What kind of small red apples. Catalog of apple varieties. Summer varieties of apple trees

The apple tree is perhaps the most common fruit tree in our gardens. It has been cultivated since time immemorial. And it is he who wants to be planted in the first place on his site by almost all novice gardeners. Varieties of apples today are amazing. There are really a lot of them: both ancient, long-known, and new ones, bred or brought to our country quite recently.

How to choose exactly the apple tree that will be rich in harvest, unpretentious, resistant to diseases and whose fruits will be to the taste of the gardener and his family members? Below are the varieties of apple trees for central Russia, photos, their features, advantages and disadvantages. This will help you make a choice.

So, the first thing to say is that trees are:

  • summer - ripen early, from about July. Their fruits are not soft, they need to be eaten or processed within 2-3 weeks.
  • autumn - suggest harvesting in early autumn. They are stored, as a rule, until the middle of winter;
  • winter or late - fully ripen in late autumn. They are the lightest, stored literally until the beginning of summer.

It is interesting that winter and autumn types of apples ripen during further storage.

Summer varieties of apple trees photo with name and description, care

Summer fruits are varied. Among them you can find a variety of taste qualities with structural characteristics.

White filling

Widely known and very popular variety. You can enjoy this at the beginning of July. The height of an adult tree is 3-5 m, the fruits are round, greenish in color, at the stage of full ripeness they become almost white. The pulp is fragrant, somewhat loose and coarse-grained. Moderately sour. It is very important to harvest the crop without overripe, because in this case it loses its quality. Picked fruits spoil rather quickly, so you need to use them without delay. The white filling is winter-hardy, the seedling begins to bear fruit in the 5th year.


An apple variety of Canadian origin, ripens in late summer. They are of medium, often large size, rounded elongated. Their color is yellowish, half decorated with an elegant red striped blush. The pulp of Melba is snow-white. Incredibly good, sweet and sour, with a noticeable candy smell. It bears fruit at 4 years old. Regarding winter hardiness.


Also came to us from Canada. Its fruits are round-oblong, painted in bright color, with red specks on the main greenish background. They are quite large, pleasant, almost without acid, dense, juicy, slightly creamy. Mantet is stored for a short time, only 2-3 weeks. It enters fruiting quite early, already at 4-5 autumn. It is resistant to major diseases, but does not tolerate very severe frosts.

Grushovka Moscow

An ancient, but often found in our time, variety. It ripens in August, it will have to be consumed and used in 2-4 weeks. The fruits are medium, small, round, somewhat flattened. Their main color is pale green, covered with a pink blush of spots, stripes. Pear pulp is loose and tender, juicy, more sour and with a pleasant smell. The tree is tall, plentiful, begins to give a rich harvest quickly. The winter hardiness of Grushovka will not bring any worries even in the coldest year.


A variety of sweet apples, as its name speaks eloquently. In addition, it is beautiful, yellow, with a reddish and even brown blush. Round in shape, white inside, juicy and tender. They ripen by mid-August. Shelf life is limited to 2-3 weeks. They don't transport well. Trees of the Candy variety will allow you to enjoy the fruits as early as 4-5 years old, they are unpretentious in care, resistant to diseases, winter-hardy.

Autumn varieties of apples photo with a description, care

Autumn fruits are best suited for conservation.


Canadian variety, fruits are medium, yellow-green, with a cover of almost purple stripes on a red background. The middle is white, often with characteristic reddish streaks, pleasantly spicy. An excellent commercial variety. A vigorous and spreading tree. Cleaning - from September, you can eat it until the middle of winter. The disadvantage is low frost resistance and susceptibility to diseases.


Variety of folk selection, originally from the Baltic countries. These are large, yellow-green fruits covered with orange-brown stripes. Inside they are pale yellowish, juicy. Somewhat reminiscent of raspberries, the same sweet and sour. You can collect from the beginning of autumn, store in a cool place until about December. Shtreifling is winter-hardy, but bears fruit only from 8-9 autumn.

Glory to the winners

Hybrid of Macintosh and White filling. Ripens at the beginning of autumn, keeping quality - until the middle of winter. Quite large, oblong, has a green color, with a spectacular red blush. A characteristic feature of the variety is noticeable dots on the skin. The pulp of Glory to the winners is creamy, it smells amazing. They are transportable. The apple tree of this variety is vigorous, sprawling over time. Under especially favorable conditions, it can bear fruit literally on 2, but usually on 4-5 autumn. The variety is productive, resistant to frost, but the minus is that it does not tolerate drought.

cinnamon striped

A well-known, even ancient, variety, ripens mainly in September. Greenish-yellow in color, with a cover of clear stripes on a reddish background. Its flesh is yellowish, sometimes with red streaks, tender, dessert, with clearly perceptible notes of cinnamon. Fruits of this variety are guaranteed to lie until January. It begins to give birth from 8-9 autumn, its yield is moderate. The winter hardiness of Cinnamon Striped is perhaps the best of other varieties of apple trees growing in the middle lane.


The variety is widespread. The fruits are red-striped. In a section - a cream shade, gentle, coarse-grained. It is moderately sour. It ripens in late August - early September, lies well until December. The seedling will give the first harvest in 5 years. Fruits abundantly, almost every year. Resistant to tree diseases, but this apple tree is afraid of severe frosts.

Winter varieties of apple trees with a description, care

Winter apples are distinguished by a strong structure, therefore they are well preserved.


An old, beloved winter variety of apples. Its apples have a beautiful, yellowish-golden color and a unique, recognizable aroma. The inside of such an apple is snow-white, crispy, with a slight sourness. The tree is strong, harmonious, with dense foliage. It enters fruiting only at 7 years. Even the youngest Antonovka seedlings are not afraid of Morozov. In general, the variety is unpretentious, resistant to diseases.


The variety is popular and has a lot of advantages. Released in the USA. Its fruits are of medium and large size, colored yellow-green, covered with a dark red blush, sometimes "rusty" with a net. Their pulp is strong, crispy, creamy, juicy, dessert. The yield of apple trees of the Jonathan variety, starting from the 5th year, is very high, with good soil and proper care. They ripen in October and are successfully stored until April. Susceptibility to diseases and winter hardiness are average.

Pepin saffron

Variety of winter apples of domestic selection. It has round fruits, yellowish-green in color, with a magnificent red blush and a dense creamy middle. Their taste is excellent, grape-sweet, interestingly spicy, with an unsurpassed aroma. They ripen in October and lie perfectly until March and April without loss of quality. The tree bears fruit abundantly from 5-7 years, but requires regular pruning. In too cold winters, it tends to freeze slightly, but, however, then it recovers well.

Golden Delicious

Ready to be harvested in September and keeps well until March. The fruits are medium and often large, round, slightly elongated-conical. When ripe, they have a yellow-golden skin color. Inside they are dense and incredibly juicy, creamy. After lying down, they become much softer. The taste of Golden Delicious is sweet and pleasant. This variety is of American origin. Regular fruiting of this apple tree comes from the age of 7. Its frost resistance is good, but it is difficult to tolerate drought.


This winter apple variety is also bred in the USA. The fruits are medium in size, rounded, strongly flattened, yellow-gold in color with a cover in the form of red stripes. Inside, they are white, sour, having a delicate, pleasant aroma. Interestingly, their taste can change every year. Welsey apple trees ripen in early autumn, lie until February in a specially equipped storage facility. Seedlings begin to produce crops from 4-5 years. They are quite plentiful. Winter hardiness is normal, they resist diseases well.

Sinap orlovsky

Sings in September, perfectly preserved until May. The fruits are quite large, oblong, golden, with a delicate and thin blush, sour. Trees bear fruit from autumn 4-5, regularly, one might say almost annually.

Dwarf apple varieties, photo

Dwarf apple trees grow where the area allocated for the garden is small. A dwarf apple tree is obtained by grafting the required variety onto a special stock. The tree grows only 2-4 m high, compact. You can expect fruits for 3-4 years. At the same time, it is very convenient to collect them, thanks to short stature.


The presented varieties of apple trees with photos are very popular due to their qualities. When laying and planning a garden, it is worth making your choice in favor of several types. Planted together summer, autumn and winter varieties of apple trees for central Russia will provide you with the opportunity to enjoy these fruits almost all year round, from July to May. The above varieties of apples with descriptions and photos will help you plan the planting of a beautiful, productive garden.

From the south to the north of our country, the apple tree is a favorite fruit crop. People have been growing it since ancient times, and therefore there are more than 10,000 varieties of apples, old, known for a long time, new or recently brought to us! They differ in size, shape, taste of fruits: from bitter, insipid, sour to very sweet, so everyone can choose what he likes.

Apples are: summer, that is, they ripen early, usually in July, they do not lie well, the shelf life is about three weeks, in which they need to be eaten or processed.

Apples autumn categories begin to be collected in September, they can be stored until the middle of winter. Harvest late, or winter, finally ripens at the end of autumn. Apples of this category are distinguished by good keeping quality and winter hardiness.

It is curious that both autumn and winter varieties of apples can ripen during storage. We will look at the best and most popular in each category in the form of a list with illustrations so that it is possible to identify and recognize the name of the fruit from the photo.

Came from the Crimea, although now it grows in the north-eastern regions of Russia. Comes from the variety Kandil-Chinese.

Is different good winter hardiness and keeping quality, the fruits can be stored until May-June, making it very popular. Fast-growing, gives a stable, plentiful harvest of very tasty apples.

For good fruit ripening, it requires a lot of summer heat, therefore, in regions with short and rather cold summers, apples simply will not ripen. It's worth harvesting finally ripe, since unripe fruits will not have characteristic taste qualities, and during storage they may wither, but not ripen. But ripe fruits will have the best taste two to three months later.

Medium resistance to fungal diseases and drought. Suitable for fresh consumption, processing into juice, compote and jam, as well as for the manufacture of dried fruits.

A well-known early-growing variety that came from Canada. Melba bears fruit literally for 3 years. This apple tree is grown almost everywhere in Russia, with the exception of the Far East, the Urals and northeast Siberia.

Is different high yield. Melba's flesh is snowy, the skin is smooth. The fruits are not small, sweet and sour, with a pleasant candy aroma. Melba apples are well transported and, if stored properly, lie until November, unripe apples - until January, without losing their attractiveness and taste, which distinguishes the variety from other summer ones.

Harvest harvest late summer and early autumn. Melba does not withstand frost well, it becomes infected with scab, mature trees do not bear fruit regularly. But she is not afraid of a dry hot summer.

More than 20 new species were bred on the basis of the Melba apple tree.

Late winter, Student's harvest falls on September and first half of October. It has a particularly early fruiting period: apples appear in the second year. The variety is popular in central Russia.

The fruits are not too large, but have an attractive appearance, have a pleasant, sweet and sour taste. The apple tree tolerates frost quite well, resistant to scab. The fruits have good keeping quality, easy to save until May. They ripen for a long time, the harvest is removed in October.

Types of late apple trees

Idared apple tree - tall wood. Fruiting begins 5-6 years after planting. The apples are quite large, green in color with a yellow or red blush, pleasant taste, the flesh is dense and juicy.

Harvest harvest at the end of September, and apples lie until the beginning of spring. Brown spot resistant variety, but susceptible to powdery mildew and scab. It is used fresh, in the preparation of juice and compotes, as well as dried fruits.

A variety that begins to bear fruit 5 years after planting. The advantage is the ability to grow it in almost any climatic zone.

The fruits have a pleasant sweet and sour taste, firm and strong, juicy. Until the very harvest, the apples remain light green in color, turn yellow during storage, and a blush may appear. Scab resistant, hardy, well transported and consistently good fruiting. The harvest is taking place in September, with proper storage, apples lie until the end of spring.

The unique McIntosh variety comes from Canada. The fruits are whitish yellow or green with purple or burgundy stripes.

Fruiting begins 6-7 years after planting. Harvest harvest late September - early October, after which it lies for 2-3 weeks and only after that it is considered ripe.

Apples are moderately sweet, rich in taste. Possesses medium keeping quality, the fruits are stored until the beginning of spring and at full ripeness the flesh becomes slightly transparent. Winter hardiness and resistance to scab are average.

summer varieties

In most regions of Russia, summer is not long, and therefore summer apples are sometimes not a frequent treat. Apple trees of this category ripen early and begin to bear fruit.

To date, breeders have bred many varieties of apple trees that can be grown in regions that were previously considered unsuitable for their growth.

Summer apples are usually juicy, sweet and very tasty. Their biggest disadvantage is poor keeping quality. They are consumed fresh, juiced and canned. Let's consider the best of them.

Popular, common, old variety. Fruits of noble ivory color, hence the name. The apple tree is a white filling of medium height, an adult tree grows up to 5 meters high, the crown is pyramidal.

White filling is winter-hardy, but is highly vulnerable to tree pests, therefore it requires regular treatments. They have a sweet and sour taste. Harvest harvest in August.

Apples spoil quickly, especially when bumped or dropped, because stored for a very short time. Therefore, it is most correct to immediately eat them or process them. Overripe fruits should not be allowed, since in this case the taste quality deteriorates noticeably, the pulp becomes mealy and almost tasteless.

The fruits of white filling deteriorate not only when falling, but even when pressed hard with a finger, dark spots appear, the flesh loosens, becoming dry and mealy. Therefore, apples must be removed very carefully.

Another well-known variety, which is often confused with white filling. But this is not entirely correct. Although they are relatives, they still have differences. The birthplace of the apple tree Papirovka is the Baltic States. It begins to bear fruit early, already 5 years after planting.

Tolerates frost well, but unstable to scab, traces of which can be seen both on the foliage and on the apples themselves. Harvest ripens a week earlier than white filling. The pulp of the papier is white, coarse-grained, contains an increased level of ascorbic acid, therefore the taste of apples is refreshingly sour. Fairly well resists the influence of pests and diseases, but suffers from drought and frost.

Papaya fruits poorly transported and lie, are stored for about three weeks, if damaged, they quickly rot. If you want to keep them for a while, you need to harvest them unripe. Also well suited for processing and conservation.

A variety of apples obtained by the Michurin method from white filling and boxes. Apple trees are characterized by rapid development and growth, they begin to bear fruit in the 5th year, have a powerful spreading crown.

They are unpretentious, winter-hardy, which is a definite plus for many Russian regions. Pruning trees helps increase the yield, as well as the ability to form a bush from the tree. Due to frost resistance, cultivation is possible even in Siberia.

fruits ripen mid August, from one tree you can harvest up to 50 kg. The fruits are smooth, with a sweet taste and excellent presentation. Apples have a good keeping quality, can be stored for up to two months.

The main difference between winter and summer apples is that winter apples should be eaten after they have lain for at least a month.

Apple tree withstands frosts down to -50, therefore it can be grown in many Russian regions, even in the Urals and Siberia. It is one of the most frost-resistant. They begin to bear fruit already 5 years after planting, the crop ripens in July-August, but they do not bear fruit en masse. Apples inside the crown and at the top ripen at different times, which greatly complicates the harvest.

The pulp of apples is juicy, but after picking it quickly becomes mealy. Fruit do not tolerate transportation and almost never stored. In rainy weather, they are prone to infection with scab, and in drought, the tree can even discard the fruits.

Not very suitable for preservation, because the taste of apples is sour, which will require a lot of sugar. But at the same time, they contain a lot of vitamins B and C, so it is better to use them fresh.

It has Canadian roots, bred by the method of natural pollination of the Moscow pear. Apples are round-oblong, slightly ribbed at the top, bright. The taste of Mantet is very sweet, almost without the presence of sourness, the flesh is white and fragrant.

ripen from the end of July to the end of August. It bears fruit early, but the fruits are stored for no more than two weeks. Trees are prone to scab can't stand frost.

As the name implies, the color of the fruit is striped, which is its distinguishing feature from other varieties. The apple tree is quite unpretentious in care, has immunity to scab, frost-resistant. When grown in almost any conditions, you can get a high yield of tasty, juicy, fragrant apples with delicate pulp.

The fruits are stored poorly, overripe and not harvested in time, the crop will simply crumble from the tree. Suitable for fresh consumption, jams and compotes.

Quinty was bred about 30 years ago in Canada, from where it came to us. It was created specifically for regions with relatively low average annual temperatures. Fruit ripening occurs early, the harvest is already harvested from mid July.

The fruits of the apple tree are small, with a persistent bright aroma and a sweetish-sour taste. Despite the early ripening of the crop, resistance to powdery mildew, drought and heat, which are the undoubted advantages of the variety, the fruits are stored for a very short time, only about two weeks. quinti apple tree not hardy and susceptible to scab.

Autumn varieties of apples

Autumn apples are the best for all types of conservation. Consider the best and most popular of them.

The variety is considered one of the best in its category. High yielding, different average winter hardiness, the planted tree begins to bear fruit at 7-8 years. Ripening in the second half of September, the fruits remain on the tree for a long time without falling off. Stored until mid-December.

Fruits of medium size, with a blurred blush, with a creamy pulp of pleasant taste.

Despite the high quality of apples, the variety is not resistant to drought.

cinnamon striped

A popular and long-known variety of apples. It differs in that it begins to give abundant harvests rather late, after 14-15 years. High winter resistant long-lived variety, tolerates long-term severe frosts.

Fruits with cream-colored pulp, high palatability and aroma of cinnamon, thanks to which they gave such a name. The harvest is taking place in September, laying time - up to two months. Apples are good for urination and jam. In rainy weather, the variety is susceptible to scab disease.

Consumer maturity, that is, the time when autumn apples can be eaten, comes after 2-3 weeks of maturation.

Winter hardy unpretentious variety with regular fruiting.

fruits ripen in early September, and can lie until November. The apple tree begins to bear fruit already from the 4th year after planting, the fruits are juicy, yellowish, of medium taste. Despite the high tolerance of low temperatures, the tree has fragile wood, the nondescript taste of the apples themselves. Fruits and leaves are susceptible to scab.

Variety Pamyat Isaev, possessing extremely high winter hardiness, high productivity. The harvest is taking place late autumn, and the collected fruits are stored until January.

Apples have a sweet and sour taste, have a not pronounced aroma, with dense, juicy and tender pulp. Scab resistant.

matures in September-October, the harvested crop of rather large fruits is stored for up to three months.

Sweet and sour apples, juicy and very tender. It begins to bear fruit early, as early as 4 years old, good disease resistance and winter hardiness.

Giving high yields frost tolerant grade. Large fruits with a pleasant sweet and sour taste ripen in early September.


Varieties of apples that have a late ripening period are called winter. Winter apples are valuable because you can eat them all year long.. The best varieties of this category have such good keeping quality.

Winter apples are difficult to eat immediately after picking, as they usually ripen during storage. The crop is harvested from mid-autumn, and the fruits lie until May-June.


fruits ripen in the first half of October are stored until April-May. Trees of large size, harvests are plentiful, up to 240 kg. The tree is powerful, scab and moderate frost resistance. Therefore, it requires special attention in the winter, and also requires regular spraying.

The fruits are quite large, with excellent taste. Stored until May, suitable both for raw consumption and for all processing methods.

Growing winter varieties of apples is more difficult due to the small amount of heat, unlike summer and autumn ones. For this reason, they need more careful care and regular feeding.

A well-known and popular variety. It has quite a few types: white, ribbed, gray, striped and so on. All of them are characterized by high, but not regular yields. Frost-resistant and well tolerate other climatic troubles.

The fruits have a characteristic aroma of high intensity, sweet with sour taste, juicy and crispy flesh.

Harvest off in the first decade of October. Depending on the method of storage, apples of this variety lie: in the refrigerator - until December, in the basement - until December. They eat it fresh, and also process it into jam, marmalade and marshmallow, make compotes and juices.

Apple trees varieties are resistant to drought, strong winds. The trees grow very tall with medium to large green fruits in various shades. A distinctive sign is the formation of a brown tint on the fruits.

Possess very high keeping quality are kept until the summer. The harvest of juicy fruits with a spicy, slightly giving wine, sweet taste is removed in September-October. Suitable mainly for fresh consumption.

A variety that can endure the coldest winters. Highly frost resistant.

When ripe, the fruits turn red, have a pleasant tangible aroma, juicy and sweet. It is not uncommon for apples to have a wax coating, which helps to increase the keeping quality of the fruit.

Harvesting falls on late September-early October I, and apples can be stored almost until the end of spring. You can eat them after 2 months of lying, when they are fully ripe.

Sinap (Kandil) Orlovsky

The trees are quite large, with large fruits of almost the same size. Apples are green with a blush, sweet with a slight sourness. Harvest harvest at the end of September, apples lie until spring.

Bred in the Volga region, because tolerates both severe frosts and drought. Scarlet begins to bear fruit quite late, 6-7 years after planting, bringing abundant harvests.

The harvest is taking place In November, keeping quality is limited to two months. An unpretentious apple tree, but when the weather is too wet, the fruits and leaves become infected with scab.

Ripe fruits are almost completely covered with a scarlet blush, small in size, and have a good taste.

The sweetest and most delicious fruits and their names

Adults and especially children are very fond of eating a delicious, sweet apple. The most famous in this category is the white pour and candy we talked about earlier. In addition to them, there are still popular varieties of this category.

winter hardy precocious type. Due to its large size, the tree is able to withstand fairly large fruits. Apples are sweet, with very fragrant, but not too dense pulp.

Harvest off at the beginning of October, and the fruits lie until the end of February. Possessing excellent taste data and presentation, it is also resistant to scab.

Sweet bliss

Medium-sized tree with sweet and sour fruits of a rounded shape of a small size. Light blush apples are characterized by excellent aroma, sweet dessert taste without the presence of sourness.

Good resistance to adverse environmental factors. Is different high frost resistance.

The fruits are small, cylindrical, yellow in color, with a very sweet taste and pleasant aroma. The yield is average.


summer winter-hardy grade. Fruits of medium and large size are sweet, with a slight sourness and honey flavor. Ripening occurs In the end of August and lasts for a month.

Winter hardiness is very high, withstands frosts down to -40. Good immunity to diseases and resistance to pests.

It is grown in central Russia, Belarus and the Baltic states. summer ripening, tolerates frost well.

The yield is average, and the tree begins to bear fruit quite late. The fruits are small in size, very fragrant, with a honey-sweet taste. The foliage and the apples themselves are resistant to scab. ripen at the end of July-beginning of August. However, the keeping quality is low, they are stored for a month.


Variety with uneven maturation, harvested in the second half of August. The taste of apples improves after a short rest, becoming even more honey-sweet. Taste qualities remain unchanged for a long time.

Best Greens

Green, with a sour taste, green apples are considered most beneficial to health and with diets. Among them is the most popular Simirenko Renet variety, as well as papirovka, antonovka and white filling, described above, and others.

Probably the most popular winter variety of green apples right now, which is difficult to confuse with others due to its bright, shiny green color and tough peel. Released in Australia. The taste of the fruits is very juicy with a pleasant sourness, they are considered dietary due to the low sugar content.

Late ripening, ripens by the end of autumn. The fruits are large and have no fragrance, which is their specialty. They tolerate transportation well and can be stored for a long time. frost-resistant, with regular abundant fruiting. However, with a lack of heat and light, the fruits become smaller and turn yellow.

Granny Smith is the most popular apple for weight loss diet.

Pepin saffron

Variety does not have good frost resistance and in severe colds it freezes slightly, although after a good time it recovers. For regular fruiting, it requires regular pruning, it brings the first crops 5-7 years after planting.

Apples are sweet, with an interesting grape and spicy flavor, with a bright aroma. Have a good keeping quality, from the moment of collection in October perfectly stored until March, retaining their taste.

Golden Delicious

Despite the yellowish color, the variety still belongs to this category. Apple tree tolerates frost well, but drought tolerance is low.

Dense, very juicy fruits with a sweet taste are harvested From september and keep until March. Lying has a positive effect on the taste, making it even more tender.

Best Reds

Beautiful, bright apples will decorate any table and seem especially tasty. The best varieties in the category are the following.


French variety, resistant to scab. Large, slightly flattened apples ripen in October. It begins to bear fruit at the age of 6, but good harvests are harvested only at 8-10.

The quality of the fruits is very high: sweet, juicy, with signs of sourness, become even sweeter during maturation. Well transported and stored until March. Frost and drought tolerance medium.

Variety with large, bright red fruits of a beautiful shape. Excellent taste, appearance, but resistance to scab of an average level. The tree begins to bear fruit 5 years after planting, but yields significant yields only by 10 years.

Red Delicious

An early-growing variety, the first crops can be harvested after 3-4 years. Need to do it at the end of September, and the fruits lie until the end of winter, with proper storage until April.

The apples are rich, bright red in color, with a dense skin, sweet, with a slight iron aftertaste, juicy and crunchy. They are well transported, resistant to mechanical damage, but are affected by bitter spot during storage. It has no resistance to scab, but frost resistance average.

Late winter variety native to America. It is also known to gardeners under other names: winter horoshavka, winter red, oslamovskoe. You need to grow on moist soils, only under this condition can you get good yields. The tree is resistant to both scab and powdery mildew.

Fruits with a pleasant, sour taste with sweetness and a bright aroma in mid-September. It tolerates transportation and storage well, lies until mid-spring.

Jonathan fruit is most often mentioned in culinary recipes and used in baking.


The variety originated from the Mackintosh, and therefore has its properties: rich red color, excellent taste. The variety is distinguished by annual fruiting with a noticeable increase in yield, the first can be removed after 3-4 years.

Tolerates frost well and drought tolerant, but moderately resistant to disease.

The best varieties of apples for the Moscow region and the middle lane

The region near Moscow is characterized by an unstable climate, a short summer and a lack of light. Therefore, the varieties that are best suited for cultivation should be hardy, unpretentious and frost-resistant.

Among the summer varieties are suitable: Moscow pear, lungwort, candy, cinnamon striped, which were mentioned above. As well as autumn varieties of apples.



The first fruits are harvested 5-6 years after planting, the harvest is plentiful, but decreases over the years.

Characteristic features of the variety are very large fruit. But it is better to plant in the southern regions, since the variety does not tolerate frost and weakly resists scab. matures in September, and harvested apples lie for up to two months.

cinnamon new

Another autumn variety of apples suitable for growing in the Moscow region. The first harvest is taken quite late after planting, closer to 6-7 years. At first, the trees bear fruit regularly, over the years the yield increases, but becomes irregular.

The fruits are small, juicy, fragrant, with bright spots. in mid-September They keep for about three months. winter hardy, pest resistant variety.

Among the winter varieties suitable for growing in this region, it is worth noting the already described Antonovka, Pepin Saffron, Borovinka, Long, Kandil Orlovsky and some others.


Variety with average winter hardiness but good resistance to scab and various pests. Fruiting begins at the earliest - after 5 years of cultivation, a crop of light striped fruits is harvested in the fall and stored for about six months.

Good, frost-resistant variety with excellent resistance to pests and various diseases.

After 5-7 years, you can take a good harvest, the apples are large, sweet and sour, green with a bright blush. ripen in September-October, with proper storage lie up to April.



Semi-dwarf autumn variety, bears fruit well from the 3rd year of growth. A fast-growing, high-yielding apple tree with medium-sized red fruits. Due to the thickened crown, the size of the apples is different, their taste is sweet and sour. Especially valuable for immunity to scab and good frost resistance.

By the third year of cultivation, good yields of sweet and sour apples can be harvested. Frost resistant and scab, loves top dressing, but it is necessary to deal with aphids.

Dwarf tree, yellow fruit in the second half of August are kept for a month.

The described varieties of apples are considered the best, because they are very successful and popular with many gardeners. By planting summer, autumn and winter varieties together, you can enjoy delicious fruits all year round.

Probably the most common fruit in our country is an apple. Apple trees can be seen in every garden, in a country house or even just on a city street. An apple is an incredibly valuable product that contains many vitamins and minerals, it is especially valued because of iron.

Varieties are different: they can be winter, summer or autumn. Each species has its own distinctive features, as well as positive and negative qualities. Careful study of each type of apple tree helps to understand how to care for these plants, when to harvest and how long this crop will be stored.

Summer varieties of apple trees

"Melba"- a rather low plant, with a lush developed crown. This variety is often affected by scab and is moderately resistant to wintering. Already for 5-6 years, you can collect the first fruits from this tree. After the first fruiting, the tree gives good harvests every year, which fully ripen by the end of August. After collection, they will lie a little - only a month. Apples are not damaged during transportation.

The fruit has a round-conical shape. The surface of the apple is dotted with small stripes, and the sides are painted with an attractive blush. The average fruit weight of this variety is 100-120 grams. The apple itself is light green in color, with white flesh. The taste is sweet and sour, delicate.

- a small tree, with a rounded oval lush crown. Moderately resistant to frost, as well as various diseases and pests. The exception is scab, which especially affects the plant during rainy summers. From the moment of planting, at least 4 years must pass for the apple tree to begin to bear fruit. Harvests are formed annually. Already by mid-August, you can pick ripe, tasty, sweet and sour apples, light yellow in color. The average weight of one fruit reaches 100 grams. This variety after harvest can be stored for only 15 days, so the transportability is low. The shape of the apple is rounded, slightly conical. There is a small seam all over the surface.

- the tree is distinguished by a low structure with a flat-rounded crown. A winter-hardy variety that is also resistant to scab. For 4 years after planting, the tree can bring the first harvest. Annual fruiting allows you to pick apples weighing 100 grams. The fruits begin to ripen somewhere in early August (10 days before the apples ripen at Papirovka). Ripe fruit has a rounded shape (slightly flattened), its color is light yellow. The pulp is characterized by sweet taste and snow-white pulp.

- an apple tree with a moderate height, has a compact pyramidal crown. The variety is relatively winter-hardy, but can sometimes be affected by powdery mildew or scab. 4 years after planting, the apple tree begins to bear fruit. Ripening occurs a week earlier than that of "Papirovka". Harvested apples will not be able to lie for a long time, because their shelf life does not exceed 20 days. The fruits are medium, 100 grams each. Round-conical shape of the fruit, with a blurry bright pink blush that spreads over almost the entire surface. It has a soft, juicy middle, with a sweet and sour taste. Due to the fact that ripening is uneven, it is best to harvest in several approaches.

- the tree has an average height, during the growth of which the appearance of the crown changes. In young apple trees, it is pyramidal, in adult plants it is round. The variety is moderately sensitive to frost, can easily become infected with scab. Already 2 years after planting, a plant grafted on a dwarf rootstock begins to bear its first fruits, and one grafted on an adult tree - after 5 years. The apple tree bears fruit every year. Fully fruit ripen only in August. The keeping quality is relatively good. So the harvested apple crop can be stored for up to 3 months. The fruits are medium - 100 grams each, can be of two shapes: round-conical or wide egg-shaped. Apples are light green in color with a yellowish tinge. The pulp is tender, juicy, uniform, snow-white in color. The taste is sweet, with a slight sourness.

- a tall, confident tree, with broad pyramidal or spherical foliage. The variety is resistant to winter frosts. The apple tree bears fruit almost every year.

Maturity, which is necessary for harvesting, occurs only at the beginning of August, and the harvested fruits are not transportable. The fruits are small, their weight is about 100 grams. The color is light white, and the flesh is juicy, sweet, with sour notes.

- medium-sized tree with good winter hardiness. Due to the fact that the plant is susceptible to the effects of a disease such as scab, ripened fruits most often quickly fall off the branches. Starting from 5-6 years after planting, the apple tree is already bearing its first fruits. The crop can be harvested annually, with the exception of some disadvantaged years. The peak of apple maturity falls at the end of August - beginning of September. Shelf life is limited - only 2-4 weeks. The fruit is round, slightly flat, the average weight is 100 grams. There is a slight blush in the form of stripes on the peel. The core of the fruit is yellow, with juicy sweet and sour pulp.

- has a tall tree. Frost resistant. On a dwarf rootstock, you can harvest fruits after 3 years, and on a powerful rootstock - after 5 years. With the advent of August, apples begin to ripen, which are easily removed from the tree.

They have a round-conical shape, average weight (from 80 to 150 grams). This variety has an interesting fruit color: yellow-green color is combined with brown stripes. The taste is sweet.

- a powerful, tall apple tree, characterized by durability. The crown is lush, refined. Winter-hardy variety of apples. In mid-August, the fruits formed on the tree fully ripen and become suitable for consumption.

Keeping quality is small - up to 1 month. The size of the fruit is average - about 100 grams. The color is yellow. The flesh is somewhat rough, but sweet.

- is a medium-sized tree. The crown is round, dense, sometimes takes a pyramidal shape. The variety is winter hardy. On a dwarf rootstock, an apple tree is able to bear fruit for 4 years of life, and only for 7 years if the tree was grafted on a strong rootstock. Apples are subject to disruption only in mid-August - early September. On average, the fruit is small - about 100 grams each.

Correct, rounded shape and bright colors - a combination of light green and pink blush. Odorous pulp, sweet and sour taste, the presence of grains is moderate.

Autumn varieties of apple trees

- a tall, semi-spreading tree with a remarkable, pyramidal crown. The variety is resistant to drought, frost, but there have been cases of damage to such a disease as black cancer. After planting the plant, fruiting begins after 6 years. Only with the advent of September can you start harvesting. On average, 250 kg of apples can be harvested from one tree. The fruits are not large - 50-70 grams, rounded flattened, somewhat ribbed. The surface of the apple with a slight wax coating, the color is green with a dark cherry coating. The pulp is sweet and sour, juicy. The keeping quality is average - in general, under the right conditions, apples can be stored until the onset of winter. This variety has a drawback - fruiting does not always occur every year.

- a medium-growing plant, the crown is dense, rounded. It has a moderate sensitivity to scab, a fairly winter-hardy tree. Harvesting can take place annually, starting from the 6th year after planting. In September comes the removable maturity of apples. Each apple has a relatively high weight - 150 grams. The shape is repo-shaped or densely rounded. The color is light yellow, with a slight reddish blush. The pulp is fragrant, tasty, uniform, yellow in color. The variety shows excellent results of safety - in dark places it can lie until January, and in the refrigerator - until March. The main advantage is an excellent presentation.

- a tall plant with a paniculate crown. Leaf density is moderate. The variety is cold-resistant and has immunity to scab. At the 5th year of life, fruiting begins, which occurs annually in the future. In early September, it is already possible to harvest the first harvests of apples, the average weight of which reaches 120 grams. From one tree it turns out to pick more than 200 kg of apples per season. Preservation of fruits - 2 months. The shape of the apple is round, turnip-shaped. The color is yellow, the surface is diluted with a pink striped blush. Juicy, uniform pulp, sweet and sour taste.

- a spreading, tall tree with a dense crown. Frost-resistant variety with scab immunity. The first harvest most often occurs 5 years after planting. The ripeness of apples comes in early September, as evidenced by the bright red sides of the apples. The skin color is greenish-yellow. The pulp has a greenish tint, juicy, pleasant, sweet with sourness. The average weight of one fruit is 130 grams. Productivity - 130 kg per tree. This variety has the main advantage - it is a high yield. But there are also disadvantages, for example, the fact that the fruits quickly crumble from the branches due to uneven ripening.

- a medium-growing plant, with a wide, cone-shaped sparse crown. The variety is quite often affected by scab. The apple tree begins fruiting at the age of 5. Already in early September, it will be possible to collect the first crops. On average, about 200 kg of apples, 100 grams each, can be harvested from one tree. The collected fruits can lie until the beginning of January in cool rooms. An apple is shaped like a ball, slightly flattened. The fruit is colored golden yellow, and the sides are red or orange. Juicy flesh, sweet-sour taste.

- a tall plant, with a large, spreading crown. The variety is not afraid of cold and frost, is not affected by scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit 5 years after planting and is famous for irregular harvests. The ripeness of apples begins with the advent of September. The shelf life of the crop is December-January. Each apple is quite large, it can reach 170 grams in weight. The peel is colored greenish-yellow, and the blush is striped-dotted (red). The pulp is homogeneous, juicy, sweet and sour. This variety has an excellent presentation, so it is suitable for commercial purposes.

- the height of this plant is medium, with a rounded crown. Foliage is moderate. The variety is endowed with scab resistance, and also easily tolerates winter frosts. After planting in the ground, fruiting occurs in the 5th year of the plant's life. At the end of September, it is already possible to collect ripe, juicy berries of large sizes. The weight of each fruit is from 130 to 160 grams. From one apple tree in a good year, it will be possible to collect about 100 kg of apples. The shape of the fruit is wide, round or round-conical. The fruit has an attractive, creamy surface with crimson-red flanks. Light creamy flesh and sweet, with sour notes, taste. Fruits have a long shelf life, and also contain a large amount of ascorbic acid.

- a low tree with rounded dense foliage. It is resistant to frost, as well as to a disease called "Scab". The first fruits can be harvested as early as the 5th year of the plant's life. The variety has a high yield. After harvesting, the fruit can be stored until the end of winter, in particular until February. Each apple weighs approximately 90 grams. Its shape is somewhat reminiscent of a turnip. The color of the fruit is golden yellow with red sides. As for the pulp, it is snow-white, with a greenish tint. Juicy, appetizing, with sour notes. The number of grains is small.

- a tree with a spreading, mighty crown, tall. Scab resistance is weak, but the variety easily tolerates frost. The apple tree begins to bear fruit only 5-7 years after planting. At the beginning of September it is already possible to reap the first harvests. Despite the fact that the plant has established itself as a high-yielding plant, it cannot boast of stable fruiting. Each fruit grows with a mass of 130 grams. In their form they represent an oval-conical figure. The color of the fruit is light cream, on the surface there is a scattering of small dots, the sides are red. Juicy pulp, unforgettable wine-sweet taste.

- a strong, slender tall plant, with lush, cone-shaped foliage. Differs in frost resistance and resistance to scab. The first fruits are formed only 3-4 years after planting. Fruiting is long - apples reach maturity with the onset of August - early September. The yield is average - from an apple tree up to 70 kg of fruits, 50-70 grams each. The shape of the apples is round-conical, with an attractive color: cream with a bright purple striped blush. Inside the ripened fruit is juicy, fragrant, tender, sweetish-sour.

Winter varieties of apple trees

- a tree with an oval crown, quite tall. Despite the fact that the variety is winter-hardy, scab damage takes place. Only 8 years after planting, the apple tree begins to bear fruit. Ripening continues until mid-September. The yield is excellent: on average, you can collect up to 200 kg of apples from one plant. Each apple grows up to 100 grams. The fruit has a long shelf life (2 to 4 months). The shape is rounded, slightly flattened below. The representative of "Antonovka" is yellow-green in color, with yellow juicy flesh and a remarkable sweet and sour taste. This variety is distinguished by high fruit quality and annual fecundity.

- the plant is tall, in the process of growth it receives a lush, rounded crown. Fruiting begins 5 years after planting. By the end of September, all formed fruits reach their removable maturity. Apples are large, with excellent presentation, their weight is from 200 to 250 grams. The shelf life of this variety is long: the harvested crop can lie in a cool, dark place until the end of February. Frost and scab resistance is average. The shape of the fruit resembles a wide cone. The color is yellow-green, but a rich purple blush occupies a large surface. The middle is yellow, homogeneous, with sour notes.

- a tree of large size, with a lowered crown. It is endowed with natural resistance to scab and to severe frosts. The fruits begin to ripen in late September - early October. The harvested crop can lie without damage until mid-May. Apples are small - on average, no more than 140 grams each. The shape is conical, slightly rounded. The color is green-yellow with a slightly light red color on the sides. The crumb is white, fresh, sweet, but there is sourness.

- the height of this plant is medium, the crown is flat-rounded, with developed foliage. The fruits are formed small - only 100 grams, greenish-yellow hue. The variety has good resistance to frost, scab and fungal diseases. Removable maturity comes with the advent of September. Shelf life - until February. The core is juicy, dense, fine-grained, sour-sweet. The main advantage of the variety is its dessert purpose.

- a strong, sprawling apple tree, with a dense, slightly inclined crown. The variety is resistant to scab and also tolerates frost well. After budding, the apple tree begins to bear abundant fruit from year to year. The fruits have a long shelf life - until March. Apples are slightly flattened, spherical, with a weight of 100 grams. The fetus has a slight ribbing. Light green apples have a slight purple blush on the sides. The pulp is rich, uniform, sour-sweet, with a moderate amount of grains. The plant needs regular pruning, otherwise the fruits become smaller over the years.

- the apple tree is famous for its dense, beautiful crown and high growth. Scab resistance is available, as well as moderate frost resistance. Already with the advent of September, the fruits enter the active phase of ripening. The yield of this variety is high - more than 200 centners from a plot of one hectare. The size of apples is small - about 120-140 grams each. The shape is correct, slightly flattened. The surface of the fruit is greenish-yellow, with small spots and red sides. Blurred stripes may also be present in the color. The pulp is refreshing, tasty, tender.

- this apple tree has a powerful, low structure and a densely leafy structure. Average winter hardiness, there is immunity to powdery mildew and scab. The formation of the crop begins at the 6th year of life. High-yielding variety - 200 centners of fruits per hectare. The maximum keeping quality reaches 250 days from the date of collection. The fruits are medium, weighing up to 100 grams, greenish-yellow in color, with a barely noticeable reddish tint. Aesthetic elongated conical shape. The middle is juicy, moderately grainy, sweet and sour.

- the tree has a rounded, dense crown and medium height. Winter-hardy, endowed with resistance to scab, variety. Yield indicators border on high levels - up to 300 centners of apples can be easily harvested per hectare. At the end of September, the resulting fruits begin to ripen. The harvested crop can lie for several months, until the beginning of spring. Each apple in weight reaches 100 grams, and in its shape resembles a regular circle. Attractive green-yellow hue and purple flanks. Characteristic of this crop is sweet and sour taste, white color of the middle, excellent transportability. There are also disadvantages - small fruits in cases where the tree is overcrowded or pruning is not carried out.

- a moderately growing tree, with a dense, but drooping crown with age. The variety has medium frost resistance and medium immunity to scab. From the moment of growth of the occulant, the apple tree begins to bear fruit only for the 6th year. The average yield is up to 110 c/ha. Ripening occurs in early September, and the shelf life is until May. Apples are relatively small - 100-130 grams each. The shape is rounded, slightly flattened. The surface of the fruit is green, with a barely visible blush. Homogeneous pulp with pleasant, sweet and sour notes.

Since ancient times, they have been revered among people as prolonging life, rejuvenating.

The skin of green apples contains chlorophyll, which determines their color. It is he who affects the stimulation of immunity, increasing the production of red blood cells in human blood. Nutrients in green apples quickly saturate the body, eliminating the feeling of hunger. And for diabetics, it is these varieties of fruit that are useful, since they have less sugar than others.

How good it is to freshen up with a juicy apple in the August heat. Summer varieties give us such an opportunity:

  • Among the most famous varieties is Papirovka, which is characterized by high productivity, winter hardiness. The fruits of the variety have a greenish tone with a hint of yellowishness. Like all early varieties, the skin of an apple is thin, juicy pulp is hidden under it, which has tenderness. Fruit ripening on the apple tree occurs from July to August. Collect them immediately, otherwise, falling to the ground, they will be badly damaged. To taste Papirovka is slightly sour with a lot of pectins. Fruits are used for marshmallows, jams, compotes. They are also good fresh.
  • Similar to Papirovka variety White pouring, but the color of its fruits has a greenish-yellow tone. This type of popular apple was bred in the Baltic gardens, but won the hearts of many gardeners in other areas. Fruit pulp is pleasant: tender, loose, coarse-grained. Apples give off a faint aroma. Overripe fruits lead to a lack of juiciness, they become tasteless. The fruits are useful for making juices, jams, jams. But they are not suitable for compotes.
  • The super-early variety is considered to be the Earley Geneva variety with fruits of a green-yellow tone. Already in the first year after planting, the tree bears fruits that cannot be stored for a long time, but have a wonderful sweet and sour taste. The tree gets along well with other varieties, being a good pollinator.

Summer varieties of green apples are rare, they prefer later ripening.

The most popular autumn varieties of green apples:

  • The undisputed leader of autumn varieties is Antonovka. In September, these fragrant greenish fruits with a thick short stalk are plucked. After a month of storage, they begin to turn yellow and become suitable for human consumption. The taste of the fruit is sweet and sour.
  • In early autumn, fruits with greenish pulp of the Dachnoye variety are harvested. Apples reach a weight of one hundred to two hundred grams each. Gardeners are attracted by the versatility of using the variety. Fruits can be stored no more than two months.
  • In mid-September - early October, Anis Sverdlovsk ripens. Small apples are green with a blush on one side. The pulp of fruits differs in juiciness, white tone. They are sweet in taste with an anise flavor. This species has good winter hardiness.
  • Greenish apples with a speckled blush are characteristic of Cinnamon New. The apple tree begins to bear fruit in the seventh year of life, but even then it yields crops irregularly. Apples are stored until January. The positive quality of this species is the tenderness of the pulp, a pleasant sweet-sour taste, and a good presentation of the fruit.

Green varieties of apples ripen better at a later date.

Late-ripening varieties of green apples are best known:

  • The Granny Smith variety is characterized by light green fruits weighing up to three hundred grams. The dense, sour pulp of apples is juicy and low in sugar. The homeland of the variety is Australia, where breeders crossed a home look with a wild Frenchman. Granny Smith prefers a temperate climate with mild winters. The juiciness of the fruit depends on the dryness of the summer. They are suitable for making healthy juice. Apples are advised to use to cleanse the body during fasting days.
  • The variety Moskovskoe later is universal, which begins to bear fruit in the fifth year of life with the formation of large green fruits. You can store them until spring, and even then they delight with juiciness, a pleasant sweet and sour taste.
  • Sinap Orlovsky winter-hardy, resistant to scab. The yield from one tree averages twenty to forty kilograms, which directly depends on weather conditions. Slightly oblong fruits of a green-yellowish color, when ripe, are covered with a faint blush. Juicy green-cream pulp has a sweet and sour taste. Until May, you can save fruits with high taste properties.
  • All winter they feast on Kutuzovets apples, which are harvested at the end of September. The fruits of the variety are characterized by a rounded shape, a large mass of 160 grams. They are with a sweet and sour taste of juicy white pulp. A fruit tree grows in temperate latitudes, adapted to severe frosts. From one tree you can collect up to 30 kilograms of delicious apples.
  • Green leaves are attracted by the correct shape of green fruits, their moderate acidity with a low sugar content. The yellow pulp is juicy, dense. Fruits can be stored and transported for a long time. Compotes, jam, marshmallows are produced from them.
  • Linda's large green fruits have a slight blush. It is distinguished by greenish flesh with a slight sourness and sweetness, since the fruits contain a lot of vitamin C and ten percent sugar. Fruits are stored fresh until March.
  • The oldest variety from Poland - Koshtelya, which enters the time of fruiting only in the tenth year of life, is liked by many for its pleasant juiciness. But then the tree bears fruit abundantly every second year. It is resistant to scab, quite winter-hardy. Fruits of medium weight are characterized by sweet dense pulp. Fruits keep the taste of freshness until March, they are perfectly suitable for transportation.

Green apples retain their qualities better during the winter, so there are more winter varieties of this species.

The main property of dwarf apple trees is their resistance to frost:

  • The low-growing variety Bratchud was bred by breeders of the Southern Urals. Fruiting begins in the third year after planting. Apples are characterized by a greenish skin, sweet and sour white flesh, little juicy. The fruit crop is stored for three months, but when the air is dry, their taste qualities decrease. The variety is suitable for making compotes, jam.
  • The white Sun is characterized by rounded fruits of a yellow-green tone. The yield depends on the quality of care for apple trees. The fruits are good both fresh and canned.
  • Bush crumbs tend to be resistant to cold. The species belongs to the middle years. Round fruits have juicy white pulp, weighing one hundred to two hundred grams. Sweet and sour fruits are used for processing, preparation of canned food.
  • Sour apples with a small amount of sugar are harvested in the fifth year of the tree's growth. Slightly flattened fruits with green flesh ripen in late summer. Their keeping quality is low, it is better to process apples into compotes, jams.

A fruit tree from planting to picking green apples from it must live for several years in conditions created specifically for it:

  1. Loamy soils with plenty of air are best for apple trees. If you have clay on the site, then you need to add a little peat, coarse river sand to it. For sandy soil - peat, clay, humus.
  2. Trees are afraid of groundwater, located close to the surface of the garden plot.
  3. The optimal time for planting apple trees is the period from September 20 to October 15, and in the spring from April 20.
  4. Drainage is laid out at the bottom of the planting pit in the form of shards of dishes, cans, then - humus, mineral and - a glass of superphosphate, potassium sulfate, a liter jar and three buckets of rotted manure. Then the pit filled to the top with humus is ready for planting a seedling.
  5. A young tree during planting is tied with twine to a peg. The earth around is carefully tamped and watered, sparing no water. It is good to cover the root circle with mulch from peat or earth.

Caring for an apple tree consists in proper watering with loosening the soil in a dry summer. At the end of April, several buckets of manure or five hundred grams of urea are brought under the tree.

At the beginning of flowering, another top dressing is carried out from a kilogram of superphosphates added to slurry (two buckets) or a solution (ten liters), eight hundred grams of potassium sulfate. The third time they feed after the apple trees have faded. A kilogram of nitrophoska, twenty grams of dry sodium humate are added to a two-hundred-liter barrel of water. Fertilizers are applied for the last time after harvesting before preparing the plant for winter.

In rainy summers, fertilizers can be applied dry, scattering them in the area of ​​​​the root circle.

Bushes are carried out in order to destroy diseased and damaged shoots. When carrying out the operation, it is necessary to ensure that the central main branch is higher than the skeletal shoots, which should be located away from each other. Proper care will allow the apple tree to delight you with high yields of healthy green fruits.

More information can be found in the video:

For the middle band, an apple is the most common fruit. Different varieties of apple trees can be seen in every garden. Fruits have a pleasant sweet or sweet-sour taste, contain a wide range of health benefits and, most importantly, are accessible to the general population. For beekeepers, various types of apple trees are of particular value - they are one of the very first honey plants, and the abundance of their flowering is a decisive factor in the first harvest.

All varieties of apples are divided into 3 main categories according to the ripening time: summer, autumn and winter. Each group of plants has its own distinctive characteristics, and their fruits have different shelf life and quality preservation indicators. This allows professional gardeners and amateurs to obtain marketable products with a variety of properties in one garden, and to do this throughout the summer-autumn season.

Summer varieties of apples: description and photo

Apples from this category ripen first - in July-August, they are a valuable source of vitamins and microelements, very juicy and contain a lot of sugars. The main disadvantage is poor keeping quality. That is why these apples are meant to be eaten fresh or juiced.

It is the most common and favorite among the early varieties in the post-Soviet space. It is often confused with Papirovka, which was obtained from the White Filling by Baltic breeders.

An adult apple tree has an average height (4-5 m) and a pyramidal crown. Over the years, it tends to expand in breadth. Differs in high winter hardiness, good fructification shows for the 5th year. A characteristic feature is large white or pinkish flowers.

The fruits are characterized by low keeping quality - 2-3 weeks, so they are poorly transported. The pulp is loose, tender, coarse-grained; when overripe, apples quickly become unusable. The ripening period is the beginning of August, apples are among the first to appear on the market.

It belongs to varieties of early breeding, it has good indicators of winter hardiness, as well as resistance to diseases and pests. Color buds are also resistant to cold. The height of an adult tree does not exceed 4-5 m, and the crown is round-oval and lush.

The first fruits can be eaten in early August, although they remain marketable for only 2-3 weeks. The taste of apples is sweet and sour, and the fruits themselves are conical in shape with characteristic wide ribs. The color is greenish-yellow, without blush. Due to the loose juicy pulp, they have increased trauma and are poorly transported.

The main advantages of Papirovka are early fruiting and ripening, and the disadvantages are poor transportability, frequency of fruiting, and the absence of integumentary color in apples.

The homeland of apple trees of this variety is Canada, however, due to the similarity of climatic conditions, it has taken root perfectly in the middle lane. It has average winter hardiness and begins to actively bear fruit in the 5th-6th season. The tree has a rounded crown and medium height.

The fruits of Melba are medium and large in size, wider towards the base. They have a cover color - a red striped blush. The taste of apples is sweet and sour, with a candy aftertaste and very juicy pulp. They ripen by the end of summer, they are stored for only a month, but the transportability indicators are not bad.

The main advantages of Melba are high yields and precocity, the disadvantages are susceptibility to scab disease and periodic fruiting.

The apple tree is notable for its low growth and flat-rounded crown. The terms of active fruiting begin from the 3-4th season, and the main advantage is that Early sweet does not take breaks. The maturation period is earlier than that of Papirovka, by about 10 days.

Apples are round or flat-round, with a slightly yellowish color. The flesh is white, mostly sweet in taste. It transports well, although the resistance to injury is low.

The main advantages of Early sweet are good disease resistance, adaptation to temperature changes, lack of periodicity in active fruiting, and excellent yields.

A variety widely distributed in the Central, Northern, Ural and a number of other regions. Apple trees are characterized by high growth, wide pyramidal (in young) or spherical (in adult trees) crown.

Grushovka Moscow bears fruit every year by the beginning of August, however, the fruits have poor transportability. Apples are small, light white in color, with juicy and sweet-sour pulp. the consumer period lasts 2-3 weeks. Due to uneven ripening, the fruits may crumble.

The advantages of the variety are the early period of fruit ripening, excellent yield characteristics, resistance to low temperatures. The main disadvantages are non-simultaneous ripening of fruits, their small size and non-marketable appearance.

This cultivar is also of Canadian origin and is distinguished by the average size of mature trees. The crown is quite sparse, oval in shape, with strong skeletal branches that are directed upwards.

Mantet begins to actively bear fruit in season 4-5 and brings the harvest by the beginning of August. The fruits are medium in size, have a round-oblong shape with a basic yellowish and red integumentary color. The taste of apples is sweet, with a slight sourness, the variety belongs to dessert. The pulp is juicy, white.

The main advantages of Mantet are the dessert taste of apples and early (end of July) ripening. With an average winter hardiness, the variety is susceptible to scab disease, and the yield decreases with age. If a good harvest, then the fruits become small and lose their presentation.

The homeland of the variety is the Baltic countries, but today Malinovka grows throughout the entire central strip of Russia. Mature trees are distinguished by medium height, a spherical dense crown, and dark-colored branches raised upwards.

Seedlings begin to bear fruit in the 6-8th season, at a young age they bring a crop annually, as they grow older, periodicity is observed. The fruits are large and medium, most often conical and flattened, with clearly visible ribbing. The main color is straw-yellow or greenish-yellow, the integument is a pink blush with bright red stripes. The pulp is sweet and sour, white or with pinkish streaks.

The advantages of the variety include excellent presentation and dessert taste. Disadvantages - poor winter hardiness, low yield, poor transportability.

Description of autumn varieties of apples

Autumn varieties are characterized by later maturation (September) and better performance during storage and transportation. They can already retain their quality characteristics until the middle of winter (depending on the characteristics of the variety).

This variety is also known as Shtrifel or Shtreifling. The trees have a slightly drooping flat-spherical powerful crown. They differ in increased requirements for humidity, they can freeze slightly if the summer was dry. However, they have good recovery abilities.

During the period of active fruiting, the trees enter the 7-8 season, and the highest yields are shown after another 4 years. Large blunt-conical fruits have a small funnel and a striped blush on a light yellow background. The pulp is coarse-grained, slightly pinkish, with a good taste.

Advantages of a grade: a good trade dress and average transportability, high productivity. Disadvantages: late fruiting, demanding on moisture.

Variety of folk selection, one of the oldest types of autumn apples. Tall trees have a broom-shaped or wide-pyramidal crown, which in adult trees turns into hanging branches. The variety is distinguished by average yields and a late period of the onset of fruiting.

The fruits are small or medium, have a flattened turnip shape, with small lobes or no ribs at all. The yellow or greenish base color is covered with dark red stripes and speckles. The pulp is sour-sweet with a slight cinnamon flavor, has a dense and delicate texture, sometimes with pink streaks.

The advantages of the variety include high rates of fruit marketability and excellent winter hardiness. Disadvantages: late start of the fruiting period, average yield, possible damage to the trunk at high yields (rupture due to the presence of branches at an acute angle).

The variety is also known under the names Anise red, Anise velvet, Anise morocco. The homeland of the variety is the Volga region, where even today it is one of the most common. Tall vigorous trees have a broad pyramidal crown at a young age. Later, it acquires a spherical shape and thins out. The first period of active fruiting falls on the 4-5th season, the trees bear fruit annually. however, periodicity appears with age.

The fruits are medium or slightly smaller in size, turnip-shaped or flattened, with a dark red blush that is uniform almost over the entire surface. The taste of apples is sweet and sour, with a strong aroma, the pulp is juicy, fine-grained, white.

The advantages of the variety include high yield and ecological adaptability, good taste and transportability, excellent presentation. Disadvantages: frequency of fruiting in mature trees, susceptibility to powdery mildew, average fruit size.

Also applies to varieties of folk selection. It has become widespread in the southern and central regions of the country. Even an adult tree has an average height and the size of a rounded crown with rare main branches. The fruiting period begins in the 5-6th season, and every year the yield increases: at 10 years - 60-80 kg, at 25-30 - 150-200 kg.

The fruits are medium and large, regular almost chiseled shape. Against the background of the main yellowish or light green color, they are covered with a striped blush almost everywhere. The taste is sweet and sour, with pronounced sourness. The pulp is dense, juicy, slightly rough.

The main advantages of the variety: high yield and winter hardiness, good adaptability to environmental conditions, excellent presentation, early fruiting period. Disadvantages: exactingness to moisture, mediocre taste of apples, frequency of fruiting that occurs with age.

It belongs to the late autumn varieties, distributed in the central regions of Russia. Seedlings are fast-growing and form an unthickened wide-pyramidal or highly rounded crown. The fruiting period begins in the 5th-6th season, even in adulthood the trees rarely rest, the periodicity does not always occur.

The fruits are large, flat-round or regular rounded, rarely have wide ribs, sometimes there are tubercles. The main color is yellowish, with an integumentary bright striped blush, sometimes covering the entire surface. The taste is sweet and sour, the pulp is tender coarse-grained.

The main advantages include: high yields and marketability of apples, precocity, the possibility of using for intensive cultivation. Disadvantages: average resistance to frost.

It is a hybrid obtained as a result of selection (cultivars Welsey and Cinnamon Striped). Widely distributed in the central regions of the middle lane. Mature trees grow tall and have a rounded dense crown. The period of main fruiting begins already in the 4-5th season and continues annually. The variety has a high yield: a 20-year-old tree produces up to 150 kg of beautiful apples.

The fruits are slightly conical of medium size, have a golden-green base color, covered with a solid bright red blush. Sweet and sour pulp with a spicy aroma and medium density is distinguished by juiciness and a delicate taste.

Advantages: high productivity and winter hardiness, lack of periodicity in fruiting, resistance to scab, excellent marketability of apples. Disadvantages: skeletal branches grow at an acute angle to the trunk, which can lead to injury, weak branching of seedlings.

Winter types of apples

In the garden of a professional gardener, winter varieties of apple trees are sure to be present. After all, these varieties, despite the late ripening (October), are distinguished by excellent winter hardiness, excellent keeping quality of fruits (almost until spring) and good yields. However, such indicators are not easy to achieve - winter varieties require careful soil care, timely fertilization, minimal pruning and other "energy-saving" agricultural practices.

The variety is the result of selection by an outstanding Ukrainian gardener and is widely distributed in the southern regions of Russia and Ukraine. The tree is of medium height and has a spreading, wide-rounded crown with dense branches. Fruiting in full occurs at 5-6 years and occurs annually in young trees.

The fruits are medium and large, have a flat-round or round-conical shape, slightly asymmetric. The surface is smooth and even, light or bright green. The presence of warty formations (up to 2-3 pieces) about 7 mm in size is the main feature of the variety. The taste is wine-sweet, with a spicy aftertaste, juicy pulp has a delicate structure.

The main advantages of Renet Simirenko: long shelf life of apples, high yields, good resistance to drought and winds, excellent commodity indicators of apples. Disadvantages: poor resistance to cold, susceptibility to diseases, periodicity in fruiting.

It belongs to the early winter varieties of folk selection. A tall tree with an oval or spherical (with age) crown. It is distinguished by a late fruiting period - in the 7-8th season, with a subsequent periodicity. It has high productivity: 200 kg/ha. In some trees, the yield reached 0.5 and even 1 ton.

The fruits are large or medium, of different shapes: from round and flattened-round to conical. Color - greenish-yellow, during storage becomes yellow with a slight uneven blush. The taste is sweet and sour (closer to sour), the flesh is juicy and dense with a yellowish tint.

The main advantages of Antonovka vulgaris: good adaptation to low t, rich yields, excellent marketability of apples, the ability to use in any form. Disadvantages: frequency of fruiting, deterioration of taste during long-term storage.

It is the result of selection when crossing varieties Antonovka and Welsey. Distributed in the territory of central Russia. The tall tree has a wide spreading dense crown. Seedlings bring full-fledged plentiful harvests already for the 6-7th season. In subsequent years, the yield increases rapidly.

The fruits are large, regular flattened-round shape. The main greenish-yellow color has a blurred dark red cover. The taste is sweet and sour with a spicy aftertaste. The pulp is juicy, has an average density and a light green color.

Advantages: excellent indicators of winter hardiness and productivity, disease resistance, high commercial qualities of apples, good keeping quality (until April).

The result of selection based on Antonovka vulgaris and Renet Landsberg. A vigorous tree has a spreading rare crown. Full-fledged harvests can be obtained from the 6th-7th season almost without interruption.

The fruits are medium and large, have a round-oval shape, well-marked ribs. The main color is yellow (in unripe apples it is greenish), a bright red blush is spilled on top. The taste is pleasant (sweet-sour), the flesh is dense and white.

Advantages: excellent yield, disease resistance, good adaptation to low temperatures, excellent keeping quality (257 days). Disadvantages: average external marketability of apples.

The variety was obtained by sowing seeds of the King variety with free pollination in 1961. The trees are not very high in height, and the crown is formed in the form of a ball with medium thickening of the branches. Active fruiting is observed from the 4th-5th season, the average yield is up to 80 kg, with a constant increase (reaches 220 kg / ha).

The fruits are medium, slightly flattened, with a smooth, shiny skin. The main color is from yellowish green to golden orange with a coating in the form of specks and stripes of orange-pink. Apples have a delicate sweet and sour taste, and the pulp is dense and juicy.

Advantages: high yields, early maturity, excellent commercial qualities of apples, immunity to diseases, the possibility of growing in an intensive way. Disadvantages: the condition of good moisture supply (if there is a lack, premature shedding of foliage is possible).

All species diversity of different varieties can be classified according to several other features:

  • Depending on growth: vigorous (Gift to the Count, Arkadik, Cinnamon striped), medium-sized (Jonathan, Renet Simirenko, Melrose), undersized or dwarf (Wonderful, Landed, Sokolovskoye);
  • Crown shape: sprawling (Chosen one, Zelenka juicy, Amber), columnar (Gin, Barguzin, Arbat), weeping (Royal Beauty, Weeping);
  • At the beginning of the fruiting period: early-fruited (Beforest, Papirovka, Stark Erliest), medium-fruited (Aport Alexander, Tambovskoye, Kutuzovets), late-fruited (Babushkino, Shtreifling);
  • Fruit size: small-fruited (Long, Kitaika Saninskaya, Ranetka purple), medium-fruited (Aboriginal, Loiko, Pavlusha), large-fruited (Zaryanka, Persianka, Oryol woodland), very large-fruited (Apple Spas, Wax, Borovinka, Kandil synap).

To get stable yields of tasty and beautiful apples, as well as provide bees with a good harvest, choose zoned varieties that have already adapted to your area and show good yields in a short time.

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