I don't have money to do. What to do if there is no money: tips on how to connect to the Universal cash flow

The other day I talked to a man who interrupted all my elegant words about the growth of personal well-being rudely and shamelessly: they say, there is no money. And it's not that it's just not, but it's not. That is, absolutely, absolutely not, and even owe it all around, up to calls from banks on weekends and friends refusing to give money "for a couple of weeks." How to be here, they say?

Hehe ... he thought, naive, that since I was “all like that in a tie and with cufflinks”, then such a situation was unfamiliar to me .... passed))))

So here is my personal recipe. Which, however, fairly intersects with some recommendations of "authorities", the same Bodo Schaefer, for example.

So, first of all, what does this situation look like? She reminds me of a quagmire, that's what. When all you do is flounder, trying to find support. And she is not. And all the forces go to floundering for a breath of air, and not at all to look for a real way out of such a situation. You simply won’t see it, because all the forces and attention are spent on “where to get money until tomorrow”. At the very least, by the end of the week. For food for the family or for the return of at least part of the debt to the most persistent of creditors. A competent lender can be extremely persistent. And very unpleasant ... and take a lot of strength. A vicious circle, in a word. Swamp: pull out your leg - your hand will get stuck or your head ...

Today - the first step: the restoration of the ability to think about the main topic - a way out of the situation. To do this, you need to free your head from the thoughts “where-would-it-right-right now-take-money” for the most necessary. Practice shows that the greatest volume of internal hemorrhoids of the situation is caused by precisely such thoughts, and it is precisely in terms of small, but necessary daily expenses. This must be stopped, and at least a third, or even two thirds of the tension will disappear from the head, the brain will again be able to work normally and look for a way out.

This is done very simply: we sit down with a fat booty (well, or thin, who has what) for all the next cash receipts and do not give them to ANYONE. NOTHING. That is, NOTHING AT ALL. You will have to negotiate with someone, just say “no” to someone, and send someone rudely. Maybe lock the doors and turn off the phone.

Not for long, because someday you will have to go back “to the world” and still solve your problems there. But definitely - for a time sufficient to accumulate under your seat an amount sufficient to cover the basic needs of the family, such as food / travel public transport for ... well, for a couple of weeks at least. If it's really bad - for a week, but no less. Then we continue to sit on it in the same place, not allowing it to decrease significantly.

Lack of money is a difficult period in the life of every person. Unfortunately, many people experience it. And this often happens because a person's needs exceed his capabilities.

The money is running out, the salary is not soon, there is nothing to live on, and at this moment people start to panic, hysteria. But these emotions only interfere in solving the problem that has arisen. First you need to pull yourself together and start thinking what to do if there is no money? And act.

How to solve a problem?

Options for solving the problem of lack of money:

Every house has unnecessary, idle things. So sell them;
Try playing the lottery. Why not? Suddenly lucky;
Find a better paying job. This is a logical option if earnings are not enough for a month;
Try to borrow a certain amount from friends, if any, of course. But do not forget that then you have to give money. You can also take out a loan.
Try to learn how to save. This is very good at helping to stretch finances over a certain period of time. Also, it may exclude unpleasant situations lack of money
Try your luck in business. Invite someone close to open their own, for starters, a small firm. Who knows, maybe over time it will become very profitable business;
If possible, rent an apartment, or at least a room. This brings a pretty good income, there is even no doubt about it.

In extreme cases, find a wealthy life partner (companion), if of course there is no current one yet. Then the problem will disappear by itself.

First you need to realize that success in achieving your goal, that is, obtaining the necessary amount of money, is possible only if you leave your comfort zone. There is simply no other option.

After all, everyone is well aware that water does not flow under a lying stone. Therefore, you need to start with yourself. Start cultivating in yourself such qualities as willpower, discipline, purposefulness, energy and a positive attitude. Successful people they are.

Do not forget that thoughts tend to materialize. Therefore, if you want to be a rich person, imagine that you already are. Make an action plan for yourself to achieve the desired result, and stick to it.

Side job? Why not?

If in order to improve your financial situation the option was chosen - to earn extra money, then it is worth considering what talents can be attracted to this.

There are many different kinds of side jobs, such as:

  • Tutor. Why not remember your school years;
  • Nanny. Great option for people who love children;
  • Artist, poet, musician. If there is such a hobby, why not make money from it;
  • Courier. Such a part-time job will bring money and help keep fit;
  • Housekeeper. If you do not disdain, then a pretty good part-time job can turn out.

How to attract money?

There are a lot of different signs and beliefs about money among the people. You can try to follow them. For example, do not whistle in the house, do not take out the garbage in the evening, do not sweep the crumbs from the table with your hand without a napkin. There will be a huge number of these.

You can also try to motivate yourself every day by imagining Rich life has already arrived, and how good everything is in it.

There is an opinion that money feels related to them. Therefore, they must be loved. Show respect for them, rejoice when they are (and no matter how many), carefully fold them. But never dwell on them, otherwise you can go crazy.

If you run out of money?

What to do if there is no money, and there is still a week before the salary? The first step is to count the remaining, albeit small, money, and then carefully distribute it for each day. During this period, it is desirable to reduce purchases to a minimum, to postpone all planned entertainment for a good future.

It is not necessary to exclude the sale of any unnecessary things or household appliances, as well as the search for a part-time job, as already mentioned above.

In situations where there is a problem of constant lack of money, you need to reconsider your spending, you can plan your entire available budget by day, or buy everything you need on payday, leaving money for daily small expenses. It’s already more convenient for someone, but something needs to be done.

How not to let depression into your thoughts at a moment of lack of money?

Depression is a very tricky thing. Such an attitude during a situation where there is absolutely no money can play with a person bad joke. It's no secret that a person, remaining at zero, rushes to extremes. Which often leads to suicide.

Some useful secrets:

But this is a very stupid act in this situation, because money comes and goes, but life is one. Therefore, in this case, never shut yourself up.

Try to fill your day with events: finding a part-time job, planning the next day, self-study, self-development. Go to visit, meet new people, read, walk around the city, ride a bike, rollerblade.

Everyone must understand for himself that difficulties with money should not limit a person in anything, but, on the contrary, temper him! Therefore, in no case hang your nose, but start thinking and looking for a way out, because it can be found from any problem.

According to some teachings, changes in fate occur on their own, no effort is needed. This is a dangerous mistake that does not allow a person to break out of the routine.

You just have to wish...

The most important thing is the intention of the person who wants to get rich.

No wish will work without intention. Even the most effective technique and training will not work without inner confidence and serious intention.

A typical mistake that significantly dampens motivation is a person’s unwillingness to leave the familiar comfort zone: most often this is due to fear.

The zone of habitual comfort may not be comfortable at all, for example - the bosses at work can be creepy and annoying, the work is very boring, and the spouse or spouse is worthless.

But at the same time, most people believe that outside the comfort zone it can be much worse and a person does not want to leave the habitual zone of habitation and thinking.

This leads to a complete lack of motivation and serious intention.

If money is not enough, then first of all you need to change your life and way of thinking.

In order to control your destiny and attract money luck to yourself, you need to become a person who knows how to respect himself, appreciates his decisions and judgments, believes with own forces and good luck.

➤ New: See how to easily get rid of this problem. Thanks to this article, you will be able to easily forever.

Learn to recognize your goals

Goals need to be set correctly. Personal qualities should correspond to the desired wealth.

For this you need:

  • strong sense of purpose
  • discipline
  • vigor and perseverance
  • strong-willed and leadership qualities.

The result will require adjustments in the course of action

If you belong to the representatives of whom they say "average statistics", then you should not count on wealth.

You need to be an effective professional, do what you love and value yourself.

What to do if there is no money and they are urgently needed

Methods that require a minimum investment, but can quickly and very successfully pay off:

  • resale of "things from the Internet". On the most popular and "cheap" sites, you need to make a trial order. Let's say 20 pairs of sunglasses from different brands. Of course it's a fake. These points need to be profitably realized and for a short time. For this, any social network a store is created in which the goods are sold by bank transfer and sent by a paid payment;
  • if you have a car, you can carry small loads, something like a courier. Suppose there is a need to go to relatives in another region, so you need to advertise a set of fellow travelers or the opportunity to bring a small load for a moderate fee. When leaving back, a similar offer can be made in the city where relatives live, etc.;
  • ➤ Secrets: With this simple online programs you can in minutes. See as fast as possible in a couple of clicks.
  • "skillful fingers". Suppose the applicant knows how to cut wood or make knives, so there is no need to guess how to earn mono.

In general, working for yourself, you can always earn money, the main thing is to have motivation and a minimum list of skills and opportunities.

What to do if there is no money for the video:

How to repay a debt

Alas, this also happens. In this case, there are two specific options, if you exclude the possibility of winning the lottery: re-borrow the necessary amount or take a small loan from the bank.

This will help to solve the problem for a short time. You need to soberly assess the possibility of your wallet, so that later you don’t have to think about what to do when they throw you for money and force you to pay this debt twice, or even more.

There are even cases when guys give their girlfriend for debts. Guys like that have no place among people in general!

At this address you can find the correct answer to how to get rid of annoying snoring for a girl.

As my ex-boyfriend used to say, there are two stages: When there is no money, and when there is no money at all. So the next letter from our reader is about the second stage...

Lena, Moscow: Hello. I am writing to you because all my strength is running out. I have a family of two children. A year ago, my husband quit his job, for a very long time he could not find a new one. I myself am at home with the kids. And during this time it so happened that we got into debt. Two loans rental apartment, two children, money is simply not enough for anything. And this lack of money exhausts horror. All our efforts to improve fin. positions simply perish in the bud. We try, run, somehow spin to make more money, but everything turns out the other way around, as if knocking on closed door and no one hears me. I have been looking for a job for 3 months, but at the very last moment everything falls apart. I'm already very tired. Banks demand money, they asked to move out of the apartment, the children want to eat, they need to be dressed. but no money. I have been working on my thinking for half a year now, I try to think positively, change my beliefs, in general, I do my best. There is no result. I'm already confused. My husband is also on the verge, he probably worries me even more. We cannot find a way out of this situation. Everything is already at the limit.

Inna: Dear Lenochka!
I receive such letters all the time, believe me, you are not alone in this world.
Where do you start to get out of this terrible situation?
For starters, you HAVE to calm down. You must comfort yourself however you like.. On the outside, you may even be banging your head against the wall, but on the inside, it is vital for you to be calm. Constantly tell yourself affirmations: I am calm, everything is going as it should. Soothe yourself as you like, pick up whatever phrases you like that will calm you.
Second. My observation, and not only mine. After terrible stress, when you are already on the verge, when everything is already going to hell, bam! And everything is decided. Take it on faith. May this be true for you as well as for me and many people whom I have helped...
Is there some life scenario which we do not know and no one knows. And we must understand that WE HAVE TO GO THROUGH IT.
Third, ask for help. Ask someone you trust. Ask every day, in the morning, in the evening, ask like a starving person asks for food, with all your heart. There is a phrase from Porfiry Ivanov: "You do not receive because you do not ask."
The fourth is money. Gather all the techniques that you can collect. Organize them, write them down for yourself, and DO them. And not only do them, but "believe in what you have received" (Bible quote). It’s bad, it hurts, but you, like Baron Münghausen, drag yourself out of the swamp, drag your children, your husband. But don't overexert yourself.
Catch the difference - when you ask, when you want, and immediately say to yourself, BUT I DON'T HAVE THIS. It cancels out all your work. As soon as the thought came to mind that life is over, everything is terrible, drive it away. “Luck runs from tears and crying, and whoever laughs in trouble succeeds in everything.” The Japanese are always smiling. And this is the most hard-working and suffering nation in the world. They have constant suicides in the subway, which is normal. But they are always smiling.
Please, try at least before going to bed with a smile, and not think about a bunch of problems that awaits you. but about what you can be thankful for this day that has passed.
Gratitude is the light at the end of the tunnel. A lot of techniques are connected with the Law of Gratitude.
There is even such a technique when a man writes every day on a piece of paper for which he is grateful for this day. Within a month. A month later, his life improved ... Try it!
In any case, I understand that you have nothing to lose. Just try. "Do not believe - do not need, get it, believe" P. Ivanov.
Natalia, this really works. Those who say it doesn't work just don't.
Set a goal and go for it.
And may God help you!!!

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