Day of good deeds when. World Kindness Day. Kindness Day - how to spend


In 2007, the first Good Deeds Day was organized by businesswoman and philanthropist Shari Arison and the non-profit organization Ruach Tova, part of The Ted Arison Family Foundation, a philanthropic arm of the Arison Group. “I believe that if people with kind thoughts do good deeds and speak kind words, there will be more and more goodness in the world. “Good Deeds Day” has become the main day of caring, and this year individuals, schoolchildren, students, soldiers and employees of different companies will all participate in this annual action together, doing good deeds for others,” says Shari Arison.


Good Deeds Day is taking over the world!
Since its inception in 2007, this annual tradition of good deeds has gone from 7,000 participants in Israel to almost 1 million worldwide by 2015. In 2011, the project became international and united people in 10 cities around the world, including many in the United States. In 2012, we reached Europe and partnered with MTV Global to launch a six-week promo campaign on their websites and TV channels with an audience of 24 million people worldwide. In 2013, 16,000 volunteers from 50 countries took part in hundreds of projects, including events with the ABC Network in New York. And then, in 2014, the number of Good Deeds participants doubled. This is our second year with ABC Network NYC, and we've partnered with leading volunteer organizations on a massive TV, radio and social media campaign. 500,000 people took part in Israel and 35,000 in the rest of the world.

Good Deeds Day continued its march around the world and held its biggest day on April 7, 2019. 3,900,000 participants from 108 countries took part in 20,000 projects and dedicated 7.8 million hours to good deeds.

When did the holiday start?

It would seem that the word “kindness” has been living in the folklore and fairy tales of different nations for so long that it’s hard to remember when it appeared, but the holiday has existed only since 1998. The idea was submitted by charitable organizations, thanks to which, the propaganda of the movement for kindness was picked up by such countries as:

  • Thailand;
  • Great Britain;
  • Canada;
  • Australia;
  • Singapore;
  • Japan;

European powers joined large-scale projects later, when volunteers and volunteers began to popularize charity events on the Internet.

About what date to celebrate the unofficial holiday (World Kindness Day), the participating states agreed on the same day - November 13 in Tokyo during the 1st conference of the World Kindness Movement. In a number of countries, November 13 is still considered the main solemn date.

Kindness in the vastness of Russia

In the Russian Federation, the holiday was first celebrated in 2009. And immediately with all the breadth of the Russian soul: a flash mob symbolizing the unification of peoples, magnificent celebrations, actions were held on Manezhnaya Square in the capital. Caring citizens wrote letters of encouragement, beautiful poems to elderly people from boarding schools in the Vladimir and Tula regions; flowers were given to passers-by on the streets. It was noticed that in this and subsequent years, during the holiday in Russia, more animals were taken from shelters than on other days.

In addition to giving fresh flowers on this winter day, it is customary to:

  • Treat chilled people with coffee;
  • Clear paths from snow;
  • Transfer old women across the road;
  • Make small surprises for colleagues;
  • Feed birds and animals;
  • Smile at others more often
  • Write congratulations and send funny postcards on social networks.

Among the little things, there are more global things - material assistance to sick children, needy pensioners. According to the CAF (Charities Aid Foundation), about 80% of Russians annually participate in charity events. In 2014, donations amounted to 5,000 rubles, in 2015 - 3,300 rubles. Probably, non-profit funds would be replenished with large sums, but the Russians are not completely sure that the money will be used for good deeds, and will not end up in the pockets of soulless officials.

Also, in order to give hope to people in need, they organize:

  • sales of handicrafts in charity markets;
  • collection of blood in medical institutions;
  • canteens for the homeless;
  • visits of artists with gifts to orphanages.

On the side of good

To do less evil of a sane person is able to convince a weighty argument - taking care of one's own health. After all, as confirmed by research, when thoughts and actions are unkind, there is a serious tension in the parasympathetic nervous system. Its processes lead to the internal organs, in the work of which discord also gradually begins. The bile ducts and liver suffer first of all, it is not without reason that people say “turned green with anger”. And vice versa, dedication to good deeds and caring for others tunes the body to proper functioning: endorphins are produced, stress and depression are neutralized.

Sayings of great people about kindness
Mark Twain Kindness is what the deaf can hear and the blind can see.
Publilius Sir What cannot be achieved by force can be achieved by kindness.
Confucius Five things constitute perfect virtue: earnestness, generosity of soul, sincerity, diligence, and kindness.
Thoreau Henry David Kindness is the only garment that never wears out.
Miguel Cervantes Nothing costs us so cheaply and is not valued so dearly as politeness and kindness.


For several years, Channel Five has been cooperating with charitable foundations to help sick children. Thanks to the audience of the Fifth and their participation, more than one hundred babies have been treated.

Since February 5, Channel Five has been hosting a weekly charity event "Day of Good Deeds", which receives both wide air support throughout the day and special graphic design.

“Tomorrow will be too late. Help now!- Under this call, every Thursday on the air of the Fifth Channel, the action "Day of Good Deeds" takes place. Every week we tell the story of a child in dire need of treatment. Throughout the day, the hosts of the programs - from the information and entertainment channel "Morning at 5" to the final information release of the program "Now" at 22.00 - acquaint viewers with "hero of the day" so that as many people as possible can help the child overcome the disease. In addition, the campaign is supported by image clips, video messages from Russian stars who took part in the campaign, and special graphic elements throughout the broadcast day.

A resident of any region of Russia can become a participant in the telethon by simply sending SMS message to the phone number indicated on the screen. Viewers will only need one minute of free time, but this minute can save a whole life.

Channel Five cooperates with the main charitable foundations in Russia, whose activities are aimed at treating a wide variety of childhood diseases. The federal status of the TV channel makes it possible to unite more than 140 million Russians in order to all together give health to a small person who, it would seem, has already lost hope. The action is supported by Iosif Kobzon, Mikhail Porechenkov, Tatiana Navka, Maria Mironova, Nonna Grishaeva, Anna Kovalchuk and many others.

Stars about the project:

Tatiana Navka: “It seems to me that the word “Hope” is one of the main words in the life of any person. As important as Faith and Love. And for a family in which children need urgent and expensive medical care, hope is necessary like air - hope that money will be found, the operation will take place on time, and the child will live. That is why, as part of the “Day of Good Deeds” campaign, we do not just collect money, we give the parents of this child great hope. After all, there is nothing more valuable than the health of a child.

Mikhail Porechenkov: “I can understand how desperate parents are when their son or daughter gets sick. Like fire, no time to think. So it is in a situation where a child urgently needs an operation on which his life depends. If a person is normal, he should not hesitate whether this child is his own or not. He just has to do what needs to be done. We can help them. Give children a chance at life, and give their parents hope for salvation. And I am glad that thanks to the Good Deeds Day campaign, this can be done.”

Maria Mironova: “There are thousands of children with various diseases in our country. And they need urgent expensive medical care. And all your donations can save their lives. Every Thursday from morning to late evening we collect money to help a particular child. It won't take long, but it might give someone a long and happy life."

Nonna Grishaeva: “The most precious thing for me is the life of a child. But sometimes it happens that this life directly depends on whether doctors have time to perform a complex and expensive operation on time. Such children have no time to wait, and we adults have no right to ignore their troubles.

Not by chance the symbol of the action can cause associations with Tsvetik-Semitsvetik. This magical flower from a kind fairy tale by Valentin Kataev is a real symbol of a miracle, and each of us can perform it. Just wishing is enough. Regardless of where you are and how much you can spend, it is important not to remain indifferent to the misfortune of a little person, for whom every petal from your Flower-Semitsvetik is so important.

The most popular feeling in life is kindness. It is difficult to describe, to give an exact formulation. It can do great things, reconcile neighbors, tame animals, make the world more beautiful. Such an important word must have its own holiday.

kindness day

The history of choosing the date of the Day of spontaneous acts of kindness is little studied. But it is known for sure that the initiators were numerous public and charitable organizations of the world. In November 1998, the first conference of the World Movement for Good was held. Venue: Tokyo. The event was attended by representatives of leading countries. The participants decided to celebrate the seventeenth of February as the World Kindness Day.

At first, 7 states participated in the action: the USA, Japan, Thailand, Singapore, England, Australia and Canada. Later European powers began to join. The Russian Federation pulled itself up to the movement quite recently. The main purpose of the holiday is to encourage people to good, noble deeds through good and positive. The holiday knows no boundaries, racial and religious affiliation. He fights inequality, gives positive energy, reconciles those who quarreled.

About good

Good in our world works according to the “boomerang principle”. It always returns good, only with a greater value! Dobro is an active participant in poetry and works of art. This term is included in the title of many songs and films. Here are the phrases we often use:

  • Good morning.
  • Good afternoon.
  • Good health.
  • Welcome.

A great example and call for kindness is this popular song:

The main highlight of kindness is not to demand retaliatory actions, not to seek benefits. You can remember the wonderful Soviet cartoon "Just like that." Generous animals gave each other a bouquet of flowers just like that. It was a rush of soul and heart, a desire to cheer up and cheer up the first person you meet. The cartoon is still loved by children and adults in Russia.

Outlook for 2018

No difficulties and changes in society can abolish the category of "good" from our lives. In the legislation of Russia there is no official holiday "Day of Kindness". Solemn events will not be held in the Kremlin, it is foolish to expect congratulations from the first persons of the country on this date. Only in a science fiction movie can the head of state congratulate the people on such a holiday by lowering the price of a communal apartment and raising the wages of ordinary people. Each person will be able to independently take the initiative and arrange a small holiday in his home or work team. And you don’t need much for this: a little creativity, love and fantasy. Conveniently, in 2018 February 17 falls on a Sunday.

How to live on February 17?

If you are a kind person, then be yourself. If you feel rude and greedy, then you have to work a little. Do something nice for a colleague who offended you, forgive an insignificant debt to a neighbor, move your grandmother across the road. Better yet, don't wait until that date arrives. Live positively and make small surprises to everyone around you. Remember - even despots gave hot tea to their victims before execution. If you work in the field of education, upbringing, culture, be sure to arrange a small holiday the day before.

It is often held in kindergarten, at school, at a university or library. Even in the camp for bandits, you can show a kind and heart-rending film "White Bim, Black Ear". Perhaps in some dark soul the string of anger and hatred will break. Kindness, care and attention are very much lacking in our lives. Many people do not remember what date is mom's birthday or wedding anniversary. Kindness Day can be considered a day of mercy, joy and a course for the better.

For the epigraph:

We are always happy to do good, it does not require a reward, give good just like that, you can’t buy it for a nickel!

“All people, by the nature of their Spiritual nature, are kind, because everyone has a Soul, and in this sense, everyone is family and very close to each other, because the Souls are one, they are from the world of God. And this unites all people, regardless of social status, place of residence, religion and nationality of their bodies.”

Every person has an innate desire to do good, altruistic deeds. Perhaps that is why every truly good deed arouses such enthusiasm in people that one small event can lead to an abundance of love-filled deeds. As if kindness touches certain strings in human hearts, which respond with their amazingly beautiful melody.

One example of such events that resonate in the souls of people is international "Day of Good Deeds", first held in Israel in 2007. This glorious tradition of celebrating goodness began with 7,000 people who decided to bring to life the simple idea that every person can do good - whether it be small everyday acts or huge social projects - improving the lives of others and changing the world for the better.

Such a sincere initiative could not but touch the hearts of people. Every year this good tradition attracts more and more participants, and already in 2014 more 580,000 people from 50 countries around the world made a choice in favor of all kinds of help to others. Various companies, non-profit organizations, municipalities, schools and everyone, regardless of their age and occupation, are involved in a wide range of good deeds, including projects to paint the homes of the elderly, clean up beaches and parks, renovate community centers and create community gardens.

In 2015 Good Deeds Day will be celebrated on March 15

More than 150 projects have already been developed in Baku, Dnepropetrovsk, Yekaterinburg, Kyiv, Chisinau, Lvov, Minsk, Moscow, Odessa, Penza, St. Petersburg, Sevastopol, Simferopol, Tbilisi, Khabarovsk and Kharkov. Most likely, this is not a complete list of cities whose residents are imbued with an atmosphere of unity on the basis of goodness and moral values. And in the near future, this annual international tradition of devoting a whole day to goodness and altruistic service to society may give rise to year-round, daily “marathons of good deeds”, because kindness is a universal language that has no boundaries and time!

Every day, all over the world, people unite on their own and selflessly do good deeds: this is their inner need, so most good deeds are not made public. After all, the main thing is a positive spiritual outburst in people who take part in such noble deeds, both on the one hand and on the other.

As you know, real life examples always inspire and give strength. Therefore, coverage of the good, positive deeds of fellow citizens and residents of other countries supports many people and instills in them the confidence that each person can do good, changing the world for the better.

Dear readers, we will be happy to learn about any manifestations of good that surround you not only on this holiday, but also on other days. After all, the joy shared with others multiplies! Send your good stories, photos, videos to our email. And soon more people will be charged with your positive example, generating an unprecedented surge of goodness!

"A good thought and a good deed creates a chain reaction of good thoughts and good deeds!"


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