Indicate the name of a collection of instructions for housekeeping and raising children, created in the 16th century. Indicate the name of a collection of instructions for housekeeping and raising children, created in the 16th century. Which of the following was a consequence

Read an excerpt from the historian's work and name the old Russian prince,
about which there is a speech.

“The following year, the prince went with an army to Korsun and laid siege to it. The city stubbornly resisted. The prince vowed to be baptized if he took Korsun,
and really took it. Without being baptized yet, he sent to Constantinople to the king-brothers Vasily and Konstantin, threatening to go against them and demanding their sister Anna to marry him. The kings told him that they could not marry the princess
for "nasty", i.e. for a pagan. The prince replied that he was ready to be baptized. Then the tsars sent their sister to Korsun and the clergy with her, who baptized the Russian prince and married him to the princess.


Read an excerpt from the historian's work and indicate the empress in question.

“The June coup of 1762 made her an autocratic Russian empress… In [her] writings, various interests and hobbies of her excited thought were reflected. German by birth, French by her favorite language and upbringing, she occupied a prominent place among Russian writers of the 18th century ... She wrote a lot in French and even in Russian, although with errors ... She admitted that she did not understand how one could spend a day, without smearing at least one sheet of paper ... Her correspondence with Voltaire and foreign agent Baron Grim is whole volumes.


Read an excerpt from the memoirs of a military leader and indicate the battle,
about the preparation of the enemy in question.

“The plan for the upcoming offensive of the Nazi troops is set out in sufficient detail in Order No. 6, signed by Hitler on April 15 ... According to this order, the task of the offensive was to destroy the Soviet troops by means of a “concentric offensive” in order to encircle the Soviet fronts. One blow was planned to be delivered from the area south of Orel by the main forces of Army Group Center and the other from the area north of Kharkov by the main forces of Army Group South.

Arrange historical events in chronological order. Write down the numbers that indicate historical events,
in the correct order in the table.

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

Compare the Livonian and Northern wars. Select and write down in the first column of the table the serial numbers of the similarities, and in the second - the serial numbers of the differences.

Answer: ___________________________.

Part 2

For answers to the tasks of this part (31–35), use the ANSWER FORM No. 2. First write down the number of the task (31, 32, etc.), and then the answer to it. Write your answers clearly and legibly.

Read a fragment of a historical source and complete tasks 31, 32. Use the text information in your answers, as well as knowledge from the history course.

From the writings of the historian

“Relations between False Dmitry and the Duma inevitably began to change since he disbanded the rebel detachments and began to rule the country by traditional methods ...

Once on the throne, False Dmitry faced the same difficulties as his imaginary father. Foreign observers were struck by the Moscow order, under which the tsar could not take a step without the Boyar Duma. The boyars not only resolved state affairs with the tsar, but also accompanied him everywhere ... Otrepyev, who did not have sufficient authority among the Moscow nobility, failed to destroy the ancient traditions that entangled him like a cobweb ...

False Dmitry often violated customs and rituals. In the Duma, the twenty-four-year-old tsar was not averse to ridiculing his senators ... He reproached the boyars as ignorant and uneducated people, offered them to go
to foreign lands to learn something. But no matter how much the impostor taught his boyars, no matter what liberties he allowed in dealing with them, he was forced to obey the ancient traditions and reckon with the authority of the Boyar Duma.

The magnificent court ritual, borrowed from Byzantium, the servile behavior of the courtiers created the appearance of the unheard-of power of the Russian tsar. The very doctrine of autocracy, it would seem, ruled out the possibility of open opposition to the sovereign. In fact, the Boyar Duma firmly held the threads of government in its hands, invariably imposing its will on the impostor.

The city where the worker lived ceased to receive bread, since the state, within the framework of the grain monopoly, did not receive the required amount of bread from the peasants, which was distributed according to cards in the cities. The worker and his family were starving. Soon he read in the newspapers that the newly formed Soviet government was proposing to the workers themselves, on their own, to solve the food problem. At the call of the local city council, the worker joined the detachment in order to search for and take bread from rich peasants.

1. Indicate the year when the first detachments were created, one of which the worker joined.

2. How can one explain the fact that the peasants did not want to hand over their grain to the state?

3. What is the name of the detachments, one of which the worker joined?

You have been instructed to prepare a detailed response on the topic "The Beginning of the Cold War". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic.

The plan must contain at least three points. Write a brief explanation of the content of any two paragraphs.

The plan with explanations should reflect the main events (phenomena) associated with the start of the Cold War.

If you find it difficult to draw up a plan that would fully reveal this topic, then you can choose one of the essential issues (sections, directions, problems) of the topic.

Write the heading of the plan on the issue you have chosen (section, direction, problem) and draw up a plan that reveals its content, observing all the requirements for the number of points of the plan and explanations.

PROFILE - Grade 11

1 - option

Part I

1. Specify the characteristic feature of the NEP:

1) no unemployment

2) the presence of a social layer of entrepreneurs

30 existence of surplus appropriation

4) naturalization of wages

2. According to the Constitution of the USSR of 1924, the supreme legislative body was:

1) Supreme Soviet of the USSR 2) Council of People's Commissars

3) All-Union Congress of Soviets 4) Central Executive Committee

3. What was one of the consequences of the grain procurement crisis of 1927?

1) curtailment of the NEP

2) proclaiming a course towards the construction of socialism in one country

3) carrying out a monetary reform

4) the proclamation of the policy of "red terror"

4. What was one of the reasons for the curtailment of the NEP?

1) the inability to bring the country's economy on the basis of the NEP to the level of 1913

2) non-compliance of the NEP with the ideological guidelines of the Bolsheviks

3) the uprising of the sailors of Kronstadt against the socio-economic policy pursued by the Bolsheviks

4) mass peasant uprisings with demands for complete collectivization

5. Which of the following politicians was part of the New Opposition, created in 1925?

1) N. I. Bukharin 2) L. D. Trotsky 3) V. M. Molotov 4) G. E. Zinoviev

6. Which of the following was a consequence of the implementation of the NEP?

1) the elimination of the Bolshevik monopoly on power

2) achievement of indicators of the pre-war Russian Empire in the field of industrial production

3) liquidation of the state monopoly of foreign trade

4) the establishment of an economic blockade of Russia by the capitalist countries

7 . Which of the following is not a feature of political development in the 1920s?

1) fusion of the state and party apparatus

2) development of a multi-party system

3) internal party struggle

4) approval of a one-party political system

8 . The first international conference, in which representatives of Soviet Russia participated, took place in the city of

1) London 2) Paris 3) Genoa 4) Washington

9. The plan, which assumed the entry of the republics into the RSFSR on the basis of the principle of autonomy, was developed:

1) I. V. Stalin 2) V. I. Lenin

3) L. B. Kamenev 4) N. I. Bukharin

10. Which of the following was the reason for the formation of the USSR?

1) economic unity and interdependence of the regions of the former Russian Empire

2) the need to restore the Russian state in the size of the empire

3) the desire of the national outskirts to restore a single state

4) the interest of foreign states in trade cooperation with a large state

Part II .

11. - 1 point

The commissioning of natural resources, enterprises and other economic facilities belonging to the state to foreign entrepreneurs under certain conditions, which was used during the NEP years, is called _______________.

12. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, from-but-syat-Xia to the co-be-ti-pits of 1917-1921. Find-di-those and for-pi-shi-those terms, from-but-sya-sche-sya to another historical period. -2 points

1) Council of People's Commissars

2) working control

3) collectivization

4) military communism

5) industrialization

6) surplus appraisal

13. Which three of the en-re-numbers-of-laid-zhe-nye formed in 1922 in the basis of Do-go-vo-ra about the formation of the Union of So- vet-skih So-tsi-a-li-sti-che-re-republics? Write down the numbers in the table, they are indicated under someone else.

1) legislative consolidation of the pre-imports of the Russian nation in the union state

2) refusal to develop a common union Constitution

3) the transfer of half-but-mo-chi across the ob-ro-not of the country to the so-uz-no-mu center

4) equality of all union republics

5) preservation of the full sa-mo-sto-i-tel-no-sti in the pro-ve-de-nii of foreign policy for the res-pub-li-ka-mi

6) the existence of a single de-tender unit

14. -2 points



A) the formation of the USSR

B) renaming the CPSU (b) into the All-Union Communist Party

C) the death of V.I. Lenin

D) decree on concessions

D) the creation of the Comintern

1) 1919

2) 1920

3) 1921

4) 1922

5) 1923

6) 1924

7) 1925

15. Establish a correspondence between cultural figures and their field of activity: -2 points



A) M. I. Tsvetaeva

B) M. M. Tikhvinsky

C) I. I. Brodsky

D) I. D. Shadr

E) V. E. Tatlin

1) science

2) music

3) cinematography

4) literature

5) architecture

6) artistic culture

7) sculpture

16. In historical science, there are dis-cuss-si-on-ny problems, for some reason you-say-zy-va-yut-sya are different, often about -ti-vo-re-chi-vy points of view. Below is one of the controversial points of view that exist in historical science:

The foreign policy of the USSR in the 20s of the XX century was aimed at peaceful coexistence with world powers .

Using historical knowledge, give two arguments, which you can confirm this point of view, and two arguments, which -mi can refute it. In case of lo-same-nii ar-gu-men-tov, it is obligatory-for-tel-but-use-those is-the-ri-che-sky facts. -4 points

The answer for-pi-shi-te is in the following form.

Arguments to support:

1) …

2) …

Arguments in rebuttal:

1) …

2) …

Criteria for evaluation:

Control work on the topic: "Sovietization of Russia".

PROFILE - Grade 11

Option 2

Part I (choose one correct answer - 1 point - total 10 points)

1. Which of the following refers to the reasons for the transition of the Soviet leadership to the New Economic Policy?

1) dissatisfaction of the peasants with the actions of the food detachments

2) the negative impact of foreign concessions on the development of the Soviet economy

3) dissatisfaction of citizens with an increase in utility bills

4) the beginning of the Civil War

2. Which of the following was a consequence of the monetary reform of the 1920s?

1) hyperinflation

2) the appearance in Russia of a hard convertible currency

3) reducing the role of money in the economy

4) transfer of functions of the State Bank to private banks

3. The decision to replace the surplus tax with a tax in kind was made:

1) Constituent Assembly 2)Xcongress of the RCP (b)

3) IIAll-Russian Congress of Soviets 4)IAll-Union Congress of Soviets

4. One of the slogans of the sailors' uprising in Kronstadt in 1921 was:

1) "All power to the committees" 2) "Down with the Soviets"

3) "For Soviets without communists" 4) "Down with capitalist ministers"

5. The Treaty of Rapallo was concluded between Soviet Russia and...:

1) England 2) Austria 3) Germany 4) France

6. I. V. Stalin was able to become the leader of the party and the state, because:

1) there were no other candidates for this role

2) it was a direct instruction from V.I. Lenin

3) by 1924 he became the recognized leader of the international labor and communist movement

4) he skillfully used the differences between prominent party figures

7 . The main content of Soviet foreign policy in the 1920s. was the desire:

1) to overcome diplomatic isolation

2) to the creation of a single anti-fascist bloc

3) to sever relations with capitalist countries

4) to confrontation with Germany and Japan

8 . Which of the following refers to the period known as the “recognition strip of the USSR”?

1) creation of the Comintern

2) the signing of the Soviet-German non-aggression pact and the secret protocol to it

3) exclusion of the USSR from the League of Nations

4) establishment of diplomatic relations with Great Britain and France

9. Which of the following refers to the results of economic reforms during the NEP period?

1) the establishment of a food dictatorship in the countryside

2) restoration of money circulation in the country

3) creation of a network of private joint-stock banks

4) the abolition of the state monopoly of foreign trade

10. What was one of the reasons (prerequisites) for the formation of the USSR?

1) the existence of economic ties between the territories of the former Russian Empire

2) the beginning of mass collectivization

3) the results of the referendum on the creation of the USSR

4) the conclusion of the Brest-Litovsk peace treaty

Part II .

11. Write the missing concept (term). - 1 point

The state body that carried out the nation-wide planning of the development of the national economy of the USSR and control over you economic plans, created in the beginning of the 1920s, called ________________ of the USSR.

12. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, are related to events, phenomena, pro-is-ho-div-shim in the USSR in the 1920s.-2 points

1) "speedmen"

2) cost accounting

3) gold chervonets

4) labor exchange

5) concessions

6) Stakhanovites

13 . Which of the following provisions relate to the New Economic Policy Write down the appropriate numbers in response.- 2 points

1) approval of private ownership of land

2) introduction of cost accounting at state enterprises

3) denationalization of heavy industry

4) the emergence of a credit and banking system and stock exchanges

5) the abolition of the state monopoly of foreign trade

6) introduction of concessions

14. Set the correspondence between events and dates: -2 points



A) the adoption of the first Constitution of the USSR

B) Genoa Conference

C) transition to the NEP

D) the creation of the Russian Association of Proletarian Writers

D) the beginning of peasant uprisings

1) 1919

2) 1920

3) 1921

4) 1922

5) 1923

6) 1924

7) 1925

15. Establish a correspondence between cultural figures and their characteristics: -2 points

16. In historical science, there are disc-cus-si-on-ny problems, for some reason you-say-zy-va-yut-sya are different, often contradictory , points of view. Below is one of the controversial points of view that exist in historical science:

“The introduction of the NEP in 1921 was a recognition of the pain-she-vi-ka-mi in-ra-zhe-niya in-torture for-si-ro-van-no-go-stro -e-niya of communism, step-le-ni-eat back to capitalism.

Using historical knowledge, give two arguments, which you can confirm this point of view, and two arguments, which -mi can refute it. -4 points

Arguments to support:

1) …

2) …

Arguments in rebuttal:

1) …

2) …


Criteria for evaluation:

23-20 b. - "5" 19-15 b. - "4" 14-10 b. - "3" less than 10 b. - "2"

Control work on the topic: "Sovietization of Russia".



1 - option

Option 2

Part I - 10 points





















Part II

11 - 1 b.



12- 2 b .



13 - 2 b .



14 - 2 b.



15 - 2 b.



16 - 4 b .

Arguments for:

1. The USSR sought to establish close economic ties with various countries of the world, inviting Western businessmen to cooperate.

2. In the 1920s, the USSR sought to resolve all international conflicts through peaceful diplomatic means.

Arguments against:

1. The activities of the Comintern, led by the USSR, were aimed at preparing for a world revolution.

2. The USSR actively fomented anti-British relations in Asian countries.

The correct answer must contain arguments.

1) in confirmation, for example:

NEP led to the return of private property to the means of production;

Under NEP, the social inequality became aggravated;

The introduction of the NEP was not behind a plan-no-ro-van step, but pro-is-ho-di-lo under the influence -li-ti-coy "war communism";

NEP as a re-ra-zhe-nie or retreat-le-tion assess-no-wa-whether many more-she-vi-ki (including Lenin - “the retreat is completed”);

2) in refutation, for example:

All the real power remained in the hands of the Bolshevik party, someone didn’t get together from the idea in a row -e-niya of socialism: - in the race-of-the-state-of-su-dar-stva there were large enterprises, railway transport and subsoil (“commanding you-with-you of socialism”);

The state-su-dar-stven-naya mo-no-po-liya of foreign trade was preserved;

There were serious restrictions for private business;

There was no restoration of private ownership of the land;

During the years of the NEP, various forms of cooperation developed, considering it to be a pro-yav-le-ni-em of a so-qi-a-li-sti-che-e-economy.

Criteria for evaluation:

23-20 b. - "5"

19-15 b. - "four"

14-10 b. - "3"

less than 10 b. - "2"

Arrange the following events in chronological order. Specify the answer as a sequence of digits of the selected items.

1) the beginning of the reign of Boris Godunov 2) the beginning of the regency of Princess Sophia

3) the beginning of the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich 4) the overthrow of Vasily Shuisky

8. Read an excerpt from the work of a modern historian and indicate the century when the document in question was adopted.

“The most important in the legislative act are the chapters that determine the class structure of society. Chapter XI "The Court of the Peasants" satisfied the demand of the nobles for the right to an indefinite search for fugitives. Thus, the fixed summers were canceled and the peasants with their offspring became forever the property of the landowners, the palace department and spiritual owners.

1) XIV century. 2) XV century. 3) XVI century. 4) XVII century.

9. Which of the following was a consequence of the baptism of Rus'?

3) the wars of Rus' with the Polovtsy 4) the defeat of the Khazar Khaganate

The limitation of the period for the transition of peasants from one landowner to another by the rule of St. George's Day was first fixed

1) Russkaya Pravda2) Code of Laws of Ivan III3) Code of Laws of Ivan IV4) Cathedral Code

The ruin of Moscow by Khan Tokhtamysh took place in the reign

1) Alexander Nevsky 2) Ivan Kalita 3) Dmitry Donskoy 4) Vasily III

12. Which of the following was the result of "standing" on the Ugra River in 1480?

1) establishing the dependence of Rus' on the Horde

2) the beginning of the rise of Moscow as the center of Russian lands

3) the liberation of Rus' from the Horde dependence

4) the elimination of the political fragmentation of Rus'

Specify the architectural monument, the construction of which dates back to the reign of Ivan III.

1) St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod 2) Golden Gate in Vladimir

3) the Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye 4) the red-brick Moscow Kremlin

Indicate the name of a collection of instructions for housekeeping and raising children, created in the 16th century.

1) “Cheti Menaia” 2) “Domostroy” 3) “Chronograph” 4) “Honest Mirror of Youth”

15. In which of the following battles was the enemy of the Russian army the Swedish army?

1) Battle of the Neva 2) Battle on the Ice 3) Battle on the Kalka River 4) Battle on the City River

16. Establish a correspondence between the princes and the events associated with their activities: for each element of the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.


A) Ivan Kalita 1) suppression of the anti-Horde uprising in Tver

B) Dmitry Donskoy 2) construction of a white-stone Kremlin in Moscow

C) Yuri Dolgoruky 3) victory over Dmitry Shemyaka

4) the first mention of Moscow in the annals

Write in the line of answers the chosen numbers under the corresponding letters.

17. Establish a correspondence between events, phenomena of the 17th century. and historical persons whose activities are associated with these events, phenomena: for each element of the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.


A) the abolition of localism 1) Tsar Fedor Alekseevich

B) the liberation of Moscow from the Polish invaders 2) Patriarch Nikon

C) church reform 3) Dmitry Pozharsky

4) Ivan Bolotnikov

18. Which of the following refers to the peculiarities of the structure of the Novgorod land in the period from the 1130s to the 1470s? Choose two features and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) The prince headed the city administration.

2) The power of the prince was inherited, but was limited by strong boyars.

3) The veche had the supreme power. 4) The people's assembly invited the prince.

5) The prince was a large landowner in the Novgorod land.

19 Which of the following was a consequence of the implementation of the oprichnina policy under Ivan IV?

1) the final liberation of Rus' from the Horde dominion

2) economic ruin of the country

3) the formation of a class-representative monarchy 4) the establishment of the patriarchate

| next lecture ==>

Basic State Exam


Variant No. -001-

Work instructions

The examination paper consists of two parts, including 35 tasks. Part 1 contains 30 short answer tasks, part 2 contains 5 long answer tasks.

3 hours (180 minutes) are allotted to complete the examination paper in history.

Answers to tasks 1-22 are written as one digit, which corresponds to the number of the correct answer. Write this figure in the answer field in the text of the work, and then transfer it to the answer sheet No. 1.

The answers to tasks 23-30 are a word (phrase), a number or a sequence of numbers. Write your answer in the answer field in the text of the work,
and then transfer to the answer sheet No. 1.

For tasks 31-35, a detailed answer should be given. Tasks 31 and 32 provide for the analysis of a historical source. Tasks 33-35 involve detailed answers to given topics. Tasks 31-35 are performed on the answer sheet No. 2.

When completing assignments, you can use a draft. Entries
in the draft are not taken into account when evaluating the work.

The points you get for completed tasks are summed up. Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score the most points.

We wish you success!

Part 1

The answer to tasks 1-22 is one digit, which corresponds to the number of the correct answer. Write this figure in the answer field in the text of the work, and then transfer it to the ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the number of the corresponding task, starting from the first cell.


Read an excerpt from the historian's work and name the old Russian prince,
about which there is a speech.

“The following year, the prince went with an army to Korsun and laid siege to it. The city stubbornly resisted. The prince vowed to be baptized if he took Korsun,
and really took it. Without being baptized yet, he sent to Constantinople to the king-brothers Vasily and Konstantin, threatening to go against them and demanding their sister Anna to marry him. The kings told him that they could not marry the princess
for "nasty", i.e. for a pagan. The prince replied that he was ready to be baptized. Then the tsars sent their sister to Korsun and the clergy with her, who baptized the Russian prince and married him to the princess.


Read an excerpt from the historian's work and indicate the empress in question.

“The June coup of 1762 made her an autocratic Russian empress… In [her] writings, various interests and hobbies of her excited thought were reflected. German by birth, French by her favorite language and upbringing, she occupied a prominent place among Russian writers of the 18th century ... She wrote a lot in French and even in Russian, although with errors ... She admitted that she did not understand how one could spend a day, without smearing at least one sheet of paper ... Her correspondence with Voltaire and foreign agent Baron Grim is whole volumes.


Read an excerpt from the memoirs of a military leader and indicate the battle,
about the preparation of the enemy in question.

“The plan for the upcoming offensive of the Nazi troops is set out in sufficient detail in Order No. 6, signed by Hitler on April 15 ... According to this order, the task of the offensive was to destroy the Soviet troops by means of a “concentric offensive” in order to encircle the Soviet fronts. One blow was planned to be delivered from the area south of Orel by the main forces of Army Group Center, and the other from the area north of Kharkov by the main forces of Army Group South.

Arrange historical events in chronological order. Write down the numbers that indicate historical events,
in the correct order in the table.

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

Compare the Livonian and Northern wars. Select and write down in the first column of the table the serial numbers of the similarities, and in the second - the serial numbers of the differences.

Answer: _________.

Answer: _________.

Don't forget to transfer all the answers to the answer sheet No. 1
in accordance with the work instructions.

Part 2

For answers to the tasks of this part (31-35), use the ANSWER FORM No. 2. First write down the task number (31, 32, etc.), and then the answer to it. Write your answers clearly and legibly.

Have questions?

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