sagittal surface. The axes and planes of the human body are the main anatomical. Focus on drugs

Spatial terms and concepts of anatomy

To accurately describe the relative position of the parts of the human body in anatomy, its own terminology has been adopted.

A person is considered to be standing straight (vertically) with his arms down. Hands turned palms forward (thumbs pointing to the sides).

As in the usual rectangular coordinate system, three mutually perpendicular axes and three planes are introduced. Of these three planes, one is horizontal and two are vertical.

The horizontal plane is called horizontal or transverse. It divides the human body into upper and lower halves.

You need to understand that this plane can be drawn across the body at any level. There is no selected point through which it must pass. Therefore, there is an infinite number of horizontal planes. The same applies to other planes.

Of the two vertical planes, one divides the human body into front and back. This plane is called frontal. It is approximately parallel to the surface of the forehead (frontalis - frontal). Another plane divides the human body into right and left halves. This plane is called sagittal(sagitta - arrow; apparently, one must imagine an arrow sticking straight out of the chest). As already mentioned, these planes can be drawn through the body anywhere, so there are an infinite number of them. But there is a special place for the sagittal plane. You can draw it exactly in the middle of the body - through the sagittal (what a coincidence!) Seam connecting the two parietal bones of the skull. In this case, the sagittal plane is called middle or median. Often it is the median plane that is called the sagittal plane.

These planes intersect in pairs, forming three axes. Again, these axes can be drawn anywhere through the human body.

The axis formed by the intersection of the horizontal (transverse) plane with the frontal one is called transverse, the intersection of the horizontal plane with the sagittal - sagittal or anterior-posterior axis, and the intersection of the sagittal plane with the frontal - vertical or longitudinal axis.

Now we list the terms that determine the position of individual organs or structures or parts of organs.

The part of the organ facing the anterior end of the body is called front(anterior), to the rear - rear(posterior). The terms are also used ventral(venter - belly) and dorsal(dorsum - back).

The part of the body that faces the head is called top(superior), to the pelvis - bottom(inferior). As their synonyms, the terms adopted in the anatomy of tetrapods are also used: cranial(cranialis - cranial) and caudal(caudalis - tail). These two terms are used only in relation to the trunk and neck.

The part of the organ located closer to the median (median) plane is called internal or medial(medialis), and the opposite - outdoor or lateral(lateralis).

sagittal- sagittal, sagittal (scientific, anat.). Dividing (body) longitudinally into the right and left halves (about a line, plane, section). Sagittal plane. Sagittal section of the body. A large dictionary of foreign words. ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

SAGITTAL- (from lat. sagitta arrow) in anatomy located in the anteroposterior direction, for example. sagittal suture. Sagittal planes (imaginary) cut the body longitudinally from front to back. The middle, or median, sagittal plane divides the body into the right and ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

SAGITTAL- SAGITTAL, sagittal, sagittal (from lat. sagitta arrow) (scientific, anat.). Dividing (body) longitudinally into the right and left halves (about a line, plane, section). Sagittal plane. Sagittal section of the body. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

sagittal- arrow-shaped Dictionary of Russian synonyms. sagittal adj., number of synonyms: 2 dividing (22) ... Synonym dictionary

SAGITTAL- (from lat. sagitta arrow), located in the anteroposterior direction, for example. S. seam, S. axis, S. planes (imaginary) run vertically from front to back along the body; the median S. plane divides it into two symmetrical halves. (see BODY) fig. at st ... Biological Encyclopedic Dictionary

sagittal- oh, oh. Specialist. Dividing (body) longitudinally into two halves. S line. C axis. From the th plane. * * * sagittal (from lat. sagitta arrow) (anat.), located in the anteroposterior direction, that is, from the head to the end of the body, ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

Sagittal- sagittal plane (from lat. sagitta arrow), a term used in the anatomy of animals and humans to refer to a plane running through the body in the anteroposterior direction. S. a plane passing longitudinally strictly along the middle of the body and ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

sagittal- sagittal, sagittal, sagittal, sagittal, sagittal, sagittal, sagittal, sagittal, sagittal, sagittal, sagittal, sagittal, sagittal, sagittal, sagittal, sagittal, sagittal, ... ... Forms of words

SAGITTAL- (from lat. sagitta arrow) (anat.), located in the anteroposterior direction, i.e. from the head to the end of the body, for example. S. seam. C. planes (imaginary) cut the body longitudinally from front to back. The middle, or median, S. plane divides the body into right and ... ... Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

sagittal- sagittal ... Russian spelling dictionary

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Lumbar spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal canal caused by a combination of degenerative-dystrophic changes. Because of this, there is pressure on the spinal cord, as a result of which pain, numbness, and lameness can occur. Before analyzing the pathology, it is worth delving a little into the anatomy of the spine.

Since stenosis of the spinal canal is most often observed at the level of the lumbar region, then this department will have to be disassembled. The human spine consists of vertebrae, intervertebral discs, ligaments, spinal canal, facet joints. The human spinal cord is located in the spinal canal. The neck is the junction of the medulla oblongata with the spinal cord. It starts from the level of the I vertebra of the cervical region and ends with the I-II vertebrae of the lumbar region.

At the level of the lumbar region, it ends, forming a ponytail. This cauda equina is a collection of groups of roots of the spinal cord. The roots go to various internal organs of the pelvis, innervating them. They are divided into motor and sensory and perform the same functions - they set the muscles in motion and make it possible to feel. Usually, there is enough space in the spinal canal to accommodate the brain inside it. The anteroposterior size is normal - from 15 to 25 mm. The norm for the transverse size is 26-30 mm.

The narrowing of the sagittal size to 12 mm is already a valid reason to make a diagnosis of spinal stenosis. If the size is another 2 mm smaller, then this can already be called absolute stenosis. Stenosis can be divided into 3 types depending on the location of the narrowing:

central; lateral; combined.

With central stenosis, the sagittal size decreases. In these cases, it is the brain that suffers. Lateral - a decrease in the intervertebral space, while only the roots are compressed. Combined is the worst option, since both the roots and the brain itself are affected, which can lead to more serious consequences.

What are the causes of spinal stenosis? This pathology can be either congenital (idiopathic) or acquired. Idiopathic stenosis is quite rare compared to acquired.

Its causes can be various deviations and anomalies in the development of the vertebrae: thickening and shortening of the arches, a decrease in the size of the vertebra itself or its individual parts. If we talk about acquired stenosis, then we can note the causes of its occurrence of a different nature:

1. Any degenerative process or a combination of them: arthrosis, osteophytes, protrusions (protrusions), various intervertebral hernias, osteochondrosis, spondylosis, compaction of the intervertebral ligaments, displacement of the vertebrae. 2. Injuries: industrial, sports. 3. Post-surgical: the result of the removal of the vertebrae or their parts, implantation and fixation with the help of various structures and parts to support the spine, the formation of scars on the ligaments or adhesions. 4. Damage to the spine from other diseases: rheumatoid arthritis, neoplasms, failures in the synthesis of growth hormone (acromegaly), etc.

Very often there are degenerative changes in the structure of the spine. The elderly are the most affected. Their intervertebral discs wear out and become less elastic, the ligaments thicken, and the bone tissue can become deformed against the background of osteochondrosis. All this is bad for the back.

A combination of congenital with acquired stenosis cannot be ruled out. Congenital, as a rule, does not show any negative consequences, however, any degenerative process (even to the smallest extent) can lead to a deterioration in well-being.

In addition to the stenosis itself, circulatory disorders in the brain caused by trauma, vascular compression and vascular problems can cause big problems.

Symptoms. As mentioned above, people over the age of 50 most often suffer from spinal stenosis. The male sex is mainly affected due to heavy physical labor, which creates a load on the spine. The most specific symptoms for this pathology are the following:

Feeling of pain, tingling, numbness in the legs, which occurs when walking. Such pains do not have a precise localization, and patients often report them as a very unpleasant sensation that does not allow them to walk, because of which they constantly stop while walking to rest. In the sitting position, pain does not manifest itself, even during physical exertion. Pain relief can be achieved by leaning forward slightly, which is why you can meet people who walk bent over. Unpleasant sensations in the lower back, accompanied by pain, even when lying down. Basically, such pains are dull in nature and tend to spread to the legs. Tingling in the legs, a feeling of "goosebumps" (as when sitting out a limb, before their numbness), discomfort. Weakness in the legs, inability to perform certain movements (rising on toes, pulling the toe towards you, walking on your heels). Absence or decrease in leg reflexes (knee reflex, Achilles reflex). Possible violations of the functionality of the pelvic organs: involuntary urination, frequent urge to go to the toilet, or, conversely, anuria, constipation, impotence may occur.

Leg muscle dystrophy caused by a sharp and prolonged decrease in load.

The last two symptoms can be attributed to the late stages of the development of stenosis, and they are a direct indication for hospitalization and surgical treatment.

Diagnostics. The main criteria for differentiating the disease are: questioning the patient for complaints (limping, pain, numbness), external examination (muscle atrophy, lack of reflexes) and data from secondary (additional) examinations.

It is worth analyzing in detail additional studies, as they often confirm the diagnosis. These are MRI and CT methods, as well as radiography. They allow you to assess the state of the spinal canal, the degree of change in size and the location of the focus. Sometimes scintigraphy, myelography may be needed. They allow you to more accurately examine the cause, especially when it comes to tumors and diagnosing the state of the nerve bundles.

Treatment. Therapy depends on the causes, location and degree of development of the pathology. Thus, it is possible to resort to treatment with conservative and surgical methods. Their combination is not excluded.

Conservative therapy is carried out with medication, physiotherapy, massage, physiotherapy exercises. Usually, all these methods are used in combination, for the best outcome and a comprehensive impact on the problem.

Of the medicines, both hormonal and non-steroidal drugs can be used. Doctors also prescribe muscle relaxants, vascular agents, anesthetics and vitamin complexes. As already mentioned, medications need to be supported by physiotherapeutic procedures and physiotherapy exercises. This will help improve the mobility of the vertebrae, their blood supply and help restore the spine to some extent.

If the conservative method does not give positive results or the disease progresses strongly, then you should turn to the surgical method. It is possible to remove the problematic parts of the vertebrae, strengthen them with metal structures, eliminate the tumor disease, and remove hernias by surgery. All of these therapies are selected on an individual basis and may be different for people with the same disease. This is due to the fact that each person is unique, may have a secondary diagnosis, and the age of the patient also affects.

Prevention. No one can protect themselves from stenosis, but it is still possible to delay the time of its manifestation or make the course of the disease not so painful. The main measures are:

1. Refusal of bad habits. 2. Leading a healthy lifestyle. 3. Balanced diet. 4. Physical education, sports.

Lumbar spinal stenosis is a very common problem, and many people refuse to treat it. This can lead to a variety of problems: pain, numbness, and even the inability to walk. Don't neglect your health. At the first symptoms, you need to go to the doctor for an examination and begin treatment.

Symptoms of osteoarthritis of the legs may include:

pain in the joints of the legs when walking, swelling and induration appeared on the skin of the legs pain, burning sensation in the legs after the end of the working day

If you have these symptoms, you need to start treatment as soon as possible. How to treat these problems, read the opinion of experts: How and with what to smear and rub your feet correctly>>

Stenosis of the spinal canal of the lumbar spine is a pathological condition in which the size of the canal is reduced. The narrowing of the lumen leads to compression of the structures located in the canal - the roots of the spinal cord. Symptoms of the disease are determined by which roots are compressed. The disease is slowly progressive. Treatment can be conservative and operational. The latter is prescribed in case of ineffectiveness of drug treatment. From this article you can learn about the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of spinal stenosis of the lumbar spine.

Normally, the anteroposterior dimension (sagittal) of the spinal canal at the lumbar level is 15–25 mm, and the transverse dimension is 26–30 mm. At this level, the human spinal cord ends and the so-called cauda equina (a group of roots of the spinal cord in the form of a bundle) is located. Reducing the sagittal size to 12 mm is called relative stenosis, which means the following: clinical manifestations of narrowing may or may not occur. When the anteroposterior size is 10 mm or less, then this is already an absolute stenosis, which always has clinical signs.

From the point of view of anatomy, there are three types of spinal stenosis at the lumbar level:

central: decrease in anteroposterior size; lateral: narrowing in the region of the intervertebral foramen, that is, the place where the spinal nerve root exits the spinal canal between two adjacent vertebrae. Lateral stenosis is considered to be a decrease in the size of the intervertebral foramen up to 4 mm; combined: reduction of all sizes.

Stenosis of the lumbar spine can be congenital or acquired.

Congenital (idiopathic) stenosis is due to structural features of the vertebrae: an increase in the thickness of the vertebral arch, shortening of the arch, a decrease in body height, shortening of the pedicle, and similar changes.

Acquired stenosis is much more common. It may be due to:

degenerative processes in the spine: osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, deforming spondylosis, arthrosis of the intervertebral joints, degenerative spondylolisthesis (displacement of one vertebra in relation to another), protrusions (protrusions) and herniated discs, calcification and, accordingly, thickening of the ligaments of the spine; injuries; iatrogenic causes (as a result of medical interventions): after laminectomy (removal of part of the vertebral arch), arthrodesis or spondylodesis (fixation of joints or vertebrae, respectively, using additional devices, such as metal structures) as a result of the formation of adhesions and postoperative scars; other diseases: Pagett's disease, Bechterew's disease (ankylosing spondylitis), rheumatoid arthritis, lumbar tumors, acromegaly and others.

Degenerative changes in the spine are the most common cause of lumbar spinal stenosis.

Quite common is the situation when the patient has both congenital and acquired narrowing of the spinal canal.

In the development of symptoms of stenosis of the spinal canal of the lumbar spine, in addition to the narrowing itself, a violation of the blood supply to the roots of the spinal nerves, which occurs as a result of vascular compression, impaired venous outflow, can play a role.

Stenosis of the spinal canal at the lumbar level is a fairly common disease, because with age, every (!) Person develops spinal aging processes, manifested by degenerative changes. More often, stenosis manifests itself after 50 years, men are more susceptible to the disease.

The most characteristic signs of stenosis of the spinal canal of the lumbar level are as follows:

neurogenic (caudogenic) intermittent claudication is a sensation of pain, numbness, weakness in the legs, which occurs only when walking. The pain is usually bilateral, does not have a clear localization (that is, when episodes are repeated, it can be noted in a different place), sometimes it is not even described by the patient as pain, but as an unpleasant sensation that is difficult to delineate, making it impossible to move. Pain and weakness in the legs make the patient stop, sit down, and sometimes lie down right on the street. The pain disappears in the position of slight bending of the legs in the hip and knee joints with a slight tilt of the torso forward. In a sitting position, such sensations do not occur, even when a person performs physical activity (for example, cycling). Sometimes patients with spinal stenosis of the lumbar spine involuntarily move in a slightly bent posture (monkey posture), as this allows walking without increasing pain; pain in the lower back, sacrum, coccyx can be of a varied nature, but more often dull and aching, do not depend on the position of the body, can "give" to the legs; pain in the legs is usually bilateral, the so-called "radicular". This term means a special localization of pain sensation (or its distribution) - strip-like, that is, along the length of the leg in the form of a strip. "Lampas" can pass along the front, side, back surface of the leg. Since several roots of the spinal cord are usually compressed during stenosis, the “lampas” can also be wide. Compression of the roots causes the so-called tension symptoms - Lassegue, Wasserman, which are caused by passive lifting of the straightened leg in various positions; violation of sensitivity in the legs: the sensation of touch is lost, the difference between a sharp and blunt touch is not caught, sometimes with closed eyes it is difficult for the patient to describe the position of the toes that the doctor gave them (for example, bent or unbent). Similar changes can be in the groin, in the genital area; a feeling of tingling, crawling, burning in the legs and similar sensations; violation of the function of the pelvic organs: change in urination by the type of delay or vice versa incontinence, imperative urge to urinate (that is, requiring immediate satisfaction), impaired potency, defecation; decrease or absence of knee, Achilles, plantar reflexes; cramps (painful cramps) in the muscles of the legs, especially after a little physical exertion, involuntary twitches of individual muscle bundles without pain; weakness (paresis) in the legs: this may relate to individual movements (for example, it is difficult for the patient to stand on his toes or walk on his heels), or may be generalized, completely capturing the legs, character; weight loss (thinning) of the legs due to dystrophic changes in the muscles that occur with prolonged compression of the nerve roots.

Dysfunction of the pelvic organs, paresis in the legs and weight loss of the lower extremities are among the late symptoms of stenosis of the spinal canal of the lumbar spine. Usually, in the presence of such changes, the patient is already indicated for surgical treatment.

The diagnosis of stenosis of the spinal canal of the lumbar spine is based on clinical symptoms (especially neurogenic intermittent claudication), neurological examination data (changes in sensitivity, reflexes, the presence of symptoms of tension, paresis, weight loss of the limbs) and data from additional examination methods.

Of the additional examination methods, the most informative are radiography of the lumbosacral spine, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). These methods allow you to measure the size of the spinal canal. Of course, CT and MRI are more accurate techniques. In some cases, electroneuromyography, myelography, and scintigraphy may be needed to confirm the diagnosis.

frontal plane.

3. horizontal plane.


1. Front surface - anterior midline, right and left sternal (carried out along the corresponding edges of the sternum). Right and left midclavicular (through the middle of the clavicle.)

2. Side surface anterior, middle, posterior, axillary lines. Pass through the corresponding edges and the middle of the axillary fossa.

3. Back line- posterior middle, it is also vertebral, it is also vertebral, right and left paravertebral (paravertebral). The right and left scapular are carried out through the lower corners of the scapulae.

Body types:

Physique is determined by genetic (hereditary) factors, environmental influences, social conditions.

1. Mesomorphic average, normosthenics are people whose anatomical features approach the average parameters (taking into account age and gender).

2. Brachymorphic(wide brachus) hypersthenics. Differ in the predominance of transverse dimensions, well-fed and not very tall. In such people, the diaphragm is high, the lungs are shortened, the heart is horizontal.

3. Dolichomorphic(dolichos long) asthenics are dominated by longitudinal size, slender and light.

Table #1

planes axes lines Body Types
1. Horizontal runs parallel (II) to the horizon line and divides the vertically standing human body into upper and lower parts. 2. Frontal runs parallel (II) to the plane of the forehead (frons) and divides the body into anterior and posterior parts. 3. Sagittal goes as if in the direction of an arrow (sagitta) and divides the body into right and left parts. Axes are used to characterize movements in the joints. one. Frontal axis of movement will be flexion and extension. 2 . Sagittal axis of abduction and adduction. 3. vertical rotation axis for rotation 1.Front surface; anterior midline, right left sternal line is drawn along the corresponding edges of the sternum. Right and left midclavicular through the middle of the clavicle. 2. Side surface anterior, middle, posterior, axillary lines. Pass through the corresponding edges and the middle of the axillary fossa. 3. back line; posterior median, it is also vertebral, it is also vertebral, right and left paravertebral (paravertebral) The right and left scapular are carried out through the lower corners of the shoulder blades. Physique is determined by genetic (hereditary) factors, environmental influences, social conditions. one. mesomorphic average, normosthenic are people whose anatomical features approach the average parameters (taking into account age and gender). 2. brachymorphic(Brachus wide) hypersthenic. Differ in the predominance of transverse dimensions, well-fed and not very tall. They have a high diaphragm, shortened lungs, and a horizontal heart. 3. Dolichomorphic(dolichos long) asthenics are dominated by longitudinal size, slender and light.

Test questions:

1. Definition of the concepts of anatomy, physiology, ontogenesis?

2. Periods of ontogeny?

3. Maslow's pyramid of human needs?

4. Describe the movements in the joints?

5. Purpose of the line?

6. Are body types determined?

7. What are the body types?

8. Describe the brachymorphic body type?

9. Tall, slender, heart is vertical, diaphragm is low:

A. Dolichomorphic body type.

B. Mesomorphic body type.

B. Brachymorphic body type.

Axes and planes of the human
body basic anatomical terms

When describing the external forms of the body, the axes and planes adopted in the system of rectangular Coordinates are used.
There are three axes bodies: vertical, transverse and sagittal. They all intersect each other at right angles.
The vertical axis is the longest and perpendicular to the plane of the support. The transverse axis runs parallel to the plane of the support. The sagittal axis, named after the Latin word "sagitta" - an arrow, is directed from front to back.
Any number of transverse and sagittal axes can be drawn, but only one vertical axis. Therefore, the vertical axis is called the main axis.
The axes correspond to three planes - sagittal, frontal and horizontal.
The sagittal plane runs in the direction of the sagittal axis and perpendicular to the transverse axis. Any number of sagittal planes can be drawn through the body. One of them, the one that passes through the vertical main axis, is called middle, or median. It divides the body into two symmetrical halves - right and left.
The frontal plane goes in the transverse direction and is perpendicular to the sagittal axis. Any of the frontal planes divides the body into back and front parts. The frontal plane is perpendicular to the support and parallel to the front surface of the body, the surface of the forehead, which is the reason for its name (Latin "front" - forehead).
The horizontal, or transverse, plane runs in the direction of the transverse axis, parallel to the plane of the support and perpendicular to the vertical. Any of the transverse planes will divide the body into upper and lower halves.
According to the axes and planes, the position of body parts, the location of internal organs is determined.
The human body has symmetry. This is especially clearly revealed when mentally drawing the median sagittal plane through the body.
Symmetry is also observed in the arrangement of internal organs. There is a right lung and a left lung, a right kidney and a left kidney. However, in relation to a number of internal organs, this principle is violated. We know that the human heart is located in the chest.

Axes and planes of the human body
ABSD- sagittal (median) plane; ERON- frontal plane perpendicular to the sagittal; KLMN horizontal (transverse) plane perpendicular to the previous two; ah- sagittal axis; in-in- front axle; s-s- vertical axis

the cell is larger on the left than on the right, the stomach and spleen are unpaired organs and are located only on the left.
The position of body parts in relation to the main axes and planes is indicated by special terms.
The main ones are:
medial- located closer to the median axis, internal;
lateral- located further from the median axis, lateral, external;
cranial- located in the direction of the head, skull;
caudal- located in the opposite direction, tail;
dorsal- located on the back, dorsal side;
ventral- located on the anterior, ventral side.
In relation to the limbs, the terms are used: proximal- lying closer to the body and distal-located farther from the body. For example, the lower leg is located proximally in relation to the foot, and distally in relation to the femur.

When describing the structure of the human body, when establishing the location of its individual parts, determining the projections of bones, muscles, internal organs, vessels, nerves in anatomy, they use the generally accepted designations of mutually perpendicular planes:

1) sagittal;

2) frontal;

3) horizontal.

It must be remembered that when these planes are related to the human body, its vertical position is meant (Fig. 1).

Fig.1. Planes of the human body

To indicate the position of individual points or lines in these planes, terms are used - antonyms, remember four such pairs:

1) medially - laterally;

2) ventrally - dorsally;

3) cranial - caudal;

4) proximally - distally .

Under sagittal plane refers to a vertical plane that cuts the human body from front to back and along the body, into the right and left halves of the body (like an arrow - sagitta). The sagittal plane is called median median plane.

A plane that also runs vertically, but at right angles to the sagittal, is called frontal, parallel to the forehead (forehead - frontus). It divides the body into anterior and posterior sections.

horizontal plane is carried out horizontally, i.e. at right angles to both the sagittal and frontal. It divides the body into upper and lower sections.

What is located closer to the middle plane is denoted as medial(from lat. mediale - middle), distant from it - lateral(from lat. lateris - side). For example, what is closer to the front surface of the body is denoted as ventral(from lat. Venter - stomach), and closer to the back surface - dorsal(from lat. dorsum - back). For example, in the chest, the heart is located ventral to the esophagus, and in the pelvis, the rectum is dorsal to the bladder.

That which is closer to the upper end of the body - cranially(from lat. cranium - skull), to the bottom - caudally(from lat. caudo - tail). For example, the thyroid gland in the neck is located more cranially in the human body than the sex glands located in the abdominal cavity.

Two terms are accepted for the limbs: the end that is closer to the point of attachment of the limb to the body is called proximal and the one that is further - distal. For example, the hand is distal to the elbow joint, and the knee is proximal to the heel.

Axes and planes of the human body ABSD- sagittal (median) plane; ERON- frontal plane perpendicular to the sagittal; KLMN horizontal (transverse) plane perpendicular to the previous two; ah- sagittal axis; in-in- front axle; s-s- vertical axis

Planes and axes

The human structure is bilaterally symmetrical. To determine the depth of the location of the organs, a three-dimensional measurement is used, which allows visualizing the topography of the necessary formations. For this, planes are conditionally drawn: horizontal - respectively, the surface of the earth; frontal - runs from right to left and vertically to the horizontal plane; sagittal - runs from front to back, vertically to the horizontal plane. Thus, all three planes are mutually perpendicular. The horizontal plane divides the body into upper and lower parts, the frontal - into the front and rear parts, the sagittal (median plane) - into the right and left equal parts. If the sagittal plane does not run along the midline, but parallel to it, retreating to the right or left, this plane is called parasagittal. Naturally, in relation to a person, all planes can be drawn at any level and depth of the body. For example, when describing the topography of the pancreas, we can say that it is located in the horizontal and frontal planes at the level of the 1st lumbar vertebra. In order to determine the direction of movement in the joints, axes are conventionally used; the vertical one runs in the sagittal plane from top to bottom, the sagittal one - in the sagittal and parasagittal planes (front to back), the frontal one - from right to left (transverse). For example, in relation to the apparatus of movement in the shoulder-elbow joint, movements are possible only around the frontal axis, in the shoulder joint - about the vertical, frontal and sagittal axes (Fig. 29).

Biomechanics of joints. In the body of a living person, the joints play a triple role: 1) they help maintain the position of the body; 2) participate in the movement of body parts in relation to each other and 3) are organs of locomotion (ᴨȇ movement) of the body in space.

Since in the process of evolution the conditions for muscular activity were different, joints of various forms and functions were obtained. In terms of shape, the articular surfaces can be considered as segments of geometric bodies of revolution: a cylinder rotating around one axis; an ellipse rotating around two axes, and a ball around three or more axes.

In the joints, movements are made around three main axes.

There are the following types of movements in the joints:

1. Movement around the frontal (horizontal) axis -- flexion, i.e., a decrease in the angle between the articulating bones, and extension (extension), - i.e., an increase in this angle.

2. Movement around the sagittal (horizontal) axis -- adduction, i.e., approaching the median plane, and abduction, i.e. moving away from it.

3. Movements around the vertical axis, i.e. rotation: inside ( pronatio) and outwards ( supinatio).

4. Circular motion (circumductio), at which a transition is made from one axis to another, and one end of the bone describes a circle, and the whole bone describes the figure of a cone.

Gliding movements of the articular surfaces are also possible, as well as their removal from each other, as, for example, is observed when stretching the fingers.

The nature of movement in the joints is determined by the shape of the articular surfaces. The range of motion in the joints depends on the difference in the size of the articulating surfaces. If, for example, the glenoid fossa represents an arc of 140º along its length, and the head of 210º, then the arc of motion will be equal to 70º. The greater the difference in the areas of the articular surfaces, the greater the arc (volume) of movement, and vice versa. Movements in the joints, in addition to reducing the difference in the areas of the articular surfaces, can be limited by various kinds of brakes, the role of which is performed by some ligaments, muscles, bone protrusions, etc. , leads to the growth of these formations and limitation of mobility, then different athletes notice different flexibility in the joints, depending on the sport. For example, the shoulder joint has more range of motion in track and field athletes and less in weightlifters. If the decelerating devices in the joints are especially strongly developed, then the movements in them are sharply limited. Such joints are called tight.

The amount of movement is also influenced by intra-articular cartilage, which increases the variety of movements. Thus, in the temporomandibular joint, which, according to the shape of the articular surfaces, belongs to biaxial joints, due to the presence of an intraarticular disk, three kinds of movements are possible.

Patterns of the location of ligaments. The strengthening part of the joint is ligaments, ligamenta, which direct and hold the work of the joints; hence they are divided into guides and holding back. The number of ligaments in the human body is large, in connection with this, in order to better study and remember them, it is necessary to know the general laws of their location.

1. Ligaments direct the movement of the articular surfaces around a certain axis of rotation of a given joint and therefore are distributed in each joint depending on the number and position of its axes.

2. Ligaments are located: a) ᴨȇrᴨȇndicular to a given axis of rotation and b) mainly at its ends.

3. They lie in the plane of the given movement of the joint.

So, in the interphalangeal joint with one frontal axis of rotation, the guide ligaments are located on its sides (ligg. collateralia) and vertically. In the elbow biaxial joint ligg. collateralia also go vertically, ᴨȇrᴨȇndicular to the frontal axis, along its ends, a lig. anulare is located horizontally, ᴨȇrᴨȇndicular to the vertical axis. Finally, in the multiaxial hip joint, the ligaments are located in different directions.

Types of movements in the joints

Distinguish movements in the joints in relation to three mutually ᴨȇrᴨȇndicular axes: around the frontal (horizontal) axis - bending(flexio) and extension(extensio); around the sagittal axis - cast(adductio) and abduction(abductio); around the vertical axis - rotary motion(rotation). The rotational movement of the limbs is produced as inside(pronatio), and outside(supinatio). In spherical joints, in addition to these movements, it is also possible Roundabout Circulation(circumductio), in which the top of the center of rotation corresponds to a spherical joint, and ᴨȇripheria describes the base of the cone.

Joint represents a discontinuous, cavity, movable connection, or articulation, articulatio synovialis(Greek arthron - joint, hence arthritis - inflammation of the joint). In each joint, the articular surfaces of the articulating bones, the articular capsule surrounding the articulating ends of the bones in the form of a clutch, and the articular cavity located inside the capsule between the bones are distinguished.

1. Articular surfaces, facies articulares covered with articular cartilage cartilago articularis, hyaline, less often fibrous, 0.2 - 0.5 mm thick. Due to constant friction, the articular cartilage acquires a smoothness that facilitates the sliding of the articular surfaces, and due to the elasticity of the cartilage, it softens shocks and serves as a buffer. Articular surfaces usually more or less correspond to each other (congruent). So, if the articular surface of one bone is convex (the so-called articular head), then the surface of the other bone is correspondingly concave (articular cavity).

2. joint capsule, capsula articularis, surrounding the hermetically articular cavity, adheres to the articulating bones along the edge of their articular surfaces or slightly receding from them. It consists of an outer fibrous membrane membrana fibrosa, and internal synovial, membrana synovialis. The synovial membrane is covered on the side facing the articular cavity with a layer of endothelial cells, as a result of which it has a smooth and shiny appearance. It secretes into the joint cavity a sticky transparent synovial fluid - synovia, synovia, the presence of which reduces the friction of the articular surfaces. The synovial membrane ends at the edges of the articular cartilage. It often forms small extensions called synovial villi, villi synoviales. In addition, in some places it forms synovial folds, sometimes larger, sometimes smaller, plicae synoviales moving into the joint cavity. Sometimes synovial folds contain a significant amount of fat growing into them from the outside, then the so-called fat folds are obtained, plicae adiposae, an example of which is the plicae alares of the knee joint.

Sometimes in the thinned places of the capsule, saccular protrusions or eversion of the synovial membrane are formed - synovial bags, bursae synoviales located around the tendons or under the muscles lying near the joint. Being filled with synovium, these synovial bags reduce the friction of the tendons and muscles during movement.

3. Articular cavity, cavitas articularis, represents a hermetically closed slit-like space, limited by the articular surfaces and the synovial membrane. Normally, it is not a free cavity, but is filled with synovial fluid, which moisturizes and lubricates the articular surfaces, reducing friction between them. In addition, synovia plays a role in fluid exchange and in strengthening the joint due to the adhesion of surfaces. It also serves as a buffer that softens the pressure and shocks of the articular surfaces, since the movement in the joints is not only sliding, but also the divergence of the articular surfaces. Between the articular surfaces there is a negative pressure (less than atmospheric pressure). In this regard, their divergence is prevented by atmospheric pressure. (This explains the sensitivity of the joints to fluctuations in atmospheric pressure in certain diseases of them, because of which such patients can predict worsening weather.)

If the joint capsule is damaged, air enters the joint cavity, as a result of which the articular surfaces immediately diverge. Under normal conditions, the divergence of the articular surfaces, in addition to negative pressure in the cavity, is also prevented by ligaments (intra- and extra-articular) and muscles with sesamoid bones embedded in the thickness of their tendons. Ligaments and tendons of the muscles make up the auxiliary strengthening apparatus of the joint.

found in a number of joints additional devices, complementing the articular surfaces, -- intra-articular cartilage; they consist of fibrous cartilaginous tissue and look like either solid cartilaginous plates - disks, disc articulares, or discontinuous, crescent-shaped formations and therefore called meʜᴎϲkami, menisci articulares(meniscus, lat. - crescent), or in the form of cartilaginous rims, labra articularia (articular lips).

All these intra-articular cartilages fuse along their circumference with the articular capsule. They arise as a result of new functional requirements as a response to the complication and increase in static and dynamic loads. They develop from the cartilages of primary continuous joints and combine strength and elasticity, resisting shocks and facilitating movement in the joints.

Distinguish joints

        simple, formed by only two bones (for example, the shoulder joint),

        complex - when a greater number of bones enter the connection (for example, the elbow joint), and

        combined, allowing movement only simultaneously with movement in other anatomically separate joints (for example, the proximal and distal radioulnar joints).

The structure of the joint includes: the articular surfaces, the articular bag, or capsule, and the articular cavity.

Articular surfaces connecting bones more or less correspond to each other (congruent). On one bone forming a joint, the articular surface is usually convex and is called heads. On the other bone, a concavity corresponding to the head develops - hollow, or fossa. Both the head and the fossa can be formed by two or more bones. The articular surfaces are covered with hyaline cartilage, which reduces friction and facilitates movement in the joint.

Articular bag grows to the edges of the articular surfaces of the bones and forms a sealed articular cavity. The articular bag consists of two layers. The superficial, fibrous layer, formed by fibrous connective tissue, merges with the periosteum of the articulating bones and has a protective function. The inner, or synovial, layer is rich in blood vessels. It forms outgrowths (villi) that secrete a viscous liquid - synovia, which lubricates the mating surfaces and facilitates their sliding. There is very little synovia in normally functioning joints, for example, in the largest of them - the knee - no more than 3.5 cm 3. In some joints (in the knee), the synovial membrane forms folds in which fat is deposited, which has a protective function here. In other joints, for example, in the shoulder, the synovium forms external protrusions, over which there is almost no fibrous layer. These protrusions in the form synovial bags located in the area of ​​attachment of the tendons and reduce friction during movement.

articular cavity called a hermetically closed slit-like space, limited by the articulating surfaces of the bones and the articular bag. It is filled with synovia. In the articular cavity between the articular surfaces there is a negative pressure (below atmospheric pressure). The atmospheric pressure experienced by the capsule helps to strengthen the joint. Therefore, in some diseases, the sensitivity of the joints to fluctuations in atmospheric pressure increases, and such patients can “predict” weather changes. The tight pressing of the articular surfaces to each other in a number of joints is due to the tone, or active tension of the muscles.

In addition to the mandatory ones, auxiliary formations can occur in the joint. These include articular ligaments and lips, intra-articular discs, menisci and sesamoid (from Arab, sesamo- grain) bones.

Articular ligaments are bundles of dense fibrous tissue. They are located in the thickness or on top of the articular bag. These are local thickenings of its fibrous layer. Throwing over the joint and attaching to the bones, the ligaments strengthen the articulation. However, their main role is to limit the scope of movement: they do not allow it to go beyond certain limits. Most ligaments are not elastic, but are very strong. Some joints, such as the knee, have intra-articular ligaments.

articular lips consist of fibrocartilage, annularly covering the edges of the articular cavities, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich they supplement and increase. Articular lips give the joint greater strength, but reduce the range of motion (for example, the shoulder joint).

Discs and menisci are cartilaginous pads - solid and with a hole. They are located inside the joint between the articular surfaces, and at the edges grow together with the articular bag. The surfaces of the discs and menisci repeat the shape of the articular surfaces of the bones adjacent to them on both sides. The discs and menisci contribute to a variety of movements in the joint. They are found in the knee and mandibular joints.

Sesamoid bones small and located near some joints. Some of these bones lie in the thickness of the articular bag and, increasing the area of ​​the articular fossa, articulate with the articular head (for example, in the joint of the big toe); others are included in the tendons of the muscles that throw over the joint (for example, the patella, which is enclosed in the tendon of the quadriceps femoris). Sesamoid bones are also auxiliary muscle formations.

In athletes, under the influence of training, joint mobility increases. In children, most joints tend to be more mobile than in adults or the elderly.

Rice. 1.6. The shape of the joints: A - cylindrical (proximal radioulnar); B - block-shaped (interflank); B - saddle-shaped (carpal-metacarpal of the first finger); G - ellipsoidal (wrist); D - spherical (shoulder); E - flat (between the articular processes of the vertebrae)

Joint classification can be carried out according to the following principles:

1) by the number of articular surfaces, 2) by the shape of the articular surfaces, and 3) by function.

According to the number of articular surfaces, there are:

1. Simple joint (art. simplex) having only 2 articular surfaces, such as interphalangeal joints.

2. Complex joint (art. composite) having more than two articular surfaces, such as the elbow joint. A complex joint consists of several simple joints, in which movements can be performed separately. The presence of several joints in a complex joint determines the commonality of their ligaments.

3. Complex joint (art. complexa) containing intra-articular cartilage, which divides the joint into two chambers (two-chamber joint). The division into chambers occurs either completely if the intra-articular cartilage is disc-shaped (for example, in the temporomandibular joint), or not completely if the cartilage takes the form of a semilunar sac (for example, in the knee joint).

4. Combined joint represents a combination of several joints isolated from each other, located separately from each other, but functioning together. Such, for example, are both temporomandibular joints, the proximal and distal radioulnar joints, etc. Since the combined joint is a functional combination of two or more anatomically separate joints, this distinguishes it from the complex and complex joints, each of which, being anatomically single, composed of functionally different compounds.

According to form and function, the classification is carried out as follows.

The function of the joint is determined by the number of axes around which movements are made. The number of axes around which movements occur in a given joint depends on the shape of its articular surfaces. So, for example, the cylindrical shape of the joint allows movement only around one axis of rotation. In this case, the direction of this axis will coincide with the axis of the cylinder itself: if the cylindrical head is vertical, then the movement is performed around the vertical axis (cylindrical joint); if the cylindrical head lies horizontally, then the movement will be made around one of the horizontal axes coinciding with the axis of the head, for example, the frontal (block joint).

In contrast, the spherical shape of the head makes it possible to rotate around a plurality of axes coinciding with the radii of the ball (spherical joint).

Consequently, there is a complete correspondence between the number of axes and the shape of the articular surfaces: the shape of the articular surfaces determines the nature of the movements of the joint and, conversely, the nature of the movements of a given articulation determines its shape (P. F. Lesgaft).

Here we see the manifestation of the dialectical principle of the unity of form and function.

Based on this principle, we can outline the following unified anatomical and physiological classification of the joints.

Uniaxial joints.

1. Cylindrical joint, art. trochoidea. The cylindrical articular surface, the axis of which is located vertically, parallel to the long axis of the articulating bones or the vertical axis of the body, provides movement around one vertical axis - rotation, rotatio; such a joint is also called rotational.

2. Block joint, ginglymus(an example is the interphalangeal joints of the fingers). Its block-like articular surface is a transversely lying cylinder, the long axis of which lies transversely, in the frontal plane, perpendicular to the long axis of the articulating bones; in connection with this, movements in the trochlear joint are performed around this frontal axis (flexion and extension). Guiding groove and scallop on the articulating surfaces eliminate the possibility of lateral slip and promote movement around one axis.

If the guide groove of the block is not located perpendicular to the axis of the latter, but at a certain angle to it, then when it continues, a helical line is obtained. Such a block-shaped joint is considered as a helical joint (an example is the glenohumeral joint). The movement in the helical joint is the same as in the purely trochlear joint.

According to the laws of the location of the ligamentous apparatus, in the cylindrical joint, the guide ligaments will be located ᴨȇrᴨȇndicular to the vertical axis of rotation, in the trochlear joint - ᴨȇrᴨȇndicular to the frontal axis and on its sides. This arrangement of ligaments holds the bones in their position without interfering with movement.


1. Ellipsoid joint, articuldtio ellipsoidea(an example is the wrist joint). The articular surfaces represent segments of an ellipse: one of them is convex, oval in shape with unequal curvature in two directions, the other is respectively concave. They provide movements around 2 horizontal axes, ᴨȇrᴨȇndicular to each other: around the frontal - flexion and extension and around the sagittal - abduction and adduction. Ligaments in elliptical joints are located ᴨȇrᴨȇndicular to the axes of rotation, at their ends.

2. Condylar joint, articulatio condyldris(example - knee joint).

The condylar joint has a convex articular head in the form of a protruding rounded process, close in shape to an ellipse, called the condyle, which is where the name of the joint comes from. The condyle corresponds to a depression on the articular surface of another bone, although the difference in size between them can be significant.

The condylar joint can be considered as a kind of elliptical, representing a transitional form from the block joint to the elliptical. In this regard, the main axis of rotation will be frontal.

The condylar joint differs from the trochlear joint in that there is a large difference in size and shape between the articulating surfaces. As a result, in contrast to the block-like joint, movements around two axes are possible in the condylar joint.

It differs from the elliptical joint in the number of articular heads. Condylar joints always have two condyles, located more or less sagittally, which are either in the same capsule (for example, the two condyles of the femur involved in the knee joint), or located in different articular capsules, as in the atlantooccipital articulation.

Since the heads do not have a regular elliptical configuration in the condylar joint, the second axis will not necessarily be horizontal, as is typical for a typical elliptical joint; it can also be vertical (knee joint).

If the condyles are located in different articular capsules, then such a condylar joint is close in function to an elliptical joint (atlantooccipital articulation). If the condyles are close together and are in the same capsule, as, for example, in the knee joint, then the articular head as a whole resembles a recumbent cylinder (block), dissected in the middle (the space between the condyles). In this case, the condylar joint will be closer in function to the block joint.

3. Saddle joint, art. sellaris(an example is the carpometacarpal joint of the first finger).

This joint is formed by 2 saddle-shaped articular surfaces, sitting "on top" of each other, of which one moves along and along the other. Due to this, movements are made in it around two mutually undicular axes: frontal (flexion and extension) and sagittal (abduction and adduction).

In biaxial joints, it is also possible to move movement from one axis to another, i.e. circular movement (circumductio).


1. Ball joint, art. spheroidea(example - shoulder joint). One of the articular surfaces forms a convex, spherical head, the other - a correspondingly concave articular cavity. Theoretically, movement can take place around many axes corresponding to the radii of the ball, but in practice, among them, three main axes are usually distinguished, ᴨȇrᴨȇndicular to each other and ᴨȇcrossing in the center of the head: 1) transverse (frontal), around which bending occurs, flexio, when the moving part forms with by the frontal plane, an angle open anteriorly, and extension, extensio, when the angle is open posteriorly; 2) ᴨȇ middle-posterior (sagittal), around which abduction, abductio, and adduction, adductio, are performed; 3) vertical, around which rotation occurs, rotatio, inward, pronatio, and outward, supinatio. When you move from one axis to another, you get a circular motion, circumductio. The ball-and-socket joint is the freest of all joints. Since the amount of movement depends on the difference in the areas of the articular surfaces, the articular fossa in such a joint is small compared to the size of the head. There are few auxiliary ligaments in typical spherical joints, which determines the freedom of their movements.

A kind of spherical joint - bowl joint, art. cotylica(cotyle, Greek - bowl). Its articular cavity is deep and covers most of the head. As a result, movements in such a joint are less free than in a typical spherical joint; we have a sample of the bowl-shaped joint in the hip joint, where such a device contributes to greater stability of the joint.

2. Flat joints, art.plana(example - artt. intervertebrales), have almost flat articular surfaces. They can be considered as surfaces of a ball with a very large radius, in connection with this, movements in them are performed around all three axes, but the volume of movements is small due to the insignificant difference in the areas of the articular surfaces.

Ligaments in multiaxial joints are located on all sides of the joint.

3. Tight joints - amphiarthrosis. Under this name, a group of joints is distinguished with a different shape of the articular surfaces, but similar in other ways: they have a short, tightly stretched joint capsule and a very strong, non-stretching auxiliary apparatus, in particular short reinforcing ligaments (an example is the sacroiliac joint).

As a result, the articular surfaces are in close contact with each other, which sharply limits movement. Such inactive joints are called stiff joints - amphiarthrosis (BNA). Tight joints soften shocks and tremors between bones.

These joints also include flat joints, art. plana, in which, as noted, the flat articular surfaces are equal in area. In tight joints, movements are gliding and extremely insignificant.



The joints of the skull bones are predominantly continuous, such as syndesmoses and synchondroses (Table 1). Only the mandible is attached by a discontinuous articulation - the temporomandibular joint, and the hyoid bone - by synsarcosis - through the suprahyoid muscles.

Syndesmoses- these are fibrous joints in the form of various sutures (Fig. 1). Usually the names of the seams are formed from the names of the connecting bones, however, some seams have their own names. Thus, the joints of the parietal bones form sagittal suture, frontal and parietal bones - coronal suture (sutura coronalis), occipital and parietal bones - lambdoid suture (sutura lambdoidea). Between the right and left halves of the scales of the frontal bone can be found frontal (metopic) suture (sutura frontalis persistens (metopica). These connections are jagged sutures (suturae serratae), most characteristic of the brain skull. The sutures between the parietal and temporal bones are called scaly (sutura squamosa). In the facial skull, the bones are usually joined smooth seams (suturae planae). In newborns, syndesmoses of the brain skull are also represented by connective tissue membranes, they are called fontanelles (fonticuli cranii).

Table 1. Continuous connections of the skull

Department of the skull

Connection type

Connection method

skull roof


jagged seams


Sagittal (sagittal);



facial skull


Flat (harmonious) seam

Connections of the teeth with the alveoli of the jaws


Injection (dental alveolar junction)

Base of skull

Synchondrosis (temporary), replaced by synostoses


Synchondrosis (permanent)



wedge-shaped stony;


Synchondroses, or cartilaginous joints, are found mainly on the base of the skull in the form of fibrous cartilage. This is the connection between the bodies of the occipital and sphenoid bones - wedge-occipital synchondrosis (synchondrosis sphenooccipitalis)(with age, cartilage is replaced by bone and synostosis is formed); between the anterior edge of the petrous part of the temporal bone and the sphenoid bone - wedge-stony synchondrosis (synchondrosis sphenopetrosa), as well as between the lower edge of the petrous part of the temporal bone and the occipital bone - petrooccipital synchondrosis (synchondrosis petrooccipitalis). Both connections are permanent and remain throughout life.

Rice. one. Sutures and synchondroses of the skull:

a - right side view: 1 - scaly suture; 2 - coronal suture; 3 - wedge-parietal suture; 4 - wedge-frontal; 5 - fronto-zygomatic suture; 6 - nasomaxillary suture; 7 - lattice-lacrimal suture; 8 - zygomatic-maxillary suture; 9- temporo-zygomatic suture; 10 - occipital-mastoid suture; 11- parieto-mastoid suture; 12 - lambdoid seam;

b - bottom view: 1 - median palatine suture; 2 - wedge-stony synchondrosis; 3 - stony-occipital synchondrosis; 4 - lambdoid seam; 5 - wedge-scaly seam; 6 - zygomatic-maxillary suture; 7 - transverse palatine suture;

c - rear view: 1 - sagittal suture; 2 - occipital-mastoid suture; 3 - scaly seam; 4 - lambdoid seam

Newborn skull

The skull of a newborn has the following characteristic features: 1) the shape and size of the skull, the ratio of its parts differ significantly from the skull of an adult (Fig. 73).

73. Proportional relations of the skull of a newborn and an adult (according to Andronescu). A - newborn; B is an adult.

2) the number of bones is greater than that of an adult; 3) significant layers of membranous connective tissue and cartilage are observed between the bones of the roof and base of the skull. The skull of a newborn is very elastic, since numerous parts of the bones are connected to each other by layers of connective tissue. This feature undoubtedly facilitates the adaptation of the fetal head to the osteofibrous ring of the small pelvis of a woman during childbirth, when the edges of the parietal bones overlap each other along the midline, as well as the scales of the frontal and occipital bones onto the parietal bones. As a result, the interparietal and anteroposterior diameters decrease and the longitudinal size of the head increases. The skull of a newborn has a dolichocephalic shape. The head circumference is 34 cm, the volume in boys is 375 - 380 cm 3, in girls - 350-360 cm 3.

Dimensions of the skull of a newborn The distance between the tubercles of the parietal bones ....... 9.5 cm The distance between the external auditory canals ....... 8 cm Occipital-frontal size ........ ................11.5 cm

From these dimensions it follows that during childbirth the head should not pass the occipital-chin size through the birth canal, otherwise complications arise. When examining the skull of a newborn from the front (Fig. 73), there is a significant development of the cerebral part of the skull compared to the front, which is 65% of the length of the head. The facial skull is short and wide, with well developed eye sockets. This is due to the fact that the eyeball and the auxiliary apparatus of the eye are well developed and prepared for the perception of light stimuli. The upper jaw, which has the rudiment of the airway sinus and is devoid of the alveolar process, is small in size. This, in turn, affects the size of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx, which are presented as a narrow gap. Only with the inclusion of the act of sucking and breathing, the function of the muscles increases, which, together with food and air, has a shaping effect on the bones of the skull. The cranial cavities differ markedly from those of the adult skull. The bone tissue of the external auditory canal is absent and the tympanic cavity with auditory ossicles enclosed in connective tissue is located under the skin. The orbit has the shape of a triangular pyramid, the entrance is rounded, its diameter is 25-27 mm (in an adult 35-40 mm). The superior and inferior orbital fissures are wide open. Between the bones that form the orbit, there are noticeable layers of connective tissue. Due to the poor development of the orbital plate of the ethmoid bone, the medial wall is weakly expressed. The nasal cavity is represented by a slit 18 mm high and 7 mm wide at the level of the lower nasal passage; at the upper level - a width of 3 mm (in an adult, respectively, 54, 15 and 10 mm). The rudiment of the airy sinus of the upper jaw communicates with the middle nasal passage. Other sinuses and cells of the ethmoid bone are absent. The pterygopalatine fossa is well expressed, has communication with five wide canals. The temporal fossa is limited on the medial side by the scales of the temporal bone and the greater wing of the sphenoid bone. The depth of the fossa at the level of the zygomatic process is 12 mm, in an adult it is 2 times greater, although other dimensions of the skull of an adult exceed the dimensions of the skull of a newborn by several times. This indirectly indicates that large and well-developed masticatory muscles are located in the temporal fossa. Many bones of the skull of a newborn, presented in an adult in the form of a single bone, consist of separate parts. This feature can be explained not only by the fact that such a mosaic skull adapts more easily to the shape of the birth canal, but also by the fact that it repeats its phylogenetic development. In all animals below humans, there is a greater number of bones in the skull. The fusion of bones in the skull of an adult is due to the need to protect the cerebral hemispheres. Between individual bones and their parts, large layers of membranous connective tissue and cartilage, called fontanelles, are observed. The layers between the bones at the base of the skull are filled with cartilage.

The newborn has six fontanelles (Fig. 74). Outside, they are covered with skin and aponeurosis of the head; from the side of the cranial cavity, the dura mater adjoins them. In the area of ​​the fontanelles, a pulsation of the arteries of the brain and membranes is felt, which is why these areas are called pulsating, gushing. The size and dimensions of the fontanelles are subject to significant fluctuations, depending on the rate of ossification of the bones of the skull. By the time of closing the fontanelles, one can judge the mineral metabolism and evaluate the physical development of the child. 1. The anterior fontanel (fonticulus anterior) is unpaired, usually rhomboid in shape, 3.5x2.5 cm in size. It is limited by the scales of the frontal bone and two parietal bones. It is replaced by bone by the end of the 2nd year of life. 2. The posterior fontanel (fonticulus posterior) is unpaired, located between the scales of the occipital bone and the corners of the parietal bones, has a triangular shape with a length of 1 cm. The final closure is observed by the end of the 2nd month after birth. 3. Wedge-shaped fontanel (fonticulus sphenoidalis) is paired, irregularly rectangular in shape, 0.8x1.2 cm in size. It is limited by the edge of the anterior lower angle of the parietal bone, the scales of the frontal and temporal bones, and the large wing of the sphenoid bone. 4. Mastoid fontanel (fonticulus mastoideus) paired, somewhat smaller than the previous one. Unlike other fontanelles, it is closed by cartilage. It is located between the lower posterior angle of the parietal bone, the scales of the temporal and occipital bones. The wedge-shaped and mastoid fontanelles close on the 3rd month after birth. There are still additional fontanelles that close in the first days after birth (Fig. 75).

On the basis of the skull, there are layers filled with cartilage: 1) a steam layer, limited by the pyramid of the temporal bone and the lateral parts of the occipital bone, filled with fibrous cartilage; 2) steam room layer, located between the top of the pyramid and the body of the sphenoid bone; 3) a cartilaginous layer between the body of the sphenoid and occipital bones. As a result, a slope is formed; 4) cartilaginous layer between the individual parts of the occipital bone.

Temporomandibular joint(art. temporomandibularis), paired, complex (has an articular disc), ellipsoidal, formed by the articular head of the lower jaw, the mandibular fossa and the articular tubercle of the temporal bone, covered with fibrous cartilage (Fig. 107). Head of mandible(caput mandibulae) has the shape of a roller. Mandibular fossa(fossa mandibularis) of the temporal bone does not enter the cavity of the temporomandibular joint, therefore, its extracapsular and intracapsular parts are distinguished. The extracapsular part of the mandibular fossa is located behind the stony-squamous fissure, the intracapsular part is anterior to this fissure. This part of the fossa is enclosed in an articular capsule, which also extends to the articular tubercle (tuberculum articulae) of the temporal bone. joint capsule

Rice. 107. Temporomandibular joint, right. View outside. The joint was opened with a sagittal cut. The zygomatic arch has been removed.

1 - mandibular fossa, 2 - upper floor of the articular cavity, 3 - articular tubercle, 4 - superior head of the lateral pterygoid muscle, 5 - inferior head of the lateral pterygoid muscle, 6 - tubercle of the maxillary bone, 7 - medial pterygoid muscle, 8 - pterygo-mandibular suture, 9 - angle of the lower jaw, 10 - stylomandibular ligament, 11 - branch of the lower jaw, 12 - head of the lower jaw, 13 - lower floor of the articular cavity of the temporomandibular joint, 14 - articular capsule, 15 - articular disc.

wide, free, on the lower jaw it covers her neck. The articular surfaces are covered with fibrous cartilage. Inside the joint there is articular disc(discus articularis), biconcave, which divides the articular cavity into two sections (floors), upper and lower. The edges of this disc are fused with the articular capsule. The upper floor cavity is lined superior synovial membrane(membrana synovialis superior), the lower floor of the temporomandibular joint - inferior synovial membrane(membrana synovialis inferior). Part of the tendon bundles of the lateral pterygoid muscle is attached to the medial edge of the articular disc.

The temporomandibular joint is strengthened by intracapsular (intraarticular) and capsular ligaments, as well as extracapsular ligaments. In the cavity of the temporomandibular joint, there are anterior and posterior disco-temporal ligaments running from the upper edge of the disc upward, anteriorly and posteriorly and to the zygomatic arch. Intra-articular (intracapsular) lateral and medial disc-mandibular ligaments run from the lower edge of the disc down to the neck of the mandible. Lateral ligament(lig. laterale) is a lateral thickening of the capsule, it has the shape of a triangle, the base facing the zygomatic arch (Fig. 108). This ligament begins at the base of the zygomatic process of the temporal bone and on the zygomatic arch, goes down to the neck of the mandible.

Rice. 108. Lateral ligament of the temporomandibular joint, right. View outside. 1 - zygomatic arch, 2 - zygomatic bone, 3 - coronoid process of the lower jaw, 4 - maxillary bone, 5 - second molar, 6 - lower jaw, 7 - third molar, 8 - masticatory tuberosity, 9 - branch of the lower jaw, 10 - awl-mandibular ligament, 11 - condylar process of the lower jaw, 12 - anterior (outer) part of the lateral ligament of the temporomandibular joint, 13 - posterior (internal) part of the lateral ligament of the temporomandibular joint, 14 - mastoid process of the temporal bone, 15 - external ear canal.

Medial ligament (lig. mediale) runs along the ventral side of the capsule of the temporomandibular joint. This ligament begins on the inner edge of the articular surface of the mandibular fossa and the base of the spine of the sphenoid bone and is attached to the neck of the mandible.

Outside the articular bag of the joint are two ligaments (Fig. 109). Sphenomandibular ligament(lig. sphenomandibulare) begins on the spine of the sphenoid bone and is attached to the tongue of the lower jaw. Awl-mandibular ligament(lig. stylomandibulare) goes from the styloid process of the temporal bone to the inner surface of the lower jaw, near its angle.

In the right and left temporomandibular joints, the following movements are performed: lowering and raising the lower jaw, corresponding to the opening and closing of the mouth, pushing the lower jaw forward and returning to its original position; movement of the lower jaw to the right and left (lateral movements). The lowering of the lower jaw occurs when the heads of the lower jaw rotate around the horizontal axis in the lower floor of the joint. The movement of the lower jaw to the side is performed with the participation of the articular disc. In the right temporomandibular joint, when moving to the right (and in the left joint - when moving to the left), the head of the lower jaw rotates under the articular disc (around the vertical axis), and in the opposite joint, the head with the disc slides onto the articular tubercle.

Rice. 109. Extra-articular ligaments of the temporomandibular joint. Inside view. Sagittal cut. 1 - sphenoid sinus, 2 - lateral plate of the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone, 3 - pterygoid ligament, 4 - spine of the sphenoid bone, 5 - neck of the lower jaw, 6 - sphenomandibular ligament, 7 - styloid process of the temporal bone, 8 - condylar process of the lower jaw, 9 - awl-mandibular ligament, 10 - opening of the lower jaw, 11 - pterygoid hook, 12 - pterygoid tuberosity, 13 - angle of the lower jaw, 14 - maxillary-hyoid line, 15 - molars, 16 - premolars, 17 - fangs, 18 - hard palate, 19 - medial plate of the pterygoid process, 20 - inferior nasal concha, 21 - cuneiform opening, 22 - middle nasal concha, 23 - superior nasal concha, 24 - frontal sinus.

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Connections of the spinal column with the skull

Between the occipital bone of the skull and the first cervical vertebrae there is atlantooccipital joint(art. atlanto-occipitalis), combined (paired), condylar (elliptical or condylar). This joint is formed by two condyles of the occipital bone, connected to the corresponding superior articular fossa of the atlas (Fig. 112). The articular capsule is attached along the edge of the articular cartilage. This joint is reinforced by two atlanto-occipital membranes. Anterior atlantooccipital membrane (membrana atlanto-occipitalis anterior) is stretched between the anterior edge of the occipital foramen of the occipital bone and the anterior arch of the atlas. Posterior atlantooccipital membrane (membrana atlantooccipitalis posterior) is thinner and wider, located between the posterior semicircle of the foramen magnum and the upper edge of the posterior arch of the atlas. The lateral divisions of the posterior atlantooccipital membrane are called lateral atlanto-occipital ligaments (lig. atlantooccipitale laterale).

At the right and left atlanto-occipital joints around the frontal axis, the head is tilted forward and backward (nodding movements), around the sagittal axis - abduction (tilt of the head to the side) and adduction (reverse movement of the head to the middle.

Between the atlas and the axial vertebrae there is an unpaired median atlanto-axial joint and a paired lateral atlanto-axial joint.

Atlanto-occipital joint. This is a combined joint. It consists of two condylar joints, symmetrically located to the right and left of the foramen magnum below the occipital bone. The articular surfaces of each of the condylar joints are formed by the condyle of the occipital bone and the superior articular fossa of the 1st cervical vertebra. Each joint is enclosed in a separate joint capsule, and together they are reinforced by the anterior and posterior atlanto-occipital membranes. The anterior occipital membrane is stretched between the basilar part of the occipital bone and the upper edge of the anterior arch of the atlas. The posterior atlantooccipital membrane is thin, but wider than the anterior one, stretched between the posterior semicircle of the foramen magnum and the upper edge of the posterior arch of the atlas. In both joints, movement occurs simultaneously around two axes: frontal and sagittal. Around the frontal axis, flexion and extension is performed, that is, the head tilts forward and backward (nodding movements). Normally, 20° flexion and 30° extension are possible. Around the sagittal axis, the head is moved away from the midline and brought to it. The range of motion is 15-20°.

The atlanto-axial joint consists of:

A. Median atlanto-axial joint(articulatio atlantoaxialis mediana)

This joint is:

Cylinder (articulatio cylindrica) - for the form;

Combined (articulatio combinata) - behind the structure (type of joint);

Single axis - behind the function.

Articular surfaces(facies articulares):

Fossa of the tooth in Atlanta (fovea dentis atlantis);

Anterior articular surface of the tooth of the axial vertebra (facies articularis anterior dentis axis);

Posterior articular surface of the tooth of the axial vertebra (facies articularis posterior dentis axis);

Transverse ligament of Atlantis.

Movement around

Types of movements:

Rotation (rotatio) of the head to the right and left, that is, outward rotation (rotatio externa);

Rotation inward (rotatio interna).

B. Lateral atlanto-axial joint (articulatio atlantoaxialis lateralis), steam room

Flat (articulatio plana) - for the form;

Combined (articulatio combinata) - behind the structure (type of joint);

Multi-axis - for the function.

Articular surfaces:

Lower articular surfaces of Atlantis (facies articulares inferiores atlantis);

Upper articular surfaces of the axial vertebra (facies articulares superiores axis).

Movement around vertical axis (axis verticalis).

Types of movements: rotation (rotatio) of the head to the right and left.

Auxiliary apparatus of the median atlantoaxial joint (art. atlantoaxialis mediana) and lateral atlantoaxial joint (art. atlantoaxialis lateralis) general and has:

Pterygoid ligaments (ligg. alaria);

Ligament of the top of the tooth (lig. apicis dentis);

Cruciate ligament of Atlanta (lig. cruciforme atlantis), which includes:

Longitudinal bundles (fasciculi longitudinales);

Transverse ligament of Atlanta (lig. transversum atlantis);

Tire membrane (membrana tectoria).

Rice. 112. Atlanto-occipital and atlanto-axial joints. Back view. The posterior sections of the occipital bone and the posterior arch of the atlas have been removed. 1 - slope, 2 - ligament of the apex of the tooth, 3 - pterygoid ligament, 4 - lateral part of the occipital bone, 5 - tooth of the axial vertebra, 6 - transverse opening of the atlas, 7 - atlas, 8 - axial vertebra, 9 - lateral atlanto-axial joint , 10 - atlanto-occipital joint, 11 - canal of the hypoglossal nerve, 12 - anterior edge of the foramen magnum.

Median atlanto-axial joint (art. atlantoaxialis mediana) formed by the anterior and posterior articular surfaces of the tooth of the axial vertebra. The tooth in front connects with the fossa of the tooth, which is present on the back side of the anterior arch of the atlas (Fig. 113). Posteriorly, the tooth articulates with transverse ligament of atlas(lig. transversum atlantis), stretched between the inner surfaces of the lateral masses of the atlas. The anterior and posterior articulations of the tooth have separate articular cavities and articular capsules, but are considered as a single median atlanto-axial joint, in which rotations of the head relative to the vertical axis are possible: turning the head outward - supination, and turning the head inwards - pronation.

Lateral atlanto-axial joint (art. atlantoaxialis lateralis), paired (combined with the median atlanto-axial joint), formed by the articular fossa on the lateral mass of the atlas and the upper articular surface on the body of the axial vertebra. The right and left atlanto-axial joints have separate articular capsules. The joints are flat. In these joints, sliding occurs in a horizontal plane during rotation in the median atlanto-axial joint.

Rice. 113. Connection of the atlas with the tooth of the axial vertebra. View from above. Horizontal cut at the level of the tooth of the axial vertebra. 1 - tooth of the axial vertebra, 2 - articular cavity of the median atlanto-axial joint, 3 - transverse ligament of the atlas, 4 - posterior longitudinal ligament, 5 - integumentary membrane, 6 - transverse opening of the axial vertebra, 7 - lateral mass of the atlas, 8 - anterior arch of the atlas.

The median and lateral atlanto-axial joints are reinforced with several ligaments. Ligament of the apex of the tooth(lig. apicis dentis), unpaired, stretched between the middle of the posterior edge of the anterior circumference of the foramen magnum and the apex of the tooth of the axial vertebra. Pterygoid ligaments(ligg. alaria), paired. Each ligament originates on the lateral surface of the tooth, runs obliquely upward and laterally, and inserts on the inner side of the condyle of the occipital bone.

Posterior to the ligament of the apex of the tooth and the pterygoid ligaments is cruciate ligament of atlas(lig. cruciforme atlantis). It is formed by the transverse ligament of the atlas and longitudinal bundles(fasciculi longitudinales) fibrous tissue going up and down from the transverse ligament of the atlas. The upper bundle ends on the anterior semicircle of the foramen magnum, the lower one on the posterior surface of the body of the axial vertebra. Behind, from the side of the spinal canal, the atlanto-axial joints and their ligaments are covered with a wide and strong connective tissue membrane(membrana tectoria). The integumentary membrane is considered as part of the posterior longitudinal ligament of the spinal column. At the top, the integumentary membrane ends on the inner surface of the anterior margin of the foramen magnum.

Joints of the bones of the body

There are 7 vertebrae in the cervical region (in medicine they are commonly referred to as CI-CVII), in the thoracic region - 12 (TI-TXII), in the lumbar - 5 (LI-LV), in the sacral - 5 vertebrae (SI-SV), fused together (Fig. 1). In addition, there are also 3 to 5 small vertebrae in the coccyx.

The spinal column is involved in the following movements:

¦ flexion and extension (total amplitude - 170–245°);

¦ tilts to the right and left (total span - 165 °);

¦ turns to the right and to the left (about 120 °).

In fact, the vertebrae are put on a rod, which is the spinal cord. Regardless of belonging to any particular section of the spine, all vertebrae have a common structure and consist of bodies, arcs and processes.

Vertebral joints

There are various types of connections between the vertebrae. The bodies of adjacent vertebrae are connected by intervertebral discs(disci intervertebrales), processes - with the help of joints and ligaments, and arcs - with the help of ligaments. At the intervertebral disc, the central part

Rice. 110. Intervertebral disc and facet joints. View from above.

1 - inferior articular process, 2 - articular capsule, 3 - articular cavity, 4 - superior articular process, 5 - costal process of the lumbar vertebra, 6 - annulus fibrosus, 7 - nucleus pulposus, 8 - anterior longitudinal ligament, 9 - posterior longitudinal ligament, 10 - lower vertebral notch, 11 - yellow ligament, 12 - spinous process, 13 - supraspinous ligament.

takes nucleus pulposus(nucleus pulposus), and the peripheral part - annulus fibrosus(annulus fibrosus), (Fig. 110). The nucleus pulposus is elastic; when the spine is tilted, it shifts towards extension. The annulus fibrosus is made up of fibrous cartilage. There is no intervertebral disc between the atlas and the axial vertebra.

The connections of the vertebral bodies are reinforced by the anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments (Fig. 111). Anterior longitudinal ligament(lig. longitudinale anterius) goes along the anterior surface of the vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs. Posterior longitudinal ligament(lig. longitudinale posterius) goes inside the spinal canal along the back surface of the vertebral bodies from the axial vertebra to the level of the first coccygeal vertebra.

Between the arches of adjacent vertebrae are located yellow ligaments(ligg. flava), formed by elastic connective tissue.

The articular processes of adjacent vertebrae form arcuate, or intervertebral joints(art. zygapophysiales, s. intervertebrales). The articular cavity is located according to the position and direction of the articular surfaces. In the cervical region, the articular cavity is oriented almost in a horizontal plane, in the thoracic region - in the frontal plane, and in the lumbar region - in the sagittal plane.

The spinous processes of the vertebrae are connected to each other by means of the interspinous and supraspinous ligaments. Interspinous ligaments(ligg. interspinalia) located between adjacent spinous processes. Supraspinous ligament(lig. supraspinale) is attached to the tops of the spinous processes of all vertebrae. In the cervical region, this ligament is called nuchal ligament(lig. nuchae). Between the transverse processes are intertransverse ligaments(ligg. intertransversaria).

lumbosacral joint, or lumbosacral the joint (articulatio lumbosacralis), located between the V-th lumbar vertebra and the base of the sacrum, is strengthened by the iliopsoas ligament. This ligament runs from the posterior superior edge of the ilium to the transverse processes of the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae.

sacrococcygeal joint(art. sacrococcygea) represents the connection of the apex of the sacrum with the 1st coccygeal vertebra. The connection of the sacrum with the coccyx is strengthened by the paired lateral sacrococcygeal ligament, which runs from the lateral sacral crest to the transverse process of the 1st coccygeal vertebra. The sacral and coccygeal horns are interconnected by connective tissue (syndemosis).

Rice. 111. Joints of the cervical vertebrae and the occipital bone. View from the medial side. The vertebral column and occipital bone were sawn in the median sagittal plane.

1 - basilar part of the occipital bone, 2 - tooth of the axial vertebra, 3 - upper longitudinal bundle of the cruciate ligament of the atlas, 4 - integumentary membrane, 5 - posterior longitudinal ligament, 6 - posterior atlanto-occipital membrane, 7 - transverse ligament of the atlas, 8 - lower longitudinal bundle of the cruciate ligament of the atlas, 9 - yellow ligaments, 10 - interspinous ligament, 11 - intervertebral foramen, 12 - anterior longitudinal ligament, 13 - articular cavity of the median atlanto-axial joint, 14 - anterior arch of the atlas, 15 - ligament of the apex of the tooth, 16 - anterior atlanto-occipital membrane, 17 - anterior atlanto-occipital ligament.

vertebral column (columna vertebralis) formed by vertebrae interconnected by intervertebral discs (symphysis), joints, ligaments and membranes. The spine forms bends in the sagittal and frontal planes (kyphosis and lordosis), it has great mobility. The following types of movements of the spinal column are possible: flexion and extension, abduction and adduction (tilts to the side), twisting (rotation) and circular motion.

Physiological curves of the spine (cervical and lumbar lordosis, thoracic and sacral kyphosis), elastic intervertebral discs provide spring functions of the spinal column, protecting the brain and spinal cord, internal organs from excessive shaking, increase the stability and mobility of the body. The physiological curves of the spine are formed during the development of the child's motor skills and are determined by the nature of changes in the tone of his muscles, and their severity largely depends on the angle of the pelvis. With its increase, the spinal column bends to maintain the vertical position of the body, respectively, the lumbar lordosis and, compensatory, the bends located above increase. With a decrease in the angle of inclination of the pelvis, the bends of the spinal column decrease accordingly.

A similar mechanism occurs with changes in the position of the spine in the frontal plane, however, in this case, any bending of the spine has the character of a pathological condition.

Normal posture is characterized by a symmetrical arrangement of body parts relative to the spine.

The most common pathology of the spinal column is the displacement of the intervertebral discs. The spinal column consists of vertebrae, which are interconnected by intervertebral discs and ligaments. Vertebrae are bones, and intervertebral discs and ligaments are elastic and durable formations. It is the intervertebral discs and ligaments that provide mobility and spring abilities of the spine. As previously mentioned, the intervertebral disc is a fibrous ring, in the center of which there is a nucleus filled with gelatinous substance. Above and below, the intervertebral disc is protected from contact with the bone by cartilaginous plates. If the fibrous ring of the intervertebral disc is weakened or has received a strong and / or sharp load, then the nucleus can exit through the outer shell into the spinal canal - a herniated disc is formed. This is because when the spine flexes, the discs compress in the same direction, pushing the nucleus in the opposite direction. Therefore, it is necessary to lift weights correctly, bend over, and carry them so that the spinal column remains straight and the pressure on the intervertebral discs is uniform. Otherwise, the vertebrae at an angle squeeze the intervertebral disc and it tends to "shoot" in the direction of least pressure. As a result, a displaced disc can exert strong pressure on both the spinal cord and the nerve roots extending from it. All this causes severe and prolonged pain, inflammation and stiffness. If nothing is done, then you can become disabled.

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