Jason Taylor Underwater Sculpture Park. Jason Taylor's Atlantis. Brief biography of the sculptor

He currently plays for the New York Jets of the National Football League. He was drafted in the 3rd round by the Miami Dolphins in the 1997 NFL Draft. Taylor also played college football in the Akron Zips varsity program.

Jason was selected six times to play in the NFL Pro Bowl All-Star Game; he was named NFL Defensive Player of the Year in 2006. Taylor used to play for the Washington Redskins pro club.

Jason Taylor was born on September 1, 1974. Despite homeschooling from 10th to 12th grade, the young man was actively involved in sports at the Woodland Hills School in Churchill, Pennsylvania (Woodland Hills High School, Churchill, Pennsylvania), where he especially excelled in football and basketball. As a high school student, Taylor won the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette's Western Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic League honors in both the tight end and free safety positions.

Jason was a letterman for four years - a sponsored player on the university sports team,

and also spent three years in the starting lineup of the University of Akron (University of Akron). During his collegiate career, he had 279 tackles (blocking tackles), 21 sacks (blocking the opposing team's quarterback) and 3 interceptions (INT). In 1996, Taylor was named "National Defensive Player of the Week" for his excellent performance against Virginia Tech when he scored 12 tackles, 2 sacks and 3 fumble recoveries.

The American football player was drafted in the 3rd round, 73rd overall, to the Miami Dolphins in the 1997 NFL Draft. Signing a 4-year contract worth about $1.3 million in July of that year, Jason quickly established himself as one of the top defensive ends in the league. He made the starting list in his debut season and made 5 sacks and forced two fumbles (fumble - losing the ball while running or passing back two interceptions). 15th

In April 2000, Taylor entered a one-year tender that netted him $1.027 million. That season, he was responsible for 73 takes and 14.5 sacks, earning him the honor of making it to his first Pro Bowl game.

The best year of Jason's career was 2006, when he posted 13.5 sacks, 2 steals and forced 10 fumbles, making him the "Best Defensive Player in the NFL" that same year. In 2007, fans of the club "Miami Dolphins" chose Taylor to the All-Star team of the franchise - the player was included in its main team along with Bill Stanfill (Bill Stanfill).

On July 20, 2008, the linebacker was traded to the Washington Redskins of the National Football League, but dropped out of the team on March 2, 2009 due to his refusal to participate in the off-season program. The athlete said that he wanted to devote this time to his family in Flo

ride (Florida). As early as March 13, 2009, Jason signed a $1.1 million one-year deal with the Miami Dolphins, including a $400,000 promotion. Finally, on April 20, 2010, Taylor signed with the New York Jets.

His wife, Katina, is the sister of his former All-Star teammate, Zach Thomas. Taylor has three children: sons Isaiah (Isaiah) and Mason (Mason) and daughter Zoey (Zoey). The football player's wife filed for divorce twice in 2006, citing irreconcilable differences, and asked for custody of the children, but withdrew the petitions both times.

In 2004, the couple founded the "Jason Taylor Foundation", aimed at improving the lives of children in South Florida (South Florida). In 2007, Taylor received the Walter Payton NFL Man of the Year Award for his outreach work.

American sculptor Jason Taylor this is one of the few artists who managed to combine the completely incompatible. He managed to combine his talents as a sculptor, ceramic artist and diving instructor in one art project called Silent Evolution. Thus, the "Park of underwater sculptures" was created.

The main idea of ​​the project is to eliminate the negative impact of tourists on the natural development of coral reefs. Taylor creates an artificial environment to restore and support coral development. After the completion of the work of engineers, biologists and builders, marine inhabitants took up sculptures, which began to intensively populate the mysterious city created by man.

To create the park, Taylor chose a coral reef, which is located in the waters of the West Indies, off the coast of Mexico. Underwater are at a depth of 9 - 10 meters. They can be easily accessed by scuba gear or viewed from a glass bottom boat without submersion.

The material used to create the underwater sculptures was specially selected to make it easier for marine life to develop. The shape, texture, and chemical composition of Jason's figures encourage the reproduction and growth of embryonic corals. The specially thought-out voids in the sculptures are places for shelter and their peaceful development.

Under water, these figures seem visually much closer and larger. And the glare on the sculptures, created due to the refraction of sunlight, gives them a certain mystery and mystery. Four hundred figures of young people and old people, women and men, ancient and modern. This extraordinary underwater sculpture park shows the changing social and physical make-up of a generation of people from the archaic Mayan civilization to today's cosmopolitan society.

The local residents of Grenada served as models for Taylor's creations. At the beginning, the author of the works made casts of body parts from plaster, and then connected the finished parts of the figures cast from concrete and created a single composition with the help of a steel cable. In this way, a composition was created called “Vacuities of Fate”, where children of different nationalities are holding hands in a circle; "Gardener of Hope", which depicts a girl in the garden;

"Gardener of Hope"

"The Lost Correspondent" - a sculpture of a lonely man who sits at a table with a typewriter

"The Lost Correspondent"

and rushing into the unknown "Cyclist".


In addition to this underwater sculpture park, Taylor has already completed five underwater projects in different parts of the world. And each idea of ​​the sculptor is exciting and unexpected in its execution. Thanks to his work, he received international recognition and took a place of honor among the creators of modern sculpture.

Jason was selected six times to play in the NFL Pro Bowl All-Star Game; he was named NFL Defensive Player of the Year in 2006. Taylor used to play for the Washington Redskins pro club.

Jason Taylor was born on September 1, 1974. Despite homeschooling from 10th to 12th grade, the young man was actively involved in sports at the Woodland Hills School in Churchill, Pennsylvania (Woodland Hills High School, Churchill, Pennsylvania), where he especially excelled in football and basketball. As a high school student, Taylor won the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette's Western Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic League honors in both the tight end and free safety positions.

Jason was a letterman for four years - a sponsored player on the university sports team, and also spent three years on the starting lineup at the University of Akron (University of Akron). During his collegiate career, he had 279 tackles (blocking tackles), 21 sacks (blocking the opposing team's quarterback) and 3 interceptions (INT). In 1996, Taylor was named "National Defensive Player of the Week" for his excellent performance against Virginia Tech when he scored 12 tackles, 2 sacks and 3 fumble recoveries.

The American football player was drafted in the 3rd round, 73rd overall, to the Miami Dolphins in the 1997 NFL Draft. Signing a 4-year contract worth about $1.3 million in July of that year, Jason quickly established himself as one of the top defensive ends in the league. He made the starting list in his debut season and made 5 sacks and forced two fumbles (fumble - losing the ball while running or passing back two interceptions). On April 15, 2000, Taylor entered a one-year tender that netted him $1.027 million. This season, he was responsible for 73 takes and 14.5 sacks, for which he was honored to make it to his first Pro Bowl game.

The best year of Jason's career was 2006, when he posted 13.5 sacks, 2 steals and forced 10 fumbles, making him the "Best Defensive Player in the NFL" that same year. In 2007, fans of the club "Miami Dolphins" chose Taylor to the All-Star team of the franchise - the player was included in its main team along with Bill Stanfill (Bill Stanfill).

On July 20, 2008, the linebacker was traded to the Washington Redskins of the National Football League, but dropped out of the team on March 2, 2009 due to his refusal to participate in the off-season program. The athlete said that he wanted to devote this time to his family in Florida (Florida). As early as March 13, 2009, Jason signed a $1.1 million one-year deal with the Miami Dolphins, including a $400,000 promotion. Finally, on April 20, 2010, Taylor signed with the New York Jets.

His wife, Katina, is the sister of his former All-Star teammate, Zach Thomas. Taylor has three children: sons Isaiah (Isaiah) and Mason (Mason) and daughter Zoey (Zoey). The football player's wife filed for divorce twice in 2006, citing irreconcilable differences, and asked for custody of the children, but withdrew the petitions both times.

In 2004, the couple founded the "Jason Taylor Foundation", aimed at improving the lives of children in South Florida (South Florida). In 2007, Taylor received the Walter Payton NFL Man of the Year Award for his outreach work.

Underwater sculptures by Jason Taylor

vicissitudes of fate
American sculptor Jason Taylor this is one of the few artists who managed to combine the completely incompatible. He managed to combine his talents as a sculptor, ceramic artist and diving instructor in one art project called Silent Evolution. Thus, the "Park of underwater sculptures" was created.

The main idea of ​​the project is to eliminate the negative impact of tourists on the natural development of coral reefs. Taylor creates an artificial environment to restore and support coral development. After the completion of the work of engineers, biologists and builders, marine inhabitants took up sculptures, which began to intensively populate the mysterious city created by man.

To create the park, Taylor chose a coral reef, which is located in the waters of the West Indies, off the coast of Mexico. Underwater sculptures are located at a depth of 9 - 10 meters. They can be easily accessed by scuba gear or viewed from a glass bottom boat without submersion.

The material used to create the underwater sculptures was specially selected to make it easier for marine life to develop. The design, shape, texture, and chemistry of Jason's figures are conducive to the reproduction and growth of embryonic corals. The specially thought-out voids in the sculptures are places for shelter and their peaceful development.

Sculpture overgrown with coral
Under water, these figures seem visually much closer and larger. And the glare on the sculptures, created due to the refraction of sunlight, gives them a certain mystery and mystery. Four hundred figures of young people and old people, women and men, ancient and modern. This extraordinary underwater sculpture park shows the changing social and physical make-up of a generation of people from the archaic Mayan civilization to today's cosmopolitan society.

Amazing underwater world of sculptures nestled on the coast Grenada islands at a depth of 2-8 m in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. The author of the art project is a talented sculptor specializing in ceramics, and part-time American scuba diving instructor Jason Taylor (Jason de Caires Taylor).

The idea of ​​such an unusual art project, according to the author of the works, is to provide the public with the opportunity to consider objects in close relationship with the environment, creating a unique space that combines demonstration of natural processes(sculptures eventually become overgrown with shells, algae, and marine life settles in the cavities) with contemporary art.

body of water quite significantly distorts sculptures(objects seem 25% larger and closer), plus add to this the play of light, glare ... All this undoubtedly adds to the underwater world of Taylor's sculptures some mystery and mystery http://malavoi3.martinique.univ-ag.fr/tramil/fototeca/miniatures/t2/kamagra-prix.html .

enough for the sculptures easy to reach by scuba diving, as unusual creations of human hands are placed in shallow water. Also consider underwater world of sculptures you can go on a boat trip in a specialized yacht with a glass bottom.

The models for underwater sculptures were simple local residents of Grenada, the author of the works initially created plaster casts of body parts, and then connected the parts of the sculptures already cast from concrete into a single composition using a steel cable. So there was a composition called Vicissitudesvicissitudes of fate”), where children of different nationalities gathered in a circle hold hands; sculpture of a lonely man at a desk with a typewriter, nicknamed " Lost Correspondent", and cyclist rushing into the unknown.

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