Receptions and rules of shooting from a machine gun. Tricks of the machine gunner. Opinion of a special forces soldier: domestic firearms Using AK without a belt

1. How to carry weapons more comfortably

The experience of military operations, both our domestic and foreign, shows that in military conflicts of low intensity the number of units operating in isolation from the main forces increases significantly. Ordinary units have to perform tasks in small groups in conditions typical of special forces (ambushes, patrols, reconnaissance, etc.).

In this regard, it should be noted that one of the main shortcomings is the inability to properly carry weapons and quickly prepare them for battle. Often, employees of various departments and military personnel do not use a belt for carrying weapons at all, which sometimes leads to the loss of machine guns in cases of undermining equipment, falling from it, and similar situations. On the other hand, the frequently used methods of carrying weapons do not allow quick preparation for firing when an armed enemy suddenly appears at close range. But in close contact with the enemy, he is able to easily take away the machine, for example, when checking documents from citizens at a checkpoint and similar situations.

Some rather rarely used ways of carrying small arms allow you to quickly prepare for firing and repel an attack.

Method number 1. On the left shoulder is an old hunting technique. To prevent the machine from slipping, you need to properly fit the belt. This method allows you to quickly prepare for firing. The disadvantage is that in close contact with the enemy, he can easily pull the weapon from his shoulder.

Method number 2. On the chest - a belt is thrown over the neck, the machine gun hangs with the barrel down.

It allows:

  • quickly prepare for firing;
  • shift weapons from one shoulder to another;
  • use weapons in hand-to-hand combat.

The disadvantage is that the neck gets tired when the machine is worn for a long time.

Method number 3. On the chest - the belt is thrown over the back, the machine gun is on the chest with the barrel down.

Pros of the method:

  • the main load falls on the back, and not on the neck;
  • quick preparation for shooting;
  • the ability to quickly switch to method number 2.


  • you cannot shift weapons from one shoulder to another;
  • the difficulty of using the machine in hand-to-hand combat.

Method number 4. At the checkpoint, it becomes necessary to have free hands, on the other hand, the weapon must be in a position that makes it possible to quickly use it. At the same time, the machine must be moved away from the person being checked in order to deprive him of the ability to block the weapon. For a convenient location of the machine, you should unhook the belt from the receiver swivel and hook it onto the butt swivel, forming a loop. The loop adjusts to fit and is worn over the shoulder and back. The machine gun with a retracted butt is located under the right shoulder and is easily raised with one hand. When checking, it is necessary to become the left side of the person being checked, on the right side of him. You need to slightly put your left foot forward, turn your body with your left side forward so that the machine is as far away from the person being checked.

Positive points:

  • the machine is as far as possible from the inspected, which makes it difficult to take possession of the weapon;
  • in case of danger, it is easy to break the distance and use weapons;
  • in this position, it is good to control the delivery of documents;
  • the machine can be freely moved from one shoulder to another.

This method is good when using short-barreled weapons, such as AKS-74U. If you have a long-barreled weapon, then in the event of a tilt or squat, the barrel will inevitably stick into the ground, which can lead to contamination of the bore.

Method number 5. To fix the weapon, you can use a carbine attached to the employee's equipment, into which the belt of the machine is inserted.

Considering the above methods of wearing, several conclusions can be drawn:

  1. When performing service and combat tasks, the weapon must be attached to the employee.

  2. It is desirable to give preference to methods No. 2, 3, 5. When working with short-barreled weapons - method No. 4.

  3. Carrying weapons in these ways allows you to:

  • free your hands and, if necessary, instantly bring the machine into a combat position;

  • if necessary, switch to additional weapons, throw a grenade, transfer cargo or evacuate the wounded, etc. just let go of the machine gun.

This material does not cover the use of a belt when firing small arms, although these points also need to be considered, as this allows for more effective fire.

2. Learn to shoot correctly

The use of weapons in a combat situation pursues the task of instantly responding to a changing situation and quickly defeating an enemy that has appeared.

  1. The butt is located at the hip, the muzzle is located horizontally. This position does not provide high accuracy of shooting.

  2. The butt rests against the shoulder, the muzzle is parallel to the ground.
    This option allows:

  • instantly open sufficiently effective fire when the enemy appears on the line of fire, since the aiming line and the barrel of the weapon are at the same level;

  • it is easy to correct the fire, especially at short distances, characteristic of settlements, since ricochets are visible.
    The disadvantage is that when the weapon is worn for a long time in this position, the hand supporting it gets tired.

  • The butt is at the shoulder, the muzzle is tilted down, the elbow of the supporting arm rests against the side.
    Positive points:

    • this option allows you to quickly bring the weapon to the previous position with the corresponding pluses;

    • with this method, the load on the supporting arm is less, therefore, it is not so tired.

  • The butt is at the shoulder, the muzzle of the weapon is parallel to the ground, the magazine of the machine rests on the palm of the hand, and her elbow rests on the thigh.

    • positive aspects, as in the second option;

    • the weapon has a more stable position due to the emphasis of the supporting hand on the thigh;

    • the support arm gets tired less.

    When being in a combat zone, situations arise when a fighter, upon a sudden meeting with the enemy, needs to move to the nearest shelter, and there is no one to cover him at that moment. Retreating backwards, firing at the enemy, is inconvenient (you can stumble, fall), it is longer in time and the fire in such a situation is not effective enough. In this case, you can use the following method. The fighter turns in the direction where he needs to run across, while leaving the weapon directed towards the enemy, and runs to the shelter, firing at the enemy.

    The technique here is:

    • when moving with the right hand holding the butt, an approximate aiming of the weapon towards the enemy is made;

    • although this is a non-aimed fire, at close range it will force the enemy to also seek cover and affect the effectiveness of his fire.

    This method is more physiological and allows, while firing at the enemy, at the same time to see where you need to run.

    3. Features of the use of weapons

    The technical rate of fire of the AK-74 is high (600 rpm). A 30-round magazine is fired in one burst in three seconds, and a 45-round magazine in four and a half. Experienced shooters in battle set the fuse to single fire and shoot with frequent single shots, refining the aiming after each shot. At the same time, the rate of fire is quite high, and the accuracy is much higher compared to bursts. However, in some situations, firing long bursts is justified, for example, when several armed opponents appear at close range. Some good shooters can, with the interpreter on automatic fire, fire single shots. When it becomes necessary to shoot in bursts, there is no need to be distracted and waste time switching the fire translator.

    When firing bursts from the AK-74, it must be taken into account that in this case the machine gun leads upwards to the right, so it is advisable to start firing from the leftmost near target.

    When in a war zone, it is common to see many carrying weapons with linked magazines. I wouldn't recommend doing it the traditional way, since linking stores like this:

    • violates the balance of weapons;
    • when firing prone, the magazine turned upside down often sticks to the ground, as a result of which it becomes dirty, which can lead to delays or failure of the weapon with all the ensuing negative consequences;
    • when shooting prone, due to a slight increase in the length of the connected stores, the profile of the shooter increases slightly, which is also a negative point.
    For these reasons, the use of high-capacity magazines, as well as their tying, can be recommended for maneuvering in the city or on vehicles. You need to fasten the stores with the feeder up, inserting a piece of wood or another object between them so that when the store is attached, the second one does not interfere with this. With this position of the stores, reloading will occur much faster, and their contamination will be excluded.

    When firing, accounting for ammunition is an important point, otherwise, at the most inopportune moment, you may find yourself without cartridges against an armed enemy. In some countries, transparent plastic stores are used for these purposes, while in our country such stores are not produced yet. Sometimes army craftsmen make a slot along the magazine to control the consumption of ammunition. The disadvantage of this option is the rapid contamination of the store, which can lead to delays or a complete failure of the weapon when firing.

    I would advise doing the following:

    at the end of the magazine, load 3-5 rounds with a tracer bullet so that after them there are still 3-5 rounds with a regular bullet left. When you fire and see that the "tracers" have gone, this will be a signal for you: it's time to reload, but you still have 3-5 rounds in reserve for the last burst.

    When driving on vehicles, patrolling and similar situations, it is desirable that the first store be loaded with tracer bullets. In case it is necessary to open fire, for example, in case of a sudden collision with the enemy, this gives:

    • the whole group instantly determines where it is necessary to fire;
    • the ability to quickly adjust the fire;
    • additional psychological impact on the enemy (he sees that the "tracers" are going in his direction). In addition, when operating in conditions of limited visibility, the enemy may get the impression that he has encountered a larger group, since traditionally "tracers" are loaded through 3-5 conventional cartridges.
    It is very important to choose the right sight, corresponding to the range to the enemy and control it. In populated areas, it is recommended to fire with a sight "1" or "2" (preferably "2"). When firing from the AK-74, the excess of the point of impact over the aiming point is:

    • with a sight of "1" an excess of 100 m - 0 cm (i.e., where we aim, we get there);
    • with a sight "2" at 100 m - 5 cm;
    • with a sight "P" at 100 m - 28 cm, at 200 m - 38 cm.
    When firing at short distances (which is typical for combat in populated areas) with a “P” sight, for example, at a head target located at a distance of 70-100 m, the probability of hitting decreases, and in the turmoil of battle, take out the front sight, taking into account the excess, as a rule , once. When shooting with the sight "2" at a distance of up to 200 m, the trajectory of the bullet will not exceed 5 cm, which makes it possible to shoot directly at the target. At a range of 250 m, the point of impact will be 10 cm below the aiming point, i.e. when firing at a chest target at ranges up to 250 m, it is practically not necessary to adjust the aiming point. It is desirable that each serviceman knows the bullet trajectory excess table specific to the weapon with which he works, or at least writes it down in his notebook. This, by the way, will also help, if necessary, to bring the weapon to a normal battle. Other information can be entered into the same notebook: target designation, landmarks, etc. When shooting, you should not rest the forearm (as well as the magazine) against a hard surface, since this also negatively affects the shooting results. It is better to put something soft under the forearm, or at least a hand.

    In cases where it is not possible to shoot from the stop, you can shoot using a belt, taking into account the points mentioned above. While running, it is better to shoot in the single support phase (when one foot is on the ground). This allows you to fire more accurately at the enemy.

    It is very important to carry out the attachment correctly: when applying the head to the butt during shooting, the front sight should be in the slot of the rear sight. You can achieve automatism here through repeated training. True, everyone has different heads, and as a rule there is no adjustable cheek on the butt. In some cases, for this it is necessary to make a home-made cheek, for example, by wrapping a tourniquet around the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe butt that the head touches. All this is necessary for quick and accurate offhand shooting, so as not to waste time searching for the front sight and rear sight.

    When performing combat missions, in addition to the main weapon (AK, SVD, PK, etc.), it is necessary to have an additional one (PM, APS, etc.), which will allow you to use the main weapon if it is impossible (delays, the end of ammunition, the danger of ricochets, etc. .p.) work additional.


    In combat conditions, the equipment of a fighter is of great importance. Not only life and health, but also the ability to competently, with the least losses to complete the task depends on what and how he is dressed. Often, military personnel are equipped in such a way that it causes, to put it mildly, bewilderment. The uniform is full of various stripes and emblems, there are bright shiny cockades on headgear, etc., etc. It must be remembered that uniforms must match the background of the area on which you have to work. The main unmasking elements, in addition to clothing, are various stripes, emblems, cockades, insignia, open parts of the body (hands, face), metal parts of weapons that give unmasking shine.

    Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that all this does not happen. A mask is either put on the face to match the background of the area, or makeup is applied (special tool "Fog", etc.). A cloth cover is made on the helmet under the background of the terrain. Fasteners for branches, rags, etc. are possible on it to create a blurry silhouette of a helmet.

    On hand should be gloves, also under the background of the terrain. In winter, especially when it is very cold, you can wear mittens over gloves with an elastic band passed through the sleeves of clothing (many have known this since childhood). If necessary, the mittens are simply dropped, and you work with gloves without thinking about where to attach the mittens. There are other options with the use of combined mittens (in which the palm part can be retracted and fastened with Velcro to the back of the hand, while the hand remains in the glove), the use of three-finger mittens. Gloves should be full-fingered, it is better if they are with protective overlays.

    The use of cut gloves is impractical for the reason that it is easy to injure fingers during various movements (through fences, obstacles, rappelling, etc.). If you need to make an accurate shot, to increase the sensitivity of the finger on the trigger, a cut is made along the seam on the glove of the index finger, into which the index finger protrudes - this is exactly what some biathletes do when competing. In other cases, during maneuvering actions, you can fire without exposing your finger.

    Must have knee pads and elbow pads- they will protect your joints from injury, because during a clash you will have no time to choose where and how to fall, and in case of injury, you will not only complicate the task of your colleagues, but also divert a certain number of them to help you. In my opinion, it is better to use soft knee pads and elbow pads: they make less noise, and when shooting prone from hard ground, using soft elbow pads is much more convenient than hard ones. Knee pads and elbow pads will help you in other situations, for example, when you have to lie down for a long time (ambushes, observation, etc.). This is especially true in autumn, winter and spring: they will protect your joints from hypothermia. In such cases, under the stomach, you can put an ordinary tourist "seat" made from a tourist rug or bought in a store - this will make it possible to be quite comfortable in a prone position for a long time, especially on rocky ground.

    It is also necessary to have glasses. They will protect your eyes from the sun, dust, sand, plaster, sleeves. It is desirable that glasses have interchangeable lenses for clear weather: they will protect your eyes from the sun's rays and allow you to monitor your surroundings. In extreme cases, when in the sun, especially in spring or in the mountains in the snow, for protection, you can recommend a mask made of thick white paper (dense fabric) with narrow slits for the eyes. The mask will protect your eyes and face from sunburn, besides, the face will not stand out against a white background and unmask you (at the same time, it will not be out of place to remind you that you must also be dressed in a white camouflage coat, and your weapon is camouflaged under snow).

    Shoes should be high-top, because the use of sneakers can lead to ankle injuries. It is easy to twist your foot in sneakers, especially after long transitions when you are tired. In addition, the bony parts of the ankle remain open in the sneakers, which are easily damaged when moving along rocky ground, when overcoming fords with a rocky bottom. Sneakers are easy to lose, even if they are tightly laced: it’s enough to catch on something with the heel and they will immediately fly off, and running barefoot, especially in a combat situation, will not bring much pleasure. When on loose ground, sand will inevitably get into the sneakers, which will also contribute to leg injuries.

    Quite often, when performing combat missions, one can observe fighters dressed in waterproof suits("Slope R-1" and the like). In my opinion, using them in such situations is impractical, since they do not "breathe" and therefore moisture collects under them. In warm weather, this can lead to overheating and rapid removal of water from the body, and in cold weather, to hypothermia. In addition, such suits also protect poorly from rain. When moving, they rustle, which prevents hidden movement. You can put on or take off such a suit only after getting rid of the vest, which is also undesirable in combat conditions. A poncho is more suitable for these purposes: in this case, all elements of the equipment are under its protection, the poncho does not reduce motor functions, it is quickly put on, and it can be easily and quickly removed without removing the vest. In addition, it is easy to make a canopy from a poncho and hide from rain or sun. In certain situations, it can be used as a stretcher to carry goods.

    When performing tasks in the summer, many wear short-sleeved T-shirts, not thinking that in the event of shelling they will have to fall to the ground, crawl from place to place, which can lead to additional injuries, not to mention the unmasking factor. Therefore, clothes should be with long sleeves and preferably stronger, in extreme cases, the sleeves can be slightly rolled up. When using winter suits "Snow" and their analogues, to reduce the rustling that they emit when moving, you can put on a regular cloth camouflage suit over it, in extreme cases - a regular larger uniform to match the background of the area.

    And now let's talk about unloading vests. They can be conditionally divided into three types:

    1. Unloading vest for a specific weapon ("Pioneer", "Tarzan", "Vydra-3M-Base", "Cordon", etc.).

    2. Unloading vests with a base on which interchangeable weapon units ("Vydra-3M-SBV") are attached.

    3. Belt-shoulder systems.

    In my opinion, the use of vests of the second and third types is more practical, since they are easily combined with any weapon that you have to work with. To do this, simply change the interchangeable weapon units. Of the two chosen, the shoulder-belt system is preferable:

    • it is quickly put on (just throw it on and fasten the belt buckle);
    • in the heat, it does not cover the body and is less likely to get a heat stroke;
    • when fixing weapons on the belt, there is less load on the back, it is much more convenient to get weapons from the belt than from chest pockets;
    • when wearing body armor, your profile when shooting prone is less than if you use vests of the first and second types. When using unloading vests with magazine pockets on the chest (Tarzan, Pioneer, etc.), it is less convenient to shoot in the prone position.
    Given all of the above, it is desirable for each weapon to have camouflage equipment set, which would reduce unmasking factors to a minimum. To do this, it is enough to sew covers from a material suitable for the background of the terrain, and your weapon will not be seen even at close range. The cover is made on the front of the machine gun, rifle, machine gun. Tightening ropes are attached at both ends, rags are sewn onto the case itself, which change the silhouette of the weapon. Such a cover is fixed at the base of the front sight and at the receiver, quickly put on and removed. Similar covers are made for the stock and magazine. In addition, black fabric insulating tape (white plaster in winter) is wrapped around the metal parts of the belt and the carabiner at the front swivel. Your weapon, prepared in this way, will make much less noise when moving, and it will be almost invisible. A small cloth cover is also made on the flash hider: it will protect the bore from foreign objects, and in the event of a shot it will not interfere with it.

    Knives. I think that each employee should have two of them: one is combat, the other is a compact universal one with a set of tools for domestic needs. By the way, it may be needed in combat conditions. Set of tools should include wire cutters and pliers - they will come in handy for overcoming chain-link fences and in other situations. Each fighter must have two "smoke", 1-2 individual dressing bags, a tourniquet, 1-2 syringe tubes of promedol. Depending on the situation, the number may be large, but not less, since no one can say in advance where and when all this will be needed. In addition, when you are separated from the main forces, sometimes there is no way to get what you need. Also, everyone needs to have a NAP kit (wearable emergency supply) in case you suddenly find yourself alone in the territory controlled by illegal armed formations or the population of which has a negative attitude towards the official authorities, and you need time to go out to your friends or wait for help. NAZ should be fixed on the employee himself, and not placed in a satchel or backpack. In certain situations, you run the risk of losing them, while being left without a wearable emergency supply.

    NAZ may include 1-2 sewing needles (preferably magnetized) with thread, a pair of safety pins, 3-5 meters of thin fishing line, a pair of fishhooks, 2 halves of a safety razor blade, several matches with a grater, several water disinfection tablets, medical supplies , for example, analgin, tablets for diarrhea, for infection, etc. All this easily fits into an ordinary army first-aid kit or a small soap box. It is also advisable to have 1-2 chocolate bars with nuts with you, this will help replenish your energy costs for some time and not engage in mining or cooking.

    Everyone should have flask filled with water. Often, water in ordinary plastic packaging is carried in the back of a car, but in the event of an ambush or an explosion, you will have no time to think about water, you will have to act, perhaps retreat to the nearest shelter and wait for help or break away from pursuit and then go out to your own. Sometimes this can take a long time, and without water it will be difficult for you.

    Everyone must have area map on which you have to work, compass, protractor, pencil. If it is not possible to provide everyone with a map, then it should be at least at the point of temporary deployment so that the fighters can study it well. The map will help you orient yourself, give target designation. However, military topographic maps are, as a rule, scarce or non-existent. We did so. During business trips, back in Mozdok, they bought an ordinary geographical map of the Chechen Republic at a scale of 1: 250,000, cut off the excess and glued it with adhesive tape to protect it from moisture and reduce wear and tear. Such a map was enough to navigate the territory of Chechnya. It was possible, if necessary, to give target designation, it was quite compact and, when folded, was placed in a breast pocket. At least it's better than nothing.

    5. Transportation

    Speaking about the conduct of hostilities, it is necessary to separately touch on the topic of movement in transport. As a rule, the bulk of the personnel moves through the territory of Chechnya on conventional Urals, which do not protect the fighters from small arms, RPGs, and explosive devices. As a result, there are unjustified losses during shelling and explosions. To protect personnel, a number of measures can be taken:

    • The side benches are removed.
    • The sides of the Ural are reinforced with beams (logs) or iron pipes into which logs or beams are thrust.
    • Steel or armored shields can be placed in front of the beam, the sides can be upholstered with thick rubber on the outside (for example, rubber squares from sports tracks in stadiums).
    • The bottom of the body must also be laid out with timber or sandbags.
    • Put large weapon boxes in the middle of the body. They can be used to transport additional ammunition, food, etc.
    • Personnel are located on boxes with their backs to each other with weapons aimed at the outer perimeter. Everyone watches their sector. A soldier sitting in the cockpit controls the sector in the direction of the vehicle. Everyone should have cartridges in the chamber, the first store must be loaded with "tracers" (target designation, psychological impact on the enemy).
    • As for the awning, when moving on the flat part, it can be left, fixed at the top to protect it from the sun and rain. When moving in the mountains and the city, it must be removed, as it limits the view.
    • Personnel must be equipped with protective equipment, a helmet on their heads. In the presence of "Mask" helmets and their analogues, the visor must be lowered.
    • When moving on armored Urals, the layout should be the same. If the body is equipped with an armored kung with hatches in the roof, then the fighter in the front hatch controls the sector in front of the car, and the one in the rear hatch controls the sector behind the car. When moving in the city and mountains, they also control high-rise buildings and heights.
    With such an arrangement of personnel, the fighters constantly monitor the space around the car and are ready to quickly open fire on the enemy if necessary. There must be a permanent connection between the cab and the body. The personnel must agree in advance on the procedure in a given situation, and, if possible, practice. Commands must be clear and understandable.

    When moving on an armored personnel carrier, the one who sits in the place of the commander controls the sector in the direction of travel. Located in hatches - sectors on the sides and up. Those sitting inside additionally control the sectors on the sides. The shooter in the tower tracks either the sector ahead of the armored personnel carrier, or the most dangerous direction. The machine gunner is located between the open hatches on top and controls the rear and upper sectors. Everyone is in protective gear.

    6. They are greeted by clothes ...

    And the last. During business trips to Chechnya, I had to face another problem. As a rule, SOBR units operated as part of the integrated RUBOP detachments, which consisted of four or more groups from the UBOP of the regions and republics.

    In my opinion, it would be more expedient to reduce the number of groups in the combined detachments, and increase their numerical strength. This would contribute to a more productive work of the consolidated detachments.

    Often, employees from different departments were included in the group to perform a particular task, and proposals to form groups of colleagues did not find support from higher management. Paradoxical as it may seem, it is a fact. I don’t want to offend any of my colleagues, but any competent commander should be aware of such concepts as combat coherence, psychological compatibility, etc., etc. An old Russian proverb says: “Meet by clothes, see off by mind.” If you are well and competently equipped, this increases your chances of completing the assigned task and surviving in a combat situation, but all this must be supplemented by professional competent work.

    This review describes the practice of using and applying belts for the Kalashnikov assault rifle during their intensive use.


    Developed back in Soviet times, the Instructions on Shooting do not fully take into account the requirements and convenience for a soldier to use a belt for a machine gun.

    Standard practice for using a belt according to NSD:

    To be honest, I don’t understand such a retention of the machine gun when crawling along the bellies. When crawling, it is best to throw the machine gun on a belt behind your back or hold it in your hands, and crawling like a plastun in this way is very wrong because it leaves a lot of traces) but this is already a lyric) Again, the machine gun is in this position (I'm still talking about figure 55 ) is rather unstable and traumatic - shine a fly in your eye, and even successfully push the butt with your knee, and complete happiness. "Instructions" and "Statutes" in the RF Armed Forces, unfortunately, are written by officers with a high level of staff culture, but who do not have sufficient practical experience. To write such instructions, you need not sit in the office, but wander around the garrisons and go all the way from platoon commander to battalion commander. Then the practical component, safety precautions, and combat realities will be taken into account. Otherwise, the Instructions become the same abstraction as the concepts of "ideal liquid" or "ideal gas" in physics.

    VC. (resource expert, GRU special forces veteran):

    In this position, with a long burst, the machine gun tends to lift the barrel, which is dangerous for the surrounding comrades leading the battle, he himself almost became a victim of such a handsome man.

    VC. (resource expert, GRU special forces veteran):

    Incorrect holding of the machine by the magazine - in the heat of battle, the magazine can be unfastened by accident. And the machine is not at all stable in this position.

    VC. (resource expert, GRU special forces veteran):

    From this position, the Remba current in films and the natives of the Caucasus, who usually shoot into the white light like a pretty penny, effectively shoot.

    Using an AK without a strap:

    ak (
    Not comfortable without it. Without a belt, the weapon is simply constantly in the hands, and not on the neck, on the shoulder, behind the back. Thus, a weapon without a belt is in constant readiness to open fire when moving. This is the basis of the practice of carrying weapons without a belt. As far as I know, this practice takes place in the British SAS and some other special forces. Personally, I think that this is still an inflection! There are a number of cases (unexpected fall from a slope, blowing up, crossing rivers, carrying a wounded man, climbing / descending a rope, working with a short barrel, throwing a grenade) when a weapon without a belt will be thrown, dropped, laid down or even lost. For example, somehow two of us flew down a hill along a steep slope, so the VSSnik, even with a belt hanging around his neck, managed to lose a rifle falling, they looked for it then climbing this slope for more than an hour, lowering the rope. But it was on a combat mission. No, I would not remove the belt from my weapon for anything, in my opinion, holding a weapon in my hands is just a matter of self-discipline and training.

    Djuric (, veteran of the Bosnian war in Yugoslavia, veteran of the White Wolves RDO)

    Guys, I'll just give my reasons why I mostly wore AKs without a belt. In Bosnia, in the mountains, there is a very dense bush, just a jungle. You have to wade through them, and the belts have a bad habit of clinging to the branches, don't they, mountain ones? And you don’t walk much along the paths, mines! In our detachment, only two were left without legs because of them. Ak correctly wrote that by constantly carrying AK in your hands, you get used to it as if it were your own. Yes, and automatic, so to speak, is always at hand! In constant combat readiness! But I didn’t throw away the belt either, when it was necessary, then I wore it.

    Use in existing realities:

    Transferring the attachment of the rear swivel to the opposite side (by the type of attachment of the swivel on AK 100 series, AK74M and AKS74 assault rifles) on assault rifles with a wooden butt:

    Using only the rear sling swivel:

    Using the "neck" of the AK butt instead of the rear swivel for attaching a belt:

    The position of the AK strap in the position behind the head can be used in different ways:

    Rest on the belt...

    "Work" AK (the belt is strongly lowered):

    Or work with your hand, keeping the position of the machine and in readiness to open fire:

    So that the sagging belt does not interfere with the machine gun in hand, it will be pulled down to be fixed on the butt:

    And so that the metal parts of the carbine do not "rattle" on the swivel of the machine gun, the carbine is wrapped with tape / electrical tape / plaster:

    There is a practice of using the so-called. "three-point" belts:

    Members of illegal armed bandit formations on the territory of the Chechen Republic were great originals and went the furthest ... Attaching an AK belt to the gas outlet pipe (for the entire unit) ...:

    The use of a clip for attaching a butt instead of a rear swivel when attaching a belt did not help members of illegal armed gangs on the territory of the Chechen Republic to operate effectively, which is illustrated by:

    The use of the machine gun, and the belt for it as spacers, as the basis for shelter during the "daylight" at combat exits (photo 668 OOSN (422 RGSPn) 1988 Afghanistan):

    Good day.

    The idea was born to write an extensive series of articles “about everything”. I want to say right away that these articles do not claim to be the ultimate truth. Everything is individual, only what is most acceptable for me is collected and presented here.
    One more caveat - everything that is described here is not my personal experience. Something has been read somewhere, checked and used, comrades have taught something, something is really the product of one's own reflections, trial and error. The latter will not stand apart, but will be served along with all the points.
    Why am I doing this?
    So that everyone who needs information on relevant topics can quickly and easily find it in one place.
    Not everyone has comrades in power structures who can tell and tell what they are taught (and not everything can be told), so the main source of knowledge is the Internet. Personally, I don’t think it’s shameful, because on the Internet it often turns out to be from primary sources, from some books, etc., however, you shouldn’t think that after reading articles and watching videos from the network, you will become cooler than any eggs.
    However, due to the well-known events that happened to our aircraft in the 90s, the literature available to the general public is very old, written back in the USSR. It is not wrong, but many of the things described and stated there have outlived their usefulness many years ago.
    I hope that this cycle will be useful to someone.

    You can talk about weapons endlessly.
    Serious units choose it for the task, additional equipment is also selected for the task, but we are not cool, if any assault rifle is in our hands, then most likely it will be AK.
    First you need to clearly understand that in addition to the AK, it is ideal to have a pistol and, of course, a knife, but these are separate items.

    Kalashnikov assault rifle.

    Generally speaking, this is a reliable weapon with lame accuracy and disgusting ergonomics. Cheap, with a decent weight, angular, rough, requiring a certain skill and skills for quick and effective use.
    In modern conditions, shoals are eliminated by acquiring the so-called. “body kit”, but this is money and additional weight, again, not everyone is comfortable.
    Despite all these disadvantages, AK has become quite convenient and practical for me.

    Safety Engineering (TB).

    A sore subject, despite the fact that everything is simple.
    As soon as you decide that you will master any weapon (and it doesn’t matter if it’s pneumatics or combat), then you need to learn TB ironically.

    The main points that I would highlight:
    1. ALWAYS treat the firearm as if it were loaded.
    2. NEVER point your gun where you don't intend to shoot.
    3. NEVER put your finger on the trigger until you have clearly decided to shoot.
    4. ALWAYS double check the unloaded weapon.
    5. I don’t see - I don’t shoot.
    6. There should be glasses on the eyes.
    7. This item is separate, especially for AK. GLOVES. They are categorically necessary when working with him. Fingers are sometimes torn to blood on the sharp edges of the legendary machine gun.

    How to wear and hold.

    There are a lot of options here. We considered that it is optimal to hold the machine gun with your left hand closer to the barrel cut (within reasonable limits, you don’t need to grab the barrel), because this reduces the inertia when turning the barrel and the weapon more sharply and clearly becomes on the target.
    The right hand NEVER (I think everyone understands that you don’t need to stick it there) is not removed from the pistol grip. To do this, all devices, devices (PTT button, hydrator hose, helmet lamp, etc.) must be attached under the left hand.
    The butt is placed closer to the collarbone.
    You can not "fold" and "press" into the weapon, as this deprives mobility.

    Elbows should not be set aside, but also pressed into the body, for the same reason of deprivation of mobility.

    The barrel of the gun is ALWAYS facing the same direction as the shooter. It should not be that you look to the right, and the barrel to the left.

    Carrying options should be divided into several sections, according to situations.

    1. Marching (marching) position.

    This is not a statutory way of carrying on the right shoulder. It generally makes sense to forget about it.

    The weapon is worn on the chest, in the zone of maximum reach, but at the same time comfortable.
    MUST be on safety. The finger is either along the receiver or under the trigger.
    If you have a simple two-point belt, then you need to stretch it so that the butt of the machine is under the shoulder. This will allow you to quickly raise the weapon.

    One more condition is obligatory: when putting on an automatic belt, you need to stick your LEFT hand into it, and not your right hand (as is usually done). Try both options. Try to throw up a weapon from them - the difference is obvious.


    Not properly:

    If you walk for a long time, then sooner or later your neck and shoulder begin to ache. We are not terminators, so I want to talk about a method that will help make life easier without losing combat capability.
    We put the machine gun on the fold of the left hand. With our right hand, we support the machine from below, under the magazine, putting our thumb on the safety. The butt is placed on the fold of the right hand.
    Thus, a stable mobile structure is obtained, which allows you to unload the neck and shoulders, but at the same time leave the weapon in the zone of maximum access.
    The presence of large straight front handles can interfere with this method, but you can adapt if you wish (I managed to).

    IN NO EVENT should you put an automatic magazine behind the RPS belt (this is not a pun, such individuals are real).

    2. Combat ready position.
    Let's call it this way.
    Situation in which it is used:
    You are in the zone of a probable meeting with the enemy, but at the moment you do not see him.
    Again, we are not terminators, and we cannot constantly keep our weapons tossed to our shoulders, as in cool action movies. Yes, and there is little point in this, only the muscles get tired.

    Therefore, I propose the following:
    The machine is off the safety, the finger is under the trigger, or on the receiver.
    The butt is clamped in the right axillary region.
    The left hand is in a comfortable, predetermined position on the fore-end.
    Thus, a comfortable position is achieved, from which it will not be difficult to bring the weapon into a state of combat readiness.

    3. Combat position.

    The situation in which it is used is obvious: direct contact with the enemy, or its maximum probability, visual contact.
    The fuse is off, the finger is on the trigger.
    Then there are two options.

    - The most common (we use it).

    The butt is at the shoulder, but the barrel is slightly lowered down. This is done in order to provide the maximum viewing angle without obstructing its lower part with the barrel of the weapon.
    From a straight line corresponding to the aiming line, the barrel must be lowered by 30-45 degrees.

    - Israeli version (used mainly in urban areas).
    The bottom line here is that you need to have the skill of shooting from the hip and, if possible, a strong wrist.
    The weapon is held with the right hand below, pointing in the same direction as the gaze.
    The left hand remains free and serves to dampen speed during sudden runs, for insurance in case of falls, etc. (sorry for the terrible grimace under the balclave, there was a strong wind).

    This option exists and is widely used. Usually it is he who is given in the courses of fleeting combat in private companies.


    Here, it would seem, everyone knows everything. Combine the rear sight and the front sight and stuff like that. However, there are cases when soldiers shoot at the front sight, ignoring the rear sight, and hit the bullet catcher, located at a decent height above the ground.
    I don’t see the point in talking about such things here (read in the simplest shooting instructions), but I’ll point out one important “trifle”.
    Learn to aim with both eyes with conventional mechanical sights. At first it seems impossible, but over time, if desired, it will turn out to be simple and familiar.
    First, aim with one eye, start opening the other, leaving the rear sight in focus. Then keep both open.
    Gradually move on to more complex - aim with both eyes at once.
    This is necessary in order not to lose peripheral vision and see what is happening from the side, outside the aiming line.


    At the moment, there are a lot of weapon belts. All of them are different, made for different situations, operating conditions. Some even claim to be universal, but there is a saying in our group: "The universal is the enemy of the special." And at the moment it justifies itself by 200%.
    I had to use different belts, the domestic belt “Debt M2” turned out to be the best for me.

    Separately, I want to say about the rear swivel on the AK. On modern models, it is on the right so that the butt can be folded. If you don’t have to skydive, take it off and change it to a soft swivel made of a sling and a metal half ring, setting it so that the ring is on the left (where the front swivel is).

    There are also swivels that are installed between the pistol grip and the receiver. So you fold the butt, and the belt will be on the left. But it's more expensive.

    Single point harness.
    In the same category, I include safety belts built into bulletproof vests.
    These are the simplest belts that allow you to keep your weapon MAXIMUM ready for battle. They are easy to handle, the weapon is always on the chest, it is easy to change to a pistol.
    In my opinion, there is no better one-point in the city, but at the crossroads it will only be difficult.
    Three-point harnesses CANNOT fully replace a single-point harness.

    Two point harness.
    The oldest, classic, but still in use.
    Everyone is familiar with the Soviet AK canvas belt. Despite all its wretchedness, I like it. Having straight arms can make it very usable.
    What did I change in mine?
    - Removed the front carabiner (this is probably the main drawback of the belt. They are very hard and make a lot of noise), replacing it with paracord.
    - I wrapped all the metal fittings with electrical tape to avoid unnecessary noise.
    - In addition, I put rubber bands on the metal fittings (the same ones under which the excess slings on the equipment are removed), all with the same purpose to remove noise.
    Once again, I remind you how to adjust the two-point belt:
    The stock should be under the shoulder.
    This type of belt is convenient to use on long weapons (machine guns, sniper rifles, etc.).

    Three point harness.

    It seems to me that now they are considered almost a panacea and the height of universality.
    Due to the variable length, several positions are combined in one belt: marching, combat, patrol, they also allow you to carry weapons “in biathlon”. It's practical and convenient. My "Debt M2" is undoubtedly a very good belt. The soft shoulder strap on it allows you to negate the fatigue of the neck and shoulders. A very successful model. However, all the same, it will not provide the same ease of handling weapons as a single point.

    Such belts are optimal for rough terrain, not bad in the city. They can be considered universal, but with some stretch.


    The fuse is a sore subject for AK. It is far away, it is sharp, it happens that it is very tight.
    There are many ways to remove the AK from the fuse.
    We tried many and chose the most suitable:

    1. On the hand holding the pistol grip, the fingers are unbent.
    2. The wrist is carried forward and up.
    3. With the middle finger, the fuse is pulled down.

    When I showed this method to different people, they told me that someone had too short fingers, or a very tight fuse. All this is nonsense. There are people in our group, a little over half a meter tall, with rather small hands - everyone succeeds.
    A tight fuse is also not a hindrance (with the proviso of having gloves on your hands). More recently, we got a new AKSU with a VERY tight fuse. Nothing, it's removed, you just need to make more effort.


    And again a sore subject.
    The reset button is far away, the magazines are curved, with a lot of protruding parts, which causes problems with the magazine getting stuck inside the pouch.
    Here again, there are a lot of options. They can be divided into 2 types, but before that you need to voice the main condition:
    It is NECESSARY to minimize the period of time when the weapon is unloaded.
    This is achieved by the fact that you first need to get a full store, and not unfasten an empty one. After all, if you first get a full one, make a replacement, and at that moment a target appears, then it will not be difficult to throw an empty magazine and open fire.
    If you first climb for the full one, unfastening the empty one, and at that moment, according to the law of meanness, a threat appears, then there will be nothing to throw, and an unpleasant situation will arise.
    Unfortunately, the AK does not have a shutter lag, so every time you have to juggle the shutter. There is a trick to avoid this:
    Loading the last 3 tracer cartridges into the magazine. I saw the tracer - reloaded. The cartridge is in the chamber, it is not necessary to distort the shutter.
    You can, of course, count the shots, but this is not always possible for obvious reasons.
    It also makes sense to go down to the lower level, so as not to stand as a good growth target with an empty weapon, while you MUST follow the dangerous direction. You can't look at the weapon.

    So, the types of recharge:

    - With the loss of the shot store.

    Everything is simple here:
    They took out a full one, knocked out an empty one, fastened it, pulled the shutter.

    - With the preservation of the shot store.

    This is somewhat more complicated, the method is slower, but the waste of materiel is the lot of Hollywood action movies.

    As already mentioned, the main principle is to first get a full store.

    Step by step:

    1. Go down.
    2. Get a full magazine, bring it to an empty one.

    3. Grab both magazines, replace.
    4. Distort the shutter (if necessary).
    5. Remove the empty magazine.

    Body kit.
    Everyone's favorite topic.
    Everyone wants to make their weapons “cooler”, but not everyone understands that this does not always make sense.
    It’s worth starting with the fact that before purchasing additional equipment, you need to learn how to work with a “bare” machine. It is possible that it will turn out to be absolutely unnecessary for you, and you will save your wallet.
    If you have already come to the conclusion that your AK could do with something else, then read on.


    Initially, the AK has a simple, plastic (or wooden, depending on the model) handguard without any hint of picatinny rails.
    There are VERY many models, they are all different in price, in ergonomics, so it’s quite difficult to choose.
    I believe that any stray that you decide to put on an AK should be MAXIMUM light, because the machine itself is quite weighty.
    Therefore, preference should be given to plastic (for example, MVRI), or metal lightened with cutouts and holes.
    The main thing you really need on the forearm is the bottom bar to install the front handle. Side straps do not have to have the entire length of the forearm. Small areas are enough, which are enough to install a flashlight, face, etc. The already mentioned MVRI handguard fully meets these requirements.


    The standard AK stock is quite narrow and short, which is a problem, but only in the beginning and not for everyone. It’s better to keep silent about AK skeletal butts with “C” indices.
    I have used a telescopic stock on an AK. It is really very convenient and practical, but on the other hand it seriously makes it heavier. My choice was made in favor of lightness.
    If you decide to purchase a stock, then take a wide one with a soft butt pad, with a comfortable cheek, plastic. I like the Magpul stock.

    Front handles.

    At the moment, the handles are placed more so that there is an emphasis that will help you quickly find a comfortable hand position on the forearm. AK is not Tommy-gun, and we are not brave mafia guys to shoot from the hip, holding the vertical handle.
    There is a serious problem that limits the choice of grip for those who put it quite close to the magazine (it is especially noticeable on 7.62 caliber AKs). Due to the bend of the magazine, when reloading, it sticks into the handle and, as a result, there is a delay. Therefore, short, compact handles should be chosen. I like the company's products Magpul, Zenith

    There are a lot of handles with built-in bipods. I had to use the American one, in which they are fired from below. I didn’t understand the meaning of such crap on AK. But again, to each his own.

    Separately, I want to put an inclined handle Magpul. After some time, having tried several completely different options, I settled on it. For me personally, this is the most convenient of all the models that I had to use. The machine with it becomes very practical and convenient.

    Pistol grips.
    The standard grip on the AK is very narrow and uncomfortable (in my opinion).
    Therefore, it is advisable to replace it with a more convenient and wider one.
    I'm against anatomical finger grips because if you buy one online, you can't be 100% sure it will fit your hand.
    It is best to buy plastic handles, with a notch, or with a rubber coating.

    A flashlight is definitely a must. But not always, so this option did not take root for me. I set it quite rarely, only in urban conditions, or at night on patrol.
    The main requirement for a flashlight for me is the length. It should not be huge, extending beyond the forearm.
    The remote control button mounted on the pistol grip under the thumb will not be superfluous - it’s convenient.
    It is necessary that the flashlight has a strobe function. It is very useful indoors, dazzles at times.
    I don’t see much point in talking about power, here everyone decides for himself, but personally 1100 lumens are enough for me.
    The focus change is also a very useful feature.

    DTK, mufflers.
    There are DTKs that reduce the recoil of a shot to nothing. Unfortunately, you have to look for such a trial and error method, something different suits everyone (for example, people are known who are satisfied with DTK CSN, but at 7.62 it turned out to be nasty for us).

    Silencers are necessary for head patrols. Often these are PBSs at 7.62.

    Underbarrel grenade launchers.
    In the RG, the phenomenon is frequent, the fire capabilities are seriously increased, but the machine experiences serious loads during use and, as a result, “breaks”.

    On rough terrain, in my opinion, only sights with magnification make sense. This is either a domestic “Thread” collimator, or some other samples (for example ACOG) . Holographic sights with a magnifer are heavy, cumbersome.
    In urban conditions, in conditions of fleeting combat, holographic sights are good helpers, as they allow you to quickly aim with both eyes, without any training.
    In my opinion, open sights are the best (the most common are Eotech ).
    Night sights are, of course, an essential item.

    "Crisis Pouch".
    This is the name of the pouch, located on the butt of the machine. It serves to accommodate an additional store, or some additional equipment (for example, an extra IPP).
    I had to use such a device, I did not experience much enthusiasm, although they say that it does not interfere at all.

    Other little things.

    Shutter levers.
    The standard bolt lever on an AK can be awkward, but there are plenty of attachments that solve this problem.

    Store managers.
    There is a place to be, but in my opinion an absolutely useless thing.

    Fuse pads that allow you to quickly, with your index finger, remove the AK from the fuse.

    Overlays for the store reset button.

    Anti-mud pads for picatinny rails.
    If there is free space left, it is better to close it with these wonderful trinkets. They are cheap, but the benefits are obvious.

    This completes the first part of my cycle.
    Questions can be written in the comments, in a personal VK.

    You need to know how to use the machine. The most common fault is the inability to carry weapons. Incorrect wearing does not allow you to quickly make a machine gun for battle, in case of acute situations. In combat, even fractions of a second matter.

    You need to know how to use the machine. The most common fault is the inability to carry weapons. Incorrect wearing does not allow you to quickly make a machine gun for battle, in case of acute situations. In combat, even fractions of a second matter. In the Chechen campaign, more than once or twice there were cases when soldiers, and even officers with standard weapons, were not ready for sudden encounters with the enemy. They simply did not have time to use their weapons.

    Meanwhile, there are several good ways to carry regular weapons, although not spelled out in general military regulations. The main thing that unites them is that the weapon is located conveniently, while the hands remain free. And these methods allow you to quickly make a machine gun for battle and open fire on the enemy.

    The first way: wearing a machine gun on the chest. The belt is thrown over the neck, the machine hangs with the barrel down. This position of the machine does not interfere with hand-to-hand combat, it makes it possible to strike both with legs and with hands. It allows you to grab, fall and roll. Naturally, weapons can be quickly made for battle. In addition, the machine gun can block the blows of the enemy and inflict strong blows with the butt. The gun belt of the machine gun is released strongly so that the butt is slightly below the right shoulder. In the cinema, this method is shown in the film "In the Zone of Special Attention" during the march of the paratroopers.

    The second way. Wearing a machine gun on the left shoulder. An old partisan and hunting way of carrying weapons. But in order for the machine to not slip, it is necessary to properly fit the weapon belt. With this method, weapons are quickly made for battle, but in hand-to-hand combat, this position of the machine gun is only a hindrance. The machine will have to be thrown off the shoulder to the ground.

    The third way. When carrying out guard and guard duty. Sooner or later, the partisans will still take control of the territory or join the regular army. We will have to fulfill the duties that are now being performed by military personnel and policemen at checkpoints, checkpoints, and traffic police posts. And the nature of the service at these facilities is specific. Being at the post for a long time, and hands should be free - to check documents, give signals, search people, check cars. Weapons must be carried in such a way that they can be quickly used, and at the same time, testees must not be able to block them. You can often see how the guards of the traffic police (during the events under the plans "Siren", "Interception", etc.) carry a machine gun on their right side. But from this position, the machine gun cannot be thrown up to the shoulder and aimed shooting - the fire is fired from the waist and aimlessly. Well, there is nothing to say about winter conditions. In a sheepskin coat, a sentry wears a machine gun or a weight on the side, no difference.

    For a more convenient location of the machine, you need to unhook the belt from the receiver swivel and hook its carbine on the butt swivel, forming a loop. This loop adjusts to fit and is worn over the shoulder and back. The machine gun with a retracted butt is located under the right shoulder and is easily raised with one hand. When checking, it is better to put the left foot forward half a step, turning the body with the left side forward so that the machine gun is the most distant from the tested, and they cannot grab it.


    The technical rate of fire of the AK-74 is very high. A thirty-round magazine is fired in one burst in just three seconds, a 45-round magazine in four and a half, respectively. Therefore, experienced shooters in battle put the fuse on a single fire and shoot with frequent shots, refining the aiming after each shot. However, such shooting requires endurance and composure. At the same time, the rate of fire will remain quite high, and the accuracy becomes much higher compared to firing in bursts. The disadvantage of firing in long bursts can be illustrated by this example.

    January 1995 City Grozniy. The 81st motorized rifle regiment was partially surrounded. The soldiers took up defense in the station building. Chechen fighters, who were shelling the station, ran up to the building and jumped into the window openings. Having fired inside the building, standing on the windowsill, one burst of the store, they jumped back to the street, changed the store and again, jumping out the window, fired inside the building without much harm to the defenders. Our soldiers fired intensely at these "devils out of the box", but also without much success.

    However, in some situations, firing in long bursts is more preferable. When several armed opponents appear in front of the scout at close range, single shots will not help. You need to shoot in long bursts. So, one of our reconnaissance groups conducted a search in the area of ​​​​the village of Chechen-Aul. One of the fighters of the advanced reconnaissance patrol unexpectedly went from the rear to the trench, in which there were 4 militants. The fighters of the scout have not yet seen, but at any moment they could turn around. The scout crossed out the trench with a burst, releasing the entire store and hit all the militants. In such cases, there is no time for aiming. But you can roughly aim at the barrel of the machine gun, and not at the front sight and rear sight. The AK-74 assault rifle leads to the right and up when firing in bursts. Therefore, it is advisable to start shelling from the nearest left target.

    When conducting combat operations in populated areas, in mountainous and wooded areas, the probability of meeting the enemy at close range is always high. In this case, the fighter may need to retreat to the main group or to the shelter, and there is no one to cover him at this moment. Running backwards, firing at the enemy, is inconvenient, and there is no shooting accuracy.

    And if the target appears at ultra-short distances (one or two steps)? For example, if a sentinel or patrolman met closely with one militant? Hand-to-hand combat skills or a knife can help here. And if there is one enemy in front of you and his hands have already grabbed your machine gun, and behind him in one or two steps there are 2 - 3 more militants? For such cases, it is necessary to have an auxiliary melee weapon (pistol).

    If a shooter armed with a machine gun also has a pistol, he can quickly switch to using it. You just need to carry a gun so that it is not conspicuous. Two examples from cases that occurred in the Republic of Tajikistan.

    In the first case, at night, the officer, accompanied by one soldier, returned to the stronghold after checking the posts. Both were armed with machine guns (the officer's machine gun hung on his chest, the soldier's on his shoulder). The officer, in addition, had a pistol with a cartridge sent into the barrel, on a fuse, which he put on the right side under the "belt A" (in the army this belt is also called a bib or bra).

    Already when approaching the strong point, two Islamist militants armed with machine guns came out towards our servicemen. One militant stood in front of the officer and started a conversation on the topic: "Where are you coming from, why did you go?" The second shifted to the side and ended up on the side. At that time, the soldier also shifted to the side, as if hiding behind an officer and preparing his machine gun for battle. A militant who was standing to the side took off his machine gun from the safety lock (there was a characteristic click), and another militant rushed to the officer and tried to grab his machine gun. The officer fired at him directly through the breastplate, with a second shot (almost simultaneously with his soldier, who also opened fire), he hit another militant, who was just raising his machine gun to his shoulder.

    On the second occasion, two commando officers entered a small shop. They were armed with pistols, which hung openly on their belts, in holsters. While the officers were examining the counter, seven militants entered the store, one of them with a machine gun. One militant ordered us to put our hands up. An attempt to get a weapon in such an arrangement could not go unnoticed and was immediately stopped by automatic bursts overhead. The militants disarmed the officers, disabled one with a blow to the head with a rifle butt, and, jumping out of the store, left in their cars. In the first case, the concealed carrying of weapons helped to destroy the enemy. In the second case, open carrying provoked criminals to seize weapons and did not allow the successful use of pistols,

    Quite often, in hot spots, you can see "cool" fighters whose machine gun is equipped with magazines connected in pairs. This way of wearing stores should be warned against. When shooting, the fighters often rest the machine shop on the ground. At the same time, the lower magazine feeder becomes clogged with dirt, and this causes delays in firing. In a combat situation, such a delay can be paid with your life.

    Everyone who has ever fired a military weapon is familiar with the command "UNLOAD, WEAPON FOR INSPECTION!" And how to unload weapons if, say, a reconnaissance group went to the location of its troops after completing the task? The scouts did not sleep or eat for several days, their fingers were swollen and did not bend, they were frostbitten. And there is no way to line up in one line, to direct weapons in a safe direction, because there are people and equipment around.

    In this case, the so-called combat discharge is applied. Scouts stand in a circle (to control each other). Machine guns are raised with their trunks up so that the shutters are at eye level. The store is detached and placed in the pouch, and the soldiers twitch the shutter 5 times in a row. If someone forgets to disconnect the magazine, it will be immediately noticeable, because the shutter will start throwing out cartridges, and they will fall into one of the neighbors. If an accidental shot occurs in this position, then the bullet will go vertically upwards without causing harm. After such a check, each fighter makes an independent control descent and puts the weapon on the safety. The magazine is not connected to the weapon, because in a combat situation a habit is quickly developed by connecting the magazine and immediately sending the cartridge into the chamber.

    The basic rule in war is never to part with a weapon. As soon as you left the protected area - do not let go of your weapon, always keep it where it is easy to take it from, in order to always be ready for battle. Yes, and in a protected area, you should always have a weapon at hand. Rely on the sentry, but don't be bad yourself.

    In addition to one or two stores with tracer cartridges, the commander must have, it is desirable that each fighter also has one such store. This is a store designed as a last resort, to indicate its location or for target designation.

    The magazine mount at Kalashnikov is inconvenient for quick reloading. It is impossible to detach an empty magazine while holding a new loaded one in the same hand. Therefore, in a tense fight, do not expect the store to be completely empty. If the magazine is partially empty and there is a pause in the battle, change the magazine, and the partially used one should be left in reserve. In order not to waste time on jerking the shutter when loading, when starting to equip the magazine, insert the first three tracer cartridges. Then, when you shoot and notice that the tracer bullet has passed, you will know that there are only two rounds left. You can shoot again and, having disconnected the empty magazine, replace it with a full one. Since the last cartridge has already been sent to the chamber, it is not necessary to distort the shutter. An empty magazine is usually thrown to the ground in battle so that it does not interfere and so as not to be confused with full magazines. If necessary, an empty magazine can be thrown at the enemy, simulating a grenade throw to cover reloading. In hand-to-hand combat, you can also throw an empty magazine, aiming at the opponent's face. With a little practice, you can learn to throw the store so that it hits the enemy’s forehead or temple with its prong. If the throw is strong, then the hit can incapacitate the enemy.

    It is desirable to divide the personnel of the unit not into pairs, but into combat troikas, adding one more person to the calculations of machine guns, RPGs, AGS. It is easier for three fighters to interact: if one gets wounded, it is easier to pull him out of the fire together. If someone has a delay in firing (due to a malfunction or when reloading), the two of them are easier to cover. (In this case, the signal "Cover" is given, the cover must answer "I hold").

    During the fighting in Grozny, it was often necessary to inspect the attic, basement and other premises. Often it was necessary to work in the dark. Domestic night devices, operating on the principle of enhancing the natural illumination of the area, are not suitable for indoor operation. During the Great Patriotic War, Soviet soldiers used this method. An ordinary electric lantern was packaged in a piece of rubber cut from a car tire. When inspecting dark rooms or during a battle in a basement, sewer network, tunnel, etc., the fighters turned on these "shockproof" lights and threw them in the direction of the alleged location of the enemy. Thus, they illuminated the target and got the opportunity to conduct aimed fire.

    A few words about the NSPU-1 and 2 night sights. It should be borne in mind that these devices do not start working immediately after switching on, in cold weather they need from 1 to 2 minutes to warm up.

    But on the other hand, immediately after turning on the eyepiece of these devices, it begins to give a greenish light reflection, giving the arrow to observers and enemy snipers. Therefore, turning on the device or taking your eyes off the eyepiece, immediately cover the eyepiece with your palm or make a special shutter for this.

    These devices are easily illuminated by open light sources. There was a case when, near the village of Komsomolskoye in Chechnya, a reconnaissance group monitored a fire, near which militants were sitting. The scouts watched for a long time through night devices, but they could not see that behind the fire there was a whole stronghold with fortifications, firing points, significant forces and firepower. The firelight illuminated the instrument screens, interfering with observation. As a result, the group, having opened fire, came under return fire from superior enemy forces.

    There are little tricks when firing from the GP-25 underbarrel grenade launcher. Pressing the trigger of the GP-25 with your right hand is inconvenient, it is too far away. To make it more convenient to shoot from the "grenade launcher", not the butt, but the pistol grip of the machine gun should rest against the shoulder. This position of the weapon is especially convenient when shooting prone. When firing with mounted fire, the butt of the machine gun should rest against the ground. In this case, the assistant should insert the grenades into the barrel of the GP-25, and the shooter fixes the position of the machine gun, remembers it and, depending on where the flash from the previous shot was, by changing the slope of the barrel, makes adjustments to the shooting. (While fighting in the city, do not forget that the grenade for the GP-25 is cocked 10-20 meters after the shot. When shooting at the windows of buildings at a shorter distance, the grenades may not explode).

    When moving on the battlefield or at the shooting range, shooters usually hold the machine gun at stomach level, pointing the muzzle forward. In order to get ready for shooting faster and not waste time throwing the machine gun to your shoulder, you should move around without lifting the butt from your shoulder, while lowering the barrel a little. From this position, the shooter is quickly prepared for combat and aimed shooting.

    Of course, you can also fire from the stomach, but then you can hit the target with the first shots only at very short ranges (5 - 10 meters). Good shooters, specially trained in shooting from the stomach, can hit the growth target with the first shots at a distance of 20 - 50 meters. If the target is located farther, then it can be hit from the stomach only by a significant number of shots (5 - 10), and then only if the fire is adjusted along the tracks or splashes of the soil.

    Rules for interaction in combat.

    In battle, one should act in combat twos, even better and more reliably - in threes, covering each other. Whenever possible, hand and underbarrel grenades should be used more. The fire of all available fire weapons should be concentrated on any center of resistance. If you have three opponents running at full height and only one lying behind cover and shooting, then first of all you need to destroy the one who shoots, without being tempted by a lighter and larger target.

    To hide from a hand grenade that has fallen nearby, you need to fall prone, head towards the grenade, cover your head (if there is no helmet) with your palms, open your mouth (so that the eardrums are not damaged by the blast wave). The first one who sees the grenade gives a signal: "Grenade on the right (left, front, rear)".

    In the event of a sudden attack by the enemy, one should fall behind the nearest shelter, at the same time preparing for battle. Experience shows that fighters do not do this. Some begin to shoot, remaining in place and being a good target for the enemy. Others fall behind cover, forgetting to remove the machine gun from their shoulders, and then start fiddling, trying to get a weapon that is in an uncomfortable position, and being unable to fire. There are those who fall into a state of tremor (fright, severe trembling, lack of response to the situation and commands).

    Therefore, soldiers should be taught in such a way that, having fallen under massive fire, they are not lost. Endurance and the right actions can save a life in any, even the most hopeless, at first glance, situation.

    Thus, a special-purpose reconnaissance group under the command of Captain Gennady O. advanced at night to the area in which it was planned to ambush the caravan of Afghan Mujahideen. Ahead at a short distance was a reconnaissance patrol (2 people), followed at some distance by a group with a commander at the head. Moving along the route, the group reached the top of a small mountain. The reconnaissance patrol examined the summit and descended to the other side. Following the patrol, the commander of the group Gennady climbed to the top. And it was at this moment that a group of Mujahideen came out on another slope to the left of the group to the top of the same mountain. The sentinels walking in front of her, rising to the top, saw the figure of "Shuravi" against the background of the sky, fell and opened fire.

    The distance between the dushmans and Gennady was about 10 meters. Gennady heard the noise and clicks of the fuses (the enemies had 7.62 mm AK). And a fraction of a second before the shots, he managed to drop his backpack, throw it in front of him, take cover behind him and make a machine gun. The "spirits" opened fire first. Bullets from 2 AKs pierced the backpack, mangled the machine gun and breastplate with magazines and flew into Gennady's chest. But even such an insignificant obstacle reduced the lethality of the bullets, and the wound was not fatal. The scouts who came to the rescue destroyed the shooting sentinels. And while the main group of dushmans approached the battlefield, the scouts went down the slope, breaking away from the enemy. At the same time, the wounded Gennady (later a lump of 4 deformed bullets was removed from his chest) ran for about a kilometer on his own, unbandaged, clutching the wound with his palm. So a good reaction and the right actions helped the officer survive under fire from two machine guns at close range.

    Depending on the situation. A place for shooting is chosen in a trench, trench, shell crater, ditch, behind a stone, stump, etc. In a populated area, a shooting place can be chosen in the window of a building, in the attic, in the foundation of a building, etc.

    You should not choose a place for shooting near prominent individual local objects, as well as on the crests of hills

    To occupy a place for shooting, a command is given, approximately: "So-and-so (submachine gunner or machine gunner so-and-so), a place for shooting there - for battle." On this command, the submachine gunner (machine gunner), applying to the terrain, quickly takes up a place for firing and is prepared for firing.

    Depending on the situation and the nature of the terrain, the submachine gunner (machine gunner) moves in battle by running, at an accelerated pace and by running or crawling. Before starting the movement, the machine gun (machine gun) is put on the fuse.

    When crawling, the machine gun (machine gun) is held with the right hand by the belt at the upper swivel or by the forearm. In this case, the legs of the bipod of the machine gun must be folded and secured with a clasp.

    Depending on the physical; features of a submachine gunner (machine gunner), it is allowed to shoot from the left shoulder, aim with both eyes open, etc.
    Shooting from a submachine gun (machine gun) is made up of the preparation for firing, the production of firing (shot) and the cessation of firing.

    Ready for shooting

    The submachine gunner (machine gunner) is made to fire on command or independently.
    Preparation for shooting includes taking a position for shooting and loading an automatic machine gun (machine gun).

    To take a position for firing from a machine gun while lying down, you need to: move your right hand along the belt slightly upwards and, removing the machine gun from your shoulder, grab it with your left hand by the trigger guard and receiver, then take the machine gun with your right hand by the receiver pad and forearm muzzle forward. At the same time, take a full step forward with your right foot and slightly to the right. Leaning forward, drop to your left knee and place your left hand on the ground in front of you, fingers to the right; then, leaning successively on the thigh of the left leg and the forearm of the left hand, lie on the left side and quickly turn on the stomach, spreading the legs slightly to the sides with the toes outward; at the same time, put the machine gun on the palm of your left hand.

    To take a position for firing from a machine gun lying down, you need to move your right hand along the belt slightly up and, removing the machine gun from your shoulder, grab it with your left hand by the trigger guard and receiver; then take the machine gun with the right hand by the handguard and fore-end, spread the bipod legs with the left hand. At the same time, take a full step forward with your right (left) foot and, leaning forward, place the machine gun on the bipod in the direction of firing; without unbending, lean with both hands on the ground, throw your legs back and lie on your stomach, spreading your legs with your toes out.

    To take a position for shooting from the knee, you need to: take the machine gun (machine gun) in your right hand by the barrel pad and forearm with the muzzle forward and at the same time, putting your right foot back, lower yourself to your right knee and sit on your heel; the lower leg of the left leg should remain in a vertical position, and the hips should form an angle close to a right one; shift the machine gun (machine gun) with the forearm to the left hand, pointing it towards the target (machine gunner), while distributing the weight of the body evenly on both legs. At the same time, moving the right hand slightly upward along the belt, remove the machine gun (machine gun) from the shoulder and, grabbing it with the left hand from below by the forend and handguard, vigorously move the muzzle forward towards the target.

    To load the machine gun (machine gun), attach an equipped magazine to the machine gun (machine gun), if it has not been previously attached to it; remove the machine gun (machine gun) from the fuse; put the translator on the required type of fire; vigorously pull the bolt carrier back to failure and release it; put the machine gun (machine gun) on the fuse if there is no immediate opening of fire or the “Fire” command is not followed and move the right hand to the pistol grip.

    Shooting production

    Fire from a machine gun (machine gun) is fired on commands or independently, depending on the task and the situation.

    The command for opening fire indicates: who to shoot, target, sight, rear sight and aiming point. For example: “To such and such (submachine gunner or machine gunner such and such), according to the observer, four, under the target - fire”, “Squad, along the column, five, in the belt - fire”.

    When shooting at targets at ranges up to 400 m, the sight and aiming point may not be cut. For example: "To the submachine gunner (machine gunner), on the attacking infantry - fire." On this command, the submachine gunner (machine gunner) fires with a 4 or “P” sight, and chooses the aiming point on his own.

    The production of shooting (shot) includes the installation of a sight and a rear sight, a translator for the required type of fire, a butt, aiming, pulling the trigger and holding the machine gun (machine gun) when firing.

    To install the sight, having brought the machine gun (machine gun) closer to you, with the thumb and forefinger of your right hand, squeeze the clamp latch and move the clamp until its front cut is aligned with the duckweed (division) under the corresponding number on the aiming bar. The installation of the sight at the machine gun can also be done on a scale; printed on the back (bottom) side of the rib.

    To install the rear sight, it is necessary to pull the handwheel of the rear sight screw slightly to the right and, by rotating it, combine the risk under the neck slot with the desired division.

    To set the translator to the required type of fire, pressing the thumb of the right hand on the translator's ledge, turn the translator down: to the first click - for automatic fire (AB), to the second click - for single fire (OD).

    To attach an assault rifle (machine gun) it is necessary: ​​without losing sight of the target, rest the butt against the shoulder so as to feel the entire butt plate tightly against the shoulder; put the index finger of the right hand (with the first joint) on the trigger; tilt your head slightly forward and, without straining your neck, attach your right cheek to the butt.

    Hold the machine with your left hand by the fore-end or by the magazine, and with your right hand by the pistol grip.

    Hold the machine gun: when firing from a prone position and from a standing trench or from a knee - with your left hand by the neck of the butt or by the butt from below, and with your right hand by the pistol grip; when shooting from a kneeling position and standing outside the trench - with the left hand for the forearm or magazine, and with the right hand for the pistol grip (as well as the machine gun). When holding the machine gun by the neck of the butt of the hand, firmly press one to the other. When applying, the elbows should be: placed on the ground in the most comfortable position (approximately shoulder-width from a prone position and from a standing trench or from a knee); the elbow of the left hand is placed on the flesh of the left leg at the knee or slightly lowered from it, and the elbow of the right hand is raised approximately to shoulder height when firing from a kneeling position outside the trench; the elbow of the left hand is pressed to the side near the bag for grenades, if the machine gun (machine gun) is held by the magazine, and the elbow of the right hand is raised approximately to shoulder height when firing from a standing position outside the trench.

    For aiming, you need to close your left eye, and look with your right eye through the slot of the sight at the front sight so that the front sight falls in the middle of the slot, and its top is on a par with the upper edges of the mane of the aiming bar, i.e. take a flat fly.

    Cessation of shooting

    The cessation of firing may be temporary or complete. For a temporary cessation of firing, the “Stop” command is given, and when firing on the move, “Cease fire” is given.

    On these commands, the submachine gunner (machine gunner) stops pulling the trigger, puts the machine gun (machine gun) on the fuse and, if necessary, changes the store.

    For a complete cessation of firing, after the command “Stop” or “Cease fire”, the command “Unload” is given. At this command, the submachine gunner (machine gunner) puts the machine gun (machine gun) on the fuse, pulls the clamp back, setting the machine gun sight to “P”, the machine gun sight to “I” and the rear sight to 0, discharges the machine gun (machine gun), and the machine gun with folding butt, in addition, folds the butt. When firing from a prone position, he lowers the butt (the back of the receiver) to the ground, and puts the muzzle of the machine gun on the forearm of his left hand and then acts accordingly to the situation

    When firing from a trench, the machine gun, after unloading, can be placed on the parapet of the trench with the handle of the bolt carrier down.

    To unload the machine gun (machine gun) it is necessary: ​​to separate the magazine; remove the machine gun (machine gun) from the fuse; slowly pull the bolt carrier back by the handle, remove the cartridge from the chamber and release the bolt carrier; pull the trigger (pull the trigger from the cocking); put the machine gun (machine gun) on the fuse, take it “on the belt” if the shooting was carried out from a standing position, or put (lower the butt of the machine gun) on the ground if the shooting was carried out from a prone position; remove the cartridges from the magazine and attach it to the machine gun (machine gun); pick up ammo.

    To stand up, you need to pull both hands to chest level, holding the machine gun with your right hand by the forend and the handguard, at the same time bring both legs together, sharply straightening your arms, raise your chest from the ground and bring your right (left) leg forward, quickly stand up and, if necessary , start moving. When standing up with a machine gun, after putting your foot forward, take the machine gun, quickly get up and, if necessary, start moving.

    After unloading, if necessary, the commander gives the command:"Weapons - for inspection."

    For this command you need:
    - in the prone position: separate the store and put it near the machine gun (machine gun) with the neck towards you, remove the machine gun (machine gun) from the fuse, pull the bolt carrier back by the handle and turn the machine gun (machine gun) slightly to the left; after inspection by the commander of the chamber and store, release the bolt carrier forward, pull the trigger from the cocking (pull the trigger), put the machine gun (machine gun) on the fuse and attach the store to the machine gun (machine gun);
    - in a standing position: holding the machine gun (machine gun) with the left hand from below behind the fore-end, separate the magazine with the right hand and shift it into the left hand, push it up (with the convex part away from you), press the magazine against the fore-end of the machine gun (machine gun) with the fingers of the left hand;
    - remove the machine gun (machine gun) from the fuse, move the bolt carrier back and turn the machine gun (machine gun) slightly to the left.

    After inspection by the commander of the chamber and store, release the bolt carrier forward, pull the trigger from the cocking (pull the trigger), put the machine gun (machine gun) on the fuse, attach the store and take the machine gun (machine gun) to the “on the belt” position or take the machine gun to the leg .

    Rules for shooting from a machine gun (machine gun)

    To successfully complete tasks in combat, it is necessary to: continuously monitor the battlefield; quickly and correctly prepare data for shooting; skillfully fire at various targets in various combat conditions, both day and night; use concentrated fire to destroy group and most important single targets; observe the results of the fire and skillfully correct it; monitor the consumption of ammunition in battle and take measures to replenish them in a timely manner.

    Safety measures when handling weapons

    When handling weapons, the following rules must be strictly observed:
    1. During the shooting, all actions with weapons should be carried out only on the commands of the shooting leader.
    2. At the end of or in cases of interruptions in shooting, as well as when handing over and receiving weapons, you must first make sure that they are not loaded.
    3. While shooting, hold the weapon only in the direction of shooting or with the muzzle up, regardless of whether it is loaded or not.
    4. Immediately stop firing and unload weapons in the following cases: a command is received to stop firing, a white flag appears prohibiting the continuation of firing, the appearance of people or animals in the firing sector,
    5. Carry and store a weapon with a closed bolt and a cocked cock.

    It is strictly forbidden:
    1. Load the weapon until the leader's command and the "FIRE" signal.
    2. Point the weapon at people, to the side and to the rear of the shooting range, regardless of whether it is loaded or not.
    3. Open and fire from a faulty weapon, with a white flag raised.
    4. Leave a loaded weapon anywhere or pass it on to others.
    5. Go to the areas of the shooting range where there are unexploded live grenades (shells), other explosive objects, and touch them.

    Submachine gunner's tricks

    The most striking shortcoming is the inability to properly carry weapons and quickly prepare them for battle. The commonly used methods of carrying weapons do not allow you to quickly prepare for battle when an armed enemy suddenly appears at close range. I will cite two cases that characterize similar situations that occurred in the city of Grozny. The mortar battery was located on the flat roof of the house and fired at the positions of the militants. Two soldiers went down to the courtyard of the house to the well for water. Buckets were carried in their hands, machine guns were in the “behind the back” position. Militants suddenly entered the courtyard of the house, pointed their guns at the soldiers, disarmed them and took them prisoner. The soldiers could not use their weapons.

    Second case. During the period of reconciliation and dual power in Grozny, an officer of the commandant's office took photographs of the burial place of Russian soldiers. Hands were occupied with equipment, the machine gun hung on the right shoulder with the barrel down, the pistol was on the right side in a holster. Two militants approached from two sides, threatening with weapons, disarmed and took prisoner. And such cases in zones of military conflicts occur quite often. Soldiers and officers are not ready for sudden encounters with the enemy and do not have time to use their weapons.

    I want to offer some ways to carry and use standard small arms, allowing you to conveniently position them, while having your hands free. And, at the same time, these methods allow you to quickly prepare for battle and repel an enemy attack.

    1. On the left shoulder - this is the old hunting method. To prevent the machine from slipping, it is necessary to properly fit the weapon belt. This method allows you to quickly prepare for battle, but if the enemy is close and hand-to-hand combat is ahead, this position of the weapon interferes. In this case, you should drop the belt from your shoulder and drop the machine to the ground.

    2. On the chest - the belt is thrown over the neck, the machine hangs with the barrel down. This method is more convenient, allows you to quickly prepare for battle. This position of the machine does not interfere in hand-to-hand combat, it makes it possible to freely strike with hands and feet, fight in the grip, fall and roll.

    In addition, machine guns can block enemy blows and deliver strong blows with the butt and magazine. In this way of carrying the machine gun, the weapon belt should be released quite strongly so that the butt is slightly below the right shoulder.

    3. When making a march on armored vehicles, the landing, as a rule, is located on top of the armor. Usually paratroopers sit with one leg down in an open hatch, the other is held on top of the armor. From this position, it is easy to “leave” down the hatch if shelling begins, and it is easy to jump from the car to the ground if the car is blown up by a mine or an anti-tank grenade hits. At the same time, the weapon is usually held in the hands, and the machine gun greatly interferes when diving into the hatch, and is also easily lost if the paratroopers are thrown off the armor by an explosion or sudden braking. To prevent this from happening, you should loosen the weapon belt and put it over your head, the machine gun is located on the body with the barrel up. At the same time, the machine is quite conveniently located, does not interfere with jumping from the car and quickly aims at. goal"

    4. Both military personnel and police officers often have to serve at checkpoints, checkpoints, traffic police posts. The nature of the service at these facilities requires a long stay on duty, while it is necessary to have free hands for signaling and for checking documents, inspecting cars and searching people. The weapon must be in a position that ensures its rapid use, and at the same time, the people being checked must not be able to block the use of weapons. Usually, traffic police officers have a machine gun on their right side. Machine guns from this position cannot be thrown to the shoulder, you can only shoot from the waist and aimlessly. And if the sentry is dressed in winter clothes, then the machine gun becomes an extra weight that hinders movement. For a more convenient location of the machine, you should unhook the strap from the receiver swivel and hook its carbine on the butt swivel, forming a loop. This loop adjusts to fit and is worn over the shoulder and back. The machine gun with a retracted butt is located under the right shoulder and is easily raised with one hand. When checking, I recommend putting the left foot forward half a step, turning the body with the left side forward so that the machine gun is the most distant from the tested, and they could not grab it.

    Shooting from a machine gun

    The technical rate of fire of the AK-74 is very high. A thirty-round magazine is fired in one burst in 3 seconds, a 45-round magazine in 4.5 seconds. Therefore, experienced shooters in battle put the fuse on a single fire and shoot with frequent shots, refining the aiming after each shot. At the same time, the rate of fire will remain quite high, and the accuracy becomes much higher compared to firing in bursts. To illustrate the shortcomings of shooting in long bursts, I will give an example.

    When in January 1995 the 81st motorized rifle regiment was surrounded in Grozny, part of the personnel took up defense in the station building. Chechen fighters, who were shelling the station, ran up to the building and jumped into the window openings. Having released the store inside the building, standing on the windowsill, in one burst, they jumped back to the street, changed the store and again, jumping out the window, fired inside the building without much harm to the defenders. Our soldiers fired intensely at these "devils out of the box", but also without much success.

    However, in some situations firing long bursts is preferable. These are cases when several armed opponents appear at once in front of the scout at close range. For example, the reconnaissance group conducted a search in the area of ​​the village of Chechen-Aul. One of the sentinels of the advanced reconnaissance patrol unexpectedly went from the rear to the trench, in which there were 4 militants. The fighters of the scout have not yet seen, but at any moment they could turn around. The scout crossed out the trench with a burst, releasing the entire store and hit all the militants. In such cases, there is no time for aiming.

    But you can roughly aim at the barrel of the machine gun, and not at the front sight and rear sight. The AK-74 assault rifle leads to the right and up when firing in bursts. Therefore, it is advisable to start shelling from the nearest left target.

    When conducting combat operations in populated areas, in mountainous and wooded areas, the probability of meeting the enemy at close range is always high. In this case, the fighter may need to retreat to the main group or to the shelter, and there is no one to cover him at this moment. Running backwards, firing at the enemy, is inconvenient, and there is no shooting accuracy. The method of firing from the machine gun back on the run, if before that the weapon was held in methods 1 or 2. The machine is fixed quite stably even on the run, moving the butt with the right hand, you can approximately aim left-right and up-down. Although not aimed fire, at close range it will force the enemy to seek cover.

    And if the target appears at ultra-short distances (one or two steps)? For example, if a sentinel or patrol met closely with one militant, hand-to-hand combat skills or a knife can help. And if there is one enemy in front of you and his hands clutched your machine gun with his ear, and 2-3 more militants are behind him in one or two steps? For such cases, it is necessary to have an auxiliary melee weapon (pistol).

    If a shooter armed with a machine gun also has a pistol, he can quickly switch to using it. You just need to carry a gun so that it is not conspicuous. I will give two examples to illustrate the usefulness of concealed carrying a pistol. Both cases occurred in the Republic of Tajikistan.

    In the first case, at night, the officer, accompanied by one soldier, returned to the stronghold after checking the posts. Both were armed with machine guns (the officer's machine gun hung on his chest, the soldier's on his shoulder). The officer, in addition, had a pistol with a cartridge sent into the barrel, on the fuse, which he put on the right side under the "belt A" (in the army this belt is also called a bib or bra).

    Already when approaching the strong point, two Islamist militants armed with machine guns came out towards our servicemen. One militant stood in front of the officer and started a conversation on the topic: “where are you coming from, why did you go?” The second shifted to the side and ended up on the side. At that time, the soldier also shifted to the side, as if hiding behind an officer and preparing his machine gun for battle. A militant who was standing to the side took off his machine gun from the safety lock (there was a characteristic click), and another militant rushed to the officer and tried to grab his machine gun. The officer fired at him directly through the breastplate, with a second shot (almost simultaneously with his soldier, who also opened fire), he hit another militant, who threw the machine gun to his shoulder.

    On the second occasion, two commando officers entered a small shop. They were armed with pistols, which hung openly on their belts, in holsters. While the officers were examining the counter, 7 militants entered the store, one of them with a machine gun. One militant ordered us to put our hands up. An attempt to get a weapon in such an arrangement could not go unnoticed and was immediately stopped by automatic bursts overhead. The militants disarmed the officers, disabled one with a blow to the head with a rifle butt, and, jumping out of the store, left in their cars. In the first case, the concealed carrying of weapons helped to destroy the enemy. In the second case, open carrying provoked criminals to seize weapons and prevented the successful use of pistols.

    Quite often, in hot spots, you can see "cool" fighters whose machine gun is equipped with magazines connected in pairs. I want to warn against this way of wearing stores. When shooting, the fighters often rest the machine shop on the ground. At the same time, the lower magazine feeder becomes clogged with dirt, and this causes delays in firing. In a combat situation, such a delay can be paid with your life.

    Everyone who has ever fired a military weapon is familiar with the command “UNLOAD, WEAPON FOR INSPECTION!” And how to unload weapons if, say, a reconnaissance group went to the location of its troops after completing the task. The scouts did not sleep or eat for several days, the fingers were swollen and did not bend, because they were frostbitten. And there is no way to line up in one line, to direct weapons in a safe direction, because there are people and equipment around.

    In this case, the so-called combat discharge is applied. Scouts stand in a circle (to control each other). Machine guns are raised with their trunks up so that the shutters are at eye level. The store is detached and placed in the pouch, and the soldiers twitch the shutter 5-6 times in a row. If someone forgets to disconnect the magazine, it will be immediately noticeable, because the shutter will start throwing out cartridges, and they will fall into the face of one of the neighbors. If an accidental shot occurs in this position, then the bullet will go vertically upwards without causing harm. After such a check, each fighter makes an independent control descent and puts the weapon on the safety. The magazine is not connected to the weapon, because in a combat situation a habit is quickly developed by connecting the magazine and immediately sending the cartridge into the chamber.

    The basic rule in war is never to part with your weapons. As soon as you left the protected area - do not let go of your weapon, always keep it where it is easy to take it from, in order to always be ready for battle.

    In addition to the fact that the commander should have 1-2 magazines with tracer cartridges, it is desirable that each fighter also has one such magazine. This is a store designed as a last resort, to indicate its location or for target designation.

    The magazine mount at Kalashnikov is inconvenient for quick reloading. It is impossible to detach an empty magazine while holding a new loaded one in the same hand. Therefore, in a tense fight, do not expect the store to be completely empty. If the magazine is partially empty and there is a pause in the battle, change the magazine, and leave the partially used one in reserve. In order not to waste time on jerking the shutter when loading, when starting to equip the magazine, insert the first three tracer cartridges.

    Then, when you shoot and notice that the tracer bullet has passed, you will know that there are only two rounds left. You can shoot again and, having disconnected the empty magazine, replace it with a full one. Since the last cartridge has already been sent to the chamber, it is not necessary to distort the shutter. An empty magazine is usually thrown to the ground in battle so that it does not interfere and so as not to be confused with full magazines. If necessary, an empty magazine can be thrown at the enemy, simulating a grenade throw to cover reloading. In hand-to-hand combat, you can also throw an empty magazine, aiming at the opponent's face. With a little practice, you can learn to throw the store so that it hits the enemy’s forehead or temple with its prong. If the throw is strong, then the hit incapacitates the enemy.

    It is advisable to divide the personnel of the unit not into bets, but into combat troikas, to the calculations of machine guns, RPGs, AGS, add one more person each. It is easier for three fighters to interact: if one gets wounded, it is easier to pull him out of the fire together. If someone has a delay in firing (due to a malfunction or when reloading), the two of them are easier to cover. (In this case, the signal “Cover!” is given, the cover must answer “I hold”).

    During the fighting in Grozny, it was often necessary to inspect the attic, basement and other premises. Often it was necessary to work in the dark. Domestic night devices, operating on the principle of enhancing the natural illumination of the area, are not suitable for indoor operation. During the Great Patriotic War, Soviet soldiers used this method. An ordinary electric lantern was packaged in a piece of rubber cut from a car tire. When inspecting dark rooms or during a battle in a basement, sewer network, tunnel, etc., the fighters turned on these "shockproof" lights and threw them in the direction of the alleged location of the enemy. Thus, they illuminated the target and got the opportunity to conduct aimed fire.

    A few words about the YSPU-1 and 2 night sights. It should be borne in mind that these devices do not start working immediately after being turned on; in cold weather, they need from 1 to 2 minutes to warm up.

    But on the other hand, immediately after turning on the eyepiece of these devices, it begins to give a greenish light reflection, giving the arrow to observers and enemy snipers. Therefore, turning on the device or taking your eyes off the eyepiece, immediately cover the eyepiece with your palm or make a special shutter for this.

    These devices are easily illuminated by open light sources. There was a case when, near the village of Komsomolskoye in Chechnya, our reconnaissance group monitored a fire, near which militants were sitting. The scouts watched for a long time with night instruments, but they could not see that behind the fire there was a whole stronghold with fortifications, firing points, significant forces and firepower. The firelight illuminated the instrument screens, interfering with observation. As a result, the group, having opened fire, came under return fire from superior enemy forces.

    There are little tricks when firing from the GP-25 underbarrel grenade launcher. Pressing the trigger of the GP-25 with your right hand is inconvenient, it is too far away. To make it more convenient to shoot from the "grenade launcher", not the butt, but the pistol grip of the machine gun should rest against the shoulder. This position of the weapon is especially convenient when shooting prone. When firing with mounted fire, the butt of the machine gun should rest against the ground. In this case, the assistant should insert the grenades into the barrel of the GP-25, and the shooter fixes the position of the machine gun, remembers it and, depending on where the flash from the previous shot was, by changing the slope of the barrel, makes adjustments to the shooting. (While fighting in the city, do not forget that the grenade for the GP-25 is cocked 10-20 meters after the shot. When shooting at the windows of buildings at a shorter distance, the grenades may not explode.)

    When moving on the battlefield or at the shooting range, shooters usually hold the machine gun at stomach level, pointing the muzzle forward. In order to get ready for shooting faster and not waste time throwing the machine gun to your shoulder, you should move around without lifting the butt from your shoulder, while lowering the barrel a little. From this position, the shooter is quickly prepared for combat and aimed shooting.

    Of course, you can also fire from the stomach, but then you can hit the target with the first shots only at very short ranges (5-10 meters). Good shooters, specially trained in shooting from the stomach, can hit the growth target with the first shots at a distance of 20-50 meters. If the target is located farther, then it can be hit from the stomach only with a significant number of shots (5-10), and then only if the fire is adjusted along the tracks or splashes of the soil.

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