Separate Guards Special Purpose Regiment 45. About Special Purpose Scouts. The joy of victory and the pain of defeat

The Department of Special Operations (USO) of the Federal Grid Company took part in the assault on Grozny "in full force - 21 people"1, according to other sources - 22 people2, under the command of General Dmitry Mikhailovich Gerasimov. (FSK - this was the name of the reformed KGB-FSB in December 1994, and the USO included fighters of the Vympel group that was disbanded at that time)

The 45th Separate Reconnaissance Regiment of the Special Purpose of the Airborne Forces (45th Special Operations Regiment of the Airborne Forces, military unit 28337), which was in the reserve of the Minister of Defense, included about 450 people.3 According to other sources, 400 people directly entered the city of Grozny.4
There is also information that in December 1994, "exactly half of the entire regiment" was involved in the protection of the "train of the Minister of Defense." And that, allegedly, there was an order “not to involve those who carry out security services on combat exits.”5 Thus, the number of people entering Grozny can vary greatly.

The regiment commander is Colonel Viktor Dmitrievich Kolygin, but in the territory of the Chechen Republic, his duties were performed by the chief of staff, Colonel Valery Nikolayevich Yuryev.6

Major Alexander Skobennikov from the 45th corps of the Special Forces of the Airborne Forces: "Our unit was divided into two detachments. The one in which I was was supposed to join the northern," Rokhlin "group."7 Unfortunately, it is not entirely clear what the author had in mind . Possibly two battalions of the regiment: 218th (military unit 48427) and 901 (military unit 23372).

According to Major Sergei Ivanovich Shavrin from the USO FSK: “We were left with about 20 people from the special operations department. Guys from the 45th reconnaissance regiment were supposed to work with us. to the center of Grozny, to the stadium.Further it was assumed that we would take Dudayev's palace in much the same way as in December 1979 they took Amin's palace.<...>We never flew to the center of Grozny. As they say, as above, so below. A terrible inconsistency in the actions of different branches of the armed forces was revealed. It turned out that the helicopters could not take off, because one helicopter pilot had not yet had lunch, the other had not yet refueled, and the third was on duty at all. As a result, already January 1 at 00 hours 10 minutes we were given the order: "By cars!" - the city was to be entered by land.<...>By the evening of that day, having already entered the city with a tank column, we learned from our scouts that by the time of that failed landing, the stadium planned as a springboard for it was full of well-armed and at the same time obeying no one people: it was on December 31 that the weapons available in the warehouses were distributed there without restriction to everyone who wanted to defend "free Ichkeria". So our three helicopters, most likely, would have burned over this stadium. "8

January 1, 1995

Major Shavrin from the USO FSK: "On New Year's Eve on an armored personnel carrier, we marched to the Tolstoy-Yurt area and entered Grozny. I remember that our column moved to 0.10 minutes on the first of January."9

Major Skobennikov: “In Tolstoy-Yurt, we were assured that the route of our movement was absolutely safe and controlled by ours, we could move in a marching column. We entered, indeed, quite calmly. However, as it turned out, this part of the city was not controlled by anyone. - that's for sure."

Major Shavrin: "The departure was unsuccessful. The conductor from the corps, for some unknown reason, pressed the gas and disappeared around the corner, and we went along Khmelnitsky street, on Pervomayskaya and rolled out almost to the city center. They realized that they had gone the wrong way, they began to turn around and on Khmelnitsky Square (probably Ordzhonikidze Square) they were fired from a nine-story building. The grenade hit the last BTEER, several people were injured. But the group was taken out without loss. "12 (judging by the fact that the next day 16 people from the USO FSK entered the city, there were 5 or 6 wounded)

Major Skobennikov: “While the column was turning around on one of our armored personnel carriers, a grenade launcher was fired from somewhere on the upper floors. We responded with a flurry of fire. The soldiers examined the surrounding buildings, they did not find anyone. It turned out that the armored personnel carrier was damaged, and two of our guys were seriously injured. New attempts to get in touch again were unsuccessful. We decided to return to Tolstoy-Yurt, spend the night, find a more intelligent guide and move to the city again at dawn. "13

January 2, 1995

Major Shavrin: " Since morning go again. We are 16 people, led by the head of intelligence of the Airborne Forces (Colonel Pavel Yakovlevich Popovskikh)."14

Meanwhile, in ten o'clock in the morning on January 2 the command post (8 guards. AK) settled in the basement of the plant. "15

Major Skobennikov: " In the morning moved to the city on the same route.<...>After some time, our convoy was overtaken by cars with medicines. They also went to the cannery and knew the way. We went together, but did not break at random. The soldiers dismounted, walked along the sidewalks, looking at the neighboring windows. Already on the way to the plant, we had to engage in a short battle with the militants who did not have time to withdraw from this area. They arrived, however, without loss.

From the description of the actions of the battalion under the command of Major Nikolai Sergeevich Nikulnikov: "Nikulnikov's battalion enters Grozny. It is located in one of the buildings of the former cannery. It would seem that ours are already there. patrols, combat guards, reconnaissance.The commander of the motorized riflemen, who traveled with him to Grozny, opened his mouth when he saw how the landing groups made their way through the "peaceful open" area - where crawling, where dashing, from shelter to shelter. "17 (interestingly , what division of motorized rifles are we talking about? 74 omsbr?)

In the documentary film by A. Lyubimov "Chechnya. The Beginning of the War" there is a video recording of Captain Igor Dementyev, filmed at a cannery. From the comments of senior lieutenant Vladimir Palkin it follows that the consolidated column in 13:35 was in a cannery. (Major Andrei Anatolyevich Nepryakhin and Senior Lieutenant Sergei Nikolayevich Romashenko were present in the frame, both from 218 about SpN18)

Major Shavrin: "Soon they appeared before General Rokhlin, reported.<...>The commander entrusted us with a difficult task: to ensure the safety of the column routes along which military equipment and troops advanced. This is Lermontovskaya street ( Lermontov). There, on the one hand, there are houses, the private sector, and on the other, high-rise buildings. The militants in groups of 5-6 people made their way into the houses and fired at the columns. And the street is completely crammed with military vehicles, tankers, vehicles with ammunition. In general, every shot is a hit and great damage, losses. "19

According to Major Shavrin, the USO FSK also cleared the street. B. Khmelnitsky, though without a date: “There were high-rise buildings on Bogdan Khmelnitsky Avenue - our petrochemists lived there: also Russians, Ukrainians, Tatars - the Soviet Union, in general. During the assault, the streets were deserted: some left, some hid in the basements. And this house also seemed to be empty. We cleared it out."20

It is likely that from that moment on, the 45th corps of the Special Forces of the Airborne Forces began to operate in two different directions, because. in the words of Major Skobennikov: "We were given a different task: to release, together with SOBR, from Dudayev's Petropavlovsk highway. For work, we chose night time, darkness, as you know, is a friend of the special forces. Technically, it looked something like this: all day long we watched the quarter that was to be "cleaned up", tracking every smallest detail. At night, sappers were the first to advance, remove the Chechen "stretch marks" and set up their own, blocking the possible retreat routes of the Dudaevites and the routes of reinforcements. Then the group imperceptibly seeped into the building, most often through some kind of "abnormal" hole, like a hole in the wall. They calmed down for a while, trying to determine the location of the militants by the sounds, then slowly began to move, destroying the "spirits" with the help of silent and cold weapons.<...>. Most often, with the help of silent weapons, the matter ended. If required, then grenades and everything else were used, according to the full program. Per two nights we cleared Petropavlovka." (night of 2/3 and 3/4 January)

According to Major Shavrin, it was the joint groups that cleared the street. Lermontova: “From our joint team with the special forces paratroopers, we formed four groups and cleared the bandits from the quarter. We set up ambushes, when militants were found, they went into battle. run away ... They soon realized that there were ambushes, there were special forces, it was not safe there. And the bandit raids stopped. Several blocks along the road were free. "21

Major Skobennikov: “Sometimes they fired at their own even after a warning, as happened on Lermontov Street. We notified everyone that we would work. We advised not to meddle in our place under any circumstances. Here, out of nowhere, a tank - the explosion of its shell blew half the house. One of our fighters died, one was wounded, another shell-shocked.

Major Shavrin: “How many lives we have saved! We are the scouts of the 45th regiment. The Chechens didn’t fight at night.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

1 Mikhailov A. Chechen wheel. M., 2002. S. 71.
2 Boltunov M. Everyone has their own war... // Fact. 2002. No. 3. January 18. (
3 Maksimov A., Shurygin V. VDV. Chechnya. Nobody except us. M., 2004. S. 189.
4 Shurygin V. Give Argun, give Shali! // Tomorrow. 1999. December 14. (
5 Shurygin V. Chechnya. War. "Spetsnaz" // Maksimov A., Shurygin V. Airborne Forces. Chechnya. Nobody except us. M., 2004. S. 211.
6 Shurygin V. Give Argun, give Shali! // Tomorrow. 1999. December 14.
7 Skobennikov A. Grozny Sacrifice // Soldier of Fortune. 1999. No. 5. (
8 Dobromyslova O. Mission Impossible // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. 2005. December 16. (
9 Boltunov M. Everyone has their own war... // Fact. 2002. No. 3. January 18.
10 Skobennikov A. Grozny Sacrifice // Soldier of Fortune. 1999. No. 5.
11 Skobennikov A. Betrayed and killed // Russian House. 1999. No. 3. (
12 Boltunov M. Everyone has their own war... // Fact. 2002. No. 3. January 18.
13 Skobennikov A. Grozny Sacrifice // Soldier of Fortune. 1999. No. 5.
14 Boltunov M. Everyone has their own war... // Fact. 2002. No. 3. January 18.
15 Antipov A. Lev Rokhlin. The Life and Death of a General. M., 1998. S. 155.
16 Skobennikov A. Grozny Sacrifice // Soldier of Fortune. 1999. No. 5.
17 Popov V. Professional // Gudok. 2002. December 12.
18 Lyubimov A. "Chechnya. The beginning of the war" - documentary footage filmed by servicemen of the Russian Army
19 Boltunov M. Everyone has their own war... // Fact. 2002. No. 3. January 18.
20 Dobromyslova O. Mission Impossible // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. 2005. December 16.
21 Boltunov M. Everyone has their own war... // Fact. 2002. No. 3. January 18.
22 Skobennikov A. Grozny Sacrifice // Soldier of Fortune. 1999. No. 5.
23 Airborne Troops of Russia. M., 2005. S. 378.
24 Dobromyslova O. Mission Impossible // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. 2005. December 16.

(to be continued...)

The 45th Separate Special Purpose Guards Brigade, stationed in Kubinka near Moscow, passed its first test in a new status (previously it was a regiment) and demonstrated the high level of training of each fighter and their teamwork skills. The journalists who prepared a rather interesting report from the scene, timed to coincide with the Special Forces Day, which is traditionally celebrated on October 24, were allowed to check.

On the obstacle course
"Scout's Path" reproduces the obstacles that a paratrooper may encounter when performing a real task

Is the group ready?
The scouts are completing preparations for the test.

Forward and upward
The machine gunner on the wall is the hardest.


Short dashes
All movements between positions are carried out by running.

In the forest
A group of scouts on the BTR-82. Soon they will go into the forest to organize an "ambush" for the militants.

Before the task
The scout is armed with an AK-74M assault rifle with a GP-25 grenade launcher.

Terrorists neutralized
Some of the fighters portrayed a conditional enemy.

Finding a target
In the foreground is a fighter with a VSS sniper rifle.

Car of the terrorists
"Ural" was "undermined" by an explosive package and conditionally fired upon.

And again "terrorist"

Intelligence Eyes
The calculation is preparing for the launch of the Tachyon UAV.

Assembly of the device
The UAV and the control system occupy two inconspicuous suitcases.

Ready to launch!
To launch, you need to pull the catapult cable.

controlled flight
Rugged laptops with special software provide flight control and reconnaissance results.

Waypoint route
The UAV can fly both under external control and independently - along predetermined route points.

Parachute belay device
Provides parachute opening after a specified period of time or at a specified height.

Parachute packing
Parachute training remains the main one in the Airborne Forces.

Main weapon
The scouts are armed with AK-74M assault rifles.

Everyone packs their own parachute

Styling time - 45 minutes

Preparation of standard No. 4
Standard No. 4 - putting on equipment to prepare for a jump with shooting in the air.

Training apparatus
Training on the simulator is an obligatory part of the general course before a real jump.

Ready for the training jump!
When adjusting equipment, the paratroopers are divided into pairs, controlling the correctness of the preparation of a comrade.

Let's jump
Jumping on old tires should prepare your joints and leg muscles for landing.

Ready for the training jump
The roller hanger is intended for hooking onto the rail of the training complex.

Rise to the simulator

Ready? Let's go!


Among the units of the domestic special forces of the Airborne Forces, the 45th Separate Guards Order of Kutuzov Order of Alexander Nevsky Special Forces Regiment, or military unit No. 28337, occupies a special place. Firstly, the part belongs to the elite special forces troops, almost completely transferred to a contract basis. Secondly, among the recruits who want to join the ranks of military unit 28337, there is simply huge competition. And, thirdly, the 45th Special Purpose Regiment is the youngest of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation.

History of military unit 28337

The military unit, formed on the basis of two separate battalions in February 1994, is currently stationed in the city of Kubinka, Moscow Region (former academic town). In 2007, the unit was reorganized into the line 218th Special Forces Battalion, but in 2008 it was again given the name of the 45th Separate Guards Regiment.
Despite the fact that military unit 28337 was formed 10 years ago, its soldiers and officers took part in the fighting in Chechnya and South Ossetia (August 2008).

Youth competitions are regularly held on the basis of the military unit. The special forces group, formed on the basis of the regiment, has also been participating in international competitions between special forces units since 1995. The military unit regularly holds parachute jumping and hand-to-hand combat demonstrations at events in Moscow and the region.

1996 - 3rd place in the overall standings of the competitions of the program "Partnership for Peace" (Bulgaria);

1997 - champion of the competitions of the program "Partnership for Peace" (Bulgaria);
2005 - challenge battle flag, title "Guards", Order of Alexander Nevsky (from the disbanded 119th Guards Airborne Regiment);
February 2011 - Order of Kutuzov "For the successful completion of combat missions of the command and the courage and heroism shown by the personnel of the regiment."

Reviews of military unit 28337

At present, there are practically no conscripts in military unit 28337, it is being transferred to a contract basis. The contract is concluded for a period of three years, the criteria for selecting fighters are moral, physical and psychological preparation, as well as the ability to respond in difficult situations and the desire to serve in special conditions.

In order to conclude a contract for military service in the 45th Guards Regiment, the candidate is required to:

Be between the ages of 18 and 40 and Russian citizenship;
Have a certificate of form A-1 for health reasons;
Submit a report or statement of desire to serve in the special forces of the Airborne Forces indicating the unit;
Come to the unit itself and have an interview with the regiment commander and the head of the personnel department;
Pass physical fitness tests (standards for pull-ups, cross-country, etc.);
Pass psychological tests for service compatibility in special units of the Airborne Forces.

Such requirements do not stop almost anyone - military unit 28337, judging by the reviews, even attracts girls. True, few people want to go to “hot spots” and pass physical training standards, but there are plenty of people who want to work in a first-aid post, a psychologist or a radio operator in a unit.
Those rare representatives of the fair sex who serve in the ranks of the 45th Separate Guards Regiment undergo the same training as men and live in similar conditions. However, many contract soldiers with families are provided with housing in the garrison.

The paratroopers do not have part of the barracks, its function is performed by the soldiers' hostel. It consists of several blocks (two adjacent rooms for 4-6 people each). There are showers, bathrooms, a gym, a rest room and classes for military training in the soldier's hostel.
Eyewitnesses say that military unit 28337 currently has two battalions. One of them is engaged in providing the regiment, and the second - in the training of fighters.
Those who served in the military unit also note that telephone conversations with relatives are allowed here in the evening.
For the period of training, mobile phones are with the company commander.
Shoes are issued along with the uniform, but you can buy it yourself. Jump boots of the model of the armies of foreign countries are allowed.

As for classes, the special forces paratroopers of military unit 28337 master not only practical skills, but also the theoretical course of military affairs. However, more attention is paid to the physical training of soldiers, for example, forced marches over long distances, when the fighters wear equipment and equipment.
The specific working conditions of the unit require knowledge of certain military equipment and weapons. Therefore, both domestic models of machine guns and a collection of captured weapons from the Armored Museum in Kubinka are carefully studied by soldiers. Scouts are also trained in the military unit, so exercises are regularly conducted in the field.

Thanks to cinema and television, most Russians know about the existence of special forces units that are subordinate to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Special Forces GRU). However, these special units are by no means the only ones in the Russian armed forces, it's just that their "colleagues" are less known and not so "promoted". At the same time, with their professionalism and combat experience, they are hardly inferior to the glorified GRU special forces. First of all, we are talking about special forces of the Airborne Troops of the Russian Federation or special forces of the Airborne Forces.

Special units of the Airborne Forces appeared quite a long time ago, even during the Great Patriotic War. In February 1994, a special forces regiment of the Airborne Forces was formed on the basis of two separate special-purpose battalions. Closer to our time, this unit took an active part in both campaigns in the North Caucasus, and was later involved in the war with Georgia in 2008. His place of permanent deployment is Kubinka near Moscow. At the end of 2014, the airborne regiment was deployed into a brigade.

Despite the fact that the tasks that the GRU special forces and the airborne special forces perform are largely similar, there are still differences between these units. However, before talking about the special forces of the Airborne Forces, a few words should be said about the history of the special forces in general.

Special forces history

Parts for special operations were created in the USSR almost immediately after the Bolsheviks came to power. The units were engaged in reconnaissance and subversive work in unfriendly territory. In neighboring countries, pro-Soviet partisan detachments were created, the work of which was supervised by military intelligence from Moscow. In 1921, a special department was created in the Red Army, which was engaged in the collection of intelligence information for the leadership of the Red Army.

Having gone through several reorganizations, the intelligence department of the Red Army in 1940 was finally transferred to the subordination of the General Staff. The GRU special forces were created in 1950.

Special units of the Airborne Forces appeared in the 30s, immediately after the appearance of this type of troops in the USSR. The first part of the Airborne Forces was formed in 1930 near Voronezh. Almost immediately, there was an obvious need to create their own airborne intelligence.

The fact is that the Airborne Forces are designed to perform specific functions - operations behind enemy lines, destroying especially important enemy targets, disrupting its communications, seizing bridgeheads and other operations of a predominantly offensive nature.

For a successful landing operation, preliminary reconnaissance of the landing site is necessary. Otherwise, the operation is threatened with failure - this happened more than once during the Great Patriotic War, when poorly prepared landing operations cost the lives of thousands of paratroopers.

In 1994, on the basis of two separate special forces battalions of the Airborne Forces, 901st and 218th, the 45th separate regiment of special forces of the Airborne Forces was formed. A few words should be said about the units that became part of the regiment.

The 218th battalion was formed in 1992, and before joining the special forces regiment of the Airborne Forces, he managed to take part in several peacekeeping missions: in Abkhazia, Ossetia and Transnistria.

The history of the 901st battalion is much longer and richer. It was formed in 1979 in the Transcaucasian Military District as a separate air assault battalion, then was transferred to Europe, to the site of the proposed theater of operations. In the late 80s, the Baltics became the location of the unit. In 1992, the 901st battalion was renamed into a separate airborne assault battalion and transferred to the command of the Airborne Forces headquarters.

In 1993, during the Georgian-Abkhazian conflict, the 901st battalion was on the territory of Abkhazia, after which it was transferred to the Moscow region. In 1994, the unit became a separate special forces battalion and became part of the 45th Special Forces Regiment.

The servicemen of the regiment took part in both Chechen campaigns, in the operation to force Georgia to peace in 2008. In 2005, the 45th Special Forces Regiment received the honorary title "Guards", the unit was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky. In 2009, he was awarded the St. George banner.

In 2014, on the basis of the 45th separate regiment, a special forces brigade of the Airborne Forces was formed.

More than 40 military personnel from the unit were killed in various conflicts. Many soldiers and officers of the regiment were awarded orders and medals.

Why do we need special forces of the Airborne Forces

The functions of the special forces of the Airborne Forces are very similar to those performed by their counterparts from the units of the Main Intelligence Directorate. However, there are still differences. And they are associated with specific tasks that the Airborne Forces must solve.

Of course, the special forces of the Airborne Forces can conduct sabotage and reconnaissance operations behind enemy lines, but first of all, they must prepare the possibility of landing for the main units of the Airborne Forces. The concept of "prepare" in this case is interpreted very broadly. First of all, we are talking about reconnaissance of the landing area: the leadership must have maximum information about where the paratroopers will land and what awaits them there.

In addition, scouts, if necessary, prepare a platform for landing. This may be the capture of an enemy airfield or a small foothold. If necessary, sabotage is carried out in the area, infrastructure facilities are destroyed, communications are disrupted, chaos and panic are created. The special forces of the Airborne Forces can also carry out operations to capture and short-term hold important objects behind enemy lines. Most often, such work is carried out during offensive operations.

It should be noted one more difference between the special forces of the GRU and the Airborne Forces. The units of the Main Intelligence Directorate can operate anywhere in the world (it's not for nothing that they have a globe on their emblem). The special forces of the Airborne Forces usually operate closer, within the range of the airborne transport aircraft, usually no further than two thousand kilometers.

The special forces of the Airborne Forces are rightfully considered the elite of the Russian army. Therefore, the requirements for the training and equipment of fighters are very strict. Not everyone is able to pass the selection and become a fighter of this unit. A special forces fighter of the Airborne Forces must be distinguished by stress resistance, endurance, and be proficient in all types of weapons. Special forces have to operate deep behind enemy lines, without any support "from the mainland", carrying tens of kilograms of weapons, ammunition and equipment.

The fighters of the unit are equipped with the best types of weapons, ammunition, equipment of Russian and foreign production. They do not spare money for special forces. It should be noted that any special forces (Russian or American) are a very expensive "pleasure". The Vintorez sniper rifle, Kalashnikov assault rifles of the 100th series, domestic-made large-caliber rifles - this is far from a complete list of small arms used by scouts.

It is fully called like this: 45th Separate Guards Orders of Mikhail Kutuzov and Alexander Nevsky Special Purpose Reconnaissance Regiment of the Russian Airborne Forces. For those who are close to military subjects, there is no need to explain anything here. Let us explain to the general reader:

  • The 45th regiment is the youngest unit in our airborne troops.
  • The 45th regiment was the only one in Russia that received the title of Guards in peacetime (after the end of the Great Patriotic War).
  • The regiment simultaneously trains special forces, paratroopers and scouts - there is no other such unit in the country.
  • The regiment is stationed in the city of Kubinka, Moscow Region.
  • The motto of the regiment: "The strongest wins." The talisman is a wolf.

Today - and this is a reason for pride - in the elite unit serves 101 Belgorod. And in 2005, only one of our fellow countrymen left for the regiment - Alexey Krasovsky. And then he could not go: flat feet of the III degree, parents - invalids of the II group ... But he wanted to serve, and at the same time he decided for himself: either in the 45th, or nowhere. Alexey was helped by sports achievements (CCM in football, winner of numerous karate competitions) and the fact that he was the best draftee in the city in terms of physical and educational indicators. The reputation of his uncle, who used to serve in an elite regiment and now works in the Alpha special unit, also played a role.

Krasovsky did not let down either a relative or a small homeland - he was demobilized with the rank of senior sergeant, and was awarded the Margelov medal. He does not lose contact with the regiment - he always comes to the unit on Airborne Forces Day, and in autumn and spring he meets in Belgorod the commander of a special forces company, senior lieutenant Sergei Ishtuganov.

“He visits all the military registration and enlistment offices, studies in detail the personal files of conscripts, selects the most deserving ones, and forms a team out of them,” says Aleksey. - A few days the guys pass the standards. Moreover, physical training is, although the most important, but not a decisive indicator. Not just strength is needed - brains are also needed, the reed woodpecker will not go there. Therefore, candidates are tested on basic knowledge of the Russian language, mathematics, physics, geography and other basic subjects.”

Many want to break into the elite of the armed forces, the competition in the 45th regiment is more abrupt than when entering universities. Last summer, 300 Belgorod guys wanted to leave with Sergei Ishtuganov, but only 60 passed the selection. The commanders are satisfied with our conscripts - they send letters of thanks to the governor and to DOSAAF. Belgorod residents even deserve a curious carte blanche: those who, after a successful service, express a desire to become an officer, can go to the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School out of competition - on the recommendation of the regiment command.

Knowledgeable people explain the achievements of Belgorod residents by high-quality pre-conscription training. Most of the military-patriotic clubs (VPK) in the field of airborne orientation, and the guys go to the army already with a solid store of knowledge and skills.

“Many cadets of our clubs have 5-6 parachute jumps behind them,” explains Deputy Chairman of the regional branch of DOSAAF Viktor Pogrebnyak. - And in the 45th regiment, as far as I know, according to the service program, you need to make 12 jumps. There, of course, they do not jump from the An-2, but from more serious aircraft, but when there is such experience, it is much easier to perform complex tasks.

Last January, Viktor Alekseevich visited Kubinka to take the oath. Together with the leaders of two military-industrial complex - "Rusichi" and "Fatherland" - he congratulated and admonished the recruits. He says that the conditions for life and service in the regiment are excellent: comfortable beds, wardrobes with individual keys, showers, tea rooms ... In general, not a stereotypical army at all.

Do you want one like this? Get ready. For you, we got the minimum requirements of the 45th regiment. Do not want or have already left the military age? Just try what it's like to hit forty-five.

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