Belize Barrier Reef Honduras. wonders of the planet. Belize Barrier Reef. When is the best time to come

In 1996, the Belize Barrier Reef was inscribed on the World Heritage List. Now this reef has the same status as Machu Picchu in Peru, the Grand Canyon in the United States and other outstanding monuments of nature and culture. Why is this reef classified as an "Outstanding World Value"?

Preservation of valuable heritage

The Belize Barrier Reef is the world's second largest coral reef after the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and is considered the largest in the Western Hemisphere. It stretches for 300 kilometers along the Yucatan Peninsula, including most of the coast of the Central American country of Belize. reef (actually whole line reefs) consists of approximately 450 shoals, or islets, and three coral atolls - ring-shaped reefs with picturesque lagoons. The seven water areas of this reserve, covering an area of ​​960 square kilometers, are under the special care of the World Heritage Convention.

Coral reefs need to be protected because they contain a quarter of all marine plants and animals. By biodiversity The coral reef ecosystem is second only to tropical rainforests. However, scientists warn that if we continue to pollute the seas, use cyanide to fish and do not control tourism, then within 20-40 years, 70 percent of all corals on the planet will die.

There are 70 species of hard and 36 species of soft corals and 500 species of fish in the protected area of ​​the Belize Barrier Reef. In the waters of the reef, there are rare and endangered species of animals, such as bigheaded and green sea ​​turtles, hawksbill turtle, as well as manatee and sharp-snouted crocodile. Talking about the amazing diversity marine fauna from this corner of the ocean, coral reef explorer Julian Robinson said: “The Belize Barrier Reef provides many unique opportunities for explorers and tourists alike. […] This is one of the few places where you can still observe pristine nature in all its glory, but even here it is in danger.”

One of the most beautiful places for underwater walks, this is the Blue Hole, located on the Lighthouse Reef, about 100 kilometers from the coast of Belize. This part of the reserve is also under the protection of the World Heritage. French oceanographer Jacques-Yves Cousteau told the world about it during an expedition to the Calypso in 1970. Nestled in the middle of a turquoise sea, the Blue Hole is a limestone sinkhole with dark blue water fringed by living corals. It reaches approximately 300 meters in diameter and more than 120 meters deep. Previously, before the sea level rose, there was a dry cave in the place of the Hole. Over time, the ceiling of the cave collapsed. The walls of the funnel go down vertically by about 35 meters. At this depth, you can see ledges on the walls from which huge stalactites hang. From here a stunning panorama opens - in this place the visibility is 60 meters. In addition to sharks, there is almost no living creatures in the Blue Hole. Scuba divers should be aware that such a dive can cause decompression - it is not for beginners. But crystal clear waters at the edge of the Blue Hole are ideal for snorkelling.

Nearby is another site that is inscribed on the World Heritage List - the quiet islet of Half Moon Key, a refuge for the rare red-footed booby. About 98 other bird species also live here. Half Moon Key extends 1,000 meters deep and is covered with magnificent soft corals. These underwater landscapes leave no one indifferent.

As we have seen from this article, the Belize Barrier Reef is a valuable heritage that must be preserved for future generations. The destruction of the reef could lead to "dangerous impoverishment of the heritage of all peoples."

Where is Belize barrier reef: along the coast of Belize at a distance of 13 - 24 km

Geography of the Belize Barrier Reef

located in Atlantic Ocean The Belize Barrier Reef is included in the list of objects included in natural heritage Earth. It is the second most important reef in all the oceans and second only to the Great Barrier Reef. Its main part is located in the territorial waters of Belize. On its area there are three atolls and 450 shoals and islets.

The Belize Barrier Reef is protected by UNESCO. Maximum negative impact on the reef is associated with a hurricane that occurred in 1998. As a result, 48% of corals were lost. Now the reef is gradually recovering.

The reef is a good place for divers. This is facilitated not only by the most beautiful seascapes, but also warm sea water, the temperature of which during the year is in the range of 23-28 ° C. Up to 130,000 tourists go here every year to see with their own eyes all the diversity of life on the ocean reef. That is why on the coast along the reefs there are a large number of diving centers and dive equipment rental centers. San Pedro is the most convenient locality for those who want to go to the reef.

What can you see when going to the reef

The reef ecosystem consists of a colossal number of living organisms: hard corals, soft corals, fish, invertebrates, sea turtles, crocodiles, manatees.

Reef - an area on which there are several reserves and protected areas. Here are the main ones:

  • Glovers Reef - marine reserve;
  • Great blue hole- natural depression large sizes;
  • Half Moon Key is a natural monument. Flocks of almost a hundred species of birds nest here. Among them there are very rare ones, which include the red booby;
  • Hol Chan is another marine reserve.

Belize City itself is worth a visit.

Belize Barrier Reef - a series of coral reefs 280 km long, located along the coast of Belize at a distance of 13 - 24 km from it.

It is part of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef, stretching for 900 km from the northern tip of Yucatan to the coast of Guatemala. This reef system is the largest barrier reef in the Atlantic Ocean and the second largest in the world after Australia's Great Barrier Reef.

The reef consists of approximately 450 shoals, or islets, and three coral atolls - ring-shaped reefs with picturesque lagoons. There are 70 species of hard and 36 species of soft corals and 500 species of fish in the protected area of ​​the Belize Barrier Reef. Rare and endangered species of animals live in the waters of the reef, such as the loggerhead and green sea turtles, the hawksbill turtle, as well as the manatee and the sharp-snouted crocodile.

Clear waters of the Belize Reef average temperature which are 26 degrees, - the best place for diving enthusiasts. The easiest way to get to the reef is from the town of San Pedro, on the island of Ambergris. The city is only a few hundred meters from the reef. And six kilometers southeast of San Pedro is the Hol Chen Nature Reserve - underwater park an area of ​​eight square kilometers, in which there is a passage through the reef.

One of the most beautiful places for underwater walks is the Blue Hole, located on Lighthouse Reef, about 100 kilometers from the coast of Belize. It was discovered by the French oceanographer Jacques-Yves Cousteau during an expedition to the Calypso in 1970. Nestled in the middle of a turquoise sea, the Blue Hole is a limestone sinkhole with dark blue water fringed by living corals. From here, a stunning panorama opens - in this place the visibility is 60 meters. In addition to sharks, there is almost no living creatures in the Blue Hole. Experienced scuba divers dive in this place, but for beginners, the crystal clear waters at the edge of the Blue Hole offer a lot of interesting things.

Nearby is the quiet islet of Half Moon Key, home to the rare red-footed booby. About 98 other bird species also live here. Half Moon Key extends 1,000 meters deep and is covered with magnificent soft corals. These underwater landscapes leave no one indifferent. According to scientists, 90 percent of the reef has not yet been explored.

The coastal ecosystems of Belize have been on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1996 as one of the richest ecosystems in the world. The Belize Barrier Reef reserves include seven marine reserves, 450 reefs and three atolls. The total area of ​​protected areas reaches 960 km².

The Belize Barrier Reef is a coral reef system that occupies the coastline of Belize, which refers to Central America. This barrier reef in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean is the second largest in the world. Its length is close to 300 kilometers. It belongs to the list of outstanding natural attractions and is protected by UNESCO.

The Belize Barrier Reef is the main natural value of Belize, which is visited by about 130 thousand tourists annually.

The coral reef is a whole system of shoals, islets, as well as attols (ring-shaped reefs, where colorful lagoons are located).

Coral reefs must be protected by the state, since about a quarter of all marine flora and fauna are located here. Experts have calculated that if we leave things to chance and do not control sea water pollution, fishing and tourism, then in about 30 years more than half of the corals will disappear from our Earth.

The Belize Barrier Reef Protected Area has approximately 70 species of hard corals and at least 35 soft corals. Nearly 500 species of fish are found in this area. There are also representatives of endangered species of animals, among which there is more than one species of turtles.

Among all the dangers to the corals of the Belize Reef is very high level their bleaching. This is a natural procedure in which they discolor and become light. In 1997, the largest coral bleaching occurred here, which coincided with squally winds. At this time, their reduction was recorded by about 45 percent. Scientists have determined that Negative influence on sea Coral reefs It has fever environment in which they live, as well as ultraviolet light.

The local colorful places have long been chosen by tourists. This is favorably influenced by the temperature of the water, as well as the richness of the underwater world.

One of the most beautiful places to dive into the water kingdom is the area that became famous thanks to the Blue Hole. Its location is the natural reef Lighthouse, which is located a hundred kilometers from the coastline of Belize. It was discovered by an underwater expedition in 1970 and has been attracting many tourists ever since. The blue hole looks like a funnel made of limestone, which is filled with dark blue water. Its diameter is close to 300 meters, and the depth is at least 120. The inhabitants of the Blue Hole are sharks. Diving in this area for divers without much experience is not recommended as decompression may occur. Sea water near the funnel itself is very transparent and is ideal for walking with a mask and snorkel.

As you can see, the Belize Barrier Reef is a real treasure of nature that requires careful attitude from the side of humanity.

Belize Belize Type Natural Criteria vii, ix, x Link Region*** Latin America and the Caribbean Inclusion 1996 (20 session)

Coordinates : 17°15′45″ N. sh. 88°03′10″ W d. /  17.26250° N sh. 88.05278° W d./ 17.26250; -88.05278(G) (I)


Belize Barrier Reef- a chain of coral reefs 280 km long, running along the coast of Belize at a distance of 13 - 24 km from it. It is part of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef, stretching for 900 km from the northern tip of Yucatan to the coast of Guatemala. This reef system is the largest barrier reef in the Atlantic Ocean and the second largest in the world after Australia's Great Barrier Reef.


The Belize Barrier Reef is the main tourist attraction of Belize, it is visited by up to 130 thousand tourists a year. The reef is also important from a fishing point of view. The seabed between the reef and the mainland is sandy, in some places there are islands overgrown with mangroves. In the eastern part, where the sea depth increases dramatically, there are three separate atolls - Turnef, Glovers Reef and Lighthouse Reef.

The water temperature in the reef area fluctuates slightly throughout the year - 23-25 ​​°C in winter, and 25-28 °C in summer. The islands are located seaside resorts with diving centers. In the center of Lighthouse Reef is the famous Great Blue Hole - a large sinkhole flooded by the sea.


Environment protection

The Belize Barrier Reef reserves include seven marine reserves, 450 reefs and three atolls. The total area of ​​protected areas reaches 960 km². They include:

Despite protective measures, the reef ecosystem is constantly under threat of pollution and destruction due to uncontrolled tourism, shipping and fishing. hurricanes, global warming and the resulting increase in water temperature also poses threats, such as coral bleaching. According to scientists, more than 40% of Belize's reefs have been damaged since 1998.

see also

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An excerpt characterizing the Belize Barrier Reef

The countess had not yet had time to answer her, when Prince Andrei entered the drawing room with an anxious and serious face. As soon as he saw Natasha, his face lit up. He kissed the hand of the countess and Natasha and sat down beside the sofa.
“For a long time we have not had pleasure ...” the countess began, but Prince Andrei interrupted her, answering her question and obviously in a hurry to say what he needed.
- I have not been with you all this time, because I was with my father: I needed to talk to him about a very important matter. I just got back last night,” he said, looking at Natasha. “I need to talk to you, Countess,” he added after a moment's silence.
The Countess sighed heavily and lowered her eyes.
“I am at your service,” she said.
Natasha knew that she had to leave, but she could not do it: something was squeezing her throat, and she impolitely, directly, open eyes looked at Prince Andrei.
"Now? This minute!… No, it can't be!” she thought.
He looked at her again, and this look convinced her that she had not been mistaken. - Yes, now, this very minute her fate was being decided.
“Come, Natasha, I will call you,” said the countess in a whisper.
Natasha, with frightened, pleading eyes, looked at Prince Andrei and at her mother, and went out.
“I have come, Countess, to ask for the hand of your daughter,” said Prince Andrei. The countess's face flushed, but she said nothing.
“Your suggestion…” the Countess began sedately. He remained silent, looking into her eyes. - Your offer ... (she was embarrassed) we are pleased, and ... I accept your offer, I'm glad. And my husband ... I hope ... but it will depend on her ...
- I will tell her when I have your consent ... do you give it to me? - said Prince Andrew.
“Yes,” said the Countess, and held out her hand to him, and with a mixture of aloofness and tenderness pressed her lips to his forehead as he leaned over her hand. She wanted to love him like a son; but she felt that he was a stranger and a terrible person for her. “I am sure that my husband will agree,” said the countess, “but your father ...
- My father, to whom I informed my plans, made it an indispensable condition for consent that the wedding should not be before a year. And this is what I wanted to tell you, - said Prince Andrei.
- It is true that Natasha is still young, but so long.
“It could not be otherwise,” Prince Andrei said with a sigh.
“I will send it to you,” said the countess, and left the room.
“Lord, have mercy on us,” she repeated, looking for her daughter. Sonya said that Natasha was in the bedroom. Natasha sat on her bed, pale, with dry eyes, looked at the icons and, quickly making the sign of the cross, whispered something. Seeing her mother, she jumped up and rushed to her.
- What? Mom?… What?
- Go, go to him. He asks for your hand, - said the countess coldly, as it seemed to Natasha ... - Go ... go, - the mother said with sadness and reproach after the fleeing daughter, and sighed heavily.
Natasha did not remember how she entered the living room. When she entered the door and saw him, she stopped. “Is this stranger really become my everything now?” she asked herself and instantly answered: “Yes, everything: he alone is now dearer to me than everything in the world.” Prince Andrei went up to her, lowering his eyes.
“I fell in love with you from the moment I saw you. Can I hope?
He looked at her, and the earnest passion of her countenance struck him. Her face said: “Why ask? Why doubt that which is impossible not to know? Why talk when you can’t express what you feel in words.
She approached him and stopped. He took her hand and kissed it.
– Do you love me?
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