Essay designs in English. USE in English. Essay. Phrases listing points of view

Writing an essay is a prerequisite for entering a foreign university, passing an international exam or being hired. For admission to MBA programs at prestigious foreign business schools, you need to provide not only, but also an essay in which you present yourself as the best candidate for studying in this program. The quality of the essay will depend not only on your level of English proficiency, but also, first of all, on the level of development of the writing skill. , we have already said.

In addition, a high-quality essay implies not only emotionality, interesting content, details that will attract attention, but also the correct design. It is good if you write an essay at home, in a relaxed atmosphere and are not limited in time. For example, you have one or two days to write and edit. But what if the essay is part of the exam? Then you are limited in time, and the emotional mood is not the same: you need to write quickly and competently. In this case, introductory phrases that you can use when writing your work will help you. Such phrases will help not only to structure the entire text, but also to make it logically consistent, coherent, and reasoned.

Phrases for formulating the main thesis of an essay in English

Fear of a clean slate, especially at a crucial moment in the exam, is not the best helper. If you sit too long and think about how to start an essay, you are unlikely to have time to finish it. Or you will have too little time to edit it. Therefore, it is better to know a few phrases that you can use at the beginning of your written work.

Linking words for listing arguments:

Whether you are writing an essay for admission to the MBA program or for passing the UPE, in any case you will have to list your achievements or arguments that confirm or refute the main thesis of your work. That is why it is worth learning linking words and phrases that will help you express your thoughts logically and consistently.
Linking words Translation
  • To begin with, …
  • Firstly, ... / Secondly, ... / Finally, ...
  • One argument in support of ...
  • The first thing that needs to be said is ...
  • It is true that ... / clear that ... / noticeable that ...
  • Another good thing about … is that …
  • The second reason for ...
  • It is undeniable that...
  • For the great majority of people ...
  • A number of key issues arise from the statement. for instance,
  • One of the most striking features of this problem is ...
  • First of all, let us try to understand...
  • The public in general tends to believe that ...
  • What is more…
  • Besides, … because it is …
  • Doubtless...
  • One cannot deny that ...
  • It is (very) clear from these observations that ... .
  • On the other hand, we can observe that ... .
  • The other side of the coin is, however, that ...
  • We'll start by saying... .
  • Firstly, ... / Secondly, ... / And finally, ... .
  • One of the arguments in support is ... .
  • The first thing to say is that... .
  • It is true that... / It is clear that... / It is noteworthy that...
  • Also a positive point ... is ...
  • The second reason... .
  • It cannot be denied that...
  • For the majority of people... .
  • This statement raises a number of key questions. For example, ... .
  • One of the most striking aspects of this problem...
  • First of all, let's try to understand... .
  • The general public tends to believe that... .
  • Moreover, ... .Besides, ... because... .
  • Undoubtedly ... .
  • It cannot be denied that...
  • It is (absolutely) clear from these observations that... .
  • On the other hand, we can observe that... .
  • However, on the other hand, ... .

Phrases for argumentation and summing up

If you want to support your idea with someone's authoritative opinion or refer to someone, you can also use standard phrases and turns:

  • Experts... Experts...
  • believe that ...
  • say that … .... say that … .
  • suggest that ... ... suggest that ... .
  • are convinced that … . ... convinced that ... .
  • points out that … . ... note that ... .
  • emphasize that…. ... emphasize that ... .
  • According to some experts... according to some experts, ... .

There is also a certain set of phrases, thanks to which you can summarize your essay, draw conclusions.

  • From these facts, one may conclude that ... . Based on the above facts, we can conclude that
  • Which seems to confirm the idea that ... . This, as we see, confirms our idea that ... .
  • Thus, ... / Therefore,... Therefore... ./ Thus....
  • The most common argument against this is that ... . The most common argument against this is that
  • In conclusion, I can say that although … , … . In conclusion, I can say that although... , ... .
  • To draw the conclusion, one can say that … . Summing up, we can say that ... .
Writing an essay in English is not an easy task. After all, it is important not only that your work should be literate, but that thoughts should be presented in a logical order and argued. The essay should be interesting, emotional, bright. After all, the main task of the essay is to draw attention to the candidate, to distinguish him from the list of his colleagues. That is why you should approach writing an essay creatively (up to a reasonable limit). Standard phrases and phrases will help you build a logically clear essay structure that you will not be distracted by. In addition, we have already told, thanks to which.

Standard introductory phrases will be able to frame your written work in a certain framework, which are required for such an official document as an essay for university admission.

Introductory phrases for writing an essay in English.

The beginning of an essay (actually, an essay on a given topic) is a problem statement. In the first paragraph (introduction), you need to tell the reader the topic of your essay, paraphrasing it using keyword synonyms (showing that you have understood it). Then you should hint to the reader what position you will take. Use impersonal or vaguely personal sentences to emphasize your objectivity.

  1. Many people think … but others do not agree. Many people think (that) ... but others disagree.
  2. Let us consider what the advantages and disadvantages of … are. Consider what are the advantages and disadvantages ... .
  3. Let's consider some pros and cons of it. Let's look at some pros and cons (of this).
  4. Let us start by considering the facts. Let's start by looking at the facts.
  5. Let us start by considering pros and cons of it. Let's start by looking at the pros and cons of (this).
  6. It is generally agreed today that …

The following phrases can be used if you want to consider arguments for and against. Don't forget to use linking words.

  1. To begin with, … . Let's begin with that... .
  2. You can…. You can (Can) ... .
  3. Firstly, ... / Secondly, ... / Finally, ... . Firstly, ... / Secondly, ... / Finally, ... .
  4. One argument in support of ... . One of the arguments in support of ... .
  5. The first thing that needs to be said is ... . The first thing to say is that... . (First of all, it should be said that ... .)
  6. First and foremost ... . First of all … .
  1. It is true that ... / clear that ... / noticeable that ... . It is true that... / It is clear that... / It is noteworthy that...
  2. One should note here that ... . It should be noted here that...
  1. Another good thing about … is that … . Another positive point of … is (that) ... .
  2. The second reason for ... . The second reason... .
  3. It is often said that ... . It is often said that...
  4. It is undeniable that... It cannot be denied that... .
  5. It is a well-known fact that ... . It is well known that... .
  6. For the great majority of people ... . For the vast majority of people...
  7. We live in a world in which ... . We live in a world where... .
  8. A number of key issues arise from the statement. For instance, ... . This statement raises a number of key issues. For example, ... .
  9. One of the most striking features of this problem is ... . One of the most striking aspects of this problem... .
  10. First of all, let us try to understand ... . First of all, let's try to understand... .
  11. The public in general tends to believe that ... . The general public tends to believe that... .
  1. What is more, … . Furthermore, ... .
  2. Besides, … because it is …. Besides, ... because... .
  3. Doubtless, ... . Undoubtedly ... .
  4. One cannot deny that ... . It cannot be denied that...
  5. It is (very) clear from these observations that ... . It is (absolutely) clear from these observations that... .
  1. On the other hand, we can observe that ... . On the other hand, we can observe that... .
  2. The other side of the coin is, however, that ... . However, on the other hand, ... .
  3. Another way of looking at this question is to ... . To look at this problem from the other side, it is necessary ... .
  4. One should, nevertheless, consider the problem from another angle. However, you should look at this problem from a different angle.
  5. One should, however, not forget that ... . However, one should not forget that...
  6. If on the one hand it can be said that ... the same is not true for ... . And if on the one hand, it can be said that... , the same cannot be said about... .
  7. On the other hand, … . On the other hand, ... .
  8. Although…. Although... .
  9. Besides, … . Besides, ... .
  10. Moreover, … . Furthermore, … .
  11. Furthermore, one should not forget that ... . Also, don't forget that...
  12. In addition to ... . Except (that) ... .
  13. Nevertheless, one should accept that ... . However, it must be recognized that...
  14. However, we also agree that ... . However, we also agree that... .

You can support your idea with the opinion of (some abstract) experts.

  1. Experts... Experts...

Believe that…. ... think that … .

Say that…. ... they say that … .

Suggest that…. ... suggest that ... .

Are convinced that … . ... convinced that ... .

Point out that…. ... note that ... .

Emphasize that…. ... emphasize that ... .

  1. According to some experts... According to some experts, ... .
  2. Perhaps we should also point out the fact that ... . Perhaps we should also note the fact that... .
  3. It would be unfair not to mention that fact that ... . It would be unfair not to mention the fact that... .
  4. One must admit that ... . It must be admitted that...
  5. We cannot ignore the fact that ... . We cannot ignore the fact that... .
  6. One cannot possibly accept the fact that ... . It's hard to come to terms with the fact that...
  7. From these facts, one may conclude that ... . From these facts, we can conclude (that) that ... .
  8. Which seems to confirm the idea that ... . Which, apparently, confirms the idea (about) that ... .
  9. Thus, ... / Therefore,... Thus, ... / Therefore... .
  10. The most common argument against this is that ... . The most common argument against this is that... .

At the end of the essay, draw a conclusion.

  1. In conclusion, I can say that although … , … . In conclusion, I can say that although... , ... .
  2. To draw the conclusion, one can say that … . Summing up, we can say that ... .
  3. So it's up to everybody to decide whether … or not. So everyone has to decide for himself... whether... or not.
  4. The arguments we have presented ... suggest that ... / prove that ... / would indicate that ... . The arguments we have presented... suggest that... / prove that... / indicate that... .
  5. From these arguments one must ... / could... / might ... conclude that ... . Based on these arguments, it is necessary ... / it is possible ... / one could ... come to the conclusion that ... .

Task 40.

"It is common knowledge that ..." - "Everyone knows that ...".
"The / issue / question of ... has always aroused heated / sharp problem disputes / debates / discussions / controversy" - "The problem ... has always caused a lively debate."
“The sight of smb Ving*… is familiar to everyone. But have you ever wondered whether…?” “The sight (of someone doing something) is familiar to everyone. But have you ever wondered… did…?”
“Our modern world is unthinkable / unimaginable / inconceivable without… However, there are plenty of people who believe that it is not necessary / doubt the necessity / importance / use / benefit / good of…” - “Our modern world is unimaginable without… However, there are a lot of people who don't think it's important/question the importance….
"Let's speculate what makes them think so" - "Let's think about what makes them think so."
“There has been a dispute on… Let's speculate who is right: to proponents / defendants / fans of… who claim that… or the opponents / adversaries, who believe in…” (something) who claim that… or opponents who believe in…”.
“…has become an integral / inalienable / imprescriptible part of our life. Let's speculate, however, what stands behind it" - "... has become an integral part of our lives. However, let's think about what's behind it."
"New technology and advances in ... have raised ethical dilemmas" - "New technologies and advances in ... have led to a dilemma that affects the ethical side of this issue."
“…gaining increasing popularity today, many still dispute / doubt / challenge / bring into question / cast doubt on its use for the society” ".
“It is often difficult to decide which position to take whenever there is a debate regarding a choice between… and…”
"Development in... seems to have had an adversary effect on..." - "Development in... seems to have had the opposite effect on...".

Second paragraph

“I think / I believe / I consider that…” - “I believe / I believe that…”.
"Some opponents of ... might argue / contend that ..." - "Some opponents ... may argue that ...".
"They assume / suppose ..." - "They assume ...".
"I am convinced that ..." - "I am convinced that ...".
"I don't share the above-given view" - "I do not share the above opinion."
"You would probably agree with me that ..." - "You will most likely agree with me that ...".
“To my mind… / In my opinion… / It seems to me that…” - “In my opinion… / It seems to me that…”.
"They look upon it as ..." - "They look at it as ...".
"I can't but agree that ..." - "I cannot but agree that ...".
“They are in favor* of… / They approve of… / They favor…” - “They are for… / They approve…”.
“I am against… / I don't approve of… / I don't support the idea of… / I personally frown on… ... "
“It is said / believed that…” - “It is believed that…”.
" believed to V1**" - "It is believed that someone is doing something ...".
“It goes without saying that…” - “It goes without saying that…”.

Third paragraph

On the other hand
…. Whereas….

Firstly, ….

Fourth paragraph

“To a certain extent, it is right, but isn’t there…? / don't smb V1? /…” - “To some extent it is, but doesn’t it exist…? / isn't (someone doesn't do something)."
“To a certain extent, it is right, but we shouldn’t forget that… / we consider should the fact that… / we shouldn’t underestimate… / one shouldn’t disregard… / one should take into account…” - “ To some extent this is true, but we must not forget that ... / we must take into account the fact that ... / we must not underestimate ... / we must not neglect ... / we must take into account ... ".
"However veracious it sounds, I wouldn't agree with the above mentioned idea" - "However true it may sound, I would not agree with the idea mentioned above."
"Defenders of… may be applauded for seeking to V1, but what they propose would in fact seriously damage / decrease / threaten, etc." “You can applaud the defenders…for their attempts (to do something), but what they are proposing is actually seriously harming/reducing/threatening….”
"However, I disagree with these contentions" - "However, I do not agree (sleep) with these points of view."
“While… could lessen / worsen / decrease, etc… this is a small loss that could be offset by…”
“However, this idea cannot go further than being an immature claim because / since…” - “However, this idea cannot be anything but a superficial statement, because…”.
“This point has merit on the surface and could be acceptable to an extent. Yet, serious doubts can be raised against this view when one considers…” - “This view has some advantages on the surface and can be accepted to some extent. At the same time, this idea can be called into question when we consider…”.

Last paragraph
"To conclude / sum up, / in conclusion ..." - "In conclusion ...".
"All in all ..." - "In general ...".
"All things considered ..." - "Given all of the above ...".
“Taking everything into account… / Taking all this into account / consideration…” - “Considering all this…”.
“…is a controversial issue, so it is up to a person whether to V1 or to V’1. Yet, I am convinced that ... "-" ... a controversial issue, so everyone here must decide personally (to do something or not to do something). And yet I am convinced that…”
“Although numerous skeptics frown on… our society need(s)…”
“But to all who… I have only one response: we cannot afford to wait / ignore / neglect / disregard…”

The goal of learning written English can be different for everyone: someone has to pass international exams, where they need to pass the written part, someone needs to write letters for work, and someone wants to blog in English. Introductory phrases for writing an essay in English, which we will consider today, will also be needed in order to beautifully express your opinion orally.

Before we begin, I want to give a little recommendation that may seem obvious, but many neglect it: before writing an essay or letter, make a plan. A lot of students consider this optional, but a clear plan will help indicate what questions you want to cover in the essay. For example, if you are writing an essay for an exam, the assignment itself can be very voluminous, and it is very easy to not reveal one of the questions posed, simply because you are immersed in your own thoughts and forgot about it. The plan also helps to reduce the time for reflection and start writing faster. For me, the hardest part of writing an essay is getting started writing it. The given topic can be so alien to me that I have a question: what actually can be written here? Or, on the contrary, there may be so many different thoughts on a given question that I am lost, where is it better to start, and how to put all this mess in my head into a beautiful structured text, and invest in a given word limit. In this case, the plan helps me a lot. After spending 5 minutes writing it, I already know where to start and how to continue.

The phrases that we have given below will help you start your thought competently, and win a few correctly spelled words if you are writing an essay specifically for the exam.

What can be written in the first paragraph of an essay in English:

Starting to write an essay, it is important to voice the problem statement, and it is also worth noting what position you take on this issue. You do not need to disclose your opinion in the first paragraph in full, just express it in general terms. For example, you need to express your opinion about what kind of rest is better: passive or active. Then you can start your essay like this:

  • Most people think that the best way to spend their vacation is to lie on the beach and do nothing, but in my opinion, the more active you are — the more energy you will have.

Most people think that the best way to spend a vacation is to lie on the beach and do nothing, but I personally think that the more active you are, the more energy you will have.
In this paragraph, you only express your opinion in general terms. Why do you think so - you will write in the next paragraph.

Now let's move on to phrases that can be used in the first paragraph of an essay:

  • Most people think/suppose/reckon/consider that…

If you're writing an essay for an exam, it's best to replace the word think with synonyms to demonstrate good vocabulary.

  • Many people believe (any other synonym can be used instead of believe) …., but others don’t agree. - Many people think... but others do not agree with this opinion.
  • It is generally agreed today that …
  • Today, with increased frequency - today more and more often ...

Suppose you need to write an essay in which you need to compare live communication with communication in social networks. Then you can start it like this:

  • Today, with increased frequency, people prefer to tell the news, using their phones, instead of doing it face-to-face.
  • Today, more and more often, people prefer to tell the news using their phones, instead of doing it face to face.

Consider the following cliché phrases in English:

  • For the great majority of people ... - for most people ...
  • We live in a world in which ... - we live in a world in which
  • They / people often say that ... - people often say that ....

Do not forget that we can replace the word people with they. We can also use they when talking about a person whose gender we do not know. That is, instead of writing ‘she or he’, you can simply write ‘they’.

At the end of the first paragraph, after you have written the introduction, you can summarize your arguments:

  • Let us consider what the advantages and disadvantages of ... are - let's consider what the advantages and disadvantages are ...
  • Let's consider some pros and cons of it. Let's take a look at some of the pros and cons.
  • Let us start by considering some facts. Let's start by looking at some facts.
  • I suppose we should start by looking at some facts - I suppose we should start by looking at the facts

Here are the arguments for and against:

  • First of all, it is worth mentioning / highlighting the fact that ... - First of all, it is worth noting / emphasizing the fact that ...
  • To begin with, ... - Let's start with that ...
  • Firstly, ... / Secondly, ... / Finally, ... - Firstly, ... / Secondly, ... / Finally, ....
  • On the one hand…., but on the other hand…. on the one hand... but on the other hand...

Do not forget that if you write 'firstly' (firstly), then you should also write 'secondly' so that the structure of the essay is logical. The same goes for ‘on the one hand’.

  • One argument in support of - one argument in support
  • The first thing that needs to be said is - the first thing to say is ...
  • First and foremost I want to highlight that ... - first of all, I want to emphasize that ...
  • It is true that ... the truth is that
  • It is clear that - it is clear that ...
  • It is undeniable that .. - it cannot be denied that ...
  • It is a well-known fact that ... - a well-known fact that ...
  • A number of crucial issues arise from the statement. For example / for instance, ... - This statement touches on many key issues. For example,….
  • One of the most striking features of this problem is - One of the most striking aspects of this problem ...
  • Another good thing about … is that … . - the second positive aspect regarding .... - this is what…
  • What is more, … . - Furthermore…
    Besides, - in addition to this ...
  • What I meant to say is that ... - I meant that ...
    Although ... - although ...
  • In spite of ... - despite ...
  • In spite of widespread belief that…., in my opinion…. — contrary to popular belief that…., I believe….
  • Furthermore, one should not forget that .. - moreover, we should not forget that ...
  • In addition / moreover - in addition
  • Thus, thus
  • Nevertheless, one should accept that - Nevertheless, it should be recognized that ...
  • Perhaps we should also point out the fact that ... - Perhaps we should also point out the fact that ....
  • It would be unfair not to mention that fact that ... - It would be unfair not to mention the fact that ...
  • We cannot ignore the fact that … . We cannot ignore the fact that...

You can confirm your opinion by inviting the reader to imagine a certain situation, this can be done using the phrase:

  • Let us concede that - let's say that ...
  • We are not warranted in believing .. - we have no reason to believe ...
  • The most common argument against this is that ... - the most common argument against this is that ...

Synonyms for think

We already wrote above that it is better to replace the word 'think' with synonyms so that the speech looks richer.

  • I believe ... - it should be remembered that believe can mean not only "believe", but also think, believe, be convinced. This word means your confidence in a particular issue.

You can enhance the effect by saying:

  • I strongly believe ... - I firmly believe
  • I suppose ... - to believe, to admit ...
  • In my opinion / On my mind - in my opinion ...
  • I'm of opinion that ... - I believe that ...
  • it can believed that - we can assume that
  • I ween - I think, I think, I hope ..
  • As I can judge ... - as far as I can judge ...

We refer to the opinion of experts

Many teachers advise, when possible, to support their arguments with the opinion of experts.

  • We can’t be dismissive of experts’ opinion… — we cannot neglect the opinion of experts…
  • Experts in this field have a theory - experts in this field believe that (experts in this field have a theory)
  • Specialists in this area convinced that ... - specialists in this area are convinced that ...
  • Experts emphasize that ... - experts emphasize that ...
  • From these facts, one may conclude that - based on these facts, one can conclude ...
  • Which seems to confirm the idea that ..

We draw conclusions:

In the last paragraph, it is worth summing up the above, emphasizing your point of view. You can use the following linking words for this:

  • To sum up what has been said - let's summarize what has been said;

Or you can just write:

  • To sum up, to summarise - let's summarize, thus
  • In conclusion, I want to say that although ... - in conclusion, I want to say that although ....
  • To draw the conclusion, one can say that - Summing up, we can say that
  • The arguments we have presented prove that - the arguments given prove that ...
  • So it's up to everybody to decide whether ... or not - everyone must decide for himself ... whether or not.

These introductory phrases for writing an essay in English will help you write high-quality coherent text, as well as express your opinion beautifully. Learn at least some of them - it definitely won't be superfluous :).


The exhibition is held in 3 stages in electronic mode using multimedia tools.

Stage 1 - from March 1 to March 18, 2013.organizers of the exhibition-competition accept posters, essays and questionnaires of participants by e-mail [email protected] in jpg, gif, png format (file size: up to 1.5 Mb) with brief information about the author. In the comments to the work, the author must place an essay in a foreign language, setting out the author's point of view and explaining the ideology of the poster (the amount of information is from 180 to 300 words). The text on the poster (slogan) is written in foreign and Russian languages. Margins: top, right, bottom, left 2 cm. The text is printed in black Times New Roman (font size - 12 pt) with single spacing between lines on one side of the sheet. Maximum number of participants - 2 people

Stage 2 - from March 18 to March 25, 2013 electronic versions of posters and essays will be presented on the website in a special section.

Stage 3 - from March 25 to March 30, 2013. The competition works of the winners will be defended. March 25, 2013 at 1400 aud. H-413. March 30 the results of the competition with the names of the winners will be posted on the website

Materials are allowed to participate in the competition, the content of which does not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation and does not contain offensive information.

Works that do not meet the technical requirements or for reasons beyond the control of the organizers of the competition are not launched for demonstration in the exhibition-competition do not participate.


(to be completed everyone participants)

Exhibitions - contest of electronic posters and essays - "The Russia we love"

Educational institution ___________________________________________________

City, country _________________________________________________________

Full name of the supervisor (in full), position, academic degree, title ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Mobile phone) ____________________________________________


ESSAY– a written work, usually between 180 and 350 words, implies the presence of the author's point of view. The essay is built around one idea - the thesis and has a clearly defined structure. A clear structure distinguishes an English essay from a Russian essay. No matter what topic you are writing an essay on, you should always ask yourself the following “control” questions:

Did I answer the question asked?

Have I made my point clear?

Was everything written expressed in a clear and understandable language, were there any mistakes during writing

ESSAY-REASONING(comparison, opposition, classification, statement of cause-effect, argumentation) Usually this type of essay is used in English classes.


1. INTRODUCTION. It introduces the topic and states the thesis. At international exams, in the first paragraph of an essay, you usually just need to retell the topic (task) in other words.

2. ARGUMENTARY PART. This is a series of paragraphs that argue the thesis.

3. CONCLUSION, which summarizes the evidence and gives a prediction, or some kind of conclusion.


The beginning of the essay is a statement of the problem. In the first paragraph (introduction), you need to tell the reader the topic of your essay, paraphrasing it using keyword synonyms (showing that you have understood it). Then you should hint to the reader what position you will take. Use impersonal or vaguely personal sentences to emphasize your objectivity.

  1. Many people think … but others do not agree.

Viele Menschen denken, dass …, aber andere sind damit nicht einverstanden. - Many people think (that) ..., but others disagree.

  1. Let us consider what the advantages and disadvantages of … are.- Consider what are the advantages and disadvantages ... .
  2. Let's consider some pros and cons of it. / Betrachten wir einige Vor- und Nachteile: - Let's look at some pros and cons (of this).
  3. Let us start by considering pros and cons of it. / Beginnen wir von der Betrachtung der Vor- und Nachteile . - Let's start by looking at the pros and cons of (this).
  4. It is generally agreed today that … / Heute ist anerkannt, dass … - Today it is generally accepted that ... .

The following phrases can be used if you want to consider arguments for and against. Don't forget to use linking words.

  1. To begin with, … . / Beginnen wir davon, dass…. - Let's begin with that... .
  2. You can…. / Sie konnen (Man kann)... - You can (Can) ... .
  3. Firstly, ... / Secondly, ... / Finally, ... . / Erstens, … / Zweitens, … / zum Schluß,… Firstly, ... / Secondly, ... / Finally, ... .
  4. One argument in support of ... . / Eines der Argumente zur Unterstutzung... - One of the arguments in support of ... .
  5. The first thing that needs to be said is ... . / In erster Line muss man sagen, dass…. - The first thing to say is that ... . (First of all, it should be said that ... .)
  6. First and foremost ... . / In erster Line … - First of all … .
  7. It is true that ... / clear that ... / noticeable that ... / Es ist wirklich, dass…/ Es ist klar, dass… / Es ist bemerkenswert, dass…. - It is true that... / It is clear that... / It is noteworthy that...
  8. One should note here that ... . / Hier muss man betonen, dass… It should be noted here that... .
  9. Another good thing about … is that … . / Noch ein positives Moment besteht darin, dass…. - Another positive thing ... is (that) ... .
  10. The second reason for ... . / Der zweite Grund ist... The second reason... .
  11. It is often said that ... . / Man sagt oft, dass…. - They often say that ... .
  12. It is undeniable that... / Man kann nicht bestreiten, dass... - It cannot be denied that ... .
  13. It is a well-known fact that ... . / Es ist gut bekannt, dass... - It is well known that ... .
  14. For the great majority of people ... . / Fur die überwältigende Mehrheit der Menschen... - For the vast majority of people ... .
  15. We live in a world in which ... . / Wir leben in der Welt, in der... - We live in a world in which ... .
  16. A number of key issues arise from the statement. For instance, ... . / Diese Bestätigung berührt die Reihe der Schlüsselfragen. Zum Beispiel, … - This statement raises a number of key issues. For example, ... .
  17. One of the most striking features of this problem is ... . / Einer der erstaunlichsten Gesichtspunkte dieses Problems ist ... - One of the most striking aspects of this problem... .
  18. First of all, let us try to understand ... . / Versuchen wir zuerst zu verstehen… - First of all, let's try to understand... .
  19. The public in general tends to believe that ... . / Die Öffentlichkeit ist grundsätzlich geneigt zu glauben, dass... - The general public tends to believe that ... .
  20. Besides, … because it is …. / Ausserdem, … weil... - Besides, ... because ... .
  21. Doubtless, ... . / Zweifellos,... - Undoubtedly ... .
  22. One cannot deny that ... . / Man kann nicht verneinen, dass... - It cannot be denied that ...
  23. It is (very) clear from these observations that ... . / Infolge dieser Beobachtungen ist es ganz klar, dass... - From these observations it is (absolutely) clear that ... .
  24. On the other hand, we can observe that ... ./ Andererseits können wir beobachten, dass… - On the other hand, we can observe that... .
  25. The other side of the coin is, however, that ... . / Jedoch, andererseits…- However, on the other hand, ... .
  26. Another way of looking at this question is to ... ./ Um dieses Problem andererseits zu beurteilen, muss man … - To look at this problem from the other side, it is necessary ... .
  27. One should, nevertheless, consider the problem from another angle. / Trotzdem muss man dieses Problem andererseits zu beurteilen. - However, you should look at this problem from a different angle.
  28. One should, however, not forget that ... ./ Trotzdem muss man nicht vergessen, dass … - However, one should not forget that...
  29. If on the one hand it can be said that ... the same is not true for ... . / Kann man aber einerseits sagen, dass … , kann man nicht dasselbe über … sagen. - And if on the one hand, it can be said that... , the same cannot be said about... .
  30. On the other hand, … . / Andererseits- On the other hand, ... .
  31. Although…. / Obwohl… - Although... .
  32. Besides, … ./ Ausserdem,… - Besides, ... .
  33. Moreover, … ./ noch mehr, … - Furthermore, … .
  34. Furthermore, one should not forget that ... . / Außerdem, muss man nicht vergessen, dass… Also, don't forget that...
  35. In addition to ... . / Abgesehen davon, dass... - Except (that) ... .
  36. Nevertheless, one should accept that ... . / Trotzdem muss man anerkennen, dass… - However, it must be recognized that...
  37. However, we also agree that ... . / Aber wir sind auch damit einverstanden, dass… - However, we also agree that... .
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