Vasilisa Volodina's parents. Famous astrologer Vasilisa Volodina. Biography. Height, weight, age. How old is Vasilisa Volodina

Astrologer Vasilisa Volodina is one of the most popular specialists in the CIS countries. In order to get an appointment with her, you should be patient, because the queues are formed for several months in advance. Hosting Volodina's Let's Get Married television program has built her a reputation as an expert who can give the right advice during a show or through social media. An open soul and constant help to viewers is what Vasilisa Volodina gives to people free of charge.

About how Vasilisa Volodina developed, biography, personal life of a celebrity, how old the TV presenter is now our article will tell further.

Astrologer Vasilisa Volodina is one of the most popular specialists in the CIS countries

Biography of Vasilisa Volodina: from early childhood to the present

The date of birth of Vasilisa Volodina falls on April 16, 1974. The nationality of the astrologer is Russian, the girl was born in Moscow.

The name known to all of us is a pseudonym for the media personality, which, according to her, suits her based on astrological forecasts. Vasilisa is silent about what the real name of the celebrity is, but Oksana is the most acceptable option. The maiden name of the astrologer is Naumova.

Brief summary of a celebrity.

  • Age - 42 years.
  • Zodiac sign - Aries.
  • The sign of the eastern horoscope is the Tiger.
  • Weight - 56 kg.
  • Height - 170 cm.

The girl was brought up in strict discipline: this was facilitated by her father's military education. In Vasilisa, from an early age, such qualities as diligence, diligence, and decency developed.

While studying at school, the child was engaged in musical education, visiting various circles. Thanks to her upbringing, Vasilisa achieved great success in her studies. In addition, the girl managed to help her mother with household chores.

Parents brought up the personality of Vasilisa with high moral principles, which became the basis of the hard working pace of life of the future astrologer. Passion for astrology began to appear in school years: the girl constantly watched paranormal programs, absorbing all the information she heard. As Vasilisa herself says, she could devote whole evenings to observing the stars through her father's binoculars. Even though she did not find a UFO there, she remembered the location of the stars.

An ardent passion for astrology led to the reading of the first specialized books. They influenced the young astrologer so much that the knowledge about the ability of the stars to predict the future was formed clearly and forever. She began to study palmistry as a teenager, when the girl first saw her future fame and popularity in the palm of her hand.

Graduating with honors led the girl to the Academy of Management. Sergo Ordzhonikidze, where she studied economics. The qualities instilled in her parents formed a diligent student in Vasilisa, but she understood that she was not on her way with a diploma in cybernetics. Therefore, in her free time, she drew knowledge of unknown astrology. The acquired information gave the student the opportunity to conduct consultations for ordinary people, and later for businessmen. The relevance of astrology in the early 90s was increased.

Vasilisa Vladimirovna came to success in astrology at the beginning of 2000

Formation of the professional activity of an astrologer

Vasilisa Vladimirovna came to success in astrology at the beginning of 2000. No matter how strange it may sound, but her naive youthful predictions began to be realized. Thanks to accurate business horoscopes compiled, the Moscow elite accepted her into their circle, which made the girl popular.

Since 2006, Vasilisa has worked with such programs on Russian television:

  • "Starry night with Vasilisa Volodina";
  • "Capital";
  • "Let's get married".

The last TV show brought Vasilisa popularity throughout the country. According to many viewers, Vasilisa is the most charming host of the program.

Acquaintance with the husband. A family

Vasilisa Volodina met her husband back in the dashing 90s. Then a friend came to an unknown astrological expert with a request to draw up a personal horoscope for his colleague. Sergei Volodin turned out to be an unknown colleague. It was then that she first learned about the incredible compatibility of their souls, but did not attach any importance to this. By the will of fate, the meeting of future lovers happened by chance at a party. Feelings flared up spontaneously and do not subside until now.

Having lived for several years in a civil marriage, the couple gave birth to their first child, Victoria. After the birth of their daughter (2001), the lovers decided to get married without the fuss and unnecessary social events. Vasilisa's official husband left his own career as a logistician for her sake, taking up his wife's business schedule.

Vasilisa decided to give birth to a second child only after a thorough study of her own horoscope, where she clearly saw the appearance of her son in her 40s. And, as expected, it was at this time that the son of Vasilisa Volodina was born. The baby's birthday fell on 01/03/2015. The choice of parents fell on the name Vyacheslav.

Children in the life of an astrologer did not interfere with the development of a leading career. So, she stayed on maternity leave for a while, and reappeared on television in 2015.

According to Volodina, the desire to help and answer letters from viewers influenced the imminent return.

Media life is not Vasilisa's only area of ​​development. The leading astrological expert also publishes books and articles. Her notable publications are:

  • "Astrology of Seduction", where recommendations are given to women who want to attract the attention of men;
  • "Love astro forecast for 2015", where any sign of the zodiac can find a private forecast, learn about all the necessary astrological information.

Vasilisa Volodina tries to help all people, doing it in different forms. So, you can find her personal blog, where advice is given regarding all areas of life. The popularity of the site once again proves the sincerity and purity of the soul of the presenter. With the help of the stars, Vasilisa solves not only the problems of her family, which she openly shares with fans, but also answers the exciting questions of Russians.

We hope that the personality of Vasilisa Volodina, the biography of the TV presenter has become interesting information for you. And, if you have any questions, and you know exactly what she can help you with, why not try your luck and try to make an appointment with her.

Vasilisa Volodina has been studying astrology for over twenty years. During her career, she has provided advice and made personal and business forecasts that have helped many people find the right solution in everyday and work matters. Having become one of the hosts of the Let's Get Married! program, Vasilisa gained popularity and love from viewers. The stars helped Volodina to establish not only her business, but also her personal life. For more than 15 years she has been happy with her husband, with whom she has two children.

Vasilisa (name and surname at birth were different) was born in 1974 in Moscow. Her father was a military man, so the girl was brought up in strictness. Already in her school years, she became interested in astrology, and then became interested in fortune-telling on cards and palmistry. After graduation, the girl received an economic education, but at the same time she studied at the academy of astrology. Ever since her student days, Volodina began to make horoscopes and give astrological consultations.

Future astrologer as a child with his parents

After receiving a diploma, she continued her activities, achieving success in a few years. Since 2006, Vasilisa began to cooperate with television. In addition, she has published several books in which she advises readers how to meet their soul mate with the help of stars, solve family problems and achieve financial success.

The personal life of the TV presenter is also controlled by the stars. Even at the dawn of her career, she made a star map for herself, according to which she learned that she would soon get married and become a mother at the age of 27. Once the girl was asked to make a personal astrological forecast for a young man named Sergey Volodin, with whom she noted perfect compatibility. And after a while she met him at a friendly party. The acquaintance turned into a romance, and then the lovers got married.

In the photo Vasilisa Volodina with her family: husband Sergei and daughter Vika

They did not immediately become parents, only in 2001 their daughter Victoria was born. After this event, the personal life of the spouses changed, and they devoted all their time to the baby. When the astrologer began working in the Let's Get Married! program, her husband had to quit his job in logistics and become its director. Thanks to this decision, the couple managed to engage in family business, as well as communicate with their daughter and teach her lessons.

In the photo Vasilisa Volodina with her son Vyacheslav

At the end of 2014, it became known that the TV presenter would become a mother for the second time. Son Vyacheslav was born in early 2015. Vasilisa already believes that in the future the boy may also become an astrologer. He loves to look at the sky, but especially the baby is attracted by the bright moon. Volodina devotes a lot of time to the development of her eldest daughter, who loves to play basketball and studies English. The girl does not yet start a serious relationship, devoting a lot of time to studying. The star mother has already compiled her daughter's horoscope, predicting Victoria that she will find her female happiness abroad. However, the TV presenter does not want to part with her daughter and is sure that fate can be corrected.

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published on 05/15/2017

You can talk a lot about the biography and personal life of Vasilisa Volodina, but that she is a bright media personality that everyone knows. Today the name of Vasilisa Volodina is familiar to every person. She can be considered the most sought-after astrologer of our time. Unlike her many colleagues, Vasilisa Volodina bases her forecasts on precise mathematical and astrological calculations.

It is in demand not only in show business, but also in the economic and political spheres of activity. Today on the Internet you can find many sites that, on behalf of Volodina, are trying to release horoscopes and forecasts for the future, but you should not trust them.

The famous astrologer was born on April 16, 1974 in the capital of Russia. At birth, the astrologer had a completely different name, her name was Oksana Naumova. Only in adulthood did she change her name and become Vasilisa. The girl chose this name not by chance. According to the astrologer, it suits her according to the astrological forecast. Her father is a military man, so the girl was brought up in strictness, important life values ​​​​were instilled in her from an early age.

Vasilisa often examined the starry sky through binoculars. The girl never saw a UFO, but she studied the location of the constellations well. A little later, as a teenager, Volodina became interested in divination on Tarot cards and palmistry. At that time, it was very difficult to find books on esotericism, palmistry and astrology. But the enthusiastic girl found exclusive editions on the shelves of various bookstores. She carefully studied literature and practiced on her friends.


Vasilisa Volodina graduated from high school with a gold medal. Despite her original passion, she decided to get a prestigious economic education. The girl easily entered the Academy of Management, choosing the specialty of an economist - mathematics.

Studying was given to Vasilisa very easily, she easily mastered the exact sciences. She spent all her free time on her hobby. Close people and just casual acquaintances turned to Volodina for advice. The girl almost never refused, because constant practice allowed her to hone her own skills.

However, already during her studies, Vasilisa realized that she did not want to connect her life with the profession of an economist. The girl dreamed of becoming an astrologer.

Therefore, she enters the Moscow Academy of Astrology. As Vasilisa Volodina herself says, age has nothing to do with her personal life and biography, it's just some measure that you don't need to pay attention to. Today, her career is going extremely well, which she regularly shares with her fans.

The famous astrologer claims that the education she received helped her in her career. After all, astrological forecasts are based on precise mathematical calculations.

Carier start

For a short period of time, Volodina worked as an economist at the Selkhoztekhnologiya enterprise. Even there, Vasilisa was taken not as a graduate in the field of economics, but as a full-time astrologer. She worked as a broker and made progress in this area, as she predicted all her transactions on a sky map.

Vasilisa Volodina began her first professional consultations at the age of 20. She chose for herself a very original field of activity - business astrology. In the 90s. such forecasts were very relevant, so Volodina quickly became a highly paid specialist.

Her clients included brokers, dealers and business analysts. In the early 2000s Volodina became the highest paid astrologer in Russia.

Her predictions often came true, gradually the fame of a talented astrologer reached the media. At that time, the heading with horoscopes was very popular in newspapers and magazines. Vasilisa Volodina began to be invited as a guest editor to various publications. She made love and economic horoscopes. Such interesting work has always attracted a woman. She knew how it was done, what people wanted to hear, and the combination of such talents opened up completely new perspectives for her.

In 2006, the astrologer was invited to the position of host in the Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodina program. The program was broadcast on the popular channel "Capital".

On the air, Volodina talked about the upcoming forecasts and enlightened the audience, talking about astrology. It is safe to say that the television career began to take shape from that moment. Volodina is constantly working and studying various astrological articles.

Career on the first channel

In 2008, Volodina was offered to become a co-host in the famous program Let's Get Married. Her colleagues were such experienced and famous stars as Larisa Guzeeva and Roza Syabitova. The show quickly gained high ratings.

The audience was delighted with the accuracy of the forecasts, but at the same time with the delicacy of the astrologer. Some fans of the program consider Vasilisa Volodina the most charming host of the project.

Vasilisa Volodina co-host of the Let's Get Married program

In 2014, Volodina left the project due to pregnancy. She was replaced by other astrologers, Tamara Globa, Lydia Arefieva. The fans of the program were very skeptical about the absence of Vasilisa Volodina. Therefore, in 2016, Volodina returned to the program again.

In addition, Volodina wrote several books of the original genre, which became bestsellers. For the book Astrologers of Seduction. The key to a man's heart. Encyclopedia of Relations” Volodin received a special award “Discovery of the Year”.

Interestingly, to write this book, Volodina used the experience of the participants in the Let's Get Married project. The publication deals with the most pressing problems of couples and people in love. The astrologer also released a series of books “Love Forecast 2015”, “Change Your Destiny. Coloring book for adults.

Personal life, children

The maiden name of the astrologer Naumov. Volodina is the surname of her husband. There is a lot of information on the Internet about the personal life and biography of Vasilisa Volodina, her joint photos with her children and husband, which she constantly talks about. The woman herself is a very open person who is ready to talk on completely different and interesting topics.

Vasilisa Volodina met her husband back in the 90s. An acquaintance turned to an astrologer and asked Sergei Volodin to make an astrological forecast. The girl studied his astrological chart in detail and came to the conclusion that there is perfect horoscopic compatibility between them. However, the acquaintance with her future husband happened a little later at a party of friends. Feelings broke out between the young people and soon they began to meet.

Sergei Volodin was a mid-level entrepreneur who worked in the field of logistics. 3 years after they met, the couple had their first daughter, Victoria, the couple officially legalized their relationship. The newlyweds decided not to arrange a magnificent celebration. The wedding was attended only by the closest people.

Vasilisa Volodina carefully planned her second child, specially studied astrological charts. In January 2015, the couple had a second child, son Vyacheslav. At that time, Vasilisa Volodina's personal life with her husband became even stronger, which was also reflected in the biography. The birth of a child for every woman is a new stage in life.

Sergei Naumov stopped pursuing his own career and became an assistant to Vasilisa Volodina. The couple have been happily living together for many years.

In an interview, Vasilisa Volodina said that they almost never quarrel, and the secret of a happy life lies not at all in perfect astrological compatibility, but in great true love.

Children in the personal life and biography of Vasilisa Volodina are of extraordinary importance. She has repeatedly admitted that her family is an ideal and many should reconsider their views on astrology.

One of the hosts of the Let's Get Married program gives advice to young people on how to start their own family, and she built her own personal life a long time ago - Vasilisa Volodina's husband has been with her for more than twenty years, and together they make a happy harmonious couple.

The love story of Vasilisa and Sergei Volodin

Passion for astrology helped Vasilisa find her happiness. One of her friends asked her to make a horoscope for his friend, who turned out to be Sergey Volodin. Working on the horoscope, she was surprised how they fit together, and when she had to get to know the young man better, Vasilisa realized that she was not mistaken.

In the photo - Vasilisa Volodina with her husband

Sergei liked the girl very much, they began to communicate, and then their friendship grew into a stormy romance. Vasilisa's parents liked her lover from the first meeting, and they were not opposed to putting the fate of their daughter in his hands.

Sergei and Vasilisa began to live together, and they decided to officially formalize the relationship only after several years of living together - on the eve of the birth of their daughter Vika. The pregnancy was difficult, but everything was resolved safely, and the baby was born healthy.

After the birth of their first child, Volodina's husband left his job and took up raising his daughter - at that time, Vasilisa's career was on the rise, and Sergei decided to sacrifice his work for her, for which his wife is infinitely grateful to him. Later, Vasilisa Volodina's husband became her director, and now they have a common business. Sergey now draws up his wife's work schedule, makes appointments with clients, monitors the amount of work, manages financial and tax affairs.

Children of Vasilisa Volodina

The eldest daughter of Vasilisa and Sergey turned sixteen this year, and she is already quite an independent adult. As often happens, Vasilisa had to go through a difficult period of adolescence for Vika, and then astrology helped her again. Volodina, who noticed that her daughter was increasingly withdrawing into herself, decided to draw up her horoscope, which helped determine when the problem would be resolved and her daughter would become more frank with her. The stars helped to understand that Vika's behavior was due to her sympathy for the boy, and then Vasilisa talked to her and, having put everything on the shelves, told her daughter how the situation would develop further. The conversation helped to improve relations, and Victoria realized how strong her mother was as an astrologer.

When the eldest daughter turned fourteen, Vasilisa decided to have a second child, and on January 3, 2015, she gave birth to a son, Vyacheslav. Upon learning that he was to become a father for the second time, the husband once again supported his wife.

In the photo - Volodina with her son

Vasilisa says that Sergey is very economic and solves many household problems himself, for which she is infinitely grateful to him. Of course, there are quarrels between them, but the thought of divorce never even arose. Volodina is sure that the key to a long family life is the patience of the spouses, who should not inflate the conflict, but treat everything with more restraint.

Short biography of Vasilisa Volodina

The real name of the astrologer is Oksana, and she chose the name Vasilisa as more suitable for her according to the horoscope. She was born on April 16, 1974 in Moscow and grew up as an obedient, disciplined girl. Oksana had many classes - she studied at a music school, attended many circles and sections, helped her mother with the housework. Even at school, the girl became interested in astronomy, watching the starry sky for a long time.

When books on astrology fell into her hands, Vasilisa realized that she wanted to learn how to predict the future from the stars. After graduating from school with a gold medal, Volodina entered the Faculty of Economics at the Academy of Management. Ordzhonikidze and at the same time - to the university of the Moscow Academy of Astrology, and at the age of twenty she already began to make the first horoscopes and give consultations.

After graduating from the Academy, Vasilisa took up business forecasting, and thanks to them, her career took off sharply uphill. Volodina quickly gained popularity and entered the capital's secular circle. The debut on television with Vasilisa Volodina took place in 2006 in her own project Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodina.

Today, among the popular high-quality brands of domestic astrology, the name of Vasilisa Volodina is regularly found. The biography and personal life of the astropsychologist and TV presenter are respected, and the track record of four dozen books and a cycle of films on the Zodiac Signs channel on TNT indicates a high working capacity. A self-confident woman with an elegant haircut looks stern on the TV screen, but at home she is a loving wife and a caring mother.

Childhood and youth

Vasilisa Vladimirovna Volodina, nee Oksana Naumova, Russian by nationality, was born on April 16, 1974 in a Moscow maternity hospital. Volodina - her husband's surname, although the real maiden name was preserved in the passport. The creative pseudonym Vasilisa was chosen in full accordance with the horoscope of its owner.

The father of the future astrologer, a professional military man, instilled in his daughter strict discipline and high moral principles. From early childhood, she was accustomed to order and diligence, diligently helped her mother with the housework and was considered an exemplary child. Together with general education, she also attended a music school, and she kept the set hard pace in adulthood. Vasilisa's love for the stars was discovered early: as soon as the sun set, she went out onto the balcony of the family apartment in the Odintsovo district, took her father's binoculars and admired the starry sky.

Innocent observations of the location of the planets and sketches in the album served as a defining moment for the rest of my life. The topics of paranormal phenomena and UFOs, widely discussed by the press of that time, supported interest in the heavenly bodies and caused a conscious decision to read books on astrology. And the textbook of palmistry that fell into the hands helped to make out the prediction of glory on their own palms. Passion for card divination aroused interest in esotericism, and with it came the first astrological experience in the circle of friends and acquaintances.

Study and career

After successfully graduating from school, Vasilisa, on the advice of her parents, decided to acquire a profession that was useful for everyday life. She entered the Academy of Management. Ordzhonikidze, chose the specialty "economist-mathematician" and defended her thesis on the topic "Forecasting futures in the grain market". However, the dominant ideology of atheism failed to overcome the youthful love for stellar forecasts: the second higher education was received in parallel at the Moscow Academy of Astrology under the guidance of M. B. Levin, the leader of the Russian school.

At the age of twenty, an amateur passion for making business forecasts grew into a main profession. Unmistakable predictions made it possible to gain fame in the circles of the capital's elite and join the ranks of highly paid Moscow financial astrologers. Since 1992, this work began to bring tangible income: personal and business consultations are carried out, horoscopes are compiled for television, magazines and online publications.

The cost of detailed predictions with a forecast for five years ahead starts from 2 thousand dollars, but they are in constant demand among wealthy citizens, because the price of possible errors is much more expensive. And if a person turned out to be a candidate for departure from the Forbes lists, then he will make every effort to stay there. In 2006, the Stolitsa TV channel released the Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodina program, which immediately gained high ratings.

Since 2008, on Channel One in the TV show Let's Get Married, hosts Vasilisa Volodina, Larisa Guzeeva and Roza Syabitova have been helping invited participants choose one of several possible candidates as partners, who are traditionally supported by relatives or friends. In this beautiful trio, Guzeeva is the main TV presenter, Syabitova is a professional matchmaker, and Volodina, an expert astrologer, maps the compatibility of heroes, considers a potential union from the positions of stars and tries to help recognize true happiness.

The multi-million audience of the program and the prime-time release time allowed the astropsychologist to become famous throughout the country, and in 2009 Let's Get Married won the Tefi television award in the Best Entertainment TV Program nomination. The year 2012 was marked by the publication of the publication “Astrology of Seduction. Keys to a man's heart. Encyclopedia of Relations”, which in the category “Discovery of the Year” became the winner of the Russian literary award “Electronic letter”. Women of all ages will find tips on how to win a man's heart and become the only one forever, and the date of birth of the chosen one will help in this.

On the literary account of the astrologer Vasilisa Volodina of the book:

  • diary "Lunar calendar for 2016";
  • coloring page for adults "Change your destiny".

There are also full-fledged projects in a series of 12 books:

  • "Love Forecast 2014".
  • "Love Forecast 2015".

Vasilisa Volodina herself, despite her youth, speaks of herself without false modesty as "the grandmother of Russian astrology." Standing at the origins, she continues to make a significant contribution to the development of this direction. It is interesting to compare the functions of a horoscope with a clockwork, and astrology with financial analytics: the same time cycles and patterns.

Husband and children

Astrology helped Vasilisa to meet her future husband, and the whole story is shrouded in a mystical haze. She had to study the natal charts of Sergei Volodin long before the direct meeting - at the request of a mutual friend, she had to make a horoscope for his friend. Amazing compatibility with a mysterious stranger involuntarily interested the astrologer.

After some time, the same friend invited me to a birthday party. Having met a handsome guy in the courtyard of the house, Vasilisa thought that it would be possible to marry him, and it really happened. An unexpected acquaintance turned into high feelings: the couple has been together for many years, cloudlessly happy and has two beautiful children - daughter Victoria (2001) and son Vyacheslav (2015).

Before the official marriage, the young couple lived in a civil union for seven years and decided to legalize the relationship only after they found out that Vasilisa was pregnant. At first, Sergey successfully worked in the field of transport and logistics, but when the family brand gained serious popularity, and the related business developed rapidly, it was decided to conduct joint activities. Vasilisa Volodina's husband began to plan his wife's working time and act as director.

In her youth, the girl was emotional and could flare up for no reason, but her husband took such outbursts calmly, and now they perfectly complement each other. Sergey is very proud of the success of his missus and his role as an indispensable assistant, he believes that he managed to get a lucky ticket in this life. Children in the Volodin family were born in accordance with the exact calculations of their mother and a difference of 14 years. The astrologer was sure that everything would turn out well and made appropriate forecasts in advance, focused on the health of babies.

Adult daughter Victoria

The girl became the first child and was born in August 2001 safely, despite the difficult pregnancy of the mother and the health problems that arose, which required long-term treatment. With her appearance, the parents, who had previously lived in a civil marriage, legalized the relationship, although they did not arrange magnificent wedding celebrations. From childhood, Victoria developed diversified, showed a penchant for mathematics, physics, as well as an in-depth study of English. Three times a week, she can be found in the streetball section (street basketball).

She simply loves to learn, improving her spoken language in courses in the UK, and she plans to master the basics of entrepreneurship abroad. However, Vika connects her future with the business at home, focused on jewelry and prestigious accessories. The girl, perhaps, will follow in the footsteps of her mother, but this will require an appropriate education.

Little son Vyacheslav

The couple was preparing for the birth of a boy for a long time and consciously. Vasilisa was specifically waiting for her fortieth birthday, having received clear predictions from the stars that this would be the most favorable period for conceiving and bearing a baby. The husband voluntarily attended the birth, and daughter Victoria was not at all jealous of her future brother and helped her mother in every possible way during pregnancy.

At first, the possibility of giving birth in France was discussed, but then preference was given to Russian doctors, and everything went well. Vyacheslav was born in January 2015 and grows up in a harmonious friendly family, and a nanny helps to take care of him. Mother tries to equally divide attention between her son and his older sister and confesses that she saw a full-fledged personality in the second child and began to treat him accordingly - without lisping and flirting.

Vasilisa Volodina now

TV presenter - a very popular person not only on TV screens, but also in the Internet space. She has an official Wikipedia page, social media accounts Instagram, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and others. There is also an official website www. (astrogift) with a detailed description of the services provided, including dream books, horoscopes, fortune-telling on Tarot cards and even a free amulet - for happiness, love and wealth.

A popular diet developed by an astrologer suggests a menu for every day, taking into account the lunar cycles and starting before the onset of the full moon. This will not only get rid of body fat, but also cleanse toxins, strengthen immunity and improve skin condition. Lunar diet is designed for 6 days, and the seventh is free, "unloading" or "boot" depending on the needs:

  • the first day - soups, stewed vegetables and seafood;
  • the second - only boiled vegetables and juices;
  • the third is a raw food diet;
  • fourth - sour-milk products and stewed vegetables;
  • the fifth and sixth days - a complete rejection of carbohydrates and proteins;
  • the last day - a plentiful drink to remove the remnants of toxins.

Their own confidence in the help of astrological charts in making important decisions and the high reliability of forecasts contribute to the fact that those who once came for advice to Volodina subsequently become regular users. Among such clients are entrepreneurs and politicians, stars of show business and the film industry. Her schedule is very busy, and only the family knows that Vasilisa's working day is not 8, but 16 hours a day. Individual and corporate consulting of clients, whose number has reached seven thousand, signs for months in advance.

Personal and video conferences are regularly held, horoscopes are compiled by zodiac signs, astrological forecasts by dates of birth and recommendations by months in accordance with the location of the planets.

The growing popularity of Vasilisa Volodina is also evidenced by the sad fact that scammers have already appeared trying to sell amulets, red threads and coins that bring good luck on her behalf. The astrologer declares that he has nothing to do with such trading and warns gullible people about this.

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