Spain barcelona august. The main events of August in Barcelona. Excursions in Barcelona

Temperatures that have risen to unprecedented heights inform tourists that August has come to Barcelona with hot sand beaches and a sea resembling fresh milk.

Sagrada Familia rises majestically against the azure sky as a symbol of the Catalan capital, solemnly welcoming its guests in the heart of Spain. What awaits tourists in the capital of Catalonia during the hottest period of summer?

Holidays in Barcelona in August: the pros and cons of traveling

Always cheerful and festively elegant, Barcelona looks especially beautiful in August: everything freezes during the siesta, and only a light breeze sways palm leaves, and the sun is reflected in the bright mosaics of Gaudí's architectural buildings.

But in the evening, the city comes to life and entertains its many guests in all sorts of ways, which is why the reviews about holidays in Barcelona in August are the most positive.

What attracts thousands of tourists here at this time of the year?

  • The very warm sea allows you to relax on the beaches of Barcelona even with kids.
  • World famous sights are worth seeing.
  • The summer sales season is in full swing and Barcelona is one of the trendiest European cities.
  • Lots of entertainment for all tastes, festivals and events available for tourists.
  • Delicious local fruits and delicacies.

It is also worth knowing about this time of year in the capital of Catalonia, so that the rest is comfortable and does not cause inconvenience.

  • The intense heat does not allow for long walks and being on the beaches at lunchtime.
  • For the siesta period in the middle of the day (which is 2-3 hours), many shops and cafes are closed, so there will be nothing to do besides sleeping in a hotel room.
  • A very large influx of tourists, and, as a result, an increase in prices for holidays.

To avoid inconvenience during your trip, stock up on sunscreen, plan your day in advance, and a few months before your trip, take care of buying a tour (air tickets and hotel reservations if you are planning an independent trip).

Weather in Barcelona in August

The Spanish summer is in full swing, and therefore the weather in August - September calls travelers to the Barcelona beaches and drives them off the streets for the afternoon siesta. The air temperature during the day reaches +33°C - +35°C, and at night it drops a little - up to +25°C - +27°C.

The weather in early August is not much different from July - it is still hot in the daytime and in the evening. But it happens that the temperature in Barcelona in mid-August becomes lower and is around +20°C - +25°C.

This is not always the case, so before the trip, it is worth taking advantage of the short-term weather forecast to choose the right wardrobe.

The weather in Barcelona at the end of August usually remains hot, with air temperatures of +26°C - +28°C, but it can get a little cold as autumn approaches.

Air and water temperature

High humidity is provided by the Mediterranean climate of Barcelona, ​​which makes high temperatures difficult to bear - it is not for nothing that the Spaniards have a siesta time. The average daily temperature in Barcelona in August is +29°C, the average night temperature is about +22°C.

Climate in Barcelona in august

Daytime temperatures in August can vary and fluctuate between +26°C - +35°C, at night the temperature is slightly lower and ranges from +20°C to +30°C. So you can count on hot nights. Night temperatures rarely drop below +20°C, but there have been such cases.

Sea Temperature in Barcelona in august

Given the high air temperature, it is easy to guess that the sea off the coast of Barcelona warms up very well, and the average water temperature rises to + 25.5 ° C, so that lovers of the warm sea can enjoy from the heart.


Rains, at least briefly refreshing the hot city, do not happen often in August - about 4 - 5 days throughout the month. The average rainfall in August is about 24.5 mm. An umbrella, of course, may come in handy, but it is likely that it will remain lying at the bottom of the suitcase, since the time of your stay will not be rainy.

Sunny, cloudy and overcast days

Cloudy days in August will not upset you too much, because they are issued for about a week along with cloudy ones. But for the rest of the month, the bright sun shines here, and not just shines, but heats up the streets, squares and golden sands of Barcelona beaches. Therefore, do not forget to use sunscreen and do not neglect the siesta.

beach holiday

The end of summer is the time to enjoy the warm waves of the Mediterranean Sea and the sandy beaches of the Catalan capital.

Choose a place for a beach holiday to your liking - a bustling coastline with restaurants, discos and entertainment, or quiet beaches for families with children, where it is never too crowded. Indeed, in Barcelona there is such an opportunity.

The total length of the territory equipped for a beach holiday is about 5 kilometers, there are about 10 most famous beaches in Barcelona. Be careful if you go on vacation with children - nudists can safely sunbathe near some beaches.

One of the cleanest and safest beaches is Bogatell beach. Its length is about 700 m, and it is preferred by couples with children.

However, there are basketball and volleyball courts, tennis tables and other sports equipment for outdoor activities. The beach is nearby Nova Ikaria- another quiet and peaceful place for a family holiday.

Excursion rest: where to go in August

Given the weather conditions of the hottest month of the year, exploring the city on foot will have to be postponed to the evening, when the air becomes a little fresher and the sun is no longer so scorching.

Of course, you want to spend the bulk of the day in the heat on the beach by the water, but the sights of Barcelona are so amazing that they simply must be seen. Therefore, plan your day in advance and go to admire the sunny capital of Catalonia.

  • Golden Quarter in Barcelona. In early August, when the air is hot to the limit, the walk should be postponed until the evening. But once the heat subsides a bit, head to the Golden Quarter, which brings together over a hundred buildings designed by Antonio Gaudí and other architects.

    These are residential buildings of an unusual architectural form, and the area where they are located is called an open-air museum. Here you can see the Casa Batlló - the most romantic of its buildings, the House of Leo Morera - with mosaics, stained glass windows and sculptures, the House of Amalie with carved bay windows and unusual lanterns on the balconies.

    Next to these houses is the Perfume Museum, where you can visit for 5 euros until 20.00 on weekdays and until 14.00 on Saturday.

  • . A luxurious park with the main attraction - the monumental fountain Cascade, which is over a hundred years old, made in the form of a triumphal arch with figures of Venus and Aurora, will leave an unforgettable impression and refresh you on a hot day in mid-August.

You will also have the opportunity to take a boat trip on the lake located here and visit the most beautiful zoo with rare species of animals.

And, looking into the Castle of the Three Dragons, you will find yourself in the zoological museum, which is located here. So this tour will be very interesting for children.

Don't forget the Barcelona City Pass, a card that gives you up to 20% discounts on tickets to attractions, saves you from queuing, provides airport transfers, a tour bus ride and other great deals.

More about savings options in Barcelona read in this one.

  • Design Museum. If your trip was at the end of August and it was a rainy day, spend it at the Design Museum. It combines the collections of the Museums of Ceramics, Decorative Arts, Textiles and Clothing and the Museum of Fine Arts, with a total of about 70 thousand exhibits.

    It will start to surprise you right from Gloria Square, where it is located: a two-level modern building built in the best traditions of energy saving with natural light. It will be interesting for adults and children of senior school age who are interested in modern design trends.

  • . One of the most popular among tourists, this museum was opened almost a hundred years ago. The exhibits of the museum halls tell about the history of navigation, representing various vessels - from small fishing boats to modern liners.

    The decoration of the museum is a copy of the royal sailing galley 60 meters long with the original decoration pattern and decorations displayed in the bow. This excursion will impress even those who have never been interested in seafaring.

Holidays, events and festivals

The hot summer in the Catalan capital continues, and the bright sunny city welcomes guests with joy. Moreover, there is absolutely no shortage of holidays in Barcelona in August.

If you want to join the locals and feel like a part of this city, come here in the last month of summer to have fun, taste local delicacies and once again admire the ingenuity of the Catalans in inventing holidays.

In mid-August, the long-awaited and beloved Festival Major de Gracia. It is dedicated to the celebration of the Ascension of the Virgin Mary.

The name comes from the district of Grazia where it is held. This is a kind of competition of street decorations, when the inhabitants of each street decorate it on a chosen theme, and they take this event with all seriousness.

Of course, the celebration is accompanied by various shows and performances, a huge selection of street food and just mass fun and good mood. Be sure to come - you won't be bored!

At the end of August, the following district of the city takes over the baton of street festivals - Sants. 22 streets with original decorations will not leave you indifferent.

But, besides this, the guests of Barcelona will have a fire show "Running Fireworks", traditional Catalan towers made of people, and an obligatory procession of giant puppets. Have fun and show this holiday to children - it will definitely impress them.


Summer sales are in full swing, so for shoppers this is a golden time. By the end of the month, discounts reach a maximum of 70 - 80% and make it possible to make very profitable purchases. But, on the other hand, it is worth remembering that towards the end of the season, the assortment of goods in stores is significantly reduced.

Shopping centers with food courts are waiting for visitors throughout the whole week, except for Sundays - on this day the majority of shops are closed.

Arriving for shopping in August, get ready for queues and a large crowd of tourists - after all, this month is very popular with travelers.

Also, profitable purchases can be made in outlets near the city, and in trendy boutiques on the famous shopping streets of Barcelona.

Holiday prices

Considering the huge influx of tourists, the time of mass holidays and the popularity of the travel season, we can predict a rise in prices for holidays in August in Barcelona. So be prepared for lines, crowded beaches and slightly higher prices.


Airfare prices are rising throughout all three summer months - by August they are rising by another 10 percent compared to the previous July. There is practically no shortage of tickets, since in the summer there are not only direct flights, but also many charters are connected. But tickets booked a few months before the trip will help save.


Tour operators are also in high demand for travel and vacations in August, offering perhaps the highest prices of the summer period. A tour for a week will cost 20-25% more in August than it cost in July. It is worth taking care of the trip in advance to take advantage of the opportunity to choose the best room and save some money.


There is usually no seasonal increase in food prices, although in August, given the large number of tourists, they can rise slightly.

For fruit cuts in the market, you will need to pay 1.5 - 2 euros per glass, cutting from jamon will cost about three. For a kilogram of meat delicacy, you will need to pay about 100 euros.

Breakfast in a cafe, consisting of coffee and pastries or a sandwich with jamon, will cost 2-3 euros, and you can refresh yourself with traditional cold tomato gazpacho soup by paying 4 euros.

Going on a family trip with kids, you need to remember the hot Spanish sun and use sunscreen, do not neglect the siesta and stock up on hats for the whole family.

For walks with a stroller in parks or squares, choose the evening time, and it is better to go to the sea in the morning. By following these well-known rules, you can save your baby from troubles in the form of heat stroke.

These rules also apply to older children, especially since there is plenty of outdoor entertainment for them, take at least, or.

The capital of Spain seemed to be divided into two parts: the official of the country represents, and her temperamental soul rushed to the sea - to Barcelona. What time to devote to reflections on the mysteries of Gaudí's genius, contemplation, walks on Mount Montjuic and the Camp Nou stadium? Let it be August - a kind of siesta of the year, a necessary break in a series of working months.

Twilight in Barcelona - view from Montjuic.

Let's fly! Meet Barcelona!

The most common way for a Russian tourist to organize a trip to Barcelona is to buy a ready-made package of services from a travel company. The standard package includes:

  • paperwork ( , ), excluding the cost of opening a visa;
  • accommodation in a hotel for 7 nights, with different food complexes (minimum - breakfast);
  • flight and necessary transport from and to .

Travel companies estimate a set of services in June from 800 euros, in July - about 50 euros more expensive. The cost of the tour in August starts from 900 euros for a 7-night stay in Barcelona.

In Barcelona you can book a helicopter tour.

For independent travelers, the situation is different, their tour is impromptu in many aspects. They themselves are responsible for paperwork - visas, insurance, and book hotel rooms and air tickets. In August, the cost of 7 nights in a hostel located in the central area of ​​​​Barcelona starts at 120 euros. You will be offered a bed in a multi-bed room, sometimes with breakfast. Renting a single room with amenities will cost at least 250 euros for 7 nights.

Flight in the direction of Moscow-Barcelona-Moscow in August - ticket prices start at 230 euros.

A little about the weather

In the first half of the month, residents of Barcelona leave the walls of their homes. So they avoid the influx of tourists and rest from the summer heat, which peaks in July and recedes slightly in August. Usually the air temperature fluctuates between 25-29 degrees during the day, 24-26 degrees at night, water temperature - 23-26 degrees. Heavy rain is not forecast. According to the observations of weather forecasters in August 2014, there was no rain at all, and in 2013 and 2015 they noted 2 rainy days in a month.

Weather forecast for Barcelona for August 2019.

The ideal backpacker's "suitcase" list usually includes:

  • beachwear and shoes;
  • light shirts and trousers for walking around the city under the sun;
  • assortment of hats.

A useful minimum of things excludes umbrellas, raincoats, warm clothes and waterproof shoes. According to eyewitnesses, rain in Barcelona is a phenomenon for a couple of hours, it can be waited out under the arches of one of the museums or shopping centers.

King's Square during the rain.

Hot August weather beckons everyone to the beach. Within the city, one large coastal strip was stretched, by no one and nothing. Part of the beach around the Barceloneta quarter is usually crowded, and the Citadella Via Olimpica section, named after the metro station, is cleaner and freer than other areas. Connoisseurs of the surroundings of Barcelona prefer to go to the coast north of the city - in the direction of Ocata, or south - to Castelldefels, these options are available subject to availability of transport.

Walking along the beaches of Barcelona, ​​you can see different sand sculptures.


The impressions of the trip will be incomplete without excursions. Tourists are increasingly ordering tours via the Internet. This is more convenient for several reasons. Can:

  • take your time to read the description and reviews and choose what you like;
  • not to fuss and not waste precious time in Prague searching and buying excursions;
  • buy in advance from home, and pay by card;
  • there is more choice online than in any agency or tour kiosk, and prices are 15-20% lower, because. no agency fee.

There are many options - from the simplest one for €20 (it is ideal for a first acquaintance with the city) or it for €35 to a trip to the mountains (€45) or even a trip to the city of Figueres (€70).

The most popular excursions in 2019:

  • - see and learn;
  • - to feel the national cuisine of Spain;
  • - for those with family;
  • - to see what cannot be seen.

Walks with and without transport

Personal transport of a tourist in Barcelona - car, bicycle, electric bike. Renting a car makes sense when vacation includes trips out of town. The rental price is about 60 euros per day, booking for three or more days will reduce it by 20 euros. When driving around the city, be prepared for the fact that each type of parking has its own restrictions and rules, the prices for a parking space near attractions and places for overnight parking start from 3 euros per hour.

Bicycles and electric bikes are more environmentally friendly, economical and convenient vehicles for independent movement around the city. For a day of riding an “iron” horse, private companies ask for an average of 7 euros, the cost of renting an electric bike starts at 10 euros.

A bicycle is a convenient means of getting around the city.

Tourist buses hold the lead among public transport for visitors to Barcelona. A ticket worth 23 euros for a day and 30 euros for 2 days opens the way to the chain.

For more convenient and comfortable sightseeing in Barcelona, ​​choose Bus Turistic buses.

Interesting opinion of a permanent resident of Barcelona - Yuri - about:

Below is a part of the significant objects of the city route:

The heart of Barcelona is Plaza Catalunya.

  • - the impressive building of Gaudi, whose forms are inspired by the marine theme;

Casa Milà is a residential building and architectural monument included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The House of Mila was the last work of the famous architect Antonio Gaudí before he devoted himself to work on the temple.

When you enter Park Guell with its "gingerbread" houses, you get the impression that you are in a fairy tale.
Photo: flickr/martine

  • Camp Nou stadium;

  • Montjuic and Barcelona Palace;

The Magic Fountain of Montjuïc in front of the National Palace of Barcelona.

  • Olympic Stadium;

  • monument to Christopher Columbus;

Monument to Christopher Columbus - a monument 60 meters high, located at.

Barcelona Cathedral, in the courtyard of which, in memory of Saint Eulampia, thirteen white geese live.
Photo: [email protected]

The tourist chooses the format of the tour himself, buses run from 9 am to 8 pm, with an interval of 5-10 minutes. You can get on and off the bus at any convenient stop. A nice bonus of an organized route - a free Russian audio guide as well as discounted entry to a number of museums and restaurants.

Touristic Barcelona - from dusk to dawn

The hot weather temperament in Barcelona in August dictates sightseeing schedule. In the morning the heat is not as strong as during the day, and in the evening it recedes.

From the reviews of an experienced tourist Evgeny:

“Barcelona becomes hectic in the morning, it is especially difficult to push through in the high season on, which the native Spaniards now call a tourist attraction. But walks in the parks are impressive. Guests are greeted by lizards - a symbol of the city, many interesting buildings, however, the entrance to the main part of the park costs 7 euros. I liked the Citadel Park more, you can ride a bike in it, and then relax by the pond.”

It's nice to sit by the pond in the company of a dragon in hot weather.

Travelers recommend supplementing the morning or evening excursion program with a tour, with the proviso that the construction of the facility is still ongoing, because. during the life of the architect Gaudí, only a third of the idea was realized. According to the author's idea, the cathedral will become a modern illustration of the New Testament.

"Holy Family" on the facade of the Sagrada Familia.
Photo: [email protected]

The midday heat is easier to bear in the cool halls of Barcelona's museums. The cultural run of trained tourists includes the following points:

  • Casa Batlló;
  • ascent and unhurried descent along the objects of Mount Montjuic.

Casa Batlló - fabulous house on several floors with a veranda, one of the marvelous creations of Antoni Gaudí. The building is a landmark project of the architect, which for the first time shows a rejection of the canons of well-known architectural styles. Entry price - from 11 to 20 euros. The facility is fully funded by tourists.

Watch the theatrical tour at Casa Batlló

Barcelona Aquarium is open in August from 9:30 am to 11:00 pm. Ticket price for those who are taller than 1.4 meters - 20 euros, below - 15 euros. Online ticket ordering is valid: the price is reduced by 2 euros, with such a ticket you will not have to stand in line. Additional entertainment - diving with sharks accompanied by an instructor- costs 300 euros. Only a certified diver can get a ticket for such an attraction. The most spectacular part of the aquarium is the moving ribbon in the glass tunnel.

You stand on a moving walkway in a tunnel, and fish swim around.

Beware of the free offer to take a photo against the background of the main poster at the entrance to the aquarium - at the exit the photo will turn into an album worth 9 euros.

Exploring Montjuïc is one of the busiest excursions in summer Barcelona. Stock up on water and take the funicular to the top of Montjuic- an ancient castle-fortress. There is no fee for visiting the castle, 3 euros will be useful to you only for entering the museum.

From the funicular window you can see the whole city.
Photo: [email protected]

Next stop along the route of the descent from the top of Montjuic - Spanish Village, or a museum of buildings of the Spanish hinterland. The entrance fee is 9.5 euros for an adult visitor. In the reviews of tourists the village is called a kind of souvenir shop, the goods in it are of Spanish, not Chinese production, but their cost is greatly inflated - the margin in comparison with the goods of urban souvenir shops is up to 60%.

Spanish village street.
Photo: [email protected]

Further down the slope of the mountain are Joan Miró Museum and Olympic Stadium, named after Louis Kompany. At the foot of Montjuic is building of the National Art Museum of Catalonia, as well as extending to the Plaza de España.

Watch one of the light musical water shows of the Montjuïc Fountain.

Cascades of luminous water jets rush into the bowl of the Magic Fountain, straight from the towers on plaza spain. Streams of water and light merge in an enchanting cycle, at first - to the sounds of classical music, and in the second part of the show - to the world's pop hits ... In August, the light and musical performance of the fountain takes place on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. According to tourists, this is the perfect end to a sightseeing day, the show starts every half hour from 9 to 11 pm.

Along with the Olympic Stadium, Barcelona's iconic sports venue is the Camp Nou stadium.

From the feedback of its visitors - Olga and Valeria:

“A €19 ticket takes you behind the scenes of a world football legend. All fans of the incredible Barça buy fan souvenirs here, and look at the details of the environment where the athletes work out for an hour and a half or two. There is no guide, everything is clear, but you need to find out about the stadium’s schedule in advance, otherwise we came to closed doors.”

Entrance to the Camp Nou stadium.

August events in Barcelona

The usual program of excursions around the city is changing in connection with the onset of August 15 - the day of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. In 2019, the festive week of the brightest district of the city - Gracia - falls on August 5-11. Days of festivities transform the streets of Barcelona - outlandish thematic installations appear everywhere, each of them also influences the menu of local restaurants and the style of musicians' performances. A detailed program will be published on the official website of the holiday in July.

On August 15, during the Catalan holiday Festes de Gracia, timed to coincide with the Day of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, the streets of the city are transformed.

August stirs up interest in Barcelona for another reason - the season of discounts is coming. in July and August - this is a price reduction of 20-50% at the beginning of the period and mega discounts up to 70% in the last days of the sale(). To help tourists, bookstores offer a "Barcelona Shopping Guide", which shows the addresses and opening hours of stores. Remember that the afternoon rest - siesta - traditionally occurs in the interval from 13 to 16 o'clock in the afternoon. Also, some stores are closed due to the vacation of their owners.

One of the main shopping centers in Barcelona is Maremagnum.

Svetlana's eloquent review of the August boutique run:

“Shoes were updated in the center of Cherry Hill, the Imaginarium put up discounts on children's toys, and they also found discounts on Armani and Trussardi in the city. Some of the goods were issued via the Internet, delivery was made from a local store. Good luck shopping!"

In August days, Barcelona is generous with gifts. The spectacular performance of the Magic Fountain, the fabulous projects of Gaudi and the elegant streets of the Gracia district, the city shows everyone. Let's say more, August makes greed recede - in the days of the hot month, Barcelona beckons with crazy discounts for shopping!

Finally, before leaving home, be sure to take a picture with the "living statue" - this will be a great reminder of your vacation in Barcelona.

Barcelona in August is an island of warmth, peace and relaxation, and, as a result, every tourist tends to fly to it this month. You can say even more: many of those who came to rest in other Spanish cities, one way or another, still strive to get to the capital of Catalonia in the last month of summer.

Barcelona in August: what to do for a tourist?

Barcelona in August is, first of all, crowded beaches, queues, the end and edge of which is not visible, and sultry, all-consuming heat in the daytime. Salvation from it can only be found in the sea, if, of course, you can get to it. The coasts are filled to overflowing, and this is no joke. To manage to take a place, you must either live near the sea, or know which beach to go to. If you like the first option, take a look at the Ilunion Barcelona hotel. It is located practically on the seashore, which allows you to take less trouble with the problems of going to the water. And thanks to constant discounts and promotions on our website, you can easily find a room that suits your pocket. Many have already taken advantage of this and left positive reviews about the hotel on

For those who value economy more than comfort, we will offer an alternative option: take a ride on the coasts of Costa Barva and Costa Dorada. These beaches are half empty even at the peak of the season, although they are not much different from the leading resort areas in the city center. The hotel from which it will be convenient to get to them is Catalonia Roma. Beautiful facade, stylish design - these are just secondary reasons for choosing this particular hotel. The main criterion for tourists is the budget cost of booking rooms. The main thing - remember that it is on thanks to our discounts that you can save even more.

Holidays in Barcelona in August 2019 cannot be limited to the beaches alone, right? The tourist who visited the capital of Catalonia is bad, and did not appreciate the talent of the great architect Antonio Gaudi. The works of the maestro are randomly located around the city, and most of them are included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. True, getting into the sights is quite difficult: kilometer-long queues of those who wish will not make it so easy to get to the masterpieces. Of course, there is a rather simple way out of this situation - ordering tickets online, only few visitors use this service.

Barcelona in August: how to dress for the weather?

The air temperature in Barcelona in August 2019 is as high as ever: up to 35 degrees Celsius in the shade. It is for this reason that one should be puzzled by a simple, at first glance, question: how not to burn out in the sun? Everyone has their own answer to it, someone takes a hat, someone takes a long-sleeved shirt, and someone has enough sunglasses. Choose your wardrobe wisely: putting aside warm clothes, do not forget to pack light summer and comfortable ones.

And of course, you can't do without a swimsuit. Although the beaches are packed to capacity, not to feel the sea, which is praised all over the world, is simply a crime.

Weather in Barcelona now

Barcelona in August: holidays and entertainment

The weather in Barcelona in August is more than ever conducive to fun, and the locals know a lot about it. The Catalans have long celebrated the Festes de Gràcia, a special festival that lasts for 7 days. The streets of the Gracia district, where the fiesta takes place, become unrecognizable: the Catalans decorate the city, charging with positive and joy anyone who has ever looked at this splendor. True, it is impossible to walk around Gracia for a long time: fireworks and firecrackers "bang" every minute, which after half an hour begins to irritate significantly.

Another famous event in August is the opening of the football season. So, if you are an avid Barca fan, be sure to check out. You will definitely find something to do there.

In August, the city is overflowing with tourists who flock here from all nearby beach resorts. Daytime heat, closeness, long queues, turmoil - this is what the locals associate with the last month of summer. Therefore, they all try to leave the city far away.

But you can’t command the heart of a tourist! 🙂


August is perhaps the hottest month in Barcelona. The daily temperature on thermometers ranges from +28 to +32, but these are only average statistics. In fact, the sun's rays heat the air up to +35 and sometimes higher. And only in the evenings the city is enveloped in a blissful coolness. In the evening, the thermometer of the thermometer drops to comfortable + 24 ... + 27.

It should be borne in mind that the peak of summer can bring unpleasant surprises to guests of Barcelona in the form of severe thunderstorms and less often storms. At this time, areas of low pressure often form here. But like all such occurrences, precipitation is short-term and practically incapable of disrupting your vacation plans. At the very least, move your plans forward or back one day.

By the end of the month, the weather becomes more comfortable, as more and more clouds appear on the clouds, which hold back the direct rays of the sun. If there are rains, then in the last 7-10 days of the month they are episodic.

By the beginning of September, the water in the sea warms up to its maximum mark of +25..+26.


How to dress

Due to the hot and sunny weather, your suitcases should definitely include a hat and sunglasses. We recommend taking a backpack to keep your hands free while walking around the city. And, of course, special attention should be paid to shoes, as bloody mazols can spoil the whole impression of exploring the city.

From outerwear, just in case, you can take a long-sleeved shirt with you in case of cloudy weather and light trousers. Definitely not worth warming up. Breeches, shorts, a T-shirt and comfortable shoes - this is how they usually dress in the summer.

Events calendar

The locals associate the end of summer with the Gracia festival and the beginning of the football season.

The main cultural event of the city is the festival Festes de Gracia. The duration of the event covers the whole week. This festival is one of the most important fiestas in the city and a great opportunity to stroll through the incredibly beautifully decorated streets of the Gracia district. The city seems to sparkle with an atmosphere of genuine joy and contagious positive. Almost every minute there are explosions of fireworks, and loud music is heard from everywhere.

The history of the fiesta goes back almost 2 centuries. The first celebration took place back in 1817, when Gracia was just a small village located near Barcelona.

From the middle of the month, the streets of Gracia, the area where all the festivities traditionally take place, turn into absolutely fabulous places, stylized as cartoons, fairy tales and various films. Street decoration is the work of local residents, for whom receiving an award for their creativity is almost a matter of honor, so they approach decorating houses with all their hearts.

Any improvised materials are used as decorations: polystyrene foam, different packages, all kinds of boxes. If I try to put it in one word, then this is garbage that is customary to throw away. But from this ordinary rubbish, residents create very unusual scenery - river mermaids, garlands of flowers, fabulous gardens.

For the male half, the opening of the football season is of particular interest this month. The annual tournament takes place in the middle of the month. Joan Gamper Trophy, and in the last days of the month you can get to one of the first home matches in the championship of Spain. Follow .

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Born District Festival

Las fiestas del barrio Gótico, conocidas como las "Festes de Sant Roc" (San Roque, en castellano), han sido declaradas como Fiesta Patrimonial de Interes Nacional, por la Generalitat de Catalunya. Esto se debe a que son las fiestas mas antiguas de la ciudad, se remontan al año 1589.

Main Feast of Gracia

The main holidays of the city are also distinguished, especially in Gracia. Residents of the entire area take part in decorating the streets in the most original and unusual way, which leads to the fact that the place turns into a fantastic theme park with incredible decorations made from recycled materials. And that is not all! During the week, various concerts are held every evening, and in the afternoon, children's activities and much more!

Sants District Festival

If for some reason you are unable to visit the Main Feast of Gràcia, then do not be discouraged! Sants area also supports this tradition every year, but already at the end of August. Cheerful scenery, popular snacks right on the street, music, dancing, theater and many other entertainment activities, both for relaxing with friends and family. Without a doubt, your children will definitely like both holidays and they will have an unforgettable time;) And yes, the night is also a time of fun!

Music events in Barcelona

Mas i Mas

Although the opening of the Festival Mas i Mas and takes place in July and August, most of the concerts will take place in August. You will be able to enjoy fantastic performances of jazz, blues, techno, flamenco, classical in the most emblematic places in Barcelona, ​​such as, Palace of Catalan Music or concert hall Jamboree and even on the beautiful central King's Square. It's time to buy tickets for the concert you like. There are options for every wallet! Follow the information in our calendar of events.

DGTL - Festival Barcelona

Festivals in Barcelona appear with such frequency as mushrooms after rain, but this festival was already loved by many a few years ago and this year will give a shake-up to the Barcelona music scene: DGTL Festival.

Musica als Parcs

Also you can enjoy the music at the concerts during the festival Music in the parks: the best performers and groups of jazz and classical music in a relaxed atmosphere and besides is free.

Brunch in the park

Don't know how to spend Sunday in August? Well, just go to Electronic picnic! It's a great alternative to the usual classic picnic set against the backdrop of electronic music concerts and events for all ages.

Festivals outside of Barcelona

If you are staying in Barcelona itself, but dream of getting to know its surroundings? Did you come by car or rented one, then you can easily move around the suburbs of the city? Then it's time to learn about these 3 events. We have something for every taste; at sea or in the mountains.

Festival "Biorhythm"

Can you imagine a 100% ecological music festival surrounded by nature and an unforgettable atmosphere? This is what is waiting for you Festival "Biorhythm" which is held this year in a beautiful Pantano de Sau. DJs, playground, outdoor cinema, workshops, adventure park and more! If you do not have the opportunity to get on your own, then the festival provides a special bus from Squares of Catalonia.

If you choose to relax on the beach, then do not miss the opportunity to take part in the Cap Roig Festival in Calella de Palafrugell. Not only will you be able to enjoy performers of various styles of music, but there will even be activities for the youngest members of the family, Cap Roig Mini. Thus, at night you will relax at music concerts, and during the day on the beaches of the Costa Brava.

Peralada Castle Festival

This event is ideal for those who want to spend a romantic evening surrounded by culture, gastronomy, art (ballet and modern dance) and music (from opera to pop)! It is worth paying attention to the famous musical El Petit Princep. The magical atmosphere of the evening surrounded by real maestro!

Outdoor cinema in Barcelona

Mecal Air

In summer, we all want to spend more time outdoors and enjoy the good weather. Especially when the days seem longer and the nights are not so cool. One of the favorite ways to spend time among the people of Barcelona: with friends and family to go to outdoor cinema.

Cinema a la fresco

For 5 weeks of summer Gardens of the Castle of Montjuic turn into a cinema under the open sky where all kinds of films like short films, and classical, as well as live music concerts before the start of the show.

blue libre

With the arrival of summer and warmth, I want to spend as much time as possible outdoors and plan meetings with friends without being locked in the walls of museums or shopping centers. And cinema is always a good plan especially in Barcelona.

Other events in Barcelona in August

Barcelona football club is back in action and will fight for the Joan Gamper Cup before the end of the season. In past years, such great teams as Milan and Bayern de Munich.

Circuit Festival

If June all over the world passed under the motto pride, and in Barcelona, ​​of course, they did not forget about the community LGBT, so in August we also prepared even more entertainment for them. The festival will be held in the capital of Catalonia once again Circuit, one of the most crowded and popular in Europe, during which parties, cultural, sports and entertainment events in which will take part up to 70,000 participants from all over the world.

Fountains of Montjuic

And finally, the last event, but not least: . This famous fountain with a light and music show that you can watch throughout the year. It is closed only 5 days a year: from 25 to 30 October. In winter, the fountains operate from Friday to Saturday from 19:00 to 21:00 in summer from Thursday to Sunday from 21:00 to 23:30 The show is repeated every half hour.

And that's the end of the August events! Stay tuned, because we report new events as soon as they appear. ;) We promise you that you won't get bored this summer in Barcelona... Don't miss anything! See you soon Barcelona lovers! (>‿◠)✌

Climate in August

Summer is coming to Barcelona! August is the month in which you can enjoy the sun and the beach, but be careful: the sun is already very strong and it is better to have an umbrella or sunscreen. The average temperature is usually 26ºC and the thermometer never drops below 24ºC. In fact, you will see the whole city full of flowers and always under the sun.

This is the weather data for August month in Barcelona

  • average temperature: 28ºC
  • Maximum temperature: 31ºC
  • Minimum temperature: 26ºC
  • Sunrise: 6:46 h - 7:16 h
  • Sunset: 21:09 h - 20:27 h

Traveling to Barcelona in August

What? Do you still think that Barcelona is all about the sun and the beach? The month of August awaits you with many musical festivals, concerts and joy. I suggest you start your trip to the capital of Catalonia and decide which events to visit and which excursions to go on.


Midsummer: in Barcelona the weather in August is fantastic, but we know well that swimming, sunbathing and enjoying life, participating in the best events in Barcelona are what you must do in Barcelona in August. If you want a guide to the best parks in Barcelona, ​​you can read this article:

Good Temperature: in August, the temperature is high, ideal for heading to the beach. Enjoy the sea and new brown :)

Beach: In August, you can swim on any of the beaches because the water temperature is already suitable for swimming. Also, you can play volleyball or football as there are a lot of people on the beach and it is easy to organize some activity!

Excursions in Barcelona

Our friends - the Tripster team - offer exciting and exciting tours by locals in different parts of the world. They are sure that no one can tell about all the mysteries and delights of the city better than those who live there. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the possible excursions and tours on their website:


Tourists: the summer months are more chaotic. The number of tourists in Barcelona is increasing significantly compared to previous months.

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