Why do tribal women have flat chests?

Pick-up artists flying to Cuba constantly ask about the smell of black women.
Yes, you just need to prepare it well. Arrange a real bathhouse, rub with a washcloth, the shop shone. They are used only to the soul. You take a tent, or a piece of tarpaulin. You collect stones, a fire, stones are heated, a steam room. He put a large rug next to it, where the Negro should be scrubbed with a washcloth, and not with the soft side, but with the hard one. And washcloths are not small, but large, for washing dishes.
More foam, then doused with cold water. They squeal, but they love it.
Yes, everyone smells different. They mixed with other nations a lot and often. So, I got it, then one more time, and quickly fuck the beauty. These chikitiki do not like to talk, and the candy-bouquet period happens so quickly that you have to look for a place to have sex very quickly. And here it will be the most delicious smell of leather. After the bath, then ... The mulatto will sweat, which means he did not work in vain. Women like a sweaty working man. Even when you dryuchish it with a washcloth. So don't be lazy, you'll make good money.

Cuban girls. Mulattos and blacks, moraines and ranks.
Trigenya - almost white skin, but not like ours, slightly tanned. The hair is soft and beautiful, often like our natural blondes.

Mulatto - skin color from light to spiky tanned. The most popular type of Cuba, because there are 3-4 million of them. Hair from soft to wire, which is considered to be crap. Often curly hair is cute.

Indio - black - blue. The hair is strong.

China - the descendants of the Chinese, lost their native language. Sometimes they interfere with others. But even the spiky-tanned ones have cunning eyes. Native. In Chinatown, I met an amazingly beautiful woman with blond hair. But the machine (figure) is incredibly ugly.

Morena has coarse hair and is similar to our Caucasian girls. The skin is white, but the options in Cuba are large.

Negro, Negrita - black, but the skin color can be from anthracite to lighter, but you don’t notice it right away. The hair is mostly coarse, but there are also soft ones, which is rare. Negritos also come in varying degrees of tanning, there are definitely a dozen. A mulatto and hundreds of options.

Rubia is a white, soft blonde. Rare in nature. Sexual dream of any black man and mulatto. That's why all Europeans love machos. Even ugly by our standards. Freckles are not very popular, and it pleases. Such girls are very sexy, and if you take photos of models with freckles with you and court such girls, then success is guaranteed.

Habao - yellow skin, don't worry, she doesn't get sick. Hair wiry, character quarrelsome. They carry a lot of gold.

A lot of blacks sailed from Haiti, Africans worked. Negro impurities.
1/4 - quadron.
1/2 - mulatre
1/8 - mustif
3/4 - neck
7/8 - marabou
1/16 - mustafino

Previously, I did not notice the difference in anthracites, but now my eyes have pricked up. Well, mulattos and mulattos in Cuba are generally more than half. Mixed into a hundred colors, types and degrees of hair softness. Our girls spend a lot of money on strengthening their hair, and there they foolishly poison some kind of chemistry, so that they are softer and straighter. There is a buying of hair and making wigs. Wait, the state has leased the premises of hairdressing salons to workers, I think this business will go uphill. Pigtails and other crap.

This is the case when you want to say "terribly beautiful girl."

Photos and text by Sergei Anashkevich.

I understand that 146% of those who have looked at this post will say that the photo is a real ugliness. But! The women in the pictures disagree. What causes surprise and even disgust in us is a sign of beauty for them.

The larger the plate they can insert into their lips, the more attractive they will be to the men of their tribe, the more likely they are to marry successfully. And to become such a beauty, girls have to try from the age of 12. It is at this age that the mother will make an incision in her lower lip, remove the front lower teeth and insert the first wooden washer ...

If you see a dark-skinned hairless woman in the photo with a huge disc in her lower lip, you should know that this is a representative of the Mursi tribe living in a remote area between the Omo and Mago rivers in the very south of Ethiopia.

There are only about 7.5 thousand representatives of this tribe left in the world, whose roots go back centuries.

In our time, the meaning of the plates in the lips of Mursi women is the same: the larger the plate in the lips of a Mursi, the more beautiful and more respected she is by her husband and tribe.

Mursi's lower lip piercing is done to young girls who have reached the age of 12-13. First, a small wooden washer is inserted into the lip, the size of which is gradually increased, stretching the woman's lip, and then changed to ceramic saucers.

In fact, it is a mistake to believe that Mursi constantly walk around with huge plates in their lips - they are too heavy and not comfortable. The women of the tribe put them in only during important events such as receiving guests, serving food to the husband, holidays, etc. The rest of the time, Mursi takes out a plate from his lips.

By the way, in order to insert it into the girl’s lip, her lower teeth are knocked out ... The photo shows a young girl who is just starting to walk along the difficult path of the beauty standard.

If you visit the Mursi tribe, local women will be happy to take pictures, sometimes offering the most unexpected angles, such as this one. True, the hunt for photography directly depends on local banknotes, which will definitely be asked for photographs taken.

In addition to discs in the lip, women also wear a lot of jewelry made from tusks, horns and teeth of slaughtered animals, leather bands and metal.

In fact, they are really beautiful in their own way, but these lips and disks ... But such are the customs. They don't know anything else.

British schools need to introduce lessons in which children will be taught about the inadmissibility of cauterization of the chest, said the National Council of Teachers. Moxibustion is a cruel custom brought from West Africa in which hot objects are placed on the breasts of prepubescent girls to keep them from growing.

They try to prevent natural breast enlargement in teenage girls with the help of hot objects and a tight bandage. Photo: GETTY IMAGES

In such a barbaric way, families want to save their daughters from "excessive" attention from men in the future.

Former Conservative MP Nicky Morgan told the Victoria Derbyshire television program that teachers should also be educated because they can play a big role in the fate of girls and help them protect themselves from such violence in the family.

The Interior Ministry has required teachers to report to law enforcement if there is reason to suspect that a student has been burned at home.

"You can't scream or cry"

Kinaya (not her real name) lives in Britain.

Her family is from West Africa. She began to cauterize her breasts at the age of 10 years.

“Mom said if I don’t burn it with an iron, men will start coming for you, they will have sex with you,” says Kinaya. Often, it is mothers who subject their daughters to this procedure: they heat a stone or a metal spoon over an open fire and “stroke” their breasts or press on them, “massaging”.

Executions can go on for months.

"This pain is impossible to forget," says Kinaya. "You can't cry. If you scream and cry, you have dishonored your family, you are not a" strong girl ".

Kinaya with her daughter. Photo: BBC

Now she has her own daughters. When the eldest turned 10, the grandmother said:

"It's time to cauterize," - and offered her help. "I said:" No, no, no, my children will not go through the horror that I went through. I have lived with this injury all my life."

Fearing that relatives would cauterize the breasts of her girls in her absence and without her consent, Kinaya left and began to live with her children separately from her family.

It is estimated that around 1,000 girls in the United Kingdom undergo this procedure.

But society knows little about it, while awareness of female circumcision is growing, and it is already criminalized.

One British woman told the Victoria Derbyshire program that she only realized that moxibustion was not normal when she noticed in a gym class at school that other girls had significantly larger busts. Realizing the reason, she was frightened and upset.

Her older sister had regularly performed this painful procedure on her since she was eight.

"I remember screaming in pain," the woman says. But at the school in Essex where she studied, no one noticed anything suspicious and was not interested in why the girl became withdrawn and does not go to physical education.
"If my teacher had known, if they had been taught and informed, I would have suffered less, they would have helped me while I was studying. I really needed help."

These stones are traditionally used in Nigeria and other countries. Photo: GETTY IMAGES

Kiri Tanks, co-chair of the National Council of Teachers, Kiri Tanks, is calling for mandatory training for teachers - especially in physical education - so that they can recognize the signs of violence against girls.

It is also proposed to include discussions on these topics in the mandatory curriculum of sex education lessons in high schools, as will be done from 2020 with female circumcision.

Ex-minister Nikki Morgan said cauterization in Britain should be "condemned and stopped". The school curriculum should be reviewed taking into account new information about different rituals, traditions and customs and forms of child abuse, Morgan said.

Another BBC TV heroine, who gave an interview under the name Simona, said that her mother began to "iron" her from the age of 13, having learned about her daughter's homosexuality.

"She thought that my bust was to blame, apparently, he was attractive - and said that she would straighten my chest; - I will be flat and ugly, no one will like me."

The cauterization lasted for many months every day, and besides this, Simone - like many others - was forced to tightly bandage her chest with tapes to the point that it was difficult to breathe.

A few years later, Simone was forcibly married. She gave birth to the child.

At that moment, it became clear how much damage to her women's health was caused by cruel procedures: "It was impossible to breastfeed, as if a lump was stuck inside," she says. "Apparently, some channels or nerves were destroyed."

There is no separate article on chest cauterization in the criminal code, but the Home Office declared it a form of child abuse, which should be prosecuted under existing laws as causing injury and physical harm.

Hidden Crime

The true extent of what was happening in Britain was not known until recently, according to police consultant and former nurse Angie Marriott, because no one has ever filed a complaint or informed the authorities.

“These are hidden crimes that women were afraid to talk about because they would be ostracized from their family and community,” she says. “I only know about this because I worked in gynecology and patients told me something about their childhood.” .

"At the same time, they said that they had never revealed this to anyone before, and that they were ashamed to talk about this."

Angie Marriott heard about breast cauterization in Britain only because patients shared their secrets with her. Photo: BBC

Simone still has scars on her chest. Now she wants the practice of moxibustion to be spoken openly and for girls to be protected from barbaric violence.

"The softest thing you can call it is child abuse. It hurts, it turns you into an inanimate object. It's like you're not human."

Beautiful, lush breasts are the pride of any woman. How many girls and even stellar beauties, in pursuit of outstanding forms, turn to plastic surgeons. But some ladies have something to brag about by nature.

Salma Hayek

The sultry beauty has brilliant forms: a magnificent bust, a wasp waist. So generously nature endowed Salma, and she only skillfully emphasizes her beauty with outfits. Well, if you have something to brag about!

Kelly Brook

Kelly Brook has a size six beauty! And all his own, bestowed by nature! That's just the model is not very pleased with this feature. You can't wear any dress with a bust like that.

Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett Johansson by nature received a magnificent bust, which (according to rumors) even reduced. The actress herself did not comment on such information.

The actress is proud of the gift of nature and emphasizes it in every way. It is impossible to find modest outfits in the wardrobe of a star.

Anna Semenovich

For many years there have been disputes about the naturalness of the bust of the singer and actress. Let's believe in the generous gifts of nature!

Sofia Vergara

Boasts a perfect figure, including a magnificent bust. The beauty herself complains about the problem of buying underwear with this size, the inconvenience of sleep, and other shortcomings of outstanding forms.

Alena Vodonaeva

The beauty regularly complains about the shortcomings of a voluminous bust, “threatening” to reduce it to at least a third size.

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