There is something in my life that makes me very happy. Beautiful declarations of love to a man in your own words to tears

“Don't you ever get used to love. Do not agree, no matter how tired, so that your nightingales are silent and so that the beautiful flowers wither ... ". To start taking your soulmate for granted is unforgivable. So that your relationship does not come to a standstill, say these 12 short, but such necessary phrases to your loved ones every day.

1. "I really appreciate you..."

Telling your soul mate how much you value her motivates her to invest even more in the relationship.

2. "Darling you look great as always"

It is advisable to compliment the small details of her wardrobe, so you will significantly increase her self-esteem.

3. "How was your day"

Be interested in the affairs of your soul mate, take care - this will strengthen your relationship. Do not forget to ask: “How are you?”, “How are you?”, “How was your day?”. A family dinner is a great occasion to be together, to discuss the events that have taken place during the day.

4. "Whatever happens, I'm with you"

What is life without trials? And your soulmate needs to know that you will support her in difficult times.

5. "Let's go somewhere"

Many couples break up, feeling that the spark has died out. Don't let it happen, it's more fun to discover this world together.

6. "You look wonderful"

Be mindful of any change in appearance, be it a new hairstyle, a new dress, or new makeup. After all, she did her best for you. “Darling, you look especially wonderful today”, “How beautiful you are!”. Pay attention - using the words “I have”, “mine”, you thereby seem to confirm that it is only yours. Most women are very pleased.

7. "I miss you"

Whether you live in the same apartment or you are separated by kilometers, it does not matter. Don't forget to tell your soul mate how much you miss her. Even if you haven't seen each other for just one day.

8. "I trust you"

Without trust, no meaningful relationship is possible. Let your partner know that you trust her. Realizing this, she will try to justify your trust.

9. "I respect you"

Always respect the choice of your loved one, because you are also his choice. In addition, your choice will be appreciated as well.

10. "I'm glad you came into my life"

Care, warmth, support and understanding. That's what gives you a relationship. It doesn’t hurt to mention once again that you are grateful to fate that you met your soul mate.

11."I love you"

Of course, actions speak more about love than words. But don't forget about words either. It doesn't matter how long you've been together for 3 months or 20 years, say this to your soul mate every day.

12."I'm sorry"

How much I want to tell you.
Now a certain time-out in our relations. You know, in this silence, in this respite, there is time to think about everything, to reconsider, to look from other sides.
No our phone calls, no letters, no goodnight kisses - silence...
Such silence...
What do you mean to me?!
A lot of things...
This meeting with you is unexpected, accidental - the biggest gift from Fate, the biggest Miracle. When you no longer expect anything, when life goes downhill - YOU appear. You walk into my life like you never left. Just went shopping. I have known you for all eternity.
Does this happen??? It happens, how it happens! Such a warm ray of sunlight breaking through the thunderclouds. It was a ray, my ray, that managed to warm, managed to melt the ice around me.
So much tenderness, affectionate words, care, attention ...
My ray, you know, when you and I are talking, I have the feeling that we are sitting next to each other and just talking. We are talking in a large room, it is half-lit. You are in a rocking chair with a newspaper, so homely, so familiar. I settled comfortably in the chair. Nearby is a large fireplace, logs crackling, shrouded in fire. There are cuckoo clocks in the kitchen. Don't think it's about old age. Not! This is me to what our communication looks like. I feel comfortable talking to you.
Our conversation is also like a safe haven. This harbor is calm and peaceful. You can relax. Thank you, dear, for a pleasant conversation. For positive emotions, for kindness, for support, for sincerity!
My dear...
Thank you for being...
In my life, your presence can be compared with a breath of fresh air, a breath of the purest well water, with a breath of light breeze...
The fact that we are talking like long-term acquaintances is surprising and at the same time pleasant ... You know, this is valuable to me ...
Thank you for my good mood after your warm and kind messages, for your kind words...
You are an amazing person.
You know, it happens that right now there is an opportunity to say to a person all the kindest, gentle, affectionate words. It’s just that later there may not be such a time, circumstances or something else, even if I don’t have time or courage ...
A ray of sunshine, warm, kind and affectionate; spring of the purest water; the most precious gold bar; you are my gray-winged dove; falcon you are my clear, sweet, good and much more ...
Glad to have come into my life. You are wonderful. It is easy to communicate with you, freely. You know, for all the time that we have known each other, I want to thank you for being there. Tolerate me - thank you for everything. Indeed, getting to know you is amazing, at least for me. You are like the sun - warm, kind, affectionate and gentle. Thank you for your support, for the wings, for the Hope for all good things.

I so want, my dear, that you have everything, everything is fine.
May the Lord bless you and your loved ones. Guardian Angel.

You are the most wonderful man I have ever known, my dear! You always give me love, attention, tenderness, understanding, care and affection, like no one ever in this life! You are just the real man with whom I was so lucky in my life. My feelings for you are pure, like morning dew and sincere, like a baby's smile! I have never loved anyone so much, it is clear that you are my destiny! I am extremely happy to realize these quivering and such touching feelings for you! After all, my love is already overflowing. You are the most dear person to me, and I will be very happy if I make you happy. I so want us to be always together, and our hearts beat in unison. Love you! Love love love! And there is nothing more important now than my confession to you, long-awaited and excitingly deep! I hope for reciprocity, my dear man!

My baby, my most dear and beloved, the most desired and the best! Without you, I can no longer live fully, just exist, constantly looking back into the past, reliving the brightest and most touching moments of our relationship again and again. Know that I do not need anything from you, no flowers, no gifts, no surprises, I only need your attention. Sometimes, when I think that we will not be together, I want to leave this world, because my heart cannot stand longing for you. Every morning, as soon as I wake up, I immediately realize that I live only for you. When you hug me, I lose touch with the world, I feel warm and comfortable, I feel safe. When you kiss me, you seem to burn with fire, but the burn does not remain on the body at all, each time it burns my loving, quivering and tender soul. I love you very much, always remember this and do not forget me.

Yesterday we had our first kiss, which completely changed my life. Today, when I woke up, I looked at the world with completely different eyes, everything around was different. It's like I just started seeing it today. The sun shone differently, playing with its rays with the leaves of the trees. Flowers scattered their colors in all corners. The air smells of tenderness and vanilla. And I realized that this was the beginning of something sublime, something special, something incredibly bright, something that has absolutely no end. It was the beginning of my first love, so bright and naive, so light and devoted, so special and affectionate. All day long I live only with the expectations of our meeting, and the hopes that you also feel all this. I love you, I can't keep these feelings inside anymore.

Sometimes, when reading romance novels, I was only surprised with sarcasm. No, are you serious? Is your heart going out of your chest? Don't want to live? Parting is like real death. Can't be! You've got it all figured out! I did not believe that love exists, that you can hurt a person, think about him around the clock, live in hopes of a joint future. But now, my turn has come, and love has not bypassed me. She lit my lonely fuse with a bright fire, and now all the novels have faded against the backdrop of my endlessly passionate, strong and all-consuming love for you. You have become a real air for me. All the phrases, beaten for centuries, suddenly acquired a very important meaning for me, they became close and understandable to me. And I am very glad that I knew this feeling because love could change me for the better, shed sacred light into the black caves of my extroversion. Now I will never be alone again.<

Each of us is looking for his soul mate in the world, his own soul and experiences great happiness if he finds it by chance. I was lucky, I also pulled out the luckiest winning ticket from fate, I met you, my only, precious and unique man. You are my joy, my soul's joy, you are my happiness, my lucky star, my destiny! Only when you are near, the world around becomes bright, colorful and beautiful. My soul and heart belongs to you alone. Only with you I imagine my future life, my bright future, without you everything completely loses its meaning. I love you and I don't want to hide my feelings anymore. I love it and I want everyone to know about it! I am the happiest woman in the world, because now I have you - my most beloved and only person in the world. I want to see you always happy and I will do everything for this, because my love is so strong that all obstacles are beyond her.

Today I want to tell you a huge thank you for the fact that you are in this world, for the fact that you love me, for the fact that you are only mine! You have not only become an important part of my life, you have become my life, my meaning. Thank you for appearing in my life, and my only desire now is to be with you always. Because I love you very much, I'm so happy next to you. Because I feel loved, needed, desired, protected. I really don't need anyone else but you! What to say about other men, when you are next to me, I forget about friends and in general, about everything in the world. For me, everything ceases to exist - the earth ceases to rotate around its axis. The only thing I never forget, simply because I physically can't, is my boundless love for you!

My beloved man, sometimes, before falling asleep, I remember the day when I first saw your photo. I remember how you wrote the first phrases addressed to me. Something immediately clicked in me, and the world has never been the same as it was before you. I often scroll through frames from the past because I want to relive all these special, important and such bright moments again and again. Every time I am surprised by this magic that intertwined the strings of our destinies, making one strong thread out of it. From the very first day I felt something insanely close and dear to you, it seemed to me that I had known you all my life. That I know your look, voice, facial expressions, smile, gestures. I remember our first meeting, how my head was spinning with happiness, our first kiss. And let these crystal feelings not be repeated, they were replaced by deep love, tenderness and mutual understanding. Love has no bad times. I love you.

Each person is a separate universe in which an incredible number of different planets live. Sometimes it seems that your universe cannot be understood, divided, because everything in it is so special and only yours. But suddenly a person appears, whose universe penetrates yours, without warning, and now two completely different universes become one, they merge in a single impulse, and millions of new stars light up in the black fog. Now every corner of your soul is needed by another person, interesting, he explores it, admiring, admiring, making his incredible discoveries. This is an amazing feeling that can completely, simply radically change the entire perception of the world. Your love for me has made me happy, and I really want you to be just as happy. Because I love you, I love you very much!

All that I have in life, and that gives me the joy of every day, is only you, my beloved! With you it’s so easy and simple for me, with you I’m inspired with happiness, I fly like a bird, with you it’s beautiful any time of the year, any weather, whether rain, snow blizzard or hot heat. You are so attentive, caring, gentle, understanding and kind, I am proud of you, my dear, and I want our happiness to be endless, so that our love never ends! You are my guardian angel, and under your wing, I feel at ease. Behind your back, I really, like behind a stone wall, I am protected and calm. I love you madly, to a cry in my soul, to a heartbreak, to insanity! And I don't regret anything! Because you are the only reason for my existence! I breathe, live and dream for you. Thank you for having me, my beloved, dear and only man!

I like falling asleep in your arms so much because I know that the next day will begin with your warm breath, with your tenderness, with your dear and beloved look, with your voice so sweet to the heart. And I really like it when you go about your business, become completely serious, thoughtful, and then I quietly sit down next to you and just admire you, and I love everything about you, and every movement of your body, your intense sniffling brings me indescribable pleasure . I really like to watch my favorite movies with you, resting my head on your shoulder, when you gently stroke my hand and kiss my ear, when you are angry that I talk a lot and prevent you from watching. I like to lie low at such moments and feel your fragrance, breathe it in deeply and understand how much I love you.

Life is very unpredictable and sometimes gives us incredibly pleasant surprises. I was looking for you so much, but you can see not there, how many meetings there were, but my heart remained cold. And so, when I did not expect it at all, you appeared in my life, and in one minute I was swirled in a whirlwind of love and burning passion. How long I have been looking for you, how long I have been waiting for you, how many sleepless nights I dreamed about you and about such a beautiful and strong love. Every day I am ready to thank the higher powers, the universe, God, the universe for such a gift. This chance meeting, as if from a movie frame, changed my fate. And now she went in a completely different direction. Now I'm not on my own, I'm following you, trail after trail, after my beloved man. Thank you for becoming not just my beloved, faithful and caring, gentle and passionate, thank you for becoming my closest and most devoted friend. It is truly priceless.

My love for you, my love, has made me the happiest person in the world, and I hope that I can convey to you the full range of feelings so that you can feel the same. These are indescribable sensations, they are worth experiencing, even if they last only a moment, they are worth dying for! You gave me the most beautiful thing that can only exist between a man and a woman! Love! I love you, breathe you, and adore you, my only one. You are my soulmate, without whom I simply cannot live. I love to look into your sweet eyes, I love to listen to your sonorous laughter, I love your gentle hugs. I just love you, my good! There is no such force in the world to stop love for you, my only one. I love you very much and want to be with you always. You are my happiness! You are the meaning of everything in my life! You are my Love! I want to be always by your side. You are my Destiny!

All rivers inevitably, sooner or later, flow into the sea. And all my roads necessarily lead to you, and all my thoughts are only about you, my beloved. Everyone knows that without water, oxygen and sun, any flower will die. So I will die without your love, without your attention, without your hugs and kisses, without your care. I can't live without you, just like a bird can't live without the sky, and a fish can't live without water. You are my only, closest, dearest and most desired. You are my pride and my inspiration. All my hopes and dreams for the future are connected only with you alone. You have become the greatest joy in my life. You have become my light. I want to love you forever, with all my heart, I want to be always with you, I want to make you the happiest man on our planet.

You are such a special person, how much love and patience you have. You endure all my whims with a smile, steadfastly endure my changes in mood. It seems to me that you are the most caring man on this earth. How happy I am that I got you, that you are only mine, and I am yours. One day I wanted to make a list in which I would write all your virtues and positive traits. And you know what? It was the most endless list ever. After all, you are just perfect for me, so beautiful, strong, courageous, caring, passionate, cheerful, humorous, wise, interesting, deep. And maybe you think I'm a stupid girl, but I see everything, I notice everything, but most importantly, I really appreciate all this. And thank you so much for everything you do for me. Thank you, know that I love you very much too.

I believe that there is no more beautiful, stronger and brighter feeling in the world than love. And happy is the one who could at least once in his life experience these amazing emotions on himself. Feelings that can radically change your whole life, your whole worldview, your whole perception of the world around you. This is real magic, when from one glance, from a small spark that casually ran through the veins, over time, a real flame flares up that can no longer be extinguished - this is the fire of love, passion and fidelity. I am happy because the fire of my love is already burning in my soul, burning my veins with an unbridled thirst to be always there, to enjoy every moment, every kiss, every hug. I love you, you are the culprit of my sleepless nights, you are the culprit of my smile, and my sparkle in my eyes.

Every girl is waiting for her prince on a white horse, there are those who scream that this only happens in fairy tales, but I know for sure that this happens in real life too. All because my prince is already next to me and it's you! And now, every day I thank fate for such a generous gift. After all, next to me is a real prince, so attentive, well-mannered, courteous. I thought men like that didn't exist anymore. I naively assumed that in the modern run of hectic days there is no place for romance and nobility. But I was wrong, and I'm glad for it, I'm glad that I was deceived, falsely assuming that my prince does not exist. And now I'm doubly happy that you exist. I love you very much, you are the best man in the whole world, I want to be with you always. I really want to make you happy!

My beloved and only man! It is today and not on any other day that I must confess to you something very important, disturbing my soul for a long time. Let me free my heart from the overflow of emotions and feelings, because there is no strength to keep it in myself. I love you! I love you so much that my thoughts run ahead of my words, my heart trembles with excitement and passion, My hands do not stop trembling even when you are not around, all my thoughts are only about you, my beloved! You made me fall in love with you forever! I wish you, beloved, only happiness and good luck, let my love be a talisman for you, let your heart tremble from my confession, and you will understand that there is nothing more important than our love in life! I will tell you the three most important words: I love you and want to be with you all my life! All our life with you, happy and full of joys!

How life changes when love comes to the heart. Huge, white, fluffy wings grow behind your back, which are able to lift you into heaven. I have been flying in the sky since the day I first saw you, my love. I bloomed next to you, like a wild tea rose bud. You were able to do this to me, you were able to revive my interest in life, even greed. I absorb every minute of our time together with such incredible pleasure. And then, during the hours of quiet serenity, I remember our lived moments more than once and again I can feel all the emotions that I had. Thank you for such a range of emotions, for this riot of colors, for changing my life, for loving me and taking care of me as the most fragile and rarest plant. I love you.

I think that love is the most important feeling in life. Without it, everything is somehow monotonous, it is just a mechanical existence. But when love begins to breathe feelings into you, everything around changes, absolutely everything. You begin to understand that the sun does not shine like always, that birds can sing, that such beautiful flowers grow near your house that passers-by smile at you. That the wind pleasantly caresses you in hot weather, that everything around you is beautiful. You seem to plunge into a fairy tale, where you become the main character. And now I am the main character of my fairy tale, and you are the most important, most important, most desired and most beloved hero in it. You are my hero, you are my man, you are the one who gave me the colors of life, you are the one who managed to make me happy. Thank you for everything, I love you.

You burst into my life like a destructive hurricane, in a matter of days turned my calm, measured way of life scheduled by the minute and turned everything upside down. But I love this turn of events! I'm crazy about your actions, I'm crazy about you, I fell in love! Beloved and the only one, today I want to confess to you a very important thing, it turns out that a bright and wonderful feeling, which is called the word love, was born in me from the first minutes of our communication, but I only now dare to tell you about it. After all, I'm a little scared, this is the first time this has happened to me. I just drowned in your eyes, I'm melting in your hands, I'm madly worried when you touch me, but at the same time it's so beautiful and charming that I can't hide all my feelings and emotions from you. I love you baby and I want to be with you!

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