Transitive and intransitive verbs in Chinese. Transitive and intransitive verbs. Features of transitive verbs

Simply put, in this article we will consider sentences in which the action of the verb (predicate) is directed to some object No. 1 (indirect object), and this action implies the presence of object No. 2 (direct object). For example, "He gave me a book." In this offer gave- verb (what did you do?), to me- indirect addition (to whom, what, where, in relation to whom? and so on), book- direct object (what?). to the verb gave there are two objects, one indirect, the other direct, therefore it is called two-object. Your second title transition, the verb received because the verb expresses an action that is directly directed to an object / phenomenon / person. This verb has a direct object with it (in Russian, an addition in the accusative case without a preposition), which answers the question who? / What? These can be verbs to speak, ask, go, bring, give, borrow, and others. I think it will also be interesting for you to learn for comparison about intransitive verbs that cannot be combined with a direct object and express movement in space (fly, get sick, think, live, work, and many others). It happens that the same verb can be both transitive and non-transitive. For example, water evaporates- heat evaporates water.

We digress a little, back to our topic.


As I said, this article could be called simpler - sentences that have an action addressee (or in another way indirect object) and an action object (direct object):

Subject + verb + addressee + object

Subject + predicate + indirect object + direct object

So, if a verb can have an action addressee and an action object, then it is a transitive verb.


  • 老师 一 个 问题 wen le lǎoshī yī ge venti. I asked the teacher one question.
  • 了 我 敌人 一 瓶 啤酒 gei le wǒ diren yī ping píjiǔ. I gave my enemy one bottle of beer.
  • 送 给 很 多 The verb is formed using the morpheme 给Ta sòng gěi ta hěn duō hua. He gave her many flowers.
  • 很 多 送给 is the same as just 送. It is not necessary to add the morpheme 给 to it.Ta song ta hěn duō hua. He gave her many flowers.
  • 他连续 工作 了八个小时。 An example for comparison: the verb "work" is not transitive. Can't work for someone or something Tā liánxu gōngzuo le ta bāgè xiǎoshí.He worked his without a break for 8 hours.
  • 了两个小时。 The verb "sleep" is not transitive. Can't sleep for someone or somethingshui le ta liǎng gè xiǎoshí.I was asleep his two hours.
  • 借给 一 本 jiegěi yī ben shū. I'll lend you a book.
  • 爸爸 送 给 一 个 手机 Baba sòng gěi yī ge shǒujī. My dad gave me a phone.
  • 妈妈 很 多 的 Māma gei le hěn duō de ai. Mom gave me a lot of love.
  • 我 想 告诉 一 个 好 消息 Wǒ xiǎng gaosu yī ge hǎo xiaoxi. I want to tell you some good news.
  • 你 可以 借给 一 百 块 吗 ? Nǐ kěyǐ jiegěi yī bǎi kuai qian ma? Can you borrow 100 yuine for me?
  • 大家 都 “怪叔叔” Dajiā dōu jiao ta guaishūshū. Everyone calls him "strange uncle".
  • 这 个 人 很 多 Zhe ge ren pian le hěn duō qian. This man scammed me for a lot of money.

Today I was reviewing my personal Chinese language library. In the electronic database I found an interesting document, with which some have already managed to get acquainted.

Yanshan University, China
Zhang Xuhua

Analysis of grammatical errors of foreign students studying Chinese

People who have different native languages ​​learn Chinese, so the influence of the native language, which generates errors in Chinese speech, is also not the same. Careful analysis of the influence of one's mother tongue on making mistakes in Chinese can be helpful in learning Chinese. In the process of learning a foreign language, students often construct a phrase in a foreign language using the stereotypes of their native language. As a result, translation errors often appear. Russian and Chinese have big differences in grammar. Unlike Chinese, where grammatical relations are conveyed using word order, in Russian grammatical relations are usually conveyed using the word form. In Russian, the word order is not so strict; if necessary, a rearrangement can be made. When changing the order of words, you only need to save the suffixes and endings, and the meaning of the sentence, its structure as a whole will remain unchanged. Because of these features, it is difficult for foreign students studying Chinese to master Chinese grammatical functions and the structure of Chinese syntax.

This article attempts to analyze typical grammatical mistakes made by foreign students in the process of learning Chinese, which is of great importance for improving the quality and effectiveness of learning.


1. To indicate the time period during which an action is performed, the adjunction object (补语) should always be used. For example: 小李在俄罗斯生活了五年。A circumstance (状语) is always used to indicate the point in time at which an action began or ended. For example: 八点上课,他八点一刻才到。But foreign students often confuse the conditions for using the adjunction object and the tense. For example: 1) 我差不多五年住在他家楼上。2)他大概来五点。 In example 1) the adjunct object was mistakenly used instead of the adjunct adjunct, in example 2) the time adjunct became the adjunct object.

The adjacency object is one of the frequently used and, at the same time, rather specific Chinese grammatical constructions. Adjacency addition is quite difficult for foreign students to understand; when they study the adjunction addition, erroneously constructed sentences are very common. For example:

这种点心不做得好吃。(这种点心做得不好吃)。Degree complement (程度补语).

对不起,我不能说上来。(对不起,我说不上来)。Feature Supplement (可能补语)。

来中国以来,我没听懂中文。(来中国以来,我听不懂中文)。Feature addition (可能补语)。

2. A notable mistake among foreign students is the use of an intransitive verb as a transitive one, i.e. instead of using the circumstance with a preposition, the direct object (宾语) is erroneously used in the preposition. For example: 我 着 急 你 的 健康 。2) 我 失败 了 大学 入学 考试。。。。。。 着急 着急 着急 , 失败 失败 失败 失败 失败 失败 失败 失败 (failing) are mistakenly used as transitional verbs, structures “你 妹妹 的” and “大学 考试 考试 考试 考试 考试 考试 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 "should be separated in the first case by the preposition "为", in the second - "在 ... 中" and, being in preposition before the verbal predicate, play the role of a circumstance. Similarly, when using the so-called "separate-fused words" (离合词), one often mistakenly uses separate-fused words as transitive verbs, instead of using a direct object instead of the required preposition construction with a preposition. For example: 1) 我毕业大学以后…。2) 今天领导握手我。 Students make a mistake based on the meaning of “separate-fused words”, in their semantic load they are often similar to transitive verbs. in fact, “separate-fused words” are similar in their syntactic role to constructions consisting of a verb-predicate and a direct object.

3. Students often make a mistake in using constructions with prepositions, confusing circumstance and adjoining object. For example: 1) 如果你去买东西,顺便买给我一本书。2)我有约会在公司门口. We see that in these examples the prepositional constructions "给我" and "在公司门口" must come before the verbal predicate and play the role of a circumstance. It should be noted that the use of "买给我一本书" as a declarative sentence is legal, but this construction would be incorrect for the imperative mood. In this case, "给我买一本书","买一本书送给我","帮/替我买一本书" should be used. On the example of this sentence, we see that the use of constructions in sentences of various types is not the same, so studying the context of the whole sentence has not only theoretical, but also practical value.


1. One-syllable adjectives in the role of definition and circumstance, as a rule, do not require functional words, while two-syllable adjectives, performing the same syntactic functions, need to be formalized with special functional words. Apart from a few examples like "许多", "好多". If students don't learn it well, they make mistakes very often. For example: 1) 她们两个人是最好朋友。2) 她们快乐照着相。 Adjectives, as a rule, cannot act as a predicate without other words, when an adjective acts as a predicate, one should usually either use the degree in preposition, or the adjoining complement of the degree in the postposition. Without understanding this, students also often make mistakes. For example: 1)他很用功,所以他的成绩总是好。2)他可能不参加我们的宴会,因为他常常忙。In contrast to the situation when both the circumstance and the addition are absent, there is another frequent duplication. For example: 1)没想到我们这么快就见面了。2)家的花都开了, 都很漂亮极了。3) 他的身体比较胖胖的。 An adjective can sometimes express a change in situation. For example: 萍果红了, 天气暖和了. But in this case, the adjective cannot take adverbs as a modifier. Failure to understand this also often leads to errors. For example: 1) 这下很糟糕了。2)教师您到俄罗斯来教我们, 很辛苦了。3) But if the adverb "已经" is used in the sentence, adverbs of degree can be combined with "了". For example: 1) 我已经很累了, 你不要再麻烦我了。2) 他已经起得很晚了,你比他起得更晚。 A sentence containing both the adverb of the degree "已经" and the particle "仏" and can only serve to indicate the cause of an event, or its purpose. But such sentences are never used on their own, they are always followed by additional sentences. You should pay attention to these grammar features related to the meaning of sentences, otherwise mistakes will be made.

2. Chinese degree adverbs can be divided into two broad types: absolute degree adverbs and comparative degree adverbs. The former include: 很,挺,非常,十分 and others. To the second: 更 (加),还(更),稍(徽),十分 and others. The so-called adverbs expressing the absolute degree are characterized by the fact that, together with the adjective following it, they are relatively independent. For example: 很好,非常漂亮. The so-called "comparative" adverbs are characterized by the fact that they can have relative independence in combination with an adjective only if there is an object of comparison. The object of comparison can be contained in the context, or latently contained in the language situation. For example: 他更漂亮了。The meaning of this sentence can be understood either as "He became even more beautiful than before", or as "He was more beautiful than other people." Regardless of what meaning is meant, in any case there is an object of comparison. Sometimes the object of comparison is expressed within a sentence. For example: 他比我还要努力。 When expressing a hidden object of comparison, the grammatical function of comparative adverbs of degree is similar to that of absolute adverbs of degree. For example: 王丽念得很好,李刚念得更好。From this, students mistakenly conclude that the grammatical functions of these two types are always the same. This may cause the following errors: 1)今天比昨天很冷。2)我这个星期比上个星期忙得很。 昨天冷多了、今天比昨天冷得不得了、今天比昨天冷极了。If you do not know how to analyze grammar and word usage well during your studies, students will often make mistakes.


1. Foreign students cannot master such specific Chinese constructions as "把", "连" and others. Sometimes "把" is used in situations where it is not needed. For example: 1) 学校 把 贫困 的 帮助 了 在 学习 , 等等 方面 。2) 今天 你 要是 , 就 我 把 两 张 电影 票 买 。3) 王 很 想 看书 请 你 把 本 本 本 本 一 一 一 一 一 一 AH 书借给他吧。 In example 1) the verb predicate "帮助" does not mean "to control something (hands)", in which case "把" is usually not used. In 2) and 3) there are also no conditions for the formation of a construction with "把". "把" takes only definite complements after it, and the complements in these two examples are indefinite. Often students make the mistake of using the direct object, skipping "把". For example: 1) 我的照相机坏了,请你的照相机借给我用一下。2)用了一个月时间'我终于这件事完成了。 Chinese proposals.

2. "连…也/都…" is one of the ways of emphasizing. With the help of this method, unusual, strange situations are expressed. For example: 1) 她连母亲都不认识了。 Whether the daughter is unfamiliar with the mother, or the mother and daughter, both are unusual situations. Therefore, in cases where events do not go beyond the ordinary, "连", as a rule, is not used. Therefore, the following example is an error. Example: 他很健康,连什么运动都喜欢。It is normal that a healthy person likes to play sports, so you can't use the amplifying particle "连" in this sentence, otherwise it may create an awkward situation. The particle "连" is usually used in negative sentences. Therefore, it becomes difficult for students when to use "不" and when to use "没". Basically, "不" is used to describe an action that has not been completed, and "没" is used to describe a completed action, if necessary, use "不" to convey the regularity of the action. Let's take a look at the following examples: 1)今天早上我连饭都不吃上学了。2)他每天连一分钟也没休息工作。In these two examples, "不" and "没" are mixed up. In the first example, "没" should be used, because it's about a completed action. In the second example, the action is regular, so "不" should be used. It is common to combine a verb and a direct object such as "回头" or "吃饭" etc., but it is necessary to use "连" before the object and the negation before the verb. For example: 连饭也没吃,连觉也没睡, this is difficult for foreign students, mistakes are often made in such constructions. For example: 1)他连回头也没有就回山上去了。 2)他连洗澡都不洗就睡觉了。

The phrases “除了…以外, 还/也…” and “都/全” have a significant difference: the former is used for generalization, addition, the latter for emphasis. But students do not master these constructions well, often making mistakes in them. For example: 1)除了春节,什么节日你还知道? 2) 除了狗,我都喜欢猫。3) 除了篮球以外, 我都喜欢任何运动。 If you redo the first example “除了春节, 你还知道什么节, there will be no error in principle.”, However, "都/全", which have an emphatic meaning, cannot be used in combination with the main word in the singular. You should say "除了篮球以外, 任何运动我都喜欢。"

All these shades of meanings and peculiarities of grammar that they cause, students must know and be able to use, excluding the language interference of their native language, reducing errors, only then can they really learn Chinese well.

a) verbs of the group 进(进,到,出,入,去,来,回)

Are intransitive

Can act as modifiers

They take the complement of time, place, sometimes multiplicity

B) pregoli verbs

1 with space seme 到,往,上

Well take place complement

2 with the seme of beingness 在

Take place complement

There is also a group of verbs with the meaning of beingness, which are not intransitive, but also take the place complement 住,生活

C) verbs with a verbal-objective type of connection (valency is associated with their structure). 睡觉,吃饭– the ideomatics is quite transparent

They grammaticalized, became transitive 我知道他

D) verbs with a common seme of movement in space (non-transition)


Easily accept complement, usually manage complement through prepositions (于,到)

2. Transitive verbs

Verbs with mixed valency

Classification by Li Jin Xi

    verbs related to the general seme of moving something in space

挂,放 (你把衣服挂上)

Manage direct addition

Sema of displacement requires after itself a complement

2. verbs of giving - attention

Accepts 2 types of complements (addresser-addresser, object)

Manage direct and indirect addition


3.Verbs of thought - feeling - speech 看,说,想 我想她是个好女人

Can control the addition expressed by the included part, i.e. the whole sentence

Highlighted the group of verbs 有我有书


    Denial of the possibility of distinguishing the vocabulary of the Chinese language by parts of speech and their justification (A. Maspero, Gao Mingkai).

There are theories that deny the existence of parts of speech in EP: the theory of Henri Maspero and Gao

Minkay. Maspero's theory was syntacticocentric in nature, and morphology

rejected completely. Maspero based on the classic version of the Indo-European

linguistics, in which parts of speech are distinguished on the basis of morphological features

words, i.e. shaping, word formation, came to the conclusion that there is no

parts of speech, i.e. there is no morphology in the EP in the Indo-European sense of the word. And Gao Mingkai, relying on Kuznetsov's article on parts of speech, where it was said that parts of speech are distinguished on the basis of the form of a word, came to the conclusion that since in EP there are no word forms, then there are no parts of speech. Having come to the conclusion that there are no parts of speech in EP, Gao Mingkai switched to words with the meaning of quality, property, sign, number, etc. He wrote the grammar of these words.

    Functional-semantic field of suffering in the SCJ.

Voice category - gram.category, which expresses subject-object relations. The category of collateral is universal, because exists in many languages. Pledge is a relationship between an object and a subject, a subject and an object. There are 2 types of voice: active (the subject correlates the object) and passive (the subject is represented by the object, and the object is the subject). Passive relationships are marked. In kya, the marker for the passive voice is 被. Active voice: zero morpheme 被, passive voice: 被+V. Syncretism is a phenomenon when a sign performs two or more heterogeneous functions (被 can be a gramme and a preposition), this phenomenon must be distinguished from the score meaning (in one act, enter into different homogeneous paradigms). Score - one form is included in all parties. The boy eats porridge (present tense, 3rd person, singular, perfective, active voice). There is no score in the kya. Functional-semantic category of suffering: a) morphemic level: 被+V; b) lexical level: prepositions 给, 由, 叫, 让, 为; lexico-syntactic level: state sentence 衣服洗了. The meaning of suffering can be conveyed through the structure 是…的

The theory of opposition distinguishes 3 types of relations between the components of the system:

    Equivalent opposition presupposes the equality of the components of the system, i.e. they can be interchangeable

    Privat, when 1 component of the si-we can replace 1 or several components of the system (the replacement component is “strong”, a member of the opposition, and the replaced one is weak

    Gradual involves the gradation of members of the opposition according to the degree of severity of something (qual. Har-ki)


    Dual classifications of words in Chinese and their theoretical foundations (G. von Gabelenz, Liu Shuxiang).

The model of double classifications by parts of speech still exists. Her supporters

is G. Gabelents, Ma Jianzhong, Wang Li, who tried to try on

QW facts and the existing metasystem. They accepted the fact that it was necessary to seek

grammar within grammar. They ignored the fact that the grammar of the parts of speech

should be limited to morphology, i.e. they considered only semantics and function.

Von Gabelenz singled out word-categories and function. 1. word-categories - noun, adj., ch.,

number, preposition, etc. (i.e. pure semantics). 2. function - noun perform a function

subject, ch. - predicate, rarely subject, rarely object.

Ma Jianzhong singled out morphemes of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd levels, said that there are parts of speech,

which are allocated based on the value.

Morphemes of the 1st level can be leading in s / s (noun, ch. and sometimes adj.).

Level 2 morphemes can be both leading and trailing (counts, and sometimes adj.).

Level 3 morphemes can be predominantly driven (adverbs, conjunctions).

    Lexico-grammatical categories of verbs according to the mode of action.

1.initiative (indicates the beginning of the action)

A group of verbs that by itself conveys initiation 开始

A group of elements, prefixes that convey the beginning of the action with their semantics

起 (起运,起飞);开 (开工,开笔,开动);起来(学起来);发病

2. inchutive (assumes that there is a change in property or quality)

发+qualities morpheme 发白-turn white (was not white)

3. mutual (assumes that the action has 2 subjects that perform the action in relation to each other)

4. repetitive (the action is repeated many times, returns to its beginning)

5. mitigating-restrictive. markers: reduplication with and without multiplicity of action, the action is not very intense 说一说,看一看,散散步

6. separating (action divides an object into some fragments)

7. unifying

8. return method (action changes the vector) the subject becomes the object

9. durative (marks the semantics of the duration of the action) the semantics can change depending on the semantics of the root 说下去,看下去-duration, 跳下去,跑下去 - e.g. down

10. resultative 完(说完了);好(吃好了,打好了);上(坐上)when verbs of feelings 上, the meaning of res-ta starts. Fall in love tolerance 不)见 (non-conductive) 看见;听见

关Absolutely effective  说关了,吃关了


    Classification by parts of speech A.A. Dragunov.

    A.A. Dragunov was the first in Russian sinology to give a detailed description of the parts of speech of the modern Chinese language, taking into account the specifics of the grammatical structure of languages ​​of the isolating type. In 1934 he co-wrote An Elementary Chinese Grammar with Zhou Songyuan, aimed at Chinese learners. In this work, the author for the first time formulated his point of view on the problem of parts of speech in Chinese. A.A. Dragunov wrote: “This grammar differs from all existing Chinese grammar textbooks, in which parts of speech are distinguished only by meaning, or it is argued that the parts of speech of the Chinese language are “indefinite”, therefore it is generally impossible to talk about their differentiation. This grammar book is consistently based on the concept of parts of speech as a "grammatical classification of words". A.A. Dragunov continued to develop the theory of the principles of singling out parts of speech in Chinese in his subsequent works devoted to the study of grammar.

It is interesting to note that A.A. Dragunov’s approach to interpreting the problem of parts of speech was largely theoretically formed under the influence of views on grammatical categories in the Russian language, developed by the famous Russian scientist L.V. Shcherba, to whom he repeatedly refers.

In the fundamental work "Research on the Grammar of the Modern Chinese Language", A.A. Dragunov notes two features, taking into account which parts of speech are distinguished in the Chinese language (according to the author's terminology, "lexico-grammatical categories"). First, it is necessary to take into account which member of the sentence the given word acts as; secondly, with what categories of words the given word is capable or not capable of being combined. In this case, not a separate syntactic function or type of connection is taken into account, but the totality of all options. Both of these features can be combined under the general name "grammatical", hence the term proposed by A.A. Dragunov - "lexico-grammatical categories".

The general scheme of parts of speech in Chinese, developed by A.A. Dragunov, looks like this:

A) I. Name: noun, numeral

II. Predicative: verb, adjective

B) Adverb

Comparing the scheme of parts of speech of the Chinese language with the well-known traditional system of parts of speech of Russian and other Indo-European languages, A.A. Dragunov came to the conclusion that “one of the main differences between the Chinese language and other languages, in particular, from Russian, is by no means that the Russian language has parts of speech, while the Chinese language does not, but that the system of parts speeches in these languages ​​do not coincide with each other.

A.A. Dragunov combined a verb and an adjective into one category, noting that the words of these two classes, in contrast to the words of the category of a name, can function as a predicate without a link, and can also be directly connected with aspect-temporal and modal indicators.

“At the same time, as the author notes, it is important that the numerals, entering the category of the name, have a number of common grammatical features with the category of the predicative, and the adjectives that are included in the category of the predicative, in turn, have a number of common features with nouns.”

Significant words (parts of speech) correlate with service words (according to the terminology of A.A. Dragunov, “particles of speech”). Particles of speech form their own system and, unlike parts of speech, are characterized by the absence of tone and incompatibility with the attributive-nominal suffix 的.

The substantiation by A.A. Dragunov of the presence of parts of speech in the Chinese language is of great importance not only for Russian sinology, but also for the entire linguistic science. A.A. Dragunov made a very important conclusion that “lexico-grammatical categories lie at the center of the Chinese grammatical system, reflected in the construction of phrases, in different types of sentences. Outside of these categories, it is impossible to understand the structural features of Chinese speech and it would be impossible to expound the grammar of the Chinese language.

Theory of A.A. Dragunov was continued and developed by his student and follower S.E. Yakhontov. In an article devoted to parts of speech in general and Chinese linguistics, he notes that "when distinguishing parts of speech, all essential grammatical features of words are taken into account, both morphological and derivational, and syntactic" . S.Yakhontov believes that in languages ​​with poorly developed morphology, the classification of words taking into account only this feature is practically impossible. Paramount in delimiting parts of speech should be a grammatical criterion.

    FSP of temporality in SKY.

A system of multi-level means of the language, characterized by the relativity of the action expressed by the verb to the moment of speech, or to any other moment taken as a starting point. Particular categorical meanings are distinguished: 1. past 2. long past.

3. present future. They are distinguished on: morphemic level: 了, 过; lexical level: adverbs of time 经常, 已经, 常常, 就, 马上, 还; lexical-syntactic level: 在…(以)前/后. There is a general category in grammar that defines grammatical tense. These moods are imperative, indicative, conditional, subjunctive. No command. inclinations in the past. time. The subjunctive is “if, then.” Unlike the category of aspect, the category of time depends on the modality of the statement (real and unreal). The grammatical category of time is realized within the real modality. Or she has additional mods. verbs: can, want, must. Center FSP temporality yavl. corresponding grammatical category. The meaning of time is the relation of the action expressed by the verb to the moment of speech. The category of time is predominantly negative. Dragunov holds the idea that there is a category of time in kya.

§ 1457. As stated in § 1456, all transitive verbs strongly govern vin. case: chop wood, whitewash the ceiling, read a book, love children. Most transitive verbs form the form suffer. sacraments; for verbs that do not form this form, see

§ 1583, 1588. Intransitive verbs are all verbs that do not govern vin. (genus) case. In most cases, these are verbs, the action of which is closed in the sphere of the subject, not directed at the object: the sail turns white; the bird sits on a branch. These verbs do not have the form suffer. participles (for exceptions, see § 1583). Some intransitive verbs have an intransitive formant - the postfix xia: to gather, quarrel; other intransitive verbs do not have this formant: turn white, run, stand.

Among intransitive verbs with the postfix sya, a group of verbs stands out in which the postfix sya expresses only a passive meaning (see § 1461). Such, for example, are the verbs: advance, amnestied, amputated, paved, analyzed, announced (special), bacterized (special), embalmed, concreted, bandaged, boycotted, bombarded, stitched, rolled (special), ventilated.

§ 1458. There are transitive verbs which govern a noun into gender. n. outside the negation conditions. These are, firstly, some verbs that combine the meaning of achieving a result with the meaning. quantity: pick flowers, make mistakes, buy books; secondly, verbs in which both gender and wine can be used. p .: wait for a letter and wait for a letter; want gingerbread and gingerbread; ask for alms and alms.

§ 1459. Transitive verbs mean an action directed at an object; it can be an object created (build a house), changeable (whitewash the ceiling, chop wood), destroy (burn letters, break dishes); an impact on an object that does not produce any changes in it: read a book, thank your father, congratulate your sister, praise a student, approve an idea. Transitive verbs are also called sensory perceptions (see a picture, listen to music, feel pain), attitude (love a person, hate an enemy). An object with such verbs means an object that is perceived, to which the relation is directed.

Intransitive verbs call the state - physical (sick, sleep) and mental (sad, grieve, rejoice); movement (run, run, walk, walk, swim, ride, fly, race); existence (live, be, exist); position in space (standing, sitting, lying down); identification and formation of a sign (turn white, blush, grow, melt, dry); professional or non-professional occupation (locksmithing, teaching, cooking); identifying properties or abilities (goofing off); skill (to speak French).

The connection of transitivity and intransitivity with the lexical meaning of the verb is also expressed in the fact that polysemantic verbs in some meanings can be transitive, in others - intransitive. Yes, ch. read is transient and manages vin. n. in value (perceive what is written): read a book, a letter; the same verb is intransitive in meaning. (be able to perceive what is written) (The baby is already reading), (reading) (The baby is sitting and reading). In the latter case, attention is focused on the process itself, which is abstracted from the object; this is the so-called absolutive use of the verb. Transitive prefix verbs of owls. species are rarely used absolutively; usually an object is named with them.

For the relation of transitivity/intransitivity to derivational types of verbs, see the section "Derivation of Verbs".


  1. § 80. The question of transitive and intransitive meanings of verbs
  2. § 80. The question of transitive and intransitive meanings of verbs
  3. § 156. The composition of participial forms is determined by the aspectual meaning and transitivity / intransitivity of generating verbs

In Russian, certain categories of verbs can attach a direct object. In this case, we are talking about transitive verbs. The article describes in detail the features of transitive and intransitive verbs with illustrative examples.

What is verb transitivity?

Transitivity of the verb- the grammatical category of verbs, reflecting the ability of the verb to attach a direct object. That is, transitivity indicates whether the verb can control non-prepositional nouns denoting the object of action (object, person, animal, etc.).

For example: visit the exhibition, eat sweets(direct object); grow before our eyes, stand near the door(indirect addition).

In Russian, there are transitive and intransitive verbs that differ in meaning and control features.

Features of transitive verbs

transitive verbs- these are verbs denoting a relationship or an action aimed at a specific object (object, person) and passing to this object. Transitive verbs govern the non-prepositional form of a noun in the accusative case.

If the verb is in the negative form, then the control is carried out by the noun in the genitive case. Also, the control of the genitive case is possible when it comes to part of the object.

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Examples of transitive verbs: invite(who?) girlfriends, test(what?), do not read(what?) books, don't get(what?) thanks, drink(what?) water.

From a lexical point of view, transitive verbs can denote.

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