How to make fluffy round rice. Friable rice for a side dish - recipes. How to cook steamed rice for a side dish so that it is crumbly

Cooking rice, like cooking, is seemingly a trifling matter, which in practice can end in failure. Depending on the type of rice and its further purpose, cooking technologies may differ, and what you previously considered ideal rice may actually be very far from the classical understanding of this term. How to cook rice for a side dish, we will discuss further.

How to cook round-grain rice for a side dish?

Boiling round rice can be the biggest problem, as round grains have the highest starch content. Here it is necessary to strictly adhere to the proportions and time for preparation.


  • round rice - 1 tbsp.;
  • water - 1 1/4 tbsp.


First, rinse the rice grains in plenty of water, changing the liquid 3-4 times. Pour rice cereal with a new portion of fresh water and leave for half an hour. This procedure will restore the moisture content in the dried grains and avoid their boiling in the future. After a while, let the excess liquid drain, pour the rice into a saucepan and fill with water and the calculation is 1: 1.2. After placing the pan over the fire, immediately cover it with a lid and leave everything to cook for 12-13 minutes on low heat. After some time, look under the lid to make sure all the water has been absorbed. Cover the pot again and leave the rice for 10 minutes, no longer over the fire. The preparation of friable rice for a side dish is over, it remains only to mix it with a special spatula and you can try.

The rules for cooking rice with long grains are similar, if you want to get crumbly cereals, only in the case of long grain rice, the cooking water should be added based on a 1: 1 ratio.

Before preparing delicious rice for a side dish, rinse the grits to clean water, fill it with fresh water and leave for half an hour. Drain the rice in a colander and let any excess water drain, then pour the rice into a heavy-bottomed bowl with a tight-fitting lid. Pour in twice as much water and leave the grains on low heat for 12-14 minutes. At the end of cooking, allow the remaining liquid to be completely absorbed by leaving the rice under the lid for another 20 minutes.

You can also cook by selecting the appropriate function on the device for an automatically set time. At the end of cooking, rice is mixed with a fork, seasoned with butter.

Rice is one of the most popular cereals. What is useful rice groats? How to cook rice so that it always turns out tasty and crumbly? How long to cook rice? From this article you will learn about the features of rice and the secrets of its preparation.

Rice is rich in healthy carbohydrates, it contains quite a lot of protein, vitamins (E, H, group B) and minerals (magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, iodine). The composition of different varieties of rice, of course, is different, but these main components are always contained in it.

Due to its enveloping action, rice is useful for gastrointestinal diseases. Unlike other cereals, rice does not contain gluten, which can cause allergies, so rice is often used for baby and diet food.

The average calorie content of rice is 300 kcal per 100 g, but rice cereal is successfully used for weight loss and fasting days due to the fact that it removes excess sodium from the body (we get it with salt), and water is also excreted with it, which is useful for metabolism .

Many people are interested in questions about how to cook rice, how much to cook rice, how to cook crumbly rice, or how to cook rice boiled, slurry. To properly cook rice, you must first understand that the recipes for the correct cooking of rice depend on the type of rice. That is, for a particular dish, you must first choose the right rice, and then cook it correctly.

There is a lot types of rice Let's talk about the most popular of them.

long grain rice- long, thin and transparent, does not contain a lot of sticky substances, so it does not boil soft and does not stick together. It is ideal for preparing side dishes and pilaf. This rice is grown mainly in Asia. The most popular varieties are Basmati, Jasmine.

medium grain rice shorter, slightly thicker and less translucent than long grain. When cooked, it sticks together a little, because it contains more starch. Its distinctive feature is the ability to absorb aromas and tastes. This rice is great for making soups and risottos. Medium grain rice is grown in Spain, Italy, Australia. The most popular variety is Arborio.

Round grain rice has an oval shape and is almost opaque due to the high content of starch. This rice has the highest calorie content. When cooking, it absorbs a large amount of water and sticks together. It is great for making cereals, casseroles, sushi. This type of rice is grown in many countries around the world. The most popular variety is Camolino.

Unpolished (brown) rice contains many nutrients and fiber due to the shell, which is preserved during processing. Such rice is cooked longer and does not have such a delicate taste as polished, but the protein in such rice is no less than in meat. Before cooking, brown rice should be soaked, preferably overnight.

steamed rice It is considered more beneficial than polished because most of the vitamins and minerals are absorbed into the grain during the steaming process, rather than grinding along with the shell. Such rice does not stick together.

Separately, it is worth noting the Uzbek rice Devzira. Unlike other varieties of rice, it absorbs much more fat and spices, making it ideal for making pilaf.

Wild rice(water zigzag) - an unrefined product, due to which it contains a lot of protein and nutrients. Wild rice has a sweet taste and a slight nutty flavor. Boiled for 30-40 minutes. Used mainly for side dishes, it is often mixed with white polished rice. Grown only in North America, this explains its value.

The aroma and taste of rice largely depends on where it is grown. Do not rush to buy imported rice. While it appears to be of better quality, this is not necessarily the case. In some Asian countries (Thailand, India), for example, there is a state stock of rice. It is pre-preserved. And after a couple of years, after he loses most of the nutrients, they export it. While in Russia and Ukraine, rice is a seasonal product, because it is grown as much as needed for a year. True, not all varieties of rice can be grown in our conditions. We mainly grow round-grain rice.

When choosing rice, pay attention to the grains: they should be the same color and size, without fragments and pieces. If this is not the case, then you have a poor-quality mixture of different varieties.

How to cook rice correctly to make it tasty and healthy? There are some rules and secrets for this:

Use dishes with thick walls and a bottom (so the heat will be distributed gradually and evenly). It can be cast iron, glass or Teflon dishes, but not enameled - rice will burn in it;

To cook rice, use large-diameter dishes: the thinner the layer of rice, the more evenly it will cook. If the layer of rice is too thick, the top grains may be dry;

During cooking, rice can be mixed only once - immediately after boiling water. After that, you should not stir the rice;

If the rice sticks together, you can rinse it with cold water, close the lid, wrap it in a towel and leave for 15-20 minutes. But in this case it is very important to let the water drain well, otherwise the rice will turn out watery;

If the rice has absorbed all the water but is still undercooked, remove it from the heat and leave covered for 20 minutes.

Fluffy round-grain rice that always turns out

A simple way to cook rice, following which you can cook even round-grain rice very tasty and crumbly.


Round grain rice - 100 g

Water - 150 g

Vegetable oil - 1.5 tsp.

Preparation of round grain rice:

To make round-grain rice crumbly, it is important to follow the proportions exactly. With this cooking method, 3 parts of water are taken for 2 parts of rice.

1. Before cooking rice, it must be thoroughly but gently rinsed to get rid of excess starch, which makes our rice sticky. Rinse the rice with cold water at least five times until the water runs clear.

2. Then you need to dry the rice. To do this, pour the rice into a sieve with small holes and leave for an hour. We do all this in order to reduce the stickiness of rice.

3. If you don't want to wait for a long time, you can spread the rice on a paper towel in an even layer and leave to dry for 15-20 minutes. To speed up the drying process of the rice even more, you can blot it with another paper towel.

4. After the rice dries, put a pot or pan on a high heat. Be sure to take dishes with a thick bottom, because it distributes and retains heat better. Moreover, it is advisable to take dishes of the largest possible diameter, because the thinner the layer of rice is, the more evenly it will warm up and the more crumbly it will turn out. If you are cooking a small amount of rice, then a heavy-bottomed saucepan is sufficient.

5. When the stewpan warms up well, pour in vegetable oil (it can be sunflower, olive, sesame or any other that you like). Lightly oil the sides of the saucepan.

6. Pour rice into vegetable oil and fry over high heat for 2-3 minutes until translucent, stirring constantly. The fact that the rice is already sufficiently fried, you will understand by a pleasant aroma. If the aroma is unpleasant, then you overdid it.

7. Then very carefully pour in the water and wait until it boils. Close the lid tightly, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook the rice for 7 minutes. Then, without opening the lid, remove the rice from the heat, wrap and leave for another 10 minutes.

8. Salt rice should not be, so as not to increase the stickiness of the grains. Add spices to rice only at the very end of cooking. If desired, you can add butter to the finished rice.

If you remember how to cook rice in this way, and your round-grain rice will turn out tasty and crumbly, then no other rice is "afraid" to you!

An easy way to cook fluffy long grain rice

This is perhaps the easiest and fastest way to cook long grain rice. The rice is very tender and fluffy.


Long grain rice - 100 g

Water - 200 g

Cooking long grain rice:

1. Rinse the rice with cold water until the water runs clear (at least 5 times). We do this carefully so as not to damage the grains. This procedure is necessary in order to remove excess starch from rice, which will stick it together.

2. Then pour the washed rice into a bowl with a thick bottom (this can be a saucepan, cauldron, stewpan or frying pan). The thinner the layer of rice is, the more crumbly it will turn out, therefore it is advisable to take a container of large diameter.

3. Immediately fill the rice with cold water, cover with a lid and put on a large fire. It is desirable that the lid be transparent, so we can observe how the rice is cooked and adjust the temperature in time.

4. After the rice boils, reduce the fire by half (slightly less than average), and open the lid. We leave the rice to cook until the amount of water decreases by a factor of three (for example: if the water was two fingers higher than rice, then we wait until its level is slightly less than one finger). For those who like slightly undercooked rice (“al dente”, as they say in Italy), wait until the water becomes 2 times less.

5. After that, remove the rice from the heat, tightly close the lid, wrap it with a towel and let it stand for 20 minutes. During this time, the rice will absorb all the remaining water. Resist the temptation to leave the rice on the fire until the water has completely evaporated, otherwise it may burn.

6. After 20 minutes, you can add, for example, 20 g of butter to the cooked rice and enjoy delicious crumbly rice!

rice for sushi

This rice is suitable for making rolls, nigiri or other Japanese dishes.


Rice for sushi (round grain) - 1 cup (200 ml)

Water - 1 cup (200 ml)

Kombu seaweed (optional)

For refueling:

Rice vinegar - 35 g

Sugar - 25 g

Salt - 6 g

Preparing sushi rice:

In order to cook rice for sushi, we need high-quality round-grain rice. It is best to take special Japanese rice for sushi.

Rice for sushi is cooked in the ratio of 1 cup of rice to 1 cup of water. It is worth noting that it is the volume of rice that is taken into account, and not its weight.

1. The first thing to do before boiling rice for sushi is to thoroughly rinse the rice with cold water at least 7 times until the water runs clear. This should be done carefully, in no case do not rub the rice with your hands so as not to damage the grains.

2. Then pour the rice on a sieve and leave for an hour to let the water drain. You can spread the washed rice on a paper towel, then it will take much less time to dry (about 20 minutes).

3. After the rice dries, pour it into the pan. It is better to take a pan with a thick bottom. Then the heat will be distributed more evenly.

Tip: To prevent rice from burning to the bottom of the pan, you can use special kombu seaweed (not to be confused with nori sheets). Leave one such leaf in cold water for 15 minutes to soften it. Then we take the kombu out of the water and cover the bottom of the pan with this sheet. Pour the rice directly onto the kombu sheet. Algae will not only prevent our rice from burning, but will also give it its flavor.

4. Pour the rice with cold water, cover with a lid and put on a large fire. From this moment we do not open the lid until the very end of cooking, even if we really want to see how our rice is.

5. Cook sushi rice over high heat until the water boils (7-10 minutes). After the water boils, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook the rice for another 10 minutes (until the water is absorbed). After this time, turn off the heat and leave the rice for 20 minutes.

6. In the meantime, prepare the rice dressing. The amount of dressing should be about 1/6 of the amount of rice. That is, if we have 200 g of rice, then the amount of vinegar will be about 35 g. The amount of sugar is 2/3 of the amount of vinegar, the amount of salt is 1/4 of the amount of sugar.

Mix rice vinegar, sugar and salt and put the dressing over medium heat. Stirring constantly, heat the dressing until sugar and salt are completely dissolved (3-5 minutes). In this case, in no case do not let the rice dressing boil!

7. Now we take out the rice from the pan. We do this carefully so as not to damage the grains. With a wooden spatula, separate the rice from the walls of the pan, pour the rice onto a wide plate and carefully distribute it in an even layer. There is no need to scrape burnt rice from the bottom of the pan: dried grains will only spoil our dish.

8. Now pour the dressing over the sushi rice. We try to do it neatly and evenly. Gently mix the rice with the dressing, doing this carefully so as not to damage the rice grains. Let the rice cool for 10 minutes.

9. After 10 minutes, stir the rice again. We do this with "digging" movements: we bring the spatula under the rice and gently turn it over. This is necessary so that the dressing, which is glassed to the bottom, repeats its "heroic path" again and that each grain is covered with dressing. Leave the rice for another 10 minutes.

10. That's it, sushi rice is ready. We make sushi from rice at room temperature, lightly wetting our hands in warm water.

By knowing how to cook sushi rice, you will get rice that easily takes the form you give it, but at the same time crumbles easily, and does not clump.

basmati rice

Bright and fragrant basmati rice with turmeric.


Basmati rice - 100 g (0.5 cup)

Water - 200 g (1 cup)

Vegetable oil or butter - 1 tbsp. a spoon

Turmeric - 0.25 tsp

Preparing Basmati Rice:

The peculiarity of basmati rice is in its indescribable aroma, as well as in how rice is cooked: when cooked, its grains increase not in thickness, but in length by 3-4 times.

1. Rinse the rice gently with cold water until the water runs clear.

2. In a frying pan or in a saucepan with a thick bottom, heat the vegetable oil (or melt the butter).

3. Add turmeric to the oil and mix. Don't overdo it with turmeric, its purpose is to give the dish a beautiful sunny color and bring out the flavor of the rice, but not change its taste!

4. Pour rice into the pan and fry, stirring constantly, for 3-4 minutes, until a pleasant aroma appears.

5. Pour the rice with cold water in a ratio of 1:2, respectively, cover with a lid and let it boil. After boiling, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook the rice for 10 minutes, then turn off the heat and leave the rice for another 20 minutes.

Enjoy your meal!

Rice is one of the most popular ingredients used in soups, salads, main courses and side dishes. At the same time, practice shows that not everyone knows how to cook it correctly, especially when it comes to its round variety. It is not enough to read on the label how long to keep the product in boiling water, you will have to familiarize yourself with a number of rules and nuances.

On average, the process of cooking rice until cooked, regardless of whether it is polished or steamed, takes only 20-25 minutes. But we must not forget about the mandatory preliminary preparation of cereals and its infusion in finished form.

Properly cooked rice is a versatile food. Contrary to popular belief, even its round-grain variety can bring a lot of benefits to the body if you take a responsible approach to the process of boiling it.

No one has canceled the strict implementation of the instructions given on the package with cereals, but we must not forget about the following rules for processing the product:

  1. Before cooking, the polished component must be washed several times in cold water. This will get rid of excess starch, due to which the rice turns into a sticky lump after processing.
  2. The washed composition can be laid out both in boiling water and in cold water. But in the first case, it will need to be boiled as much as indicated on the package, and in the second - 5-7 minutes less.
  3. To cook a soft, but not sticky product, you should try the option with gauze. We line the bottom of the pan with it, we bring the free ends out of the container. Rice should be cooked as usual, strictly observing the time indicators. After cooking, we take out the cereal wrapped in gauze and carefully squeeze out excess liquid. Throwing the mass into a colander, this effect cannot be achieved.
  4. If you boil round-grain rice in vegetable or chicken broth, it will boil less.
  5. Salt is recommended to be introduced into boiling water, this will reduce the risk of grains sticking together.

Armed with these rules and instructions for a specific product, you can start cooking it. True, depending on the desired result, you will have to take into account a few more important nuances.

How to boil rice for sushi?

Round grain rice is an ideal base for dishes that require maximum softness from the component. Therefore, it is better to cook from it not side dishes and soups, but sushi, casseroles, puddings.

  • We put the washed cereal in a sieve or colander with small holes, leave it in this form for 1 hour.

Tip: If you don’t want to bother too much about the proportions of water and pre-treatment of the product, you can try to cook rice already prepared and packaged in portion bags. In this case, you just need to take it out of the box, put it directly in a protective package in boiling water and cook as much as indicated in the instructions. After that, it remains only to remove the finished mass and put it on a plate.

  • Pour water into a large saucepan and pour the main component. For 1 cup of rice should be about 1 and a quarter cups of water. Close the pot tightly with a lid and put on fire.
  • After the mass boils, reduce the heat to a minimum. It is necessary to cook the composition for no more than a quarter of an hour. Turn off the stove and insist the product for another 10 minutes.

Now you can open the lid, add sushi vinegar or special sauce to the rice and use the component for its intended purpose.

Features of cooking rice in a slow cooker

A very tasty side dish of round-grain rice is obtained using a slow cooker. To weld the product correctly and without unnecessary hassle, you should proceed according to the following scheme:

  • Before you cook the product in this way, it must be washed as high as possible. To do this, it is better to use a colander, not a pan, because. a lot of time will have to be spent and the mass cannot be allowed to begin to swell.
  • After that, put the workpiece in a sieve and wait until the water stops dripping from it.
  • We put the prepared composition into the multicooker bowl and fill it with water at the rate of 1 to 1. In this case, one important rule must be followed - the volume of rice is calculated while the cereal is in a dry form! We level the mass, it is better to add oil, salt and spices at the end of processing.
  • You need to cook the composition in the “Rice” or “Groats” mode for 25 minutes. Then open the lid, add all the additional components to the product, knead it and close the lid again. We insist the product for 10 minutes and use it for its intended purpose.

If as a result of this approach rice porridge is obtained, and not a crumbly product, this indicates poor preliminary preparation of the product. Next time you need to rinse it even better.

Cooking fluffy rice on the stove

For those who prefer to cook the cereal for a side dish in the traditional way, using a saucepan, the following recipe may come in handy. It allows you to get a soft, but crumbly product:

  • We wash the rice several times until clear water, after which we put the mass in a saucepan. Fill it with broth or clean water (for 1 part of cereal 2 parts of water).
  • We put the pan on the fire, close the lid, bring the liquid to a boil. Add salt and spices to taste. Often, housewives also add butter or vegetable oil.
  • The composition should be cooked over low heat under the lid for 20 minutes. If the mass was poured into already boiling water, then 25 minutes from the moment of repeated boiling.

During the cooking process, it is strictly forbidden to interfere with the product. Due to such exposure, it will begin to absorb moisture more actively, swell very quickly and turn into porridge. At the end of processing, the mass leans back into a colander if it has not absorbed all the water.

Rice in the oven - the rules and nuances of the process

There is another unusual, but quite effective option for boiling round-grain rice. In this case, it turns out even denser than when using a slow cooker. The manipulation is very simple:

  • Turn on the oven on medium power. While it is warming up, wash the rice, boil water.
  • Put half the washed rice in a baking pot, fill it with water so that the liquid exceeds the level of the product by 1 cm. Salt the mass, put a little butter and spices on top.
  • We put the structure in the oven, covering it with a lid. We wait no more than 15 minutes, after which we turn off the oven and evaluate the condition of the component. If it has not yet reached readiness, keep another 5-10 minutes in the switched off oven.

It is worth considering that rice that is boiled for subsequent addition to meatballs or casseroles is boiled only until half cooked. Better yet, just pour boiling water over it and insist for half an hour.

Rice is a very useful source of energy. It is not for nothing that it is popular in Asian countries, because it includes many minerals and nutrients. But for some reason, cooking delicious rice for some housewives turns out to be a big problem. We will now explain how to cook rice for a side dish step by step with a photo.

Many people think that this is an easy task for any hostess. But this is not what it seems at first glance. In fact, in order to cook perfect rice without becoming sticky, you need to know the characteristics of this cereal.
What is advised for preparing the perfect side dish and?

It is important to accurately identify proportions water for rice. Usually, it is advised to pour 1 glass of rice cereal with 2 glasses of water, but in practice this ratio does not make rice ideal. Practice has shown that it is necessary to pour a little more water than rice. For example, for 400 grams of rice, you need to take 600 ml of water.
It is also very important not to neglect washing the rice cereal under water until the water becomes clear. If this is not done, then you should not expect the rice structure to be perfect.

Another thing to keep in mind when cooking a side dish of rice is that you don’t need to stir it! Only then will it turn out not to be porridge, but grain to grain.
It is worth noting that a cauldron or a container with a thick layer is best suited for such a side dish. So that the cereal does not stick in this container, and after cooking it can brew and finally cook.

We suggest you cook a side dish of rice according to the following recipe: 200 rice, 250 grams of water, salt (quantity at your discretion).

  1. First you need to thoroughly rinse the rice grits so that all the gluten is gone.
  2. We spread the cereal in a container for cooking, salt and pour water.
  3. Cover the top with a lid and place on the stove. But when the water boils, we immediately reduce the power and start cooking for about 15 minutes.
  4. When the rice has absorbed all the liquid, remove it from the heat and cover with a warm towel or other cloth that retains heat and leave for half an hour.
  5. After the side dish is finally ready, mix it and throw a piece of butter. This method is universal and its use is possible when boiling any of the varieties of rice.

When there is a slow cooker in the kitchen, it is even easier to make crumbly rice with this helper. Here is a way for housewives to cook a side dish of rice in a slow cooker in a piggy bank of recipes: rice cereal and water in proportions of 1 to 2, respectively, salt, butter.

Steamed rice is the same rice as regular rice, but it has been heat-treated and from this it has acquired an amber color. It is even easier to prepare such a side dish from it than from the usual one, which is why most housewives choose this particular type. Giving preference to this rice, you need to know that after heat treatment it loses about 20% of its useful characteristics.

Telling how to cook steamed rice.
To parboiled rice has become crumbly, as well as other types of rice, it should be washed and soaked for half an hour. Next, you need to drain the liquid, take a container with a thick layer, put the cereal there and pour it. The proportions are approximately 1 cup of cereal to 1.25 cups of water. Put the container on the stove, and as the water begins to boil, reduce the power to the smallest. Then salt and toss in a piece of butter to your taste. Now the rice should be cooked for half an hour until fully cooked.
If you cook steamed rice without soaking, then you need to boil water and only then add rice cereal there. The ratio of rice to water is 1.5 cups of cereal to 1 liter of water. You need to cook cereals for half an hour, while covering with a lid. And then remove from heat and wait 10 minutes for the rice to be completely cooked.

Round rice has its own characteristics. It contains more starch than other types of rice. Therefore, it is actively used in the preparation of rolls, cereals, casseroles and other dishes.

If you want to prepare it so that it becomes crumbly, then before cooking it is necessary to get rid of excess starch under water and dry it very carefully. For drying, you can take a sieve, spread the cereal on it and dry it for an hour.

Now it will be possible to send the cereal to a pan or other container for cooking and pour water on top in a ratio of 1 to 1.5. For example, if you take 200 grams of rice, then you will need 300 ml of water. The fire during cooking should be made medium, and after boiling, reduce to a minimum. From now on, it usually takes about 15 minutes to cook the rice. Note that the pan must be covered with a lid. And you can’t stir the cereal, because this will provoke the production of excess starch, which will prevent you from achieving friability. When the rice has absorbed all the liquid, you can remove it from the stove, salt, put oil in it and leave to infuse until tender.

Can also be used for garnish round grain rice. To prepare it, pour water into a container and put it on the fire to warm up. Please note that for 100 grams of rice, 300 ml of water should be taken. While the water is heating, rinse it well. And then, when it comes to a boil, salt it and put the rice grits in a container. Then you can add a tablespoon of sunflower oil to the rice. Rice is usually fully cooked within 25 minutes.

Rice garnish can also be prepare in the oven. But with this method, the proportions of rice and water are already different. For 200 grams of rice, you need to take 100 grams of water. Put rice with water in a pot, season with spices and put in the oven. Cooking at a power of 180 degrees. In 20 minutes your side dish will be ready!

When cooking long grain rice in a saucepan it is required to prepare 200 grams of rice, 300 ml of water, a pinch of salt and butter or vegetable oil. Of the dishes, a saucepan with dense walls and a tightly covering lid is most suitable.

We begin to cook rice: you need to put it in a saucepan and rinse until the water stops becoming cloudy. After that, fill it with cold water so that the water level is 2 cm higher than the rice. If you are in doubt whether there is enough water, you can check its level with your thumb. Dip your finger into the water on the rice and see if it covers the phalanx halfway, then you did everything right.

Then lightly salt the rice. But if you're making it for a salad or as a side dish, don't forget the sauce, which also contains salt. The main thing is not to overdo it with salt. Now you need to cover the pan with a lid. This is very important, because a tightly closed lid helps to make the rice grains fragrant, and not to stick together.

Turn on the stove, set the fire to the highest possible and put the pan on it for 5 minutes. Now reduce the heat and simmer for about 15 more minutes. Then remove the pan from the stove, let the rice stay in it for another 5 minutes and then remove the lid. Add oil and cover again for 2-3 minutes. That's all!

If you have an electric stove, then it is better to cook rice on two burners. Set one to the highest power and the other to the lowest power. On the first cook for 5 minutes, and then rearrange the pan on a burner with low heat and cook for 15 minutes.

Long grain rice comes in a variety of colors, brown and white. The first contains more useful vitamins and minerals, but quickly deteriorates. It is prepared in the same way as ordinary rice, but after boiling it is cooked not for 15, but for 20 minutes. This type of rice does not require oil, because it is contained in the rice itself.

There are two varieties of white rice: jasmine and basmati. The first is very often used in the preparation of casseroles and puddings. The second is a very self-sufficient variety with a refined aroma, so it can be consumed as a separate dish.

Do you now understand how to cook rice for a side dish? Did step by step photo help? What kind of rice do you use ruby ​​or jasmine, what proportions do you follow? Leave your opinion or feedback for everyone on the forum.

Boiled rice is one of the most common dishes in the world. For example, the Chinese and Japanese eat it almost daily. Maybe that's why they look so tight. But it is not so easy to cook friable rice correctly. It often turns out sticky, lumpy and pudding-like.

How to cook friable rice: instructions

To cook fluffy rice, you will need:

  • a thick-walled pan with a volume of about 2 liters - it retains heat better, rice practically does not burn in it;
  • water;
  • salt.

First of all, you need to choose the right kind of rice. You need long grain rice. Connoisseurs recommend varieties of jasmine or basmati. You can take parboiled rice, the grains of which are less brittle when cooked. It is not recommended to use round-grain varieties, which have a higher carbohydrate content and, most importantly, are too soft.

Method number 1: classic

Measure out the required amount of rice. To prepare a side dish for 4 servings, 1 cup will be enough. Rinse the cereal thoroughly, changing the water up to 10 times. Ideally, rinse the rice to clean water.

After washing the rice, transfer it to a saucepan and cover with hot water. Loose rice should not be cooked in cold water - this way it will absorb a lot of water during cooking and boil very soft, it will turn out just “rice for sushi”. Measure the exact amount of water so that you do not have to add liquid when cooking, this can greatly spoil the dish. The proportions depend on what type of rice you decide to cook. Long grain"asks" one and a half to two glasses of water per glass of cereal, medium grain- two - two and a half, round rice requires two and a half to three glasses of water, the same amount is needed to cook brown rice. If rice steamed, then for a glass of cereal you need two glasses of water, if wild- that's three and a half glasses.

Salt the rice immediately and cover the pot with a lid.

For a glass of rice, you need a teaspoon of salt without top

We turn the fire on to the maximum. The water in the pan should quickly - almost immediately - boil. Reduce the heat to low and simmer the rice over low heat for 15 minutes. No need to stir the rice and lift the lid.

When the cooking time is over, turn off the heat. Place one and a half tablespoons of melted butter or butter on top of the cooked rice. Close the lid, leave the rice to infuse for 20 minutes. During this time, it will completely absorb the remaining small amount of water, while the grains will be covered with melted butter, which will give the rice additional aroma and a milder taste.

After 20 minutes, open the pot and you will see white fluffy rice, completely dry, grain by grain. In no case do we recommend washing such rice, as you will only spoil it. If you want to add rice to a salad, let it cool first.

Method number 2: with soaking

This method requires preparation: to make the rice crumbly, it must be washed and then soaked in cold water for a day. Then we cook it in the same way as in the first method, only fill it with water so that it covers the rice by about two fingers. Salt, mix, close the lid and cook for about 10 minutes over low heat: rice will cook faster due to soaking. Then we let the rice stand under the lid for 15-20 minutes, and you can serve it to the table.

Another option is to pour boiling water over the rice for an hour or two if waiting a day is too long for you.

Method number 3: without washing

It is believed that it is impossible to cook friable rice without washing. After all, you need to wash off all the starch from the cereal, because of which the rice sticks together. However, this is not quite true.

First, heat some vegetable oil in a saucepan. Then add rice, and fry the cereal for a minute or two, stirring constantly. Rice will quickly acquire a golden hue. Along with rice, you can add spices: turmeric, barberry. Fill it with boiling water so that the water covers the grits by two fingers from above. Be careful, water may splash! Salt, mix, reduce heat to a minimum and cook for about 10 minutes.

This method is especially good when cooking long-grain rice, round will behave differently.

To prevent rice from sticking together during cooking, follow these rules:

  • accurately measure the amount of water. You can focus on the proportions that the manufacturer indicates on the package;
  • pour rice only with hot or boiling water;
  • before cooking, rinse it under running water several times until the water is completely clear;
  • do not add seasonings to the water with rice;
  • while the rice is cooking, cover the pan with a transparent lid so that you can control the cooking process;
  • cook rice over low heat;
  • during cooking, do not open the lid of the pan so that steam does not escape;
  • after cooking, let the rice stand for a while under the lid.

How to cook rice in the microwave

Fluffy rice can also be cooked in the microwave. First, rinse the rice thoroughly. Next, put it in a microwave-safe dish and add the right amount of water and salt. Close the bowl with a lid and place it in the microwave. Cook at full power for about 17-18 minutes. During this time, the rice must be mixed twice. After cooking, let the rice stand for a little (5-10 minutes) under the lid, then stir. Rice does not need to be washed, it will turn out crumbly, beautiful and tasty.

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