Journey to the Sun City. class hour on the topic. Greetings from the flower city Games and contests with dunno

Olesya Igorevna Baranova
Entertainment "Journey with Dunno to the country of games." Logic games for the development of mental functions of preschoolers

Entertainment progress.

As soon as parents enter the hall, they receive a badge of a certain color (yellow, red, blue or green circles, then they unite in microgroups according to the color of the badges and sit down at the tables.

Children enter the hall to the music ...

Dunno comes to visit children: Hello guys! I think you know me, who am I? That's right, I Dunno! I have such a problem!

presenter: What happened, Dunno?

presenter: Well, Dunno, it's not a problem, it's a joy, you've gotten older and now you're going to study!

Dunno: That's the trouble! I don't have anything for school. I don't have a portfolio! There is nothing in the flower city and nothing on the moon either. So I went to travel to find it all. Where did I go guys?

(children's answers)

presenter: You are in trouble, Dunno, to a kindergarten. Guys tell me Dunno what is the name of our kindergarten, what is its address?

(Children name the address and name of the kindergarten)

Dunno: That's what I need! Are you friendly? And do you know how to play? And in smart the games you play? In the city of flowers they told me to keep my course in game country. Guys, maybe you can help me there to collect everything that I will take with me to school? Then we all go together game country.

Fairytale moment. (music)

parachute game: One, two, three, in hit the country of games!

Dunno: Guys, do you know how to get there?

Children: Not.

Dunno: I know (Dunno pulls a glowing star out of his pocket). Guiding the star will show us the way.

Sounds like cartoon music . Children go for dunno

presenter: Guys, but with us the star moved to country games and your parents, they will also play today and help Dunno.

See what is it?

Flat box with two geocontacts and a letter "By the country of games can be traveled according to the plan» . Draw a plan, as in a letter.

(Children and parents perform, then compare with the sample)

Dunno: Well done, guys, thanks to the parents for their help, otherwise we would get lost in country of games.... Well, let's move on now.

presenter: And here is our destination - "City of colorful blocks".

Dunno opens a large box, takes out sets of Gyenesh blocks and surprised: How many different boxes, what will I do with it? Guys, we got to the city of multi-colored blocks.

(Dunno takes a large envelope out of the box and gives it to the presenter.)

The host opens the envelope: Residents of the city of colorful blocks want to get to know you. Each of them lives in his unusual house, look at this house and find a tenant.

Leading: Let's turn the hourglass, the test time has begun.

(Funny music sounds. Children and parents complete the task)

presenter: Residents of the city thank us, are very glad to meet us and give you, Dunno, primer.

Dunno: Oh, thank you, and I thought that they would give me a briefcase! (sad)

presenter: Not get upset, Dunno, maybe the briefcase will be presented to you in another city.

The lights turn off, the music sounds, the touch ball turns on.

presenter: Long, long walk through the purple forest towards the high mountains (decorations on the screen). On the way in front of us is a lake, the keeper of the lake -

the chief Invisible of the violet forest, under the red cry of an orange beast, under the green whistle of a yellow bird, and under the blue whisper of a blue fish, found magical ice-floes on the lake. Their secret was solved by the wise Raven.

Crow: Glad, glad to the guests, did you come for ice floes? Okay, let's play.

Will you solve my mysteries? Will you beat me? Your ice cubes and your gift. Do not beat - my ice floes. (Each team: children and parents are given a set of ice cubes)

presenter: Assemble the squares so that nothing remains. (out of 30 pieces of ice, 10 squares are added)

Funny music.

Crow: Kar-kar! Your ice cubes and your gift. (gives Dunno from the beak notebook.) Take care of her, thank your friends for their help, and luck will always be with you.

Sounds like cartoon music "The Wizard of Oz". Children go for dunno holding hands on a correctional path.

Dunno: I'm tired, I probably won't make it, and you guys? Oh, look, a grasshopper is jumping next to us. Let's dance with him!

Music dynamic pause "In the grass Grasshopper sat" (logo game).

Dunno: Guys, you know and know how to do so much. You also have reliable assistants. Who is helping you?

(children's answers).

Dunno: Us in our travel also need a little helper, we will make it with our own hands.

(He takes out the squares of Voskobovich from the bag that hangs behind his back, distributes them to children and parents.)

Dunno: Let's make a bird. The bird will help us along the way.

Funny music.

They put the birds under a tree and found a pencil case in a chest.

Dunno: Hooray, I found a gift myself! What's this?

(Children look into the chest under the tree and they say: "This is a pencil case")

Dunno: Not a briefcase?

presenter: No, you need to look for a portfolio.

Dunno A: Well, where can I find it?

presenter: Not get upset, Dunno and you children do not be sad. The country of games is big, we will definitely find a portfolio.

To the music, the children walk along the tactile path and found an envelope with a letter from the fairy Countries games and a box of Cuisiner's sticks.

presenter: To walk to the main city game countries, you need to build a track. Children from 1 to 5, and adults from 1 to 10.

(Children and adults perform the task to cheerful music).

Dunno walks and looks how parents and children perform tasks and He speaks: this is some kind of staircase turned out, but there should be a path.

presenter: Add sticks to make a square.

(Dunno I went to check on my parents.

presenter: Guys, let's get over Dunno let's play a joke. Let's hide the pencils.

Dunno: Oh, the tracks turned out good, but where is the gift? Maybe it's a briefcase?

Child: Not, Dunno, we hid your gift, and you will find it now, we will guide you.

(Dunno finds pencils.)

Children: Forgive us, Dunno that we played a joke on you. For this, we will make patterns for the cover of your primer.

Turn off the light and turn on the star.

Dunno: Guys, we finally came to the capital, where to look for a task?

presenter: Dunno we are in the capital. We must solve the magic ciphers game countries.

Tablets are handed out logico-baby, playing time has begun. (The task is performed individually).

presenter: Check yourself.

Dunno: Oh, how many gifts I have! But there is no portfolio (with chagrin).

presenter: Dunno Look who's coming to us!

Fairy appears game countries.

Fairy: Hello guys! I am a fairy game countries. I have been watching you very carefully. Here, Dunno, your portfolio, now you can go to study, and you guys, well done, did not leave a friend in trouble. And parents of future first graders need to learn how to play smart games. educational games. Guys, help your parents at home, play our favorite games.

Dunno: Thank you, children, parents! I am very grateful to you for your kindness and responsiveness.

Music sounds. Fairy and Dunno reward children, parents and say goodbye to them.

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Image Library:

Teacher: Guys! Today we will meet with the heroes of the Dunno books. But first I suggest you hear about the author of these books. Nikolai Nosov was born in 1908 in Kyiv, in the family of an actor. In his school years he dreamed of becoming a musician, he learned to play the violin. In high school, he was preparing to enter the Faculty of Chemistry. And after school, he suddenly began to study at an art institute. Soon he left him and moved to the Institute of Cinematography, after graduating from which he worked at a film studio for several years, making popular science films. And all the time, as he later admitted, he felt a sense of dissatisfaction. Not that the work in the cinema was unpleasant for him, but it did not capture him entirely, did not give real happiness.

The call came unexpectedly. Among other activities in his youth, Nosov was fond of literature and tried to write stories, but nothing came of it. Nosov decided that he had no talent. It turned out that there was simply no theme. He tried to write for adults, but it was necessary for children. This was discovered when his son was born and he, being an adult, again fell into the magical land of childhood and saw childhood not in the fog of the distant past, but in close proximity.

“I confess,” the writer recalled, “this magical country surprised me, and creativity, as one smart artist said, begins with surprise. I saw in the child something that I had not noticed before and that, it seemed to me, others did not notice either.

His first story for children appeared in the Murzilka magazine in 1938 and was called Entertainers, and his first book was a collection of short stories Knock-Knock-Knock in 1945. Each subsequent book was a big hit with children.

Almost every Nosov story is built on a mistake, inexperience or ignorance. For example, in the story "Mishkin's porridge" a whole chain of hilarious events is caused by one simple thing - the inability of the guys to cook porridge.

Nosov's world is children on their own. They often find themselves alone, without adults: they play, play pranks, travel, do their homework, get lost and find themselves. Kids from the stories of N. N. Nosov receive valuable life experience. Stories such as "Steps", "Car", "Metro", "Cucumbers" give the first lessons in knowing what is good and what is bad.

But the well-deserved fame was brought to the writer by the story-tale "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" (1951) and its two sequels - "Dunno in the Sunny City" and "Dunno on the Moon".

There is one interesting trick in the Dunno trilogy: all the inhabitants of the Flower City, the short ones, are both children and adults at the same time. By occupation - like adults, by character and behavior - real children. The hunter Pulka, the poet Tsvetik, Dr. Pilyulkin and all the others are bright personalities, and everyone is busy with work. And only Dunno, a naughty and fidget, can’t find a place for himself, takes on everything and throws everything, manages to quarrel with everyone and screw up everywhere. But at the same time, no one is particularly angry with him, he is not kicked out of the company, and sometimes he turns out to be very useful, and we are glad that Dunno has so many friends.

Nosov was the greatest inventor: in the second part of the trilogy, he told the children about the future miracles of science and technology - what a car that runs on soda is worth! And in the third book, he spoke with the children about the most difficult thing: about the structure of human society.

N. N. Nosov's books are fascinating and interesting, that's why they are constantly reprinted, they attract artists, and his characters live on the stage, on the screen and just in the daily children's game.

On a fairy tale map

I know for sure

There is a wonderful city

Named Flower.

Dunno (out): I hear, I hear ... Who is talking about my hometown here? Oh, where did I go?

Teacher: First of all, Dunno, you need to say hello, and then ask questions.

Dunno: Here's another! I get along just fine without it.

Teacher: Do you know, Dunno, what this word means?

Dunno: Don't know. And I don't want to know.

Teacher: But you still listen to what the guys have to say about him.

Dunno: OK.


Hello! Hello! Hello!

No more words are needed

Smiles bloom on their faces

People become friendlier.

Child: The word "hello", at first glance, is the simplest and most common. But so sunny! And how much joy and light it brings in itself! You will say this word and your heart will become warmer.

Child: This word is very old. It is associated with the word "tree". Once upon a time, people, pronouncing the word "hello", wished others to be healthy, strong, powerful, like a tree, like, for example, an oak.

Dunno: What a wonderful thing it turns out to be.

Hello guys.

All: Hello Dunno.

Dunno: So tell me, guys, where did I end up?

Child: She ended up in ... school, in ... class.

Dunno: So everything is correct. My friends from the Flower City are sending you letters. (Shows.) They have interesting tasks that they have compiled for you. (Takes the first letter .)

This letter is from... Stop. Guess who?

In a long blouse "hoodie"

And with a palette in hand

So, standing at the easel,

It will remain for centuries.

Children :


Dunno (opens the envelope, reads ):

I am landscapes, still lifes

I have been drawing for many years.

And I wanted someone

Gave me my portrait.

Competition "Jolly Artist"

Children draw a portrait of Tube.


He always loses something

Where things are, always does not know.

Who am I talking about, guess what?

What is the baby's name?



Dunno (reads the second letter):

Well, that's a real problem!

I always lose them.

Find shoes

On this picture.

Competition "Most Attentive"

In the picture, the children find and show where the shoes are hidden.


- Sweet water

Give me a wagon

I would drink it all

He speaks …

Children :


Dunno (is reading ):

Are there among you

Same as me?

Who will drink faster

Lemonade friends?

Competition "Who quickly"

Two compete. Each has a glass of lemonade and a straw. The one who drinks the fastest wins.


In the city of Flowers

Everyone knows him

On the harp all the time

He is playing something.




Lots of different tools

I can't even count them all.

Maybe some new

Do you have kids?

I see two empty bottles on the window. Well, why not a musical instrument?

Competition "Musical"

Children on empty bottles whistle the tune of the song "Grasshopper".


He walks with the dog Bulka,

And everyone calls him...

Children :


Dunno :

In the circle is a carrot.

Hit her smartly.

A drawing opens with a carrot drawn in the center of the circle.

This is not fifty buns for you ...

We all need to make bullets.

Children make bullets out of paper (crumple a paper sheet).

Competition "Hit the target"

Competitors must hit the center of the circle, where the carrot is drawn, with a bullet. The one who manages to do it wins.


He speaks the least

Never scream

Never growl,

It's just better to say nothing.



Dunno (opens the next letter, takes out a blank sheet of paper, turns it over in his hands):

Interesting?! What did he mean by that?(thinks.) I know. He probably wants us to play the musical game Silence.

Musical game "Silence"

There is music, everyone sings. At a sign Dunno continue to sing to themselves. But to confuse the children, Dunno can continue the song aloud.

The losers are out of the game and the game continues.


This jack of all trades

Never knows boredom.

It doesn't cost him anything.

Build a ship to the moon.

Children :



Vintik has an assistant. What's his name?

Children :



We dream of a car

To cook and wash

Cleaned up and washed

And to rub the parquet,

Doing everything at once.

Competition "Inventor"

Children draw a model of such a machine.


And the last envelope.

He knows about everything in the world.

Who is he? Tell me kids.



Dunno (is reading):

I love making crossword puzzles.

I offer two.

Who can read faster

Key words in them.

1st team

Crossword 1

    Baby from the Flower City.(Chamomile.)

    Poet. (Flower.)

    The kid from Zmeevka, who misbehaved in the Green City.(Carnation.)

    Wink's assistant.(Shpuntik.)

    Donut lover.(Donut.)

    Painter. (Tube.)

    Poetess. (Gemstone.)

    A kid who knows nothing and can't do anything.(Dunno.)

Keyword: "Lungwort".

2nd team

    Dunno's best friend.(Gunka.)

    The kid who loses everything.(Confusion.)

    Baby with blue eyes.(Sineglazka.)

    Famous mechanic.(A screw.)

    Sineglazka's neighbor.(Daisy.)

    The kid who knows everything. (Znayka.)

    Hunter. (Bullet.)

    Inventor of the bormotograph. (Cunningly.)

Keyword: "Dunno".

The results are summed up, the winners are awarded.

(At the end it is performed song "Grasshopper", music by V. Shainsky.)

Literary matinee based on the works of N.N. Nosova

"Journey to the Sunny City".

Goals: arouse in students a desire to read the works of N.N. Nosov; to consolidate the knowledge gained about the works of the writer in the lessons of literary reading; through the dramatization of individual episodes, to convey to readers the literary laughter of N.N. Nosov; contribute to the activation of the creative activity of students.

Equipment: layout of a large book; books by N.N. Nosov; telephone, iron, piece of putty; melodies of the song “A Grasshopper Sat in the Grass” (music by V. Shainsky), posters for playing with the audience.

There is a table on the stage. Dad sits at the table and reads a newspaper. Zhenya draws. Mom is holding an iron in her hands.

1st leader. Before you is a family: mom, dad and daughter Zhenya.

Mom (walks around the stage, takes an iron, examines; picks up the phone). I do not understand what is going on? Phone messed up. The iron burned out, the bell stopped working. (There is a roar, ringing.) What is it? Who does it?

Zhenya. Peacock, of course!

Mother. What for?

Zhenya. Build an incubator.

Dad. I'm sorry, what?

Zhenya. Incubator. To breed chickens under artificial conditions.

Mother. My God! We are gone!

Dad. How did it get into his head?

Zhenya. Read Nosov.

Dad. Which Nosov?

Zhenya. How? Have you read Nosov? And adults too! Have not read the stories "Merry Family", "Druzhok", "Dreamers"? We urgently need to call for help from our school librarian. Emma Alexandrovna, please tell us about N.N. Nosov.

(Story about N.N. Nosov and presentation).

Slideshow #1-15.

Slide 2.

“Composing for children is the best job. It requires a lot of knowledge (…). The main thing is love for them. And respect. I realized when my son was growing up that children should be treated with the greatest and very warm respect.”

Slide 3.

slide 4.

The hobbies of school years were diverse: music, singing, amateur theater, writing for the handwritten magazine "X", as well as chemistry, chess, radio, electronics, photography. Later, Nosov sold newspapers, was a laborer, a digger, a mower, a log carrier.

Slide 5.

After leaving school, Nikolai entered the Kyiv Art Institute, and in 1929 he transferred to the Institute of Cinematography in Moscow. Then he began to work in cinema, shoot various educational, scientific and animated films.

slide 6.

During the Great Patriotic War, Nikolai Nosov directed several training films for the Soviet Army. He was awarded the Order of the Red Star (1943).

Slide 7.

Why did I become a writer? To this question, the author replied: “I became a children's writer because, when I grew up, I generally wanted to become a writer. And I wanted to become a writer because I had an interesting life, and I had something to tell people about.

slide 8.

The writer had a memorable appearance. He lived up to his last name. Nosov really had a nose, and not at all small, but such a large, noticeable one, and a big head, and broad shoulders ... And all this did not at all fit with his short stature and quiet, muffled voice. At first glance, such an unsightly person. Very silent, very reserved. Others called him "the gloomy grumbler." But what did they know, these others? They probably never read his books!

slide 9.

Like many famous writers, Nikolai Nosov first composed fairy tales and stories just like that - for his little son. And then one of his stories, it was called "Entertainers", he took it to the magazine "Murzilka". The story has been printed. This was in 1938. After a successful debut in print, other books by Nosov appeared: Slide 10.

“Knock-knock-knock” (1945);

"Steps", "Funny stories" (1947);

"Merry Family" (1949);

“Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn” (1950);

“Vitya Maleev at school and at home” (1950). The book received the USSR State Prize;

Slide 11.

"The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" (1953);

“Dunno in the Sun City” (1958);

"Dunno on the Moon" (1964). For the trilogy about Dunno Nosov received the Prize. N.K. Krupskaya;

“The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin” (1961);

“The Tale of My Friend Igor” (1971);

"The Secret at the Bottom of the Well" (1977);

slide 12.

The works of Nikolai Nosov were filmed.


Two friends. Based on the story "Vitya Maleev at school and at home", 1955.

Buddy. Based on the stories "Druzhok" and "Mishkin's porridge", 1958.

Live rainbow, 1982.

Dunno from our yard, 1984.

Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin, 1964.

Jerusalem artichokes, 1987.

Dreamers, 1965.

Slide 13.


Bobik visiting Barbos, 1977.

Vintik and Shpuntik are merry masters, 1961.

Dunno in the Sun City. In 10 episodes, 1976-77.

Dunno learns, 1961.

Funtik and cucumbers, 1961.

Dunno on the Moon, 1999.

Two presenters take the stage with a large layout of the book. The layout is installed on a stand.

1st leader.

Favorite books beautiful pages

Let them come alive!

Here are the dreamers: Stasik, Mishka

And Kostya with Vitya.

Do you remember the story Knock Knock Knock?

2nd leader.

Druzhka was once carried in a suitcase -

How did you lose the patch?

1st leader. I think it's worth a look!

Two boys run out - Kostya and Shurik.

Kostya. I am Kostya!

Shurik. Well, I'm Shurik! (Chorus) And we have putty!

Kostya. Look what I got.

Shurik. Liverwurst. (Kostya is offended and hides the putty in his pocket.) Where is the putty?

Kostya. Here it is, in your pocket. I won't eat it. (Pause.)

Shurik. Have you already eaten your gingerbread?

Kostya. Not yet. And you?

Shurik. Me neither. Let's eat.

Kostya. Let's. (They are eating. Kostya suddenly spat.) Listen, is your gingerbread delicious?

Shurik. Yes.

Kostya. And I have a tasteless, soft some. Probably melted in your pocket.

Shurik. Where's the putty?

Kostya. Putty? Here, in your pocket. Just wait. This is not putty, but gingerbread. Ugh! I got it all wrong! (They run away.)

1st leader.

Leaf after leaf

And page after page

Try to guess now

Who will we meet with?

2nd leader.

Poet, artist, liar and clumsy -

He is the main parent

Nosovsky laughter!


To the music, singing, Dunno runs in.


In the grass Grasshopper sat,

In the grass Grasshopper sat,

Just like a cucumber

He was green.


Imagine -

Just like a cucumber.


Imagine -

He was green.

Yes the song is good

What Tsvetik composed!

I want to be a poet too!

I'll go to the flower

Learn to compose poetry!

And then, then,

I want to be famous!

Flower enters.


Listen, Tsvetik, teach me how to compose poetry. I also want to be a poet.


Do you have abilities?


Of course have. I am very capable!


This must be checked. Do you know what rhyme is?


Rhyme? No, I do not know.


A rhyme is when two words end in the same way. For example: a duck is a joke, a shortbread is a walrus. Understood?




Well, say a rhyme to the word stick




What is the rhyme here: stick, herring? The words need to be similar. Listen here: a stick is a jackdaw, a stove is a candle.


Got it, got it! That's great! Tow - shmaklya.


What scumbag? There is no such word!


Well, then rvakla.


And there is no such word.

You don't have

Poetry ability.


Now, now ... (Walks, mutters.) Here, brothers, what verses I have composed!

About Znaika.

Znayka went for a walk on the river,

Jumped over the sheep.

About Toropyzhka.

Toropyzhka was hungry.

I swallowed a cold iron.

About Avoska.

At Avoska under the pillow

Sweet cheesecake lies.

Runs away singing to the music.

But here came the frog -

gluttonous belly,

And ate the blacksmith.

All participants of the performances go on stage. In their hands are books by N.N. Nosov.

All (in chorus).

Don't waste your time - read Nosov's books!

Teacher. The book will tell us everything,

The book will show us everything.

Why does the sun go down

Where the surf hits the shore.

Where is warm and where is frost

The leaves are all brushed off the birches.

If you read a book

We learn a lot of interesting things.

- Guys, pay attention to the exhibition. These are the books of N. N. Nosov. And what stories of Nosov do you know?

slide 14.

Teacher. Let's continue our literary holiday with a literary quiz. Divide into two teams and try to answer questions. For each correct answer, teams will receive a flower. The team with the most flowers wins.

1 competition.

Before us is Plyushkin's Lost and Found, let's see what kind of things were found in this bureau. Try to guess what literary work of Nikolai Nikolaevich these things are from:

  • Hat - "Live hat";
  • Cucumber - "Cucumbers";
  • Phone - "Phone";
  • Saucepan - "Mishkina porridge";
  • Doggy - "Friend";
  • Threads, scissors, needle - "Patch";

Teacher. Well done! Now we know the heroes of which work need to return the lost things.

2 competition.

Host: We continue our quiz. The next competition is for attentive readers.. And we have one question: “What work are these lines from?”

1). “Then my mother left, and Mishka and I decided to go to the river to fish. We adjusted the fishing rods, dug up the worms. (Mishkina porridge)

2). “We wrote about twenty of these notes and went to paste them around the city.” (Friend)

3). “He unscrewed the tube, took out some pieces of iron from it and began to pick out the round plate that was inside.” (Telephone)

4). “The next morning, we rushed to the garden before everyone else and began to dig. Then Mishka begged Viti for a tape measure and began to measure the land: how much was dug up on our site, and how much was left. (Gardeners).

5). «- How old are you? Mishutka asked.

– 99. And you?

“And I’m 140. You know,” says Mishutka, “I used to be big, big, like Uncle Borya, and then I became small.” (Dreamers).

6).“This car runs on sparkling water with syrup. In the middle of the car, a driver's seat was arranged, and a tank of sparkling water was placed in front of him. (Adventures of Dunno and his friends)

7). “Kotka rushed at full speed across the field across the ravine, along the bridge over the stream, and slowly walked along the road home. He was happy in his heart." (Cucumbers).

8) “Bobka had wonderful pants: green, or rather, khaki. Bobka loved them very much and always boasted.

“Look, guys, what kind of pants I have. Soldiers! (Patch).

9). “There was smoke all over the house and it stank of suffocating gases. The neighbors got angry and no sparklers came out.” (Sparklers)

10). “Let's go together. I'll take a club. If she crawls towards us, I'll crack her with a club.

“Wait, I’ll take a stick too.”

- Yes, we have no other club. “Well, I’ll take a ski pole.” (live hat)

3 competition. "Who is faster?"


For some reason, everyone in the world knows about me.

Adults and children know even on the Moon.

I don’t want to boast in vain, but I’ll tell you honestly,

What others can't do, I've known for a long time.

Collect the names of the characters from my favorite work, "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends." But you will have to play without team captains. Because Emma Alexandrovna prepared a responsible task for them - an expressive reading of an excerpt from the work of N.N. Nosov

4 competition.


Participants are given worksheets with tasks.









While the teams are preparing for the task, an outdoor game is played with the audience. The game ___________________________________________________________________

Summing up the quiz.

Parting words of the school librarian and students from grade 4.

And we say goodbye to you and want to say parting lines:

You have many friends.

And they live around.

But of all good friends

The book is your best friend!

The book is your friend and comrade.

We take it everywhere.

'Cause she'll help you

Both in study and in work!

Books first pages

We are welcomed from a young age

And carry you like birds

Flying white light.

Who walks around the world with a book,

Who knows how to be friends with her,

This book always helps

Learn, work and live!

Together: See you soon!

Viewing the cartoon _____________________________________ based on the story of N. Nosov.

Summer is a wonderful time for children's holidays, a time for new experiences, acquaintances and discoveries! Summer is also a great time to read! Every summer in the children's library is especially noisy. At this time, librarians are preparing something special for their young readers. 2015 was no exception and was not without pleasant surprises - the guys took part in the exciting project of summer readings "Literary Wanderings".

For three weeks, the guys traveled through the book by N. Nosov "The Adventure of Dunno and his friends." Every day there were various events, games, competitions, entertainment and master classes.
But everything comes to an end, and on July 24 the walking group was closed. Cheerful and perky Dunno invited the guys to take part in the quest game.

The guys divided into two teams, "Bells" and "Flower Glade", and went on a fun journey through the Flower City. The journey took place according to waybills, on which stations and their locations were indicated. At each of the stations, the characters from the book "The Adventure of Dunno" were waiting for the guys.
The tube suggested that the children try themselves as artists and draw all the flowers that grew in the Flower City. The teams did an excellent job with this task.
Znayka prepared a more difficult task for the guys. The children had to remember a fragment from the book where Dunno wanted to become an artist. Red nose, green ears, blue lips, blue hair, orange eyes and purple mustaches… Who did Dunno draw, try, guess! But our young readers do not care. Svetlana Savelyeva from the Bells team immediately gave an answer, but the guys from the Flower Glade team argued for a long time and violently, but they could not remember Dunno's friend Gunka. The children used the book and completed the penalty task.
Dunno decided to play a little trick and confuse the guys. He offered to give the names of his friends from the Flower City. But among them were also characters from other works. The Bells team completed the task this time without difficulty. And the "Flower Glade" could not remember the Button and again used the hint from the book.
Gunka invited the children to look at the objects and answer what they have to do with the characters from the work "The Adventure of Dunno and His Friends". Here, both teams showed their knowledge and easily remembered the inhabitants of the Flower City and the names of the streets.
Chamomile, like all shorties, loves to sing. The most favorite song in the Flower City is "A Grasshopper Sat in the Grass". The guys had to make up the text of the song from the scattered sentences and sing it. The Bells team was ahead of its rivals here too - they quickly collected the scattered lines, guessed the song and sang it together. The Flower Glade team completed the task with a penalty task.
At each station, teams received letters. After going through all the stages, it was necessary to compose a word. The teams varied the letters for a long time, but they did not succeed in completing the task. Then Dunno suggested that friendship helps in any difficult matter. Teams - rivals united and amicably laid down "N. Nosov Neznayka". The guys loudly chanted these words for a long time and rejoiced at their victory. Despite the fact that the Bells team won, there were no losers.
Dunno invited the guys to the "Neznaykina Fair", where they could exchange "santiki" for memorable prizes.
The festive day ended with tea.
The summer walking group is over, but summer continues. The Children's Library is waiting for its young readers in August to take an active part in events and competitions.

The creation of a joint-stock company, voice trading, the stock exchange, public investors - all this and much more is in Nikolai Nosov's novel Dunno on the Moon. The writer in a playful way touches on many complex features of the relationship between participants in the world of finance.

- Correctly! Julio rejoiced. - We will establish a joint-stock company. Let's issue shares... Do you know what shares are? he asked Dunno.

“No, I haven’t heard anything about them,” Dunno admitted.

Shares are like papers. like banknotes. They can be printed in a printing house. We will sell each share, say, at a furthing. We will spend the proceeds on the construction of an aircraft, and when the seeds are delivered, each shareholder will receive his share of the seeds. Of course, whoever has more shares will get more seeds.

“Now the most important thing is to get the poor to fork out and buy our shares,” Miga said.

- How do you make them? They won't believe that there are seeds somewhere on the moon. We need proof,” Julio said.

“I’ve already thought of everything,” Miga replied. “We'll start by making a fuss about this case. First of all, it is necessary to print in the newspapers that a short man from another planet has arrived to us. And when everyone believes, we will print that this space shorty brought the seeds, and immediately announce the establishment of a joint-stock company.

One of the drawings even showed the harvesting of fruit, and each apricot, peach, plum or fig could hardly fit on a truck. Having struck the imagination of readers with such stories and drawings, Miga and Julio published a message that the interplanetary ship remaining on the lunar surface was loaded with seeds of giant plants that could be profitably used if it were possible to get them from there. A notice was immediately printed on the establishment of a joint-stock company for the construction of an aircraft that could reach the outer shell of the Moon and deliver the seeds of giant plants to Malaya Zemlya. At the end was printed the address of the office where shares could be purchased: "Fertinga Street, Building No. 3, Office No. 373."

As soon as all the shares were received from the printing house and hidden in chests, Miga and Julio arranged first meeting of the joint-stock company. At this meeting, Miga made a proposal to sell two million shares, and to divide the remaining three million among themselves. Thus, each of them will have a whole million shares. When the giant plant seeds are delivered, they will be divided into five equal parts. Two parts will have to be given to the short men who bought the shares, the remaining three parts Dunno, Miga and Julio will be divided among themselves.

Why do we need seeds? – asked Dunno.

"We'll sell it," said Miga. “We, too, have to make some money off this business. You don't mind the money either.

The controversy flared up more and more. Julio pounded on the table with his fist, shouted that he was the chairman and his opinion should be taken into account, and Miga shouted that he was the treasurer and did not intend to throw away money to pay for an unnecessary position, and if they did not agree with him, then he would leave the joint-stock company and take his shares. Dunno tried to calm them down, but nothing came of it. The joint-stock company was threatened with collapse. It is not known how everything would have ended if Kozlik himself had not intervened in the matter.

“Brothers,” he said, “don’t quarrel over me! Let's do this: I will fulfill both positions - both the messenger and the doorman.

The dispute thus ended. Everyone quickly came to an agreement, and at this the first meeting of the joint-stock company was completed.

In the whole city, only three short men knew nothing about what had happened. They were Dunno, Miga and Kozlik. From the very morning they sat in their office waiting for buyers of shares, and since the buyers for some reason did not appear, they had no one to learn from anyone about what had happened. Soon, however, Julio ran into the office and told about this amazing story.

“There is nothing to be done with the robbers now,” he said. - Just look, they will rob our office!

“But I’m afraid of the wrong thing,” said Miga. - I'm afraid that now everyone will talk about this bank robbery, and they will completely forget about our joint-stock company. Nobody will think buy shares.

Seeing that no one came to their office to buy shares, Miga was terribly upset and said that if it went on like this, then their joint-stock company would burst, and they would all remain beggars.

“Well, it may well happen,” Julio confirmed. - Recently in the newspaper they wrote that we have almost every day some joint-stock company bursts.

- How do they break? – Dunno asked.

- Well, it happens that some short businessmen decide to organize a profitable enterprise, issue shares in order to raise capital, spend money, and no one will buy shares from them. In such cases, they say that their society has burst or gone down the drain. In fact, no one, of course, does not burst. It's just a figurative expression, which means that the society died, ceased to exist - it burst like a soap bubble, - Julio explained.

“Otherwise, it happens that some gang of swindlers will gather,” said Kozlik. “They will issue shares, sell them, and run away with the money themselves. That's when they also say that society has burst.

There is no money, so let them get it! Miga snorted contemptuously. “Of course, the poor don’t have money, that is, they don’t have a lot of money, I want to say. If they have, then some miserable pennies. But there are a lot of poor people! If every poor man scrapes together at least a small amount and brings us, then we will have a decent capitalist and we will be able to profit well ... that is ... Ugh! We will be able not to run up, but to get the seeds of giant plants. You can't skimp on something like this! After all, who benefits from it? This benefits the poor themselves. If every poor man grows in his garden a cucumber the size of at least a Goat or a watermelon the size of a two-story house, who benefits from this? To me? You? Kozlik?.. This is beneficial, first of all, to the poor. From one such watermelon, he will be able to extract so much sweet sugar liquid that it will be enough for a whole sugar factory. This is wealth! With us, every poor man will become a rich man! And then the grace will begin!

“Tell me,” Miga asked him in parting, “how did you find out about the existence of our society?” What prompted you to buy the stock?

– What prompted you? - answered, thinking, Sedenky. - Pushed, one might say, the case. This piece of newspaper, which you see in my hands, came to me purely by accident. In our village only poor people live. Nobody subscribes to newspapers, nobody buys books. Nobody has money for this. However, we sometimes manage to read a newspaper. This happens when someone in a store has their purchase wrapped in a piece of old newspaper. Each of us collects such scraps of newspapers; he reads and gives others to read.

Dunno gave the shorties the shares they had acquired. Customers' hands trembled with excitement, and the one who was without soles got so excited that he even cried.

“You know, brother,” he said to Kozlik, “I came to the city to buy shoes for myself, I swear, but I found out here about all these giant beans, cucumbers and cabbages. So I decided instead of shoes to buy, you know, a share.

“And he did the right thing,” Kozlik approved. - Any donkey can buy shoes, but what kind of donkey will buy a share!

City dwellers realized that over time share price may go up. Everyone remembered the amazing case when the shares of an oil company, bought at one furthing each, were subsequently sold first at two, then at three, then at five furthings, and on the day when it became known that from under the ground where they were exploration work, the oil gusher finally came out, the price of shares jumped to ten furthings a piece. Everyone who sold their shares that day received ten times more money than they spent at the beginning.

Having heard such stories, everyone who managed to save a hundred or two ferthings for a rainy day hurried to buy gigantic shares in order to sell them as soon as they rise in price. As a result, two million shares, stored in two fireproof chests, were quickly sold out.

It must be said that the market where stocks are traded is very different from the usual market where apples, tomatoes, potatoes or cabbage are traded. The fact is that it is enough for the seller of fruits or vegetables to lay out their goods on the counter so that everyone can see what he is selling. The seller of shares carries his merchandise in his pocket, and all he can do is shout out the name of his shares and the price at which he wishes to sell them. The buyer also has only to shout out the name of the shares that he wants to buy.

Ever since stock markets appeared, some lunatics have taken to buying shares, not only to have a share in the profits of some enterprise, but also in order to sell them at a higher price. Merchants appeared who bought and sold shares in huge quantities and made big profits on this. Such merchants no longer went to the market themselves, but hired special screamers or so-called horloders for this. Many gorloderiki worked not for one, but for several masters at once. For one owner, such a gorloderik bought some shares, for another - others, for a third he did not buy, but, on the contrary, he sold.

The owners of giant shares were in despair. Everyone saw that they had wasted their money and now they will not be able to return it. However, the three rich men Zhmurik, Meatball and Khanakonda, who bought large quantities of gigantic shares for profit, quickly figured out what to do. They paid a considerable sum of money to Mr. Gadkins, the owner of several Davilonian newspapers, who promised to publish in his newspapers a number of articles that should have quickly corrected the matter.

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