right hand and, finally, at the command “Fingertip!” at the tip of the index finger of the right hand. Commands should be given to yourself at intervals of 1012 seconds. Exercise 16. "Breathing" This exercise is best done before the start of the lesson. Sit comfortably in a chair. Relax and close your eyes. Try to turn your attention away from the external situation and focus on your breathing. In this case, you should not specifically control your breathing, disturb its natural rhythm. The exercise is performed for 510 minutes. Exercise 17. "Psychoenergetic Umbrella" The exercise is carried out in the first minutes after the start of the lesson or periodically throughout the lesson. The teacher stands in front of the children, preferably in the center of the classroom, and in the process of explaining the lesson, he tries to imagine that a kind of “umbrella” is formed above the class, tightly covering all the students. The goal of the teacher is to confidently, firmly and steadily hold the handle of this "umbrella" throughout the lesson. The exercise forms the ability to control the situation in the classroom. Exercise 18. "Distribution of attention" A young teacher often fails to manage discipline in the classroom, because he has not yet learned how to distribute his attention between the various elements of the learning situation and control it. We offer an exercise that develops the ability to distribute attention. It is performed within 15-20 minutes. in a home environment. Turn on the TV and open a book unfamiliar to you (preferably fiction or non-fiction). Try reading a book and watching TV at the same time. If after 4-5 minutes. you will feel tired, which means that your ability to distribute attention is not developed. Then try to briefly reproduce on paper what you read and saw on the TV screen. The more often you do this exercise, the better each time you will become better at distributing your attention. Exercise 19. “Switching attention” Sports games with a ball (tennis, volleyball, basketball) are taught to quickly switch attention. In addition, we recommend this exercise. It is desirable to conduct it at home or in between lessons. Do some arithmetic. Then, after about 34 minutes, immediately start reading a difficult newspaper text and read it for 57 minutes. Stop and see how many mistakes you made in arithmetic calculations, and also try to reproduce the read text as fully as possible. Exercise 20. "Animal" Professional adaptation is also necessary for experienced teachers after a long break in work. For example, after the summer holidays, they note some internal inertia, unwillingness to strain, to force themselves to show strong-willed efforts. We offer an exercise that contributes to the elimination of internal inertia, the achievement of looseness. It is performed either before the lesson or at home (in a separate room). Prepare 11

cards on which write the names of animals that are characteristic in appearance and familiar to you: a wolf, a hare, a lion, a fox, a hippopotamus, a snake, etc. Randomly remove one of the cards and play the role of an animal (its posture, movement) in front of the mirror, whose name is written on the card. Depicting different animals, do this several times. Exercise 21. "Emotion" The exercise takes 1015 minutes. before the start of the lesson in the classroom. Prepare cards in advance on which write the names of the parts of the human body with which to express emotions. For example, a card with the inscription “Sadness. Hands" means that the emotion of sadness should be expressed with the help of hands. On the cards there may be such inscriptions: “Woe. Face", "Joy. Lips”, “Swagger. Right hand”, “Pride. Back", "Fear. Legs ”, etc. This exercise, like the previous one, contributes to the achievement of looseness. 12

Exercises and moods The teacher does not always have the time and place to regularly conduct psychotechnical exercises. In this case, we recommend using the method of verbal self-hypnosis (“settings”) used by the doctor G.N. Sytin" Using his advice, we offer several self-hypnosis formulas that the teacher can say to himself or aloud in the morning and evening, on the way to work, during the working day, before a difficult conversation. If you are a person who does not tolerate strict directives and orders, then the text that you say should be built in the form of a belief: "I am calm and confident. I must maintain internal stability, because I have a difficult lesson ahead of me. " Perhaps you are emotional, then the text should contain bright adjectives: "I experience extraordinary calmness and great self-confidence. I must maintain internal stability as a powerful foundation for a beautiful and magnificent building. "If you are a restrained person and at the same time strong, energetic, the self-hypnosis formula can be implemented in the form of a short and sharp order:" I should be calm, self-confident". If you are an independent person and always try to focus only on your own convictions I, your self-hypnosis formula can begin with the words "I want ...", "I must", "I like ...", "I love ...". If you are guided by public opinion, then your formula will begin like this: “All people perceive me as a person ...”, “Everyone who knows me treats me as a person ...”. If the opinion of your parents is law for you, then the beginning of the self-hypnosis formula may look like this: "My mother wanted me to become a man ...", "My father always believed that I ...". If you unconditionally believe in your genotype or astrological sign, build a formula like this: “My parents, grandparents, everyone in our family, including me, have ...”, “By my astrological sign, I am a Dragon, that's why...". The text of the self-hypnosis formula can be compiled by you in advance or impromptu. For self-hypnosis formulas to be effective, remember these requirements for them. 1. It is desirable that the self-hypnosis formula be a short text containing no more than three phrases. 2. The beginning of the self-hypnosis formula is of great importance. In addition to the formulations mentioned above, they can begin like this: “I see myself as a person ...”, “I dare everything, I can do everything ...”, “I believe that ...”, “I am convinced that what...". 1. The self-hypnosis formula must be repeated several times (sometimes up to 7). 2. It is important to unshakably believe in the "magical properties" of the words you speak. 3. The pronunciation of the self-hypnosis formula should be accompanied by a certain state: concentration, concentration of will and self-control. Exercise 22. "Morning and evening moods" In the morning, before getting out of bed, make it a rule to read the two self-hypnosis formulas recommended by us. They can be repeated by you in bed before going to sleep. Formula 1. “I am a brave and self-confident person. I dare everything, I can do everything and I'm not afraid of anything ”(the last phrase can be repeated several times). Formula 2. “I love my students. I always enjoy meeting them. I am always open to dialogue with my students.” Exercise 23 “I am happy to go to work. I love my job. It is for me the highest meaning of my life. Exercise 24. “Settings during the working day” Formula 1. “I want to be calm and stable. I want to be confident." Formula 2. “Throughout the day, I maintain the absolute subordination of all actions to the achievement of the greatest result of my work. Under no circumstances do I get nervous or irritated. In any situation, I maintain restraint and self-control. I do not put myself on the same level with my students and will not allow myself to be annoyed by their rudeness or violation 13

disciplines. I hold myself back where no one else can. And everyone, when communicating with me, feels this power. I am able to make great efforts and restrain myself in the most exciting circumstances. I can do everything. And by my behavior I will always show an example of great spiritual strength and endurance. I hate temper and irritability with the strongest, fierce hatred. They make me a laughingstock, humiliate me and undermine my authority. I feel able to prevent irritation even when it is very difficult to do so. I can do everything. I am capable of great willpower.” Formula 3. "I really love my job, it gives me great pleasure and fills my life with the joy of constant victories and great meaning." Formula 4. “I love my students. I always enjoy meeting them. I am open to dialogue with my students.” Exercise 25. “Mood before a difficult conversation” Formula 1. “I am calm and confident. I have the correct position. I am ready for dialogue and mutual understanding.” Formula 2. “It's easy for me, easy, free. Brightly, distinctly, I feel serene happiness. I am serenely happy. Every cell of the body breathes serene happiness. The whole body is light, light, free. Serene happiness." This text helps to relieve excitement and nervous tension. Exercise 26. “Tune in to relieve fatigue and restore performance” Formula 1. “I believe that I can easily and quickly recover from work. By all means I try to feel cheerful, energetic after work. After work, I feel vivacity, youthful energy in my whole body. Formula 2. “I am full of strength and energy and ready to continue working at the level of my best capabilities, energetically, attentively, with inspiration. I am full of strength and energy, I have energetic, healthy, young nerves, I have a tireless, young, heroic heart. Exercise 27. "My enemy is my friend" The proposed exercise is, in essence, a psychotherapeutic form of implementation of one of the leading commandments of Christianity: love your enemy. It is aimed at a fundamental change in the attitude of a person who has come into conflict with a colleague, his child, a family member, a student, in the direction from negative to positive. So, take a piece of paper, imagine your abuser and describe his appearance. Try to capture the cute details of his appearance. Then read what you wrote. If you described the negative external data of this person, cross them out. Then, on a second sheet of paper, describe the good character traits of your conflict partner. Do not allow yourself to describe the negative aspects of his personality. If, nevertheless, this happened, then cross them out when reading again. On the third sheet of paper, describe different situations of your interaction with this person, based on positive moments in his behavior. In this regard, try to analyze your own behavior. With surprise, you will feel how something has changed for the better in your attitude towards this person. Now work on strengthening the positive line of your behavior towards the person with whom you have a conflict. fourteen

Classical technique of I. Schultz

The appearance of autogenic training as an independent method and the term itself is usually associated with the publication of the monograph "Das Autogene Training" (1932) by Schultz, which later went through dozens of reprints. However, the main provisions of the autogenic training system are already found in the work “On the stages of the hypnotic state of the soul” published by Schulz in the early 1920s. In this work, the author for the first time draws attention to the fact that almost all patients subjected to hypnotic influence "experience two states with absolute regularity: a kind of heaviness in the whole body, especially in the limbs, and a subsequent pleasant sensation of warmth."

Recall that by purposefully exploring the complex of bodily sensations accompanying the hypnotic state, I. Schultz found that the subjective feeling of muscle heaviness is a consequence of a decrease in the tone of the skeletal muscles, and the sensation of warmth is the result of vasodilatation. On the basis of these observations, already in the 1920s, he came to the assumption that it is possible to achieve a state of autohypnosis, causing in himself sensations of heaviness and warmth. In addition, clinical experience has shown that some patients can independently "enter" a pre-hypnotic and even hypnotic state without any external influence, mentally repeating the formulas of previously used hypnotic suggestion. At the same time, they also consistently developed sensations of heaviness and warmth. This prompted Schultz to create a psychotherapy method that excluded long-term exposure from the hypnologist and the patient's constant dependence on him. The development of the method of autogenic training by Schultz was significantly influenced by the work of his friend and colleague O. Vogt and K. Brodmanri, who collaborated with the latter, who studied the effect of hypnosis on brain activity and also developed self-hypnosis techniques for stopping neurotic symptoms (“preventive rest - autohypnosis” according to Vogt Brodmann). Schultz's scientific research was also significantly influenced, as already noted, by E. Soie's previously published works.

Emphasizing in the title the activating role of the set of exercises he developed, Schulz at the same time mistakenly believed that the system he created (as well as the methods of O. Vogt) was based on the effect of self-hypnosis. The main merit of Schulz is the proof that with a significant relaxation of the striated and smooth muscles, a special state of consciousness arises, which allows, through self-suggestion, to influence various, including initially involuntary, functions of the body. The proposed method of autogenic training, in contrast to all subsequent modifications, was called classical, and the six exercises included in it are called "standard exercises of the first stage of autogenic training (AT-1)". In accordance with the classical method, the beginning of classes is always preceded by an introductory lecture (conversation), in which the physiological foundations of the method and the effects that certain exercises are aimed at are explained to patients in an accessible form. The conversation emphasizes that the mental repetition of self-hypnosis formulas, which are given by the doctor, should be carried out calmly, without excessive concentration of attention and emotional stress. In its final form, the formulas of self-hypnosis according to I. Schultz are reduced to the following:

“I am completely calm” is a preparatory phrase.

  • 1st standard exercise - causing a feeling of heaviness. Following the doctor, the patient mentally repeats: "My right (left) arm (leg) is heavy" - 6 times 3-4 times a day for 4-6 days. Then: “Both arms (legs) are heavy. The whole body became heavy." The exercise is mastered within 10-14 days.
  • 2nd standard exercise - causing a sensation of warmth. After performing the 1st standard exercise, the patient, following the doctor, repeats 5-6 times: "My right (left) arm (leg) is warm." In the future, the 1st and 2nd exercises are combined with a single formula: "Arms and legs are heavy and warm."
  • 3rd standard exercise - regulation of the rhythm of cardiac activity. Starting from the 9-10th lesson, the patient mentally repeats: "The heart beats powerfully and evenly." Previously, subjects are trained to mentally count heartbeats.
  • 4th standard exercise - regulation of breathing. After completing the first three exercises, the patient mentally repeats 5-6 times: "My breathing is calm, I breathe calmly."
  • 5th standard exercise - influence on the abdominal organs. It is performed after a preliminary clarification of the role and localization of the solar plexus. Self-hypnosis formula: “My solar plexus radiates heat” (12-14th lesson).
  • 6th standard exercise - influence on the vessels of the head. Completes heterogeneous training (15-17th session). The patient repeats 5-6 times: "My forehead is slightly cool."

Setting certain terms for learning autogenic training and strict frequency and sequence of classes, which, according to I. Schultz, cannot be changed, the author of the method at the same time emphasized that it is possible to move on to subsequent exercises only after mastering the previous ones. As the main criterion for assimilation, generalization of suggested sensations was indicated. The entire course of AT-1 classes is milked for about 3-4 months. In the process of mastering the exercises, the self-suggestion formulas are shortened and, ultimately, are reduced to key words-commands: “calming”, “heaviness”, “warmth”, etc.

After doing the exercises, patients are first recommended to sit (or lie) quietly for 1 minute and only then remove themselves from the state of autogenic immersion at the command: "Bend your arms (2-3 flexion movements are performed), inhale deeply, open your eyes while exhaling."

Arbitrarily "strengthen" self-hypnosis formulas (for example, replace "My forehead is slightly cool" with "My forehead is cold"), unless prescribed by a doctor, patients are not allowed. At the beginning of classes, auto-training sessions last 1-2 minutes, then their duration increases to 5 minutes, and after mastering the exercises, it again decreases to 1-2 minutes. The first classes are held in the morning and evening hours (immediately after sleep and before bedtime) in the supine position: the patient lies on his back, his head is slightly raised on a low pillow, his arms lie freely along the body, slightly bent at the elbow joints, palms down; the legs are extended, slightly apart and slightly bent at the knee joints. In the daytime, exercises are performed while sitting - in the so-called "coachman's droshky" position. The patient sits on a chair, the head and torso are slightly tilted forward, the shoulders are lowered, the forearms lie freely on the front of the thighs, the hands are hanging and relaxed, the legs are comfortably apart. Exercises are performed with closed eyes, self-suggestion formulas are repeated, accompanying the exhalation phase. Training in autogenic training I. Schiltz conducted individually or in the form of group sessions; in the latter case - from 30 to 70 people in a group.

Since standard exercises cover the muscular sphere, the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the gastrointestinal tract and, as expected, the brain (the 6th standard exercise), I. Schultz believed that as a result of systematic training, “the alignment of the functions of the nervous system” occurs. . According to the author, it occurs due to the fact that auto-training "absorbs affective resonance." Based on this, it was concluded that by systematically applying the six standard exercises, one can significantly reduce painful symptoms or even completely get rid of the disease. In his opinion, autogenic training has no contraindications, but is only more effective in some diseases and less effective in others. At the same time, he believed that the method is most indicated for various spastic phenomena, states of anxiety and anxiety.

Despite somewhat exaggerated estimates and attempts to create a "universal" method, ignoring the principle of the complexity of the treatment of neurotic disorders, in general, autogenic training was undoubtedly a progressive step forward, as it significantly expanded the possibilities of psychotherapeutic influence. First of all, this is due to the fact that the treatment process is not limited to the always limited contact of the patient with the doctor, but is reinforced and continued in the form of then repeated independent exercises. The method acquires a training and educational character due to simple and accessible therapeutic techniques for independent use. The method proposed by I. Schultz, successfully combining elements of self-hypnosis with well-thought-out methods of physiological influence, contributed to the development of specific self-control skills in patients, instilled a sense of responsibility for the results of treatment, and, if necessary, made it possible to independently conduct supportive and preventive courses.

At the same time, it should be noted that it is difficult to agree with some of the theoretical provisions, recommendations and conclusions of I. Schultz. So, in the works of many authors it was shown that the use of autogenic training is completely ineffective in some cases and contraindicated in others. For example, the 5th standard exercise, aimed at inducing sensations of warmth in the epigastric region, leads to an increase in blood circulation in the stomach wall and an increase in the acidity of gastric juice, so it is not recommended for use in hyperacid gastritis [Rozhnov V. E., 1979]. The use of autogenic training during acute somatic and vegetative crises is not recommended and is not effective (K. I. Mirovsky). A significant drawback of the developments of I. Schultz is the unconvincing physiological justification, the passion for largely vulnerable psychosomatic concepts. The author's attempts to universalize the method while reducing the importance of a differentiated approach to a particular patient, depending on the clinical manifestations and stage of treatment, are untenable.

In the process of more than half a century of the history of autotraining, domestic and foreign authors have carried out a huge amount of research aimed at studying and substantiating the mechanisms of the psychotherapeutic effect of the method, as well as at developing the methodology and specializing the technique of autogenic training in relation to various syndromes and forms of clinical pathology. Suffice it to say that the bibliographic index given in the 4th volume of the manual on autogenic training, published under the editorship of W. Luthe in 1969-1970, includes 2450 works. The last domestic bibliographic index on the problem of autogenic training (A. S. Romen) included 943 works.

A. M. Svyadoshch (1982) indicates that about 4000 publications have already been devoted to autogenic training. Naturally, in this book there is no way to lethally consider all modern modifications of autogenic training, each of which, of course, is of particular interest. Let us dwell briefly only on the modifications that have received the widest distribution.

Autogenic training is self-hypnosis in a state of relaxation (lower stage) or hypnotic trance (higher stage).

Johans Heinrich Schulz is rightfully considered the creator of the autogenic training method, and the term “autogenic training” also belongs to him.

The method of autogenic training proposed by Schultz, in contrast to its numerous modifications, is called classical and is divided into 2 stages: 1st, or initial (AT 1) and 2nd, or higher (AT 2).

AT Technique 1. Before the start of training, a conversation is held with patients, in which the physiological foundations of the method, the mechanisms of action on the body of certain exercises are explained in an accessible form. Skillfully conducted conversation, accompanied by a demonstration of the effectiveness of individual exercises, as well as patients who have achieved positive results through training, contribute to the success of further treatment. The conversation emphasizes that the mental repetition of self-hypnosis formulas should be carried out calmly, without excessive concentration of attention and emotional stress. It is useful to acquaint the patient with the training plan from the very beginning.

Self-hypnosis sessions are held 3-4 times a day. The first 3 months the duration of each session does not exceed 13 minutes, then their time increases slightly, but does not exceed 30 minutes.

Sessions are held lying down or sitting, in the “coachman” position (the head leans forward, the hands and forearms are on the knees, the legs are comfortably apart).

* 1st exercise - causing a feeling of heaviness. Mentally repeat: “I am completely calm” (1 time); “my right (left) hand is heavy” (6 times); "I'm calm" (1 time). After 4-6 days of exercise, the feeling of heaviness in the hand becomes distinct. Further, in the same way, a feeling of heaviness is evoked in both hands .., in both legs .., in the whole body. Each exercise should begin and end with the formula: "I am calm."

* 2nd exercise - inducing a sensation of warmth. Mentally repeat: “I am calm” (1 time); "heavy body" (1 time); “my right (left) hand is warm” (6 times). Subsequently, the suggestion of warmth spreads to the second arm, legs, and the whole body. Go to the formula: "Both hands are warm .., both legs are warm .., the whole body is warm."

* In the future, the 1st and 2nd exercises are combined with one formula: "Arms and legs are heavy and warm." An exercise is considered mastered if the sensation of heaviness and warmth in the body is easily and distinctly evoked.

* 3rd exercise - regulation of the rhythm of cardiac activity. The exercise begins with the formula: "I am calm." Then a sensation of heaviness and warmth in the body is sequentially evoked. The patient puts his right hand on the region of the heart and mentally says 5 6 times: "My heart beats calmly, powerfully and rhythmically." Previously, the patient is recommended to learn to mentally count the heartbeat. An exercise is considered mastered if it is possible to influence the strength and rhythm of cardiac activity.

* 4th exercise - regulation of breathing. Approximately the following self-hypnosis formula is used: “I am restless .., my hands are heavy and warm .., my heart beats strongly, calmly and rhythmically ... I breathe calmly, deeply and evenly.” The last phrase is repeated 5 6 times. Subsequently, the formula is abbreviated: "I breathe calmly."

*5th exercise - influence on the abdominal organs. The patient is previously explained the localization and role of the solar plexus in the normalization of the function of internal organs. The same sensations are evoked sequentially as in exercises 1-4, and then mentally repeat the formula 5-6 times: "The solar plexus is warm .., it radiates heat."

* 6th exercise - causing a feeling of coolness in the forehead. First, the sensations described in exercises 1-5 are evoked. Then the patient mentally repeats 5-6 times: "My forehead is cool".

After performing the exercise, patients are advised to rest calmly for 1-2 minutes, and then remove themselves from the state of autogenic immersion. To do this, they give themselves a mental command: "Bend your arms (2-3 sharp flexion movements in the elbow joints), inhale deeply, open your eyes while inhaling."

Entertaining auto-training for children

Autotraining (from Greek. Autos - himself, his own, self and English. Training - training) - a system of exercises in order to develop maximum performance. The ability to not only relax, but also to gather.

Autotraining is a set of methods for psychological self-improvement. For example, the following methods:

    Muscle relaxation


    Autodidactics (self-education and self-development of the individual).

Each of us periodically feels tired, and not the one that happens at the end of a hard working day, but seasonal, after a long winter, before a vacation. Even if it’s hard for us adults to get back into work, then what is it like for children whose psyche is not prepared for such stress. Have you noticed how after the summer and, especially, a vacation trip, children have difficulty adapting to a sudden change in regimen? And therefore, when in kindergarten or begin to carry out various activities that require active participation, children are oversaturated with emotions and get very tired.

For such situations, I specially spend every day after morning classes auto-training with older children which has a beneficial effect on the development of children.

Classes are aimed at developing the ability to manage their emotional state, correct bad habits. Children at this age are still poorly able to cope with their emotions and relieve tension, they can often be dissatisfied with themselves. Autogenic training is designed to help children cope with all these problems.

Classes are built on breathing exercises and the imagination of the participants. Autogenic training always begins with teaching the breathing technique, followed by an explanation of the postures involved in the training.

The first exercise that needs to be mastered is called “Hot Coins”, invented by V.V. Kovalenko. The essence of the exercise is very simple: teach children to inhale through the nose, and exhale through the mouth.

A special role in auto-training is given to the music that accompanied the training. Calm relaxing melodies are specially selected. The training begins with the fact that the children are located on the floor. Immersion in autogenic training occurs gradually, before each stage, in order to direct children to concentration - I count to five. So, the children gradually calmed down and settled down on the floor, closed their eyes. After that, the most unique part of autogenic training begins - an imaginary fairy tale journey. This element of training is very important, it helps the child to concentrate on his feelings, each part of the body separately, the desire to move and relieves psycho-emotional stress.

Each journey begins with saying what you need to feel what hard floor, soft carpet and breathing exercises that you learned at the beginning of the lesson. Then the already indicated countdown to five was carried out, and ... we turned into bunnies, and came to a clearing, in a valley surrounded by mountains, and on the edge of the clearing you can see the edge of the forest, and a river flows from the other side of the valley.

"lay down and nimblehare Maxim warm, and the bunnySophia is warm, and the hare Denis and Artem . The grass is soft underfoot, the bunnies looked at the sky and saw clouds that turned into different figures.

The eyes of the hare are closed: the hare Nikita fell asleep, with. Sleeping bunnies. They dream of a green meadow, a sweet carrot ... The bunnies rested, stretched out their paws, became healthy, beautiful and strong! We returned to the clearing, in a valley surrounded by mountains, and on the edge of the clearing you can see the edge of the forest, and on the other side of the valley a river flows.

I count to five and the children are already in the room, but with their eyes closed, then again their attention switched to the sensations of the floor and soft carpet, then the children opened their eyes. The children got up, imitating the game in "slow motion".

After that, the children sat in a circle and shared their impressions, told who they met, what colors their lights were painted, and much more.

In my hands is a saucer of jelly. Imagine that you are this strawberry jelly. What is it, describe?

Now imagine that I forgot to remove the saucer of jelly and left it in the sun. And what happened to the wonderful jelly? It began to melt and spread...

In conclusion, I would like to say: if you are often nervous, worried, give up in difficult situations, then be sure to take the Auto-Training course and you will understand
that the condition for success is calmness and composure;
that any difficulties and problems have solutions;
that stresses and experiences are insignificant, and you should not waste time and effort on them;
that everyone can change themselves, the main thing is desire.

Create the sun in you

In nature there is a sun. It shines and loves and warms everyone. . Let's create the sun in ourselves. Close your eyes, imagine a small star in your heart. Mentally direct to her a ray that brings love. We feel the star has grown. We direct a ray with goodness, the asterisk has become even larger. I send rays to the star that bring health, joy, warmth, light, tenderness, affection. Now the asterisk becomes big, like the sun. It brings warmth to everyone, everyone, everyone (hands to the side).

Magic flower of goodness

Put the flower of Kindness and good mood on both palms. Feel how it warms you: your hands, your body, your soul. From it emanates an amazing smell and pleasant music. And you want to listen to it. Mentally place all the goodness and good mood of this flower inside, in your heart.

Feel how good enters you, brings you joy. You have new forces: the forces of health, happiness and joy. You feel how your body is filled with pleasure and joy. How pleasant to your face, how good and joyful it becomes to your soul.

A warm, gentle breeze blows over you. You have a good, soul-warming mood.

I want you to remember what you are feeling right now and take it with you as you leave this room. Warm feelings and good mood will continue to be with you.

    Open your eyes.

    Look around.

    Send good thoughts to each other.

    All the best!

Travel on the cloud

I want to invite you on a journey on the cloud. Jump on a white fluffy cloud that looks like a soft mountain of plump pillows. Feel how your legs, back, ass are comfortably located on this large cloud pillow.

Now the journey begins. Your cloud is slowly rising into the blue sky. Do you feel the wind on your face?

Here, high in the sky, everything is calm and quiet. May your cloud take you now to a place where you will be happy.

Try to mentally "see" this place as accurately as possible. Something wonderful and magical can happen here (Pause 30 seconds)

Now you're back on your cloud and it's taking you back. To your place in the class. Get off the cloud and thank it for giving you such a good ride. Now watch it slowly melt into the air. Stretch, straighten up and be alert, fresh and alert again.


Autotraining exercises

1. "Good dream"

Purpose: removal of psychomuscular tension, rest, recuperation, mobilization.

Duration: 10 minutes.

Procedure: take a comfortable position, close your eyes, calm down, slowly mentally say:

1. I am calm, my muscles are relaxed… I am resting.

2. I breathe calmly. My heart is calm. It beats easily and evenly ... I am completely calm.

3. My right hand is relaxed. My left arm is relaxed... Arms are relaxed... Shoulders are relaxed and down...

4. My right hand is warm... My left hand is warm... I feel a pleasant warmth in my hands.

5. My right arm is heavy… My left arm is heavy… I feel the heaviness of my arms…

6. The muscles of the right leg are relaxed ... The muscles of the left leg are relaxed ... My legs are relaxed ...

7. My legs are warm… I feel pleasant warmth in my legs… I am resting…

8. My body is relaxed… Back muscles are relaxed… Abdominal muscles are relaxed… I feel pleasant warmth all over my body… I feel light and pleasant… I am resting…

9. The eyelids are lowered… The muscles of the mouth are relaxed… My forehead is cool… I am resting… I am calm…

10. I feel rested... I breathe deeply... I stretch... I open my eyes... I feel fresh and energized... I am alert and fresh...

2. "High energy" (visual technique)

Purpose: to charge short-term energy and use it optimally.

Duration: 3 minutes.


Imagine a bright night sky. Choose your brightest star. And now... swallow it... It explodes in you, filling the whole organism with energy. Energy penetrates into all the cells of your body, filling it with a thirst to do something, to change, to correct. Be brave, don't wait, act.

3. "Getting rid of anxiety" (visual technique)

Goal: relieve anxiety, anxiety, prepare for the expected stressful situation.

Duration: 5-10 minutes.


Relax and imagine that you are sitting on a wonderful green lawn on a clear sunny day… The sky is illuminated by a rainbow and a particle of this radiance belongs to you… It is brighter than thousands of suns… Its rays gently and gently warm your head, penetrate into the body, spill over it, all of it warm your head, penetrate into the body, spill over it, all of it is filled with a cleansing healing light, in which your anxieties and sorrows, all negative thoughts and feelings, fears and prejudices dissolve. All unhealthy particles leave your body, turning into perishable smoke, which is quickly dispersed by a gentle wind. You are free from worries, you are cleansed, you are light and joyful.


Self-hypnosis formulas are first pronounced aloud. Accuracy is very important here. It is necessary to create an image of the state, then the formula for exiting this state is given. At first, it can be quite difficult for children to concentrate, they have a poor idea of ​​the meaning of the activity, so you need to show patience and perseverance. It is necessary to take into account the specifics of the child's thinking. If, for example, he hears the phrase: "My hand is warm," then he does not attribute these words to himself. Also, at the first stage of learning self-hypnosis formulas, he does not include phrases like "your hand is warm." As a rule, he enters into an internal dialogue with the coach (or announcer), denying these attitudes due to the specificity of his thinking.

It is effective to use the images of fairy-tale characters, animals beloved by children, with which they easily and with pleasure identify themselves.

Therefore, one should learn how to compose texts appropriate for the age perception of children so that they can easily enter the desired image. In addition, these texts should contain instructions, veiled in images, for entering and exiting the state of relaxation. If it is possible to achieve a good level of representation of the action in the mind of the child, then his thoughts turn into reality and relaxation occurs.

Usually children respond well to such and similar texts:

"Gray bunnies are tired and on the grassrilegli. And the gray bunny Egor lay down, and the fluffy bunny Nastyalay down and nimbleStyopa the harelay down The bunny's paws were stretched out, the bunny's pawsheavy, warm: and Milena the bunnywarm, and the bunnySophia is warm, and the hare Denis and Glebwarm and heavy, can not be lifted. Gentle warm breeze gently strokes the bunnies: and bunny Katya, and bunny Vlad. The eyes of the hare are closed: the hare Nikita fell asleep, withthe eyes of the bunny Varya are sticky, the foreheads of the bunnies are cool. Sleeping bunnies. They dream of a green meadow, a sweet carrot ... The bunnies rested, stretched out their paws, took a deep breath and opened their eyes!"
- It is offered to children in a playful way.

Autogenic training exercises should be done at least once a day. That is why it is advisable to include them in the daily routine of children. In the daily routine of children, such training can be included in the morning, afternoon or evening. It should be remembered that it can be carried out no earlier than an hour after eating.

An autogenic training session is best done in a darkened room.

A direct session of auto-training is possible only after pre-training:

Stage 1pose. During this stage, children are taught to assume the coachman, lotus, passive and lying postures.

Stage 2control of breathing and the functioning of muscles, internal organs without relying on volitional efforts. It is important to teach children to surrender to the flow of ideas. This is facilitated by the effective use of images of fairy-tale characters, animals loved by children, with whom they easily and with pleasure identify themselves.

Stage 3mastering the whole complex of self-hypnosis formulas: "Rest - heaviness - warmth (in the upper and lower limbs). The heart and breathing are calm. The abdomen is warm. The forehead is cool. Breathing is deep. Open your eyes."

Reason for failure in this activity can be in unsystematic and long breaks in work.

The topics of auto-training, the heroes-participants can be selected depending on the situation or the individual preferences of the children. My children are very fond of the fruit jelly dessert, so I decided to develop for them children's auto-training "Jelly".

- You know that one of the favorite children's desserts is jelly.

In my hands is a saucer of jelly. Imagine that you are this strawberry jelly. What is it, describe?

Now imagine that I forgot to remove the saucer of jelly and left it in the sun. And what happened to the wonderful jelly? It began to melt and spread...

Imagine that you are a wonderful jelly. Begin to melt, spread in all directions, sink to the floor, lie on your back, straighten and spread your legs a little, stretch your arms, palms up.

The body is relaxed. Her face relaxed, her mouth opened. Rest.

You are fine, you are calm. Now a ray of warm sun is shining on your right hand, it begins to “melt” and becomes heavy. The right hand is heavy. You are fine, you are calm. It gradually warms up. The right hand is warm. You are fine, you are calm. Now the sun shines on the left handle. Imagine that the left hand begins to "melt" and becomes heavy. You are fine, you are calm. The sun is getting hotter. The left hand is warm. You are fine, you are calm. A ray of the sun ran along your little body and stopped on the right leg. The right leg is heavy. You are fine, you are calm. Gradually, heat spreads over the right leg. The right leg is warm. You are fine, you are calm. The sun has moved to the left leg. The left leg is heavy. You are fine, you are calm. It "melts" more and more and becomes warm. The left leg is warm. You are fine, you are calm.

Gradually you spread like jelly on a saucer. You are happy and well. Your heart works evenly, like a good motor. You are fine, you are calm. Your breathing is calm. Now the sun is shining on your tummy. The abdomen is warm. You are fine, you are calm. Despite the bright sun, a small breeze ran over the surface of the melted jelly. He touched your forehead. The forehead is cool. You are fine, you are calm. The breeze began to blow harder, and the jelly stopped melting. It began to freeze back. Bend your arms, tighten them. Breathe deeply. Open your eyes.


1. In the methods of working with children through autogenic training, they indicate that such self-hypnosis formulas as “My right hand is heavy; The right hand is warm; The left leg is heavy, etc.” it is advisable to repeat several times, and then include the formula: “I feel good, I am calm” (1 time).

2. When leaving the state, if you first open your eyes and only then activate the muscles and breathing, the exit from the state of relaxation will slow down. A feeling of heaviness may persist, a tingling sensation may appear, similar to when the arms or legs become numb. The order to exit must be given decisively.

My children really enjoyed it. Now you need to enter these lessons into the system.

we turned into bunnies and came to a clearing, in a valley surrounded by mountains, and on the edge of the clearing you can see the edge of the forest, and from the other side of the valley a river flows.

This is the place where all journeys always begin and end. From the glade the guys “went”, either to the magical forest, or to the river, or the sea.

Probably everyone has heard about the great benefits autogenic training(auto-training), whether it be psychological or physiological. Usage range autogenic training exercises very wide.

Autogenic training - exercises are used to restore working capacity after fatigue, to regulate the emotional state and exercise the will, to combat insomnia, relieve stress and depression.

The method of autogenic training is successfully used by athletes, people of other professions where constant neuropsychic stress is required.

And as we know from the practice of life, such tension is present almost every day in every person.
Greetings, dear readers of the journal of practical psychology and psychoanalysis, I wish you mental health.

Autogenic training: exercise 1

The most effective method of acquiring the skill of relaxation is undoubtedly autogenic training. The main provisions of this technique can be described as follows: the ability to deeply and quickly cause complete relaxation of the muscles of the body, causing a feeling of warmth in the limbs with the help of an arbitrary influence on the tone of peripheral vessels; arbitrary regulation of the rhythm of cardiac activity; impact on the depth and rhythm of breathing; the ability to cause a feeling of warmth in the abdomen, coolness in the forehead.
(stress relief using the Silva method)
Teaching people the ability to regulate their mental state with the help of autogenic training exercises is an important task for a psychologist.

Self-hypnosis is at the heart of autogenic training exercises. As practice shows, especially vivid performances can be evoked in a state of relaxation. In this regard, the most favorable time for self-hypnosis, natural autohypnosis is the moment after a night's sleep and before falling asleep.

If you think about it a little, the expression “got up on the wrong foot” becomes clear. For starters, try to imagine something very good at the moment of awakening - you will see that your mood will be at a higher level than usual all day.

Except morning and evening hours, autogenic training can be done up to two or three times a day, depending on the rhythm and routine of your life.
Remember: to achieve the maximum effect, you need to practice daily, regardless of how you feel.

Learning the exercises of auto-training, mental relaxation should, of course, be in a relaxed position. It is most convenient to practice lying on your back, while your arms are slightly bent at the elbows, lie palms down along the body, and the feet are apart by 20-30 centimeters.

The second position for autogenic training is sitting in an easy chair with a headrest and armrests, on which the practitioner puts relaxed hands. However, such conditions are not always at your disposal, and the so-called "coachman's position" can be considered the most accessible for practicing in any situation.

To take it, you need to sit up straight in a chair, straighten your back, and then relax all the skeletal muscles. The head is lowered to the chest, the eyes are closed, the legs are slightly apart and bent at an obtuse angle, the hands are on the knees, not touching each other, the elbows are slightly rounded - in a word, the characteristic posture of a cab driver dozing in anticipation of a rider.

Mastery autogenic training exercises can prevent falling into a passive, uncontrolled state of drowsiness and sleep. To drive away excessive drowsiness, you should take 3-4 deep breaths and exhale and close your eyes tightly 3-4 times without lifting your eyelids. At the same time, it is necessary to convince yourself that drowsiness passes, a feeling of peace, relaxation comes, and continue training.

Pursuing autogenic training, you do not bring anything extraneous into yourself, but simply develop all the best and necessary from what is in yourself.

Autogenic training exercises can be used not only as an independent psychotherapeutic technique, but also combined with other methods, with spa or drug treatment. You can practice both individually and in a group.

So, if you decide to start classes, remember that the guarantee of your success is confidence in your abilities and the final result, which allows you to overcome doubts and hesitations, inner readiness and a sincere desire to fulfill all the instructions completely and as best as possible.

I remind you that two weeks are allotted for mastering each exercise, you need to train at least three times a day for 5-10 minutes. If at first something doesn’t work out for you, you should do it for up to 15 minutes or more.

The self-hypnosis formulas used should be combined with specific emotional images that evoke the sensations necessary for this exercise. The formulas must be pronounced mentally, "to yourself", while correlating them with your breathing.

As a rule, formulas pronounced on the exhale give a greater relaxing effect. If the formula is too long and you do not have time to “speak” it during one exhalation, then you can stretch it into two.


Now you can directly start doing autogenic training. First of all, take a comfortable position and try to get rid of extraneous thoughts and sensations that are not related to training. To do this, you can use the following formulas of the first exercise:

I prepared to rest;

I calm down;

I digress from everything;

Extraneous sounds do not disturb me;

All worries, worries, anxieties go away;

Thoughts flow smoothly, slowly;

I rest;

I am completely calm.

As you remember, relaxation of all the muscles of the limbs and the body contributes to a deeper rest, which is subjectively assessed by us as a feeling of heaviness. You probably experienced this feeling of heaviness in the muscles when you rested after you have done some physical work or a long walk. But then this sensation was involuntary, but now it is required to return to it consciously with the help of autogenic training.

First of all, you must learn to relax your right hand (left-handed people, as this hand is most controlled when doing autogenic training). To do this, you can use the formula:

My right hand is heavy.

This formula of autogenic training exercises must be imagined with all clarity. Here the muscles of the hand relax - fingers, hand, the whole hand has become heavy, like lead. She is relaxed and powerless, like a whip.

No strength, do not want to move it.

Slowly repeat the proposed formula 6-8 times, trying to remember the sensations you caused more clearly. It is desirable that the resulting feeling of relaxation is not unpleasant. If this happens, try replacing the word “heaviness” with the word “relaxation” in the autogenic training formula.

After you learn to relax your right hand reflexively - on the first try, try to relax the rest of the muscles. As a rule, this goes much easier:

A pleasant feeling of heaviness appears in the right hand;

Hands get heavy;

Hands are getting heavier and heavier;

Hands are pleasantly heavy;

Hands are relaxed and heavy;

I am perfectly calm;

Rest gives rest to the body;

Legs get heavy;

The right leg becomes heavy;

The left leg becomes heavy;

Legs are filled with heaviness;

The legs are pleasantly heavy;

Arms, legs are relaxed and heavy;

The body becomes heavier;

All muscles are relaxed and at rest;

The whole body was pleasantly heavy;

After class, the feeling of heaviness will pass;

I am completely calm.

After doing autogenic training exercises

In those cases when you need to directly start vigorous activity, you need to use a special technique for getting out of autogenic immersion.

For this, formulas inverse to the immersion formulas are used. For example:

My hands are light, energetic;

I feel a pleasant tension in my hands;

I breathe deeply, rhythmically;

I feel lightness, cheerfulness, comfort;

I bend and unbend my arms at the elbows.

After that, you open your eyes, get up and do some vigorous exercise.

Naturally, if autogenic training precedes sleep, then this should not be done.

Try after each lesson to analyze the feeling you have achieved and write it down in a diary that every student needs to have. In addition, the diary contains the formulas you use, among which you select the most effective and influential for you, as well as the assessment of the lesson. For example, to relax:

"one"- inability to relax;

"2"- slight relaxation;

"3"- average relaxation;

"four"- strong relaxation;

"5"- complete relaxation.

Remember that if during the process of autogenic training an unusual unpleasant sensation arises, the session should be interrupted and consult a psychologist.

In the next post, the continuation of autogenic training exercises -.

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