What does the Philippine story teach? Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy Filippo (true story). The man is a wonderful helper

The story of Filipok by Leo Tolstoy is one of the works of the school curriculum, one way or another every child studying in 1.2, maximum 3rd grade should read it. It can also be found on the list of books to read for the summer. On this page, we suggest you read this story online with pictures, or download an electronic version for reading without the Internet, which you can open on a tablet or print out to a child on paper. And to consolidate what you read with a bonus, an audio fairy tale, a cartoon and a filmstrip!

There was a boy, his name was Philip. All the boys went to school. Philip took his hat and wanted to go too. But his mother told him:

- Where are you going, Filipok?

- To school.

“You are still small, don’t go,” and his mother left him at home.

The guys went to school. My father left for the forest in the morning, my mother went to day work. Filipok remained in the hut and grandmother on the stove.

Filipka became bored alone, grandmother fell asleep, and he began to look for a hat. I didn’t find my own, I took my father’s old one and went to school.

The school was outside the village near the church. When Philip walked through his settlement, the dogs did not touch him, they knew him. But when he went out to other people's yards, a bug jumped out, barked, and behind the bug a big dog, Volchok.

Filipok started to run, the dogs behind him. Filipok began to scream, stumbled and fell.

A man came out, drove the dogs away and said:

“Where are you, little shooter, running alone?”

Filipok said nothing, picked up the floors and set off at full speed. He ran to the school. There is no one on the porch, and the voices of the children are heard in the school. Fear came over Filipka: what, how will the teacher drive me away? And he began to think what to do. Go back - the dog will seize again, go to school - he is afraid of the teacher. A woman with a bucket walked past the school and said:

Everyone is learning, and why are you standing here?

Filipok went to school. In the vestibule he took off his hat and opened the door. The school was full of kids. Everyone shouted their own, and the teacher in a red scarf walked in the middle.

– What are you? he shouted at Philip.

Filipok grabbed his hat and said nothing.

- Who are you?

Filipok was silent.

Or are you mute?

Filipok was so frightened that he could not speak.

- Well, go home if you don't want to talk. - And Filipok would be glad to say something, but his throat was dry from fear. He looked at the teacher and wept. Then the teacher felt sorry for him. He stroked his head and asked the guys who this boy was.

- This is Filipok, Kostyushkin's brother, he has been asking for school for a long time, but his mother does not let him, and he came to school furtively.

- Well, sit on the bench next to your brother, and I'll ask your mother to let you go to school.

The teacher began showing Filipok the letters, but Filipok already knew them and could read a little.

- Come on, put down your name.

- Filipok said: hwe-i-hvi, le-i-li, pe-ok-pok.

Everyone laughed.

“Well done,” the teacher said. - Who taught you to read?

Filipok dared and said:

- Kostyushka. I'm poor, I immediately understood everything. What a dexterous passion I am!

The teacher laughed and said:

Do you know prayers?

Filipok said:

“I know,” and the Mother of God began to speak; but every word was spoken not so.

The teacher stopped him and said:

- You wait to boast, but learn.

Since then, Filipok began to go to school with the guys.

You can download this story in pdf format: >> DOWNLOAD

or watch a video.

Filmstrip with voice acting based on the story of L. Tolstoy

Topic: L.N. Tolstoy "Philippok"

Lesson type: gaining new knowledge

Educational program "Harmony".

Textbook : O. V. Kubasova "Favorite Pages", Grade 2.

Target : . to introduce the story "Philippok", to teach how to characterize the characters, to teach how to compose complete answers to the questions posed, to cultivate a positive attitude towards people who want to learn.

^ Lesson objectives :

General Skills:

To form the ability to answer questions from the teacher to the text
works, find sentences in the text that
would confirm the thought


The development of students' speech, enrichment of the dictionary due to acquaintance with outdated vocabulary;

develop the ability to find words in the text, sentences to characterize the hero, express one's attitude towards the heroes, compose an oral story about the hero of the work;


Education of cognitive activity;

To cultivate a sense of patriotism and love for their homeland through the study of history;


Exhibition of books, audio recording "Filipok, video recording: task cards, computer presentation

Lesson plan.

1.Org. moment


2. Actualization of knowledge. Exhibition work.

3. Acquaintance with the creation of the alphabet of Tolstoy, his biography and the peculiarities of the schools of that time.

4. Acquaintance with the work "Philippok", analysis of incomprehensible words.

5.Rereading, working with the text and compiling an oral story about Filippka.

6. Physical education

7. Work in pairs - restoring the deformed plan of the story

8. Differentiated homework

9. Homework.

During the classes.

1. Org. Moment.

The bell rang and hushed.

The lesson starts.

You sat quietly at your desks,

Everyone was looking at me

We listen carefully

We work diligently

Look at each other, at the guests and give your smiles.

2. Motivation.

Remember when you first wanted to go to school?

How did you start preparing for it?

Who accompanied you to school? Did you worry?

- What do you guys think, have children always been able to come to school and gain knowledge just like you?

Why couldn't they study?

In ancient times, not every child could go to school. And the school wasn't like that either. Several classes studied at once in one room, and the teacher was one at all. He had the right to severely punish students for an unlearned lesson or a prank.

In the old days, children learned

They were taught by a church clerk,

Came at dawn

And they repeated the letters like this:

A yes B- like AZ yes Buki,

How to Lead, G-Verb,

And a teacher for science

I beat them on Saturdays.

3. Teacher's conversation. Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

What do you think we will read about in class? (about how children learned before).

Consider an exhibition of books. Which writer will you be familiar with?

What task will you set for your lesson? ? slide1

Look carefully, do all the books correspond to the theme of the exhibition? (alphabet redundant)

Why is she with us again today at the lesson?

The alphabet for children with simple letter names, children's works and pictures was written by Leo Tolstoy.

In those days, different alphabets were printed: one for children from rich families - colored, with pictures, others - for the poor - small, poorly printed, without illustrations. Leo Tolstoy also created the alphabet. (slide2)

In it, he included little stories about the life of peasants, riddles. Here is some of them.

Twisted, tied, dancing around the hut (broom)

In the courtyard of a mountain

And in the hut with water. (Snow)

This alphabet was specially published for work in the school for the poor, which was opened and taught to children by Leo Tolstoy.
In the old days there were few schools even in the cities, and in the villages almost everyone was illiterate. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy 150 years ago created a school for the poor right in his estate "Yasnaya Polyana". slide3

The school was free and it never punished students with rods, unlike other schools. slide4

The children loved their teacher, it was interesting for them to study. All the village boys and girls wanted to study there! slide5
Many works from Tolstoy's alphabet are still printed in modern reading textbooks and are read with interest by children.

What work will you be reading today, you will learn from the textbook on page 81. Look carefully at the book. What is it called? Guess from the cover who it is written about.? When did this boy live?
4. Acquaintancec work.

Can you guess from the title and illustration what this piece is about? (Student answers).

BUT) primary perception

Listen to the text, check whether you are lying or not.

Slides as the teacher reads 7,8,9,10,11,12,13

Did you like the work?

Did your assumption match the content of this work?

B) vocabulary work and work on the genre of the work.

Could the events of the work actually happen or is it just an invention of the author?

This incident happened at school and Lev Nikolaevich knew about it.

What genre does the work "Filipok" belong to? (It's true)

What does the word "life" mean? (A true story is what happened in reality, in life ). slide14

There are unfamiliar words in the text

Read these words and find out their meaning. (on cards on tables)

DAILY WORK - paid by the day

RUN FULLY FAST - very fast

SHOT - mischievous, tomboy

BEDOVY - nimble, bold

AT) reading the work.

1) reading the first part (p.82-83) in a "chain":

What characters are here? (Boy Philip, mother, father, grandmother, guys).

What did you learn about the mother?

What did you find out about your father?

What did you find out about your grandmother?

What did you learn about the guys?

What did you find out about Philip?

(Filipok wanted to go to school, asked, asked his mother to send him to study.)

How did he get to school? (He chose the moment when the grandmother was sleeping, the father had gone to the forest, and the mother was at work.)

Was Filipok in a hurry? (Yes, he took his father's hat. He does everything silently, without telling anyone.)

2) reading the second part (p. 83) "buzzing reading":

Physical education for the eyes.

Oh how long we read

The children's eyes are tired.

Look out the window.

Oh how high the sun

We'll close our eyes now

Let's build a rainbow in class

Let's go to the top of the rainbow

Turn left, turn right

And then we slide down

Squint hard, but hold on.

Was the school far away? (Outside the village, it was necessary to go through the whole village.)

Why did the dogs bark at Filipko? (The dogs barked because they did not know him. They had never seen him. And dogs also bark when you run.)

Filipok didn't walk, but ran to school - that's what's important! Moreover, he was in his father's old hat, in a fur coat.

What could Filipok do when the dogs barked at him?

Why didn't he come back even though he was scared?

Find expressions in the text that depict what happened to Filipkos.

3) reading the third part (pp83-84.) silently.

What feeling came over Filipka when he ran to the school? (Children read from the book.)

How did Filipok enter the school? (He took off his hat, entered quietly, frightened that he could not speak.)

What new characters have emerged? (Man, woman with a bucket).

What can you say about the man, what is he like?

What can be said about the grandmother?

Why didn't the boy enter the school without this "nudge"? (He was afraid).

Why didn't Philippok answer the teacher's questions?

Find in the text and read how Philipp got scared.

He was so frightened that he could not speak.

My throat was dry with fear.

4) reading the fourth part (p. 85):

How did Filipok behave after the teacher's praise? What did he say? ("I'm poor...")

He knows his own worth, he knows what trouble and dexterity are. Why did he say that to the teacher? (To convince him that he can study.)

6 .Fizkultminutka.

At his school, Lev Nikolayevich learned a lot of games with children and played with them, for example, the game "Metelitsa".

G) characterization of a hero.

- Name the main character of the story. Let's create an image..

You work with cards.

Hero's Passport

1. Where does he live? (in the village)

    What does he do? (bored) - Do the guys from the other group have additions?

    What actions does he do? (decided to go to school)

    What is the character of the hero? (decisive, courageous, smart) - Who will complement?

    What did you like or dislike about the character?

(bold, inquisitive, but naughty)

Who is this story about?

Who is the main character?

What age?

How do you imagine Philip?

4) Let's make a verbal portrait of Filipko, remembering what has already been said and adding something new. The hint text will help you with this.


We will work collectively.

Filipok is ... ... a boy. (small, rustic)

Lived in ... a family. (peasant)

He had a mother, ..., ..., elder ... . (father, grandmother, brother)

Kosciuszka went to school.

Filippok was ... and also wanted to ... . (curious, learn)

He was ... and ... was not afraid of the dog and the unfamiliar teacher. (bold and persistent)

He stubbornly pursued his goal.

The teacher ... Filippka ... at school. (allowed to study)

So what is Filipok? (Filipok is independent, persistent, courageous, purposeful, he already has a character - he can achieve his goal.)

How do you think this boy will study?

Who would like to be like him? And what is needed for this? (Aspiration, effort).

What did this text teach you (achieve your goal, do not be afraid)

7. Recovery of the deformed plan.
Teacher. And now I offer you the plan of our story. Do you agree with him?

Meeting with the teacher.
Filipok goes to school.
Road to school.
"You wait to boast."

Teacher. Arrange the points of the plan in the correct order.

Will this plan be useful to you? Where, For what?

8 . Summary of the lesson.

Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy was very fond of children, he wrote books for them, but he also read and recorded his works on a recording device. Once the children came to visit the writer, Lev Nikolaevich decided to surprise them and wrote down “Appeal to schoolchildren.”

Let's listen to this call. I will ask you to sit quietly so that you can hear the voice of L.N. Tolstoy.

What does Tolstoy ask you?

9. Homework.

What homework would you like to do? (Reading by roles, picture plan.)

Thank you for the lesson. You are great!

There was a boy, his name was Philip. All the boys went to school. Philip took his hat and wanted to go too. But his mother said to him: where are you going, Filipok? - To school. “You are still small, don’t go,” and his mother left him at home. The guys went to school. My father left for the forest in the morning, my mother went to day work. Filipok remained in the hut and grandmother on the stove. Filipka became bored alone, grandmother fell asleep, and he began to look for a hat. I didn’t find my own, I took my father’s old one and went to school.

The school was outside the village near the church. When Philip walked through his settlement, the dogs did not touch him, they knew him. But when he went out to other people's yards, a bug jumped out, barked, and behind the bug a big dog, Volchok. Filipok rushed to run, the dogs followed him. Filipok began to scream, stumbled and fell. A peasant came out, drove the dogs away and said: where are you running, little rat, alone?

Filipok said nothing, picked up the floors and set off at full speed. He ran to the school. There is no one on the porch, and the voices of the children are heard in the school. Fear came over Filipka: what, how will the teacher drive me away? And he began to think what to do. Go back - the dog will seize again, go to school - he is afraid of the teacher. A woman with a bucket walked past the school and said: everyone is studying, and why are you standing here? Filipok went to school. In the vestibule he took off his hat and opened the door. The school was full of kids. Everyone shouted their own, and the teacher in a red scarf walked in the middle.

– What are you? he shouted at Philip. Filipok grabbed his hat and said nothing. - Who are you? Filipok was silent. Or are you mute? Filipok was so frightened that he could not speak. - Well, go home if you don't want to talk. - And Filipok would be glad to say something, but his throat was dry from fear. He looked at the teacher and wept. Then the teacher felt sorry for him. He stroked his head and asked the guys who this boy was.

- This is Filipok, Kostyushkin's brother, he has been asking for school for a long time, but his mother does not let him, and he came to school furtively.

- Well, sit on the bench next to your brother, and I'll ask your mother to let you go to school.

The teacher began showing Filipok the letters, but Filipok already knew them and could read a little.

- Come on, put down your name. - Filipok said: hwe-i-hvi, le-i-li, pe-ok-pok. Everyone laughed.

“Well done,” the teacher said. - Who taught you to read?

Filipok dared and said: Kostyushka. I'm poor, I immediately understood everything. What a dexterous passion I am! The teacher laughed and said: do you know prayers? - Filipok said; I know, - and began to speak to the Mother of God; but every word was spoken not so. The teacher stopped him and said: wait a moment to boast, but learn.

Since then, Filipok began to go to school with the guys.

There was a boy, his name was Philip. All the boys went to school. Philip took his hat and wanted to go too. But his mother told him:

— Where are you going, Filipok?

- To school.

- You're still small, don't go. And his mother left him at home.

The guys went to school. In the morning my father left for the forest, my mother went to day work. Filipok remained in the hut and grandmother on the stove.

Filipka became bored alone, grandmother fell asleep, and he began to look for a hat. I didn’t find my own, took my father’s old one and went to school.

The school was outside the village near the church. When Filipok walked through his settlement, the dogs did not touch him - they knew him. But when he went out to other people's yards, a bug jumped out, barked, and behind the bug a big dog, Volchok. Filipok started to run, the dogs behind him. Filipok began to scream, stumbled and fell. A man came out, drove the dogs away and said:

- Where are you, shooter, running alone?

Filipok said nothing, picked up the floors and set off at full speed. He ran to the school. There is no one on the porch, and in the school, you can hear the voices of the children buzzing. Fear came over Filipka: “What, how will the teacher drive me away?” And he began to think what to do. Go back - the dog will seize again, go to school - the teacher is afraid. A woman with a bucket walked past the school and said:

Everyone is learning, and why are you standing here?

Filipok went to school.

In the vestibule he took off his hat and opened the door. The school was full of kids. Everyone shouted their own, and the teacher in a red scarf walked in the middle.

— What are you? he shouted at Philip.

Filipok grabbed his hat and nothing

did not tell.

— Who are you?

Filipok was silent.

Or are you mute?

Filipok was so frightened that he could not speak.

“Well, go home if you don’t want to talk.

But Filipok would be glad to say something, but his throat was dry from fear. He looked at the teacher and wept. Then the teacher felt sorry for him. He stroked his head and asked the guys who this boy was.

- This is Filipok, Kostyushkin's brother, he has been asking for school for a long time, but his mother does not let him, and he came to school furtively.

- Well, sit on the bench next to your brother, and I'll ask your mother to let you go to school.

The teacher began to show Filipok the letters, but Filipok already knew them and could read a little.

- Come on, put down your name.

Filipok said;

- Hwe-i - hvi, le-i - whether, pe-ok - pok.

Everyone laughed.

“Well done,” the teacher said. - Who taught you to read?

Filipok dared and said:

- Kitty! I'm poor, I immediately understood everything. What a dexterous passion I am!

The teacher laughed and said:

- You wait to boast, but learn.

Since then, Filipok began to go to school with the guys.

Review of Leo Tolstoy's story "Filipok", written as part of the contest "My Favorite Book 2015". Khalyavina Polina (8 years old), Khalyavina Anastasia (14 years old).

"Filipok" is an exceptional story about a little boy driven by a thirst for knowledge. From my point of view, Filipok is an extraordinary child. Despite the fact that the hero is a little younger than me, he was able to teach me a lot. He showed me that it is necessary to set a goal, go towards it and achieve a dream, despite all the small and big difficulties. On the example of his story, I realized that it is impossible to retreat in any case, that we must fight to the end.

“If you are up to something, then retreating is almost the same as hanging a sign on your chest that says “loser”. © Oleg Roy.

After reading this book for the second time, I realized that Filipok had become a role model for me. I appreciate his courage and determination. I believe that this is exactly what a person should be - a "warrior", a fighter for his happiness!

For this little boy, learning is the highest goal. "Learning is light and ignorance is darkness". Our ancestors thought so, Filipok thought so, and so do I! Some will say that Filipko's goal is insignificant. On the one hand, yes, he did not dream of conquering the world, the country, or at least his village, he did not go to school for this, overcoming all the obstacles that were huge for such a little boy. But study gives rise to science, and science benefits not only the person himself, but also the state.

“If you stock up on patience and show diligence, then the seeds of knowledge sown will certainly give good shoots. The root of learning is bitter, but the fruit is sweet” © Leonardo da Vinci.

As you know, you need to start small, since all the great scientists who changed the course of history also just came to school / university one day!

I believe that the further the course of history goes, the more unique this unusual boy, Filipok, becomes. For example, now it is already very difficult to meet a person who would strive for learning, who would like to go to school. Now other values, knowledge do not play any role when we evaluate a person as a person. Now we look at external beauty, forgetting that sometimes the cover of a book does not match its content. In my opinion, knowledge is intelligence, namely, it reflects the true inner spiritual beauty of a person!

Perhaps that is why for me Filipok is something more than just a little boy who, through great work, came to his goal!

“To study and, when the time comes, to apply what has been learned to business - isn’t it wonderful!” © Confucius.

Khalyavina Polina (8 years old)
Khalyavina Anastasia (14 years old)
City of Serov, Sverdlovsk region

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