Ivan Shapovalov what is happening to him now. Dying Producer of t.A.T.u. pays for his sins. Notable promotions and criticism

Ivan Shapovalov's mistress gave birth to his grandson from his own son!

Last summer, the metropolitan party was shocked by the news of the serious illness of the producer of the legendary group "t.A.T.u." 46-year-old Ivan SHAPOVALOV was hospitalized in one of the Moscow hospitals with a terrible diagnosis - a brain tumor. Since then, no information has been received about him. Relatives and friends of the producer refused to communicate with the media. The shocking details of the last years of Shapovalov's life were revealed to Express Gazeta by Ivan IRBIS, the Russian manager of world superstar Enrique Iglesias. Many years ago, Ivan participated in Shapovalov's project "Celestial Empire" and was on close terms with him.

When I found out that Vanya had brain cancer and he was dying, my first desire was to see him, - told Irbis . - It was possible to find out that Vanya was admitted to the Burdenko hospital. Unfortunately, the doctors did not let anyone see him, except for his wife Valeria Prokopievna and their eldest son Volodya. Moreover, as one of Vanya's wards told me, he had a conflict with Vova. “If you forcibly put me in the hospital, I will disown all of you!” - said Shapovalov. He tried to heal himself with some Buddhist method of alternative medicine. But relatives and friends still insisted on hospitalization. In Burdenko Van, a course of radiation therapy was carried out. After that, the doctors said that he had two months to live, and they let him go home to die. Now Vanya is under the supervision of his mother at the dacha in Konakovo, which he bought with the money he earned from t.A.T.u.

Irbis wanted to go there. Tried to call Ivan on his cell phone. But Tatiana always answered the phone - a woman who at one time was in an intimate relationship with him. She let Irbis know that his relatives and friends did not want him to visit a friend.

They always hated me, - admitted Irbis. - One day Vova's son came to his house and saw me lying naked in his father's bed. And he began to demand that he immediately swept out. Shouted that I am the dirt of the earth and fuck everyone for profit. And one of Vanya's mistresses, Olga Maslikhova, tried to influence the administrators of the "Celestial Empire", so that they would close the entrance to me there. But Vanya ordered that they let me in again. He was attached to me, loved. And, apparently, everyone felt a threat in me, they considered me a rival.

According to Irbis, among the few who were allowed to reach Shapovalov in Konakovo was the boy Gena. He, as Ivan says, at the time of the "Celestial Empire", being a minor, also had an intimate relationship with him.

- Gena told me that Vanya looked like an alien from a science fiction film: his head swelled up like a pumpkin, and one eye almost fell out, - Irbis sighs. - Of course, I'm terribly sorry for Shapovalov. But, on the other hand, I believe in God and believe that this is his retribution for sins. For me and many other boys and girls from whom this man stole childhood. Take, for example, the unfortunate guy-transvestite from the "Celestial Empire", who mowed down Yulia Volkova to look like a "tattoo". At one time, he often spent the night in a rented apartment, which Shapovalov rented so as not to live with his wife on Voykovskaya. Vanya said that he wanted to do a musical project with him called "It". I remember how Ivan stuffed his socks with buckwheat and stuffed this little gay man into a bra to find the right breast size. And when huge parties gathered in the "Celestial Empire" and everyone drank and used illegal drugs, Vanya and other men took this transvestite behind the curtain in turn, after which he spat something into a plastic cup. The production of the project "It" was limited to this.

Place near Vanya

Vanya's relations with women were built no less peculiarly. All his life he had only one wife - Valeria Prokopyevna, - continues Irbis. - They met and got married while studying at the medical institute in Saratov. And although Vanya had not lived with her for a long time, they did not officially divorce. His wife gave birth to two sons - Vova, who is now 24 years old, and Vanya - he is 9. Shapovalov also has a daughter, Uma, from her mistress Olga Maslikhova. This redhead loved him madly and desperately fought with other admirers and admirers for a place near Vanya. I remember how the financial director of China Katya Icebreaker Obnosova found naked Maslikhova in Shapovalov's bed and chased her around the apartment with a huge samurai sword donated to the t.A.T.u. in Japan.

Irbis recalls that when Ivan invited him on a date to the Ukraina Hotel, Olga, who was in her last month of pregnancy, burst into their room with wild screams. But Vanya did not want to see her and asked to call security to get rid of her.

- They said that he even beat Maslikhov when he got it completely, - our narrator said.

Irbis shared that another child, who was named Kurt (in honor of the leader of the rock group Nirvana Kurt Cobain, who died a strange death - either murder or suicide), Shapovalova was born by his wealthy fan Lucy Shiza Sokolova.

She got a lot of money from her bandit husband, who was shot in front of her eyes at the door of their house. Hanging out with Vanya, she became addicted and started investing in Vanya's projects. This Lucy was fucked not only by Vanya, but also by his eldest son Vova. From Vova, she also gave birth to a child - Vanya's grandson. Lucy sent her children from her late husband to London. And the children from the father and son of the Shapovalovs live in her dacha in Voskresensky - with knowledge of the matter says Irbis. - Vanin the arranger hangs out there - a paralyzed invalid Slava Katsev, who suffered some kind of unrealistic stroke from a heroin overdose, barely speaks and cannot walk. They gathered a studio there, thump, get stoned with drugs, fuck all together and write songs. This is a complete pip! During our last meeting at the Ukraina Hotel, Vanya and I played the following game: I asked him what this or that word meant, and he, in his own way, gave it a transcript. To the question "What is love?" he replied, "It's a garbage pit." To the question "What is terrorism?" - "This is the reverse side of the state."

In conclusion, I asked him: “What is death?” Vanya smiled, looked into my eyes and said: "Death is something new." Then he got madly drunk, lay down on the windowsill and threw up from the 17th floor right at the front entrance of the Ukraine Hotel. After that, I didn't see him again. Estimate!

In addition to the above-mentioned persons, in intimate relations with Ivan Shapovalov at different times were: the soloist of the group "t.A.T.u." Yulia Volkova, producer and songwriter Elena Kiper and TV presenter Beata Ardeeva. Volkova and Kiper, according to the latter, closeness with him brought to the point of going to the doctors. And Ardeeva in 2003 got into a terrible car accident and became disabled.

Only one person out of ten who learned about his terrible illness can not fall into despair, but pull himself together and eventually rise to his feet. This one turned out to be Ivan Shapovalov, known to us mainly as the producer of the scandalous Tatu group.

Disappointing news

A child psychiatrist by profession, in the past the owner of one of the Russian print media, the head of a public organization, a marketer and advertiser for leading insurance companies in Moscow, and in addition, screenwriter and producer Ivan Shapovalov, in the recent 2012, found out that he had a malignant tumor in his head , and if urgent treatment is not started, then he will not live long. Many of his acquaintances even ahead of time "sent him to the next world" in their interviews, but not Ivan himself. For a long time he did not get in touch with the press, did not allow his friends and family to do this. But, apparently, the famous producer had enough "well-wishers" who were just waiting for the right moment to merge the whole truth and untruth into the broad masses.

Here, for example, one of the managers of Enrique Iglesias, who at one time was on rather friendly terms with Shapovalov, although he sympathizes with his former friend, he sincerely believes that this is the very retribution for the sins of youth. What are the sins? Well, if you believe the rumors, then Ivan has not so few of them.


Just a few years ago, everyone was just talking about the sexual promiscuity and bisexual inclinations of the star. The first thing that comes to mind is, of course, the path by which the obvious favorite of her mentor, Yulia Volkova, got into the Tatu project, and he apparently lies through the bed. Moreover, if we compare all the dates, it turns out that producer Ivan Shapovalov seduced her at a very young age. “Yes, and what is there to hide,” Ivan himself apparently thought, and boldly declared to one of the British publishing houses that underage girls attracted him most of all.

Moreover, the unfortunate producer is credited with sexual relations with most of the people who have ever worked with him. With all this, Ivan Shapovalov was married. His only legal wife, Valeria, with whom he formalized his relationship while studying at the Saratov Medical Institute, although she moved out of her husband a long time ago, did not dare to divorce. The spouses, by the way, have two children: 27-year-old Vova and 11-year-old Ivan Ivanovich. But on the side of the "family man" there is a daughter Uma, born of her mistress Olga.

Breaking all moral taboos

Ivan Shapovalov, who earned fame as a world pervert hero, whom the London newspaper The Times compared with Patrick Swayze, announced the problems of pedophilia all over Britain, but at the same time, he did not hesitate to use it as a publicity stunt in the music industry.

The same Ivan Irbis told about a poor young transvestite, who, one might say, was a double of Yulia Volkova. According to him, for some time the guy lived in an apartment rented by Shapovalov. And although the producer justified this fact with the desire to create a new, even more compromising project with the scandalous name "It", Irbis says that all this was just a matter of the sexual satisfaction of the star. Such, it turns out, is Ivan Shapovalov. "Tatu" is another confirmation of this. Only a twisted brain could freely release two kissing teenage girls onto the stage. Nobody has done this before, and therefore the scandalous group in the West was dubbed "the collapse of the last pop taboo."

The first pancake is not always lumpy

The Tatu group is Shapovalov's production debut. He began working on the project together with the composer Voitinsky back in 1999. The first member of the team was with whom several compositions were recorded at that time. A little later, Yulia Volkova appeared on the horizon, and the duet got its name. It is worth noting that Alexander Voitinsky would later refuse to cooperate with Shapovalov, as he considered the project to be devoid of moral principles.

The year 2000 was a turning point for Tatu - their song “I'm crazy” was heard from all the radios, and a video about two schoolgirls openly kissing in the pouring rain appeared on the blue screens. The music for the song, by the way, is the work of 17-year-old Sergey Galoyan. Already at the beginning of 2001, the group recorded their first studio album called "200 in the opposite direction", which in a year will become English-language. The song "Half an hour" is gaining particular popularity, and the "tatushki" begin to briskly tour around the world.

Fall from Heaven

In 2003, a successful producer came up with a brilliant idea: why not make an equally scandalous reality show? And already at the beginning of next year, the STS channel presented the Russians with a new "entertainment" - "Tatu" in the Celestial Empire, in which the girls were supposed to record their new album in front of the viewers. Filming took place on the 13th level of the Beijing Hotel, where Shapovalov set up a recording studio. But we did not wait for the final result - Ivan abandoned his "brainchild" and transferred the producer rights to the Tatu group to Boris Rensky.

But in 2004, the British music award BMI awarded him the Pop Awards. And all thanks to the composition All the Things She Said, which, bypassing even the legendary No Doubt team with their hit It`s My Life, became the leader in this nomination. Imagine, the song was aired over 2 million times!

At the foot of glory

After giving up tattoos and triumphing on the British charts, Shapovalov began work on a new project called Nato. Then he took himself one more ward - the group "7B". Heavy sound and depressive notes have become something new in the work of the producer.

In 2004, he took up the aspiring singer Helei, and already in 2005 he loudly announced his intention to create a new reality show. Filming was supposed to take place on one of the icebreakers, which followed the Arctic Ocean. But plans remained plans.

Well, you can’t take away the desire to work with Ivan Shapovalov, but none of the projects that he led received such success and recognition as Tatu. The group, causing absolutely contradictory comments (they were called either an international shame, or the national pride of Russia), became the producer's "calling card".

A fatal diagnosis, it would seem ...

But back to the news that became public knowledge in the hot summer of 2012. Brain cancer - Ivan heard such a terrible diagnosis from doctors in his direction. He himself did not want to make this information public, so everyone thought and wondered about what was happening with Ivan Shapovalov and why he did not go out in public. But his friend and colleague, soon told the press about the state of affairs of the patient. It turns out that immediately after the announcement of Ivan's diagnosis, he was placed in the intensive care unit of one of the Moscow clinics. In this, the former ward Yulia Volkova helped him in every possible way. A large number of chemotherapy courses contributed to a significant reduction in the tumor, which, by the way, was so neglected that it even pressed on Shapovalov's eye. Ivan, who took his health into his own hands, got on his feet a year later.

Doctors' predictions: will Ivan Shapovalov have time to atone for his sins?

Ivan Shapovalov's illness, you understand, does not promise him an absolute recovery. Perhaps that is why the producer took the illness sent to him as a chance to turn the next page of his “non-angelic” life and start everything from scratch.

He practically left Moscow and settled in the town of Konakovo, in the Tver region. It was there that he found a new way to maintain vitality. Horses - that's what helps him in difficult times. And it's not just a hobby. Horses, in a way, became his life. But Ivan Shapovalov did not leave music either. Cancer did not prevent him from performing and recording his own song called "My love is walking somewhere."

Perhaps it was this attitude to his illness that allowed Ivan to remain among the living. After all, the forecasts of doctors were, to put it mildly, disappointing. None of them at first would have dared to give Shapovalov more than 3 months of life, and what a life! Constant wandering around hospitals and communicating with people in white coats - that's what should have accompanied the sinful producer throughout the rest of his life allotted to him. But it was not there! After intensive courses of radiation therapy and "chemo", endless drips and debilitating medications, the tumor began to noticeably decrease. Now, after more than two years, doctors do not notice any metastases in Ivan's body, but he looks like a completely healthy person.

A year ago, Ivan Shapovalov announced his terrible diagnosis - the producer of Tatu was diagnosed with brain cancer. Even many relatives did not believe in his recovery.

Only one person out of ten who learned about his terrible illness can not fall into despair, but pull himself together and eventually rise to his feet. This one turned out to be Ivan Shapovalov, known to us mainly as the producer of the scandalous Tatu group. Shapovalov was able to cope with the disease and return to show business. Only now as a performer.

Few people believed that Vanya would be able to overcome the illness. Shapovalov felt the first symptoms a few years ago, but categorically did not want to be treated. And only after the intervention of Yulia Volkova, who personally took the former mentor to the oncology center, did he take up health. The doctors who examined the producer only shrugged. And his wife Valeria trusted in God: she regularly prayed in the temple. Shapovalov himself, after a course of chemotherapy, could only walk on crutches. Later there was a long treatment in China. There, the disease began to recede.

“Each disease is given to us as a test that needs to be passed,” the producer is sure. “Now I have started a new life with a clean slate.

A child psychiatrist by profession, in the past the owner of one of the Russian print media, the head of a public organization, a marketer and advertiser for leading insurance companies in Moscow, and in addition, screenwriter and producer Ivan Shapovalov, in the recent 2012, found out that he had a malignant tumor in his head , and if urgent treatment is not started, then he will not live long. Many of his acquaintances even ahead of time "sent him to the next world" in their interviews, but not Ivan himself. For a long time he did not get in touch with the press, did not allow his friends and family to do this. But, apparently, the famous producer had enough "well-wishers" who were just waiting for the right moment to merge the whole truth and untruth into the broad masses.

Here, for example, Ivan Irbis, one of the managers of Enrique Iglesias, who at one time was on rather friendly terms with Shapovalov, although he sympathizes with his former friend, he sincerely believes that this is the very retribution for the sins of youth. What are the sins? Well, if you believe the rumors, then Ivan has not so few of them.

Just a few years ago, everyone was just talking about the sexual promiscuity and bisexual inclinations of the star. The first thing that comes to mind is, of course, the path by which the obvious favorite of her mentor, Yulia Volkova, got into the Tatu project, and he apparently lies through the bed. Moreover, if we compare all the dates, it turns out that producer Ivan Shapovalov seduced her at a very young age. “Yes, and what is there to hide,” Ivan himself apparently thought, and boldly declared to one of the British publishing houses that underage girls attracted him most of all.

Photo by Ivan Shapovalov

Many are sure: a terrible disease was sent to Ivan as a test. After all, in his time he made many mistakes. Ivan Irbis does not hide: this person is simply woven from sins.

“I saw how Shapovalov communicates with people,” says Ivan. - I remember once, when I came to his hotel, his pregnant mistress began to break in the door. She came in winter in torn jeans and a thin jacket in the cold. But Vanya did not want to see her. He then said to me: "Kick her out." I had to call security to get her out. And there were a lot of such cases.

Because of what brain tumors appear, official medicine cannot say for sure. Lifestyle plays a significant role. In Shapovalov's life at one time there was everything: alcohol, drugs, promiscuous sex. According to Irbis, battles for a place in the producer's bed took place every minute.

“I knew many girls who wanted to give Vanya at least a blowjob in the car,” continues Irbis. - And of course, by his behavior, you can tell that he was never against this. Everyone was in his bed: both boys and girls. What is there to say! Remember his interview, when he admitted that he created Tatu when he found out that the most requested on the Internet is sex with youngsters.

In addition to singing, Ivan became interested in horses, now he can often be seen at the stables. Shapovalov is rarely in Moscow, he spends all his free time in the village of Konakovo, Tver Region. It was here that work began on his new project.

The words of Shapovalov's songs, as in the songs of "Tatu", give away a provocation. The video will also be scandalous: in the video, Vanya shoots transvestites and freaks. Among the actors on the set, the media also found a participant in Dancing with the Stars, Danila Polyakov. The guy first walked in a women's dress and high heels, then changed clothes, leaving only a wide festive ribbon on himself. Through the translucent fabric, the audience could see not only his dignity, but also several pimples on his buttocks. But Polyakov paid no attention to this.

Shapovalov was satisfied with the work. And he promised that soon the video could be seen on music channels.

Ivan Shapovalov was born on May 28, 1966 in the city of Kotovo, Volgograd Region. Father - Nikolai Alexandrovich, artist. Mother - Nadezhda Richardovna, school teacher of physics. He graduated from the Correspondence Physics and Mathematics School.

In 1990, Shapovalov graduated from the Saratov Medical Institute, specialized in child and adolescent psychiatry, after which he was engaged in private psychiatric practice in the city of Balakovo. In 1992, he founded the organization "Context" Public Opinion Formation Service. Some publications report that the campaign headquarters of Dmitry Ayatskov used her services during the gubernatorial elections.

In 1992-1994, Shapovalov worked in the advertising and marketing department of the Slavia insurance company and the Russian Capital non-state pension fund. Since 1993 he has been working in the Moscow branches of companies. At this time, he met the composer Alexander Voitinsky.

Since 1994, Shapovalov began working as a screenwriter for commercials. In 1996, he produced a commercial for the R&K computer company, in the script of which Norbert Wiener appeared, since the computers produced were released under the Wiener brand in honor of the founder of cybernetics. The video was voiced by Oleg Efremov. One of the founders of R&K, Boris Rensky, later became a financial sponsor and co-producer of the group. In 1998, Shapovalov filmed a commercial for soft drinks “Drink drinks from Chernogolovka without stopping” by the OST company, voiced by Lena Katina, the future soloist of the group. On the set, he met Elena Kiper, a journalist for the NTV television company (program "For the future") and the future co-producer of the group.

Since 1996, he worked at the Russian Wine and Vodka Company (RVVK). In 1997-1998 he worked for the advertising agency Ark J. Walter Thompson.

Producer of the Tatu group

In 1999, Shapovalov and Voitinsky held a casting for the role of a soloist, as a result of which Lena Katina was chosen. Several songs were recorded (including "I am your enemy", "Yugoslavia" - on the theme of NATO military aggression against Yugoslavia). Later, another girl was invited to the group - Yulia Volkova. Shapovalov becomes the producer of the Tatu group and the director of the Neformat company (the production center of I. Shapovalov). Subsequently, Voitinsky refused to cooperate, citing the fact that the project, in his opinion, is immoral.

Best of the day

In 2000, the song “I went crazy” was recorded, the authors of the text were Elena Kiper and Valery Polienko, the music was written by 17-year-old schoolboy Sergey Galoyan. A video was filmed the same year. In 2001, the album "200 in the opposite direction" was released. In May 2001, Shapovalov signed a contract with the Russian branch of the Universal Music label. Under the contract, Shapovalov must release three albums, while one of the conditions of the contract was a clause according to which the producer could not change the composition of the group. Shapovalov later filed a lawsuit against Universal Music Russia, accusing the record label of violating the contract and demanding additional remuneration. In September, a single was released and a video clip "Half an hour" was shot. In 2002, the English-language album "200 km / h in the Wrong Lane" was released. In 2003, the single and video clip "All the Things She Said" were released. The group is very popular, there are numerous tours.

In January 2004, the reality show Tatu in the Celestial Empire started on the STS channel, and the group planned to record a new album live. On the 13th floor of the Beijing Hotel, Shapovalov set up a studio, where he also received demo recordings of young performers, from which the Celestial Empire No. 1 collection was compiled. However, in the end, the album was not recorded, Shapovalov resigned as the general director of the Neformat company, which owned the Tatu brand (t.A.T.u.), the name of the group remained with the singers. Boris Rensky became the new producer.

In October 2004, at the BMI Honors Top European Songwriters and Publishers at Annual London Awards ceremony, Shapovalov was awarded a medal in the Pop Awards nomination. The composition All the Things She Said, of which he was a co-author, was aired more than 2 million times and took first place in the pop music category, ahead of No Doubt's It`s My Life.


In 2004, Shapovalov began producing the singer Nato - Natalya Shevlyakova from Chelyabinsk, who met Shapovalov during his work in China. In his plans was the performance of the singer in the outfit of a suicide bomber. On the anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack in the United States, Shapovalov tried to organize a concert in the Hall of Columns, where the singer was scheduled to perform in a shahid dress. In this regard, a representative of the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation expressed his concern, the action was called politically incorrect, and the concert was canceled. After the seizure of a school in Beslan by terrorists on September 1, Shapovalov did not rule out the possibility of holding a concert in this city. Shapovalov tried to hold a similar concert in England. The Muslim Council of Great Britain condemned the idea, calling it "an attempt to make money from the tragedy of other people", and called for the concert to be ignored. The performance took place in January 2005.

Shapovalov also produced the rock group 7B. In 2005, Shapovalov announced that he intended to film a reality show on an icebreaker that would produce a tour of the Arctic Ocean, but the project remained unrealized.

In 2007, he became a co-owner of the online store Mp3search.ru. In the same year, the record company Gala Records filed a lawsuit against Mp3search.ru, accusing it of illegally distributing Maksim's recordings.

Notable promotions and criticism

Shapovalov used various provocative techniques to draw attention to his projects.

In the video clips of Tatu, in addition to lesbian themes, there were stories related to masturbation and terrorism (explosion of a children's carousel). One of the main objects of criticism was the image of lesbians used by the group. So, the doctor Dilya Enikeeva, commenting on the work of the group, wrote: "this is a well-thought-out policy against the nation, against healthy sex, family and motherhood." At the same time, a number of sources noted that, despite their image, Tatu was not perceived as a lesbian group in the lesbian community itself, and Shapovalov was subjected to sharp criticism. One of the reasons for this attitude was that the group actually acted within the framework of a heterosexist culture: “in constructing the stage image of lesbians, the group is guided by a patriarchal frame in which a woman is always an object for pleasure, an object of gaze, and the role of the beholder belongs to a man. .. The image of the group corresponds more to the “woman for a man” model than “a woman for a woman.” Sociologist Igor Kon singled out another component of the group's image: "In my opinion, the success of Tatu is due not so much to a demonstrative game of forbidden lesbian relationships, but to the fact that an image of self-sufficient tough girls has been created."

In 2003, in the UK, Shapovalov made various provocative statements on the topic of pedophilia, which caused protests from a number of public organizations (in particular, from Kidscape, an organization for protecting children from violence). Kidscape director Michelle Elliott said: "We object and don't find it funny at all that Ivan is portraying them as a childish sexual fantasy. These girls are talented. It is a pity that they are advertised at the expense of hundreds of thousands of sexually abused children.” In an interview with a British tabloid, Shapovalov stated that he "prefers underage girls." British Channel 4 presenter Richard Madley called the duet "nauseous", describing the video for the song All the Things She Said as "the standard of sweet dreams for all British pedophiles." In response, Shapovalov on the group's official website called for a discussion "on the growth of pedophilia in the UK" and expressed his readiness to provide medical assistance to Madeley himself. A similar reaction to the appearance of the group was due to the fact that at that time various anti-pedophile campaigns were carried out in the UK.

In May 2003, Shapovalov was going to shoot a video on Red Square featuring several hundred girls in school skirts. However, the police stopped the event, forcing out all those gathered and detaining the producer himself. On this occasion, Shapovalov noted: “Apparently, the Kremlin does not need Tatu at Eurovision.”

In 2003, Shapovalov tried to nominate Tatu soloists as candidates for the President of Russia. The beginning of the collection of signatures was announced on Russian television. To overcome the age limit of 35, he suggested adding up the age of the singers.

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