Sunburn. Sunburn of the face. Basic skin phototypes

In the last decade, sun cosmetics (lotions, creams, oils, sprays) have taken a strong place in vacationers' travel bags. When going to soak up the beach, many people carry an arsenal of sunscreen with them in the hope of protecting themselves and their families from sunburn.

Determining the degree of sunburn

Sunburn is an inflammation of the skin caused by excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation. There are three degrees of burns: weak, medium, strong.

The level of damage directly depends on several factors:

  • The time spent under ultraviolet rays, the radiation is most intense between 10 am and 4 pm;
  • The presence of reflective surfaces near the human body (water, sand, snow, ice);
  • Season - the sun is most active in spring, summer, early autumn;
  • Altitude, due to the low filtering of ultraviolet rays at high altitude, the severity of sunburn is higher;
  • Skin type.

Let's talk in more detail about the symptoms and signs characteristic of this or that degree.

  • Weak burn

Symptoms (redness, dryness) appear 3-7 hours after exposure to the heavenly body. The peak of pain sensations comes at 12-14 hours after sunbathing. Often such lesions disappear quickly, in 1-2 days, and leave behind only a more intense tan.

  • Medium burn

The affected area turns red, there is swelling, pain. At the stage of recovery (3-6 days), dry burnt skin is torn off (flakes off). Thanks to regeneration, the dermis under the flaky layer will already be updated.

  • Severe sunburn

In addition to damage to the skin (redness, swelling, blisters), a severe sunburn is accompanied by the following symptoms: fever; dizziness; chills; nausea; rapid pulse and breathing; dehydration; loss of consciousness.

In the long run, such an injury is dangerous:

  • Increases the risk of developing skin cancer, especially in children;
  • Exacerbates diseases such as psoriasis, arthritis, dermatitis, urticaria;
  • Promotes the manifestation of cataracts, which can lead to blindness;
  • It causes changes in the structure of the dermis: wrinkles, age spots appear.

First aid

If you nevertheless became a victim of the aggressive rays of the heavenly body, it is worth remembering the rules for first aid:

  • Hide from the sun indoors;
  • To relieve heat and pain, put a cold compress or take a cool shower;
  • If the pain is intense, take pain medication ("Analgin", "Paracetamol", "Tempalgin");
  • Apply a remedy for burns ("Panthenol");
  • If there are small blisters, apply a bandage to prevent infection;
  • Call a doctor if you have symptoms of severe sun damage.

You need to see a doctor urgently if:

  • The skin of the face is affected - such injuries often heal hard, may be accompanied by the formation of scars or other defects in the dermis;
  • There is an extensive lesion with large watery blisters anywhere on the body;
  • Damage to the dermis is accompanied by the formation of blisters with bloody contents.

When providing first aid, it is important to remember that it is strictly forbidden:

  • Treat the affected areas with alcohol-containing products that will increase not only the pain, but also the affected area;
  • Treat the injury area with hygiene products based on soap or gel, the chemical compounds that make up them can cause allergies;
  • Use fatty creams to treat the burnt area, since fats will prevent the skin from cooling and will only increase the area of ​​the lesion.

Treatment for severe sunburn

During treatment, additional treatment with moisturizing and regenerating agents is required, for example "Panthenol", "Rescuer". The strongest pain, discomfort and possible unpleasant consequences are fraught with severe sunburn. Successful treatment of such injuries consists of stages.

Treatment of blisters. Small blisters do not open and ointments or creams with an antiseptic and wound healing effect are used for external use ( Panthenol, Bepanten, Actovegin, Rescuer, Agrosulfan, Synthomycin, Methyluracil, Levosin, Fastin).

Large blisters are subject to autopsy in a medical facility. If it was torn off by accident and infected, or the lesion is represented by wounds of various sizes and depths, treatment should be carried out according to the rules for the treatment of thermal lesions.

After the blisters are treated, actions should be directed to:

  • Reducing pain, you can take "Ibuprofen";
  • Prevention of inflammation will help "Paracetamol", "Analgin", "Aspirin";
  • Removal of an allergic syndrome, which is manifested by edema, will help antihistamines "Claritin" "Loratadin";
  • Prevention of dehydration of the body, for this you need to drink at least 2.5 liters of fluid per day;
  • Absolute exclusion of the harmful effects of sunlight for some time after recovery;
  • Taking vitamins to renew the skin, vitamins E, C, D will help the dermis recover.

Overview of anti-burn agents

The most effective external medications include the following:

  • "Panthenol". Moisturizes, protects, regenerates damaged tissues.
  • Solcoseryl. It has a powerful wound healing effect, restores damaged skin.
  • "Methyluracil". Ointment based on methyluracil. Stimulates the regeneration and restoration of tissues in case of superficial and severe injuries of this kind in the healing stage.
  • Miramistin. It has good antibacterial activity and is used in the first stage of treatment of burnt skin of any complexity.
  • Agrosulfan. Silver in the composition of the drug has a good barrier effect in case of severe sun damage to the skin without secretions.
  • "Oflokain". Moisturizes, promotes the rejection of dead tissue, protects the wound surface. Lidocaine is an anesthetic.
  • "Fastin". Ointment based on furacilin, anesthesin, synthomycin. Effective in case of superficial lesions of the integument or severe in the healing stage.
  • "Rescuer" . The plant extracts and beeswax included in the composition give a protective film on the affected skin and have a softening, protective, analgesic and wound-healing effect.
  • "Kremgen". Fights edema, has an antimicrobial effect.
  • "Bepanthen". The active substance - dexpanthenol cools, relieves pain, chlorhexidine has an antimicrobial effect.
  • "Actovegin". Regenerates damaged dermis, promotes healing.

Prevention of sunburn

Severe sunburn causes a lot of inconvenience and often causes a spoiled vacation. To prevent skin injury, you should correctly determine its type and sunbathe according to the rules defined for it.

In dermatology, 6 types of skin are distinguished depending on sensitivity to UV radiation:

  • 1 type. The owners are mostly blue-eyed people with very fair skin (blonds, redheads), not prone to tanning. To get a burn, it is enough to spend 15-20 minutes in the sun in the afternoon.
  • 2 type. Inherent in blondes, owners of light brown or light brown hair with a light shade of eyes. The skin is slightly darker than type 1, a slight tan is possible. With a short stay (30 minutes) in the sun, it burns easily.
  • 3 type. The skin is light, medium-light or with an olive undertone. Wearers may experience a mild burn (40 minutes exposure to ultraviolet rays) or a light brown tan.
  • 4 type. It occurs in dark-haired people with dark eyes. Olive skin color and low risk of sunburn (may turn slightly pink after 60-90 minutes in the sun). Tans to medium brown.
  • 5 type. It is characteristic of the inhabitants of the Middle East or people with African American roots. The skin is swarthy and easily (in 2 hours) becomes covered with a dark tan without the possibility of burning.
  • 6 type. Black skin, not prone to burns.

In addition, they are at high risk.

Summer bright sun can become not only a source of luxurious bronze tan. Sunburn of the face is dangerous for its consequences. The appearance of pigmentation, moles, the development of painful sensitivity. Timely treatment will help to avoid unpleasant phenomena, quickly restoring the properties of the skin.

What is sunburn

A small amount of sunlight is necessary to maintain human health. Thanks to ultraviolet, metabolic processes are improved, immune properties are increased, and sleep rhythm is restored. The growth of bacteria, fungi, pathogenic microflora is suppressed, blood flow and the supply of integument with nutrients are activated. Under the influence of the sun, vitamin D is synthesized, which is necessary for the musculoskeletal system. But exceeding the norm of exposure leads to the destruction of the protective properties of the skin, its damage.

This is one of the types of radiation burns, due to exposure to aggressive short-wave radiation. It affects mainly the upper layers of the epidermis. The influence of rays with a long range destroys collagen, the thickness and structure of the skin changes. Sunburn is an inflammatory process resulting from natural or artificial radiation.

Main symptoms

Dangerous sunburn gradual manifestation. If with other types of skin burns the symptoms appear immediately, then the effects of exposure to ultraviolet radiation are noticeable after 12-24 hours. The sun's rays are most aggressive in late spring and early summer between 11 am and 4 pm. The degree of damage depends on the individual structure of the skin, susceptibility to sunlight.


Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

  1. With a mild burn, reddening of the integument is observed, there is a feeling of tightness, itching, burning. Painful sensitivity develops, it is impossible to touch the affected area.
  2. With a severe degree, swelling is observed, the integument is covered with blisters, a crust.
  3. A symptom of a severe burn is a deterioration in general well-being, fever, fever, chills.

Why is he dangerous?

Sunburn, accompanied by redness, passes without consequences within a few days. Under the influence of rays, benign neoplasms, moles, birthmarks often appear. There is a manifestation of erythema, the face and body are covered with red and pink spots of various sizes. Under adverse working conditions, life, regular influence of aggressive factors, over time, benign formations can transform into malignant ones. With frequent sunburn from natural and artificial sources, there is a risk of developing skin cancer. Excessive tanning can lead to dryness, wrinkles, and premature aging of the skin.

When receiving severe sunburn, wounds, burns, cracks often form, you may encounter swelling, blisters. Restoration of integument requires a long period, the use of medicines. The consequences can be inflammatory and infectious diseases that require drug therapy.

Remedies for sunburn on the face

- an effective remedy for sunburn, based on pantothenic acid. Thanks to the application, the skin is regenerated. It is well absorbed by the epidermis, causes an acceleration of tissue renewal. It relieves dryness, tightness, inflammation, redness. It has a slight cooling effect, removes painful sensitivity. The cost of 150 ml is about 95 rubles.

- is available in the form of an ointment, gel, the active substance is dialysate of the blood of dairy calves. It is an active stimulator of skin regeneration. It has anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and rejuvenating effects. Helps to quickly remove painful sensitivity, cope with peeling, swelling. Promotes saturation of cells with oxygen and nutrients. Stimulates collagen synthesis, restores capillaries. Cost 5 gr. - 400 r.

- Has antifungal and antimicrobial properties. Used to treat sunburn of varying degrees. It is recommended to prevent infection of the affected areas. Does not damage the cells of the epidermis. You can buy 50 ml for 210 rubles.

- contains milk lipids, beeswax, sea buckthorn oil concentrate, tea tree ether, vitamin E. The ointment helps relieve burns, activates tissue regeneration, and has moisturizing properties. Removes dryness, irritation, covers the skin with a protective film. Relieves pain, softens, does not irritate the epidermis. Price 30 gr. 164 r.

Folk remedies for burns

A person after a sunburn needs a long recovery. Even if the external signs are redness, inflammation have passed, side effects often appear. Age spots, premature wrinkles, dryness and sensitivity of the skin are the main consequences of aggressive exposure to ultraviolet radiation.


Get rid of painful sensitivity, quickly restore the covers of the mask from sunburn. It will also allow you to remove enlarged pores, relieve redness, provide deep nutrition, hydration. Thanks to the application, it will be possible to avoid the appearance of freckles and moles.


  • 10 gr. oatmeal;
  • 20 drops of tocopherol.

Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder, pour boiling water until gruel is obtained, leave for 10 minutes. Then, using a whisk, mix with sour cream, add vitamin E. Put the mask on for 5 minutes to cool, then anoint the affected skin with a thick layer. Put a wet compress on top to avoid drying out. Leave for 30-40 minutes, repeat the mask 2 times a day for 5-7 days.


Reduce pain, accelerate the renewal of burnt skin, soften the affected epidermis natural cream. Treatment at home will avoid dryness, the appearance of wrinkles, peeling.


  • 10 gr. shea butter;
  • 10 gr. cocoa butter.

Grind beeswax on a grater, put in a water bath, not forgetting to stir constantly. When the wax begins to melt, introduce nourishing oils, the mass should be homogeneous. Pour the resulting liquid into a clean, dry cosmetic jar, leave to thicken. Before applying with a spatula, measure the right amount, warm it in the palms, then smear the face with a thin layer. Use the cream in the morning and evening for a week.


If the face is swollen, the temperature has risen, you can treat it with natural methods. Folk recipes will relieve fever and painful sensitivity, saturate the cells with nutrients. The protective barriers of the epidermis are restored, renewal processes are accelerated.


  • 50 ml of chamomile decoction;
  • 20 ml of aloe vera juice;
  • 3 ampoules of vitamin B5.

Brew green tea, leave for half an hour to infuse. Prepare and strain the chamomile decoction. Then add aloe juice and pharmacy solution of pantothenic acid. Moisten a thin towel in the finished liquid, apply to the face, hold for about half an hour, then apply a moisturizer. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day until swelling is removed.


To avoid the manifestation of sunburn, it is important to immediately take care of the condition of the skin. Also in the following days, you need to pay attention to nutrition, compliance with the water regime.

Prevention of sunburn:

  1. Immediately after exposure, it is recommended to take a bath with oatmeal or flour. The duration of the procedure is from 5 to 15 minutes. It will help moisturize the skin, restore hydrobalance, relieve sensitivity.
  2. Drinking plenty of water will speed up tissue regeneration, relieve dryness and irritation. Drink at least 2 liters of pure water per day.
  3. Skin care consists of moisturizing and nourishing procedures. For cleaning, soft compositions are used, without aggressive components and abrasive particles.
  4. Do not use scrubs, peels, and alcohol-containing lotions. They will additionally dry, irritate damaged skin.
  5. In the menu include foods rich in vitamin C, zinc, carotene. They will help increase immune properties, restore renewal processes. You can take a multivitamin complex, this will avoid side effects, the appearance of moles, age spots.
  6. When choosing products with SPF protection, focus on an indicator of at least 10.

It is better to prevent burning in order to protect the integument from premature aging, dermatological problems. Sunburn, like heatstroke, can be obtained from 11 to 16 hours, after ultraviolet radiation is not dangerous for the skin. Be sure to use sunscreen with a high protection factor.

When to See a Doctor

Consultation with a specialist is necessary for long-term and slow recovery of the skin. With small redness, you can cope on your own at home.

You need to see a doctor if:

  • the skin of the face is burned, often this leads to the appearance of scars and other cosmetic defects;
  • extensive burns, the face is swollen, the formation of large blisters with liquid is observed;
  • burns of any affected area, with blisters filled with bloody fluid, the appearance of cracks and wounds;
  • swelling of the face after a sunburn also requires a visit to a doctor.

If a child has a sunburn, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Especially dangerous are the consequences of ultraviolet exposure for babies under 3 years old. Children's skin is much thinner, more sensitive to the influence of aggressive factors, so the degree of damage is often higher than in adults. The doctor will recommend effective topical agents, adjust the diet, and prescribe antipyretic drugs. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the skin lesions.

"Author of the article: Veronika Belova": Graduated with honors from the Academy of Beauty Industry "LOKON". Mother of a beautiful child. I like to experiment, I constantly try various means, masks (including cooking with my own hands), techniques that can make us beautiful and healthy.

Who wouldn't want to have a beautiful bronzed tan? Sunburns are sometimes unpleasant companions of tanning.

The effect of the sun may be enhanced if you take St. Therefore, care should be taken, since the combination of such substances with sunlight can provoke the appearance of age spots. Sunburn and age spots can be avoided if you dose the sun exposure and use sunscreen.

The light-protective filter, which is part of sun creams, can significantly increase the duration of sunbathing. And in order to accurately determine the time of safe exposure to the sun, you need to multiply the degree of protection of the cream by the time during which you can safely stay in the sun without cream (from 5 to 20 minutes).

If you can not buy a special cream, you can use home remedies. Dry skin before sunbathing can be lightly rubbed with olive oil. For oily skin, a warm strained tea solution is suitable, which should be left on the body until it dries.

But what to do in case of a burn?

Burned areas should be treated immediately as soon as a burn is detected.

Oily skin can be smeared with yogurt, and dry skin with sour cream and left on the burnt areas for 20-30 minutes. Then remove with a swab dipped in weak tea leaves.

If the burn is small, a lotion from the infusion will help. chamomile, series and plantain: 4 tablespoons of chopped herbs pour 300 ml of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. After that, put moistened pieces of gauze on the affected areas and hold for 15-20 minutes. With sunburn, oatmeal also helps well: grind them and brew them. Lubricate the burnt places with the resulting gruel, and then rinse with cold water. Apply a layer of oily moisturizer to wet skin.

A good effect on the burned areas is exerted by compresses from mashed blueberries, blueberries, cranberries. In addition, fresh cabbage leaves or freshly squeezed carrots can be applied to the affected areas.

Compresses from cool (but not cold!) milk, kefir or sour cream have a good effect. irritation and itching. Proteins contained in dairy products form a protective layer on the skin that prevents moisture from evaporating. In order for the enzymes that repair the skin to work properly, they need moisture.

To relieve inflammation, you can take ibuprofen(400 mg every four hours) for several days until redness subsides.

Since ultraviolet, damaging the skin and deeper tissues, forms free radicals, then with sunburn, and indeed with sunbathing, it is necessary to take antioxidants to neutralize them. The best in this sense are green tea and pomegranate juice. Both have anti-inflammatory effects and are high in antioxidants. In sufficient quantities, antioxidants are found in other fresh vegetables and fruits, in nuts and legumes. Therefore, eat at least three servings of fresh vegetables and fruits (especially various berries) daily.

In the first few days after the burn, you can apply a cosmetic product with aloe(alcohol-free lotion or gel) or just smear with fresh aloe juice. Aloe has a strong anti-inflammatory property, soothes, moisturizes and cools burned skin.

Well helps to relieve inflammation and reduce the unpleasant consequences of a burn mask of raw, grated potatoes or raw egg squirrel.

Can be applied thinly sliced lemon on burned areas, since your skin needs vitamin C now, it will relieve irritation. It stings, of course, strongly, but the effect is good.

Burnt skin can be lubricated strawberry puree and rinse with warm water after 20 minutes.

Grate raw potatoes on a fine grater, smear clean rags with gruel and, periodically changing, apply to the burnt places.

Grate on a fine grater carrot and make a mask out of it on the burnt place.

Make an infusion Hypericum. To do this, pour 1 tablespoon of grass with a glass of boiling water and insist for 30 minutes. Wipe the burnt places with this infusion.

Chop fresh leaves plantain. Spread the burnt places with yogurt, and lay the plantain on top.

4 tablespoons fake colors pour ½ liter of water and simmer for 10 minutes. Wipe the burnt places with a decoction, and use the thick in the form of poultices.

Fresh leaves lettuce finely chop the garden, put in a saucepan, pour boiling water so that the water only covers the leaves. Boil 5 minutes. Still warm, apply a thick mass on the burnt places for about twenty minutes. With the remaining broth, wipe the places affected by sunburn.

On the burnt places, it is prayed to make a mask from milk and flour taken in equal proportions. Thoroughly mix the flour with milk, apply the mask on the burnt skin for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with cool water. But, most importantly, remember: if the burn is very severe, it is better to consult a doctor.


Never wash burned skin with soap and water, do not rub oily creams into it, and do not use cosmetics with a high alcohol content.

When the skin starts to peel, moisturize it with body lotions - the more the better, at least 3 times a day.

Do not peel off exfoliating skin, no matter how much you want to quickly become “smooth” again - this will only increase peeling. Moisturize frequently and let it naturally exfoliate.

Until the peeling has stopped, do not use scrubs and other exfoliating products, as well as products containing retinoids and vitamin A, glycolic, salicylic and other hydroxy acids. New skin is too soft and delicate, and all these products can damage it or cause severe irritation.

For severe burns accompanied by blistering, headache, chills or fever, be sure to consult a doctor!

But the most important thing, of course, is not to allow new burns! Get a full range of sunscreens, and be sure to use those that block both types of sun radiation - UVA and UVB, and apply them more often. Refrain from going to the beach for several days. Do not think that it is enough to cover the damaged areas with clothing. Synthetics transmit up to 15% of the sun's rays, and even natural cotton, which is the best at protecting against radiation, transmits up to 6% of radiation. If the clothes get wet, another 20% of the sun's rays pass through it.

Remember that solar procedures help to strengthen the immune system, improve metabolism, enhance mental and physical performance. But the abuse of the sun is harmful to health and beauty.

Everyone knows how harmful sunlight can be for the skin, but many still forget or simply do not want to use sunscreen. Perhaps this also applies to you. Overexposure to ultraviolet radiation can damage DNA. Short exposure to the sun can give you a beautiful tan (that is, skin pigmentation that protects it from ultraviolet radiation), but long-term exposure to any type of ultraviolet radiation is harmful to all skin types and can cause skin cancer. Although sunburns can be quite painful, they are usually considered superficial first-degree burns, that is, they are classified as the mildest group of burns. Although you won't be able to reduce skin damage after a sunburn, you can relieve pain and speed up healing. Fortunately, sunburn can almost always be treated at home.


Part 1

sunburn treatment

    If you get blisters, see your doctor. With a severe burn, purulent blisters may appear. In this case, it is necessary to wash the affected skin area with running water and mild soap. Blisters are a sign of a second-degree burn, which increases the risk of infection. If blisters appear on the skin, from which pus is secreted, you should consult a doctor. The doctor will prescribe appropriate antibiotics and, if necessary, will be able to pierce the blisters.

    Apply cold compresses. If you don't have compresses ready, dip a towel in ice water and apply it to the burned area.

    Apply aloe vera to the affected area. Aloe vera juice and soy-based moisturizers are great for cooling burnt skin. In preliminary studies, aloe vera has been shown to speed up the healing of burns. According to the scientific literature, those patients who used aloe vera were cured on average 9 days earlier than others.

    Keep your skin clean and well hydrated. Avoid using harsh scented lotions, as they can aggravate irritation.

    Avoid sunlight while your skin heals. Continued exposure to the sun can cause further damage to the skin and require medical attention as a result. Burnt skin needs protection, so cover it up when you're out in the sun or exposed to other sources of ultraviolet radiation.

    Be patient. Sunburns go away on their own. This usually takes several days or weeks. However, if you have a second-degree burn with blisters, it may take up to three weeks to heal. In the event of a second-degree sunburn, it is best to seek medical attention. Sunburn usually does not leave scars.

    Apply witch hazel to the burn. Moisten a cotton wool or bandage with this astringent and apply to damaged skin 3-4 times a day for 20 minutes to relieve pain and itching.

    • Witch hazel has very few side effects and is completely safe for children.

Part 3

Harm of sunburn
  1. Seek medical attention in case of severe sunburn. If you have been exposed to ultraviolet radiation for a long time and have suffered significant burns (called light dermatosis), your skin is blistering, it is very sore, you have a fever, excessive thirst or fatigue, seek immediate medical attention. These symptoms may indicate more serious health problems. For example, they may be caused by a genetic sensitivity to sunlight or metabolic patterns that lead to a deficiency in niacin (vitamin B3). Typical symptoms and treatments are described in this article. Medical attention is required for the following serious symptoms:

    Beware of skin cancer. The two main forms of skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, are directly related to exposure to solar radiation. These cancers most commonly affect the face, ears, and hands. After five or more sunburns, the risk of the most dangerous form of skin cancer, melanoma, doubles. The risk of melanoma also increases after a severe sunburn.

    Be aware of the danger of heat stroke. In heat stroke, the body loses the ability to regulate its temperature, and as a result, it continues to rise. Prolonged exposure to the sun can lead not only to severe burns, but also to heat stroke. Heat stroke is indicated by the following symptoms:

  • Cover the burn from the sun until the skin heals.
  • Always use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. Don't forget to reapply your sunscreen, especially if you're sweating or swimming.
  • Do not apply ice to the burn, as it can further damage sensitive skin. To reduce the burning sensation, place the burned area under cool running water.
  • All the effects of a sunburn can occur only 48 hours after receiving it.


  1. Matsumura Y, Ananthaswamy HN. Toxic effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2004 Mar 15. 195(3):298-308. .
  2. Narbutt J, Lesiak A, Sysa-Jedrzejowska A, Boncela J, Wozniacka A, Norval M. Repeated exposures of humans to low doses of solar simulated radiation leading to limited photoadaptation and photoprotection against UVB-induced erythema and cytokine mRNA up-regulation. J Dermatol Sci. March 2007 45(3):210-2. .

Not always the summer sun gives only positive emotions, and how to be satisfied when sunburn falls to your lot?

On the other hand, you may not face this fate if you take all the precautions in advance.

And if the burn did happen, then you can cope with it. How to treat sunburn at home? What folk remedies can help us cope with the problem?

Perhaps it is difficult to confuse a sunburn with something else, because its symptoms are known even to young children.

First of all, this is reddening of the skin (in the very place where ultraviolet rays acted), pain, even with a light touch to this area. After some time, itching, an unpleasant feeling of dryness or tightness of the skin, peeling may also appear.

In addition to the signs visible to the naked eye, a person often has a rise in body temperature, his general condition worsens, headaches, chills occur, and sometimes a person is completely dehydrated.

If we are talking about a more severe form (burns of the second degree and above), then blisters appear on the skin or it turns black, as if charred.

Sunburn treatment at home is successfully carried out only if it is in a mild form - both various pharmaceutical preparations and folk, but no less effective, remedies and recipes are suitable for these purposes.

Having successfully healed, you will not find any traces of burns on your skin at all.

If we were talking about the treatment of burns resulting from contact with open fire, you would not have been able to get off safely.

What is the first aid for sunburn?

It is not very difficult to get such a burn, and, in order to avoid this trouble, experts strongly recommend not to linger for a long time in direct sunlight.

Also, avoid sunbathing between 11 am and 5 pm, as the sun is particularly aggressive during those hours.

If you ignore the above tips, do not be surprised to find yourself burned. And do not think that sunscreen will definitely save you, even if they are very expensive.

The more competently first aid is provided in the case of a sunburn, the easier it is for a person to treat it on their own, at home.

Remember, emergency therapy should be based on the two most important factors:

1. On how to lower the body temperature in those areas of the skin where the burn was received (for example, you can substitute a burned hand under a stream of cold water);

2. To maximize or prevent dehydration in the damaged area of ​​the epidermis.

After completing at least these two actions, you will immediately feel an improvement in well-being: the swelling will subside, and the pain will subside.

How to treat sunburn at home

Several remedies will help to cope with the problem - fermented milk products, essential oils and vegetables. Let's talk about them in order, in more detail.

Many years ago, our ancestors treated (and successfully) burns with curdled milk, sour cream and curd masks. You can use kefir, which is well known to you, however, any of the listed products should be used exclusively cold.

1. Gently wipe the burnt areas of the epidermis with a cotton pad soaked in kefir or sour cream. When the fermented milk product dries up, your skin will begin to tighten. In order to eliminate such a specific sensation, after that wipe the skin with cotton wool, which you soaked in ordinary water, and then apply kefir again. Repeat these steps several times throughout the day.

2. Make a curd mask. Take a piece of gauze, wrap the cottage cheese in it and place everything in the freezer. When the curd hardens, carefully remove the gauze, and apply the curd to the sunburn and hold until you feel you can't take it anymore.

3. A potato mask is easy to prepare, but an additional plus is that it is very effective, and the vegetable itself is always in the refrigerator.

Grate one raw potato on a grater and put this mass in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, then remove it and immediately attach it to the burn.

After 15 minutes, remove the mask by rinsing it off with lukewarm water.

You can simply sprinkle the sore spot with potato starch or apply homemade potato ointment to the skin. For it, you will need to boil, then cool the potatoes and grind them with sour cream until a mass resembling gruel is obtained.

4. Buy a small white cabbage, separate a few leaves and wash them.

After dousing the leaves with hot water (so you make them softer), cool, and only then apply to the burned skin. Be sure to secure the sheet with a bandage and walk around with it all day. Such a compress should relieve swelling and reduce pain.

5. Apply cucumber to the affected areas, in any form. It can be cut into circles and applied, squeeze the juice onto a cotton swab and grease the burn with it, or grate the cucumber and use only this mass.

Whichever way you choose, the cucumber mask should be done until you feel relief.

6. Rinse fresh parsley, and then pass it through a meat grinder. The resulting substance for 15 minutes must be applied to the injured epidermis as a lotion.

7. Periodic treatment of the burn with cool water mixed with an essential oil (such as chamomile or lavender) will also help.

For one liter of water, you need 5 drops of this oil. Moisten a gauze or cotton wool in this water and, almost without squeezing, gently apply it to the burned skin.

How to avoid sunburn?

Always sunbathe during hours when the sun is less aggressive, either from 8:00 to 10:00 or from 16:00. Use sun protection products (cream, spray, etc.) while taking into account that the nose, neck and chest are the most vulnerable.

Try not to sunbathe at altitude, as this way the sun's rays act more strongly.

And if you notice that the burn is still received and blisters or other severe signs appear on the skin, seek qualified help as soon as possible.

Important! Sunburns on the skin, especially in children, appear slowly. At first it is redness, like after sunburn, but soon the redness will burn, start to hurt.

What is important to know about tanning

Ultraviolet exposure to the skin is most active between 11.00 am and 3.00 pm. At this time, try not to go to the beach, or sit under an umbrella, using a special protective cream. The optimal time for sunbathing to avoid sunburn of the skin is 8.00-11.00 am.

The main symptoms of sunburn are:

  • skin redness;
  • on tactile contact, the skin is dry, hot;
  • the appearance of pain;
  • a constant burning sensation begins;
  • the skin itches;
  • sometimes a slight swelling is possible at the site of the burn (often occurs in children).

Important! When the symptoms of a burn are noticeable, this does not mean that you need to get out of the sun and forget about the problem. The skin got burned, which means that measures must be taken to correct the situation.

How long will the burn last

As a rule, the burn passes within a day. But redness and other described unpleasant phenomena accompany a person for several days. So a full recovery takes a week.

First aid for sunburned skin:

  1. Go from sun to shade.
  2. With elevated body temperature, swelling on the hands or face, the formation of blisters, you need to urgently call an ambulance.
  3. Moisten the affected area with plain cold water. Soak a towel in water and apply to problem areas for a few minutes. The procedure is carried out every half hour.
  4. Use a special ointment and aerosols.
  5. Drink plenty of plain water.
  6. Wear clothes made of natural fabric, they should be loose, minimally in contact with the skin.
  7. Apply a cold compress to the head, legs and groin for 15 minutes.

Important! The temperature of the water during rubbing should be at room temperature, not cold. Cold water causes vasospasm and worsens the condition.

Home effective ways

There are various folk ways to treat sunburn of the skin at home. It is impossible to single out the most effective remedy for each person, you need to put it into practice and compare the results.

Sour cream and kefir

The most common remedy for sunburn is lubricating the skin with sour cream, kefir or other fermented milk products. You just need to apply the selected component to the affected areas and wait until the first layer dries. Then apply a second layer on top of the first layer. Hold for a quarter of an hour, remove the fermented milk product with a napkin and take a cool shower.

Green juice of aloe leaves

From the lower leaves of a flower that is more than three years old, squeeze the juice. In an equal proportion, dilute aloe juice with water. Soak a piece of sterile gauze in the solution and apply to sore spots. Do this procedure several times a day.

raw potatoes

Peel the tubers of the root crop, grate on a fine grater. Put the gruel in gauze and apply to the affected area of ​​​​the skin for half an hour. Carry out the procedure up to four times a day, depending on the degree of damage.

After hot summer days spent on the beach, many people are faced with the question of how to treat sunburn at home. Prolonged exposure to the sun does not always give an even and beautiful tan, and often results in unpleasant symptoms that need to be urgently eliminated.

What we treat

Sunburn usually manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  1. redness and severe pain of the skin (usually on the back, shoulders, arms), inability to touch the skin;
  2. in especially severe cases, even blisters can form on the skin;
  3. severe chills at normal room temperature;
  4. headache, vomiting.

The treatment of sunburn should be aimed at anesthetizing the skin, moisturizing it, and restoring it, local cooling, and normalizing the water balance in the tissues.

Medicines from the pharmacy

When treating sunburn at home, you can always use the following topical preparations:

  1. Panthenol. This tool is available in the form of a spray and quickly restores damaged skin, and also effectively relieves pain symptoms.
  2. Bepanten. The antimicrobial drug will have an antiseptic, cooling, analgesic effect, restore and protect the skin after a burn.
  3. Painkillers, antipyretics. For fever and cramps, you can take Ibuprofen or Aspirin.

Folk remedies

Also at home, you can also use medicines made according to folk recipes.

In the treatment of burns provoked by exposure to sunlight, the following remedies are often used:

  1. Sour cream or kefir. Dairy products will eliminate pain and burning, soften the skin and soothe it. You can apply sour cream or kefir several times a day, leaving the products on the body until the skin feels tight, then gently rinse with water.
  2. Curd compresses. Cottage cheese should be cooled and wrapped in gauze, applied to the burned area and the compress should be changed as it heats up.
  3. Lotions from herbal decoctions. Chamomile, parsley or calendula will be excellent helpers in the treatment of burns. They need to be crushed, poured with boiling water, let it brew, and then make lotions with the resulting solution.
  4. Aloe juice and cucumber juice. Such funds also quickly relieve pain, treat the affected skin.
  5. Cabbage leaves. They must be applied to the affected area, secured with bandages. Itching, burning and severe pain will quickly go away.

  1. When treating sunburn, it is necessary to provide a sick person with peace and, of course, bed rest, it is desirable to move less.
  2. To avoid dehydration caused by a burn, you need to drink as much water as possible. It will not hurt to take vitamins E, C, D.
  3. Periodically, you can cool the skin by taking a cool shower or bath. During treatment, you can not use products containing alcohol, they will only worsen the condition of the skin.
  4. If there are blisters on the skin, as well as with severe vomiting and fever, you should immediately consult a doctor. This condition can no longer be dealt with at home.


Hi all! I don’t know about you, but I don’t really like summer, because it’s always hot, the sun warms, and then, by negligence, burns appear on our body. This is exactly what I will tell you today, namely, how to smear burns at home, what pharmaceutical products are and how to treat blisters, if you still have them.

Of course, each of us does not want such consequences for ourselves, not for our children, but still we do not always succeed in protecting ourselves from the sun. It would seem that this is terrible, because it's just redness on the back or face, but not here - it was, there is a danger in this, and I'll tell you about it now.

Causes of sunburn

Why does the body tan quickly in the sun, most likely, this question will torture everyone for a long time, but to be honest, it’s not worth going into details now, because it will be completely off topic. Another thing is to understand the reasons.

The main cause of sunburn is prolonged exposure to the scorching sun. It doesn’t matter if you wet yourself periodically with water or not, our skin is still not particularly friendly to such exposure.

On a hot summer day, cloudy weather with sometimes appearing rays will not protect your skin, and it will also be attacked by ultraviolet radiation, and besides, it can overtake you.

How to avoid sunburn

  • Stay in the sun as little as possible;
  • Do not take off your clothes under the scorching rays;
  • Wear protective gear.

In the summer, it is especially important to follow all these rules, because swimming in rivers, lakes and seas ends just like that. Therefore, try not to be outdoors at lunchtime, take care of yourself and your skin from burns.

If you want to spend your vacation by the sea, while you are not afraid of ultraviolet, then get a special cosmetic product for burns and periodically lubricate your skin with it.

What causes sunburn

Fortunately, this is not a burn with boiling water, but still the consequences are the most terrible.

  • redness;
  • soreness;
  • Swelling;
  • blisters;
  • ulcers;
  • peeling;
  • Suppuration.

Sunburn - how to smear at home

But since it so happened that you still could not save your body from the attack of the rays, then I recommend that you immediately start treatment, or you are guaranteed a sleepless night. I had to be in a similar situation several times, and even now it’s not always, it turns out, to avoid ultraviolet radiation.

There are situations when it is not possible to go and buy a remedy for burns in a pharmacy, for this there are folk methods and methods that are no less effective and will improve your condition in a matter of time.

Folk remedies for sunburn

Any hostess at home has products that can relieve pain and deliver moisture to your cells.

  1. You can smear sunburn with sour cream. You all probably remembered at that moment about sour cream, it was with it that our grandmother or mother always smeared our face or back after the sun, and she helped us well. I still use this method now, although the medical point of view says otherwise, that fat clogs the pores of our skin and thereby creates an excellent environment for the reproduction of bacteria, which can subsequently lead to festering.
  2. Potato, pumpkin, cucumber and zucchini - I'm sure that you have some of these vegetables at home. So, grate it and put the resulting slurry along with the juice on the affected areas of the skin, you can even on the face. Thus, you will cool the cat, and relieve pain, and moisturize it almost to the norm.
  3. Burn soda. Take a full bath of water, at room temperature, add soda and dry starch jelly to it, lie down for about 30 minutes and the pain syndrome will leave you.
  4. Kissel for burns. Boil jelly on starch, let it cool and lubricate your back and face with it after a sunburn.
  5. A wonderful aloe plant can help you out too. If the redness is small, then just cut the leaf in half and squeeze out the juice. And if your entire back is burned in the sun, then treat it with gruel from the leaves of this flower.
  6. Apricots. If your summer garden has a lot of such fruits, then make a gruel and apply to damaged areas. By the way, an apricot face mask perfectly moisturizes the skin.
  7. . I have already written a lot about him, he copes well not only with heartburn and gastritis, but also perfectly relieves swelling and inflammation after ultraviolet radiation.
  8. Green tea. Although many people recommend it, it does not really help me, however, like our whole family. Tea will soothe your skin, but no more, just remember to cool it.
  9. Here is the treatment of sunburn at home with the help of improvised means.
  10. Mix grated egg white with butter and brush on your back or face.
  11. You can apply sauerkraut for 20 minutes, only after you remove it, do not forget to rinse the body.
  12. Pour boiling water over the pharmacy chamomile, wait until the infusion has cooled, and wipe the body with it.
  13. Cabbage leaves will also improve your condition. They can simply be applied to sore spots, or you can grind and make gruel.

Sunburn - blisters, treatment

Not always after a long stay in the open air in the sun, you can get rid of only redness, most often this is accompanied by blisters. And whoever has ever encountered this knows what it's like to be in such a situation, the pain is simply unbearable.

In this case, you need not only to drink plenty of water, as with a simple burn, but also to take painkillers.

As for the treatment, it should be in the form of aerosols and liquids. Juice from potatoes, cucumber and zucchini will perfectly cope with the task. A little higher, I wrote that gruel from these vegetables can be used for severe redness, but in this case with blisters, only juice.

Do not forget to cool the body, soak towels and a diaper in cold water and apply to your back. You can use tomato juice both internally and externally. Tomato juice perfectly replenishes our cells with fluid, remember this.

Sunburn blisters are very dangerous, do not pierce or experiment with them.

As you can see, folk remedies for sunburn still exist, and they work effectively, improve our condition and fill the cells with moisture. But whether to smear a sunburn and with what, it's up to you.

The best remedy for sunburn

And now - just the same, I will write you pharmacy drugs that should help you in this situation.

  1. Panthenol. This drug is available in various forms, including in the form of an aerosol. That's just if a sunburn with blisters, then you need to purchase panthenol aerosol. When applied, an airy foam is formed, which moisturizes the skin well and relieves pain.
  2. S. O. S. is a modern cream that copes with any kind of skin damage.
  3. Bepanten. The ointment prevents the inflammatory process and has no side effects.
  4. Cream with aloe. Of course, this is not a real substance that can be obtained from a natural plant from the windowsill, but also not a bad option.
  5. Hydrocortisone. Ointment, which is responsible for the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates in our body. Relieves itching, burning and inflammation.
  6. Rescuer. This ointment is suitable for any skin damage, including alleviating pain symptoms and sunburn.
  7. Zinc ointment. It should be applied no more than five times a day, this should be done in a thin layer. It has pro-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Used for mild sunburn.
  8. Fenistil. Can be used as drops orally and as an ointment. This drug only relieves itching, and prevents an allergic reaction.

Sunburn in a child - how to anoint

Not only adults, but also children are prone to such a case, so mothers should be especially careful about such a situation. Do not allow your child to be outdoors for a long time, during the solstice, try not to go outside at all, and, of course, do not forget about hats.

If, nevertheless, this happened, and you don’t know how to smear your back with a sunburn, then I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of remedies:

  1. Panthenol;
  2. Bepanthen;
  3. D - panthenol;
  4. Alantan plus;
  5. Olazol;
  6. Solcoseryl;
  7. Baneocin.

When purchasing a drug in a pharmacy, carefully read the instructions for use. Remember, your baby's health depends on you.

Friends, I wish you not to face this problem, but if this happened, then I gave you a hint on how to smear sunburn, whether it is possible to smear sunburn with sour cream and what folk remedies are for burns.

Nina Kuzmenko was with you, see you again.

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