Alexander Shevelev St. Caucasian. Information about the crime of the director of the Caucasian reserve Shevelev sg. Director Nicknamed "The Beast"

The Caucasus Nature Reserve, a UNESCO-protected natural heritage site, has become a favorite place for illegal hunting and fishing by Russian officials, security officials and judges. fished here and Dmitry Medvedev, and specially for Vladimir Putin, a complex was built here (illegally) "Moonfield". After the director of the reserve quarreled with his common-law wife, the editors had at their disposal a lot of new evidence of an organized poaching business and illegal buildings on the lands of the reserve.

The Caucasian Biosphere Reserve begins a stone's throw from the expensive nightclubs and casinos of Krasnaya Polyana. This is one of the 11 Russian natural heritage sites of UNESCO. The reserve is one of the most visited in the country, although getting there is not so easy - you need to ask for permission and get a special pass, and this is true, since we are talking about specially protected natural complexes, a treasury of biological diversity.

But not only hikers with a backpack and a tent are rushing here. Forbidden hunting and fishing is a favorite pastime for many officials of various calibers. [...]

These checks began in January: the Investigative Committee of the Adler district of Sochi received a statement from one of the former employees demanding that a criminal case be initiated against the director of the Caucasian Reserve Sergei Shevelev under the article on fraud (Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). These materials were transferred to the First Department for the Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee for the Krasnodar Territory. At the same time, the Ministry of Natural Resources is preparing to conduct its own check to see if the director of the reserve has exceeded his powers.

Director Nicknamed "The Beast"

Stories about the harsh nature of the director of the Caucasian Reserve, Sergei Shevelev, have been circulating for a long time: subordinates call him a "beast" behind his back. Employees told the correspondent that at meetings it comes to assault: the boss can throw an ashtray in the face, stick a pen in the shoulder in a fit of anger. The director of the reserve is the type of person who enjoys power and the opportunity to humiliate others. He can publicly beat ordinary forest inspectors, but they are forced to obediently remain silent.

According to employees, their financial condition depends entirely on the personal attitude of the director. Shevelev does not accept any objections and likes to repeat among the workers that he is "the best director of the reserve that has ever been." At the same time, the final salary consists of salary, tariff rate, bonuses. The director himself sets the amount of these additional payments and allowances, but he can also impose a penalty, and in fact - a fine. Nobody wants to quarrel with him, not only because of financial dependence: many of the employees are people who are sincerely devoted to the conservation work and protection of the nature of the Caucasus. You have to endure humiliation, turn a blind eye to many things.

But Shevelev allows himself to behave this way only with his subordinates. With powerful people, he is courteous and friendly. After all, it was the ability to be friends with the right people that allowed him to be a permanent director for sixteen years. Note, however, that Shevelev began as a simple forester. How did he manage to become an influential and wealthy person?

Not everyone remembers that Viktor Chernomyrdin was a great hunter. Aborigines say that it was Shevelev who organized the hunt for him, then working as the head of the reserve's security. Chernomyrdin liked to ride a bear. The permanent Yeltsin prime minister was even going to build a house in Krasnaya Polyana, but did not have time. It cannot be said that Chernomyrdin was original in this. Occasionally, poaching came to the attention of law enforcement officers, as it was not so long ago in the case of high-ranking officials of the Krasnodar Territory and the Presidential Administration, when even the Investigative Committee confirmed the fact of hunting.

[, 02/07/2018, "The Investigative Committee confirmed that officials Moldovanov and Koloskov hunted near Gelendzhiklm": The story of poaching wild boar with the participation of a group of high-ranking officials, which we have already talked about many times, has grown into a detective story. We managed to obtain official confirmation that officials of the regional department of Rosprirodnadzor and the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Krasnodar Territory really hunted in the area of ​​​​the village of Tekos in December 2017. The place of action was also confirmed - the hunting farm of LLC "Vostok-Zapad" (the same one that is headed by the son of the head of the Main Directorate of Public Catering of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation Bolat Zakaryanov).

Recall that on December 9 last year, near the village of Tekos, employees of the Russian Guard detained a group of hunters, in whose presence a dead wild boar was found. According to the information that EcoWatch has, the hunters could not present a license to hunt this animal, a voucher giving the right to hunt on the territory of the East-West hunting estate (it was here that the detention took place).

But the most interesting thing became clear when identifying the detainees: among them were the head of the Main Directorate of Public Catering of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation, Bolat Zakaryanov (known as one of the former heads of LLC UK Investstroy, to which the so-called "Putin's Palace" near the village Praskoveevka), Head of the Office of Rosprirodnadzor for the Krasnodar Territory Roman Moldovanov, as well as the head of the Department for the Protection, Federal State Supervision and Regulation of the Use of Wildlife Objects and Their Habitats of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Krasnodar Territory Andrey Koloskov, together with two of his subordinates.

At the end of December, information appeared that the Department of the Investigative Committee for the Krasnodar Territory had begun an investigation at the request of Ecological Watch, but - as is now known - also at the request of the alleged poachers themselves, who accused EcoWatch of "false denunciation".

This information came to light from the response of the investigator of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Krasnodar Territory, Inver Kunov [...] - inset]

But as a rule, bureaucratic poaching is overlooked, although it is a serious criminal offense. Several sources spoke about the well-organized system of organizing hunting in the Caucasian Reserve.

The main VIP-hunts are organized by the cordons "Umpyr" and "Chernorechye", say the staff of the reserve. Shevelev himself has not been involved in the technical side for a long time, this is entrusted to his deputy for protection Gennady Pilipenko. Shevelev only communicates with guests. Among the hunters came across federal judges, employees of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, show business stars. They usually found out about this only in case of serious incidents. So, according to Ecowatch, in 2015, the head of the Lazarevsky district of Sochi, Sergey Polyansky, died while hunting for a wild boar in the national park.

“There are hunting lodges in the Caucasus Reserve, but they are almost never used - VIP hunters are brought in by helicopters, they shoot at deer from above and fly away,” said Dmitry Shevchenko, deputy coordinator of the Environmental Watch for the North Caucasus. As explained in the reserve, most often guests hunt bear, aurochs and deer. The West Caucasian tur (or goat) is considered an endangered species according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

There are witnesses of the hunt by Andrei Krainik, who headed the Caucasian branch of MegaFon, and Andrei Tivodar, deputy chairman of the Adler district court. Also, former and current employees of the reserve are ready to tell about cases of hunting directly to the investigating authorities, in the event that real, and not fictitious checks are carried out.

Already after the presidential "castling" in 2012, the head of the Eastern Department of the Protection of the Caucasian Reserve, Viktor Bulgakov, helped organize fishing for Dmitry Medvedev. The Prime Minister, accompanied by the FSO and the director of the reserve, flew in by several helicopters, went fishing, had a picnic and flew away. After that, serious budget money was allocated to support the work of the reserve. Billboards announcing the prohibition of not only hunting, but also fishing, are clearly visible on the territory of the reserve and at the entrance to it.

At the same time, no one saw Vladimir Putin, who often came to Sochi, in the reserve. Perhaps because far in its depths there is the Moonglade complex, inaccessible to prying eyes, which can only be reached by helicopter.

“Cordon Pslukh generally exists only for personal enrichment purposes. The wooden houses that stand there are used with a bang for renting to the right people and not always at least something goes to the cashier. The same thing happens at the Aviary Complex: houses are rented out for the night for dates, and the money for the bathhouse that functions there often does not go through officially. All income from it goes personally to Shevelev’s pocket, ”the employees say.

Shevelev's organization of hunting and leisure activities for the right people turned out to be a convenient way to acquire connections and high patrons. And in turn, they help their son's career: in 2012, Nikolai Sergeevich Shevelev was appointed a federal judge of the Central District Court of Sochi by presidential decree. Becoming a federal judge at the age of 29, while having a relative with a criminal record from his wife, is a rare success. People from the director's entourage say that for this he flew to Moscow more than once to the highest-ranking officials.

Acquaintance with Khodorkovsky

Acquaintance with Chernomyrdin and other officials led to career growth. First, Shevelev was appointed head of the protection department of the reserve, and since 2002 - director. In order to build a "small candle factory", a slightly different connection was required. Moreover, it was at this time that oil prices began to rise, and really big money flowed into Russia. Mikhail Khodorkovsky with friends came to the reserve with a few jeeps and asked for a test drive. He drove around the reserve for a long time until the jeeps "killed". As a thank you, Shevelev received a large sum, with which he bought his first UAZ to ride guests, and made some repairs in his office.

Later, when Khodorkovsky started having problems with the authorities, his visit to the reserve was remembered. The minutes of the court session in the case of Leonid Nevzlin on May 28, 2008, at which the trip was discussed, reflect the interrogation of Sergei Shevelev. An excerpt is given in the book of journalist Vera Vasilyeva "Alexey Pichugin - Ways and Crossroads (biographical sketch)":

"Prosecutor Alexander Kubliakov (addressing Sergei Shevelev): "In your presence, how did Pichugin communicate with the leadership of the Yukos Oil Company - on an equal footing or kept aloof?" Sergei Shevelev: "No, not on an equal footing. Lebedev, Shakhnovsky, Nevzlin and Khodorkovsky were on an equal footing. Pichugin could say 'take away here, drive the car there' and so on." Lawyer Dmitry Kharitonov: "He [Pichugin] organized everything for them?" Sergei Shevelev: “Yes, that is, he said where we were going and so on, he organized, as it were, a vacation.”

"Governor's cottage"

In 2005, a residential complex was put into operation, located on the territory of the reserve in the area of ​​Mount Aishkha-2. Officially, it was transferred to the operational management of the state budgetary institution of the Krasnodar Territory "Resorts of the Krasnodar Territory". The people called the building "governor's dacha". Budget money was allocated for its construction at the initiative of Alexander Tkachev, who apparently wanted to make his residence in this place. At that time, these were still the lands of the reserve, on which a strict security regime was in effect, and the project itself was illegal.

Alexander Tkachev's "Governor's Dacha" now belongs to a friend of Sergei Shchevelev, entrepreneur Genrikh Zakaryan

For some reason, however, Tkachev changed his mind. Now these two large wooden houses, fully furnished, are in the private property of Heinrich Zakaryan, a close friend of Shevelev's businessmen. This happened in June last year, as a result of an auction for the sale of especially valuable state property of the Krasnodar Territory, where Zakarian was the only participant.

By law, private property cannot be located in the reserve: the houses had to be dismantled and taken out. But they stand there to this day and enjoy the protection of the reserve. According to eyewitnesses, Shevelev has been using them as his own dacha for all these years and inviting distinguished guests there. The buildings are serviced by hired workers, cleaners, cooks... “In general, over the past three or four years, the reserve has turned into some kind of private Shevelev’s shop specifically for “walking” guests and expanding ties,” the reserve’s employees say.

However, you cannot build a permanent business simply on connections and the use of state property. You need a legal entity. And for the director of a state-owned enterprise, this can be difficult.

Where does a certain businessman Zakarian get such privileges? How did he manage to be the only participant in the competition and become the owner of a house that, according to the law, cannot be owned? It's simple, Zakarian is Shevelev's business partner.


According to the declaration, in 2016 Sergey Shevelev's income amounted to as much as 76 million rubles. For some reason, this did not raise questions either from the Ministry of Natural Resources, or from the investigating authorities, or from the professional community. But this is not interesting, but the spread in declared incomes. For example, in 2012-2014, Shevelev's income, according to the Declarator project, steadily amounted to about 4.5 million rubles a year. And in 2015 they suddenly dropped sharply to 863 thousand. What happened? Has the director been stripped of his bonus? No, apparently, 863 thousand, declared in 2015, this is his salary. And millions in other years came from completely different sources.

In 2013, Sergey Shevelev registered as an individual entrepreneur in the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 16 for the Krasnodar Territory. The main activity was declared to be "activities for providing places for temporary residence", that is, the hotel business. Shevelev, strictly speaking, is not a civil servant, but only the director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise, and the unconditional ban on doing business does not apply to him. But since we are still talking about a state-owned enterprise, there are restrictions: he must ask permission from the ministry. And in this case, the ministry should have refused him - after all, there is a clear conflict of interest.

Set in Esto-Sadok, Khomutovsky Dvorik is 500 meters from Karusel-1 Ski Lift and 1.6 km from Laura Ski Lift. According to the website, guests are ready to accept guests here at the end of March for 60 thousand rubles for two nights in a cottage with four bedrooms. Simple arithmetic shows that the declared rental income of 4 million a year is quite modest. But perhaps not all income from the delivery of real estate necessarily passed through the cashier.

House of Sergei Shevelev in Krasnaya Polyana

According to an extract from the USRN, Sergey Shevelev owned the houses until March 2016. Then he sold them to the owner of the Sochi Skypark, Dmitry Fedin. Apparently, this is how the 76 million declared by Shevelev for this year were formed. In April 2017, the IP was liquidated. Fedin, together with Zakarian (the current owner of the "governor's dacha"), are co-owners of NAMASTE LLC, whose main activity is restaurants and food delivery. And their second common business is PARA-GUIDE LLC, which deals with real estate.

Family contract

Perhaps we would know much less about Shevelev if not for his wife. He did not formalize his marriage with Vilena Voinova, who lived with him for more than 10 years and gave birth to a son. But he did common business. Voinova became the director and founder of the construction company Stroy Bat LLC. From 2011 to 2013, the company signed contracts for construction work in the reserve for a total amount of more than 20 million a year. Later, the company was redesigned, and Voinova opened a successful beauty salon in the center of Sochi. Sergei Shevelev financially participated in its creation.

In 2016, according to Voinova, Shevelev forced her to sign a loan agreement in the amount of 6 million rubles, which she did not actually receive. Voinova was explained that in this way she would legalize the funds used to open the salon, and about the origin of which questions could arise for her husband. But later, the Adler District Court of Sochi recovered these 6 million rubles from Voinova, and as a result, all the property of the Prana beauty salon was re-registered to a certain Anna Chakryan.

Vilena Voinova herself says this about what happened: “In March 2016, when Sergei Georgievich was prosecuted for embezzlement of state funds on an especially large scale, he sent Genrikh Zakaryan, who was his friend, to me with a request to sign it retroactively , namely on July 15, 2012, a loan agreement prepared in advance by Shevelev... I entered my data into it myself, as well as the fact that I allegedly borrowed 6 million from Zakarian to open the Prana beauty salon.

Now Voinova’s statements about the fraudulent actions of Shevelev and Chakryan are being handled by the department for the investigation of particularly important cases of the investigative department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Krasnodar Territory.

Having fallen out of favor with her husband after the birth of a child, Vilena Voinova was forced to leave Sochi, losing both her business and her home. At the end of last year, she filed for alimony, and now, according to her, threats are coming from her ex-husband.

To clarify some details of this investigation, the editors sent a request to the reserve. There was no official response. But when the material was already ready for publication, a certain woman with a typical Kuban dialect called from a number registered in the Krasnodar Territory at the editorial phone number indicated in the request, and introduced herself as an "individual". The woman said that the correspondent tried to blackmail her (how exactly, she found it difficult to explain). The editors suggest that this call can be considered a kind of response to our request.

According to many former and current employees of the reserve, as well as public environmental organizations, Alexander Petrenko is the best candidate for the position of head of the Northern Department. The environmental watch of the North Caucasus addressed the leadership of the department of state policy in the field of environmental protection of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia and the leadership of the Caucasian Reserve with a request for this appointment.

For many years, the vicious practice of illegal hunting and logging flourished in the Northern Department of the Caucasian Reserve, located on the territory of the Republic of Adygea, not without the knowledge of its leader Nikolai Vorozheikin. And this was only part of the problems that have accumulated over the years of his leadership. The collapsing economic base and the extremely plight of the inspectors who do not receive the prescribed rations and uniforms, and finally, the highest rates of staff turnover and mortality among state inspectors in the reserve also clearly testified to the problematic situation in this department.

The beginning of the end of this situation, which cast a shadow on the reputation of one of the oldest Russian nature reserves, was laid when, in the early summer of this year, activists of the Environmental Watch revealed facts of systematic illegal logging along the road leading from the Guzeripl cordon to the Pasture Abago ridge.

After that, the Ecological Watch began to seek the dismissal of Nikolai Vorozheykin, who bears the main blame for the fact that a critical situation has developed in the Northern Department. However, the result was achieved only in the second half of July 2009. As a result of a survey of the territory of the department in the area of ​​​​the Guzeripl cordon, in which employees of the reserve, the Center for the Protection of the Forest of the Krasnodar Territory and activists of the Ecological Watch took part, new facts of illegal logging were revealed. Illegal cuts were found, despite the fact that the trees were cut down at the root, their stumps were buried, masked by freshly planted ferns. This showed that the practice of illegal logging in the Northern Division has a long history and a wide geography. Nikolai Vorozheikin was forced to resign. Following him, several employees close to him quit. And now there is a chance that the vicious tendencies that have taken root in the activities of this subdivision of the reserve will actually be eradicated and a protected regime of protection will indeed be established on its territory.

However, this can only happen if a person who is really capable of putting things in order in it is appointed as the head of the Northern Department. Considering what a difficult legacy the new leader will inherit after many years of decline, it is extremely important to appoint a strong-willed authoritative person who is respected by the reserve staff and local residents to this position.

And there is such a person - this is the former head of the Northern Department, Alexander Petrenko. Over the past decade, the period during which he led the department is the only time when the fight against poaching was actively carried out on its territory, regardless of ranks and faces, and when a healthy internal atmosphere reigned in the team of the department's employees. Under his leadership, an unprecedented phenomenon happened: almost all drinking inspectors stopped drinking. A lot of promising young people came to the department. It was during that period that an extraordinary event occurred when the inspector of the department, headed by Petrenko, detained at the Fisht shelter a gang of reputable poachers with the participation of a police officer, whom no one had dared to detain before in the reserve.

It became known that large-scale destruction of many hectares of yew-boxwood forests, unique both in themselves and because they are a habitat for many protected animal species, is expected in the near future.
In this regard, the leaders of green organizations turned to Achim Steiner for help in preventing the destruction of these valuable natural areas and asked him to "immediately contact the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee and the Russian government with a request to stop further construction of the combined (railway and road) road Adler - Krasnaya Polyan and initiate a meeting in Sochi between UNEP, the IOC, the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee, international biodiversity experts and non-governmental organizations to find a solution to avoid the currently anticipated unprecedented damage."

Alexander Petrenko - former military man, colonel, veteran of military operations in Afghanistan and Chechnya, awarded many military orders and medals. After leaving the army, he showed himself from the best side, being engaged in practical environmental activities in various positions: in addition to the reserve, he worked as the head of the site in the Elot hunting farm, the state inspector of the Nelidovsky interdistrict department of the Rosselkhoznadzor Administration for the Tver region, the game manager of the Zapadnodvinsky district of the Tver region, deputy director and senior huntsman of Cossack hunting economy LLC. It is precisely such people that the Caucasian Reserve urgently needs, the state of affairs in which in the field of protection is far from brilliant.

The news that Alexander Petrenko could return to the post of head of the Northern Department stirred up the former and current employees of the reserve, gave them hope for the improvement of the situation in the department. And they compiled, wrote and sent an appeal to the director of the Caucasian Reserve Sergey Shevelev, as well as the director of the Department of Ecology Policy of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia Rinat Gizatulin, who is in charge of the reserves of Russia. In it, they asked to appoint Alexander Petrenko to the post of head of the Northern Department. This appeal was signed by 20 people.

Petrenko's candidacy is also supported by the Environmental Watch for the North Caucasus and the largest Russian public organization, the Social and Ecological Union. This organization has historical ties with the Northern Department of the Caucasian Reserve: the decision to create it was once made on the territory of this department - at the Guzeripl cordon, where in the summer of 1987 activists of the public environmental movement gathered to create an all-Russian environmental organization.

The Environmental Watch for the North Caucasus also sent official appeals to the Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of Russia, Yuri Trutnev, and the director of the Caucasian Reserve, Sergei Shevelev, requesting the appointment of Alexander Petrenko.

The public and the staff of the reserve hope that their opinion will be heard and that the leadership of the Caucasian Reserve is no less interested than the public in the actual establishment of order in the Northern Department and the strengthening of its leadership.

The Caucasian Reserve is the main component of the Western Caucasus World Natural Heritage Site, and the state of affairs in it attracts the attention of not only the Russian public, but also the world community. Involving such people as Petrenko to work in it helps to ensure that the preservation of the Western Caucasus is provided at the level of the best world standards.

Dmitry Bolotnikov(Environmental Watch for the North Caucasus, in the past - head of the operational group of the Caucasian Reserve)

Director of the Department of Public Policy

in the field of environmental protection of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia

Gizatulin R.R.

Director of the Caucasian Reserve

Shevelev S.G.

Appeal for the candidature of the head of the Northern Department of KGPBZ

We, currently working and former employees of the Northern Department of the Caucasian Reserve, ask you to take measures to restore order in this department.

The Northern Department of the Caucasian Reserve - the largest and oldest reserve in the Caucasus - has been in a state of crisis for a long time. This is connected not only with the economic processes in the country, due to which the reserves are funded much worse, but also with the ethical problems of the society, which puts momentary benefits above high moral standards. Poaching hunts, which again brought the restored population of the Caucasian bison to the brink of extinction, are a vivid confirmation of this. We, the locals, remember the time when the bison approached the gardens of the mountain villages surrounding the Northern Department of the KGPBZ.

In connection with the vacancy of the position of the head of the Northern Department of the Caucasian Reserve, we, the undersigned, earnestly ask you to take into account the opinion of former and current employees of the department when making a decision on the appointment of the head of the Northern Department of the KGPBZ. We consider it necessary to restore order in the Northern Department to appoint Alexander Ivanovich Petrenko, who already worked as the head of the Northern Department in 2000-2001, to this position.

During his leadership, almost all aspects of the life and work of the reserve's employees have changed for the better. It is necessary to note the improvement in the material support of the state inspectors of the reserve, who received the necessary uniforms and even food for making rounds, which was not practiced by the leadership before, and even after it.

Thanks to the active fodder harvesting, the condition of the horses, without which it is impossible to exercise control over the vast territory of the reserve, has significantly changed: the horses were fattened, shod and able to carry inspectors along detour routes. In addition to the material side of the issue, the social and ethical side of the issue is very important, since the workers of the reserve, jointly improving the material condition of the cordon, felt it as their home: this rallied the team, which, without exaggeration, became a large friendly family of like-minded people. It should be noted that almost all drinking workers of the reserve during the work of Petrenko A.I. quit drinking - this suggests that hopelessness, which gave rise to alcoholism, has gone out of their lives, and there is a desire to build their lives in a different, positive way.

Naturally, in such an atmosphere of understanding and support from the leader, the subordinates form a truly correct attitude towards the reserve: this territory is perceived not only as a resource that needs to be protected (and if it is very difficult, then steal a piece of food for yourself), but as the highest ethical value, for the sake of which nature was commanded! In such an atmosphere, the reserve becomes not just a place of work, but is perceived precisely as the true face of the planet, which we all need to preserve for posterity. Without an ethical component, it is impossible to fight poaching in principle. And it was this component that allowed the staff of the Northern Department to significantly reduce the level of poaching in the reserve.

After his dismissal, the level of poaching on the territory of the reserve in Adygea increased again, custom-made hunting resumed, the apotheosis of which was the killing of two bison on the Abago Pasture. On the territory of the Northern Department, commercial harvesting of trout with smoking on the spot, trophy hunting, illegal logging and many other violations of the regime were carried out.

Once again, we kindly ask you to appoint Petrenko A.I., a military officer, who has shown himself not only as an experienced business executive, but also as a leader with high ethical ideals, necessary for the head of the most problematic division of the reserve, to the post of head of the Northern Department of the KGBBZ.

Tlekhas M.N.(v. Novoprokhladnoe), Bolotnikov D.V.(v. Novoprokhladnoe), Beshentseva O.L.(p. Guzeripl), Gukolava A.O.(p. Guzeripl), Lyashchenko A.V.(p. Guzeripl), Ryabtsev A.A.(p. Guzeripl), Lozovoi S.N.(v. Novoprokhladnoe), Nebroev S.A.(v. Novoprokhladnoe), Sergeev Yu.A.(p. Guzeripl), Lyashchenko L.A.(p. Guzeripl), Ermakovich V.S.(p. Guzeripl), Yachcharim A.A.(p. Guzeripl), Gukalov R.V.(p. Guzeripl), Nemchenko A.D.(p. Guzeripl), Lukyanchenko S.A.(p. Guzeripl), Ruginova N.N.(p. Guzeripl), Kolokolnikov A.I.(p. Guzeripl), Eskina T.G. Awe S.A. Art. n. collaborator KGPBZ (Maikop), Akatova T.V. Art. n. collaborator KGPBZ (Maikop)

Meanwhile, there is no clarity on the question of who will compensate for the damage already inflicted on Pshada. In theory, the same Gelendzhik administration should go to court demanding to recover from the perpetrators the damage caused to the nature of the resort and its image. However, there is no such thing. In this regard, the Environmental Watch for the North Caucasus sent an official letter to the head of the resort city of Gelendzhik, Viktor Khrestin, in which he asked him to "take comprehensive measures aimed at curbing the environmentally harmful activity of providing jeeping services in the channels of mountain rivers flowing through the territory of the city - resort, and for compensation for damage caused as a result of jeeping on the Pshada River, as well as organize an internal check against persons in the administration of the resort city who assisted this activity.

No. EW-236/1-09 of 09/07/2009

Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation

Trutnev Yu.P.

Request to strengthen the leadership of the Northern district forestry of the Caucasian Reserve

The Caucasus Reserve - as a unique natural area and as one of the most problematic UNESCO World Natural Heritage sites in Russia - attracts special attention of the general public. And in this regard, it is extremely important that there be order inside the reserve, the protection of natural complexes is properly ensured and a healthy internal atmosphere reigns. Unfortunately, on the territory of one of the parts of the reserve - the Northern Forestry (in the past - the department), an extremely unhealthy situation has developed over a long period.

When this department was headed by Vorozheikin N.S., there was a vicious practice of illegal hunting and logging with the knowledge of the department's management, which caused serious damage to natural complexes and undermined the authority of the reserve among the local population, which was well informed about this situation.

The northern forestry is located on the territory of the Republic of Adygea, with the leadership of which the Caucasian Reserve and the Ministry of Natural Resources have problems every now and then on the basis of the republic's claims to the reserve's lands. And the situation in which the reserve's employees themselves violated its regime and allowed others to do so, as well as the possible corruption component of these processes, also undermined the authority of the reserve in the eyes of the officials of the republic, which morally complicated interaction with them on the basis of preserving the integrity of the reserve.

This year, our organization revealed facts of illegal logging in the reserve, as a result of which Vorozheykin N.S. was forced to resign. However, his departure does not solve all the problems in the Northern Forestry, but only creates an opportunity for further improvement of the situation there. In order for the situation in this department, primarily in the field of protection, which is now extremely neglected, to improve and for the population of the villages adjacent to the reserve to restore the authority of the reserve, it is necessary that a person with the necessary integrity and respect and trust of the inhabitants be placed at the head of the forestry and conservation workers. This should be a strong-willed leader, really capable of putting things in order and breaking the established vicious tendencies in the activities of the forestry.

Our organization held consultations with the employees of the reserve, both former and current, local residents, representatives of law enforcement agencies, with whom we work together in the field of environmental protection. As a result of these consultations, our organization has identified a worthy candidate for the position of the head of the Northern Forestry.

I ask you to appoint Alexander Ivanovich Petrenko, who already worked in this position in 2001-2002, as the head of the Northern Forestry of the Caucasian Reserve. During this period, he showed his best side, raised the security on the territory of the department to a high level, rallied the team. He has all the necessary qualities to properly organize environmental and economic activities in forestry.

This issue was agreed with Petrenko A.I. He would very much like to return to the reserve and will soon apply for a job.

Our organization is ready to provide Petrenko A.I. various assistance in solving the problems of the Northern forestry, in information coverage of the activities of the forestry, in the formation of a favorable image of the Caucasian Reserve in the minds of the population of the villages adjacent to the reserve and the general public.


Rudomakha A.V.

"They bring them in helicopters, they shoot at the deer from above and fly away"

The original of this material
© The Insider, 02/15/2018, Photo: via The Insider,

"Medvedev also came to fish"

Sofia Rusova

The Caucasus Nature Reserve, a UNESCO-protected natural heritage site, has become a favorite place for illegal hunting and fishing by Russian officials, security officials and judges. fished here and Dmitry Medvedev, but especially for Vladimir Putin here (illegally) the Lunnaya Polyana complex was built. After the director of the reserve quarreled with his common-law wife, The Insider got a lot of new evidence of an organized poaching business and illegal buildings on the lands of the reserve.

The Caucasian Biosphere Reserve begins a stone's throw from the expensive nightclubs and casinos of Krasnaya Polyana. This is one of the 11 Russian natural heritage sites of UNESCO. The reserve is one of the most visited in the country, although getting there is not so easy - you need to ask for permission and get a special pass, and this is true, since we are talking about specially protected natural complexes, a treasury of biological diversity.

But not only hikers with a backpack and a tent are rushing here. Forbidden hunting and fishing is a favorite pastime for many officials of various calibers. [...] According to the staff of the reserve, the situation is becoming more and more unhealthy every day because of this. People who are financially dependent on the reserve are afraid to give their names, but after the inspections began, some of them took it upon themselves to speak anonymously.

These checks began in January: the Investigative Committee of the Adler district of Sochi received a statement from one of the former employees demanding to initiate a criminal case against the director of the Caucasian Reserve, Sergei Shevelev, under the article on fraud (Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). These materials were transferred to the First Department for the Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee for the Krasnodar Territory. At the same time, as it became known to The Insider, the Ministry of Natural Resources is preparing to conduct its own check to see if the director of the reserve has exceeded his powers.

Director Nicknamed "The Beast"

Stories about the harsh nature of the director of the Caucasian Reserve, Sergei Shevelev, have been circulating for a long time: subordinates call him a “beast” behind his back. Employees told The Insider correspondent that at meetings it comes to assault: the boss can throw an ashtray in the face, stick a pen in the shoulder in a fit of anger. The director of the reserve is the type of person who enjoys power and the opportunity to humiliate others. He can publicly beat ordinary forest inspectors, but they are forced to obediently remain silent.

According to employees, their financial condition depends entirely on the personal attitude of the director. Shevelev does not accept any objections and likes to repeat among the workers that he is "the best director of the reserve that has ever been." At the same time, the final salary consists of salary, tariff rate, bonuses. The director himself sets the amount of these additional payments and allowances, but he can also impose a penalty, and in fact - a fine. Nobody wants to quarrel with him, not only because of financial dependence: many of the employees are people who are sincerely devoted to the conservation work and protection of the nature of the Caucasus. You have to endure humiliation, turn a blind eye to many things.

But Shevelev allows himself to behave this way only with his subordinates. With powerful people, he is courteous and friendly. After all, it was the ability to be friends with the right people that allowed him to be a permanent director for sixteen years. Note, however, that Shevelev began as a simple forester. How did he manage to become an influential and wealthy person?

Not everyone remembers that Viktor Chernomyrdin was a great hunter. Aborigines say that it was Shevelev who organized the hunt for him, then working as the head of the reserve's security. Chernomyrdin liked to ride a bear. The permanent Yeltsin prime minister was even going to build a house in Krasnaya Polyana, but did not have time. It cannot be said that Chernomyrdin was original in this. Occasionally, poaching came to the attention of law enforcement officers, as it was not so long ago in the case of high-ranking officials of the Krasnodar Territory and the Presidential Administration, when even the Investigative Committee confirmed the fact of hunting.

[, 02/07/2018, "The Investigative Committee confirmed that officials Moldovanov and Koloskov hunted near Gelendzhiklm": The story of poaching wild boar with the participation of a group of high-ranking officials, which we have already talked about many times, has grown into a detective story. We managed to obtain official confirmation that officials of the regional department of Rosprirodnadzor and the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Krasnodar Territory really hunted in the area of ​​​​the village of Tekos in December 2017. The place of action was also confirmed - the hunting farm of LLC "Vostok-Zapad" (the same one that is headed by the son of the head of the Main Directorate of Public Catering of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation Bolat Zakaryanov).
Recall that on December 9 last year, near the village of Tekos, employees of the Russian Guard detained a group of hunters, in whose presence a dead wild boar was found. According to the information that EcoWatch has, the hunters could not present a license to hunt this animal, a voucher giving the right to hunt on the territory of the East-West hunting estate (it was here that the detention took place).
But the most interesting thing became clear when identifying the detainees: among them were the head of the Main Directorate of Public Catering of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, Bolat Zakaryanov (known as one of the former heads of OOO UK Investstroy, to which the so-called. "Putin's Palace" near the village of Praskoveevka), Roman Moldovanov, head of the Office of Rosprirodnadzor for the Krasnodar Territory, and Andrey Koloskov, head of the Department for Protection, Federal State Supervision and Regulation of the Use of Wildlife Objects and Their Habitats of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Krasnodar Territory, together with two of his subordinates.
At the end of December, information appeared that the Department of the Investigative Committee for the Krasnodar Territory had begun an investigation at the request of Ecological Watch, but - as is now known - also at the request of the alleged poachers themselves, who accused EcoWatch of "false denunciation".
This information came to light from the response of the investigator of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Investigative Committee for the Krasnodar Territory, Inver Kunov [...]. - Inset]

But as a rule, bureaucratic poaching is overlooked, although it is a serious criminal offense. Several sources told The Insider about the well-organized system of organizing hunting in the Caucasian Reserve.

The main VIP-hunts are organized by the cordons "Umpyr" and "Chernorechye", say the staff of the reserve. Shevelev himself has not been involved in the technical side for a long time, this is entrusted to his deputy for protection Gennady Pilipenko. Shevelev only communicates with guests. Among the hunters came across federal judges, employees of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, show business stars. They usually found out about this only in case of serious incidents. So, according to Ecowatch, in 2015, the head of the Lazarevsky district of Sochi, Sergey Polyansky, died while hunting for a wild boar in the national park.

“There are hunting lodges in the Caucasus Reserve, but they are almost never used - VIP hunters are brought in by helicopters, they shoot at deer from above and fly away,” said Dmitry Shevchenko, deputy coordinator of the Environmental Watch for the North Caucasus. As explained in the reserve, most often guests hunt bear, aurochs and deer. The West Caucasian tur (or goat) is considered an endangered species according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

There are witnesses of the hunt by Andrei Krainik, who headed the Caucasian branch of MegaFon, and Andrei Tivodar, deputy chairman of the Adler district court. Also, former and current employees of the reserve are ready to tell about cases of hunting directly to the investigating authorities, in the event that real, and not fictitious checks are carried out.

Already after the presidential "castling" in 2012, the head of the Eastern Department of the Protection of the Caucasian Reserve, Viktor Bulgakov, helped organize fishing for Dmitry Medvedev. The Prime Minister, accompanied by the FSO and the director of the reserve, flew in by several helicopters, went fishing, had a picnic and flew away. After that, serious budget money was allocated to support the work of the reserve. Billboards announcing the prohibition of not only hunting, but also fishing, are clearly visible on the territory of the reserve and at the entrance to it.

At the same time, no one saw Vladimir Putin, who often came to Sochi, in the reserve. Perhaps because far in its depths there is a complex inaccessible to prying eyes. "Moonfield" which can only be reached by helicopter.

“Cordon Pslukh generally exists only for personal enrichment purposes. The wooden houses that stand there are used with a bang for renting to the right people and not always at least something goes to the cashier. The same thing happens at the Aviary Complex: houses are rented out for the night for dates, and the money for the bathhouse that functions there often does not go through officially. All income from it goes personally to Shevelev’s pocket, ”the employees say.

Shevelev's organization of hunting and leisure activities for the right people turned out to be a convenient way to acquire connections and high patrons. And in turn, they help their son's career: in 2012, Nikolai Sergeevich Shevelev was appointed a federal judge of the Central District Court of Sochi by presidential decree. Becoming a federal judge at the age of 29, while having a relative with a criminal record from his wife, is a rare success. People from the director's entourage say that for this he flew to Moscow more than once to the highest-ranking officials.

Acquaintance with Khodorkovsky

Acquaintance with Chernomyrdin and other officials led to career growth. First, Shevelev was appointed head of the protection department of the reserve, and since 2002 - director. In order to build a “little candle factory”, slightly different connections were required. Moreover, it was at this time that oil prices began to rise, and really big money flowed into Russia. Mikhail Khodorkovsky with friends came to the reserve with a few jeeps and asked for a test drive. He drove around the reserve for a long time until the jeeps "killed". As a thank you, Shevelev received a large sum, with which he bought his first UAZ to ride guests, and made some repairs in his office.

Later, when Khodorkovsky started having problems with the authorities, his visit to the reserve was remembered. In the minutes of the court session Leonid Nevzlin On May 28, 2008, at which the trip was discussed, the interrogation of Sergei Shevelev was reflected. An excerpt is given in the book of journalist Vera Vasilyeva " Alexey Pichugin- ways and crossroads (biographical sketch) ":

"Prosecutor Alexander Kubliakov (addressing Sergei Shevelev): "In your presence, how did Pichugin communicate with the leadership of the Yukos Oil Company - on an equal footing or kept aloof?" Sergey Shevelev: "No, not on equal terms. We were on equal terms Lebedev, Shakhnovsky, Nevzlin and Khodorkovsky. Pichugin could say “clean up here, drive the car there” and so on. Lawyer Dmitry Kharitonov: “He [Pichugin] organized everything for them?” Sergei Shevelev: “Yes, that is, he said where we were going and so on, he organized, as it were, a vacation.”

"Governor's cottage"

In 2005, a residential complex was put into operation, located on the territory of the reserve in the area of ​​Mount Aishkha-2. Officially, it was transferred to the operational management of the state budgetary institution of the Krasnodar Territory "Resorts of the Krasnodar Territory". The people called the building "governor's dacha". Budget money was allocated for its construction on the initiative of Alexandra Tkacheva, who apparently wanted to make his residence in this place. At that time, these were still the lands of the reserve, on which a strict security regime was in effect, and the project itself was illegal.

For some reason, however, Tkachev changed his mind. Now these two large wooden houses, fully furnished, are in the private property of Heinrich Zakaryan, a close friend of Shevelev's businessmen. This happened in June last year, as a result of an auction for the sale of especially valuable state property of the Krasnodar Territory, where Zakarian was the only participant.
Heinrich Zakaryan
By law, private property cannot be located in the reserve: the houses had to be dismantled and taken out. But they stand there to this day and enjoy the protection of the reserve. According to eyewitnesses, Shevelev has been using them as his own dacha for all these years and inviting distinguished guests there. The buildings are serviced by hired workers, cleaners, cooks... “In general, over the past three or four years, the reserve has turned into some kind of private Shevelev’s shop specifically for “walking” guests and expanding ties,” the reserve staff say.

However, you cannot build a permanent business simply on connections and the use of state property. You need a legal entity. And for the director of a state-owned enterprise, this can be difficult.

Where does a certain businessman Zakarian get such privileges? How did he manage to be the only participant in the competition and become the owner of a house that, according to the law, cannot be owned? It's simple, Zakarian is Shevelev's business partner.


According to the declaration, in 2016 Sergey Shevelev's income amounted to as much as 76 million rubles. For some reason, this did not raise questions either from the Ministry of Natural Resources, or from the investigating authorities, or from the professional community. But this is not interesting, but the spread in declared incomes. For example, in 2012-2014, Shevelev's income, according to the Declarator project, steadily amounted to about 4.5 million rubles a year. And in 2015 they suddenly dropped sharply to 863 thousand. What happened? Has the director been stripped of his bonus? No, apparently, 863 thousand, declared in 2015, this is his salary. And millions in other years came from completely different sources.

In 2013, Sergey Shevelev registered as an individual entrepreneur in the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 16 for the Krasnodar Territory. The main activity was declared to be “activities for providing places for temporary residence”, that is, the hotel business. Shevelev, strictly speaking, is not a civil servant, but only the director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise, and the unconditional ban on doing business does not apply to him. But since we are still talking about a state-owned enterprise, there are restrictions: he must ask permission from the ministry. And in this case, the ministry should have refused him - after all, there is a clear conflict of interest.

Set in Esto-Sadok, Khomutovsky Dvorik is 500 meters from Karusel-1 Ski Lift and 1.6 km from Laura Ski Lift. According to the website, guests are ready to accept guests here at the end of March for 60 thousand rubles for two nights in a cottage with four bedrooms. Simple arithmetic shows that the declared rental income of 4 million a year is quite modest. But perhaps not all income from the delivery of real estate necessarily passed through the cashier.

According to an extract from the USRN, Sergey Shevelev owned the houses until March 2016. Then he sold them to the owner of the Sochi Skypark, Dmitry Fedin. Apparently, this is how the 76 million declared by Shevelev for this year were formed. In April 2017, the IP was liquidated. Fedin, together with Zakarian (the current owner of the “governor's dacha”), are co-owners of NAMASTE LLC, whose main activity is restaurants and food delivery. And their second common business is PARA-GUIDE LLC, which deals with real estate.

Family contract

Perhaps we would know much less about Shevelev if not for his wife. He did not formalize his marriage with Vilena Voinova, who lived with him for more than 10 years and gave birth to a son. But he did common business. Voinova became the director and founder of the construction company Stroy Bat LLC. From 2011 to 2013, the company signed contracts for construction work in the reserve for a total amount of more than 20 million a year. Later, the company was redesigned, and Voinova opened a successful beauty salon in the center of Sochi. Sergei Shevelev financially participated in its creation.

In 2016, according to Voinova, Shevelev forced her to sign a loan agreement in the amount of 6 million rubles, which she did not actually receive. Voinova was explained that in this way she would legalize the funds used to open the salon, and about the origin of which questions could arise for her husband. But later, the Adler District Court of Sochi recovered these 6 million rubles from Voinova, and as a result, all the property of the Prana beauty salon was re-registered to a certain Anna Chakryan.

Vilena Voinova herself says this about what happened: “In March 2016, when Sergei Georgievich was prosecuted for embezzlement of state funds on an especially large scale, he sent Genrikh Zakaryan, who was his friend, to me with a request to sign backdated , namely on July 15, 2012, a loan agreement prepared in advance by Shevelev. I entered my data into it myself, as well as the fact that I allegedly borrowed 6 million from Zakarian to open the Prana beauty salon.

Now Voinova’s statements about the fraudulent actions of Shevelev and Chakryan are being handled by the department for the investigation of particularly important cases of the investigative department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Krasnodar Territory.

Having fallen out of favor with her husband after the birth of a child, Vilena Voinova was forced to leave Sochi, losing both her business and her home. At the end of last year, she filed for alimony, and now, according to her, threats are coming from her ex-husband.

To clarify some details of this investigation, the editors sent a request to the reserve. There was no official response. But when the material was already ready for publication, a certain woman with a characteristic Kuban dialect called from a number registered in the Krasnodar Territory at the editorial phone number indicated in the request, and introduced herself as an “individual”. The woman said that The Insider correspondent tried to blackmail her ( She found it difficult to explain what exactly.) The Insider suggests that this call can be considered a kind of response to our request.

According to the complaint of the director of the Federal State Institution “Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve named after Kh.G. Shaposhnikov" Sheveleva S.G. on the decision in the case of an administrative offense under Art. 19.7 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation

Case no.

Received Adler District Court of Sochi (Krasnodar Territory)

  1. March 3, 2011 Adler District Court of Sochi
  2. Krasnodar Territory, consisting of:
  3. presiding Fedorova E.T.
  4. At the court session secretary Parfenova O.O.,
  5. Having considered in open court the complaint of the director of the Federal State Institution “Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve named after Kh.G. Shaposhnikov" Sheveleva S.G. against the Ruling on the case of an administrative offense dated February 10, 2011, issued by the justice of the peace of judicial district No. 88 of the Adler district of Sochi,
  6. Installed:

  7. On February 10, 2011, the director of the Federal State Institution “Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve named after Kh.G. Shaposhnikov" Shevelev S.G. found guilty of committing an administrative offense under the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and he was sentenced to an administrative fine in the amount of 300 (three hundred) rubles.
  8. Shevelev S.G. appealed to the court with an appeal against said decision of the justice of the peace, considers it illegal and subject to cancellation.
  9. According to the complaint, when issuing the decision, the judge did not comprehensively and fully evaluate all the evidence obtained in the case, did not check their reliability and legality. According to him, Sheveleva S.G., there is no event of an offense.
  10. In violation of the requirements, the justice of the peace did not establish the true circumstances of this administrative case. Therefore, he believes that the Justice of the Peace has not fully investigated the circumstances of the case. He asks the court to cancel the Resolution on an administrative offense of February 10, 2011 and terminate the proceedings.
  11. According to the complaint, the Department of Rosprirodnadzor for the Southern Federal District conducted a scheduled inspection of the Caucasian Reserve. Based on the results of the inspection, it was concluded that the Caucasus Reserve violated the Forest Code of the Russian Federation and the order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation dated July 9, 2007 No. 175 of Russia and protocols dated December 27, 2010 No. the person - the director of the Caucasian Reserve S.G. Sheveleva. Asks to take into account that the Caucasian Reserve or its director was not requested by a proper determination on the provision of reports by the reserve on the use, protection, protection, reforestation, afforestation to the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia or an official of the Department of Rosprirodnadzor for the Southern Federal District. In addition, due to the frequent change of officials of the KGPBZ responsible for maintaining forestry documentation, the procedure for storing documentation was violated, and officials of the Caucasian Reserve during the inspection could not familiarize the inspector of the Department of Rosprirodnadzor for the Southern Federal District with the reporting documentation on the use, protection, protection, reforestation, afforestation. He also asks to take into account that reports on the use, protection, protection, reforestation, afforestation for the period from 2008 to 2010 were timely submitted by the Caucasian Reserve to the Department of State Policy and Regulation in the Sphere of Environmental Protection and Ecological Safety of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology Russian Federation in accordance with the requirements of the legislation. Considers that there is no event of an administrative offense. According to the letter of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation dated February 2, 2011 No. 12-46 / 1367, reports on the use, protection, protection, reforestation, afforestation for the period from 2008 to 2010 were timely submitted to the Department of State Policy and Regulation in the field environmental protection and ecological safety of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation.
  12. The representative of the person in respect of whom proceedings are being conducted on the case of an administrative offense, at the court session, supported the arguments set forth in the complaint, asked to satisfy and terminate the proceedings. At the same time, he submitted to the court for review the original letter of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation dated 02.02.2011 No. 12-46 / 1367 and the original reports on the use, conservation, protection, reforestation, afforestation for the period from 2008 to 2010.
  13. After hearing the representative of the person in respect of whom the proceedings are being conducted, having studied the materials of the case on an administrative offense, the court concludes that it is necessary to satisfy the complaint, cancel the decision of the justice of the peace and terminate the proceedings on the following grounds.
  14. In accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, in the case of an administrative offense, the presence of an event of an administrative offense is subject to clarification; the guilt of a person in committing an administrative offense, the circumstances excluding the proceedings on the case of an administrative offense, other circumstances that are important for the correct resolution of the case, as well as the reasons and conditions for committing an administrative offense.
  15. Based on the provisions of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, an unlawful, guilty action (inaction) of a person for which administrative responsibility is established is recognized as an administrative offense.
  16. As follows from the case file, the Department of Rosprirodnadzor for the Southern Federal District, in accordance with the order of the Department of Rosprirodnadzor for the Southern Federal District of November 15, 2010, No. 646 and December 15, 2010, No. 770, represented by the senior state inspector for the Southern Federal District Izyumnikov V.G. a scheduled inspection was carried out by the Federal State Institution “Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve named after Kh.G. Shaposhnikov.
  17. During the audit, it was revealed that at the time of the audit, reports on the use, protection, reforestation, afforestation by the reserve were not submitted to the Ministry of Russia.
  18. Based on the results of the audit, it was concluded that the Caucasian Reserve violated the Forest Code of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation dated 09.07.2007 No. 175 of Russia both in relation to the legal entity - the Caucasian Reserve, and on him, as an official - the director of the Caucasian Reserve Sheveleva S .G. protocols were drawn up on an administrative offense for committing an administrative offense under the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
  19. According to the protocol on an administrative offense dated December 27, 2010 No. 04/10, it follows that on December 27, 2010 at 12 hours 10 minutes. Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve named after Kh.G. Shaposhnikov” does not provide reports on the use, protection, protection, reforestation, afforestation, which violated the Forest Code of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated July 9, 2007 No. 175.
  20. As follows from the case file, neither the Kavkazsky Reserve nor its director was requested by a proper ruling on the provision of reserves reports on the use, protection, protection, reforestation, afforestation to the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia or an official of the Department of Rosprirodnadzor for the Southern Federal District.
  21. As established in the court session, reports on the use, protection, protection, reforestation, afforestation for the period from 2008 to 2010 were timely submitted by the Caucasian Reserve to the Department of State Policy and Regulation in the Sphere of Environmental Protection and Ecological Safety of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Forest Code of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation dated July 9, 2007 No. 175, which is confirmed by letter No. 12-46 / 1367 dated February 2, 2011 of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation dated February 2, 2011 No. 12-46 /1367 and a report on the use, protection, protection, reforestation, afforestation for the period from 2008 to 2010.
  22. In addition, due to the frequent change of officials of the KGPBZ responsible for maintaining forestry documentation, the procedure for storing documentation was violated, and officials of the Caucasian Reserve during the inspection were unable to familiarize the inspector of the Department of Rosprirodnazor for the Southern Federal District with reporting documentation on the use, protection, protection, reforestation, afforestation.
  23. Thus, the court considers that when the justice of the peace made the decision, the actions of the director of the FGU “Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve named after Kh.G. Shaposhnikov” Sheveleva S.G., were not qualified correctly, legally significant circumstances were not fully established.
  24. In accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the judge is not bound by the arguments of the complaint and checks the case in full.
  25. According to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a person is subject to administrative liability only for those administrative offenses in respect of which his guilt has been established.
  26. In connection with the foregoing, the court considers that, taking into account the various evidence examined in this court session, it is not possible to conclude that the director of the FGU “Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve named after Kh.G. Shaposhnikov” Sheveleva S.G., in the commission of this administrative offense.
  27. In accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, proceedings in a case on an administrative offense cannot be started, and the initiated proceedings are subject to termination, in the absence of an administrative offense.
  28. In view of the foregoing, based on the data established at the hearing, the court concludes that it is necessary to satisfy the complaint, cancel the decision of the justice of the peace and terminate the proceedings on the basis of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, i.e. due to the absence of an administrative offense.
  29. Based on the above, guided by Article.Article.30.7. - 30.8. , court Decision of the justice of the peace of the judicial district No. 88 of the Adler district of the city of Sochi dated February 10, 2011 in relation to the director of the FGU “Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve named after Kh.G. Shaposhnikova” Sheveleva S.G., – to cancel, to terminate the case on the basis of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, i.e. due to the absence of an administrative offense.
  30. Send a copy of this decision for information to the official director of the Federal State Institution “Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve named after Kh.G. Shaposhnikov” Shevelev S.G.
  31. The decision comes into force from the moment of its adoption.
  32. The decision can be appealed to the Krasnodar Regional Court in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
  33. The decision was made in the conference room.
  34. Judge Adler District Court Fedorov E.T.

Sergei Shevelev, director of the Caucasian State Biosphere Reserve, who is involved in an investigation into corruption and poaching, has filed a lawsuit against The Insider, the author of the article, Sofya Rusova, and Vilena Voinova, a former employee of the reserve. The lawsuit is linked to a text published on February 15, 2018. It is curious that, judging by the suit, Shevelev seeks to refute only some information about illegal hunting and about the facts of his personal biography, but does not deny information about the dacha illegally built in the reserve.

Recall that as part of this investigation, The Insider spoke with the staff of the reserve, who told how poaching is organized in the reserve. According to employees, among the hunters came across federal judges, employees of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and show business stars. The general public only became aware of this usually in the event of serious incidents. So, according to Ecowatch, in 2015, the head of the Lazarevsky district of Sochi, Sergey Polyansky, died while hunting for a wild boar in the national park. Shevelev himself, according to employees, has not been involved in the technical side for a long time, at the time of writing the investigation, this was entrusted to his deputy for security Gennady Pilipenko, while Shevelev only communicates with guests.

The investigation also mentioned that in 2005 there was a residential complex in the protected area near Mount Aishkha-2, known as the “governor's dacha”. Budget money was allocated for its construction at the initiative of Alexander Tkachev, who apparently wanted to make his residence in this place. At that time, these were still the lands of the reserve, on which a strict security regime was in effect, and the project itself was illegal. For some reason, however, Tkachev changed his mind, and now these two large wooden houses, fully furnished, after an auction with a single bidder, ended up in the private property of Shevelev's close friend and business partner, entrepreneur Heinrich Zakarian. According to eyewitnesses, Shevelev has been using them as his own dacha for all these years and inviting distinguished guests there. The buildings are serviced by hired workers, cleaners and cooks.

In his lawsuit, Shevelev does not mention the information about the dacha as unreliable, but only cites fragments related to his ex-common-law wife Vilena Voinova, with whom they lived together for 10 years and, according to her, have a common child (Shevelev himself, after the conflict with Voinova from child refused). Vilena Voinova, for her part, is ready to prove in court that everything she said earlier about the machinations of the ex-spouse is true.

Shevelev himself again declined to comment on The Insider, citing being busy. The Insider also intends to petition the court for an inspection of the UK for illegal hunting in the reserve and illegal construction of summer cottages there.

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