Names and photographs of snakes in the Samara region. What types of snakes are found in the Samara region? Historical objects in the park

Snakes: common snake, water snake, copper snake, patterned snake, common viper, steppe viper.

And in total, 11 species of reptiles live in the Samara region (still quick and viviparous lizards, multi-colored foot-and-mouth disease, brittle spindle, marsh turtle).

Often the spindle is mistaken for a snake, but it is a lizard, although it is legless!

And among snakes, vipers are dangerous (poisonous), and more - steppe, but copperhead is not dangerous for people.

where they are common.

Already ordinary.
It lives most often along the banks of stagnant and flowing reservoirs, including sea coasts and rice fields. Dives and swims very well, snakes can often be found far out to sea. It can climb mountains up to 2000-2500 meters above sea level. As a shelter, he uses heaps of stones and brushwood, voids under the roots, holes of rodents. It can also be found in the vicinity of human habitation.

Already watery.
It is strongly associated with water bodies (both salty and fresh), where it spends much more time than an ordinary snake. It feeds mainly on fish (60%), less often on amphibians. It spends the night on land, in the morning it warms up in the sun and goes into the water to hunt.

They prefer forested glades, sunny edges, dry meadows and clearings in various types of forests, avoiding damp places, although they swim well. In the mountains they rise to a height of up to 3000 m above sea level, inhabiting rocky steppe areas with xerophytic vegetation. Their shelters are burrows of rodents and lizards, voids under stones and bark of fallen tree trunks, cracks in rocks.

Common viper.
The most common poisonous snake in central Russia. The common viper can be found in the forest and forest-steppe zones. It is more common in mixed forests, in glades, swamps, overgrown burnt areas, along the banks of rivers, lakes and streams. Distributed in the European part of Russia, in Siberia and the Far East (up to Sakhalin), in the north - up to 68 ° N. sh., and in the south - up to 40 ° N. sh. In the mountains, the viper is found at altitudes up to 3000 m above sea level.

Steppe viper.
A typical inhabitant of flat and mountain sagebrush steppes, it is also found on steppe alpine meadows, dry slopes with shrubs, in clay ravines and semi-desert habitats. It rises to the mountains up to 2500-2700 meters above sea level.

Patterned snake.
It is well adapted to living in a variety of conditions in several natural zones: from steppes and deserts to coniferous and mixed forests. It occurs in floodplains and river valleys, tugai and reeds, in alpine meadows and marshes, salt marshes and takyrs, dunes and rice fields, in gardens and vineyards, in juniper forests (juniper woodlands) and on rocky mountain slopes, rising to a height of up to 3600 m above sea level. It climbs superbly and moves quickly both along the branches of trees and on the ground, swims and dives excellently. As shelters, it uses voids under the roots and in the root zone of trees, hollows and cracks in the soil.

In this compilation, we have collected 10 of the most popular and inspiring places in Samarskaya Luka, which you need to visit at least once. So let's start.

1. Mount Strelnaya

The most popular place among tourists. It is also good that you do not need to get out of the car to visit it. Today, you can get to the most important historical and tourist peak of the Zhiguli, and bypassing the checkpoint where you buy a ticket.

Strelnaya Mountain offers breathtaking views of 270 degrees around, the entire Volga and the opposite bank are visible, and foreign delegations are constantly brought here to show off their native nature.

2. Mount Camel and its adits

Mount Camel is a point of attraction for many generations of sports tourists and rock climbers. The traditional peak of visiting occurs during the May holidays. In addition to the fact that there is a beautiful view of the Zhiguli Gates, an important component is the presence of limestone mining, which is located along the entire mountain at an altitude of about 60 meters above the Volga.

For those who like to conquer rocks, there is a spontaneous climbing wall near the very “head” of the Camel. By and large, there is something to see. The only inconvenience for the arrangement of the camp is the small amount of firewood around - believe me, over the years of active operation, everything that could be used as firewood has already been used up. And this is good: it is forbidden to burn fires on the territory of nature reserves and national parks.

3. Shiryaevo, Repin House Museum, Mount Popova

Shiryaevo is a truly original village that exists, among other things, due to the influx of tourists. During the last festival "Rock over the Volga", the band Rammstein was brought here to see the surroundings, and a few years earlier - President V.V. Putin. The Repin House Museum is a mandatory item in any tourist program, one can only say about it that it exists, but it does not leave a wow effect. Just a local history museum in miniature, and yes, the creator of the painting "Barge haulers on the Volga" lived here.

You can look at the village from a height by climbing the observation deck of Mount Popova. There is a monument to the working adit, and a little further and lower - a monument to the Volga Bulgaria. If you go around the observation deck and walk along the road along the Volga, you can see that it differs from the Camel in that the adits here are taken away with bars. According to the official version - to protect the population of bats that winter here.

4. Molodetsky Kurgan and Devya Gora

Molodetsky mound offers stunning views of the Usinsky Bay and the Zhiguli Sea! The area is very "photogenic", you can do it in almost any direction. A visit to Molodetsky is paid, but they take it modestly. You can leave the car at the parking lot, and related souvenirs are also sold right there - cards, key chains, etc. Devya Gora is located below the Kurgan and there is a monument to Yuri Zakharov and three of his comrades on it.

Unlike Strelnaya, here you have to climb the mountain on your own two feet. The ascent takes about 40 minutes at a leisurely pace. Hearts and obese people are advised to think three times before lifting.

5. Bogatyrskaya Sloboda

The famous epic complex, located to the west of the village of Zhiguli. The brainchild of Father Feoktist at one time amazed casual tourists, but time put everything in its place - here on foot and on horseback. There are also disadvantages - if you want to try all the services offered, you will have to fork out a lot. However, if you came to Gelandewagen, you will not feel the outflow of money. A country road leads to the complex, so take care of the suspension of the car. The traffic is small, there will be no inconvenience.

Among the services of Sloboda: ride horses, shoot from a bow, taste Russian cuisine, ride a yacht around the water area, visit a local museum and try on chain mail. Beautiful views of Usa and the opposite coast open from the banks.

6. Bald Mountain

In the region of Zhigulevsk - Morkvashakh, on the very bank of the Volga, Mount Lysaya stands. From here you can see. The place is quite accessible, the main thing is to find a good parking place closer to the mountain.

In Morkvashi themselves, by the way, there was a service center for the Razin Cossacks, who hunted for robbery. Here, local residents repaired plows, uniforms, cooked food and washed the clothes of robbers.

7. Stone Bowl

The Stone Bowl is accessible to both the motorist and the hiker. It is only necessary to issue an appropriate permit or buy a ticket for a visit, after listening to the necessary instructions. It is better to visit here by car in the summer, and on foot you can get there at any time of the year from the village of Solnechnaya Polyana. Going down the slope to the Bowl, you will pass where you can get delicious water spouting straight from the rock. There is also a small chapel in honor of St. Nicholas, the World of the Lycian Wonderworker and benches for vacationing pilgrims and travelers.

There is a rich nature in the Stone Chalice, the slopes around are covered with dense forest, and mobile communications do not catch because of the mountains around. Facilities include a trash can and toilets. Going south along the Shiryaevsky ravine and turning your head to the left, you will see the Bear Grotto and Fox Grottoes.

8. Usinsky mound or Mount Lepyoshka

The mountain, which protrudes into the waters of the Zhiguli Sea, is located at the confluence of the Volga and Usa rivers. Initially, it was completely free from the forest, for which it was named Lepyoshka. From it you can clearly see the Golden Sands of Berezovka and the bay of the Molodetsky barrow, which passes into the Zhiguli pipe.

According to legend, the treasure of Stepan Razin was buried here. Unfortunately, the treasure is enchanted, and anyone who disturbs it is teleported to the deep forests (so the legend says).

9. Parking around the world at Brusyan

Everyone who has ever visited the Zhiguli around the world knows about it. After long passages along the Volga, here for three whole days the circumnavigators devote to rest - active and not very active.

The place is relevant for visits for only three days in the month of May, but what three days it is! A tent city for 600 people, musical equipment and a joyful atmosphere - you will find all this right here.

10. Cordon Charokaika

Not very visited, but a place that is significant for every tourist -. The cordon is located between the Kochkarny and Shiryaevsky ravines, and to visit here means to conquer Samarskaya Luka. Here is a forester's house and dogs bark, and wolves howl at night.

Among the difficulties is the lack of civilization within a radius of 10 kilometers. However, in an emergency, move south to Shelekhmeti.

Location of objects on the map:

vertebrate animals. They are characterized by: mixed; breathe easy, inconsistent, the skin of most is covered with horny scales or scutes ( from drying out). Modern reptiles include: , crocodiles, beakheads () and ( , and ).

11 species of reptiles live in the Samara region: agile and viviparous lizards, multi-colored foot-and-mouth disease, brittle spindle, copperhead, common snake and water snake, patterned snake, common and steppe viper, marsh turtle).

Reptiles of the Samara region are found in three main groups of biotopes - open, forest and water. In a number of cases, species association with one or another group of biotopes (areas of the earth's surface) is noted. For example, the agile lizard, the multicolored foot-and-mouth disease, and the steppe viper gravitate towards open biotopes; to the forest - viviparous lizard, spindle, copperhead, common viper; to drive - snakes are ordinary and water, a marsh turtle, as well as a viviparous lizard. Often, the greatest species diversity of the herpetofauna is noted in ecotones - transitional bands of these groups of biotopes: on the edges and banks.

Until recently, the best favorable conditions for our reptiles were preserved in the southern part of Samarskaya Luka (the area between the villages of Shelekhmet and Vinnovka). There are several lakes here, one of which is not accidentally called Serpentine. This is the only place on the entire Samarskaya Luka, where, until recently, a relatively high number of water snake, a rare species of the Samara region, was noted. So, in May 1972, 18 snakes were caught by zoologists of Samara University in the area of ​​Visly Kamen on a 6-kilometer section of the route. Eleven of them were ordinary, seven - water.

The negative impact of man on the nature of the named area now raises the question of the existence of a water snake as a species here.

Unfortunately, in our area they have become rareall snakes, as well as the brittle spindle, the lizardingiving birth. Findings of foot-and-mouth disease are rare. Small marsh turtle.

An adverse effect on reptiles is alsocreation of reservoirs, accompanycaused by the disappearance of the floodplain and the formation of an extremely unstable coastal zonethey.

How can we save reptiles?

Undoubtedly, the organization of the first in Russia national natural park "Samarskaya Luka" should contribute to an increase in the number and species diversity of many groups of animals, including rare amphibians and reptiles. But all people should show respect for the environment, use the gifts of nature wisely. No need to treat many reptiles likea group of animals that were called "reptiles" until relatively recently.

It should not be forgotten that reptiles are a food base for many, including game animals. The reduction in the number of snakes, birds of prey and foxes violates the natural abundance of mouse-like rodents and forces a person to use chemical measures to combat the latter. And chemicals are harmful to nature.

“The viper has a lot of enemies, it turns out. From the moment a small snake is born, one should already be afraid of magpies, crows, cranes, storks, capercaillie, black grouse, raccoons, martens, ferrets, wild boars and, most importantly, a person who, seeing a snake, almost always takes a stick. Is the loss great, you say, the snakes have disappeared - you should rejoice! There is nothing to rejoice. In the complex mechanism of nature, snakes have their rightful place, ”writes the well-known journalist V. M. Peskov.

Remember, the emblem of modern medicine is a snake pouring poison into a bowl. It is now valued more than gold, since it is successfully used in the treatment of rheumatism, bronchial asthma, arthritis and other serious diseases.

It is easy to understand why a person is now forced to breed poisonous snakes in captivity, organizing zoo-combines, nurseries, etc. But this is not enough.Judge for yourself: to get one gram of dry poison, you need to "milk" 250 vipers. A snake that enters a nursery does not participate in reproduction and eventually dies. Therefore, methods are currently being developed for obtaining snake venom without removing them from their natural environment.

So, let's take care of reptiles! Remember that in nature there are "invisible threads"! Everything is interconnected in it. People are just part of nature.

Samarskaya Luka is a unique region. The area is formed by the gulf (Usinsky) of the Kuibyshev reservoir and the bend of the majestic Volga River. Here is a very special microclimate, amazingly beautiful mountains, blue-blue expanses of the Volga, unique flora and fauna. All the beauties have earned Samara Luka world fame.

History of the Samarskaya Luka National Park

Not so long ago, at the end of the eighteenth century, on the territory of Samarskaya Luka grew from centuries-old trees. These were predominantly pine-oak and oak-linden forests. However, later the trees were subjected to mass felling, which led to a significant reduction in arrays.

The Samarskaya Luka National Park was founded in 1984. The purpose of its creation was to preserve natural complexes, promote the development of national culture, and also create all the necessary conditions for the development of tourism in the region. Many rest houses and tourist bases have been built on the territory of the park, winter and summer routes have been laid. Next to it is the city of Zhigulevsk, or rather, it directly adjoins it from the south. So we can say that the inhabitants of this city are very lucky. For them, getting out for a walk in the park is not difficult.

Historical objects in the park

It should be noted that the Samarskaya Luka National Park is interesting not only for its flora and fauna, there are many archaeological sites on its territory. One of them is the Murom town. Once it was one of the largest settlements of Volga Bulgaria (from the ninth to the thirteenth century). Also here are the settlements of the Bronze and Iron Ages. All of them need further study, because they can tell a lot more new things.

Back in 2011, a wonderful exposition of archaeological finds called "Antiquities of the Samara Bend" was opened on the territory of the park. Just imagine that there are exhibits here belonging to different eras: the Stone, Bronze, Iron Ages and the Middle Ages. How interesting to see objects of the time of the Golden Horde live!

Since the city of Zhigulevsk is located very close, this exposition was opened with the support of its local history museum. Local residents do not always have the opportunity and time to visit museums. But those who come to the park on vacation just may have the very convenient case when it is quite possible to combine entertainment with educational excursions.

In general, the whole history of this region is closely intertwined with the names of such historical figures as Stepan Razin, Yermak, Emelyan Pugachev, Alexander Menshikov and the Orlov brothers.

Nature of the national park

The nature of the Samarskaya Luka is rich in various plants that cover the steppes with all sorts of flowers from spring to autumn. The vegetation of this area is of deep scientific importance. Six species of plants were once discovered here for the first time, three of which are not found anywhere else. This sunflower is monetifolia, Euphorbia Zhiguli, Kachim Zhiguli. Many plants of the Samarskaya Luka are quite rare and are found only in these places.

Very interesting for research are relic trees that have survived to the present from ancient eras (pre-glacial, glacial, post-glacial periods). Oddly enough, but the glacier could not reach the Zhiguli Mountains, and therefore practically did not affect the nature of the Samarskaya Luka. The largest number of relics can be found in the rocky mountain steppe.


The fauna of the Samarskaya Luka is rather peculiar. This is reflected in the fact that at least thirty percent of vertebrates live here on the border of their ranges. These include: a viviparous lizard, an ordinary viper, a boreal owl, a hazel grouse and a capercaillie. All of them are representatives of Siberian and taiga species. And at the same time, typical representatives of the southern steppe species live next to them: a marsh turtle, a patterned snake, a golden bee-eater, and a water snake.

There are also relic species. It is interesting that they are separated from the main habitat by a fairly large distance. This is a patterned snake, beetle

Modern animals of the Samarskaya Luka are also diverse: roe deer, elk, wolf, wild boar, lynx, marten, hare, fox, muskrat and many others. All of them live here in comfortable natural conditions.

Mountains of Samarskaya Luka

On the northwestern part of the Samarskaya Luka is the Molodetsky barrow. From it begin which stretched 75-kilometer ridge. The mound is shrouded in many traditions and legends. Its height is slightly more than two hundred meters. It hangs over the waters of the Volga reservoir next to the Usinsky Bay.

One of the fairy-tale legends tells that once upon a time a young man fell in love with a beautiful girl Volga. But the beauty did not like him. Her heart was occupied by the Caspian. And so the young man decided to block her way, not to let her in to her opponent. Then the Volga deceived him. She put to sleep with her sweet speeches both the young man and his squad. And she ran away to her beloved. Much time has passed since then, the young man and his warriors have turned to stone, turning into the Molodetsky barrow. And ever since then, the Volga has been lulling them with the murmur of its waters. Here is such a beautiful story of the emergence of the Samara Luka and the Zhiguli Mountains. However, this is just a legend.

In fact, once the path of the river was blocked by a fold formed due to the movement of earth layers. The Volga had no choice but to rush its waters around the obstacle. This is how the legendary and bizarre bend of the river was formed.

Molodetsky mound has long been of interest to many scientists. This is a truly unique place. It seems very severe, it is given such a view by completely sheer cliffs. And only one of the slopes is covered with dense forest, and relic pines grow at the very top of the mound. The beauty of this place cannot be expressed in words. On the Molodetsky mound you can meet quite rare representatives of the fauna: the white-tailed eagle and the Apollo.

From the top of the mound, a beautiful view of the reservoir, mountains and Usinsky Bay opens up. Even before the flooding, Kalmyk Island was located opposite the Kurgan, and behind it, on the opposite bank of the river, was the one-story wooden city of Stavropol. But after the flooding of the territories, naturally, the water level rose by almost thirty meters, and the lower part of the shallow Us River turned into the Usinsky Bay.

Molodetsky mound is especially popular among tourists. And on the shores of the bay, environmental events, sports competitions, and all sorts of rallies are often held. The mound is included in the tour route of the national park.

Maiden Mountain

Maiden Mountain is located next to the Molodetsky mound. She is also known as little sister. After flooding, the Kuibyshev reservoir hid more than half of the mountain under its waters. Maiden Mountain is also shrouded in legends, like the entire Samara Luka.

Mount Camel

This bizarre mountain is located near Krestovaya Polyana (the village of Shiryaevo). She got her name because of the bizarre shape of the peak, which seems to hang over the Volga and really resembles this animal. From the top of the mountain, a beautiful view of the surroundings and the banks of the Volga, Tsarev Kurgan and the Zhiguli Gate opens. The Tsarev Kurgan was once one with the mountain range.

As for the Zhiguli Gates, this is the narrowest place in the Volka valley, here the flow of the river is the strongest.

The bowels of Mount Camel are permeated with a network of adits, they are cool even in hot summers. Here, even the rails, along which the trolleys went at the beginning of the century, are still preserved. At present, the adits have become a haven for the largest colony of bats in all the Volga lands.

The village of Shiryaevo is located near the mountain. Repin once worked here. It has long been chosen not only by tourists, but also by climbers who have equipped a climbing wall on it.

The Zhiguli Mountains end near the village of Podgory, turning into a plateau. It rises above the river for about forty meters. Its surface is cut by ravines, hollows, alternating with rocks and forests.

Rock Visly stone

The rock is another local attraction. It consists of limestone rocks. And on its slopes grow lindens, oaks, maples, as well as violets, lilies of the valley, bean. The top of the cliff looks like a small platform. It offers a wonderful view of the Serpent's backwater, the Shelekhmetsky mountains.

snake backwater

At the foot of the cliff is Lake Vislokamenka (Snake). Although now it is more correct to call it a bay (after the construction of a cascade of reservoirs). People say that the lake got its name because there were always a lot of snakes here. And to this day, these places are considered the most serpentine in the entire Samara Luka. Do not think that it is directly teeming with them. More often you can meet snakes and snakes, but poisonous snakes are rare.

The white-tailed eagle, which is listed in the Red Book, lives in these places. Wild boars, roe deer, kites are also found on the adjacent lands of the backwater. Stony steppes and meadows, coniferous and deciduous forests prevail here. All this together perfectly combines and creates an indescribable beauty that attracts many tourists.

On the lands of Samarskaya Luka there is not only the Samarskaya Luka National Park, but also the Zhiguli National Reserve named after. I. I. Saprygin, which is one of the oldest in Russia.

edge birds

Many birds of the Samara Luka are listed in the Red Book. In general, there are more than two hundred species of birds here. Unfortunately, species diversity has declined over the last century. The black stork can be attributed to the disappeared. This situation is associated primarily with human influence. After all, roads were built here, oil was extracted, and the banks of the Volga were built up. All this to some extent affected nature.

Most of the bird species living on the Samarskaya Luka either nest here regularly or live sedentary. But there are also species that fly into the territory during migrations.

Capercaillie, black grouse and hazel grouse are especially interesting. There used to be a lot of them here. Now everything has changed. But, on the other hand, the white-tailed eagle became a settled permanent resident of these places.

The combination of floodplain and mountain landscapes creates unique conditions for numerous representatives of the animal world, many varieties of bats that have chosen local adits. So that no one disturbs the bats in winter, the entrances to the caves are blocked with gratings.

Instead of an afterword

Samarskaya Luka is the rarest natural phenomenon. The Ministry of Natural Resources created a national park for a reason. The local places are unique in terms of the composition of flora and fauna. Not so long ago, biosphere reserves were opened on the basis of the Zhiguli Reserve. Their goal was to ensure the protection of the lands of the Volga region and the landscapes of the Zhiguli. Most of the lands of the reserves are located on the territory of Samarskaya Luka. This is primarily due to the fact that these lands have not been affected so much by human influence. So, there is still a chance to somehow save everything that is currently. There are completely unique ecosystems on the territory of the bioreserve: the Samarskaya Luka plateau, stone steppes, mixed forests, etc. The Ministry of Natural Resources should carry out environmental protection measures aimed at protecting human impact on nature. Because not all human deeds are for her good.

The Samarskaya Luka National Park is a unique place that amaze with its beauties. Visit it and plunge into the wonderful world of nature.

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