White truffle is what the taste is like. Truffle mushroom - what does it look like and where does it grow? Poisonous and inedible types of truffle mushroom

The value of truffles is in their unusual taste and aroma, because of which these mushrooms are considered a delicacy, and their market value can reach several thousand dollars. Photos and descriptions of truffles will help you find them in the forest on your own.

Description and photo of truffle mushroom, where it grows and how to look for it correctly - read in today's article.

What are the types of truffle mushrooms

Note: Very often, the size of one specimen does not exceed the size of a walnut, but there are mushrooms with large potatoes and weighing more than one kilogram. Outwardly, it also resembles a potato.

The peridium (outer layer) may have a smooth surface or be indented with a large number of various cracks, and there are also specimens with characteristic multifaceted warts. In cross section, a pronounced marble structure is observed.

Figure 1. External features of mushrooms

The pulp consists of inner and outer "wreaths", which have dark and light shades. On the internal and external "veins" there are spore bags that have a wide variety of shapes. Species affects the color of the pulp, which can be white, black, gray or chocolate.


The families of truffles include more than a hundred representatives of these famous mushrooms, which are classified according to the biological and geographical group and from the point of view of gastronomic value (black, white, red).

The most famous varieties are:

  1. Black summer(Russian). This variety can reach a diameter of up to 10 cm and a weight of 0.4 kg. With a period of growing up, it can change colors from white to yellow or gray-brown. The consistency of the pulp in young specimens is very dense, while in old specimens it is loose. Representatives of the species have a sweetish nutty taste with a slightly noticeable smell of algae. You can meet this species in such regions: Transcaucasia, Crimea, in the European part of Russia and in Europe. It can be found under oak, hazel and pine. Fruiting begins in June and lasts until early October.
  2. Black autumn burgundy has a rounded shape and can weigh up to 0.32 kg, but in size it is not more than 8 cm. At maturity, the flesh is colored in the color of milk chocolate and pierced with white veins. On the palate, you can recognize the aroma of cocoa, although Burgundy specimens have a bitter aftertaste.
  3. Black winter endowed with an irregular spherical or spherical shape. The size of the fruit bodies can be 8-20 cm and weigh up to 1.5 kg. The surface is covered with a red-violet tint, on which polygonal warts can be observed. They have a very pleasant musky aroma and can be found in moist soils under linden or hazel. Such amazing specimens can be found in France, Switzerland, Italy and Ukraine.
  4. Black Perigord(French) has an irregular or slightly rounded shape. The outer peridium is covered with warts, which, as they mature, change their color from red-brown to jet-black. Among all known species, this one is considered the most valuable because it has a pleasant taste and strong aroma.
  5. White Piedmontese(Italian) is outwardly endowed with an irregular tuberous shape of fruiting bodies and can reach 12 cm in cross section. Very often there are specimens with a fruit weight of up to 300 grams, but sometimes there are fruits weighing up to 1 kg. Peridium may be yellowish-red or brown. The pulp of the fruit is cream or white, but you can find specimens with a slight red tint. The variety differs from its relatives in pleasant taste and aroma, reminiscent of garlic and cheese smells. This species grows exclusively in northern Italy.

Figure 2. The most popular types of mushrooms: 1 - black summer, 2 - black autumn (Burgundy), 3 - black winter, 4 - black Perigord, 5 - white Italian

We have provided a photo and description of only the main species (Figure 2), although in fact there are many more of them, and almost all of them are of high nutritional value.


Truffles grow exclusively below the soil surface in small groups. They can have from 3 to 7 fruiting bodies, which have a cartilaginous and fleshy pulp.

The range of families is very extensive and can be found in such regions: Europe, Asia, the USA and North Africa (Figure 3).

Regarding the widespread distribution, the following features can be distinguished:

  • The mycelium of the Piedmont variety can form a symbiosis with the roots of poplar, birch and linden.
  • Perigorsky can be found in groves of beech, oak or hornbeam trees. It is mainly found in Spain, Switzerland and southern France.
  • Black summer grows well in mixed or deciduous forests, as well as in calcareous soils.

Figure 3. Distribution of fungi in the natural environment

You can meet this species in Central Europe, the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, Scandinavian countries and Ukraine. However, cases of finding this specimen in certain regions of Central Asia were recorded.


There are no pronounced features in the chemical composition. The fame of this mushroom is based on its aromatic properties, which, according to the assumption, can cause the awakening of certain feelings and desires.

Today they are the rarest and most expensive, since the demand for them is much higher than the supply. In the vastness of our country you can find only a black summer variety.

What does a truffle look like

If you want to find these mushrooms in the forest, you definitely need to know what a truffle looks like (Figure 4). Externally, the shape of the fruiting bodies can be tuberous or round with a size of 2-10 cm. Peridium has a dark color range from bluish-black to brown-black. On the surface, pyramidal warts can often be observed, but there are species with smooth peridium.

Figure 4. External features of truffles

The pulp of a mature specimen is loose, and the young is dense. At the very beginning of growth, the flesh will be white in color, and as the specimen matures, it will acquire a brownish-yellow color. When cut, light veins give it a marble color. The flesh is sweetish in taste and similar to a nut, and the aroma is similar to the smell of algae.

What a truffle looks like and where to look for it - the author of the video will tell.

Main differences from other mushrooms

Truffles are very expensive on the market and the price for 1 kilogram of such a rare product starts from 400 euros. Such a high cost of this type is associated with such factors.:

  • The complexity of growing;
  • Seasonal prey;
  • A high level of taste and aromatic properties (quality) of the product.

The value of each unit is measured by its size: the larger the copy, the more expensive it is. The most expensive are mushrooms with a large fruiting body (like an apple), but such specimens grow less than 1% of the total world harvest. Walnut-sized specimens make up 10% of the crop, and grape-sized specimens 30%. The rest of the percentage is made up of very small mushrooms, and their cost is much less. Very small ones are used mainly for the preparation of various sauces.

What does a white truffle look like?

Unlike black, the white variety cannot be bred. The difficulty of cultivation is due to the fact that it grows in limited regions of Italy (Figure 5).

Note: The seasonal harvest has made this variety a real gastronomic rarity. You can taste fresh mushrooms only during the harvest period, and this happens from October to January.

The cost of the white variety has made it the most expensive delicacy in the world, which has been able to beat black caviar, foie gras and gold in price. For this reason, you can often find special auctions where you can buy a variety of types of this expensive gastronomic product. The average price for one kilogram is 3-4 thousand euros, and the highest price is 330 thousand dollars for a piece weighing 1.5 kg. Such a large copy was auctioned in Hong Kong incognito. The auction rules contain a mandatory clause on providing a complete pedigree, which includes the following points:

  • The exact weight of the copy is up to a gram;
  • The name of the dog that found it;
  • Indicate the location of the tree where it was found.

Figure 5. External features of the white Italian variety

Due to the high cost and rarity, you can only see what a white truffle looks like in a photo or a specialized video.


The price point and strength of the white truffle flavor makes it a dream come true for any culinary connoisseur. Cooks during cooking never cook them in their pure form. Very often you can observe in culinary dishes a situation where they are added in the same proportion, like herbs and other spices.

They are usually served with minimal heat treatment, as it can weaken the delicate taste and aroma. The strength of white is the aroma of fresh mushroom, so very often they are laid out in thin slices on an already cooked dish.

What does black truffle look like?

The black (Perigorsk) variety is very similar in aroma to the white variety, but its earthy and musky notes are weaker, and very often complemented by the smell of fresh hazelnuts. It is often added to culinary dishes during cooking (Figure 6).


Black truffle is considered the most valuable specimen of this species, which grows very often in France. It has a second name Perigorsky, as it is associated with the place of its growth.

Figure 6. Black truffles: features

A distinctive feature of this species is the special reddish-brown-black color of the peridium. The flesh is dark in color, and the smell is very characteristic and with a pleasant taste. This variety grows in winter, and it begins to be harvested from January to March.

To date, many types of truffles have been established that can be safely eaten without danger to health. However, there are many other fungi that, if ingested, can cause digestive upset or severe intoxication of the body (Figure 7).

False truffle is very easy to mistake for a real culinary rarity. They may have an external resemblance, but at the same time belong to a different family. For example, deer grows in the wooded areas of Europe and North America and is not edible for humans, but animals eat it with great pleasure.

Figure 7. Appearance and features of the false truffle

Deer truffle can cause indigestion, but at the same time, false truffle is deadly to human health. Outwardly, it has an oblong shape, dark red or beige color and belongs to the family of basidiomycetes. The fruiting body of the poisonous fungus can grow up to 10 cm long and will have a characteristic unpleasant odor. Inedible species include tombolans (steppe truffles), which grow in Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, North Africa and Southern Europe. However, edible mushrooms are also found among tombolans.

Truffle is a mythical and mysterious mushroom that evokes the strongest emotions and curiosity. Many more people have heard rave reviews about it than have actually seen or tried it. And even those who ate them find it difficult to compare taste with high cost and rarity. The article will tell you about what a truffle looks like, about its varieties, methods of collection and areas of application.

What does a truffle look like whole and cut

Truffles, despite their inconspicuous and unattractive appearance, are a valuable and delicacy product that is served in the most sophisticated restaurants in the world. Their fruit fleshy bodies, which are tuber-shaped, smooth or densely covered with tuberous growths on the outside, grow underground at a depth of 20–30 cm, which is the result of adaptation to environmental conditions.

Truffles are mycorrhizal earth fungi, therefore their mycelium is usually in close symbiotic relationship with the root system of trees and is of great importance in ecology and nutrient exchange, soil biological and chemical characteristics and drought tolerance. Mycorrhizal fungi cannot grow in the ground without a host tree, receiving from it the carbohydrates necessary for development. The mushroom picker, as a rule, is located in the upper layers of the soil and surrounds the desired tree.

Because the fruiting bodies grow underground, the sex spores cannot be dispersed by wind or water. Dispersion of spores takes place with the help of animals that eat mushrooms. For successful dispersal, these spores must pass through the gastrointestinal tract, and the hard chitinous shell protects them from an aggressive environment. Carriers can be birds, deer, wild boars, rodents, voles, squirrels, chipmunks, which are attracted by a ripe mushroom with its strong aroma.

All fresh fruiting bodies should be firm to the touch and not loose. The shape of the tuber is usually round, oval, slightly flattened; however, each instance's configuration is unique and can range in size from the size of a pea to a tennis ball or even a grapefruit. Depending on the species, these mushrooms are found in various colors - from deep black to white.

Black truffles should be charcoal or dark brown on the outside with white marble veins on the inside (gleba) when cut. The blackness of the fruiting body is a sign that the mushroom is fully ripe. The outer surface resembles the skin of a dog's nose. The average weight of the winter black fungus is 30–60 g.

White truffles are creamy white or yellowish brown in color, sometimes with a reddish tinge, and have a richer flavor than black truffles. Cooks who describe a freshly dug white truffle claim that its aroma can fill an entire room, spread and smell outside through an open window.

The genus Tuber (real truffle) has about 185 species, which are classified both by belonging to the biological genus and in terms of gastronomic value. In addition, in 2010, scientists identified 11 groups, which include all the descendants of one common ancestor.

The most valuable types are:

  • winter white;
  • winter black.

Other culinary types of truffle include:

  • nutmeg;
  • Chinese;
  • Himalayan;
  • summer;
  • autumn;
  • scorson;
  • Oregonian.

Where and when can you meet

Truffles grow in deciduous forests on calcareous soils, preferring a warm climate free from frost and summer winds, and are found in Europe and Asia. Each type of tree influences the appearance and taste of the mushrooms, which take 6-8 months to grow and, apart from the summer black appearance, begin to appear in the fall and disappear in the middle of winter. Top quality products come mainly from France, Spain and Italy. Secondary markets include China, Turkey, Croatia, Slovenia, North Africa, the Middle East and the USA.

The black variety or perigord, the second most profitable species, is named after the region of the same name in France. Forms mycorrhiza with deciduous trees - oak, hazelnut, hornbeam, beech, pine, linden, aspen, chestnut, poplar. Fruiting takes place from December to the end of March. The main French truffle sites are found in the south at Perigord, in Provence, the Alps, the Côte d'Azur, although mushrooms are found in most of France.

The Périgord region is the most famous source of truffles and all French specimens are called Périgord even if they come from another area. This mushroom is still considered the national treasure of France, and the inhabitants of the country call this special delicacy "black diamond".

Summer or burgundy and burgundy mushroom is found in most of Europe. They have a fragrant pulp of a darker color and are associated with the root cells of various tree species and shrubs - birch, poplar, elm, linden, mountain ash, willow, hawthorn, hazel. The summer species season runs from May to August, while the Burgundy species is harvested from September to November.

White truffle is the highest quality type. The Italians call it the "white madonna truffle". It is found mainly in the Italian regions of Langhe, Montferrat, Molise, in the Piedmont region of northern Italy in the countryside around the cities of Alba and Asti. The season for fresh white truffles is usually from October to the end of December.

The whitish truffle is found in other rural areas of Italy - Tuscany, Abruzzo, Romagna, Umbria, Lazio, Marche and Molise. It is not as fragrant as from Piedmont, although it is close to it in terms of taste characteristics. Several types of mushrooms grow on the northwest coast of the United States - Oregon black, brown, spring and winter white. However, not only in Europe, but also in the southern hemisphere on the territory of New Zealand in Australia, this amazing delicacy grows, the first copy of which was obtained in 1993.

On the territory of Russia, this valuable mushroom is extremely rare, but the lands of the Central European strip, the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, the Middle Volga region, and the Southern Urals have suitable conditions for its growth. Unfortunately, hidden development does not make it possible to establish the distribution areas of this culture, and only point places of detection are included in the statistics. Sometimes you can independently find truffles under rotten foliage - midges hover over them.

Did you know? For the first time, statements about truffles appeared in Sumerian writings in the 2nd century BC. e. These mysterious and mythical mushrooms were considered the result of lightning, heat and moisture in the earth (Plutarch), tuberous roots (Cicero) and children of the earth (Dioscorides).

What does it smell like and what does it taste like

It is difficult to describe all the nuances of the intense aroma and earthy taste of the truffle - it really needs to be experienced. People who have tasted fresh authentic truffles note its special aroma. Definitions of "musky", "garlic", "sulphurous" and "alarming with woody notes" are very common. Part of the distinctive flavor is believed to come from the organic compound androstenone, a hormone produced by male pigs that makes female pigs excellent truffle hunters.

Different types of mushrooms have different sets of aromatic molecules at each stage of their development. There are about 35 odorants that range from meaty and dusty to oily and creamy.

For example, dimethyl sulfide smells like sulfur - it is emitted by 85% of truffle species. Mushrooms can generate this substance themselves, but it can also be produced by bacteria that heavily colonize truffles. Other common truffle flavors smell like chocolate and whiskey, and hexanal, which smells like grass, can also come from both microbial activity and the fruiting bodies themselves.

The sharpness of the aroma does not exist for the pleasure of gourmets.. It is vital for truffles, because the reproduction process depends on how animals smell underground, dig up and eat the fungus, spreading spores in the environment.

Chefs around the world use truffles with delight, proudly highlighting them on their menus to attract mushroom connoisseurs and expensive food lovers alike. But the taste of this delicacy is much inferior to its aroma. Defining and summarizing the taste of truffles is not an easy task, but they have the earthy, musky, pungent taste of some popular above ground mushrooms. When describing the taste, some people use the terms oaky, nutty and earthy, sweet and juicy with a burning savory note, similar to black olives.

Often the aroma of fresh truffles is stronger than the smell of other components of the dish, but even the strongest black varieties with their taste will not overpower the expressiveness of the taste of other ingredients.

Many factors can influence the individual taste of truffles:

  • roots of species trees to which they attach during growth;
  • soil characteristics;
  • collection time;
  • growing region.

Although it is generally believed that the darker the truffle, the stronger its taste, but the nuances are so complex and varied that they can only be understood with a few tastings in the composition of the dishes.

How much is a truffle

At the beginning of the last century, truffles were widely used in most cases because they were available, harvested in sufficient quantities and met demand. Today, they are relatively rare, and are used as a delicacy in expensive dishes or on special occasions. This is due to the growing industrialization and the further withdrawal of truffle areas from the agricultural sector.

Another reason for the inflated price of truffles is high demand. Today, it is not possible to obtain mushrooms on a large scale, which is associated with the difficulty, the specifics of growing and the duration of the payback of invested funds, so access to the product is limited.

It is difficult to determine the objective market value of the mushrooms, since basically the entire collection is sold at auctions held during the mass collection and special festivals, and the final price of the product depends on the number of bids. Pricing is affected by the size of the fruiting body, weight, species, season and collection volumes.

White varieties are the most expensive of all tuber-like mushrooms. In 2014, a white half-kilogram copy (called "the largest in the world") was sold at Sotheby's for £46,000. In Italy, at an auction in the city of Alba, 11 copies of the Piedmont variety were sold for 274 thousand euros. 1 kg of the Piedmont variety costs an average of 6-8 thousand dollars, depending on the volume of the crop, the quality and size of individual mushrooms. This means that for one small mushroom in 20 g you need to pay up to $ 100. Small specimens (up to 12 g) are sold for 4 thousand dollars / kg, and for larger ones you will have to pay much more.

In the menu of prestigious restaurants, the most elementary dish seasoned with grated truffle costs no less than $50, that is, each gram of seasoning for a culinary dish in domestic restaurants will increase the price of the dish by 500–1000 rubles.

The price for 1 kg of the Black Perigord variety is about 1.5 thousand dollars from farms and 2 thousand from retail suppliers. Black summer varieties sell for 1.5 thousand dollars per kilogram. And 1 kg of a summer mushroom from Italy costs 300-400 dollars. The Chinese product is the cheapest ($250/kg) and is much inferior in flavor to Italian and French mushrooms.

Features of collecting truffles

Truffles grow one at a time in random places deep underground among the roots of their host trees, and therefore cannot be visually detected. When fruit bodies are found near the surface of the earth, they crack open to full size and can be detected by experienced foragers. In addition, in the morning and evening you can see a swarm of small yellow flies hovering over the mycelium. Sometimes a person sensitive enough to the smell of mushrooms can find them.

Important! The found mushroom must be carefully separated from the roots of the tree so as not to damage them. After that, part of the precious find is put back into the ground so that the spores can sow new areas.

But usually, for the natural collection of delicacy raw materials, specially trained animals with a fine sense of smell - pigs and dogs - are used to help people. Domestic pigs have a good sense of smell and are able to smell truffles at a depth of up to 1 m. Its aroma contains a chemical identical to pig pheromones found in the saliva of mature boars, so it is attractive to female pigs.

But such hunters not only found mushrooms, but also ate a significant part of the prey, breaking mycelium and causing significant damage to truffle sites. In Italy, the use of pigs for hunting mushrooms has been banned since 1985 due to damage caused by animals to mycelium during digging, which led to a decrease in productivity in the area for several years.

Dogs, having the same keen sense of smell, are generally more docile than pigs, and are not at all interested in eating mushrooms. Training dogs for searching is carried out from an early age, accustoming to the smell of prey and mixing the mushrooms themselves into the food. Such dogs (truffle dogs) are expensive (up to 5 thousand dollars) and the owners take great care of them. But such investments quickly pay off due to the high prices for the extracted delicacy.

This old-fashioned ancient collecting practice draws a special interest in truffles and surrounds their collection with mystery - an elite and valuable product cannot be obtained in any other way. Sometimes during the gathering season, special excursions are held for tourists and lovers of "quiet hunting".

Areas of application of the truffle

Mushrooms are highly prized in Mediterranean, Middle Eastern and international gourmet cuisine. Because the truffle is so expensive, it's pointless to serve it with something that will dominate its flavor, like adding it to a chili. Even wines should be very carefully selected for dishes with these mushrooms, avoiding strong aromas and acidity of the drink.

Important!White truffles are best consumed fresh, slicing them into a warm dish on a special grater, as they lose most of their flavor when heated strongly. Black varieties can be cooked with heat treatment.

The excellent aroma and intense earthy taste of mushrooms can turn pasta, egg dishes, risotto, scallops, foie gras or white meat into gourmet dishes. Their unique taste pairs well with sophisticated appetizers and is perfect for aioli or as a side dish for snacks like french fries. Some specialty cheeses also contain pieces of this delicacy.

Due to their high price and sharp aroma, truffles are used sparingly, so there are products that allow you to appreciate the gastronomic characteristics of the delicacy in cheaper and more convenient preparations - truffle oil, salt, honey, extracts, alcoholic tinctures.

There are many brands of oil, each with its own unique formula. Some oils are seasoned with natural or chemical flavors that mimic the taste and aroma of truffles, while branded producers make a quality product from olive oil and real mushrooms.

Salt allows you to enjoy a unique taste without adding extra fat or oil to the main dish, but using it as a final ingredient. The canning industry produces ready meals - risotto, tagliatelle pasta, mushroom paste sauce, canned black truffles. Ready-made and canned products allow you to enjoy the delicacy, regardless of the harvest season.

Did you know? If you put the truffle in the refrigerator next to the eggs, the latter will have a distinct delicacy taste when used.

Is it possible to grow a truffle artificially?

Despite numerous attempts to cultivate truffles, it seems that until now they have not been able to achieve the same taste in them as those that grow naturally, and white species cannot be artificially grown at all. There have been many attempts to farm black varieties of the delicacy, although this complex and lengthy process can take decades.

Some of these endeavors have been successful, but the most reliable source is still their wild harvest. Recent attempts in the US and Australia to recreate truffle-friendly habitats by planting mycelium seedlings of chestnut trees, oak trees, and hazelnut trees have met with modest success, harvesting inconsequentially and rarely suitable for consumption as a deli raw material.

Today, truffles are grown on farms, as well as harvested in the natural environment. They are served in many restaurants, and if you have the opportunity to try dishes with this delicacy, do not deny yourself the pleasure to appreciate the subtlety of the taste and aroma of this mushroom.

The cost of Pezizales in the domestic market reaches 100-160 thousand rubles per kilogram.

BLACK TRuffles

1. Black summer truffle (Tuber aestivum) is a valuable commercial product. Possesses high palatability and good aroma.

Widely distributed in Europe and East Asia. It occurs in the south of the European part. In Russia, on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and in the Crimea. Forms mycorrhiza (root symbiosis) with many types of deciduous and coniferous species, prefers oak. Fruits in May-August. Dimensions: 2-10 cm, weight 20-400 gr.

Recently, a resident of Chelyabinsk discovered real black truffles in the Chelyabinsk region.And a resident of Tomsk found in the forest near the Siberian city as many as 3 kg of valuable mushrooms.

2. Black autumn truffle (Tuber mesentericum) is a valuable commercial product. Differs in high palatability and worthy aroma.

Widely distributed in central and southern Europe. Forms mycorrhiza with many types of deciduous and coniferous species, prefers oak and pine. It bears fruit from September to November (under favorable conditions until December). Sizes: 2-8 cm, 20-320 gr.

3. Black winter truffle (Tuber brumale) is a valuable commercial product. Possesses high palatability and good aroma.

Widely distributed in central and southern Europe. In Russia, it was found on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and in the Crimea. Forms mycorrhiza with many types of hardwoods, prefers linden. Fruiting time - December-February (under favorable conditions from August to March). Sizes: 2-8 cm, 20-320 gr.

4. Perigord truffle Tuber melanosporum is the most valuable of the black truffles. Possesses the highest palatability and persistent aroma.

Distributed in western, central and southern Europe. Cultivated. Forms mycorrhiza with many types of deciduous and coniferous species, prefers oak and hazel. Fruiting time - December-January (from November to March under favorable conditions). Sizes: 2-15 cm, 20-1150 gr.

5. Black spring truffle Tuber malenconii - has no commercial value. It has a pronounced unpleasant odor, inedible.

Pretty rare. It is found in the same places as the Perigord truffle (central and southern Europe). Forms mycorrhiza with oak. Fruiting time - February-April. Sizes: from 1 to 4 cm, 5-50 gr.

6. Black smooth truffle Tuber macrosporum is a valuable commercial product. Possesses high palatability and good aroma.

Grows throughout Europe. Cultivated. Forms mycorrhiza with many types of deciduous and coniferous species, prefers oak and pine. Fruiting time - September-November (from August to December under favorable conditions). Sizes: 2-5 cm, 20-125 gr.

7. Black Himalayan truffle Tuber himalayense - often passed off as a black winter truffle when exported to Europe. It has an average taste and a good, but unstable aroma. Unripe mushrooms are tasteless and odorless.

It grows in the Chinese territory of Tibet in the eastern Himalayas. Forms mycorrhiza with Himalayan oak and pine. Fruiting time - December-February (exclusively winter view). Mushrooms are small: 1-3 cm, 5-45 gr.

8. Black Chinese truffle Tuber indicum - by itself, it does not have special taste qualities and has a weak, quickly lost aroma; Unripe mushrooms have no taste or smell at all. It is often artificially flavored and presented as much more expensive winter and Perigord black truffles.

Grows in southwestern China. Forms mycorrhiza with oak, chestnut and pine. Fruiting time - December-feral (under favorable conditions - November-March). Sizes: 2-10 cm, 20-500 gr.

WHITE TRuffles

1. Winter white truffle Tuber magnatum is the most valuable and expensive of all truffles. Possesses the highest palatability and strong persistent aroma.

Found in central and southern Europe. Forms mycorrhiza with many types of deciduous and coniferous species, prefers oak, hazel and pine. Fruiting time - October-November (under favorable conditions from September to January). Sizes: 2-15 cm, 20-1125 g.

2. Whitish truffle Tuber albidum - is not of particular value, although it is collected in places where it grows. It has medium taste and a strong peculiar aroma with a hint of coconut.

Found throughout Europe. Forms mycorrhiza with oaks and pines. Fruiting time - February-March (under favorable conditions from January to April). Average sizes: 2-3 cm, 20-45 gr., but there are specimens up to 10 cm in diameter and weighing 500 gr.

3. March white truffle Tuber borchii - has a medium taste. The smell intensifies with age.

Found throughout central and southern Europe. Forms mycorrhiza with many deciduous and coniferous species. Fruiting time - February-March (under favorable conditions from January). Sizes: 2-7 cm, 20-250 gr.

4. Duron white truffle Tuber excavatum - not a very popular mushroom with a peculiar sweet-spicy aroma. The pulp is very dense. It is not collected en masse.

Found throughout Europe - up to the Urals, capturing Russian territory. Forms mycorrhiza with many deciduous and coniferous species. Fruiting time - September-November (under favorable conditions from August to December). Sizes: 1-4 cm, 5-80 gr.

5. Variegated white truffle Tuber maculatum is not a very popular mushroom with bitter flesh and a faint but pleasant truffle aroma. It is collected only for flavoring, in particular, for truffle oil.

Found throughout Europe and Russia. Forms mycorrhiza with many deciduous and coniferous species, incl. with fir. Fruiting time is short: end of June - beginning of September. Sizes: from 1-2 to 7 cm, 200 gr.

6. Moroccan white truffle Tuber oligospermum - massively collected by the population, but not used in restaurants. It has a weak but pleasant sweetish-nutty aroma, which is somewhat spoiled by noticeable notes of acetylene.

Found throughout the Mediterranean coast and North Africa. Forms mycorrhiza with oak, pine and cedar. Fruiting time is short - May-June. Sizes: 2-5 cm, 20-125 gr.

7. The pubescent white truffle Tuber puberulum is of no commercial value. It is edible, but does not have a pronounced taste and smell.

It is found throughout Europe to the Urals, in particular, in Russia. Forms mycorrhiza with many broad-leaved and coniferous species. Fruiting time: April-October. The mushroom is very small: 0.5-2 cm, 3-20 gr.

8. Oregon Spring White Truffle Tubergibbosum - has a medium pleasant taste and smell with a slight hint of spice.

Found in northwestern North America in the United States and Canada. Forms mycorrhiza with various conifers (pseudo-hemlock, hemlock, pine, spruce). Fruiting time - March-May (under favorable conditions from February to June). Sizes: from 1-7 cm, 5-250 gr.

9. Oregon Autumn White Truffle Tuberoregonense - Taste and smell similar to the Oregon spring truffle, but stronger.

It is found in the northwestern United States - in the states of Washington and Oregon. Forms mycorrhiza with various conifers (pseudo-hemlock, hemlock, fir, pine, spruce). Fruiting time - October-January (under favorable conditions from September to February). Sizes: 1-7 cm, 5-250 gr.

10. White (Polish or Trinity) truffle Choiromyces meandriformis has a fruiting body with light flesh.

This truffle grows in the forests of Western Europe, Ukraine, Belarus and Russia (previously it was mined in large quantities in the vicinity of Aleksandrov and Sergiev Posad).

It is found throughout Europe and in Russia in the Ural region. Forms mycorrhiza with many broad-leaved and coniferous species. Fruiting time - May-August (under favorable conditions from April to September). The mushroom is rather small: 1-3 cm, 5-45 gr.

3. Truffle-pecan (Texas red truffle) (Tuberlyonii) - has a strong pleasant nutty aroma with pronounced notes of fresh corn. Cultivated.

Found in the southeastern United States. It forms mycorrhiza with the pecan tree Carya illinoinensis, after which it is named. Less often - with linden and hawthorn. Fruiting time - July-October (under favorable conditions from June to November). Sizes: 3-7 cm, 45-250 gr.

Among the so-called steppe truffles, "tombolans" (genus Terfezia) are also edible. Grow in Southern Europe, North Africa, on the Absheron Peninsula in Azerbaijan, in Nagorno-Karabakh, the Araks River valley, Central Asia and Turkmenistan ( Terfezia transcaucasica). Steppe truffle grows in the same areas ( Terfezia boudieri).


Truffles have been hunted in France and Italy since the 15th century. Moreover, even then they were searched for with the help of specially trained dogs and young piglets, capable of smelling valuable prey at a distance of as much as 20 meters. In addition, in some areas of France, the so-called “hunting for flies” is practiced, because a swarm of midges above the ground in the forest gives out the location of valuable tubers. The fact is that flies from the familyHeleomyzidae lay their eggs in "truffle soil" because their larvae also feed on the underground delicacy.

Kira Stoletova

The truffle mushroom is one of the rarest and most expensive mushrooms in the world. It grows underground, at the roots of oak, beech, hazel. It is collected according to special, characteristic signs or with the help of animals. The mushroom is part of the most exquisite dishes, has an unusual taste and aroma. It began to be cultivated in the century before last, but since the harvests are small, the prices remain high.

Description of the mushroom

Truffle is a fungus from the department Actinomycetes (skmchatye) and the order Pececia, family Truffle of the genus Truffle. The fruiting bodies of these amazing mushrooms are almost completely hidden underground; in their “appearance”, they resemble cones or potato tubers. Not without reason in Latin the name sounds like "terrae tuber", or "earth cone".

From above, the fungus covers the peridium - the outer integumentary layer with numerous warts or cracks. In some species, it is almost white. The internal pulp on a cut is similar to marble. It consists of internal and external veins, which have different shades. Spore sacs mature in the internal veins. They are lighter than the outside. The color of the pulp varies from species to species.

According to the species description, the aroma of the truffle mushroom has several notes: the smell of the autumn forest, rotten leaves, humus, ripe fruits, even cocoa and chocolate. The taste of a truffle resembles a nut or roasted seeds, sometimes it has a fruity, coconut or chocolate aftertaste. It is prepared with minimal heat treatment, gourmets advise eating it raw so as not to lose its unique aroma and flavor. If you send a truffle for storage, it loses most of its qualities.

The mushroom is used as a seasoning for various dishes. It goes well with poultry, steaks, pasta, scrambled eggs. It is used for making sauces, gourmet pâtés, and fillings. Its calorie content is low. The beneficial properties of mushrooms are also known. They contain B vitamins (B1, B2), PP, C and essential amino acids. Once these mushrooms were used as an aphrodisiac.

Truffle mushroom cannot be stored for a long time: only 2-3 days in the refrigerator at a temperature of +1 ... + 2 ° C in a glass jar or a tightly closed container. Fresh mushrooms are bought during the picking season. At the same time, restaurants serve a special "truffle menu". Mushrooms canned in cognac, wine, sometimes they make a special oil, paste. But the taste of these products is completely different.

Where do truffles grow

Truffle mushrooms grow in forests of deciduous, rarely mixed trees. Their mycelium settles on the roots, taking from them all the necessary nutrients. Of particular value are fruiting bodies that have grown at the roots of an oak, less valuable settle near a beech, birch, hazel, linden, poplar. Groups of 3-7 pieces are found near one tree, but often they grow singly. Fruiting bodies lie at a depth of 5 cm to 30 cm (average - 20 cm).

Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

Indeed, truffle mycelium can give rise to 3-7 fruiting bodies, which are usually arranged in a circle, forming a nest. Fruiting bodies here will be of different sizes.

When these valuable mushrooms ripen, the soil above them rises, which for the truffle picker is a clear indicator of the presence of fruiting bodies in this place. Every year there is a gradual growth and expansion of nests. With skillful collection, i.e. maintaining the integrity of the mycelium, in these places - truffles, you can harvest in subsequent years.

For its full development, the truffle needs 3-4 months.

The habitat of the species is Western and Central Europe, the European part of Russia, the Caucasus, the Crimea, the Mediterranean. In North Africa, a specific white Moroccan truffle grows. Its mycelium settles on the roots of coniferous trees - cedar, pine, although it can also envelop the root system of oak.

Types of truffles

There are different types of truffles. About a dozen are considered edible, but in total there are more than a hundred of them. At the same time, a number of inedible and poisonous varieties are assigned to other genera. They share a lifestyle with real truffles: they also grow underground.

Piedmontese truffle

Piedmontese truffle, or Italian white truffle, is valued above all in this family. It grows only in certain areas of Piedmont, in northern Italy. It is found in the hilly region around Turin, in Monferrato, Langhe and Roerot. It grows under oaks, willows, poplars, less often under lindens. The growing season is from mid-October to mid-February.


  • The fruit body is in the form of a tuber, with numerous outgrowths and deformations.
  • The outer shell is yellow-red or yellow-brown, velvety, tightly attached to the pulp.
  • The inner flesh is light (white or cream), rarely has a light pink tint or marbled pattern.
  • The size of the fruiting body is 2-12 cm.
  • The average weight is 300 g, individual specimens can reach up to 1-1.3 kg.
  • The aroma is similar to cheese with garlic, with pronounced musky and earthy notes.

Sometimes this species is called the "golden Tuscan truffle", its price is the same as it would be for a gold bar of a similar weight. Mushrooms are sold at special truffle auctions, which have been held since 1930. It is possible to taste fresh white truffles in October-January, the most delicious specimens are harvested in November and December. At other times of the year, there are only canned ones, they are much worse in taste.

The cost of white truffle is high, on average 3000-4000 € per 1 kg, sometimes more expensive. The most expensive and largest specimen weighing 1.5 kg was sold for US$330,000 apiece. At auctions, Piedmontese truffles are sold one at a time. The product is wrapped in paper napkins and shown from smallest to largest.

Each mushroom has its own pedigree, which indicates the time of collection, the tree under which it was found, the nickname and breed of the dog. So do the traders in the markets.

Black Perigord Truffle

Perigordsky, or French black truffle, is the second most valuable after white. It is common in France (the most fruitful places are in the southwest of the country), in Spain, and Central Italy. This species has now begun to be grown artificially, it was brought to America, Australia, and South Africa. Truffle mycelium feels good under oak, less often under other deciduous trees. Mushrooms ripen from November to March. The best time to harvest this winter truffle is January and February.

Description of mushroom:

  • The shape of the fruiting body is rounded or slightly elongated.
  • The upper layer (peridium) is brown-red, becoming black with age, covered with tetrahedral or hexagonal warts.
  • The flesh is first gray or red-brown, then turns into black-violet, a marble pattern is clearly visible on the cut.
  • Size - about 9 cm in diameter.
  • Average weight - 400 g.
  • The aroma is nutty, with slight notes of nutmeg and chocolate, the taste is spicy, with bitterness.

The mushroom picker of this species is aggressive, it destroys competitive plants, therefore it is easier to find a mushroom underground than others. This can be done along the islands of bare ground in those places where truffles are located. It used to be widely cultivated in France, now yields have declined there, but it has begun to be grown in China, Australia and other countries.

Black winter truffle

Black winter truffle grows in France, Italy, Switzerland, Ukraine. Prefers moist soils. The mushroom picker loves the roots of linden and hazel, this variety is also found under birches and beeches. Main features:

  • The shape is rounded, sometimes irregularly spherical.
  • The upper skin (peridium) changes color with age from red-brown to black, covered with small warts.
  • The young flesh is white, then acquires a black-violet tone with brown and yellow veins.
  • Diameter - 8-12 cm.
  • Weight is sometimes 1-1.5 kg.
  • The smell is rich, musky.

This variety is harvested from November to February.

Black summer truffle

Russian truffle - the second name of the black summer truffle, found in Scandinavia, Central Europe, and also in Russia. It grows under oaks, beeches, hornbeams, rarely under birches or pines. The Russian truffle ripens from the last days of July to the beginning of November.

Main characteristics:

  • Round shape of the fruiting body.
  • The outer layer is blue-black, warty.
  • The pulp is first dense, then becomes loose, streaked with veins.
  • The color of this truffle varies from white-yellow to brown-gray.
  • Diameter - 2.5-10 cm.
  • The average weight is about 400 g.
  • On the palate there is a pronounced nutty hue with a hint of seaweed.

A feature of this species is a shallow occurrence underground, sometimes fruiting bodies even come to the surface. These are the only black truffles in Russia.

Black autumn truffle

Autumn or Burgundy truffle - valued lower than its other French and Italian counterparts. It grows in the north-east of France, sometimes in Italy, rarely in England.

What does this mushroom look like?

  • The shape is correct, rounded.
  • The outer shell is covered with black tubercles.
  • The pulp is dense, brown, with pronounced white streaks on the cut, never becomes friable.
  • The taste and aroma are reminiscent of hazelnuts with pronounced chocolate notes.

Truffles of this variety are harvested from late July to November.

White Oregon Truffle

Find these mushrooms is really only in the western part of the United States. They are small, only 2.5-5 cm in diameter, weigh about 250 g. Their feature is a shallow occurrence in the soil. Mushrooms are often found right under a layer of needles. Their taste is characterized by a pronounced herbal and fruity accent.

Himalayan truffle, or Chinese

The species was first found in India at the end of the nineteenth century before last, then it was found in the Himalayas. Now varieties of Chinese truffles are grown artificially and exported around the world. Their prices are lower, because mushrooms are much inferior in taste to their French and Italian counterparts.

This type of truffle looks like a small cone or potato with a dark, uneven skin, dotted with cracks. The middle is gray-brown, with beige or yellowish veins, hard, smells weak, the taste is lean. Considered a type of black winter truffle.

African truffle

African truffle mushroom, or steppe, is found in the Mediterranean, North Africa, the Middle East, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan. The mushroom picker forms mycorrhiza not with trees, but with herbs: sunflowers and rockroses.

Mushroom characteristics:

  • The shape is round and elongated.
  • The cover is brown or brown-yellow, smooth.
  • The pulp is powdery, friable, white with brown or yellow streaks.
  • The diameter of the fruiting body is about 5 cm.
  • Mushroom aroma.

This type of truffle is not considered too valuable. It is searched for and eaten by local residents of the coastal regions of North Africa, and is also collected in Italy and France.

Red shiny truffle

Red shiny truffle is found in all European countries, in deciduous and mixed forests. Mycelium enters into symbiosis with both deciduous and coniferous trees. Collection time is from May to August. The sizes are small, 1-5 cm, weight - up to 50 g. The surface is brown-yellow, the flesh with a pink tint, soft. Taste and aroma have shades of red wine, pear and coconut.

This species is considered a relative of the red truffle.

red truffle

Red truffle is a common European species, which is characterized by a red tint of the upper layer. The flesh is yellow-brown, with a typical marbled pattern. The sizes are small, weight - up to 80 g. The taste is sweetish, "meaty", with a grassy-coconut tint.

Red truffle has low culinary value.

Truffle white March

Truffle white March grows in the south of Europe, including the Crimean region. The surface is light brown when young, darkening to reddish-brown over time. The pulp is dense, with a pronounced mushroom aroma and garlic notes in young specimens. In older mushrooms, the smell becomes unpleasant, repulsive.

Fruiting bodies are found under deciduous and coniferous trees, they ripen from December to April. The species lends itself to cultivation, but its cost is low.

There are several other types of edible truffles that are not of commercial interest: Duran, motley, pubescent, ocher. The motley white truffle is used to make oil, it is not eaten.

There are several types of mushrooms that do not represent the genus Truffle, but look very much like them. Among them there are edible, conditionally edible and even poisonous.

Most of these species are not specially harvested. They become chance finds when the animals rake the bedding under the trees. Often they are eaten by wild boars, squirrels.

A psilocybin species with hallucinogenic properties is also known, after the use of which a person has bizarre dreams.

How truffles are harvested

Collecting truffles is hard work. Fruiting bodies always form near the roots, so you need to look for them under the trees. The black Perigord variety displaces all plants, because in the place of its growth there is always a bare plot of land. Species that grow closer to the surface can displace the soil - small mounds are visible near the trees.

  • Fly hunting: mushroom pickers are guided by specific flies that lay their larvae in the fruiting bodies of truffles. They fly in small clouds near the trees where mushrooms grow.

Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

Indeed, such an exotic way for our people to search for truffle mushrooms has long been used by residents of the French provinces of Perigord and Vaucluse. Locals have long noticed that some species of flies (the so-called "truffle flies") lay their eggs in the soil near the truffles. Their larvae use the fruiting bodies of these mushrooms for food. Noticing the years of insects, people determine the location of truffles.

  • Ground tapping: Another way to find truffles is when picking. A void is formed around the fruiting body, the soil is loosened, therefore the sound will be more sonorous than over a continuous layer of earth. This method requires considerable experience and subtle hearing.
  • Animal collection: mushrooms help animals collect, this is the most popular way. In northern Italy, specially trained dogs are used for this. They sniff the ground and dig it in the place where truffles grow. Training requires experience and patience, good search dogs cost about 5000 €. Italian mushroom pickers prefer dark-colored dogs that do not bark. They come out to gather at night to distract competitors: the dark animal is not so noticeable in the forest. Also at night, the smells are aggravated, which increases the chances of a successful hunt.

By the way. A domestic pig is looking for a good truffle. These animals love mushrooms, even in the wild they pull them out from under the roots to feast on them. The boar smells 200-300 m away. With this method of collection, the main thing is to pull the pig away from the tree in time: if it digs a truffle, it will certainly eat it.

Growing truffles at home

Growing truffles at home is a profitable business, but it requires a lot of investment and an appropriate level of patience. Harvests begin to be received only 5-10 years after laying the grove. Cultivation was first practiced in France in the first half of the 19th century. By the end of the century, thousands of hectares were planted with oak groves with truffles in this country. France annually supplied about 1000 tons of mushrooms to world markets.

During the First World War, most of the forests were destroyed, because. In those places there were intense battles. The poor ecological situation also seriously affects the yield. Now in France only 50 tons of truffles are grown per year.

Australian, Chinese, Japanese, American farmers have learned to cultivate a delicious and original mushroom.

However, one should not expect that the artificial cultivation of truffles will bring the main income to the owner of the grove. The yield is unstable, the first fruiting bodies have to wait about 5 years, the main production is obtained between 10 and 20 years of cultivation. Then its quantity gradually begins to fall.

Growing technology

The Australian cultivation technology is considered the most productive. Already a year after planting, the first fruits are harvested, and after 5 years they receive up to 20 kg of products per hectare. Primary requirements:

  • The climate should be temperate and humid.
  • Soil pH - 7.4-7.9.
  • Oak or hazel roots are suitable for infection with mycelium.

The soil is dug up well, it should contain useful minerals. The soil is fertilized 6-8 months before planting. Carefully remove all weeds (up to the last root). Herbicides and pesticides do not contribute: they will damage the mycelium. The only suitable preparation is ammonium glufosinate (contact non-selective herbicide).

To grow truffles on their own, small seedlings of trees are infected with mycelium. First, they are kept in quarantine under sterile conditions for several weeks. Immediately after application of truffle mycelium, seedlings are planted in a nursery or greenhouse. They are transferred to open ground after a couple of months, when the height of the tree reaches at least 20 cm. A good time for planting is spring, when there is no threat of frost on the ground surface.

Planting depth - 75 cm. The area for one tree is 4 × 5 m. It is realistic to grow up to 500 seedlings per hectare. Around the tree, mulch is laid out in a circle from fallen leaves, forest litter (diameter - 40 cm). The main benefit of mulch is the creation of optimal conditions for the growth of mycelium. Attention! A truffle farm should not coexist with willows, poplars, chestnuts, and firs.

Truffle mushroom is capricious, so its cultivation requires patience. It is necessary to constantly check the composition and acidity of the soil, to prevent the appearance of weeds. The plantation is fenced so that small rodents and other animals do not get there. The most real is the cultivation of black truffles.

Looking for truffles as a business idea or additional income

Russian truffle - search with mycologist Vishnevsky, www.grib.tv

Truffles: what is the money for?


Truffles are the most expensive mushrooms in the world. They are capricious, so the annual harvest is small. In addition, they grow underground, which makes them difficult to find, which also affects the cost. It is possible to grow these mushrooms on your own, but waiting for the first harvest can take at least about 5 years.

Truffles belong to the truffle genus of the truffle family (Tuberaceae). These are edible mushrooms, some of which are valuable delicacies.

The fruiting body of the truffle is located underground, it has a round or tuberous shape and a fleshy or cartilaginous texture. The size is variable, from the size of a hazelnut to a potato tuber. On top of the fruiting body is a leathery layer, smooth, cracking or covered with warts. On the cut, the tissue of the fruiting body has a marble pattern in which light and dark veins alternate.

Truffles grow in deciduous forests, under certain trees for each species. For example, black truffle and summer truffle grow under oaks, beeches, hornbeams, hazel, Piedmontese truffle is found next to birches, poplars, elms, lindens, mountain ash, hawthorn.

Truffles are harvested in autumn or early spring. For this purpose, specially trained dogs or pigs are often used.

Real truffles are edible mushrooms. The most valuable species are the Perigord, Piedmontese and winter truffles. Their flesh is characterized by a mushroom flavor with a hint of roasted seeds or walnuts and a strong characteristic aroma. After soaking in water, the truffle acquires the taste of soy sauce. Truffles are often added to dishes raw at the very end of their preparation in order to preserve the aroma of these mushrooms.

Types of truffle mushroom

The fruit body is underground, tuberous or rounded, 2.5-10 cm in diameter. The surface is brown-black or bluish-black, covered with black warts. The pulp of a young fungus is dense, becomes loose over time, the color changes from whitish to brown-yellow and gray-brown, light veins form a marble pattern. The taste is nutty, sweetish, the aroma is pleasant, strong.

It occurs in mixed and deciduous forests, on calcareous soils, under oaks, beeches, hornbeams, birches, in Central Europe, in Russia. The fruiting season begins in summer and continues until early autumn.

Fruiting body from irregularly spherical to almost round in shape, 8-15 cm in diameter. The weight of an adult fungus is 1-1.5 kg. The surface is covered with warts, 2-3 mm in size. The color of the young fungus is reddish-violet, blackens with age. The flesh is white at first, then becomes gray or gray-violet with white and yellowish-brown marble veins. It has a strong and pleasant smell, reminiscent of musk.

Grows in France, Italy, Switzerland, Ukraine. Ripens from November to February-March.

The fruit body is underground, has the shape of irregular tubers 2-12 cm in size and weighing 30-300 g. The surface is uneven, velvety, light ocher or brownish, the skin does not separate from the pulp. The flesh is firm, whitish or yellow-gray, sometimes reddish, with a white and creamy-brown marbled pattern. The taste is pleasant, the smell is spicy, similar to cheese with garlic.

Mycorrhiza forming with oak, willow and poplar, lindens. It is found in deciduous forests in northwestern Italy (Piedmont), in France. The collection of white Piedmontese truffle lasts from September 21 to January 31.

The fruiting body is underground, tuberous, rounded or irregular in shape, 3-9 cm in diameter. The surface is reddish-brown, coal-black in old mushrooms, becomes rusty when pressed. The flesh is firm, light, gray or pinkish-brown in color with a white or reddish marbled pattern, dark in older mushrooms. It has a strong characteristic aroma and a pleasant taste with a slight bitterness.

It grows in deciduous forests, on calcareous soil, most often under oaks. Distributed in France, Italy and Spain. The season runs from November to March.

Poisonous and inedible types of truffle mushroom

Mushroom inedible for humans.

The fruit body is rounded, 1-4 cm in size, yellow-brown in color. The smell is sharp, earthy, similar to the smell of potatoes. The surface is finely tuberculate.

Found in Europe and North America, Chile, China, Japan and Taiwan. It grows under coniferous trees, as well as under chestnuts, beeches and oaks, in all seasons, massively in late summer and autumn.

As a substrate for growing truffles, seedlings of oak or common hazel are used. Seedlings are kept under sterile conditions for several weeks in order for the mycelium to take root. After that, the seedlings are planted in the nursery.

The soil for growing truffles should have a pH of 7.5-7.9, a high content of humus and calcium. It should not contain stones, weeds and should not be infested with other types of fungi. Before disembarkation, deep mechanical processing is carried out. Before planting, the soil is not fertilized. The environment must be dry, with an average temperature of 16.5-22°C.

Seedlings are planted in spring. No more than 500 trees per hectare. A little water is poured into the hole, the seedling is covered tightly and watered again. The planting depth is 75 cm. Near each seedling, the top layer of forest soil with fallen leaves and plastic wrap are laid.

The edible part of the truffle is the fruiting body containing the spores. Fruit bodies are located at a depth of about 20 cm. They are dug up with small spatulas. An indicator of the presence of a crop of truffles are the so-called truffle flies.

truffle calories

The calorie content of 100 g of truffle is 25 kcal. The energy value:

  • Proteins:…………………….3 g (12 kcal)
  • Fats:…………………….0.5 g (5 kcal)
  • Carbohydrates:………………….2 g (8 kcal)

  • The maximum weight of a truffle reaches 1 kg, although there are also very tiny specimens the size of a pea.
  • According to one hypothesis, mature truffles contain anandamide, a psychotropic substance that is similar in action to marijuana.
  • In France and Italy, since the 15th century, it has been common to search for truffles growing in the forest with the help of search dogs and pigs, which can smell truffles underground at a distance of up to 20 m.
  • In the 19th century, truffles began to be cultivated, in those days they collected up to 1000 tons of these mushrooms. In recent years, the harvest of truffles is about 50 tons. Mushrooms are grown in the USA, Spain, Sweden, New Zealand, Australia and the UK. And at the beginning of the 21st century, China became a major producer of truffles in the world. The Chinese variety is cheaper, but its quality is lower.
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