Central Chernozem Reserve presentation. Presentation on the topic: Central Black Earth State Reserve named after Professor V.V. Alekhin. Weather station "Streletskaya steppe"

Presentation on the topic: Central Black Earth State Reserve named after Professor V.V. Alyokhina

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Presentation on the topic: Central Black Earth State Reserve named after Professor V.V. Alyokhina

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All six sections of the Central Chernozem Reserve are located within the middle zone of the forest-steppe, where natural natural (primary) communities in the conditions of flat watershed surfaces, called plakors, are meadow steppes and broad-leaved forests mainly of English oak. A much smaller area on certain landforms is occupied by other types of plant communities (true and steppe meadows, petrophytic steppes, wetland vegetation, thickets of shrubs, small-leaved forests, etc.). All six sections of the Central Chernozem Reserve are located within the middle zone of the forest-steppe, where natural natural (primary) communities in the conditions of flat watershed surfaces, called plakors, are meadow steppes and broad-leaved forests mainly of English oak. A much smaller area on certain landforms is occupied by other types of plant communities (true and steppe meadows, petrophytic steppes, wetland vegetation, thickets of shrubs, small-leaved forests, etc.). According to the data for the entire period of flora studies, in the modern territory of the Central Chernozem Reserve (5287.4 ha), until the end of 2010, 1287 species of vascular plants were noted (published and typewritten materials), including adventitious (adventive) herbaceous plants and woody introducers.

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Mushrooms The kingdom of mushrooms in the Central Chernozem Reserve has about a thousand species. 12 species of mushrooms living in the CCR are poisonous and can cause not only poisoning, but also death. First of all, this group should include the deadly poisonous toadstool. Mushrooms entered human life not only as a source of tasty food, but also as natural healers for a variety of diseases. More than 40 species of mushrooms with medicinal properties live in the CCR. The use of red fly agaric for rheumatism, neuralgia, tuberculosis, atherosclerosis, vasospasms and epilepsy is well known. False mushrooms were used as a laxative and emetic, and even cholera was treated with pale grebe. 2 species of mushrooms of the reserve are listed in the Red Book of Russia: branched tinder fungus or ram mushroom /Polyporus umbellatus/ is found in the Streltsy area, its fruiting body can reach more than 10 kg of weight and varnished tinder fungus /Ganoderma lucidum/, which is registered only in the Streletsky and Cossack areas .

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Steppe vegetation Steppe vegetation Steppes are the main value for which the reserve was created. The steppes presented on its territory belong to the northern, or meadow. The Central Black Earth Reserve includes the largest of them - the Streletskaya (730 ha) and Cossack (720 ha) steppes. Relic vegetation ("Country of Living Fossils") Of particular value is the vegetation of the southeast of the Kursk region (the upper reaches of the Oskol River basin), where peculiar calcephytic-petrophytic steppes are located, located on slopes and hills with close underlying Cretaceous deposits. For their protection, in 1969, sections of the Barkalovka Reserve and Bukreevy Barmy were organized here. The plant communities growing in these habitats are known as "lowered alps". They are stable over time, are characterized by a dense herbage of small average height, a noticeable participation of shrubs and semi-shrubs, a rich floristic composition and a significant concentration of rare species.

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Meadow vegetation Meadow vegetation Meadows are usually divided into floodplain and continental (located on watershed spaces). Their vegetation is represented by rather poor communities with a predominance of trivial meadow or weed-meadow species, among which couch grass, narrow-leaved and marsh bluegrass, yarrow and common dandelion predominate. Bog and aquatic vegetation On the territory of the Central Chernozem Reserve, the bog type of vegetation has a relatively small distribution. In the areas of Barkalovka, Zorinsky, Poyma Psla, grassy swamps are represented, occupying a total of about 260 hectares. Floodplain grass bogs are mainly widespread: reed, mannic, sedge, cattail. The most abundant in these communities are cereals (common reed, large manna, graying reed grass, marsh bluegrass), sedges (sharp, soddy, swollen, fox, coastal, pseudo-synthetic, vesiculate, etc.), cattails (narrow-leaved and broad-leaved), river horsetail, forbs. Forest vegetation The forests of the reserve are located in the southwestern part of the Central Russian Upland within the central strip of the forest-steppe zone and are part of the Kursk forest-steppe district. Due to the increased human colonization of the forest-steppe landscape, they are represented by separate forest tracts or larger tracts, and, as a rule, are surrounded by agricultural land.

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Rare Plant Species Rare Plant Species Currently, 13 species of vascular plants from the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation (2008) are known to grow in the territory of the Central Chernozem Reserve, which is 65% of the "Russian Red Data Book species" reliably noted in the Kursk region. Basically, these are species located near the borders of their range: in the north - thin-leaved peony, Zalessky's feather grass, the most beautiful, pubescent and pinnate, leafless iris (iris); in the south - Lozel's elk forest; as well as species with a fragmented range - a real lady's slipper, Russian and chess hazel grouses, upland wolfberry (Yulia's wolfberry), Alaunian cotoneaster and Kozo-Polyansky's prolomnik

"State reserves" - Voronezh reserve. Zyuratkul. Ilmensky State Reserve. Fizkultminutka. Taganay. Draw a food chain according to the drawing. State natural reserves and parks of the Southern Urals. Barguzinsky Reserve. Man is a protector of nature. Astrakhan nature reserve. Set up for the lesson. Arkaim.

"Khekhtsirsky Reserve" - ​​Relief. The ridges of the watersheds are narrow and stony in places, and there are sheer rocky ledges. There are 755 species of higher vascular plants in the flora of the reserve. The sable population, previously destroyed, has now been restored. Khekhtsirsky reserve. Vegetable world. Korean Iptima. The foothills of Khekhtsir are hilly and ridged.

"Alakolsky Reserve" - ​​Onagash, Zhalykol, Pelikanya and Cormorant chickens, and in the western part - between the lake. modern landscapes. The island is 1.5 km long and 0.5 km wide. Major bird nests. Dostyk) up to 279 mm (st. Dense thickets of blackberries are characteristic. National parks. Kazakhstan, carrying out reforms, is confidently among the developed countries of the world.

"Wrangel Island" - Founded in 1976. The firebird of the north is the pink gull. Every year there are up to 250 lairs on the island, where bear babies are born in the midst of the Arctic winter. She-bears come to Wrangel Island from different parts of the Arctic. White arctic geese. Reserve "Wrangel Island". Musk ox.

"Natural reserves of Russia" - Barguzinsky. Big Arctic. Kronotsky Reserve. Large Arctic Reserve. There are 101 nature reserves in Russia. In 1898, F. E. FalzFein created a private reserve in the south of Ukraine. Kronotsky. Story. Russian reserves. The most important nature reserves of the world are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

"Specially Protected Territories" - Individuals are obliged to 1) comply with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of specially protected natural territories. Responsibility for violation of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of protected areas. Article 82. Compensation for damage caused by violation of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of protected areas. On the territory of the environmental institution, it is not allowed:

In total there are 28 presentations in the topic

March 18, 2016 at the Regional Scientific Library. N.N. Aseev, a presentation of the popular science book "Central Chernozem Reserve" was held. The publication is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Russian nature reserve system and was funded by the UNDP / GEF / Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia Project “Improving the system and management mechanisms for protected areas in the steppe biome of Russia”.

The director of the reserve, candidate of biological sciences A.A. told about the work on the book. Vlasov, who prepared the Foreword, History, Sections: Vertebrate Animals, Rare Animal Species, Modern Activity of the Reserve, Support Service for the Reserve, Implementation of the UNDP / GEF / Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia project “Improving the system and management mechanisms for protected areas in the steppe biome of Russia” in the Central Chernobyl and Conclusion.

Deputy Director for Research, Candidate of Biological Sciences O.V. Ryzhkov spoke about the implementation of the UNDP / GEF / Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia project “Improving the system and mechanisms for managing protected areas in the steppe biome of Russia” in the Central Chernobyl. He prepared sections: Shrub vegetation, Forest vegetation, Scientific research and monitoring, 657 photographs and drawings.

Journalists, students and schoolchildren asked their questions. Head of the Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences KSU O.P. Lukashova, who got acquainted with the content of the book, highly appreciated its importance both for schoolchildren and students, and for specialists, emphasizing that the book is easy to read, it has many beautiful illustrations, and most importantly, we learn that there is a unique world next to us wildlife to be protected.

The presentation was attended by representatives of libraries, various mass media of Kursk, who received the book for use in educating the population. The book has been handed over to all district libraries of the Kursk region, and will be distributed in schools surrounding the protected areas of the Central Black Earth Reserve.

The extra-curricular event is aimed at getting acquainted with the reserve named after Professor V.V. Alekhine. The virtual tour is conducted in the form of a journey through the stations (stops), as a result of which students learn from the history of the reserve and its founder, visit the “land of living fossils” in absentia, visit the Museum of Nature, and learn about the uniqueness of the plant diversity of the Streletskaya steppe.



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Slides captions:

Virtual tour of the reserve named after V.V. Alekhin "KURSK PEARL"

Kursk pearl

Six "patchworks of paradise" Streletsky section Cossack section

Stop 1. "Historical" The Central Chernozem State Reserve named after Professor V. V. Alekhin (TsChZ) was established on February 10, 1935. On February 19, 1979, the Central Black Earth Reserve was one of the first in the USSR to become the owner of the international UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Certificate; On September 28, 1998, the Central Black Earth Reserve was awarded the European Diploma for the first time; 2012 The reserve entered the Emerald Network of Europe

Stop 2. "Pride of the land of Kursk" Vasily Vasilievich Alekhin (January 17, 1882 - April 3, 1946)

Stop 3. "Kursk botanical anomaly" V.V. Alekhine: “Imagine an immense space covered with a motley carpet of various colors, either forming a complex mosaic of bizarre addition, or representing individual spots of blue, yellow, red, white shades ...”

Stop 4. “the country of living fossils” Relics - plants, witnesses of glaciation, that have survived to this day Shiverekia Podolskaya Boron wolfberry Kozo-Polyansky Dendrantem Zavadsky

Stop 5. “under special protection” The biodiversity of the CCR is represented by 7200 species of living organisms Listed in the Red Book of the Kursk region - 227 species In the Red Book of Russia - 55 species Red Book of Russia 55 species

Stop 6. "museum of nature"

Stop 7. "Intellectual" Quiz! Decipher the abbreviation of PA. How many reserves and national parks are there in Russia? In what year was the reserve named after Professor Alekhin? Name the scientific works of Professor VV Alekhin. What is depicted on the emblem of the reserve. prof. V.V. Alekhine? How many plots does the reserve named after V.V. Alekhine? Which of the sites is located on the territory of the Kursk region? Why did the steppe get the name "Streletskaya"? How many types of plants are there per square meter of the Streltsy steppe? Which relict plants are found in the areas of Bukreevy Barma and Barkalovka?

Through the pages of the red book

Central Black Earth Biosphere Reserve named after V.V. Alekhine is the wealth and pride of not only the people of Kursk, but of all Russians! How beautiful this world is, Where peace and bliss reigns, Where brooks murmur loudly, And no man's feet have set foot. The edges are like a fairy tale, The lakes are beautiful and pure, The land is virgin everywhere, You can’t take your eyes off it. Let's keep the Nature clean and beautiful then. And reserved places Will give strength to our descendants.

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