Bouillabaisse is a simple recipe. Interesting recipes for French bouillabaisse soup. Soup step by step

Today bouillabaisse soup is included in the menu of elite restaurants and is considered one of the cult dishes of French cuisine. Meanwhile, like many famous dishes, this soup has a purely folk origin: the fishermen once began to cook it from the remains of their catch. Today, many specially go to Marseille to try the famous soup, and then cook it at home on their own.

A bit of history

History has not preserved the name of the chef who first cooked bouillabaisse - this dish is truly popular. It was invented by sailors who hunted for fishing. By evening, they were not always able to completely sell their catch, and in order not to throw away the fish, they cooked themselves a tasty, nutritious and at the same time cheap soup.

Since a different fish was used to prepare the dish each time, a single recipe for bouillabaisse never existed. If the trade went well, only a few fish and a handful of shrimp were left for soup. If there were few buyers, and there were a lot of leftover goods, then the soup turned out to be more “rich”, multi-component.

Over time, the soup gained popularity, first in France, and then abroad. There was a legend that the ancient goddess Aphrodite once fed her husband Hephaestus with bouillabaisse. Tourists began to specially come to Marseille to taste the legendary dish. And, of course, this affected the cost of food. From the food of the poor, bouillabaisse turned into an elite dish, for the preparation of which they began to use expensive varieties of fish and rare seafood. Today, a plate of bouillabaisse in a good Marseille restaurant can cost up to two hundred euros.

The origin of the original name of the soup is not known for certain. There is a legend that one of its inventors gave its name to the soup. There is also a version that the name "bouillabaisse" comes from the French verbs "boil" and "reduce fire", that is, the technology of its preparation is encrypted in the name of the soup.


The number of obligatory ingredients of the soup includes, of course, fish of various varieties, vegetables (tomatoes, onions , garlic), sometimes - seafood (mussels, squid , shrimps). Bouillabaisse is seasoned with saffron, orange peel and other spices. There should be a lot of fish in the soup: more than a kilogram of live weight for each eater. Bouillabaisse is a thick and rich soup, almost as thick as a classic stew.

Bouillabaisse differs from other fish soups in a special cooking technology: before being put into water, vegetables are fried and stewed in oil. In addition, for bouillabaisse it is necessary to use a large number of different varieties of fish and seafood.

Among the many soup recipes, Marseille and Normandy bouillabaisse are the most famous. Their main difference is that Marseille bouillabaisse is just a rich soup of different types of fish, while potatoes are also added to the Normandy version.

It is believed that real Marseille bouillabaisse can only be made from fish that can be caught in the immediate vicinity of Marseille. In expensive restaurants located far from Marseille, the desired varieties of fish are delivered by plane. However, bouillabaisse, cooked directly in Marseille, is still considered the best, if only because the freshest fish is used for its preparation.

The use of authentic fish varieties such as dory, gurnard or sea scorpion is desirable but not required. No less tasty bouillabaisse can be prepared from other types, the main thing is to use different fish, at least five, and preferably ten varieties. The secret of amazing taste lies precisely in the multi-component bouillabaisse.

The art of cooking

Boiling bouillabaisse is nothing particularly difficult. First of all, you need to prepare the broth. For it, you can use both fish waste (heads, tails, fins), and small inexpensive fish. When the broth is cooked, it must be filtered, and the fish from which it was cooked should be discarded.

Spices are added to the finished rich broth. To do this, you will need a small clean bag of muslin or plain gauze. Coarsely chopped orange zest, black peppercorns, bay leaf are placed in the bag , saffron, thyme and basil. The bag should be tightly tied and lowered into the hot broth, where it will remain until the end of cooking.

Vegetables are always put in bouillabaisse - a couple of onions, a few cloves of garlic and a couple of tomatoes without skins (you can use canned tomatoes). Onion and garlic should be chopped and fried in olive oil, then add mashed tomatoes there, stew a little, pour in a glass of dry white wine, and then add fish broth.

Then comes the next stage of soup cooking: large pieces of fish of different varieties are placed in a boiling broth with vegetables and boiled until tender. Five minutes before the end of cooking, put seafood in bouillabaisse. After that, you should pull out a bag of seasonings from the broth - and the soup is ready.

Serving rules

Traditionally bouillabaisse is served with croutons dipped in spicy rui sauce and white wine. Crackers perfectly set off the taste of the soup, and in combination with a spicy sauce they also give it an original taste.

Rui sauce is made from garlic, hot peppers, salt, olive oil and fresh egg yolks. The saffron adds a special flavor to this sauce. The more garlic you use, the more spicy the dish will turn out, and the tastier it will become. But keep in mind that bouillabaisse, generously flavored with garlic sauce, is hardly suitable for a romantic date. You should not get acquainted with this dish and those who are allergic to garlic or just have a sick stomach.

Without the spicy dressing, bouillabaisse can be considered a light, almost dietary dish. Fish and seafood are easy to digest, but do not lead to weight gain or a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. This soup perfectly restores strength and helps fight fatigue.

Maria Bykova

Today we will get acquainted with an amazing dish - Bouillabaisse soup, the recipe of which is known not only to French chefs, but to all gourmets. At the time when the Marseille fishermen were preparing a stew from the remains of an unsold catch, they had no idea that they had revealed to the world a recipe for an exquisite delicacy that would later become a traditional dish of French cuisine.

Soup of the poor for the rich

Legend has it that Marseille fishermen came up with the Bouillabaisse recipe when they were making soup from the remains of an unsold catch. As a rule, these were shrimps and squids, several varieties of fish, as well as mollusks and other inhabitants of the sea kingdom. In those days, soup was known only among the poor, as the dish was very simple and cheap.

Over time, much has changed, and at present, Bouillabaisse soup, the recipe of which readers will learn very soon, is prepared in fashionable restaurants in France. is appreciated not only among the indigenous people - foreign tourists order fish soup with great pleasure. France's Mediterranean is a popular tourist destination. Here "Bouillabaisse" is served in almost every restaurant. Marseille cuisine has replaced some of the ingredients, making the soup of the poor an exquisite delicacy for wealthy citizens.

Classic recipe or variations?

It should immediately be said that the classic recipe for "Bouillabaisse" does not have. In each region of France, soup is prepared differently. Nevertheless, there are common principles and recommendations that should be followed during the preparation of a traditional French cuisine dish:

  1. For 1 liter of soup, at least 1 kg of sea fish is required (river fish is not suitable for this dish).
  2. Small fish, as well as the head, fins and tails, languish over low heat for an hour, and then the broth is filtered (good-quality pieces of fish are put directly into the soup itself).
  3. The Bouillabaisse recipe is not complete without vegetables. Its classic ingredients - tomatoes, garlic and onions - are always stewed separately.
  4. The perfect combination of seasonings for soup: orange peel, saffron, salt and pepper, fennel, celery and basil, bay leaf and paprika, rosemary, thyme, etc.
  5. The fish is based on a broth cooked from small fish of 5-6 varieties (only sea). It can be sea bream, sardine, pollock, monkfish, whiting, stingray, tuna, baraku and a number of others.

The classic recipe does not include squid, scallops, shrimp and octopus. However, various variations of this dish allow the use of a wide variety of inhabitants of the sea kingdom.

The legend of French cuisine

“By the bay, an old fisherman was cooking stew from various fish, seasoned ... - yes, just not seasoned!”. This is a quote from a story in which the grandson of an old man told a Russian girl a recipe for a popular dish. Grandfather cooked soup from red fish, and “to make it smell more like the sea”, he added shells, shrimps, small crabs, octopuses and omuls. From seasonings - saffron, salt, garlic, onion, bay leaf - about 17 spices in total! Boils for half an hour - runs over the edge. The Russian girl's "Bouillabaisse" did not turn out at all, but all because she used the wrong ingredients.

And to make the dish really tasty, you need to take:

  • Assorted sea fish - only 2 kg.
  • About 10 pieces of small crabs.
  • 3 tomatoes.
  • So much garlic.
  • 1 bulb of fennel.
  • 2 small onions and a leek.
  • 2 celery stalks.

Seasonings are a bouquet that only brings fragrant notes to the dish. Classic combination: 2 bay leaves, 3 sprigs of thyme, sea salt and a teaspoon of thyme. It is best to use olive oil to stew vegetables.

"Bouillabaisse": a classic recipe

Grind celery, leek, garlic clove and 1 onion - fry in a saucepan. Along with this, clean the sea fish. Send heads, tails and fins to stewed vegetables, add a little water and keep on low heat for 20 minutes.

Brew saffron (a glass of boiling water per teaspoon of the dry mixture). Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, remove the skin from them and chop until a puree state. Finely chop the remaining onion, 2 cloves of garlic and fennel - fry until crispy and add the pureed tomatoes.

In the classic Bouillabaisse recipe, the fish broth must be filtered, the remaining thick rubbed through a sieve or chopped with a blender. Pour the strained broth and gruel into the fried vegetables, add a pinch of salt and a bunch of spices. Bring to a boil again.

Cut the fish fillet. Divide it into denser and more tender. First, boil pieces of dense fish (bream, scorpionfish or monkfish), and then more tender ones. Lay them out on a platter. Strain the broth and pour into serving bowls. Serve with dried bread and rui sauce.

Bouillabaisse with shrimps and mussels

To prepare the dish, you need to prepare the following ingredients (the Bouillabaisse soup recipe is designed for 6 servings):

  • 2 liters of rich fish broth.
  • Fillet of sea bass and mullet (200 grams each).
  • Mussels and king prawns (250 grams each).
  • Celery, onion and leek (120 grams each).
  • Carrots and cherry tomatoes (150 grams each).
  • Olive oil, freshly ground green pepper, salt, parsley and saffron.

Wash the mussels and place in a hot pan. Wait for the shells to open slightly and drain in a colander. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan and fry the fish fillets, then separately fry the chopped celery, onions, tomatoes, garlic and leeks. Add a little more oil and continue to simmer over low heat for a while. Send shrimp and prepared mussels, fish pieces and vegetables, as well as spices and chopped garlic to a saucepan with fish broth. Cook for another 10 minutes, then remove from heat and sprinkle with fresh herbs.

Toulon fish soup

As already noted, the Buaybes soup recipe has many variations. And here is another one of them. This version is somewhat reminiscent of the classic Russian fish soup, as the dish contains potatoes. What is there to beat around the bush? Let's get acquainted with the list of necessary ingredients:

  • Large sea fish (about 3 kilograms).
  • Small sea fish (4 kg).
  • Rice (100 grams).
  • Potatoes (6-7 pieces).
  • Fennel root (2 pcs.)
  • Fresh champignons (10 pieces).
  • Tomatoes (5-6 pieces).
  • Tomato paste or sauce (100 grams).
  • Carrots and shallots (5 medium-sized each).
  • 2 heads of garlic.
  • Sweet white onion.
  • 3 sprigs of thyme.
  • 3 celery stalks.
  • Half a teaspoon of saffron.
  • Bunch of basil.
  • 3 medium lemons
  • Bottle of dry white wine.
  • Salt.
  • Olive oil.
  • Espelette pepper.
  • Pastis is a special alcoholic drink infused with aromatic herbs with a pronounced anise smell.

Yes, it was only earlier that the French soup "Bouillabaisse", the recipe for which is about to reveal all its secrets, was prepared from everything that was at hand. Today, this dish can not be called a budget. However, if a large company is going to, and there is a special occasion, you can surprise everyone invited with the so-called French fish soup.

Step by step cooking method

Cooking a dish is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Just a few steps away from the extraordinary aroma that will instantly gather all the guests around it:

  1. Cut up large sea fish. Leave the heads, tails and fins for the broth. Carcasses cut in half.
  2. Cut two types of onions, carrots and fennel into thin slices, and champignons into quarters. Cut one lemon in half. Fry everything over high heat.
  3. Cut the tomatoes and two potatoes into small cubes, add to the fried vegetables, then pour in the rice, celery and thyme. Keep on high heat for a few minutes, seasoning with Espelette pepper (can be replaced with regular red).
  4. Wash small fish thoroughly and gut. Send to vegetables together with heads and tails. Simmer for 7-8 minutes with constant stirring.
  5. Pour wine and pastis into a pan with vegetables and fish, raise the temperature and evaporate the alcohol. Once this has happened, add the tomato paste and simmer for another 10 minutes.
  6. Prepare a large pot. Send the contents of the pan there and pour 6 liters of water. Add lemon (thinly sliced), basil and saffron.
  7. Adjust the taste with pepper and salt.

The French Bouillabaisse recipe is coming to its logical conclusion. Now you need to prepare pieces of large fish. Put the fillets on a baking sheet with high sides, cover with lemon slices on top, salt and pepper, and sprinkle with saffron and basil.

Strain the boiled broth. In a small amount, boil 5 potatoes and put them on a fish fillet, then put a container with pieces of large fish on the fire, pour boiling broth and bring to a boil again. Cover with a lid and let the dish brew. And in this case, a dry baguette will be the best companion of Bouillabaisse fish soup. Recipes may be different, but the essence is the same - a real French stew has long ceased to be a dish from the “in haste” category.

Classic rui sauce

Without it, it is difficult to imagine a real Bouillabaisse. Sauce recipe step by step:

  • Grind in a mortar and mortar 5 cloves of garlic, half a teaspoon of ground saffron, the same amount of salt and a pinch of cayenne pepper.
  • Add 4 raw yolks.
  • Gradually, literally one teaspoon every 15 seconds, add half a liter of olive oil.
  • All this time, the sauce must be stirred.

Once the dressing is ready, it will take on the consistency of mayonnaise. In fact, the sauce "Rui" is ready. It must be used immediately. Otherwise, the mass will delaminate, and it will be impossible to return it to its original form. Sometimes a little lemon juice is added to thicken the sauce. Cayenne pepper can be replaced with paprika or chopped bell pepper.

French soup in a hurry

This option is ideal for those who once tried a gourmet soup in a French restaurant and now want to recreate its likeness in their kitchen. Your attention is a simplified recipe for the preparation of "Bouillabaisse":

  1. Prepare fish broth from 700 grams of salmon.
  2. Add carrots and 300 grams of celery to the pan. Continue cooking over medium heat.
  3. At the same time, cook the chopped onion and add a pinch of paprika.
  4. Mix the broth with dressing, cook for another 15 minutes, then add 200 grams of peeled king prawns and after another 6 minutes - the same amount of squid.
  5. After 10 minutes, you can turn off the stove and cover with a lid so that the soup is infused.

Serve Bouillabaisse preferably with a dry baguette, grated garlic and boiled potatoes.

Royal Soup

As you know, there is no classic recipe for Bouillabaisse soup, but its variations are striking in their diversity and splendor. Here is one of them. This dish will certainly appeal to true connoisseurs of fish delicacies. You will need the following ingredients:

  • 5 varieties of small fish.
  • 1 kg good quality fish fillet.
  • Squid and shrimp - 300 grams each.
  • Mussels - 200 grams.
  • Sea scallops - 50 grams.
  • Onions - 2 pieces of medium size.
  • 5-6 garlic cloves.
  • 3 tomatoes.
  • 1 medium sized carrot.
  • Bay leaf.
  • Parsley.
  • Saffron.
  • 3 potatoes.
  • Juice of one lemon and olive oil (can be replaced with vegetable oil).

Now it remains only to learn how to cook French fish soup Bouillabaisse.


First of all, you need to deal with small fish - you need to wash it thoroughly, remove all unnecessary (fins, heads and tails), clean and pour lemon juice. Leave for 15 minutes. Also wash large pieces of fish fillet and cut into small portions. All that is left of the fish, place in a saucepan and prepare a rich broth.

At this time, you can cut seafood (squid, mussels, shrimp and scallops), and then also send them to the pan with fish broth. Literally after 10 minutes, the pan can be removed from the heat and strain the broth. Pour the resulting liquid into a clean saucepan and put back on the stove.

Further preparation

Now you need to prepare the vegetables. Carrots and onions should be cut into rings, and potatoes should be cut into small slices. Grate the garlic. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes and remove the skin from them, remove the core and cut into 6 slices. Prepare a frying pan, heat olive oil in it, pour all the vegetables (except potatoes) and simmer over low heat. Once they are ready, transfer to a clean saucepan and add the potatoes along with the bay leaf and saffron.

All vegetables can now be poured with fish broth, brought to a boil and sent to the pan the remaining tomatoes, fish fillets and peppers. Cover with a lid and let the soup brew.

How to serve bouillabaisse?

Serving food is an art. So, for example, in France this soup is served with specially dried bread. Not artificially dried in the oven, but with stale. Pieces of fish fillet are caught from the rich soup, put on a plate and poured with hot broth, then assorted seafood is added and the whole dish is decorated with greens.

Photo reports


Fish (any) - 500 g

Shrimps - 100 g

Onion - 1 pc.

Potatoes - 3 pcs.

Garlic - 4-6 cloves

White wine - 1 glass

Bay leaf - 3 pcs.

Black pepper (and white, peas) - 4-5 pcs.

Lemon zest - 1/2 pc.

Spices for fish - 1 tbsp.

  • 120 kcal
  • 20 minutes.

Cooking process

Very tasty and interesting soup from French chefs. I read on the wiki, it turns out that bouillabaisse is a traditional dish of the fishermen of Marseille, and earlier it was prepared from the fish that remained after the sale, that is, from the leftovers. In fact, Bouillabaisse soup is a cheap fishermen's stew.

Recently, and all thanks to the endless stream of tourists, the culinary specialists of Marseille have created quite bite-priced versions of this soup using various seafood. Don't faint: you might be asked to pay 200 euros for a bowl of this soup! Here is a soup. Yes, there is another legend, guess whose. French, of course. 🙂 So she says that Aphrodite herself treated Hephaestus with just such a soup every day.

Now imagine yourself as a Marseille fisherman, and let's start creating Bouillabaisse soup.

“Scratching the bottom of the barrel” will not work here, so if you want to taste real fish stew, you will have to go to the fish market. Almost everything marine is suitable - both fish and seafood. I have mussels in a shell and just peeled mussels, squid, shrimp, salmon bellies, Baltic herring and Baltic herring caviar. Any fish is taken, as a rule, 3-7 species. Usually cheap small fish and one or two of the more expensive ones.

So, in vegetable oil, fry the chopped onion and garlic for about a minute and add the chopped tomatoes (remove the skin from them first, dousing with boiling water). Add diced potatoes, bay leaf, all spices and fry everything for a few minutes.

I will say that it is the lemon zest that creates exactly that unique taste!

Pour water, add a glass of white wine and wait 15 minutes until the potatoes are cooked.

Seafood and fish pieces are placed last in the bouillabaisse. They should be cooked for no more than 3 minutes.

Bouillabaisse soup is usually served with rui garlic sauce. The sauce itself is prepared separately, but it is easiest to make it by combining mayonnaise in olive oil with garlic, hot chili and saffron.

Soup "Bouillabaisse"
Proven Bouillabaisse soup recipe step by step with photos.

One of the most expensive soups in the world. Cook at home.

Historically, bouillabaisse is a cheap fish soup of Marseille sailors, which was later supplemented with expensive seafood. But although bouillabaisse has undergone changes in ingredients, it has remained unchanged in technology. How was bouillabaisse prepared by the "founding fathers" - workers of the sea who smelled of salt spray? They simply boiled it from all the fish that remained after the sale of the catch. Here's how it turns out: both bouillabaisse and another famous French soup - onion - are stews for the poor. Meanwhile such glory! By no means only folk, but quite aristocratic!

In many restaurants, the price for a bowl of "cheap" soup is several hundred euros. We will not go to restaurants, but we will cook bouillabaisse at home and delight our family and friends with this exotic, but insanely delicious dish.

What is special about bouillabaisse?

Firstly the more types of marine reptiles you use, the better. Ideally, if there are at least 5 of them - a fish potpourri is welcome. It's great if there are expensive varieties of inhabitants of the deep, lobsters, for example.

Secondly, the vegetables that make up bouillabaisse are necessarily fried or at least gently sautéed, as in Ukrainian borscht, which is not typical for fish soups. And then they are stewed together with the broth to an extreme, almost distilled saturation.

All other features- adding nuts, vinegar or certain spices (saffron, for example) - are regional in nature.

bouillabaisse recipe ingredients

  • fresh fish of different varieties - 1.5 kg
  • tiger prawns - 200 g
  • mussels - 200 g
  • squid - 200 g
  • sea ​​scallops - 200 g
  • onion (or shallot) - 2 pcs.
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • tomatoes - 500 g
  • celery - 2 pcs.
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • zest of one lemon
  • black pepper
  • spicy herbs (Provencal set)
  • some white wine

How to cook bouillabaisse

    Buaybes is a complex soup, its preparation takes a lot of time and consists of several stages. If you do everything strictly according to the recipe, you will get a thick (similar to the second dish), rich and incredibly tasty soup.

1. Preparing rich fish broth for bouillabaisse. Start by cutting all the fish. Remove the fillets of large fish, and put the bones, heads and tails and fins in a saucepan, cover with water and set to boil for exactly 1 hour. For fish that is being cooked, it is advisable to put carrots, cut into large pieces, and whole onions (you can in the husk). By the way, you can use any fish (and not just those intended for bouillabaisse), even the cheapest varieties, you still have to throw it away.

Another component of the rich broth is the fragrant bouquet of the garni. Collect all the spices in a bag, cheesecloth or strainer. Add orange zest, which must first be dried for an hour. Throw the bag into the broth and start cooking the soup itself.

Don't forget to strain the finished fish broth!

2. Cooking vegetables for bouillabaisse. Chop the onion, garlic and tomatoes, put in a saucepan or saucepan and simmer over low heat. When the vegetables in the saucepan become soft, add a glass of white wine to it and boil it down.

Pour the steamed vegetables with chilled broth and put on a slow fire to simmer for 40-45 minutes. Don't forget to stir.

Separately, in a saucepan, in which the soup will eventually turn out, put the potatoes, cut into large pieces, to boil. When ready, lightly mash with a potato masher. (Instead of potatoes - this is the Norman version of the recipe - fennel is used in Provence).

3. Preparation of seafood. You have already set aside the fish fillets, cut them into pieces.

Then go for seafood. They need to be washed and cleaned. Shrimp tails can be left (but do not forget to remove the intestines if the shrimp are large).

Squid cut and finely chop. (Read HERE and THERE on how to clean and boil squid.)

If you are going to add sea mollusks in shells to the soup, then it is better to rinse them several times in running water, and then throw them in salt water for a couple of minutes. So all the sand will be washed out of them.

4. "Assembly" bouillabaisse. Combine prepared potatoes, stewed vegetables and fish fillets in a saucepan. Cook over low-medium heat until the fillet is tender.

Mussels, shrimps and clams are best put in the last 10 minutes of cooking (clams even later, 2 minutes before the end of cooking), otherwise they will become tough. As soon as the clams have opened, the soup is ready - it can be removed from the heat and poured into bowls. Add fresh herbs and ground pepper to each plate.

5. How bouillabaisse is served. Bouillabaisse is usually served with a loaf, lightly dried in a pan and grated garlic with the addition of a spicy sauce. In some cases, garlic toast is placed directly on the plate and topped with soup (as in onion soup).

The mentioned sauce deserves a separate word, since the classic bouillabaisse is “wrong” without it. It's called rui sauce, and it's pretty easy to make at home.

6. Rui sauce recipe for bouillabaisse. Crush the garlic cloves (the more the better), combine with 1 pod of fresh chili pepper, salt with coarse sea salt, season with cayenne pepper and saffron (the sauce turns bright yellow). Mix with a fork 3 yolks and combine them with your mixture. At the end add some olive oil. It is in this sauce that you need to dip the croutons.

It tastes very spicy! If you have gastritis, we have warned you!

It will not be superfluous to recall that the inhabitants of the seabed such as shrimp contain quite a lot of "bad" cholesterol.

However, these dietary inconveniences are more than offset by the enormous benefits of fish soup - light, nutritious, containing a lot of valuable minerals, vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids. Enjoy!

bouillabaisse soup recipe
A step by step tutorial on how to make French bouillabaisse soup at home.

Cooking bouillabaisse fish soup: gourmet French cuisine at your home

In any national cuisine there is such a dish: in their own country it is prepared from what is at hand when there is nothing to eat, but in other states it becomes a real delicacy. Italians have pizza, Japan has sushi, and France has bouillabaisse. In this country, it is served both in cheap cafes and in expensive restaurants, and it is always popular with tourists and residents of France. What is this delicacy and how to learn how to cook it? The most popular French bouillabaisse recipes.

The history of bouillabaisse and the peculiarities of its preparation

Marseille is traditionally considered the birthplace of bouillabaisse. Centuries ago, the sailors of this city sold their catch after a long day of work, and the leftovers were cooked into soup to satisfy their own hunger. Everything that was left in the nets after buyers took apart a good product was used: small fish, squid, shrimp, clams and other marine life. To somehow dilute the smell of fish, they added aromatic herbs and some vegetables that are on hand.

Bouillabaisse was originally very easy to prepare, and most importantly - cheap, affordable for the poorest segments of the population. Now it is often called the soup of the poor for the rich. This is because over time the method of its preparation has changed and improved a little, the ingredients have become much more expensive. In French restaurants, a portion of bouillabaisse can cost around 200 euros due to the fact that it includes scallops, lobster meat and other expensive seafood.

Note! Bouillabaisse has become popular in many countries. For example, in Russian restaurants it is often served under the name "Marseille's fish soup".

In addition, as a seasoning for bouillabaisse, it is customary to add a bouquet of garni of aromatic herbs and spices:

  • 1 green leek leaf,
  • 2 bay leaves,
  • 4 sprigs of thyme,
  • 2 sprigs of parsley.

Now it is difficult to determine a single recipe for this fish soup: in each region of France it is prepared in its own way, adding local flavor to the dish. But there are a few basic cooking rules:

    You can have any seafood and even fish leftovers (heads, spines, tails or fins), but at least 4-5 different types, but in fact - the more the better.

The exact proportions of products are also not easy to deduce, but most often they are something like this:

  • 2 kilos of fish
  • 2 bulbs
  • 2 large tomatoes,
  • 2 bay leaves,
  • 2-3 sprigs of thyme
  • 5 sprigs of parsley,
  • half a glass or slightly more dry wine.

In addition, following the example of chefs from different regions of France, you can diversify the bouillabaisse recipe by adding a nut and replacing the wine with Calvados, as in Normandy, acidifying with vinegar, as in Brittany, or putting potatoes, as in Toulon.

A variety of recipes for French soup: cook it yourself at home + photo

We have selected several recipes for you, which include products available in our stores.

Classic version with rui sauce

For a classic recipe, 5-6 types of fish are usually taken. In this case, it is better to buy two types of expensive fillets, and the rest can be small cheap fish.

Take these products:

  • 1.5 kg of fish of different types,
  • 200 g squid,
  • 200 g shrimp
  • 100 g mussels
  • 100 g scallops
  • 2 onions of medium size,
  • 4-6 garlic cloves,
  • 3 fresh large peeled tomatoes
  • 200 g dry white wine
  • 2 large stalk celery,
  • 2 leeks,
  • 5 bay leaves,
  • 5 black and white peppercorns
  • 1 orange
  • ½ bunch of herbs (dill and parsley),
  • spices for fish - basil, thyme and saffron.

Instead of fresh tomatoes, you can take 1 jar marinated in your own juice. Now let's start cooking:

    Rinse the fish thoroughly. In our case, this is a piece of tuna, stingray fillet, barracuda, salmon and paw-paw fish heads.

Bouillabaisse soup is ready. But in order to properly serve it, it is not enough to pour the soup into bowls and sprinkle with chopped herbs. A mandatory attribute is rui sauce, for which you will need:

  • 1 egg yolk,
  • 1 pinch of saffron
  • 1 pinch cayenne pepper
  • 2 pinches paprika,
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 2 pinches of salt
  • 100 ml olive oil.

The sauce can be made ahead of time or while the soup is being prepared.

  1. Stir the yolk in a bowl with salt, saffron, paprika and cayenne pepper. Thoroughly rub the mass with a whisk, but do not beat!
  2. Introduce olive oil in a thin stream, stirring the preparation for the sauce all the time. The mass should become lighter and similar in consistency to mayonnaise. It does not matter if you need less or more oil: you will determine the appropriate density by eye.
  3. Prepare the croutons: cut the baguette into slices, place on a baking sheet, lightly drizzle with vegetable oil and put in the oven for 3 minutes at 200°C.

That's all. Now you can serve bouillabaisse soup, and to it - croutons and rui sauce in a separate bowl.

toulon bouillabaisse

A peculiar highlight of bouillabaisse, which is prepared in the French city of Toulon and its environs, is potatoes. In other regions, it is not added to fish soup.

  • 300 g fillet of any sea fish,
  • 300 g fish tails and heads,
  • 1 potato
  • 1 onion
  • 2 large tomatoes,
  • 1/2 fennel bulb,
  • 200 g large shrimp
  • 200 g mussels
  • 1 carcass of squid (can be frozen),
  • salt, pepper, bay leaf, fennel seed, saffron.

Products are ready, you can start.

    Put the heads, tails and fillets in a deep bowl, cover with water and cook a strong broth for 20 minutes. Toward the end of the cooking process, salt, add pepper and bay leaf to taste.

Cooking bouillabaisse fish soup: gourmet French cuisine at your home
Surprise your loved ones with a fragrant miracle from French chefs! Bouillabaisse fish soup is not difficult to prepare. A variety of recipes to suit your taste.

is one of the most famous dishes of French cuisine. A long time ago, this first seafood dish was considered the traditional food of French fishermen, simple, satisfying and affordable. Over time, bouillabaisse has become a fairly expensive item on the classic menu of French restaurants. At first glance it may seem that bouillabaisse is an exotic variety of our Russian fish soup, and this is true, because the basis of everything is fish and spices.

There are many recipes for French bouillabaisse soup. Anyone who wants to cook this soup can experiment a little with different ingredients, but today we will give you a classic bouillabaisse recipe - a delicious fish soup.

Bouillabaisse. Classic recipe

french bouabes soup recipe based on the use of several varieties of sea fish - you can take any fish available to you (5-6) of different types. Clean, gut and rinse the fish. Cut off the tails and heads, put them in cold water and boil a strong broth. As soon as the broth is ready, remove the heads and tails from it, and strain the broth.

1 cooking step

The next important stage in the preparation of bouillabaisse is the preparation of a fragrant bouquet. You need to take a piece of natural material or gauze, wrap an orange peel in it (previously coarsely cut), bay leaf, a few black peppercorns, thyme, saffron, basil, and other seasonings that go well with fish dishes. Using such a bag of spices, you can give the dish an unusual taste and smell, and at the same time you do not need to catch the spices from the broth and it will remain transparent and beautiful.

Then take a cauldron or a deep cast-iron frying pan and fry onion (2 pcs.), garlic (5-6 cloves) passed through a press. Cut 2-3 fresh tomatoes or mash the same amount of canned ones (in their own juice) and put them in a cauldron. Pour a glass of white wine and strained broth into it. Place the prepared bag of spices into the broth and leave for 15 minutes.

2 cooking stage

After the broth has infused a little, throw coarsely chopped fish into it, and if you want, also potatoes. Boil the fish in the broth for 20 minutes, then add seafood (shrimp, finely chopped squid, mussels, etc.). After 5 minutes, the broth can be removed from the stove, not forgetting to remove the spices from the pan along the way. Finely chopped herbs can be added to the finished soup.

To comply with all the rules of French cuisine, bouillabaisse must not only be cooked correctly, but also served correctly. Indispensable companions of bouillabaisse are croutons with Rui sauce.

Croutons are white bread croutons, and the above sauce is prepared as follows:

Mix a couple of garlic cloves passed through a press, a finely chopped pod of hot pepper, a little coarse salt (preferably sea), ground cayenne pepper, 3-4 egg yolks, a little olive oil. Also, a small amount of saffron will be a wonderful addition to Rui sauce.

Definitely soup. bouillabaisse with croutons and Rui sauce - a delicious dish, hearty, but at the same time light. However, the high amount of spices combined with the hot sauce can be hard on a weak stomach, so some of us should treat this dish with some caution. Due to the abundance of pepper, the sauce is very hot, and if you do not like spiciness, the amount of pepper in the sauce should be reduced to a minimum.

Bauillabaisse is the recipe for the famous French fish soup. The secret of Marseilles fish soup popularity lies in a strong, rich broth, boiled from several varieties of sea fish and a handful of shellfish, with a bouquet of herbs and spices, and then colorfully served. Serving includes white bread croutons and hot rui sauce.

How to cook bouillabaisse?

Bouillabaisse is impossible without fish broth. The tails and heads of those fish that will be used in the soup are suitable for it. When cooking, a bouquet of garni is used - this is a fragrant assortment of herbs. The finished broth is filtered and added to the fried onions, garlic and tomatoes. Fish and seafood are boiled in this base.

  1. Bouillabaisse soup is made only from sea fish.
  2. When cooking the broth, you should adhere to the proportions: 1 liter of water is taken for 1 kg of fish.
  3. For the broth, 5 varieties of fish are used. The most affordable are pollock, tuna, sardine, sea bass. Elite varieties - sea bream, sea eel, salmon are placed directly on the plate.

Bouillabaisse sauce is an important part of serving. Traditionally, the soup is served with a spicy rui sauce. It contains raw egg yolks, garlic, olive oil, paprika and cayenne pepper. Due to the participation of the latter, the sauce acquired a bright orange hue, for which it received the name "rust". This sauce is served with many fish dishes.


  • garlic clove - 5 pcs.;
  • saffron;
  • cayenne pepper - 5 g;
  • salt - 5 g;
  • yolks - 4 pcs.;
  • oil - 500 ml.


  1. Crush the garlic, saffron, salt and pepper.
  2. Mix pasta with yolks.
  3. Gradually add oil.

Marseille bouillabaisse soup is a fish dish prepared exclusively from seafood. There is no place for potatoes in it, and nutrition and satiety is achieved by the presence of oily fish. The classic recipe uses only tomatoes, onions, garlic and fennel. A fragrant bouquet of garni is also required: herbs brilliantly emphasize the taste and aroma.


  • sea ​​fish - 2 kg;
  • fennel - 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • garlic clove - 3 pcs.;
  • leek - 3 pcs.;
  • water - 2 l;
  • celery stalk - 2 pcs.;
  • bouquet garni.


  1. Boil the broth from the fish heads.
  2. Saute tomatoes, fennel, garlic and onion.
  3. Strain the broth, combine with vegetables, put a bunch of garni, fish and cook for 15 minutes.
  4. Bouillabaisse is a quick recipe that requires immediate serving.

Bouillabaisse with seafood - combines satiety, nutritional value and benefits. Seafood is surprisingly combined with a variety of flavors, from which the dish has a rich and multifaceted final taste. is an excellent base that makes seafood more tender and juicier. It should be remembered that "seafood" is delicate and the time of their heat treatment should be minimal.


  • broth - 1.8 l;
  • fish fillet - 1, 2 kg
  • shrimp - 8 pcs.;
  • mussels - 6 pcs.;
  • scallops - 6 pcs.;
  • wine - 250 ml;
  • tomatoes in their own juice - 200 ml;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.


  1. Put the onions and carrots into the broth and cook for 20 minutes.
  2. Add wine and tomatoes, simmer for 5 minutes and strain.
  3. Return to stove and add fish, shrimp, mussels and scallops. Boil 10 minutes.
  4. Serve bouillabaisse with rui sauce.

Bouillabaisse is a classic of French cuisine. At the same time, each region has its own recipe. In "Norman" potatoes are put for satiety. In the process of cooking, it is strongly boiled, thereby achieving saturation and density. The same technique is applicable for fish: tender varieties literally dissolve in the broth, giving the right consistency.


  • sea ​​fish - 1.5 kg;
  • oil - 20 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • provencal herbs - 5 g;
  • tomatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • stalk of celery - 1 pc.


  1. Boil the fish, add potatoes and simmer for 30 minutes.
  2. Season onions, carrots, celery and tomatoes and simmer for 10 minutes.
  3. Add the vegetables to the broth and remove the French bouillabaisse from the stove.
  4. Bouillabaisse is a recipe in which the finished soup is infused for 30 minutes.

Bouillabaisse is a cooking recipe that gives room for culinary fantasies. So, by increasing the number of tomatoes, you can give the dish a bright look and piquant sourness, which will perfectly set off the taste of seafood. The recipe is simple: fry vegetables and tomatoes, add tomato paste and simmer, then season the soup with fry and remove from heat.


  • fish fillet - 700 g;
  • shrimp - 250 g;
  • squid - 250 g;
  • mussels - 150 g;
  • broth - 2.2 l;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • tomato paste - 70 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.


  1. Saute carrots, onions and tomatoes.
  2. Add pasta and simmer for 10 minutes.
  3. Put the fish and seafood into the broth.
  4. After 10 minutes, add the vegetables and remove from the stove. Bouillabaisse is a recipe that involves a half-hour infusion before tasting.

The preparation of bouillabaisse is also possible in a simplified version. It is perfect for those who do not want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen or pay a fortune for a bowl of fragrant soup in a restaurant. This recipe shows that from a handful of shrimp and one type of fish in half an hour you can cook up a tasty and budgetary dish, which bouillabaisse originally was.

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