What is the dream of a white bull. Why dream that a bull with horns attacks a person

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Seeing a bull in a dream

To see a harnessed bull in a dream is a sign of ingratitude towards your loved ones.

The bull in a dream personifies an embittered and powerful enemy, and sometimes an imperious leader. Therefore, to see him in a dream is always a warning of danger. You should be more careful in your affairs, actions and try not to displease your leadership.

A white bull in a dream is a sign of good luck and wealth.

Seeing grazing bulls in a dream is a harbinger of a strong position in society and universal respect, unless the bulls are exhausted. A grazing goby in your dream predicts you will soon receive an inheritance.

Seeing bulls at a watering hole is a sign of love joys and devotion to a lover.

A breeding bull in a dream means a quick and successful marriage with a rich, domineering, stubborn and strong man.

Killing a bull in a dream is a very good omen, portending that you will be able to avoid danger and your life will not change for the worse. Sometimes such a dream predicts suffering.

Seeing him dead is a change in circumstances, which, on the one hand, will help you succeed, and on the other hand, will bring you many unpleasant minutes and sorrows.

If in a dream a bull attacks you, then you will find good luck in love and happiness, which will be painful, but will give you a lot of pleasure, but they will be overshadowed by slanderous rumors about you.

If in a dream white bull raised you on the horns, and you were not afraid, then glory awaits you, which you yourself will be surprised.

Killing a bull in a dream means that you will have to be patient long time until the bad period has passed.

To dream of fighting bulls or a bullfight means that love and recognition from fans awaits you, which can make you happy if you only want it.

If you enjoyed watching the progress of the bullfight, then soon you will have to participate in a protracted dispute between your competitors.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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What does the dream Bull mean

Seeing a well-fed bull means that you will become a leader in your environment and women will seek your company.

Seeing fat bulls on a green pasture promises you success and a high position in society, which you did not even dare to dream about before.

If the bulls leaned towards the grass, this means that your condition will decrease somewhat, and your friends will turn away from you.

If you see selected thoroughbred bulls, this portends a happy marriage to a wealthy bride or a union with your former, faithful lover.

See dead bull, - a sign of sadness.

If bulls drink water from clean pond or a stream - a sweet and devoted woman may appear next to you.

If a woman sees such a dream, she will accept the offer of her devoted lover.

A particularly happy dream in which you see a white bull.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

Seeing a bull in a dream

The bull is a symbol of male power and attractiveness.

Self-identification with a bull speaks of your excessive belief in your sexual irresistibility.

Bull hunting means the desire to get rid of sexual competitors.

The flight from the bull symbolizes that you can become an object sexual harassment, including the homosexual type.

If you tease the bull, then you are promiscuous in your choice of sexual partners.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Interpretation

What do the dreams of the Bull mean

If a person turns into a bull or deals with a bull, then his house will become prosperous and he will be able to get everything that the gods allow people to own.

Interpretation of dreams from the Assyrian dream book

Dream about the Bull

see him - be careful
be attacked - happiness in love
slaughter - know patience
kill him - avoid danger

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Hasse

The meaning of dreams Bull

It means a stereotype of the strength and aggressive position of a woman who instills her negative dominant role. It symbolizes the stereotype of the position of a woman who instills her negative dominant influence.

Interpretation of dreams from the Free Dream Book

What does Bull mean in a dream

Seeing a herd of bulls in a dream is a harbinger of prosperity and success in business, it is especially good to see bulls in a pasture: such a dream means a quick enrichment, honor, and title. For lovers, this dream portends a happy marriage and inheritance from a wealthy relative. If in a dream a bull is chasing you, this means that you will have an enemy or rival who will greatly annoy you.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

The meaning of sleep Ox

The bull promises you a strong and deep feeling, passion. If you dream of a butting bull, be prepared for the fact that your name will fall into the language of talkative gossips and envious people.

Interpretation of dreams from the French dream book

Interpretation of sleep Ox

Bull (yak, tour, etc.) - Aggressive - a new partner in sex. Enraged, attacks - the danger of being raped, becoming a victim of a maniac. Wild - you are not satisfied in your sex life.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric dream book

What does it mean to see a bull in a dream

Bull - see - be careful - be attacked by a bull - happiness in love - cut (slaughter) - know patience - kill - avoid danger.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Kananit

Interpretation of sleep Ox

Bull, ox - bull - liberation. The bull is a difficult matter; grazing - a nuisance. Seeing a bull in a dream - be careful; a bull will attack - happiness in love; slaughtered (slaughter) a bull - through patience you will avoid danger. Ox - there will be a will, although where to go. Oxen harnessed - have strong friends; they are carrying something - a lot of work awaits you; jump like horses - fidelity in love; smooth oxen - happiness is just around the corner; thin - high cost; oxen will attack - unfaithful friends.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

What does the Bull predict?

The bull climbs the mountainside - great happiness and prosperity, good luck.

Blood on the horns of a bull - predicts the achievement of three top positions in public administration.

Killing a bull portends wealth and nobility.

Cow, bull climb the mountainside - great happiness and prosperity, good luck.

To kill a bull and eat its meat portends commercial profit.

Killing a bull or a deer - portends wealth and nobility.

Interpretation of dreams from the Chinese dream book

Ox sleep prediction

To see a bull in a dream - soon you will encounter difficulties in understanding with your beloved person, the cause of which will be jealous and envious rivals. If a young woman meets a bull in a dream, in reality she will soon receive an offer to marry, which should be rejected, as the marriage will be unhappy. If you see a bull attacking someone, expect trouble in your personal life due to your own frivolity.

Interpretation of dreams from the Intimate dream book

Seeing a bull in a dream

Seeing a bull - to fear; if the bull is chasing you - to a long illness; riding bulls - to a good economy; stab a bull - change the family.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpreter of Dreams

Seeing a bull in a dream

If a man sees a fattened bull in a dream, this means that he is spoiled by female attention. Thoroughbred bulls promise marriage to a rich bride. bulls drinking clean water, mean the appearance of a devoted life partner. For a woman, such a dream portends an offer from a loved one.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

What do the dreams of the Bull mean

If in a dream you appear huge bull leading a fight with a bullfighter, it means that in reality you will gain well-deserved recognition and many of those who until recently treated you with coolness will begin to look for your company.

Seeing well-fed bulls in the pasture - your position will reach a level that you did not even dare to dream about before.

A bull digging the ground with its hoof - you will suffer losses, both material and other, for example, the loss of friends.

A herd of dirty bulls wandering along a dusty road is a chance to successfully marry or get back the guilt of someone who once underestimated you.

Seeing bulls at a watering hole on the river bank on a summer day is an opportunity to gain true friend and a lover in the face of a man who is perfect in every way. For a young girl, this means that she will accept the proposal of her lover.

Seeing a dead bull is sadness and adversity.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream about the Bull

A well-fed bull portends profitable deals and unexpected profits. A herd of bulls dreams of achieving success and a high position in society. If a bull is chasing you in a dream, expect serious, tough competition.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

What does Bull mean in a dream

"take the bull by the horns" to grab the main thing.

"like a red rag to a bull" is the cause of anger.

"stubborn as a bull". "Tip someone's horns" treason. "He stared like a bull at a red gate" bewilderment, surprise, anger.

"bull" stubborn, angry.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation of Idioms

What does Bull mean in a dream

whoever sees in a dream that he has many bulls, he will achieve the government of the country, if he has the chances and opportunities for this. If he sees how he sat on one of them, then Allah will send him good and harvest. The one before whom the bull mooed in a dream will go on a long journey. Whoever sees that the bull knocked him down is close to death. His vision also indicates the outbreak of unrest and war, or help in overcoming difficult cases and work, especially for those involved in agriculture. The lowing of the bull means discord. Others say that seeing a bull in a dream portends you to stop physical assistance in some business started by relatives, friends or other people. To stab a bull in a dream means that you will be defeated by a person who inspires fear in everyone. To dream of a bull without horns is to communicate with a despicable, humiliated or poor person.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

The meaning of sleep Ox

The bull is a symbol Agriculture and hard work. A dreaming bull can mean your desire to live closer to the earth or indicates a lot of things to do. real life.

Before interpreting a dream, think about whether you feel someone else's burden on your shoulders, undeservedly placed on you.

We saw a well-fed bull - you will become a leader in your environment and will be successful with women.

A dead bull is a sign of sadness.

Bull, water drinker from a clean pond or stream, will bring you a meeting with a sweet and devoted person.

The white bull dreams of great happiness.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

Interpretation of sleep Ox

A clear symbol of assertive, purposeful energy, perseverance and courage.

Seeing a peacefully grazing bull in your dream and not being afraid of it means that you have the makings of a leader, you are full of strength and can succeed in any of your endeavors.

Tired or dead bull: a sign of your exhaustion. Such a dream encourages you to rest in order to restore your strength.

The aggressive or intimidating appearance of a bull in your dream portends that you yourself are at risk of becoming a victim of your own stubbornness or rage.

The dream encourages you to be more restrained and calmer, avoiding conflicts and disputes as much as possible.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the 20th century

What does the Bull predict in a dream

Bull in the pasture - to profit and material well-being.

A bull in a stall - to family happiness and well-being.

The lowing of a bull is a harbinger of impending danger.

Bull attack - fortunately in love.

A bull is chasing you - your chances of competing are minimal.

To lead a bull to slaughter - to upcoming problems.

Kill a bull - to wealth and nobility.

Eating bull meat is for commercial profit.

Interpretation of dreams from the 21st century Dream Interpretation

What does it mean to see a bull in a dream

A) danger, enmity.

B) illness, sadness.

C) death in the family.

D) hard work (for a man).

D) sexual satisfaction (for a woman).

For a man to see a fattened bull in a dream means to take leadership in his environment.

A harnessed bull - to commit an unseemly act.

Lead the bull to the slaughterhouse - to the prosecution.

A white bull or buffalo is a big income.

If a bull is chasing you, you will receive an inheritance.

The bull lifted you on the horns - unusual glory awaits.

Fat bulls on green grass - a wonderful dream, it promises success and a high position in society, but if the bulls bow their heads, friends will turn away from you.

Selected bulls - a happy marriage.

Bulls drinking clean water - the appearance in your life of a true friend, a loved one.

The attack of a black bull is a danger.

The hornless bull is a symbol of victory over the enemy.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Interpretation

Interpretation of sleep Ox

The emergence of an important problem, which will have to be solved with the involvement of many people in responsible positions.

Interpretation of dreams from

The bull is a rather scary, dangerous animal. Even if in a dream he peacefully grazes in a meadow, the sleeping person experiences vivid emotions. And why is the bull dreaming, especially of a white color? Such a vision will be interpreted only taking into account the smallest details. It is they who influence the predictions of dream books.

Miller versions

A well-fed white bull, peacefully nibbling grass in a meadow, suggests that the sleeping one will become a leader in the team, says Gustav Miller. Why does such a plot dream of a young man or a girl? To the fact that persons of the opposite sex will show interest and sympathy for the sleeping (sleeping).

Sadness, disappointment, loss - this is what a vision predicts in which the bull looked sick, tired or half dead.

Brief interpretations

Dream Interpretations offer quite accurate forecasts even in the details of night vision. Therefore, without remembering the whole plot, you can find out why the white bull is dreaming.

For example, a well-fed, contented, calm animal in a dream - good luck and luck await in reality. And when a white bull pursues in a dream, then happiness will certainly find you.

Is the white bull dead in a dream? Unfortunately, this is a symbol of chronic bad luck. But to see a well-groomed, well-groomed, with silky hair in a night fantasy - to a happy marriage.

The dream interpretation suggests that in reality you will have a solid all-powerful patron, sponsor, if in a dream you have witnessed the intercourse of a snow-white bull and a cow.

Aggressive individual

The vision that you are trying to run away from an aggressive white bull that is trying to gore you is interpreted depending on how events unfolded in the night.

If at first you teased him, then Eastern dream book recommends not to get involved in any dubious enterprises and adventures.

But when an animal chased you in a dream for no reason, know that your appearance will allow you to make a strong impression on someone in reality. And it will be real luck!

The plot in which a huge angry white bull is chasing you because you teased calves or cows, according to the dream book, is wise advice: do not offend weak and modest people in reality. After all, it may turn out that they have strong, empowered patrons, protectors.

funny bull

Why dream of a strange, funny white-haired bull with one horn? According to Gypsy dream book- this is a harbinger of glory that will come to you unexpectedly, thanks to unusual, strange events. But if the horns of the dreaming bull were twisted, like those of a gazelle, know that in reality it will take place fateful meeting after which your life will change radically.

According to Freud, a white bull with long powerful horns personifies in a dream male power and the potency of the sleeper. If the horns were frail, then, unfortunately, male virtues boasting is not worth it.

Black and white company

Pastor Loff's dream book has a prediction as to what one can notice in night dream motley black and white bull. It turns out that this is a sign of imbalance, nervousness of the dreamer.

Nostradamus explains the same vision differently. He assures that the black and white suit of the dreaming animal reflects the ambiguity of the personality of the sleeping person, in which both male and female principles are equal.

The clues that we see in dreams are not always clear. For example, a black bull symbolizes access to leadership positions. He promises success, a high position in society if he dreamed of grazing in a green and juicy meadow. But what a dream is about, in which the bull attacks aggressively, not everyone knows. Modern dream books interpret what they see in different ways. The interpretation depends on many nuances that are recommended to be remembered when deciphering a dream.

For woman

Seeing a well-fed bull with huge horns for a woman is a great sign. According to Miller's dream book, you will meet a person who occupies a high position in society. New romance will become stormy, will have many positive consequences.

According to Freud's interpretations, when a bull attacks in a dream, a new sexual partner appears in reality. Finally, you will meet exactly your man, from whom you want to have children. The more aggressive, more powerful the animal in the dream, the more attractive the chosen one will be in reality.

Why dream of an angry bull beating in front of you with a hoof, you can understand by your feelings. If you tried to tame a buffalo, it means that a new partner will spoil you with his attention and achieve favor. Most often, such dreams lead to a long-awaited marriage, an early replenishment of the family.

For a man

An assertive and purposeful bull with horns attacks in a dream? This is an indicator of the good physical shape of the one to whom he dreamed. Your energy is at its peak - it's time to make life-changing decisions.

The frightening appearance of a buffalo suggests that in real life you will have to take a lot of risks. Being persistent in business, try not to go into rage, conflicts and disputes - this can ruin everything.

Did you dream of a tired or weak bull that continued to attack? In accordance with the dream book of Nostradamus, be prepared to take a long break from business - it's time for you to relax and gain strength.

Black bull attacks

A dark-colored animal with horns usually dreams of receiving a solid offer that you cannot refuse. Wangi's dream book prophesies fast career, political popularity to the one who dreamed of it.

In addition to public recognition, a dream in which a black bull attacks is interpreted modern dream books as a sign of prosperity. Financial investments will bring considerable profit, especially if the bull seemed well-fed, had a healthy coat.

without horns

A hornless bull is usually dreamed of by those who are not satisfied with their sex life. His attacks are your dreams of a more worthy partner. The time has come for a choice - you are ripe for a serious relationship.

Esoteric dream books interpret the aggression of hornless buffaloes in a dream as a warning. Be careful, there is a risk of becoming a victim of a rapist.

in the arena

The battle in the arena where the bull attacks is an indicator of your superiority over your rivals. Did you dream that an animal was trying to gore you? Be prepared for an avalanche of gossip and rumors against you.

To understand why the fight is dreaming, it is worth remembering what feelings it aroused. Feeling fear in a dream can lead to an unexpected illness. And a sense of superiority promises victory in an important event.

Besides, single men dream books portend a meeting with a rich bride, a successful marriage to a sweet, devoted woman.

comments 13

  • I had a dream where I saw a bull, healthy and with big horns. He first sniffed the flayed skin of one cow after slaughter. And aggressively mumbled, like looking for her. Then he looked at me and stood next to my motorcycle. I wanted to drive him away so that he would not crash the motorcycle, but he got angry and began to attack me. I closed the porch, but somehow he was able to open the veranda door, and I went up the stairs, and he comes up behind me. Then, somehow everything changed and they thought how to lower it back. He tied him to the horns and tied him. Then he woke up. What does it mean? AT this moment looking for a job.

  • Grazing bulls in a huge plot of a vegetable garden with black soil, passing by them seeing how they rummage with their horns on the ground one bull of color Brown huge, plump with horns, but one horn saw me more than the other and headed towards me. I tried my best to run away from him, but he was always behind me. Fear of what could raise on the horns gave even more desire to find a way out of this situation. I planted him in one place where I wanted to trap him where he would be stuck with his huge weight. There were 4 bulls in total. But more likely it was a yak or oxen. Very huge.


    Today I dreamed as if I was walking around the city and then some guy was shouting, run somewhere, a lot of people climbed up the trees or onto the lanterns, I climbed onto the lantern and this bull stuck to me, it was so big, black, with horns. He beat this lantern until I pretended to be dead, he seemed to be behind me, then I accidentally moved, and he stuck to me back, someone shouted that he killed one child, people are all in a panic and then I scream in tears from this a lantern so that someone would throw a knife at this bull or shoot it, and everyone looked at me like that, like I alone guessed what to do with it, then, like, it was shown on the news and I was interviewed. This is where my dream ended.

  • I dreamed that I was leaving an unfamiliar house, and a girl ran out to meet me and screamed that there was a bull. I ran back and closed a lot of doors, and he easily broke them, after which I hid and a girl comes in and says that he has left. I went to look, and he saw me again, and began to break on the doors that we closed with her, and I woke up. What does this mean?

Different dreams are seen by people: disturbing and happy, scary and amazing, with monsters and fabulous creatures with loved ones and strangers. Among dreams, dreams with animals that a person specially breeds on his earth, and in particular dreams with bulls and cows, have long been entrenched.

A bull and a cow enter the dream book under many meanings, depending on the dreamer's actions, his attitude to what is happening, the behavior of animals and other details of sleep. If you dreamed of a bull, it can be useful to first familiarize yourself with what this animal symbolizes, and then try to clarify the details of the dream and find a specific interpretation.

The bull represents several symbols.

  • Strength and fertility.
  • Sun and fire.
  • Silence and purity.
  • Patience and courage.
  • Courage, energy and rage.

When answering the question “why is the bull dreaming?”, It is worth considering the plots of myths. When one turns to history, one immediately remembers Zeus, who took the form of a bull, and the minotaur in the labyrinth on the island of Crete, half man, half bull. Mythology thus highlights new meanings: connection with God and a change in appearance, as well as overcoming a strong danger by the hero thanks to friendly help (Ariadne's thread).

animal behavior

In general, a bull or a cow in a dream - good sign, but in order to find out exactly what the bull dreamed of, you should carefully look at the circumstances of the dream. Perhaps the dreamer was greatly frightened by the pursuit of the bull or its horns, or the man grabbed him and saddled him?

A herd in the field, representing a danger to the dreamer - in reality, the dreamer feels bad intentions from the environment, which are expressed in a similar disturbing dream. Dream Interpretations advise you to carefully look at people and try to clearly define the boundaries of your personal space.

If a herd of cows grazed nearby in a dream, and then an angry bull separated from him and began to pursue the dreamer - in real life, the person who had the dream is afraid of action certain person. In this case, it is worth analyzing the relationships that have developed in the team at work or school, and find the source of anxiety, as well as the reason why someone causes mistrust and a sense of danger. Perhaps this is a challenge that will contribute to creative growth.

If the whole herd is chasing the dreamer - waking tension can be resolved through active cooperation, one should not separate oneself from one's environment or put one's own desires above.

To see from the outside how a bull is chasing another person is to observe in reality a conflict between colleagues or friends. Intervention is advisable only with precise knowledge of the causes conflict situation and the availability of opportunities to resolve it, otherwise it is better not to try to influence the outcome.

See in a dream how a large number of people participate in bullfighting - rage and aggression have a bad effect on the affairs of the dreamer. If there are reasons for anger, then they should be sorted out and tried to save. maximum degree peace of mind in any unforeseen circumstances.

To run away in a dream from a bull trying to pierce with horns, which the dreamer himself provoked - the person who had a dream creates very critical situations, delays deadlines, takes on new obligations, because of this, he cannot take a breath and is constantly in too much tension.

If a person dreams of colorful performances with bulls in which he does not participate, the general background of life is too gray, it is time to bring in new emotions, fresh impressions, and embark on risky ventures. If you really liked the performance, then there comes a favorable time to reveal your talents or open your own business.

To see a performance where a bull pursues another person, attacks and pierces him with horns is a desire for active action, final decisions. In reality, a period is approaching in which the dreamer will be able to fully express himself. You should not hide your emotions, it is better to splash them out in socially useful activities.

If you dream mating games between a bull and a cow - you can freely weaken control over your own actions. For a woman, such a dream can speak of admiration from the outside. inner circle, to a man - about secret sympathy for him. Seeing in a dream how one bull attacks the second in order to drive him away from the cow is from a complex controversial situation in reality, the dreamer will emerge victorious.

If a little bull chasing a dreamer - a person who has a dream should not be very worried about the problems and issues that are now present in his life, because they will either disappear pretty quickly or turn into pleasant surprises.

Running away from a big bull with huge horns is a warning against hasty actions in reality. The readiness to engage in battle with an animal that attacks violently reflects the dreamer's desire to gain power over the situation, which in reality will lead to the opportunity to change unfavourable conditions life or deceive the deceiver.

If the animal attacks, and the dreamer succeeds in saddling it, the dream symbolizes the opportunity to make the wildest dreams come true, subject to hard work. If there is nowhere to run away from a dangerous animal - the dreamer in reality has approached the line, he must take responsibility for his actions, not be afraid of uncertainty.

animal color

What the bull dreams of depends very much on its color. Interpretations of dreams with black bulls are interesting. Black bulls are symbols of agonizing ambition, the desire to win at any cost, aggression and anger towards any obstacles. What a black bull dreams of can be determined by how he behaves and how the dreamer reacts to this.

If a black bull is chasing a white one, you should not talk about your plans and ideas to just anyone. If a white bull pursues a black one, any obstacles in the near future will be easily overcome thanks to the dreamer's energy and self-confidence. The big black bull disperses everyone - a symbol of the dreamer's victory over himself and his fears.

If the animal just dreamed in a dream, but at the same time its color was unnaturally black, in strong contrast with all other colors, then such a dream is a reflection of deeply hidden experiences. In this case, dream books advise you not to try to go against your desires, but to direct your efforts towards achieving your dream. If he chases after a dreamer who does not feel fear, then in reality leadership skills will lead to a triumphant victory over any problems and enemies.

Why a black bull dreams of adult men is a separate issue. Usually a dream reflects the need for very hard long work in order to achieve one's goals. If the dreamer identifies with him, this speaks of success with women, attracted by a sense of danger and mystery, and may also speak of inflated self-esteem.

Why a bull dreams of a girl or woman depends on the situation in her life. If it is difficult for a woman to establish relationships with men in reality, then such a dream symbolizes the cause of difficulties - she considers them dangerous and prone to harming her. Dream Interpretations in this case advise a woman to approach men more easily, trust trusted people more and try not to pay attention to irrational fears, but take the time to analyze objective factors.

If in reality it is easy for a woman to make contacts with the opposite sex, then the dream symbolizes her superficial attitude towards men, dissatisfaction with warmth, tenderness and care. Perhaps the girl chooses too self-confident, self-obsessed partners. But a bull chasing a girl in a dream portends mutual love.

If the animals behaved quite calmly in relation to the dreamer and were simply nearby, then dreams with them for both girls and men reflect the nature of the manifestation of emotions in reality. Aggressive animals bullying each other indicate excessive anger, and tired animals indicate the need for rest.

Dream Interpretations give some information as to what a white bull is dreaming of.

  • If you see in a dream how a white bull grazes peacefully in a field, it is a harbinger of material well-being and social recognition.
  • If a white bull lifted a dreamer on the horns, a person will have fame and success in the professional field.
  • If white and red are fighting among themselves - the dreamer is torn apart by the desire to satisfy many desires, it is worth deciding what is more important.

A red bull enters the dream book as a symbol of leadership. If the red bull is next to the dreamer - the early disclosure of his talent. The red bull is hostile - the dreamer is ready to show his leadership qualities.

The bull enters the dream book under many meanings, but it should be remembered that, first of all, it is a symbol of strength, the struggle for one's desires and hard work. At the same time, you should not go over your heads, because no matter how confident a person is in his abilities, nothing can replace good friends and trusting relationship with other people.

Dreamed of a bull with horns? In a dream, this is a reflection of skillful housekeeping and business. In addition, the image symbolizes motherhood, fertility and aggression. Why does this animal dream most often? The dream interpretation will tell about all cases.

Miller's opinion

If in a dream it happened to see a well-fed bull with big mugs, then Mr. Miller claims that one day you will become a generally recognized leader.

An enemy or a worthy spouse?

Did you see thoroughbred bulls with big mugs? To a young guy a vision promises a profitable match with a wealthy girl, a dream book promises a worthy spouse to ladies.

Why else dream of a bull with big horns? If you managed to see blood on them, then you will take a leadership position. It is also an indication of a ruthless enemy.

For money and happiness

What is the dream of a white bull with horns? The dream interpretation prophesies boundless family happiness and mutual understanding in relationships.

Dreamed of a white buffalo? Wait for receipt big money. For family people, a white bull may appear as a sign of future fatherhood and motherhood.

Be careful!

What does a black buffalo mean in a dream? This is a clear sign of danger. Perhaps you will have a serious opponent or competitor.

If you dreamed of not one black bull, but a whole herd, then you are guaranteed a secure and happy marriage.

Sometimes a black bull with horns marks the benefits that can be obtained from a certain assignment.

Think Action!

Why dream that a bull with horns is attacking? Unfortunately, the dream book believes that you are destined for a serious illness. In a dream, this is also a hint of fierce competition or the activation of envious people who spread malicious gossip.

Did you dream that a horned buffalo was attacking? You will have to pay for your own recklessness and recklessness. This is also an indication of familiarity with influential person capable of providing an invaluable service.


If in a dream a bull with horns is chasing you, then rejoice! You will soon receive an inheritance.

Have you ever run away from an angry animal? There is a possibility that you will become a victim of sexual harassment.

The attacking bull warns that you risk suffering from your own negative emotions. The dream book advises to be more restrained and calmer.

Glory or intrigue?

Did you dream of a bull with horns attacking a bullfighter? Feelings and relationships will become more vivid and fiery.

If in a dream the bull was raised on its horns, then in the future you will become a famous person.

The vision can also symbolize the intrigues of colleagues and a possible job change.

To a happy marriage!

Why does a woman dream of a bull with horns? Initially, this is an indication of a person who was born under a certain sign or has recognizable traits in character.

In any case, if a bull-calf appeared to a woman, then she will accept the marriage proposal and will be happy in marriage.


Why dream of a bull with only one horn? The dream interpretation is sure that an event awaits you, which will become a real miracle and bring a lot of good things. The interpretation of sleep is especially relevant if the animal is of a light color.

To dream of an animal with one horn literally means that your loved one will cheat on you. If a one-horned one has appeared, then you will have to work hard to achieve a specific goal.

Victory or deceit?

Did you dream of a bull completely without bone growths? Dream Interpretation considers this dream auspicious. It guarantees victory in any confrontation.

To see cattle without a head at all is much worse. This is sure sign insidious deception that will deprive you of everything.

To make up more full interpretation, the dream book advises taking into account the actions that you may have performed in a dream.

  • Take by the horns - you must endure.
  • Take - avoid danger.
  • Hold - be careful when making deals.
  • To break - to victory over enemies by circumstances.

Dream book reminder

But remember that in a dream a bull with horns is a symbol of aggression and strength. The dream interpretation suspects that there is a person next to you who is capable of insane acts and often suppresses those around him with his enormous will.

If this is a friend or spouse, then you will receive protection and support. If the enemy, then there will be a serious confrontation in which, alas, you may be among the defeated.

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