Principles of operation of haarp. US closes station in Alaska that many consider a climate weapon Alaska weather station

The action of a plasma weapon ("Harp" - HAARP) is that 180 phased antennas located on 15 hectares of terrain (in the state of Alaska) focus a high-energy microwave electromagnetic pulse in the ionosphere, resulting in the birth of a plasmoid (localized area of ​​highly ionized gas) , or ball lightning, which can be controlled by moving the focus of the antennas using a coherent laser beam ...

Warming up the ionosphere, Harp will create artificial magnetic storms, the consequences of which affect navigation systems, weather, and the mental state of people. And this reveals the second, darker face of the Harp project - as a geophysical weapon ...

The Pentagon revised its military doctrine in favor of developing a new concept for the creation and use of special weapons and means of destruction that do not inflict unnecessary losses in material values ​​and manpower - the so-called non-lethal weapons. Under this topic, an entire branch of the defense industry was allocated under the leadership of the US Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency with the participation of the laboratory of the Department of Energy. Geophysical weapons are based on the use of means of influence for military purposes on the processes occurring in the solid, liquid and gaseous shells of the Earth. Using the unstable states of these shells, with the help of a small push, catastrophic effects of the huge destructive forces of nature are caused. Geophysical weapons include means capable of stimulating earthquakes, the emergence of huge waves such as tsunamis, changes in the thermal regime or the destruction of the ozone layer over certain regions of the planet. According to the nature of the impact, geophysical weapons are sometimes divided into meteorological, ozone and climatic ...

The impossibility of control over the use of geophysical weapons makes them dangerous not only for the country on which the impact is directly directed, but also for the whole world. Even a trial use of "HARP" can cause a "trigger" effect with irreversible consequences for the entire planet: earthquakes, rotation of the earth's magnetic axis and a sharp cooling comparable to the Ice Age...

HARP is a system of high-frequency influence on the ionosphere. This is quite a serious thing. In September 2004, our Duma held special hearings on this issue. They adopted an appropriate decision, developed an appeal to the UN, an appeal to the president of our country, which said that some steps should be taken.

The principle of operation of the HARP system is as follows. Huge antenna fields have been created in Alaska. They are capable of generating radiation that has a very high power. The rays emanating from each individual antenna, connecting at one point, contribute to the emergence of a plasma cloud, that is, controlled giant ball lightning. And in that zone of the ionosphere, where this lightning moves, there is a strong destructuring. As a result, the warheads of missiles that pass through this zone, and if it is formed in the atmosphere, then aircraft entering this area enter its trajectory. If they fall into this area itself, they simply burn out, collapse. That's what the HARP system is.

But now it turned out that the formation of this ion cloud leads to the appearance of waves in the ionosphere, that is, to the emergence of a wave process. The ionosphere is the layer that conducts electricity. And underground lies a layer that also conducts electricity, this is magma. It turns out a cylindrical transformer. And everything that happens in the ionosphere echoes in magma, which provokes various earthquakes. In addition, since the ionosphere is the first to perceive solar radiation and other fluctuations and influences, any destabilization of the ionosphere leads to a change in weather conditions.

Now many scientists are coming to the conclusion that the events that have been associated with the flooding of Europe for the past two or three years are largely due to experiments with this HARP system. This weapon, in fact, is geophysical. In particular, there is direct evidence that the hurricanes that we are now seeing in America, and the current weather instability in general, are the result of the application of this HARP. This is proved by reference to competent specialists. We can assume that the significance of nuclear weapons is being leveled, which is why the Americans are beginning to quietly agree to move away from nuclear weapons.

HAARP (HARP) - High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (program of active high-frequency research of the auroral region), which are conducted under the direct supervision of the Pentagon. Within the framework of this program, a fundamentally new geophysical weapon, or, as it is also called, plasma, has been created. The possible range of its application, according to experts, is extremely wide - from missile defense to offensive weapons. But most importantly, scientists familiar with the issue are convinced that even tests (not to mention combat use) of these weapons can lead to catastrophic natural disasters. The monstrous cataclysms in the Indian Ocean are the result of tests of a new US weapon, experts say. However, everything is in order.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the brilliant physicist Nikola Tesla developed methods for transmitting electrical energy through the natural environment at any distance. Careful refinement of this method has led to the theoretical substantiation of the so-called "death ray", with the help of which electricity can be sent in any quantity to any distance. In other words, the foundations of a fundamentally new weapon system were created, which transmits energy in the atmosphere or through the earth's surface with its focusing in the desired region of the globe.

The HARP project itself has been operating since 1960. From this opinion, within its framework, electromagnetic broadcasts of varying intensity and related experiments began to be carried out in the USA (Colorado), Puerto Rico (Arecibo) and in Australia (Armidale).

The positive results of the research prompted the US Congress to approve a more than solid project budget, and three years later the HARP station was deployed in Alaska.

It is located 320 km from Anchorage and consists of 180 antennas 24 meters high each. The entire structure occupies 15 hectares of land at the foot of the mountains. With the help of these antennas, a section of the ionosphere, a fragile gaseous shell enriched with electrical particles, located above the ozone layer, "warms up" with a concentrated beam of high-frequency radio waves.

As a result of this, a plasmoid is born (a localized area of ​​highly charged gas), or a giant fireball that can be controlled. A plasmoid moving in the atmosphere leaves behind a trail of heated air with reduced pressure - an insurmountable obstacle for aircraft. An aircraft or rocket literally hits the epicenter of a tornado and is destroyed.

According to experts, within the framework of HARP, a real US missile defense system is being created. After all, it is quite obvious that the missile defense system, created on the basis of anti-missiles, is ineffective.

Even the most powerful computer is not able to simultaneously process information about the interception of a huge number of targets, including false ones. In addition, a plasmoid flying at the speed of light has an absolute advantage over an anti-missile that intercepts a target at a speed of 5 km/h. Therefore, the Pentagon made a bet on HARP.

The persistence with which the Americans demonstrate to the whole world the unsuccessful tests of their interceptor missiles only testifies to their desire to send public opinion down the "false trail", distracting them from creating a genuine missile defense system.

But defense against enemy missiles does not exhaust the entire HARP program. Antenna installations, heating up the ionosphere, create artificial magnetic storms, the consequences of which affect navigation systems, weather, and the mental and somatic state of people. And this circumstance was the reason why the so-called geophysical weapons are being developed within the framework of HARP.

Its essence is as follows: artificial ion clouds can function like optical lenses. These "lenses" will be used to reflect and direct electromagnetic waves of extremely low frequency to the desired point on the earth. According to military experts, both domestic and foreign, with the help of these "death rays" it is possible to damage or completely destroy military or commercial communication systems (including non-activated ones), it is possible to control and change the weather over the territory of any country or a vast geographical region. You can put the inhabitants of entire settlements to sleep or bring them into a state of panic. Cause heavy rains and floods designed to paralyze enemy communications. Stimulate earthquakes or huge waves such as tsunamis. Destroy the ozone layer over the territory of the enemy in order to penetrate to the Earth's surface the hard ultraviolet radiation of the Sun, which has a detrimental effect on the cells of living organisms.

But most importantly, the unpredictability of the results of the use of these weapons makes them dangerous not only for the country it affects, but for the whole world. Even a trial use of HARP can cause a "trigger" effect with irreversible consequences for the entire planet: earthquakes, rotation of the earth's magnetic axis and a sharp cooling comparable to the Ice Age.

One of Tesla's students, Bernard Eastlund, who actually prepared the scientific basis for HARP (In 1985, he patented his work under the menacing title "Method and mechanism for changing the area of ​​the atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere of the Earth") wrote that. - "The antenna facility in Alaska is actually" a massive ray gun capable of destroying not only all communications networks, but also missiles, aircraft, satellites and much more. Its use inevitably entails side effects, including climate disasters around the world, and the effects of deadly solar radiation."

Another specialist on the subject, Eduard Albert Meyer, points out the following: "This project (HARP - author's note) has turned into global vandalism due to the fact that an immense amount of energy with a gigawatt power has been thrown into the outer spheres of the Earth. The impact in the present and future results of impact on this planet and all life forms cannot be measured in any way. The destructive power of this weapon is thousands of times greater than that of an atomic bomb."

Many natural disasters in recent years, including the catastrophic flood in the South of Europe, cataclysms in Russia and Central Europe last year, the New Year's Eve tsunami in the Indian Ocean, domestic specialists (a similar program existed in the USSR, but was curtailed due to lack of funds) unequivocally associated with the side (or planned) effects of testing new weapons.

There is nothing surprising that Americans try to hide from the public as much as possible everything related to the HARP program, or at least present it as harmless research.

Another thing is surprising and alarming: many politicians in our country are doing everything to prevent American developments from being made public. "Unfortunately, both resolutions (on HARP), under pressure from certain forces lobbying US interests in the State Duma, were repeatedly withdrawn from consideration. They were only adopted at the plenary session on September 11." - testifies the deputy of the State Duma Vyacheslav Olenyev.

And the deputy Tatyana Astrakhankina, who initiated the adoption of the mentioned resolutions on HARP (one with an appeal to the President of the Russian Federation, the second with an appeal to the UN and to the member countries), spoke more specifically in an interview with the Pravda newspaper: "... Finally, the president's representative in the State Duma Mr. Kotenkov directly demanded that the HARP problem be removed from consideration."

The search for the causes of the devastating hurricanes that hit the North American continent raises many assumptions and questions among experts. Military experts do not rule out that one of the reasons for these phenomena was the HARP defense system being tested by the United States.

HAARP(High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) - a program of high-frequency active auroral research. This is an American research project to study the interaction of the ionosphere with powerful electromagnetic radiation. The project was launched back in 1997 near the village of Gakona near the river of the same name in Alaska. But due to the termination of funding after the completion of the contract or under pressure from the public due to a series of scandals, the project was closed and mothballed.

This expensive facility was operated by the US Air Force until August 2015, when ownership was transferred to the Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska Fairbanks. It was believed that all active work on it was stopped. On the university one, you can read that "the scientific instruments installed at the HAARP observatory can also be used for various ongoing studies that do not involve the use of RRI, but are strictly passive." In general, nothing interesting.

Suddenly, information appears on the network that the lead researcher of this project, Chris Fallen, will be conducting a series of externally funded experiments with HAARP from April 6 to April 14, 2018. He announced this on his own, and also invited all interested radio amateurs to join this project on his Twitter.

Chris Fallen also adds that now is not the ideal time to conduct such experiments due to the current period of the solar cycle. It's not dark enough in Gakone, Alaska right now to observe the ionospheric glow caused by HAARP radiation. But the customer, apparently, does not want to wait.

The main idea of ​​the scientist was to attract as many radio amateurs as possible with their equipment. These enthusiasts around the world will monitor the signals transmitted by HAARP in the frequency ranges from 2.7 to 10 MHz, with various dynamic characteristics. Each participant will be able to “tweet” about their successes to Chris Fallen, and he himself will set the time for the broadcast sessions and coordinate all the work. In addition, there will be an opportunity to photograph the artificial "aurora borealis" created by HAARP.

It became interesting to me: after all, these are no longer “passive studies”, but the most active ones. The scientist sets the direction, frequency and shape of the signal, and the observers report on who managed to fix this signal, and all its parameters.

Note that HAARP signals were caught not only by radio amateurs in North America, but also in South America, Europe, Russia, Ukraine, Japan and Hawaii.

Even if Chris Fallen himself says: “This is a difficult question. Nobody says that the science of radio and space plasma is simple.” But, after analyzing the nature of the signals, their frequency and reports of radio amateurs about the reception of signals, we can draw some conclusions.

In military terms, "fire correction" is carried out with the fixation of "firing results" and the equipment is adjusted. In the course of the experiments, the frequencies, the configuration of the transmitted signals, the direction and duration of exposure (from 20 minutes to 2 hours) were selected. In addition, as far as I know, such alternating signals with a certain periodicity can cause resonant oscillations of the ionosphere. Still, it was not in vain that I graduated from the Radio Engineering Institute.

Our Earth is a spherical capacitor, in which one part is a conducting ionosphere, the second is the surface of the Earth, and between them a dielectric is atmospheric layers. The entire system is in dynamic equilibrium. If a wave process is induced in this spherical capacitor, then under the influence of solar radiation it can be enhanced by the superposition of waves. Under certain conditions, this will lead to self-generation due to pumping energy from the Sun. A rather powerful wave process will arise in the ionosphere, which will have a significant impact on the formation of the weather. In addition, the Earth's magnetic pole is shifted towards Canada and Alaska, and the magnetospheric strength lines converge there. This position can be called strategic. In this way, it is possible to influence the auroral fluxes of charged particles in the region of the North Pole, which are distributed along the magnetic field lines of the Earth over vast distances.

I want to remind you that we are talking about the most powerful high-frequency generator in the world.

HAARP now operates 720 radio transmitters that provide power to 5 locomotive diesel generators. For one hour of operation of the station, the generators burn 600 gallons (about 2.27 tons) of fuel.

The power of HAARP, according to various sources, is estimated at 3.6–4.8 MW. And the highly directional transmitting antennas used by the system, like a phased array antenna, are able to focus all this huge energy in a narrow beam.

If an ultrahigh intensity of electromagnetic fields occurs in a limited area, this leads to additional ionization of the ionosphere. The so-called ionic lens is formed, through which the solar fluxes going to the Earth are amplified. They cause surface temperatures to rise, leading to drought, fires, and the like. In other cases, on the contrary, lenses are created that provoke heavy precipitation. According to the version, the impact of HAARP can lead to the initiation of an earthquake by influencing tension zones in the earth's crust at the junctions of plates.

It must be said that the created artificial plasmoids, with certain parameters of the pump radiation, are used as a huge mirror, reflecting the radiation focused on it in a certain direction. Such mirrors, created at a considerable height above the Earth, make it possible to direct the reflected signal far beyond the line-of-sight horizon.

For reference, here are a few US patents that use similar technologies:

one. . Method and device for changing part of the earth's atmosphere, ionosphere and (or) magnetosphere.
2. . Creation of artificial ionized clouds over the Earth.
3. . Method and device for creating a plasma region by artificial electronic and cyclotron heating.
four. . Global tomography of the Earth using modulations of electron flows in the ionosphere.
5. . Radiant energy system.
6. . An artificial ionospheric mirror made of a plasma layer that can be tilted.

The organizational scheme, which can be called the new doctrine of the US Armed Forces, is also interesting. It consists of using private companies as "contractors" doing work for the government under contracts. And since contractors are private companies, they have the right to classify everything, including expenses, income, and any actions they take. This is justified by the fact that such activities are a trade secret, and if competitors find out about this, they will suffer financial losses. Thus, all government spending and actions are classified and not subject to control and oversight by the US Congress.

The activity of HAARP is also associated with the towed surface radar installation “Sea-Based X-Band Radar platform” (SBX), which can freely move in the Pacific or Atlantic Ocean under the cover of an aircraft carrier group (AUG). Its main radar weighing 1820 tons with an active phased array antenna (AFAR), operating in the X-band (8-12 GHz) and protected by a dome with a diameter of 31 m, can consume more than 1 megawatt of power.

Also associated with HAARP are four unmanned spacecraft "Multifunctional Magnetospheric Mission" (MMS) for the study of the ionosphere and magnetosphere, launched in 2015. Officially, they are collecting information about the nature of the so-called magnetic reattachment and all the processes that occur in astrophysical plasma. In working order, the installation, consisting of four automatic stations, must maintain the shape of a tetrahedron - a polyhedron, all of whose faces form regular triangles. In other words, an installation was launched into orbit using the principles of tetrahedral geometry, one of the functions of which is to receive and transfer practically inexhaustible amounts of energy.

The activities of scientists from the Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska and ongoing work with HAARP are now practically not covered. What they do there, we do not know. Chris Fallen explains this by the lack of funding and the busyness of the scientists who work there. And they also allegedly do not want to publish the results of their work ahead of time, fearing competition in the scientific world. If it were not for the need for volunteers for his experiments, we would not have learned anything at all. There is an association with the "mad professor" from Hollywood films, working with a super-powerful secret installation capable of destroying the entire planet.

Or maybe the United States plans to use its climate change technologies in the near future?

In modern society, all information is immediately posted on the network, and you can see that people around the world fix unusual clouds, strange sounds in the atmosphere, unusual glows in the sky, etc. Maybe, of course, these are all coincidences, but very often we have recently heard information reports about abnormal weather and climatic cataclysms. Before an earthquake, eyewitnesses sometimes notice an unusual iridescent glow of clouds, but scientists explain everything by tension in the layers of the earth's crust. Perhaps they know better than this is caused, although ...

A book was published on this topic - “The HAARP Program”. Armageddon, by Nicholas Begich and Gene Manning. Our science fiction writer Vasily Golovachev has a work “The HAARP War”, in which he describes in detail the use of climate weapons.

In general, we do not relax, observe and share information.

In the north of the United States, 400 km from Anchorage, at the Gakhon military base, there is an unusual object. A huge area of ​​the territory is sown with a forest of 25-meter antennas. This is the "HAARP" ("High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program"). The base is surrounded by barbed wire, the perimeter is guarded by armed patrols of the marines, and the airspace above the research stand is closed to all types of civil and military aircraft. After the events of September 11, 2001, anti-aircraft defense systems were also installed around the HAARP.

The total area occupied by the HAARP project is about 25 hectares, of which about 14 hectares are occupied by antennas. In total, there are about 180 antennas with a height of 20 meters. Getting to HAARP is not so easy - the helicopter is the main means of transporting scientists from the US Navy and US Airforce to their place of work.

This facility was built jointly by the Navy and the US Air Force to study the possibilities of combat use of disturbances in the Earth's ionosphere and magnetosphere. Scientific journals claim that HAARP can be used to call artificial aurora borealis, jam over-the-horizon radar stations for early detection of ballistic missile launches, communicate with submarines in the ocean, and even detect underground secret enemy complexes. The HAARP radio emission is capable of penetrating underground and diagnosing hidden bunkers and tunnels, burning out electronics, and disabling space satellites. In addition, specialists working for HAARP are trying to create technologies for influencing the atmosphere that will allow changing the weather to the point of inciting natural disasters: heavy rains, earthquakes, floods and hurricanes.

The website of the Federation of American Scientists claims that this is just a scientific work. Allegedly, the stations were created to study the properties of the ionosphere in order to better use communication systems. True, on the same site it is written in small print that these “scientific” experiments are financed by the US Air Force and the US Navy Special Department. And the finances are rather big: only 25 billion dollars went to the Alaskan station.

When journalists inquired about the actual significance of these "scientific studies" from the former owner of the patent, he explained that "the antenna facility in Alaska is in fact a huge beam weapon capable of destroying not only all communications networks, but also missiles, aircraft, satellites and much more. In addition, it can cause climate disasters around the world, or at least in some regions, and deadly cosmic radiation, from which there is no protection, and in strictly defined places, all through the irresponsibility of military and government officials.

You can apply this creation for example for such purposes as:

Generation of ultra-low-frequency waves for communication with submarines in a submerged position.

Tracking geophysical probes to identify and describe natural ionospheric processes in order to develop methods for their control or change.

Obtaining ionospheric lenses for focusing large amounts of high-frequency energy, which makes it possible to "turn on" ionospheric processes

Acceleration of electrons and implementation of emission in the IR and other optical ranges, which can be used to control the processes of radio wave propagation.

Obtaining geomagnetic fields with oriented ionization to control the processes of reflection / propagation of radio waves.

Using indirect heating to influence radio wave propagation processes to expand the potential military applications of advanced ionospheric technology.

The HARP installations are already working, though not at full capacity - the military themselves are afraid of their creation. However, "experiments", apparently, are already being carried out. Many scientists believe that most of the cataclysms that have shaken the world in recent years are the result of these unnatural “experiments”. Here and an extraordinary drought in Europe, and numerous tsunamis that claimed thousands of lives, earthquakes in the most unexpected places and much, much more.

"Controlled fields", created by high-frequency bases in Alaska and Norway, currently more than cover the entire territory of the former USSR. And this means that the operators of these bases, by pressing a couple of buttons, can easily disrupt the radio communication system in the vast expanses of our country, nullify satellite navigation, confuse early warning air defense radars and disable the on-board electronics of military and civilian ships and aircraft.

Let's not forget about the so-called side effects. Yuri Perunov, a radio engineer, a leading Soviet and Russian specialist in the field of studying the interaction of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation with the near-Earth environment, stated the following in one of his interviews: “Further work on the HARP program will give Americans a real and quick opportunity to get their hands on not only geophysical and climatic, but also psychotronic weapons. Roughly speaking, one morning people will wake up and not even be able to understand that their thoughts, desires, tastes, their choice of food and clothing, mood and political views are determined by the operator of the HARP type installation. I have reason to believe that it was the proximity to the creation of psychotronic weapons that was one of the main reasons due to which all the results of research on HARP in 1997 were classified. Until the end of the eighties, Yuri Perunov intensively explored precisely the area that HARP has monopolized today. But funding for our work in this area was discontinued.

American meteorologists are not the only ones who accuse the planet's neighbors of using climate weapons. Rumors about dubious experiments with the weather in the US and the USSR more than once became the cause of political scandals. After the famous flood of 2002, such scandals swept through Europe - then parliamentarians accused the "American military" of undermining the EU economy.

Russian politicians did not remain aloof from this "hot" topic. The first of the officials to start looking for climate weapons were deputies of the State Duma from the Liberal Democratic Party and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. In 2002, the Defense Committee brought up for discussion the issue of the detrimental effect on climate of experiments on the impact on the Earth's ionosphere and magnetosphere. The object of the deputies' research was the American HAARP system.

“The catastrophic flood in Germany, France and the Czech Republic, the tornadoes off the coast of Italy, where tornadoes never happened, are nothing more than the detrimental consequences of testing geophysical weapons by the Americans,” said Tatyana Astrakhankina, State Duma deputy of the third convocation. - The weapon has already been created and tested in low power modes. The installation will soon be completed, and its capacity will increase several times.”

The deputies fiercely discussed the use of HAARP, as a result of which in 2002 they prepared appeals to President Vladimir Putin, as well as to the UN, demanding the creation of a common international commission to investigate the experiments being carried out in Alaska. Then the scandalous appeal was signed by 90 deputies.

Climate weapons are weapons of mass destruction, the main damaging factor of which is various natural or climatic phenomena created by artificial means.

Using natural phenomena and climate against the enemy is the eternal dream of the military. To send a hurricane on the adversary, destroy crops in an enemy country and thereby cause famine, cause heavy rains and destroy the entire enemy transport infrastructure - such opportunities could not but arouse interest among strategists. However, earlier humanity did not have the necessary knowledge and ability to influence the weather.

In our time, man has acquired unprecedented power: he split the atom, flew into space, reached the ocean floor. We have learned much more about the climate: now we know why droughts and floods occur, why it rains and blizzards, how hurricanes are born. But even now we are unable to confidently influence the global climate. This is a very complex system in which countless factors interact. Solar activity, processes occurring in the ionosphere, the Earth's magnetic field, oceans, anthropogenic factor - this is only a small part of the forces that can determine the planetary climate.

A bit about the history of climate weapons

Even without fully understanding all the mechanisms that form the climate, a person tries to control it. In the middle of the last century, the first experiments on climate change began. First, people learned to artificially cause the formation of clouds and fog. Similar studies were carried out by many countries, including the USSR. A little later, they learned to cause artificial precipitation.

At first, such experiments had purely peaceful purposes: to cause rain or, conversely, to prevent hail from destroying crops. But soon the military began to master similar technologies.

During the Vietnamese conflict, the Americans carried out Operation Popeye, the purpose of which was to significantly increase the amount of rainfall over the part of Vietnam along which the "Ho Chi Minh trail" passed. The Americans sprayed some chemicals (dry ice and silver iodide) from aircraft, which caused a significant increase in rainfall. As a result, the roads were washed out, and communications of the partisans were disrupted. At the same time, it should be noted that the effect was quite short-lived, and the costs were huge.

Around the same time, American scientists were trying to learn how to manage hurricanes. For the southern states of the United States, hurricanes are a real disaster. However, in pursuit of such a seemingly noble goal, scientists also studied the possibility of sending a hurricane to the “wrong” countries. In this direction, the famous mathematician John von Neumann collaborated with the American military department.

In 1977, the UN adopted a convention that prohibited any use of the climate as a weapon. It was adopted at the initiative of the USSR, and the United States joined it.

Reality or fiction

Is a climate weapon even possible? Theoretically yes. But in order to influence the climate on a global scale, on territories of several thousand square kilometers, enormous resources are needed. And since we still do not fully understand the mechanisms of occurrence of weather phenomena, the result can be unpredictable.

Now climate control research is being conducted in several countries of the world, including Russia. We are talking about impacts on relatively small areas. It is forbidden to use the weather for military purposes.

If we talk about climate weapons, we cannot ignore two objects: the American HAARP complex, which is located in Alaska, and the Sura facility in Russia, not far from Nizhny Novgorod.

These two objects, according to some experts, are climate weapons that can change the weather on a global scale, affecting processes in the ionosphere. The HAARP complex is especially famous in this regard. Not a single article on this topic is complete without mentioning this installation. The Sura object is less known, but it is considered our answer to the HAARP complex.

In the early 90s of the last century, the construction of a huge facility began in Alaska. This is a 13-hectare site where the antennas are located. Officially, the object was built to study the ionosphere of our planet. It is there that the processes that have the greatest impact on the formation of the Earth's climate take place.

In addition to scientists, the US Navy and Air Force, as well as the famous DARPA (Department of Advanced Studies), are involved in the implementation of the project. But even considering all this, is HAARP an experimental climate weapon? Unlikely.

The fact is that the HAARP complex in Alaska is by no means new or unique. The construction of such complexes began in the 60s of the last century. They were built in the USSR, and in Europe, and in South America. It's just that HAARP is the largest complex of its kind, and the presence of the military adds to the intrigue.

In Russia, the Sura facility is engaged in similar work, which has a more modest size and is now not in the best condition. Nevertheless, Sura works and studies electromagnetism in the high layers of the atmosphere. There were several similar complexes on the territory of the former USSR.

There are legends around such objects. They say about the HAARP complex that it can change the weather, cause earthquakes, shoot down satellites and warheads, and control the minds of people. But there is no evidence for this. Not so long ago, American scientist Scott Stevens accused Russia of using climate weapons against the United States. According to Stevens, the Russian side, using a secret installation of the Sura type, operating on the principle of an electromagnetic generator, created the Katrina hurricane and sent it to the United States.


Today, climate weapons are a reality, but their use requires too large-scale resources. We do not yet know enough about the most complex processes of weather formation, and therefore it is problematic to control such weapons.

The use of climate weapons can result in a blow to the aggressor himself or to his allies, to damage neutral states. In any case, it will be impossible to predict the result.

In addition, regular meteorological observations are conducted in many countries, and the use of such weapons will cause serious weather anomalies that will definitely not go unnoticed. The reaction of the world community to such actions will not differ from the reaction to nuclear aggression.

Undoubtedly, relevant research and experiments are ongoing - but the creation of effective weapons is still very far away. If a climate weapon (in some form) exists today, its use is unlikely to be appropriate. So far, there is no serious evidence of the existence of such weapons.

If you have any questions - leave them in the comments below the article. We or our visitors will be happy to answer them.

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    ✪ The Truth about HAARP!!! The High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program

    ✪ Project HAARP: Is The US Controlling The Weather?

    ✪ HAARP - High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program



Stop and prospects

It was supposed to conduct a series of studies in the fall of 2013 - in the winter of 2014. In May 2014, US Air Force representative David Walker said that the command was no longer going to support the installation, other ways to control the ionosphere, which HAARP was supposed to study, would be developed in the future. It was planned to close the station in June 2014 after the completion of the last research project of the DARPA program. Subsequently, the final closure of the station was delayed until May 2015.

As of 2008, HAARP incurred approximately $250 million in tax construction and operating costs. The program was reported to be temporarily closed in May 2013, pending a change of contractors. In May 2014, it was announced that the HAARP program would be permanently closed at the end of that year. Ownership of the facility and its equipment was transferred to the University of Alaska in mid-August 2015.

HAARP has been targeted by conspiracy theorists who claim it can modify the weather, disable satellites, control people's minds, and is used as a weapon against terrorists. They have also blamed the program for earthquakes, droughts, hurricanes, floods, disease (Gulf War Syndrome and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), the crash of TWA Flight 800 in 1996, the destruction of the Space Shuttle Columbia in 2003. Commentators and academics say proponents of these theories are "ignorant" because most of the theories put forward fall far beyond the capabilities of the subject and often go beyond the natural sciences.


Radiation power


The main purpose of HAARP is the fundamental science of studying the upper part of the atmosphere, called the ionosphere. Essentially a transition between the atmosphere and the magnetosphere, the ionosphere, where the atmosphere is thin enough that the sun's x-rays and UV rays can reach it, but it's enough that there is still an atmosphere to absorb those rays, with enough molecules thick. Hence, the ionosphere is composed of an increased density of free electrons, starting at ~70 km, peaking at ~300 km, and then falling again, the atmosphere completely disappearing from ~1000 km. Various aspects HAARP can study all major layers of the ionosphere. The ionospheric profile is highly variable, constantly changing on time scales of minutes, hours, days, seasons, and years. This profile becomes even more complex near the Earth's magnetic poles, where the near-vertical alignment and strength of the Earth's magnetic field can cause physical effects like the aurora borealis. The ionosphere is traditionally very difficult to measure. The balloons can't reach it because the air is too thin, but the satellites can't because the air is still too dense. Consequently, most experiments about the ionosphere provide only small pieces of information. HAARP is suitable for studying the ionosphere, following in the footsteps of an ionospheric heater called EISCAT near Tromsø, Norway. There, for the first time, scientists are studying the ionosphere by disturbing radio waves in the 2-10 MHz range, as well as studying the ionosphere as it reacts. HAARP performs the same function, but with more power and a more flexible RF beam. .

Accompanying services

There are two associated ionospheric structures in America, the HIPAS, near Fairbanks, Alaska, which was dismantled in 2009, and (currently under renovation) one at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico. EISCAT manages the ionospheric heating of a facility capable of delivering over 1 GW of Effectively Radiated Power (ERP) near Tromsø, Norway. Russia has a SURA, at Vasilsursk near Nizhny Novgorod, capable of transmitting 190 MW ERP. .

Similar scientific projects

The HAARP system is not unique. There are two other stations in the USA: one in Puerto Rico (near the Arecibo Observatory) and the other known as HIPAS

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